Elie Wiesel interviewed by Oprah Winfrey

Ms Paine – 8 ENGLISH
Elie Wiesel interviewed by Oprah Winfrey
(source: <http://www.schooltube.com/video/879dcb29ed4b98799fc9/Winfrey%20&%
20Wiesel%20-%20Auschwitz%20(Part%204) accessed on August 5 2013)
INSTRUCTIONS: As you watch the video of Elie Wiesel revisiting Auschwitz,
make notes in response to the following questions.
1. Why does Elie Wiesel believe that he survived the concentration camps?
2. The entrance gate to bears the German words, Arbeit Macht Frei. "'Work
makes you free,'" why is this a sad irony according to Elie Wiesel?
3. What do the victim’s shoes and suitcases represent to Elie Wiesel?
4. Why do you think Elie Wiesel makes a distinction between feeling anger
rather than hate towards the Nazis? What does his chosen emotion
make him do?
5. Why do you think Elie Wiesel was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize?