elie wiesel oprah interview link

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Documentary Response: Oprah Visits Elie Wiesel
As you watch the interview at http://www.oprah.com/omagazine/Oprah-Interviews-Elie-Wiesel , complete the
graphic organizer.
Then be prepared to write Elie Wiesel a letter incorporating your information from the GO.
As You Watch
Listen to music or sound effects in the background of at
least one scene. Describe them here in great detail.
Why does the director use those sound effects/that music?
What effect is he trying to create? How does it make you
feel? Answer in several sentences.
Elie Wiesel and his father endured terrible hardship in the
camps. List three facts that you learn about his time in the
React to each of the facts. Think about how you would
feel, what you would do, etc. Answer in several sentences.
Find one scene where the director zooms in or zooms out
purposefully. Describe that scene in great detail.
Why do you think the director chooses this scene to do a
zoom? What seems to be the focus of the scene? What
emotions does the director intend for the viewer to feel?
Answer in several sentences.
Oprah and Mr. Wiesel tour the real camp where Elie was,
but it’s different than it was when he lived there. How?
Describe at least three differences you think the camp has
now from how it was then.
How does Elie feel as he tours the camp now? How would
you feel? Answer in several sentences.
Sometimes a documentary isn’t just about what’s said; it’s
about what’s not said. Find a period of silence in the film
and talk about it in great detail. What is going on around
the silence? What is being shown?
Why do you think the director includes this silence? How
does it make the film more intense? Answer in several
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Now, using the information you gathered from watching this documentary and examining it from every angle that a
director would consider, write a letter to Elie Wiesel. He really lived through the Holocaust, and this documentary gives
you just a little feeling of what it was like to live through what he did. Write whatever is on your heart to write; don’t
forget to use your notes to jog your memory and make your letter detail-rich. Your letter should fill most of the lines on
this page and follow the format of a friendly letter.