Trade Show Registration - District of Columbia Health Care

District of Columbia Health Care
The DCHCA Convention brings together nursing home, assisted
living and home care decision-makers from the District of
Columbia, Maryland, and Virginia. Socialize with clients and old
friends and meet potential new clients. This highly anticipated
event offers vendors a once a year chance to present their
services to the entire long-term care and assisted living community at one venue.
Build upon the many opportunities provided for your exposure to upper management, regional managers, owners, operators, clinical and ancillary personnel.
We welcome all exhibitors interested in displaying facilities, products and services
marketed to nursing homes, assisted living and home care providers. Exhibitors
are invited and encouraged to attend all Convention events. Exhibit hours are
structured to eliminate interference with other Convention activity. All Convention
activities are included in cost of exhibit fee for one company representative.
June 11, 2015
College Park Marriott
Hotel and
Conference Center
3501 University Blvd. E
Hyattsville, MD 20783
Meet and Greet
Networking Reception
Wednesday, June 10 • 6:00 to 8:00 pm
on the Outdoor Patio
All of our vendors and sponsors are cordially
invited to attend this Meet and Greet cocktail
reception. We are inviting our DCHCA Facility
CEOs, Administrators, DONs and Department
Heads to share this casual time with you as we
network together and enjoy each other’s company.
Trade Show Hours
7:15-8:30 am / 10:30-11:00 am
12:00-1:30 pm / 3:00-3:30 pm
6:00-7:15 am on Thurs. June 11
All booths must be set-up and available for our
attendees by 7:15 am.
2015 Membership Directory
The District of Columbia Health Care Association will be publishing its 2015
Membership Directory, Resource and Buyers Guide to be distributed at
our Convention. The new 2015 edition will be produced as a soft back
bound volume and will feature a Buyer’s Guide Section. This section will
feature ½ page and full page advertisements from any vendor or organization that would like to purchase space in this directory. All advertisements
should be submitted as high resolution PDFs or vector art via e-mail to
Gail Jernigan at Please have
your artwork submitted no later than March 31, 2015. Required measurements for the ads are listed on the second page of this document under
Membership Directory Fees.
Each current Associate Business Member will be listed alphabetically in
the Associate Members section. Any company or vendor that wishes to
be listed in this section must first join as an Associate Business Member.
Dues are $600 annually. 2015 Associate Member Dues must be paid no
later than March 31, 2015 to be included in the Directory.
Membership benefits include discounted booth prices at the annual
Convention and Trade Show, invitation to meet quarterly with the DCHCA
members, a listing on the DCHCA website, e-mail newsletters regarding
long-term care in D.C., and an opportunity to participate in DCHCA
committees. If you would like to join, please see the second page of this
document under Convention and Trade Show Fees and fill out the
corresponding information on your company found in the right hand column
of that page.
Hotel Rooms
The beauty of this venue is that there are newly
renovated hotel style rooms on the second floor
of the building. The block of rooms are reserved
under District of Columbia Health Care Association. The cost is $165 plus tax. For your reservation, call 1-800-228-9290.
Fees and Registration
See the other side of this sheet for
registration form.
Exhibit fees Include:
• 6-foot x 10-foot exhibit spaces (piped and
draped environment, 6-foot skirted table,
two chairs, wastebasket and ID sign)
• Program listing and description
• Attendance at all education offerings
• One food ticket
• Invitation and ticket to DCHCA
Meet and Greet, June 10, 6:00-8:00 pm
Booth registration and sponsorship is reserved once payment in full has been received.
Exhibitors Service Kit outlining additional details,
requirements and requests will be sent to you after
receipt of registration form and payment. Booths
are assigned on a first-paid, first-served basis.
Registration Form
DCHCA Trade Show Sponsorship and Directory Advertising
Convention and Trade Show Fees
DCHCA 2015
Associate Business Membership Dues
Please type or print
Company Name as you wish it to appear on your booth,
registration materials and sponsorship recognition:
Trade Show Booths:
DCHCA Associate Business Member
Premium Location Booth (see Floor Plan) $0,950
Non-Associate Business Member
Premium Location Booth (see Floor Plan) $1,075
Address ___________________________________________
(1 comes with each booth)
$0,050 ea. _______
Phone ____________________________________________
Electrical outlet: # needed ____
$0,150 ea. _______
Fax ______________________________________________
Convention Sponsorships:
Gold Level
Additional food tickets: # needed ____
Includes 1 premium booth, 1 electrical outlet,
2 additional lunch tickets and
company logo/link on the DCHCA website
† Check enclosed. Payable to DCHCA.
† Please charge:
† Visa
† MasterCard
C.C. # ____________________________________________
Total of Sponsorships
Membership Directory Fees
Names of persons staffing your booth
(for name tag purposes):
Name on card ______________________________________
½ page ads should measure 4½” wide x 3½ high
Full page ads should measure 4½ wide x 7¼ high
Please use this form as your invoice.
Exp. date __________________________________________
† ½ page ad to appear
Total of Registration, Sponsorships,
Additional Meal Tickets and
Membership Directory Ad
Kindly identify companies you wish NOT to be near.
25th Anniversary Sponsors for:
Continental Breakfast
Opening General Session
Keynote Speaker
Closing General Session
Keynote Speaker
Lunch (3 sponsors needed)
Breakout Sesson Speaker
Audio Visual Equipment
Other Sponsorship _______________
Includes 1 additional lunch ticket
Type of Service/Product ______________________________
Bronze Level
email _____________________________________________
Includes 2 additional lunch tickets
City ____________________ State ______ Zip __________
Provide a brief description for the Convention program.
Silver Level
in the Resource and Buyer’s Guide
Full page ad to appear
in the Resource and Buyer’s Guide
Full page ad to appear on the
inside front cover (one only / first paid)
Full page ad to appear on the
inside back cover (one only / first paid)
Full page ad to appear on the
back cover (one only / first paid)
Contact ___________________________________________
Address on card ____________________________________
Signature __________________________________________
Return this registration form with payment to:
Gail Jernigan, Convention Co-Chair
c/o Transitions Healthcare Capitol City
2425 25th Street, SE, Washington DC 20020
Phone: (202) 889-0266 • Fax (202) 678-5994
Neither the District of Columbia Health Care Association, nor its representatives,
nor host facilities/representatives will be responsible for any injury, loss or
damage that may occur to the exhibitor or exhibitor’s employees or property from
any cause whatsoever. The exhibitor, on signing this contract, expressly releases
the foregoing named association, individuals and facilities from any and all
claims for such loss, damage or injury.