British Literature I January 2016 Sun Mon Fri Sat 1 2 8 Syllabus and supplies due; Archetype presentation SWBAT teach their peers the qualities of their individually assigned archetypes and learn about other archetypes from their peers 9 Teacher Workday 7 Archetypes SWBAT know the definition of an archetype and will be able to establish the characteristics that define a hero archetype Old English Assignment 11 Beowulf sections 1-3 SWBAT know the initial conflict Beowulf faces and will begin to define his character 12 1-3 Quiz; Beowulf sections 4-6 SWBAT discuss Beowulf’s battle between good and evil and explain why good prevails 13 4-6 Quiz Beowulf 14 Beowulf sections 7- 15 7-10 Quiz; Mapping 16 character mapping SWBAT make claims and provide evidence for why Beowulf fits the definition of an archetypal hero 10 SWBAT discuss the Pagan and Christian imagery in Beowulf and hypothesize why both seem to coexist together the Anglo Saxon Culture SWBAT put the hierarchy of Beowulf’s castle into the historical and cultural hierarchy of the time 18 19 character mapping 20 Beowulf sections 10- NO SCHOOL SWBAT make claims and provide evidence for why either Grendel its the definition of an archetypal devil, or Grendel’s mom the archetypal mother 13 SWBAT Continue discussing the pagan and Christian imagery that plays a role in the Beowulf epic and the significance of its existence 21 10-13 Quiz; Beowulf sections 14-17 SWBAT discuss the three battles Beowulf faces and the symbolic meaning of each 22 14-17 Quiz; Beowulf wrap-up SWBAT tie up the loose ends regarding the battle of good and evil, the Christian and pagan imagery, and Beowulf’s 3 battles 25 Beowulf Movie SWBAT compare/contrast the movie adaptation to the text version we read 26 Beowulf Movie SWBAT compare/contrast the movie adaptation to the text version we read 27 Beowulf Movie SWBAT compare/contrast the movie adaptation to the text version we read 28 Beowulf Movie SWBAT compare/contrast the movie adaptation to the text version we read 29 Beowulf Essay 30 Test SWBAT respond in a well-written essay to one of the prompts we have discussed throughout this unit 10 31 Thu 6 History of England in the Dark Ages SWBAT know the historical and political context of our first unit of study 4 24 Wed 5 Course introduction, prompt SWBAT know the expectations for this course and will brainstorm why it’s important to study Brit Lit Activities are listed in BLUE; Targets are listed in GREEN; Major assignments or assessments are listed in RED 17 Tue 23 British Literature I February 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 3 Who’s who in the 4 Who’s who in the Canterbury Tales SWBAT know the general premise and major players in the Canterbury Tales English in the Middle Ages Reading Assign. due 5 Wife of Bath prologue SWBAT know the basics of the Wife’s background and her rationale for marrying many men 6 Canterbury Tales SWBAT know the general premise and major players in the Canterbury Tales 13 Activities are listed in BLUE; Targets are listed in GREEN; Major assignments or assessments are listed in RED 1 SNOW DAY: CLASSES CANCELLED 2 Middle Ages Lecture SWBAT know the historical, political and social factors that influence our 2nd unit of study 7 8 Wife of Bath prologue SWBAT express from the Wife’s point of view what makes a good or bad husband 9 Finish Wife of Bath Prologue SWBAT determine if the Wife of Bath ultimately fits or rejects her station in society 10 Wife of Bath Tale SWBAT work in small groups to determine the knight’s crime and the consequences of his actions 11 Wife of Bath Tale 12 Wife of Bath Quiz; SWBAT describe what the knight ultimately chooses and why that pains him Assign Canterbury Tales Project SWBAT know the expectations for this project, select their groups, and select their tale 15 17 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT read their tales and get the moral or message their pilgrim is trying to send 18 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT discuss in their groups the major moments of their tale in preparation for their reading quiz 19 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT begin brainstorming what they are going to do to present their tales 20 NO SCHOOL 16 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT read their tales and get the gist of the plot and key characters 21 22 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT begin writing the script they will need to present their tales Individual tale quiz 23 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT finish their script and determine the props/costumes they will need to pull this off 24 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT begin rehearsing their scripts and blocking their movements 25 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT continue rehearsal and may begin work on the final project 26 Canterbury Tales Project Workday SWBAT put the finishing touches on their projects 27 28 29 Canterbury Tales 14 workday SWBAT reflect upon the contributions they and their classmates made to the making of their projects British Literature I March 2016 Sun Mon 13 20 Wed Thu Fri 3 End of Quarter 3 Robin Hood Web Quest SWBAT gain a basic understanding of the characters, themes, and values of Robin Hood by conducting research online 4 7 Robin Hood scored discussion SWBAT talk about what they learned from their research and their experience with Robin Hood in the past 8 The Geste of Robin 9 The Geste of Robin 10 The Geste of Robin Hood SWBAT compare their background knowledge of Robin Hood to compare it with the original stories Hood SWBAT compare their background knowledge of Robin Hood to compare it with the original stories 11 Scored Discussion SWBAT explore thematically the themes raised in the Geste of Robin Hood 12 Hood SWBAT compare their background knowledge of Robin Hood to compare it with the original stories 14 Robin Hood and the Monk SWBAT compare and contrast this interpretation to last week’s Robin Hood 15 Robin Hood and the Monk SWBAT compare and contrast this interpretation to last week’s Robin Hood 16 Scored Discussion SWBAT explore thematically the themes raised in the Robin Hood and the Monk 17 Robin Hood and 18 Robin Hood Unit Exam SWBAT demonstrate their mastery in understanding of the themes in Robin Hood through a comprehensive exam 19 Maid Marian SWBAT explore why Marian doesn’t make an appearance until the 1800s in Robin Hood stories 21 22 23 24 25 26 5 Teacher Workday NO NO NO NO NO SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL 27 Sat 2 Canterbury Tales project due; presenta- presentations SWBAT tions SWBAT identify identify the message the message of their of their peers’ presenpeers’ presentations tations 1 Canterbury Tales Activities are listed in BLUE; Targets are listed in GREEN; Major assignments or assessments are listed in RED 6 Tue 28 29 30 31 NO NO NO NO SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL British Literature I April 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu 1 Activities are listed in BLUE; Targets are listed in GREEN; Major assignments or assessments are listed in RED 3 17 24 Sat 2 NO SCHOOL 4 Distribute Shakespeare 5 England in the Rewebquest; England in naissance SWBAT the Renaissance know the social and SWBAT know the social political context of and political context of our final unit of study 6 Shakespeare webquest 7 Taming of the Shrew anticipatory set SWBAT reflect on their initial thoughts about major themes present in TOTS 8 Taming of the Shrew SWBAT know Bianca and Kat and the agreement Baptista makes for their marriage 9 11 Taming of the Shrew SWBAT create a visual representation demonstrating how each character is connected to the others 12 Taming of the Shrew SWBAT explain how the characters have evolved from Act 1 to Act 2 13 Taming of the Shrew SWBAT know how the plot is further evolved in Act 3 14 Taming of the Shrew 15 Taming of the Shrew 16 SWBAT evaluate Petruchio’s treatment of Kat and decide if he is justified both based on the social norms and her behavior SWBAT examine how Petruchio further manipulates Kat and either defend or condemn his actions 18 Taming of the Shrew SWBAT decide whether Kat has truly been tamed and list the reasons why they believe that. 19 20 PARCC and PSAT Testing; NO CLASSES 21 Taming of the Shrew carousel SWBAT work in small groups to reflect upon the major themes raised in TOTS 22 Taming of the Shrew carousel SWBAT discuss as a whole class their findings in the carousel activity from yesterday 23 PARCC and ACT Testing; NO CLASSES 25 10 Things I Hate About You SWBAT compare/contrast the modern version of TOS with the original 26 10 Things I Hate About You SWBAT compare/contrast the modern version of TOS with the original 27 10 Things I Hate About You SWBAT create a short constructed response either praising the movie for its fidelity to the play or denounce it for falling short 28 29 30 our final unit of study 10 Fri SWBAT research information relevant to Shakespeare’s life Webquest due Distribute Taming of the Shrew NO NO SCHOOL SCHOOL British Literature I May 2016 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri 1 Activities are listed in 2 Taming of the Shrew 3 Taming of the Shrew 4 Taming of the Shrew 5 Taming of the Shrew 6 Taming of the Shrew BLUE; Targets are listed in GREEN; Major assignments or assessments are listed in RED assign choice projects SWBAT know the expectations for the final project in this class and will select and begin brainstorming for their scene choice projects workday SWBAT continue working on their final project for this class choice projects workday SWBAT continue working on their final project for this class choice projects workday SWBAT continue working on their final project for this class choice projects workday SWBAT continue working on their final project for this class 8 9 Taming of the Shrew 10 Senior’s last day 11 12 13 14 choice projects workday SWBAT put the finishing touches on their choice projects and will complete the selfevaluation Taming of the Shrew choice projects due SWBAT submit their final projects and will reflect on their experiences in the class so I can improve it next year 16 17 18 19 Last day of classes 20 21 15 Graduation: No Class 22 23 24 30 31 NO NO SCHOOL SCHOOL 7 Teacher Workday 25 26 27 NO NO NO NO NO SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL SCHOOL 29 Sat 28