INTER AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO BAYAMON CAMPUS SCHOOL OF ENGINEERING ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ELEN 3302 – Electric Circuits II Required Catalog Description: Circuit analysis using phasor transform. Sinusoidal steady-state power calculations. Use of Laplace Transform techniques to solve linear circuits with and without initial conditions. Characterization of two-port circuits using the impedance, admittance and transfer functions. Passive filters design. Use of specialized software applications in the analysis of electric circuits. Pre-requisite(s): ELEN 3301 – Electric Circuits I Textbook: James W. Nilsson & Susan A. Riedel, Electric Circuits, 8 Edition, Prentice Hall, 2008. Lab. Manual: Robert L. Boylestad & Gabriel Kousourou, Introductory Circuit Analysis, 11 Edition, Prentice Hall 2007. References: Irwin David, Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, 8 Edition, Wiley 2005. th Dorf Richard, Introduction to electric Circuit, 6 Edition, Wiley 2006. th Nahvi Mahmood, Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Electric Circuits, 4 Edition, McGraw Hill 2003. Electronic references on electric circuits from th th th Course Objectives Upon successful completion of the course, the student will be able to: 1. Represent the passive circuit elements in the frequency domain. 2. Compute impedances and admittances of components and circuits. 3. Use circuit analysis techniques in the frequency domain. 4. Perform sinusoidal steady-state power calculations. 5. Compute responses to linear circuits via one-sided Laplace transform. 6. Analyze and compute responses of linear circuit containing mutually coupled inductors and ideal transformers. 7. Analyze and design frequency selective circuits, LP, BP, and HP filters. 8. Analyze basic two port circuits using the various types of two port parameters equations. 9. Construct simple Bode plots for first-and second-order circuits. 10. Use specialized computer software in the analysis of electric circuits. 11. Operate experimental equipment for the analysis of electric circuits. Topics Covered Lecture Topics* 1. Introduction 2. Sinusoidal steady-state analysis 3. Sinusoidal steady-state power calculation 4. Laplace transform in circuit analysis 5. Frequency selective circuits 6. Active filter circuits 7. Two-port circuits 8. Bode diagrams 9. Exams 1. 2. 3. 4. Laboratory Topic* The oscilloscope R-L-C Components Frequency Response of Series R-L and R-C Networks Series Sinusoidal Circuits Hours 1 6 3 6 5 6 6 6 6 Hours 3 3 3 3 5. Parallel Sinusoidal Circuits 6. Series-Parallel Sinusoidal Circuits 7. Thevenin theorem and maximum power transfer 8. Series Resonant Circuits 9. Parallel Resonant Circuits 10. Passive Filters 11. The Transformer 12. Laboratory project *Schedule is subject to change 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 12 Class/Lab Schedule: Four credit hours. Forty-five hour lecture and forty-five laboratory per term. Evaluation Strategies 1. Exams (60%): Two partial exams and a final exam will be scheduled early in the semester. You are expected to take the exams at the times and dates specified. All calculations must be done clearly, stating units and showing a coherent procedure to arrive to the results. 2. Laboratory (20%): Laboratory reports must be submitted by each group, one week after the experiment is done. The report must be written in a professional format. 3. Project (15%) A team open design project is required at the end of the course. Partial and final written reports will be submitted. A presentation is required at the end of the semester. 4. Homeworks (5%): Homeworks will be made weekly and are due at the first meeting class of the next week. Solutions will be available to provide immediate feedback. Each student must work individually but team work is also encouraged for challenging problems. Grading Policy Grades are reported according to the following standard grading system: A (90-100), B (80-89), C (70-79), D (60-69), F (0-59) Contribution of Course to Meeting Professional Component Three credit hours of engineering science and three credit hours of engineering design. Relationship of Course to Program Educational Objectives** 1 2 3 √ √ 4 √ Relationship of Course to Program Outcomes** a b c d e f g h i j k √ √ √ √ √ √ √ **The numbers and letters correspond to the Program Educational Objectives and Program Outcomes of electrical engineering, respectively. The program objectives and outcomes can be found in the ECE department website at Prepared by: Prof. Miguel Muñiz Revised by: Prof. Rubén Flores Date:3/01/07 Date:3/21/07