Temperature Measurement

Standard Fixed Point Temperatures
Temperature Measurement
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology
ME 361: Instrumentation & Measurement
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Mechanical Effects
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
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ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Mechanical Effects
Liquid-in-glass Thermometer
Inexpensive, simple, portable & no need for additional indicator.
High heat capacity =) time lag exists.
Not suitable for distant reading.
Not suitable for surface temperature measurement.
Alcohol is limited to low-temperature measurements. Its high
coefficient of expansion makes it more sensitive.
Mercury cannot be used below its freezing point of 37:8o C . Its
upper limit is usually 315o C , but it may be extended to 540o C by
filling gas filling above the mercury.
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature Measurement by Mechanical Effects
Temperature Measurement by Mechanical Effects
Reading in Liquid-in-Glass Thermometer
Bimetallic Strip Thermometer
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Mechanical Effects
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Low cost, negligible maintenance & longer stable operation.
Good resistance to mechanical shock.
Close linearity within temperature range ( 30 ! 550o C).
Compact, low thermal inertia and reduced lag.
Accuracty 1-2% of the scale range.
Widely used as on-off temperature-control device, thermostat.
Also used for measuring ambient and oven temperatures.
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
Seebeck EMF: is generated when heat is applied to the junction
of two dissimilar metals.
Peltier EMF: While measuring, Seebeck emf may be slightly
altered due to Peltier emf caused by the current flow.
Thomson EMF: results from a temperature gradients in metals.
Usually, Peltier and Thomson emfs are negligible in the circuit.
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Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Law of Interior Temperature
Law of Inserted Material
The thermocouple is unaffected by hot spots along the
thermoelement and the reading is only a function of T1 and T0
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
The thermocouple is unaffected by the presence of the inserted
material and any local hot spot
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Law of Intermediate Materials
Laws of Intermediate Temperatures
As there is no thermal gradient across the new thermoelectric
junctions then the presence of the inserted material does not
contribute to the net emf produced by the thermocouple
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Junction pairs at T1 and T3 produce the same voltage as two sets
of junction pairs spanning the same temperature range (T1 to T2
and T2 to T3 ; therefore V13 = V12 + V23
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Thermocouple Temperature Measurement Circuits
Thermopile Arrangement
Thermopile, a multiple-junction thermocouple circuit, is used to
amplify the output of the circuit.
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
ME 361
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ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Thermocouples Arranged in Parallel
Thermocouple Based System
When a spatially averaged temperature is desired, multiple
thermocouple junctions arranged in parallel are used.
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Standard Thermocouple Compositions
Resistance Thermometry
The essential elements required in precise resistance thermometry are a
resistor properly mounted & protected, a means for measuring its
resistance, and a relation between resistance and temperature.
Ro (1 +haT + bT 2 )i
Ro exp T1
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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ME 361
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Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Resistance Temperature Detector (RTD)
Thermistor Examples
Platinum RTD is used as an interpolation standard from oxygen point
( 182:96o C ) to the antimony point (630:74o C )
(a) Cylindrical PRT with wire set in grooves. (b) Bifilar wound
coil. (c) Multi-bore alumina tubing support. (d) Flat pack. (e)
Thin-film PRT.
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
Temperature Measurement by Thermoelectric Effects
IC Temperature Sensor
A recent innovation is the ic temperature transducer.
Available in both voltage & current sensitive configurations. Both
supply an output that is linearly proportional to the absolute
Used widely in on/off or alarm point control.
Typical semiconductor temperature sensor packaging. (a) TO99
can. (b) TO-92 plastic moulding. (c) DIP plug
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Miscellaneous Thermal Measurements
ME 361
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ME 361
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Miscellaneous Thermal Measurements
Blackbody Radiation
Optical Pyrometer
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
Miscellaneous Thermal Measurements
Heat Flux Measurement
Thin-film type
Prof. Dr. M. Zahurul Haq (BUET)
Temperature Measurement
ME 361
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