PPE 3003, Section 2969
Time: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 6 th Period (12:50-1:40 pm)
Location: McCarty C 100
Spring, 2014
Instructor: Professor Martin Heesacker
PSY 027 (Psychology Building Basement)
Teaching Assistants: Ms. Natalie Weldon (Head TA)
Mr. Billy Palmer (Associate Head TA)
Ms. Sara Lee
Ms. Lily Nelson
Please contact the TAs through the e-Learning mail
Office Hours: Dr. Heesacker: Immediately after class or by appointment
Ms. Natalie Weldon: PSY 002 Tuesdays 10:45 am-12:45 pm
Mr. Billy Palmer: PSY 002 Thursdays 9-11am
Ms. Sara Lee: PSY 036 Mondays 4-6 pm
Mr. Cirello Lora: PSY 036 TBA
Ms. Lily Nelson: PSY 036 Tuesdays 1-3 pm
Ms. Noelle Spenser: PSY 036 Fridays 2-4pm
TA office hours will be held live and on the e-Learning Chat Room
Required Materials:
Textbook: Friedman, H. S., &
Schustack, M. W. (2012). Personality:
Classic theories and modern research (5 th
Ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon. ISBN:
H2O for Education learning support package: this technology is focused on helping students achieve their course-related learning objectives. Students will be required to purchase this technology in the first week of this course. To purchase this technology, follow these instructions:
Go to: http://www.excellenceuniversity.net/educators.php
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Fill out the Sign Up section of the page
Be sure to select “Student” in “Status” (and put the proper course number and section number in the items that drop down after selecting “Student”)
Make sure that you select "H2O package (best value)" in "Bill Me For" to avoid being billed for costlier options
For the reduced rate of $45 (instead of $70), be sure to type “HeesackSpring14” in “Discount/Promo Code”. "IMPORTANT NOTE: If you will be using someone else's credit card or checking account to purchase the H2O services, please get their approval before you do so.
After you purchase the technology, a representative from The Building Blocks will contact you with sign-up instructions
Optional Materials:
Reader: Schustack, M. W. & Friedman,
H. S. (2007). The Personality Reader
(2 nd Ed.). New York: Allyn & Bacon.
ISBN: 0205485510
The text, the optional reader, and access to online study materials are available altogether in a shrink wrapped package, at approximately $40 discount (ISBN for the shrink-wrapped package is 0205188362).
Course Description:
Welcome! Personality Psychology is the scientific study of the psychological forces that make people uniquely themselves. It is a broad sub-discipline that involves various topics including: the importance of the unconscious, the role of the self, nomothetic versus idiographic approaches, gender differences, the power of the situation, and cultural influences. Topics covered in class will have relevance to students’ daily lives. This course is designed to help broaden students’ knowledge and understanding of the field of Personality
Psychology. The course is designed to be challenging, but also interesting and fun.
Course Objectives:
In this course, students will:
Acquire basic knowledge of personality psychology through both primary and secondary sources, and will learn relevant terms, facts, concepts, and theories, including Psychoanalytic, Neo-Analytic/Ego,
Biological, Behaviorist, Cognitive, Trait, Humanistic, and Interactionist theories.
Improve their higher-order thinking skills, including: (a) critical thinking about human nature, (b) evaluating theoretical assumptions, theories, and research, and (c) distinguishing between fact and opinion.
Understand how personality psychology relates to important issues in their lives.
E-Learning System Materials and Procedures
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Lectures, class power points, exam study guides, quizzes, assignments, in-class activities, grades, Chat Room office hours, and other important materials can be accessed on the course website in the e-Learning System: http://lss.at.ufl.edu/ . It is a good idea to visit the course site before each class, to receive updates and announcements, such as grade postings and schedule changes. All email correspondence with teaching assistants should occur through the e-Learning mail system . Please use the instructor’s UF email address
( heesack@ufl.edu
) to correspond with the instructor.
Exams, Assignments and Extra Credit:
Quizzes (Total 150 points). There will be SIX NON-CUMULATIVE MULTIPLE CHOICE quizzes worth
25 points each (25 questions, 1 point each) . Questions for quizzes will come from lectures, PowerPoint slides, and the Friedman & Schustack text. Quizzes will be administered through e-Learning. Each quiz will be open from 3:00 pm on the scheduled day to 2:54 pm the next day (almost 24 hours), but you will only be given 25 minutes to complete the quiz once it is open. Once the quiz closes you may not resubmit or make up the quiz.
Please see the course schedule below for quiz dates.
Optional make-up exam to make up any and all missed quizzes. There will be no make-up quizzes. Instead, students who miss one or more quizzes should take the optional make-up exam to make up any and all missed quizzes. This optional make-up exam will be cumulative . A student’s score on the optional make-up exam will be substituted for his or her missing quiz score(s), but not for a lower test score on a quiz . The course schedule below gives the quiz and make-up exam dates.
STEAM Training (Total 50 points).
There will be five STEAM Training Modules. You will earn 10 points for successful and on-time completion of each module, but you must be signed up for STEAM Training to earn any credit. If modules are not turned in electronically or are turned in after the deadline, no credit will be given.
Primary Source Reading (Total 100 points). You will submit 20 reading assignments, worth up to 5 points each. For each reading assignment, the reading needs to be a scientific journal article (operationally defined as having an entry in the PsychINFO database or being one of the 49 readings from the Reader). The reading needs to be relevant to your interests, be a reading in personality, and correspond reasonably closely to the topics being covered when the assignment is due. You will receive:
1 point if you provide the complete citation in APA style for a qualifying reading
1 point for describing briefly why you thought this reading was consistent with your priorities
1 point for accurately describing the major point(s) made in this reading
1 point for evaluating the scientific quality of the reading
1 point for describing how this reading is relevant to you
5 points maximum (20 readings X 5 points each = 100 points)
The submission window for each reading assignment is listed below. Answers will be submitted electronically and we will use Turn-It-In to deter plagiarism. If answers to the questions are not turned in or are turned in after the deadline, no credit will be given. Please do not write more than 150 words per assignment. Short, wellcrafted answers can be outstanding, just as long and poorly-crafted answers can be inadequate. Longer answers are not necessarily better ones, but some answers are so short that they cannot adequately answer the question.
The TAs can assist you in understanding how to respond adequately and outstandingly.
Research participation Extra Credit (total = up to 5 points ). Extra credit for psychological research participation may be able to be earned in addition to points earned on exams and class activities. Throughout the semester, there may be a few opportunities for students to participate in research projects usually outside of
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class, but sometimes in class. Each research participation is worth 1 point. All of these will be provided by the course instructor. Extra credit will not be granted for participation in research projects that have not been provided by the instructor. Research investigators will provide the instructor with written documentation of student participation in the research study in order to receive any extra credit. Keep any email or other records of your participation, in case there is disagreement about your research participation.
Grades will be based on scores on six non-cumulative multiple-choice quizzes (150 possible points) and scores on your STEAM Training Modules (50 possible points) plus your Primary Source Reading Activities (100 possible points), plus any extra-credit points they might accrue from any earned Research Participation Extra
Credits (maximum 5 points). Thus, the total possible number of grade points is 300 (150 possible quiz points,
50 possible STEAM Training Module points, plus 100 possible Primary Source Reading Activities, and on top of that any extra credit points). The grading scale for these 300 possible Quiz and Reader points is as follows:
Grade Percentage
Contacting the Instructor and Teaching Assistant:
The best way to contact the instructor is his UF email ( heesack@ufl.edu
). The best way to contact the teaching assistants is via e-Learning.
General Policies
In class, please turn off all cell phones, pagers, or any other electronic devices that may be distracting during class. If cell phones ring in class, the instructor reserves the right to answer your phone on your behalf!
Please refrain from private discussions with classmates, as well. If you chose to read or browse your laptop or phone during lectures, please inform the instructor after class of any particularly interesting material you discover! On the other hand, please refrain from asking questions that were already answered in the syllabus or during a time you were not paying attention!
During class, please ask questions about concepts that are unclear or share examples that are relevant to the lecture. Power Point slides and recordings of the lectures will be available on e-Learning.
If you miss class, we suggest you ask a classmate for his or her notes and review them with the Power Point slides for that class. Beyond the Power Point slides, the instructor and TAs WILL NOT PROVIDE CLASS
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NOTES TO ANY STUDENTS nor will TAs be permitted to conduct mini-versions of missed lectures. The
TAs are available to answer specific questions and to review your grades.
Academic Honesty
Cheating is NOT tolerated at UF. Cheating is defined in the UF Handbook, and it is the student’s responsibility to be familiar with its many forms (including plagiarism). If a student is caught cheating, the first offense will result in a zero for that exam or paper and a record of the event will be placed in a temporary file with the Office of Student Affairs. The second offense will result in an “E” for the course, and the student will go before the Honor Court. As a result of completing registration at UF, every student has agreed to the following statement: “I understand that UF expects its students to be honest in all their academic work. I agree to adhere to this commitment to academic honesty and understand that my failure to comply with this commitment may result in disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from the University.”
Students Requiring Accommodations:
The University of Florida is committed to providing academic accommodations for students with disabilities.
Students with disabilities requesting accommodations should first register with the Disability Resource Center
(352-392-8565, www.dso.ufl.edu/drc/) by providing appropriate documentation. Once registered, students should present their accommodation letter to me supporting a request for accommodations. The University encourages students with disabilities to follow these procedures as early as possible within the semester.
Planned Course Schedule
WeekDateTopics, Quiz Dates, and Assignment Deadlines
1 1/6 Overview of Course
1 1/8 How is Personality Studied and Assessed?
1 1/10 How is Personality Studied and Assessed?
2 1/13 Psychoanalytic Theory
2 1/15 Psychoanalytic Theory
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
2 1/17 Psychoanalytic Theory
Quiz 1: Open at 3 pm, Chapters 1-2
3 1/20 No Class: Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
3 1/22 Neo-Analytic/EgoTheory
STEAM Training Parts 1-2, pp. 4-6 Due
3 1/24 Neo-Analytic/Ego Theory
STEAM Training Part 3, pp. 7-8 Due
4 1/27 Neo-Analytic/Ego Theory
STEAM Training Part 4, pp. 9-11 Due
4 1/29 Biological Theory
4 1/31 Quiz 2: Open at 3 pm, Chapters 3-4
5 2/3 Biological Theory
STEAM Training Part 5, p. 12 Due
5 2/5 Biological Theory
STEAM Training Parts 6-7, pp. 13-14 Due
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
5 2/7 Behaviorist Theory Chapter 6
6 2/10 Behaviorist Theory Reading 1 Due --
6 2/12 Behaviorist Theory --
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6 2/14 Cognitive Theory
Quiz 3: Open at 3 pm, Chapters 5-6
Chapter 7
7 2/17 Cognitive Theory Reading 2 Due --
7 1/19 Cognitive Theory Reading 3 Due --
7 2/21 Trait Theory Reading 4 Due Chapter
8 2/24 Trait Theory Reading 5 Due --
8 2/26 Trait Theory --
8 2/28 Humanistic Theory
Quiz 4: Open at 3 pm, Chapters 7-9
Chapter 9
9 3/3 No Class: Spring Break
9 3/5
9 3/7
10 3/10 Humanistic Theory Reading 6 Due
10 3/12 Humanistic Theory Reading 7 Due
10 3/14 Interactionist Theory Reading 8 Due Chapter
11 3/17 Interactionist Theory Reading 9 Due --
11 3/19 Interactionist Theory Reading 10 Due Chapter
11 3/21 Male-Female Differences Reading 11 Due --
12 3/24 Male-Female Differences Reading 12 Due --
12 3/26 Male-Female Differences Chapter 12
12 3/28 Stress, Adjustment, & Health Reading 13 Due --
13 3/31 Stress, Adjustment, & Health Reading 14 Due --
13 4/2 Stress, Adjustment, & Health --
13 4/4 Culture & Ethnicity Reading 15 Due Chapter
14 4/7 Culture & Ethnicity Reading 16 Due --
14 4/9 Culture & Ethnicity Reading 17 Due --
14 4/11 Love and Hate Reading 18 Due Chapter
15 4/14 Love and Hate Reading 19 Due --
15 4/16 Love and Hate
15 4/18 Where Will We Find Personality?
Quiz 5: Open at 3 pm, Chapters 10-12
Chapter 15
16 4/21 Where Will We Find Personality? Reading 20 Due --
16 4/23 Where Will We Find Personality?
Quiz 6: Open at 3 pm, Chapters 13-15
5/1 Comprehensive Online Make-up Exam Open at 3:00 pm, Closed at 5:00 pm Cumulative
Textbook: Read assignment for that day’s lecture.
All assignments may be completed early, but MUST be submitted by their due date and time. Computerrelated failure will not alter the consequences for not completing the assignment or quiz on time.
[Updated 1-7-2014]
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