Division of Management, Marketing, and MIS Marshall University Course Title and Number: Semester and Year: MIS 200 - Computer Applications in Business - Online Summer 2013 – Section 501 Instructor: Dr. Rick Weible Associate Professor of MIS Division of Management, Marketing & MIS Elizabeth McDowell Lewis College of Business Corbly Hall 419 Marshall University Huntington, WV 25755-2320 USA Email: Send immediate questions and concerns to - Weible@Marshall.Edu Send assignments using MUOnline email. Telephone: (304) 696-2673 Fax: (304) 696-6013 Office Hours: virtual and by appointment. Prerequisites: none Required Texts: PACKAGE: BNDL: ACP MIS 200 INTRO TO BUSINESS APPLICATIONS ISBN:9781133613350 REQUIRED COMPONENT 1: SAM 2010 Assessment, Training, & Projects v 2.0 Printed Text Reservations. To reserve or order your textbooks from the Marshall University Bookstore, direct your internet browser to: http://www.marshall.bkstr.com. The Bookstore will reserve your texts under your name. Call 1-304-696-2461 or 1-800-547-1262 to find out the exact cost and payment options. The Bookstore is usually able to ship out books within a few days of payment. Technical Requirements For minimum hardware/software requirements please see: http://www.marshall.edu/muonline/hardwaresoftwarecheck.asp Be sure to run the free web browser tuneup: http://muonlineclus.marshall.edu/webct/browserchecker.dowebct?checkType=manual If you have technical Labs, please go to the Help Desk: http://www.marshall.edu/muonline/technicalfaq.asp HELP DESK PHONE NUMBERS: (304) 696-3200 (Huntington, WV) (304) 746-1969 (Charleston, WV) (877) 689-8638 (Toll free) Course Overview: This course is the virtual equivalent of MIS 200 - Computer Applications in Business as listed in the current Marshall University catalog. It carriers the same number of credit hours (3) and fills the requirement for MIS 200. Course Description: An introduction to computer applications in business, including spreadsheets, databases, presentation and word processing. Students also learn to integrate spreadsheet and database outputs into presentations and reports. Course Objectives: To make you love Computers. In fact it is our class motto – “I LOVE COMPUTER”. You will learn skills that will make you more efficient and effective in all aspects of your life. That is a bold statement!! But true. You will make better grades in school! Be happier in life! And make more money in your career! All because you did well in this course. (Terms and conditions apply, see Store for details, all rights reserved and this offer is subject to withdrawal at any time, lol.) Upon completion of this course you will be able to use the primary Microsoft Office 2010 products with these levels of proficiency. Product User Level Percentage of Basic Skills Knowledge * Word Basic User 100% PowerPoint Basic User 100% Outlook Basic User 100% Excel Expert User 100% Access Power User 100% * These percentages are estimates. Percentage of Advanced Skill Knowledge * 25% 25% 25% 50% 25% The skills you learn in this class will serve you the rest of your life. Many students tell instructors after completing this course they received a promotion or a pay raise because of what they learned. Additionally, you will learn computer tips and tricks that will amaze your fellow students. They will ask you where you learned all this stuff. Just say “MIS 200”. MIS or Management Information Systems is a business discipline with one foot in computer science and one foot in Business. We study how to use technology to make better decisions. Want an exciting career in IT, become an MIS major. Course Credits: 3 semester hours Course Design: In this course you will learn to use a variety of computer software tools. The focus is no making you a POWER USER of Microsoft Office 2010 and other computing tools. You will learn by doing, lots of doing. There are a total of 49 assignments. You should plan on spending 30 to 60 minutes per assignment, maybe longer. This means you will likely need 2 or more hours a day to successfully complete this course. Do the work, earn the grade. This course assumes you have limited to no computer using experience. It is not a difficult course; in fact it is quite easy. Every student can earn an “A”. Your grade is solely based on you accomplishing the work. Do the work, get the “A”. Don’t work, no “A”. In fact this course is perhaps your best change to get a bad grade. If you are not self-motivated this may be a very difficult course. Your instructor will send frequent reminds, but you have to keep working, week after week. Time Period: You have one (1) semester to complete this course. Grading: Your grade is based entirely on your assignment grades. SAM grades on a 100 point scale, I will weigh the SAM scores by the values listed in this table. Number of Assignments Total Point Value Assignment Value 3 15 5 points each part 5 8 25 40 5 points each part 3 30 Microsoft Word 2010 (5 chapters) 8 100 Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 (4 chapters) 7 80 Microsoft Excel 2010 (7 chapters) 14 200 Microsoft Access 2010 (4 chapters) 7 70 10 points each Chapters 1 - 3: 10 points each Chapter 4 & 6: 20 points Chapters 1 - 3: 10 points each Chapter 6: 20 points Chapters 1 - 4: 10 points each Chapter 5 - 7: 20 points each 10 points each Assignments Introductory Assignments Marshall University and General Computing Tips and Secrets Marshall Live Subtotal SAM 2010 – Microsoft Office Assignments Microsoft Outlook 2010 (3 chapters) Subtotal Comprehensive Projects Total 39 2 49 480 80 600 40 points each Marshall University and General Computing Tips and Secrets and Marshall Live assignments do not require the textbook or SAM. Instructions for completing these assignments is provided in MUOnline. SAM 2010 Assignments SAM 2010 is a flash based program that simulates Microsoft Office 2010 Programs. It looks and acts just like you are using MS Office 99.9% of the time. There are two types of SAM Assignments you will complete for the class: Paths and Projects. SAM PATHS SAM Paths consists of 3 parts – a pre-exam, training and a post-exam. The Paths cover the same skills cover by a chapter in the textbook. SAM calls these skills TASKS. So if you complete all the steps presented in the textbook, you should score a 100 on the pre-exam. Taking Exams You receive three (3) tries on each question to get it right. Post-exams can be retaken three (3) times. So you can have up to nine (9) ties on every skill. Pre-Exams You begin each Path by taking a pre-exam on the chapter skills. Based on the results of the preexam, you go to the second part, training. Training will be presented just the TASKS/skills you missed. Training Training has 3 parts – observe, practice, apply. In observe you watch a video showing you how to complete the skill being trained. In practice you are guided you through the steps to complete the skill being trained. In the apply portion, you are given the written instructions and expected to complete the skill. WAIT for the SAM popup box after completing each task telling you SAM has graded the task, then click Task Completed (or SAM will not count it!!). Again, Training will be presented just the TASKS/skills you missed. You can click the apply tab if you do not need to review the observe or practice parts of the training. Only the Apply is graded. The exams are very similar to the training, but they not exactly the same. Post-Exam After completing the training, you take a post-exam on to prove you have mastered the chapter skills completely. The Post-Exam cover only the TASKS/skills you missed on the Pre-Exam. Grading SAM Paths I will use your Post-Exam score for the path. The Post-Exam score is the number of tasks you missed on the Pre-Exam (and were required to complete in training) divided by the number you completed correctly on the Post-Exam. Some examples, if you received a 100 on the pre-exam, your post-exam score for the path is 100. If you missed 10 tasks on the pre-exam, you will have 10 tasks on the post-exam, if you only had 2 correct on the post-exam score for the path is 20 (2/10). If you missed 3 on the pre-exam and only had 2 correct on the post-exam score for the path is 66 (2/3). If you missed 5 on the pre-exam and only had 4 correct on the post-exam score for the path is 80 (4/5), etc. PROJECTS The projects are different. You are required to download files containing: instructions, some have data files and a blank template. Open the instruction file to see what you are required to do. You open the template file in the corresponding Microsoft office 2010 program. You then follow the instructions to complete the project. When you are finished, you then upload your completed project file to SAM for grading. SAM is a little slow and it may take several minutes to grade your submitted project. The list of assignments is at the end of the syllabus. The Path are listed in SAM as (Xn.1) assignments and the projects are (Xn.2) assignments. These letter and numbers are a code: the letter designator is for the program (X), the Chapter number is the (n) and a sequential numbering (.1 or .2) is for the Path or Project. For example, the Microsoft Word assignment for the chapter 1 is W 1.1 and W1.2 for the chapter 1 project assignment. W2.1 and W2.2 are for the chapter 2 assignments, etc. Grading Scale: 90 – 100 = A (537+ total points) 80 – 89 = B (477 – 536) 70 – 79 = C (417 – 476) 60 – 69 = D (357 – 416) Below 60 = F (below 357) SAM 2010 and the Textbook The textbook chapters and the SAM assignments cover the same skills. The skills involved may be presented in a slightly different sequence in the textbook chapter than in SAM. Therefore, the textbook can be viewed as a supplement and a reference. Course Policies: Late Work: Assignments are due according to the dates listed on the schedule or in MUOnline. You can do all the assignments immediately (now!!!) and be finished with the course as soon as you want, maybe even in a this week. BUT DO NOT GET BEHIND!!! The assignments are due by 11:59pm each Sunday each week, except on the last day of class. Work ahead. If you get sick, I am very sorry, but work anyway or work ahead. If you work ahead, then you will never have to worry about being behind, if you get sick or someone close to you dies, etc. The schedule is designed to keep you moving so you can complete all the work in a 5 week summer semester. Work Ahead!!! Email: I will send all messages to your Marshall or MUOnline email addresses ONLY. If you wish to use another email address, setup autoforwarding of your Marshall email. Cheating: Do Not Cheat - I hate Cheaters - I will do my best to catch you if you cheat!!! A big part of my job is to make sure that the "playing field" is level for all students. While I assume that the number of potential cheaters present in my courses is small, I simply cannot rest on that assumption. In this course, you are "on your honor." I hope that for the vast majority of you, this is no big deal. For those of you, who may be tempted to stray from the straight and narrow, please be advised of the following: I have taught online courses for over ten years. Because of that experience, I have a pretty good idea when something is "fishy." If I do suspect that you are cheating, I do reserve the right to revoke your "honor" and give you an "F" or require you to redo questionable assignment under the watchful eye of an entrusted proctor. Under these circumstances, you may also be required to do all remaining work under the supervision of designated proctor. Students are expected to uphold the school's standard of conduct relating to academic honesty. Students assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work they submit. The guiding principle of academic integrity shall be that a student's submitted work, examinations, reports, and projects must be that of the student's own work. Students shall be guilty of violating the honor code if you: • Represent the work of others as your own. • Use or obtain unauthorized assistance in any academic work. • Give unauthorized assistance to other students. • Modify, without instructor approval, an examination, paper, record, or report for the purpose of obtaining additional credit. • Misrepresent the content of submitted work. The penalty for violating the honor code is severe. Any student violating the honor code is subject to receive a failing grade for the course and will be reported to the Office of Student Affairs. If a student is unclear about whether a particular situation may constitute an honor code violation, the student should meet with the instructor to discuss the situation. For this class, it is permissible to assist classmates in general discussions of computing techniques. General advice and interaction are encouraged. Each person, however, must develop his or her own solutions to the assigned projects, assignments, and tasks. In other words, students may not "work together" on graded assignments. Such collaboration constitutes cheating. A student may not use or copy-(by any means) another's work-(or portions of it) and represent it as his/her own. If you need help on an assignment, contact your instructor. The MUOnline system does a tremendous job of tracking student test behavior. This information can and will be used against cheaters. Please review the various penalties for academic dishonesty in your MU Student Handbook and Undergraduate Catalog-(see http://www.marshall.edu/student-affairs/stubook/handbook.html). Other Policies: “Policy for Students with Disabilities: Marshall University is committed to equal opportunity in education for all students, including those with physical, learning and psychological disabilities. University policy states that it is the responsibility of students with disabilities to contact the Office of Disabled Student Services-(DSS) in Prichard Hall 117, phone 304 696-2271 to provide documentation of their disability. Following this, the DSS Coordinator will send a letter to each of the student’s instructors outlining the academic accommodation he/she will need to ensure equality in classroom experiences, outside assignment, testing and grading. The instructor and student will meet to discuss how the accommodation(s) requested will be provided. For more information, please visit http://www.marshall.edu/disabled or contact Disabled Student Services Office at Prichard Hall 11, phone 304-696-2271.” For University Policies or Questions see the MU Student Handbook at http://www.marshall.edu/student-affairs/stubook/ On-Campus Requirements There is absolutely no requirement that you come to campus. You can communicate with me via the course Mail tool. Other Resources: Me: Don't hesitate to contact me directly with questions or concerns. You can reach me through the MUOnline Mail Tool. Please don't let your questions hang out there and simmer. If you are not sure about something the best thing to do is to ask about it right away! Something that may seem obvious to me may not be obvious to you at all! ALWAYS CHECK THE FAQ PAGE FIRST, you are probably not the first person to have this question, your answer may be there!! Support Services Marshall University offers a variety of support services to students enrolled in online courses: Writing Center Online Libraries Textbook Service Disabled Student Services Campus Resources Technical Help Changes: I reserve the right to make changes to the course, syllabus, assignments, schedule, etc. as I deem necessary. Assignments: There are a total of 49 assignments. You should plan on spending 30 to 60 minutes per assignment, maybe longer. This means you will likely need 2 or more hours a day to successfully complete this course. Here is a list of the assignments. Complete instructions for each assignment can be found in MUOnline or the textbook. Assignments are due according to the dates listed on the schedule. You can do all the assignments immediately and be finished with the course in a few weeks. Assignment Schedule Column Heading Codes MU – Marshall University and General Computing Tips and Secrets (not in book) Live – Marshall Live (not in book) O – Outlook W – Word PPT – PowerPoint E – Excel A – Access And here they are: Marshall University and General Computing Tips and Secrets MU1 – 3 assignments, 5 points each part a. Print Screen. Capture a copy of your computer Screen using Print Screen. Open Windows Help and Support from the start menu. Search for print screen. What is the difference between the active window and full screen? How do you use the print screen function? Make a copy of the Windows Help and Support screen using Print Screen. Paste your screen shot of the help screen and type your answers to the questions in a word document. Save the file and attach it into the assignment in MUOnline. b. Adobe-Portable Document Format. Learn how to create a PDF file two methods. 1) Some programs allow you to use Save-As to save to a .pdf format. 2) Install a PDF Printing program that allows you to print to a .pdf format and allows you to save a copy of the file. Use both methods and attach your saved documents into the assignment in MUOnline. (Do a Google search for "PDF Creator", or visit a reputable download site such as CNet.com and read reviews. PDF ReDirect received 4.5 of 5 stars for users at CNet and pdf 995 was also highly ranked. Select a PDF creating software program and install it on your computer. Using this type of program you print to the PDF printer program, and it saves your results in a file. For more instructions Google "how to create a PDF print file." and read one of the many posts. There are also online sites, such as the one offered by Adobe at createpdf.adobe.com) c. Learn to log in to MURemote. Make a Print Screen copy of your logged in screen and paste it into a word or paint document. Attach your saved document into the assignment in MUOnline. Open Windows remote desktop connection, by clicking start, all programs, accessories, remote desktop connection. You can also type mstsc.exe on the search line and press enter. The Remote Desktop Connection Window will pop-up. You will be required to enter your user name and password. This is your last name username and its associated password. Additionally, you must specify the Marshall domain, by typing Marshall\ before your username. For example, if my user name is Smith121, I would enter marshall\smith121 as my user name. (Note use the backslash, above the enter key, NOT the forward slash under the ? key.) The password associated with this username was originally six capital letters. If you have forgotten your password, contact the helpdesk. The helpdesk contact information is contained in the syllabus.) Marshall Live Live1 – 5 assignments, 5 points each part a. Make a copy of the menu and sub menu options on LiveMail page. Make a Word document list and briefly describe 3 Mail items, 7 Office items, 2 Photo items, and under more: SkyDrive, mobile and downloads. Attach your saved document into the assignment in MUOnline. I just want a list and a brief description of each. b. Log into LiveMail three ways and make a Print Screen of each log in. Method 1) Login through MyMU, click LiveMail. 2) Open a browser and go to Outlook.com and login. 3) Open a browser and go to Live.com and login. Make a Print Screen of each login and paste it into a word document. Attach your saved document into the assignment in MUOnline. c. Learn to create a calendar entry in your live calendar. Create a calendar event. Make a Print Screen copy of your calendar and paste it into a word document. Attach your saved document into the assignment in MUOnline. d. Learn to upload and download files from the Live SkyDrive. Make a Print Screen of your SkyDrive before and after uploading a file to your SkyDrive account. Paste them into a word document. Attach your saved document into the assignment in MUOnline. e. Learn to use the Web Based versions of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. Place you name in a word document, an Excel spreadsheet, and on a PowerPoint slide. Download your files and attach them into the assignment in MUOnline. Microsoft Outlook 2010 Chapter 1. – 10 points O1.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 1, pages OUT2 – OUT38. Complete SAM Outlook chapter 1 PATH. Chapter 2. O2.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 2, pages OUT50 – OUT110. Complete SAM Outlook chapter 2 PATH. Chapter 3. O3.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 3, pages OUT121 – OUT157. Complete SAM Outlook chapter 3 PATH. Microsoft Word 2010 Chapter 1 W1.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 1, pages WD2 – WD52. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Word Chapter 1 W1.1. W1.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page WD55-60. Complete SAM Word chapter 1 Project – Word Chapter 1 W1.2. Chapter 2. W2.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 2, pages WD66 – WD124. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Word Chapter 2 W2.1. W2.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page WD130-132. Complete SAM Word chapter 2 Project – Word Chapter 2 W2.2. Chapter 3. W3.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 3, pages WD137 – WD189. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Word Chapter 3 W3.1. W3.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page WD195-196. Complete SAM Word chapter 3 Project – Word Chapter 3 W2.2. Chapter 4. W4.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 4, pages WD200 – WD259. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Word Chapter 4 W4.1. Chapter 6. W6.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 6, pages WD328 – WD386. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Word Chapter 6 W6.1. Microsoft PowerPoint 2010 Chapter 1. PPT1.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 1, pages PPT1 – PPT53. Complete SAM 2010 PATH PowerPoint Chapter 1 PPT 1.1. PPT1.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page PPT195-6. Complete SAM 2010 Project PowerPoint Chapter 1 PPT 1.2. Chapter 2. PPT2.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 2, pages PPT73 – PPT121. Complete SAM 2010 PATH PowerPoint Chapter 2 PPT2.1. PPT2.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page PPT195-6. Complete SAM 2010 Project PowerPoint Chapter 2 PPT 2.2. Chapter 3. PPT3.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 3, pages PPT138 – PPT190. Complete SAM 2010 PATH PowerPoint Chapter 3 PPT3.1. PPT3.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page PPT195-6. Complete SAM 2010 Project PowerPoint Chapter 3 PPT3.2. Chapter 6. PPT6.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 6, pages PPT328 – PPT386. Complete SAM 2010 PATH PowerPoint Chapter 6 PPT6.1. Microsoft Excel 2010 Chapter 1. EX1.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 1, pages EX1 – EX53. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Excel Chapter 1 E1.1. (training 40% and exam 60%) EX1.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page EX58-59. Complete SAM 2010 Project Excel Chapter 1 E1.2. Chapter 2. EX2.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 2, pages EX66 – EX121. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Excel Chapter 2 E2.1. EX2.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page EX126-129. Complete SAM 2010 Project Excel Chapter 2 E2.2. Chapter 3. EX3.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 3, pages EX138 – EX203. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Excel Chapter 3 E3.1. EX3.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page EX209-14. Complete SAM 2010 Project Excel Chapter 3 E3.2. Chapter 4. EX4.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 4, pages EX226 – EX280. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Excel Chapter 4 E4.1. EX4.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page EX286-8. Complete SAM 2010 Project Excel Chapter 4 E4.2. Chapter 5. EX5.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 5, pages EX289 – EX346. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Excel Chapter 5 E5.1. EX5.2 Do Lab 1 in In the Lab on page EX352-4. Complete SAM 2010 Project Excel Chapter 5 E5.2. Chapter 6. EX6.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 6, pages EX362 – EX410. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Excel Chapter 6 E6.1. EX6.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page EX415-7. Complete SAM 2010 Project Excel Chapter 6 E6.2. Chapter 7. EX7.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 7, pages EX426 – EX478. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Excel Chapter 7 E7.1. EX7.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page EX482-4. Complete SAM 2010 Project Excel Chapter 7 E7.2. Microsoft Access 2010 Chapter 1. AC1.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 1, pages AC1 – AC63. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Access Chapter 1 A1.1. AC1.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page AC66-67. Complete SAM 2010 Project Access Chapter 1 A1.2. Chapter 2. AC2.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 2, pages AC73 – AC128. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Access Chapter 2 A2.1. AC2.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page AC132-3. Complete SAM 2010 Project Access Chapter 2 A2.2. Chapter 3. AC3.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 3, pages AC138 – AC196. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Access Chapter 3 A3.1. AC3.2 Review Lab 1 in In the Lab on page AC201-2. Complete SAM 2010 Project Access Chapter 3 A3.2. Chapter 4. AC4.1 Do all of the steps as outlined in chapter 4, pages AC210 – AC259. Complete SAM 2010 PATH Access Chapter 4 A4.1. Microsoft Comprehensive Projects Comprehensive Project 1 (Excel). Small World Microloans (SWM) is a nonprofit organization in Washington, DC that connects aspiring entrepreneurs in developing countries with individual lenders to encourage economic independence. You are an assistant to a financial analyst who requests a summary of financial statistics, such as the number and amount of loans made during the past five years. You’ve created an Excel workbook to calculate the statistics, and now need to complete and format the worksheets. Comprehensive Project 2 (Access) You are working with the director of the Warren County Tee Ball League to help organize some of the basic information regarding coaches and players in a database. You will use Access to create tables, queries, forms, and reports in the database. MIS 200 - Summer II 2013 Schedule Week Week Week Beginning Ending # 10-Jun 16-Jun 1 17-Jun 23-Jun 2 24-Jun 30-Jun 3 1-Jul 7-Jul 4 Assignments Due Topic Welcome to Computing at MU. Live, Office MU Live 1(3 parts) 1 (5parts) 11-Jul 5 W PPT E 1.1,1.2 1.1,1.2 1.1,1.2 A Total Points 14 100 Office 1.1, 2.1 2.1,2.2 2.1,2.2 2.1,2.2 1.1,1.2 10 100 Office 3.1 3.1,3.2 3.1,3.2 3.1,3.2 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 5.2 2.1,2.2 9 90 3.1,3.2 8 120 8 190 Office 8-Jul O Office, Comprehensive Projects 1 & 2 4.1, 6.1 Comprehensive Projects 1 & 2 (40 points each) 6.1 6.1, 6.2, 7.1, 7.2