Case Study MIS

3716 Case Study: Metrobus Information System
Background Information (Client Requirements)
Metrobus wants a system that will provide timetable and route information to visitors its website.
Visitors will be able to view information about all routes provided by Metrobus, including variant
paths on those routes. They'll be able to view timetables for services on the routes. But more than
that the system will take advantage of computer technology to allow visitors to find the nearest bus
stop to a street address or landmark, or to plan journeys using the Metrobus network. When
planning journeys visitors will be able to decide if they want to minimise the distance travelled,
time taken or number of transfers made. Whatever information they want they'll be able to print it
in text-based or map-based format (as appropriate), for future use.
Obviously, over time the routes offered, stop locations and and even the times between stops
change. Sometimes the changes are small, such as adding a new service on a route, sometimes
they are huge, such as adding a whole new route. So to keep the system up to date administrators
will need to be able to update route, path, stop and timetable information.
Exercise 1: Inception: Vision Document
1.1 Identify the stakeholders and their interests.
1.2 Identify the actors and their goals.
Exercise 2: Requirements Gathering: Use Case Diagrams
2.1 Create a first-cut use case diagram for the two key actors in the system
2.2 Identify areas of included and extended functionality in the use case model, and refine it
Exercise 3: Requirements Gathering: Use Case Descriptions
3.1 Describe the happy path for the "Add a Service" use case.
3.2 Define the pre and post conditions.
3.3 Add alternate and exception scenario steps to the description as apt.
Exercise 4: Prototyping: User Interface Sketching
4.1 Sketch the UI for "Add a Service".
4.2 Sketch the UI for "Plan a Journey".
Exercise 5: Analysis: Domain Modelling
5.1 Draw the domain model for the Metrobus Information System.
Exercise 6: Analysis: Sequence Diagrams
6.1 Draw the sequence diagram for "Add a Service" (happy path). Make sure that it is consistent
with the use case description.
6.2 Add an item of alternate functionality to the diagram.
Exercise 7: Design: Class Diagram
7.1 Draw the overall class diagram for the Metrobus Information System.
7.2 Compare and contrast with the domain model produced in exercise 5.1.
Exercise 8: Design: Logical Architecture
8.1 Sketch the logical architecture for the Metrobus Information system.
Exercise 9: Design: Use of Pattern
9.1 Identify an area of the system where low coupling and high cohesion can be achieved through
good object-oriented analysis and design. Briefly explain.
9.2 How appropriate is the Model-View Separation Principle for this kind of system?