Welcoming Visitors to Memphis rams g o r p g n i t t marke c a p m i h g i fh city! o t e n g a a r t b i n v a v r to ou Ta k e a d s r e l e v a r t ons of i l l i m e t i v n t h at i SM MEMPHIS re! elcome! Photo by TK TKTKTKTKT nology! Travelers W DESTINATION & SPORTS PLANNING GUIDE phis. occasions! WHY MEET IN MEMPHIS? FEEL THAT MEMPHIS MOJO! We’re authentic and soulful Great music, food, history and events www.Meetings.MemphisTravel.com SM SM ination t s e D s i h p m e M uide G g n i n n a l P & Sports SM MEMPHIS Guide Map & Tourist GET THE MEMPHI S TRAVEL GUIDE NOW FOR APP, IPH AND AND ONE ROID. © EPE SM www.MemphisTravel.com p Memphis Ma ide u G t s i r u o T & MemphisTravel.com had the highest traffic year on record with more than 1.2 million visits. This is an increase of 45% in 2012! MemphisTravel.com The Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau welcomes travelers from near and far to the “Home of the Blues” and the “Birthplace of Rock ‘n’ Roll.” Memphis travel guides, website, marketing and PR efforts bring millions of visitors to the city! Take advantage of the marketing efforts that drive visits and usage of the city’s official travel-planning resources – MemphisTravel.com, a mobile site, the Memphis Map & Tourist Guide and the Memphis Destination & Sports Planning Guide. Behind the powerful Memphis brand is a comprehensive, multi-milliondollar marketing effort that targets key audiences of potential visitors. The Memphis Convention & Visitors Bureau’s outreach includes: • Online ad campaigns • Strong social media on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and more • Social media advertising • Out-of-home presence • Audience-driven print campaigns • Heavy public relations • Targeted online paid search • Mobile advertising MEMPHIS Map & Tourist Guide Map & Tourist Guide Full of engaging content, vibrant photography, citywide and neighborhood maps, top events, attraction listings, accommodations and so much more, this guide offers visitors everything they need to “Come Play in Memphis.” without see the maps d; change map gri K-10 = ID MAP GR MAP N LOCATIO 9 K-10 Rooms/ No. of Suites No. of , $60-89 , $$ = $40-59 $190+ $$$$ = notice. Rates JR Q I Yemphis of .com 3-1200 901-33 ison Ave., M in the heart el telmemphis 79 Mad iently located discrimionho e Conven wn. 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Over 80 2em blocks ite 901-37 cRee St., M and su space. Two s g 1335 M & Suitecom KEY 81/12 meetin reet. rt Inn s. GE 54 $$-$$$ St t, AD PA Comfo.choicehotel R tal Breakfas Beale MAP GRID = Continen p nt, = Bar, $ /90 www 8005 Q Y Memphis oor Pool, = Restaura F-5 MAP $$$-$$$ , 9, = Outd Center 89, LOCATION = Indoor Pool 901-36 erican Way = Fitness = 59, $$ = $608 Y $40E = dly, 39 R $ s K Frien ES: 0 J 203/20 RAT = Pet K-1 el/tn, $$$$ = $190+ MAP GRID ot 4225 Am & Suiteco$$$ 1-3131 /60 /h $189 r $$$$ n m 33 . $90= 0In notice t et $ 80 K-11 , is e withou138 the maps MAP $$ Beale Stre mfort icehotels. 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Offer y accomdownE-6 125/ www 3600, 800- Pkwy., Mem luxur www.bes Historic on site. $$ t 57 g traveler 9136 R ce and or GE n 3phis 692natin le servi y w PA 901irp Mem rior 21 to , supe /A AD Center ison Ave., 901availab C-4 modations 1177 Mad German - Medical 0 East / amenities. 22/6 impressive Inn Express .com s I-24 2427 N. $$$ 128/3 Holiday press.com rt Suite tesmem $$$$$$ 600/10 www.hiex Q Z R q Comfo.comfortsuiY J R phis 0 901-276-1175 Memphis em \ J-8 , M Ave. w I n n K-9 , ww 5-2575 1180 Unio - Dow 90/1 H-7 ks Cove Marriott llentow t viemd m/m 901-36 ousand Oa Memphis u $$-$$$ llier Town IYR Y R rk$$$-$$Ci$$r.,464/14 a EAST Cot.co .ma-rriot 118/9 557-8740 F-4 wwwtt Harbor is.com 7300, 888- phis 0-9390 rio5272575 Th $$$ Pa St., Mem Mar901901-85 Enjoy Inn of emph2-1531 I R ants ion Hotel m Mainvl K-10 7 w 39 I Y RrvilleClar .choicehotels.co ard by m250/mN.em phis m 40 Merch Rivewr .riverinnm 0132-26 is 7-22 800-7 www 55/17 body Memmphis.co46 llie , TN00,38 $$ YJR K-9 Courty.marriott.co The Pea le29-40 phisCo 901-5 yme ww 0-3333, 87Sq., Memph 6423 R vil , Mem toric i 4er 901-388-7050Oaks Dr., Memphis Ave. in .peabod n his lli 42 w ious th Unio 26 n www in t 0w luxur Co 149stay w on E-4 , 80 901- rbor Tow with 464 sing;swi -6101 Shelby Historic hotel er at Fr Cros 2-9700 Square 1 ated room aleofshop om splendid 50 Ha agerenov emphis.c Comfort Inn 901-52 ont St., (Ent emphis sq. ft. Court m/tn45 comp 00sc Carriletely fortinnm 80,0up R Over e of M www.com , 800-424-6423 Z suite at The anddis Inn at els.co s from 110/27 tas.nc Two block 40 N. Frurt Street), n and on the Sleewp.choicehot ing space.. o $$-$$$ 901-372-2700St., Memphis is tow walkingmeet Co ing ph ee 55 d wn t. m McR D-6 din w do Stree an GE d Me 1335 w Beale PA54 art of PAGE & Suites m m the ADAD ping an Comfort Inn s.co In the he e, blocks fro r and Mud 93/3 icehotel $$ /90 lin www.cho 81/12 Y R phis = $$$-$$ $$$ Q $$-$$$ trolley nvention Cente nt St. and 8005 369K-10 p Mem 901riott 3131 J R rican Way, a F-5 Cook Co rk. Enter at Fro Inn by Maremri , 800-3314225 Ame 578-3700 GE 53 m/m & Suites m/hotel/tn398 F-5Ave., Memphis Residence Pa town 901rriott.co AD PA Comfort Inn s.co Island urt. www.ma 110 Monroe hotel in heart of icehotel German /147 8 /60 www.cho J Art-deco 1930 lls extended-stay $$$ West Co riott - gt /3 757-7800 Q Y ., Germantown, TN 3813 $$$ 96901ar [ town fulfi nal M Blvd down r Natio $ em the Rive $$ e G-3 s; listed on Meeting spac 7787 Wolf e ova R Courtyarardriobytt.co0-m33/m5-3546 ItoYwRn, TN 38138need es - Cord m/hotel/tn278 try. s K-9/10 Historic Regis Comfort Suit 15 P Z uites.co re .m on site. .comforts 424-6423 Q Y R 593-64 t & /112 www 1-0230, 80 vd., German t Squa Park available F-6 AD PAGE 57 www213$$ on 00, 8003600, 800- Pkwy., Memphis ] 901- Cour mp Lenox 901-75 olf River Bl 522-21 (Enter at Fr s 22/6 antown t 1Germ rpor ite tt $$$ E-6 90 N. t/Ai em t, W 2427 q ill Su com/m phis Cour es I-240 Eas 7750 Marrio/memlx Z Rn om/ J-8 tt. 85 W. reet), Mem meeting smem.c Comfort Suit SpringH ard by com fortsuite R or Tow St th 11 I of Harb .marrio J www.com .com 22 128/3 r Inn Courty.courtyard.Rive 1-rinn Court uite hotel wi t suites, busi- , 2575 I Y Cove, Memphis $$$ R memphis 32 www I 36509011531 .rive 118/9 ar \ sand Oaks $$$ ph,is877-222www 5-6400, 80www ille em3333 All-sstate-of-the- with dataports y H-7 2575 Thou Memphis w M260901- Collierv Town Sq., K-9 901-36 rby Pkwy., by Marriott YR 50 Harbor are space, rary, phones complimentar 6423 R Courtyardrriott.com/memvl 901-850-9390 s Park Cir., , 800-424at Court Squ 451 hant a 3076 Ki Sleep Innicehotels.com/tn 901-522-9700St., (Enter at Front www.ma 4640 Merc TN 38017 Enjoy ness lib eed Internet, 53 t www.cho erville, 40 N. Fron Collierville PAGE Memphis sp Colli ric t), hhisto AD Stree in hig and Court downtown and on the splendid stayage Crossing; within st. of shop Memphis In the heart breakfa at The Carri s from the of upscale 2013 Map nce walking dista g. ping and dinin block trolley line, r and Mud ention Cente St. and Cook Conv Enter at Front Island Park. 53 AD PAGE . West Court Guide e $$$ /147 K-9/10 rt Square 15 P Z R Suites - Cou p 00, 800-593-64 SpringHillrriott.com/memm 901-522-21 (Enter at Front & t, www.ma 52 85 W. Cour Memphis t), meeting Court Stree hotel with All-suite -of-the-art suites, busispace, state phones with dataports, y, tary ness librar Internet, complimen d high-spee 53 AD PAGE breakfast. 2013 rist Map & Tou antown - Germ by Marriott t Courtyardrriott.com/memg I Y R www.ma0230, 800-335-3546antown, TN 38138 901-751- River Blvd., Germ 7750 Wolf - Lenox Park by Marriott lx Courtyardrtyard.com/mem 2211 www.cou , 800-321phis 901-365-6400 Pkwy., Mem 3076 Kirby AD PAGE a 55 93/3 $$$ F-5 s 96/3 $$$ southeast Fans at the gates of Graceland JuSTIN FOx BuRkS Elmwood Cemetery Stax Museum of American Soul Graceland ELMWOOD CEMETERY C.H. Nash Museum Chucalissa kERRY CRAWFORD And it isn’t just music: Early Memphis history is inescapable. Founded in 1852, historic Elmwood Cemetery is the final resting place for 75,000, among them generals and senators, blues singers and Civil Rights crusaders, outlaws and madams. Going even further back is the Chucalissa Indian Village, a National Historic Landmark located on the actual archaeological site of a 15th century village. 26 2013 Map & Tourist Guide EPE SOUTHEAST AREA MAP A little further south, in Whitehaven, Elvis Presley made his home at Graceland, one of the most visited homes in the country. It offers both an intimate sense of Presley’s home life and copious evidence of the King’s artistic and cultural impact. This is the area where Al Green resides as Reverend Al Green, and where he still presides many Sundays at his Full Gospel Tabernacle church. Got a question? Send us a tweet @memphiscvb Elmwood Cemetery ANDREA ZuCkER Consumer and trade media Delegates attending city conventions Requests through MemphisTravel.com Advertisers also receive: •Inclusion in the digital version of the guide, promoted on MemphisTravel.com, which receives more 1.2 million visitors a year. ATTR Full Panel $4,995 Half $3,125 Quarter $1,595 MUSEUM S n C-4 Memph Museum www.broo of Art is Brooks ksmuseu m.org Premium Positions Graceland Chucalissa Indian Village It’s where Memphis band leader Willie Mitchell and his Royal Studios launched the careers of stars such as Ann Peebles and Al Green. It’s where the “Queen of Soul,” Aretha Franklin, was born and blues legend Memphis Slim lived. Both of their houses still stand near the Stax Museum of American Soul Music. International offices Rates: Colletta’s Pizza JuSTIN FOx BuRkS Just south of Midtown is a close-knit neighborhood long ago dubbed “Soulsville.” This is where Stax Records, which gave the world Booker T. & the MGs, Otis Redding and Isaac Hayes – and gave the South a model of inter-racial cooperation in the middle of the Civil Rights Movement – made its home, providing an international outlet to neighborhood talent. Local visitor centers and state welcome centers S, ACTIVIT TOdirection URS FO •A highlighted listing with “ad on page&#” I R GROU PS in the Map & Tourist Guide’s planning section. Guide 4 Southeast Hotels, attractions and events ACTION F-6 IZR southeast 52 ist & Tour GE MEMP T THE HIS TR AVEL GU NOW IDE APP, FO AND R IPHON E ANDR OID. The Map & Tourist Guide is the Memphis CVB’s fulfillment piece, with 350,000 copies distributed in-market and by request to those who call or visit MemphisTravel.com, where they can order the guide online. Part of the National Register of Historic Places, Elmwood Cemetery offers docent-led tours, which can be fashioned around particular areas of interest, such as the Civil War or Memphis’ yellow fever epidemic at the dawn of the 20th century. The Victorian-style Phillips Cottage, built in 1866, welcomes visitors, opening onto grounds where stately monuments and mausoleums are surrounded by more than 1,500 trees (including ancient elms, oaks and magnolias) and three gardens. 27 Back Cover $5,995 Page 1 $5,995 2-Panel Spread $7,495 Photo Listing $995 901-544Overton 6200 Pa Memphis rk, 1934 Poplar UaWIVD Ave., Excellent for parties. Br meetings and spec A ial Wednesda ushmark Restaur y an p.m. on Th - Friday 10 a.m. - 4 t. urs p.m. ADMI .); Sat. & Sun. 10 p.m. (8 SSION: Ad a.m .-5 ults $7; se under 6 fre niors $6; e. m D-5 M Museum emphis Pink Pala www.mem 901-636- phismuseums.o rg 3050 Ce 2320 nt Memphis ral Ave., ce UaWTVD A regional and culturanational history, sc ience and plane l museum, IMAX the tarium all under one ater Monday Saturday 9 roof. Su SPECIAL ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES! a.m. - 5 p.m nday noon .; ADMISSION - 5 p.m. ages 3-12 : Adults $9.75; senio $6.25. rs $9.25; , H-7 M History useum of Biblical www.bibl 901-854- ical-museum.org 140 East 9578 Mulberry, TN 38 Co ur Visit o Hotels of Court Sq uare 75 Jefferson Ave., Memph is, TN 38103 MEMPHIS ING DE ST IN AT IO N 901.522. The Memphis Destination & Sports Planning Guide is the official resource for meeting professionals, tour operators, travel agents and sporting-event planners considering bringing their groups to Memphis. Featuring dynamic content, itineraries, facility specs, maps and business listings, the guide showcases why Memphis is such an authentic, accessible and affordable place for meetings. Memphis, TN 38103 4 C-7 Gracelan is.c UTVD Tour includ Elvis Auto es Graceland man m custom jet obile Museum, Elvsion, Museum s, the Sincerely Elv is’ an limited-tim d other special, is e exhibits . www.lansky126.com 901-543-5333, 888-633-90 1 901-405-7625 Soul 12036 Arlington Trl., Arlington, TN 38002 149 Union Ave., Memphis ue A contemporary denim boutiq Distribution: and featuring clothing, accessories SHOPPING Variety of Memphis souvenirs ts to from cotton bales to T-shir Memphis music and more. 3205 Elvis Presley Blvd., www.memphisdrums 31 901-276-2328, 888-276-23 Everything Memphis 901-345-9302 Memphis Drum Shop hop.com shoes for men and women. the Peabody Lansky at Trade shows and travel agents www.lanskybros.com 878 S. Cooper, Memphis Memphis UTVD s.com www.flashbackmemphi 901-272-2304 2304 Central Ave., Memphis 901-529-9070 149 Union Ave., Memphis of Mid-South’s largest inventoryssion s, cymbals, hand percu is known since 1946. Bernard Lansky Elvis. as “the Clothier to the King” Memphis Flea Market - 901-525-1516 (twice s. plus vendors. Food concession www.frontierwestern 30 662-895-4878, 800-314-50 Unusual and exotic items that rsation make ideal gifts and conve , pieces. CDs, cards, wall decor tibles. figurines, T-shirts and collec 53 100 Peabody Pl., Ste. 175, Memphis el . Retail store with music theme rock Specializing in blues, R&B,jazz. ‘n’ roll, gospel and some sheet T-shirts, figurines, cards, music, harmonicas and more. s appar Life is Good Memphis carrie andMemphisTravel.com Requests through for men, women, kids, babies The Peanut Shoppe 5880 Goodman Rd., Olive Branch, MS 38654 pets. Sweats, sleepwear and Locally accessories also available. owned and operated. , Western apparel, hats, shirtsies, belts and buckles. Pet suppl premium pet foods, livestock and supplies, riding equipment livestock feed. e.com www.memphispeanutshopp St., Memphis 901-525-1115, 24 S. Main kind. All its of shop t peanu only The hout nuts are prepared fresh throug s. candie the day. Large selection of Macy’s Carriage Crossing www.macys.com orist.com www.weddingsandthingsfl r, Memphis 901-774-4426, 59 N. Coope small ted opera and d -owne Family Specialbusiness for over 30 years. , izing in floral and plant design event personalized gifts, and full es. planning and facilitation servic The Woman’s Exchange of Memphis m Inc. Piano’s Flowers & Gifts, r 312-781-4486, Y877-797-7227 Street Retail Cente Gibson Beale Lansky 126 KE Everything Memphis 4660 Merchants1Park Cir., www.gibson.com sflowers.net on page 58 www.lansky126.com grid; see the maps starting www.piano 99 = map location, K-10 = map 901-405-7625 149 Union Ave., Memphis Collierville, TN 38017 45-7670 901-3 A contemporary denim boutiqueand t y Baby Equipmen rs-onl -visito Stardust clothing, accessories ed-for his featuring y Blvd., Memphis reserv Shop Memp m Drum their Presle Ave., to Use Memphis Leeto T-shirts W. bales ecotton www.stardustbaby.co4532 Elvis from shoes for men and women. 145 Lt. Georg d in www.memphisdrums wante as 901-219-8992 ing head Memphis music and more. as oftenhop.com 31 Savings Pass 901-276-2328, 888-276-23 Lansky at the Peabody at the Gibson Beale Rental Company, Flowers for all needs includ t Memphis Memphis The retail store S. Cooper, www.lanskybros.com plus save of10 percen Everything Memphis and Extensive line of baby equipment store y a variet visitor buffet tables, dining table, any Macy’s878 901-529-9070 02 offers Mid-South’s largest inventory for the Memphis Tours rentals ry table, percussion Memphis hand Ave., apply. Memphis toddlers. Street Facto901-345-93 Union or 149 with infants 3205 Elvis Presley Blvd., store. Exclusionstraveling the cymbals, been a staple houtdrums, to and gourmet baskets. bales ing The Lansky family hasthroug parts and accessories. Sales, includ set-up and pick-up from cotton cts, Delivery, Souvenirs gifts produ Memphis n repairs and rentals. of Gibso music or homes. in menswear in downtown 901-543-5333, 888-633-90 Arlington Trl., SHOPPING 12036 Arlington, TN 38002 901-543-0800 Variety of Memphis souvenirs to Memphis to T-shirts ts.tickets. Askforfor discounted T-shir guitars and and Memphis Music packages 20 percent savings. service, t Flea Market MemphisCour Macy’s Oak The Big One hotels, condos is known since 1946. Bernard Lansky Elvis. as “the Clothier to the King” ® k y-Davidson Harle GracelandFlashbac avidson.com s.com phisfleamarket.com www.mem www.macy 2, 7777 Walnut Grove Rd., 27 61, 877-797-72 770-913-59 Agricenter International, Memphis of every month 901-276-353 Strange Cargo www.womans-exchange.co St., Memphis 901-327-5681, 88 Racine nd From handcrafted one-of-a-kihugwhimsical animals to plush, unique gable toys. Wide variety of ion. gifts appropriate for any occas The River’s Attic Antiques www.bealestreet.com/clubsshops/strangecargo.html 6, 172 Beale St., Memphis 901-590-7240, 49 Union Ave., Memphis 04 Third Ave., 901-272-23arleyd Memphis r weekend in Dec.). Shop from 500www.gracelandh 4545 Popla(twice at great 2304 Central Ave., Memphis s. the plus vendors. Food concession Unique gifts and antiques re, Fashions and furnishings from ge Crossing” ’s Carria 901-332-5847 See “MacyMemphis 1920s to 1980s. The 2,800-sq.Music vintage . Lamps, florals, furnitu Things displays his and prices Memp ft. showroom 3, Weddings 53 Ste. 800-692-32 items. ption. y Blvd., orist.com 901-526-5047, and prints merchandise and new retro www.weddingsandthingsfl 3727 Elvis Presle s, listing for descri repair akes, Beale St., Memphis 149 Memphis keeps Cooper, gifts, 901-774-4426, 59 N. Life is Good Memphis son is proud small Retail store with musicdtheme. Ranch Supply t Frontier -David Family-owned and operatedSpecialwww.lifeisgoodmemphis.com ’s Sout hlan in blues, R&B, rock Graceland Harley Specializing paintings. Also find your perfec Macy Western Store business for over 30 years. 901-522-0202 tore.com ‘n’ roll, gospel and some jazz. collectibles erwesterns Memphis and www.fronti izing in floral and plant design, el, gifts 100 Peabody Pl., Ste. 175, figurines, cards, sheet s.com 30 event T-shirts, to offer appar his souvenir. .macy Memp www 662-895-4878, 800-314-50 personalized gifts, and full carries apparel is Good Memphis harmonicas and more. Life music, services. for Rd., facilitation n and Goodman passio and 5880 Elvis’s 877-797-7227 planning for men, women, kids, babies 13-5961, that celebrate 770-9 The Peanut Shoppe hoppe.com Olive Branch, MS 38654 Sweats, sleepwear and Woman’s Exchange ® hats, shirts, www.memphispeanuts cycles. pets. Locally his The Motor sonapparel, accessories also available. y Dr., Memp St., Memphis Southern Thunder of Memphis E. Shelb Harley-DavidWestern belts and buckles. Pet supplies, 901-525-1115, 24 S. Main ® kind. All www.womans-exchange.com 41and operated.1300 premium pet foods, livestock The only peanut shop of its ing” ADandPAGEowned Cross St., Memphis y-Davidson fresh throughout prepared ge ’s areCarria supplies, riding equipment 901-327-5681, 88 RacineHarle Crossing “Macynuts d Macy’s CarriageSee candies. livestock feed. com the day. Large selection of From handcrafted one-of-a-kin www.macys.com hug- .southernthunderhd. to plush, ption. Inc. whimsical animalsvariety 27 www for descri 86, 877-797-72 Center ts listing 312-781-44 Piano’s Flowers & Gifts, of unique Street Retail toys. Wide Gibson Beale gable Cir., Even Park owers.net & sfl ers Dr., 4660 Merchants www.piano n.com www.gibso gifts appropriate for any occasion. 49-1099, 4870 Venture Holliday Flow 70 Collierville, TN 38017 e 662-3 901-345-76chas 901-543-0800 y Wolf -visitors-onl ’s Memphis Macy Use their reserved-for 4532 Elvis Presley Blvd., Lt. George W. Lee Ave., Memphis n as wanted in 38671 head often as MS , SPAS including Pass & Beale Downtow145 needs Savings all Gibson haven for the SALONS Flowers South s.com table, plus The retail store at save 10 percent .macy any Macy’s store and www offers a variety Tourss.com table, buffet tables, dining of ower apply. ayflFactory o Spa & Salon Mid-South’s largest selection baskets. throughout the store. Exclusions www.hollidStreet and gourmet 97-7227 Bellissim gifts 877-7 of Gibson products, including 86, The 81-44 312-7 www.harrahstunica.com Court T-shirts. Oak and Antiques Macy’s guitars Attic 46 , parts, The River’s his50, 800-946-49 901-725-1153 Memp 662-357-70 www.macys.com 0, n Pkwy., antow Harley-Davidson Motorcycles 901-590-724 27 Germ vidson Harley-Dahis 2840 13615 Old Hwy. 61 N., Tunica 770-913-5961, 877-797-72 Ave., Memp 49 Union Ave., Memphis es. Top-cloth 1149 Union Graceland Resorts, MS 38664 www.gracelandharleydavidson.com motor 4545 Poplar Ave., Memphis at great ing” and Cross antiques and ge gifts sories an Unique Carria and ’s Lamps, florals, furniture, Crossing” for“Macy’s CarriageSee “Macyprices. 901-332-5847 ier resource See Massage to manicuresacces tments. Elvis Presley Blvd., Ste. 3, Memphis array of other spa/salon serviceseMid-South’s3727prem listing for description. repairs, prints and ption. gifts, keepsakes, proud dson isdécor with rated sales and service depar for men and women. State-of-th Harley-Davi listing for descri Graceland event paintings. Also find your perfect Macy’s Southland and and lockers. m www.flashbackmemphis.co 901-525-151 Unusual and exotic items that n make ideal gifts and conversatio pieces. CDs, cards, wall decor, . figurines, T-shirts and collectibles ® fresh flowers to offer apparel, gifts and collectibles Memphis souvenir. www.macys.com passion for nts. 770-913-5961, 877-797-7227 Elvis’sgeme that celebrate t Collierville arran . Main Stree beautiful floral Southern Thunder Harley-Davidson Motorcycles 1300 E. Shelby Dr., Memphis art fitness center Maury Ballenger Bodywork AD PAGE 41 ict Distrvidson Historic Harley-Da Blues Guitar Workshop St.since Licensed massage therapist e .mainstreetcollierville.org 1997. Therapeutic techniques Holliday Flowers & EventsMacy’s Wolfchaswww ashiatsu www.saintblues.com include St.,Swedish, bar therapy, lomi lomi, wn 66, 125 N. Rowlettoriental anto 53-16 By Germ 901-8 trigger point, Thai massage. 78-3588 ® AD PAGE 41 Holliday Flowers & Events Downtown www.hollidayflowers.com 901-725-1153 s.com ayflower s premier resource for www.hollidMid-South’ with fresh flowers and event décor 1149 Union Ave., Memphis See “Macy’s Carriage Crossing” listing for description. www.macys.com 27 312-781-4486, 877-797-72 Memphis 2840 Germantown Pkwy., See “Macy’s Carriage Crossing” listing for description. ® www.southernthunderhd.com Dr., 662-349-1099, 4870 Venture Southhaven, MS 38671 of The Mid-South’s largest selection , parts, Harley-Davidson Motorcycles s. Topaccessories and motor-clothe . rated sales and service departments 214-876-1680 Downtown Memphis, Memphis 901-5 50 Main Street Collierville Historic District rville.org Germantown for 66, 125 N. Rowlett Hosts healing and to the region rce901-853-16 sThe 901-578-3588 resou Their massage brings shrine owers.com premayflier special event Collierville, TN 38017 Mid-South’swww.hollid 645 Marshall Ave., Memphis 90 wellness to the person within. dining g. 901-753-2400, 800-346-54 grit, this is a skin care, Unique entrepreneurial spirit. withshopping andsettin the décor Steeped in Memphis n Rd., Memphis Great massages, facials, downtown event S. Germantow 2316 and the experience in historic region, its music and to theyear. fresh flowers for shrine throu waxing, tans and nail care. events ghout Hosts special Mid-South’s premier resource with the entrepreneurial spirit. décor nts. setting. geme and event arran fresh flowers throughout the year. beautiful floral beautiful floral arrangements. Guide e 50 2013 Map & Tourist Guid ist Tour & 2013 Map SM ers an phis work mak d techs are hard construct ing one-of-a-kin at d, handed electric the build guitars in wall of fa g process, expl . Watch or m retail shop e and check ou e the t the . Rates: SM Full Page $4,995 Half $3,125 Quarter $1,595 6 L-13 Stax M useum of American www.sta Soul Music xmus eum.com Premium Positions Back Cover $5,995 Page 1 $5,995 2-Page Spread $7,495 Photo Listing 901-26163 926 E. M 38 cL Memphis emore, UTVD Memphis Redding, soul music: think Isaac Ha Booker T. & the M Otis ye U.S.A. “w s and more. So Gs, ul ‘60s and here it all happen sville ed in the ‘70s.” AD PAGE 29 7 L10/11 Sun St www.sun $995 st udio 901-521- udio.com 06 706 Union 64, 800-441-62 49 Memphis Ave., SALONS & SPAS UVD n Bellissimo Spa & Salo m www.harrahstunica.co 46 662-357-7050, 800-946-49 52 13615 Old Hwy. 61 N., Tunica Resorts, MS 38664 an Massage to manicures and es array of other spa/salon servic of-thefor men and women. State-rs. art fitness center and locke Advertisers also receive: •Inclusion in the digital version of he guide, his promoted since on meetings.MemphisTravel.com Licensed massage therapist Maury Ballenger Bodywork 214-876-1680 Downtown Memphis, Memp 1997. Therapeutic techniques include Swedish, ashiatsulomi, oriental bar therapy, lomi By trigger point, Thai massage. appointment only. •A highlighted listing with “ad on page #” direction in the guide’s planning section m Spa Thrive & Bloo ntown 901-572-1192, 2362 Germa TN 38016 Pkwy., Suite 103, Cordova, health. The essence of luxury and g and Their massage brings healin . wellness to the person within care, Great massages, facials, skin waxing, tans and nail care. MEETI NG HIGHLIGHTS American Queen ANdREA ZUCkER Why Meet IN MEMPHIS? PLANNING/SERVICES We make your job easy with unified management of two major convention spaces, coordination of hotel space and rooms, site inspections, transportation arrangements and other services. welcome Collierville, TN 38017AD PAGE 41 all Ave., Memphis & Bloom Spa645 Marsh ing and dining Thrive n Unique shopp his grit, this is a 901-572-1192, 2362 Germantow his Memp TN 38016ed in Memp Steep St. Blues Guitar Workshop n Rd., & Events downtown antow Flowers Pkwy., Suite 103, Cordova, health. Holliday www.mainstreetcollie in histor blues.comic 2316 S. Germ experSt.,iencewww.saint , its music and essence of luxury and 46-54 nts.90 800-3 floral arrangeme beautiful 901-753-2400, appointment only. www.sai SM sswww.bealestreet.com/club hops/strangecargo.html , 172 Beale St., Memphis 149 Beale St., Memphis AD PAGE 29 s Guitar ntbl Washington, D.C. and international offices 901-522-0202 Workshop l.com ues.com 901-5783588 645 Mar shall Ave. , Mem Build Weddings and Things 901-526-5047, 800-692-32 www.lifeisgoodmem ic, food, history and even ts P L-10 St. Blue .MemphisTrave ment Extensive line of baby equip visitor rentals for the Memphis toddle rs. traveling with infants or p to pick-u Delivery, set-up and hotels, condos or homes. of every month Convention and travelThird trade weekendmedia in Dec.). Shop from 500- Life is Good Memphis phis.com www.Meetings 901-219-8992 Strange Cargo Tour and receptive operators Memphis Music Frontier Ranch Supply Western Store store.com We’re authentic and soulful www.stardustbaby.co Big One efforts om Convention and groupThe sales www.memphisfleamarket.c the Fashions and furnishings from -sq.1920s to 1980s. The 2,800 e ft. showroom displays vintagitems. retro new merchandise and 901.522.2100 pment Stardust Baby Equim t Grove Rd., 901-276-3532, 7777 Walnu his Agricenter International, Memp Flashback The mus eu birth of ro m tells the story of ck ‘n’ roll The mus and soul the eu music. m fe L THA T atures se and a FEE dig ven galle l au MEMita PHI ries dioJO! S MO guide. Great mus WHY MEET IN MEMPHIS? Rental Company, Memphis drum a staple family has beenand accessories. Sales, The Lansky travel parts and Sports planners hisevent s. in menswear in downtown Memp service, repairs and rental Souvenirs from cotton bales to T-shirts to Memphis musicfor and discounted tickets. Askfor Memphis Music packages 20 percent savings. ’ 901-205- phisrocknsoul.o rg 2533 Located at 191 Be plaza of FedExFor ale St. on the um, Memphis starting on page 58 K-10 = map grid; see the maps = map location, is Rock ‘n Museu www.mem m Me mp his. Des igne d for Perf ect for exe cuti ve trav host ing corp el. orat e eve nts and ban que ts for all occ asio ns! KEY Lansky 126 Everything Memphis 99 38103 AD PAGE 1 5 K-11 Memph With 4,000 copies distributed, the Memphis Destination & Sports Planning Guide delivers crucial information to key decision makers. Memphis, TN d www.elv om 901-33233 3717 Elvi 22, 800-238-20 00 s Memphis Presley Blvd., 901.522.9700 Loc ate d in the hea rt of hist oric dow nto wn 21 N. Main St., & SP ORTS PL AN NI NG GU ID E HOTELS Photo by TK TKTKTKTKT 2200 Eleg anc e, valu e, cha rm offe ring the late st in tec hno log y! 40 N. Front St., & LODG Destination & Sports Planning Guide ! FACILITIES/VENUES In addition to top-notch convention space, Memphis offers unique event venues like box suites at FedExForum and AutoZone Park, the Elvis Presley Auto Museum and the ultra high-tech University of Memphis FedEx Institute of Technology. planners Be front and center where phis.” decide to “Come Meet in Mem ATTRACTIONS/TOURS Culture is our greatest asset. Stroll down to historic Beale Street and hear live blues and soul, visit the National Civil Rights Museum, spend a day grooving at the Stax Museum of American Soul Music or take a funky, musical Backbeat Tour aboard a vintage bus. F or hundreds of years, people have traveled by river, rail, road and runway to meet in Memphis and share their experiences, ideas, cultures and customs. EXPLORE MORE! memphistravel.com/meetings/home You can hear it in our music – that mix of blues, soul and R&B that fills the air every night. You can taste it in our wood-smoked barbecue, home-cooked soul food and our emerging “New South” cuisine that’s drawing raves. You can feel it in our history and heritage on every corner. It’s an original place, Memphis. A city with more magic than any theme park or resort. A place with incomparable soul. So where would you rather host your meeting or event? In a city with the same old-same old, or in a place that offers groups – from conventions to sports tournaments to packaged tours – an exciting, affordable and truly unforgettable cultural experience? Beale Street ANdREA ZUCkER downtown Trolley PhILLIP PARkER We think it’s a no-brainer. Come meet in Memphis … Memphis Rock ‘n’ Soul Museum PhILLIP PARkER Home of the Blues. Birthplace of Rock ‘n’ Roll. A city with soul! “Our conference was a huge success thanks to tremendous support from the Memphis CVB. They worked tirelessly and were a valuable asset to our staff, from the planning process all the way through the event itself. ” STAX MUSEUM OF AMERICAN SOUL MUSIC BALL dAN — Joseph Cappuzzello, BankTravel Conference Graceland JUSTIN FOX BURkS 4 2013 Memphis Destination & Sports Planning Guide Got a quick question? Follow us on Twitter @memphiscvb 5 Contact Abbie about additional advertorial and advertising placement options! MemphisTravel.com The Memphis CVB’s comprehensive marketing efforts drove more than 1.2 million visitors viewing over 4.4 million pages on MemphisTravel.com in 2012. Keyword searches on Google for terms such as Visit Memphis, Memphis Vacation, or just the word Memphis itself, show MemphisTravel.com as the #1 organic listing! 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To advertise contact: Abbie Gristy at 731-298-1003 Abbie.Gristy@milespartnership.com SM c/o Miles 6751 professional parkway west — Suite 200 sarasota, fl 34240 SM AD Materials & Deadlines SM 2014 Memphis Map & Tourist Guide 2014 Memphis Destination & Sports Planning Guide Ad Requirements: Mechanical Specs Full Panel (IFC, IBC, BC) (non-bleed) TRIM SIZE: 7.25"w x 9"h 3”w X 8.25”h 1/2 Panel 3”w X 4”h 1/4 Panel 3”w X 1.875”h Two-Panel Spread Photo Listing MS tag 1/2 Panel Full Panel 1/4 Panel MS tag For specs, call 1/4 Panel 1-800-683-0010 MS tag 1.6”w X 1”h Mechanical Specs TRIM SIZE: 8"w x 10.5"h Full Page (IFC, IBC, BC) 8.25”w X 10.75”h Premium positions can bleed (Live area 7.5”w X 10”h) Full Page (non-bleed) 7”w X 9.625”h MS tag 1/2 Page Horizontal 7”w X 4.718”h MS tag 1/4 Page 3.403”w X 4.718”h Two-Page Spread Photo Listing MS tag For specs, call : 07-29 -2013 Date Ad Sales Close 1/4 Page FULL PAGE (non-bleed) 1/2 Page Horizontal MS tag MS tag 1-800-683-0010 1.6”w X 1”h •Microsoft® Tag: Please leave 1"w x 1"h of ad space for your custom Tag in qualifying ads. •Bleeds: Build full-page bleed ads to the bleed specs listed above, and keep all images and elements that you do not want cut off within the live area specs. •Please turn off the crop marks on your supplied ads and supply spread ads as single pages. •Design: Software accepted is Quark Xpress, Adobe InDesign, Illustrator and Photoshop only. •Fonts: Use only Adobe Type 1 (postscript level 1) fonts. 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