ECE 190/120: Introduction to computing systems Mid-term Exam 2013-2014 April 2014 Name: • Time: 90 min. • This is an exam – computer base test • Absolutely no interaction between students is allowed • Show all of your work with the compiler Borland C++ ver 5.0x • Be sure to clearly indicate any assumptions that you make • Don’t panic, and good luck! • Save each program after having done for checking points Problem 1 (30 points): Write a program with the function to compute the following summation: S=𝑥− 𝑥3 3! + 𝑥5 5! − ⋯+ 𝑥𝑛 𝑛! Input: x: real value, and absolute error eps: real value, 0 < eps < 0.1 Known: eps is approximate to 𝑥𝑛 𝑛! , means eps ≤ 𝑥𝑛 𝑛! Problem 2 (30 points): Enter a list of values, means a vector of values. Sort this list in descending order and then print out the greatest and least value. Problem 3 (40 Points): Known the Haar transform yn of an n-input function xn is where: - Hn is the Haar transform matrix with n = 4 as the following: - xn is the data vector input, for example: x4 = [1, 2, 3, 4] - yn is the output, computed as the following with n = 4: Write a program with functions appropriately to enter the data vector x4, compute and print out the output vector y4 with the Haar transform matrix above. Notice: the function: double sqrt (double a); can be used to get the square root of the value a; its prototype is in the file of math.h Head of Computer unit Instructor Assoc. Prof. Đặng Thành Tín Assoc. Prof. Đặng Thành Tín