to the Baeck & Call PDF

Spring 2013
Voice of The Leo Baeck Day School
Repairing the world
through an IB lens
iPads in class
21st Century learning
The road ahead
begins at Leo Baeck
We see the world in your child.
“I see growth, spirit, and a close-knit
community and a sense of belonging.”
- Mme Claire Levy-Boker
“I see athletes of all
shapes and sizes honing their skills.”
- Carly Schelberg
“I see smiling faces, and
these smiles give me
strength and hope.”
- Magi Binyamini
“I see the continuity of
our Jewish generations
in our children’s eyes.”
- Hedy Moses
“I see students who are engaged and excited to learn in a
bright and nurturing space.”
- Nicole Black
“I see enthusiastic, motivated students who are inquirers,
knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open
minded, caring, risk takers, balanced and reflective, (AKA
The IB learner profile!).”
- Risa Amar
“I see students who are engaged
and excited to learn in a bright
and nurturing space.”
- Nicole Black
“I see students collaborating
together to design and execute their
creative visions.”
- Jenna Sobel
We see teachers with a passion for teaching.
Here is what THEY see.
“I see children singing in Tefillah, learning, growing, reaching ever
higher, exploring and discovering.”
- Aviva Sinuk
“I see delight in students’ eyes when they connect
what we do in the classroom to their everyday lives.”
- Naomi Epstein
“I see students excited about
using technology to write in
Hebrew and French.”
- Ted Liss
“I see children who are excited to learn about Israel and
feel a strong connection to the country.” - Irit Dor
“I see students gaining confidence, learning to
take more risks in their work.”
- Judith Otis
“I see students enthusiastically embracing the
written word daily; being
inspired by great authors
and illustrators; and
demonstrating a genuine
love of reading books of
all genres.”
- Rochelle Chester
“I see students inquiring about the world around them in a safe
and nurturing environment.”
- Stacey Jacobs
We see…
….the road to academic success beginning at Leo Baeck.
The opening of the new South Campus has led to a steady stream
of visitors throughout the year. The most interesting reactions
have come from our alumni, starting with those in Grade 9 who
hurried back to volunteer at the opening barbecue and marvel at
how much things had changed in such a short period.
We have an ever steadier stream of Leo Baeck alumni, who are
now parents of their own, eager to explore how Leo Baeck has
changed in a generation and consider enrolling their children to
share in the experience, which has been so influential for them.
But the most interesting encounter happened in early May, when
three university students, alumni from the first ever South Campus
graduating class, came to visit following the end of their exams.
Asked what they had learned from their time at Leo Baeck, all
three spoke of how well prepared they were academically for high
school and in terms of organization and workload.
They also touched on the intangibles, which truly make the difference in their lives, the impossible-to-quantify impact of the school
on their lifelong friendships, on their Jewish identity and on their
sense of responsibility to the community.
The uniformity of this response from all of these grads, aged 14 to
44, reminds us of the big picture of why we are here and continue
to do the work we do for over 900 students and much further, for
the next generation of Leo Baeck alumni beyond them.
By Eric Petersiel, RJE, Head of School
The Leo Baeck Day School
Special Thanks
David Bale
Agency Nextdoor
Incredible Printing
Kevin Diamond, David Bale, Jake Birman, Rebecca Ansel, Kurt Sunn
Linda Abramsohn, Rachel Andrew, Sam Katz
Elysa Greisman, Brad Rudin
North Campus
36 Atkinson Avenue
Thornhill, Ontario
L4J 8C9
Phone: (905) 709-3636
Fax: (905) 709-1999
South Campus
501 Arlington Avenue
Toronto, Ontario
M6C 3A4
Phone: (416) 787-9899
Fax: (416) 787-9838
General Inquiries
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Baeck & Call
is published twice a year through The Leo Baeck Day School’s Communications
and Development Departments and is distributed to more than 4000 Leo Baeck
parents, grandparents, alumni and friends of the school.
Cover: Senior Kindergarten Graduation, North Campus
Photo: Kevin Diamond
LB: Light and Brief From the world of Leo Baeck
By David Bale
Heroic Disobedience
Tzedakah is More than Skin Deep
Aristides de Sousa Mendes was a Portuguese diplomat who defied
orders in 1939-40 in order to help 30,000 Jews and others escape Nazi
occupied France. He is about to become a household name at the South
Campus, when the playground across the street in the Arlington Parkette
gets renamed in his memory.
He was a hero to the Portuguese and Jewish communities, both of which
call this neighbourhood home. Memorializing him here is apropos in the
eyes of our Grade 6 students, who conducted a letter writing campaign
to the city: “I care about this parkette being named after the brave Sousa
Mendes,” wrote Lexi Gottleib, “because I think he shows that one person
can do anything if he puts his mind to it.”
An official plaque ceremony will be part of Holocaust Education Week,
when Leo Baeck will screen the documentary Disobedience, which
details Sousa Mendes’ heroic and harrowing story.
No, that’s not a pie in the face, nor is it a razor blade commercial. These
Grade 5 students engaged in a sun block competition, introduced to them
by a classmate’s project about the David Cornfield Melanoma Fund. That’s
just one of the many charities introduced by students each week to their
fellow classmates in Project Give Back, a regular feature in all our Grade 5
South Campus classrooms.
The program is the brainchild of Ellen Schwartz, founder of Jacob’s Ladder
Foundation, and provides a facilitator who oversees the choice of charities.
Lonni Margulies makes sure her students’ presentations are integrating
Language Arts skills such as oral communications, organization, and critical
thinking. She says those are necessary tools to make an impact, and in this
case “understanding that the experience does not stop here, but rather
forms a foundation for a lifetime of giving.”
Putting a Negative Spin on Bullying
Three Titles, Zero Losses
Leo Baeck is on the ball, according to two stars from the world famous
Harlem Globetrotters, Handles Franklin and TNT Maddox. The heroes of
hoops dazzled a gym full of students and staff at the North Campus with
their basketball antics, plus a powerful message called “ABCs of Bullying
Prevention.” For a school that prides itself on our Respectful School Initiative,
getting the message across was a slam dunk.
The Middle School hockey teams went undefeated in their league and two
tournaments.“We might never see it again,” says Mike Levy, Ball Hockey
coach at Leo Baeck North. In the spring they captured their first ever Small
School Athletics Ball Hockey title. A month prior, they won their fifth Jewish
Day School League Ice Hockey title. And before that, they won the CHAT
Ball Hockey Tournament.
www.leobaeck.ca5 5
Baeck to the future
By Yvette Burke, Principal, North Campus
A question so often asked is ‘how will I know if my child will be well prepared?’
For some parents this means, ‘what are the outcomes of investing in my
child’s Jewish development?’ For others it may mean, ‘how will my child’s
learning needs be met?’ Some wonder about developing critical problemsolving and technology skills needed beyond elementary education. There
are no simple answers, but here is what one of our alumni moms wrote:
“We chose Leo Baeck because it seemed more nurturing, and well
balanced in terms of the Judaic versus secular subjects. The school turned
out to be the perfect fit. Our son found his feet in the school’s warmth
and genuine caring. It was no time before he blossomed, starting to find a
new confidence and voice. He is a thinker and a writer, and passionate in
ways I could never have predicted. He is buoyed by his attitude, his love
of learning and his absolute will to be successful, all qualities so carefully
and seriously fostered by his years at Leo Baeck.”
What is important in fostering academic excellence is knowing
where students are in their learning, the goals they need to achieve and
how they will be able to meet them.
Recently some alumni returned to volunteer in our classrooms. I asked
about their preparedness for high school and if they recognized the value
of the IB pedagogy they
experienced in Middle
School. Their response
was clear. “Reflection
allows you the chance
to think about and
evaluate more critically how you might respond in the future ... It
gives us an edge.”
Our children are our
greatest gift. The nurturing we do as parents
and educators is a partnership never to be underestimated. Thoughtfully celebrating individual
growth and promoting the development of kind, compassionate individuals
will help attain preparedness.
Take it
By Lauren Sigel Principal, South Campus
“One touch of nature makes the whole world kin.” -William Shakespeare
Of all the new educational opportunities presented by our beautiful new
location, one asset that few schools can boast is having Cedarvale Ravine
as their backyard. The park has enriched the educational experience of
every one of our students and staff members in one way or another. More
than just a beautiful backdrop, it offers so much to discover. Authentic
learning happens when you go outside the four walls of the classroom.
Recognizing outdoor education as an area of special focus, yet a new
theme for many of our teachers, we invited specialists in the field to lead
two Professional Development sessions for our staff. The preschool and
primary teachers went on a scavenger hunt that started with a note from
Mother Nature. The junior and intermediate teachers did an Amazing Race
combining Judaic Studies and environmental awareness.
The rapid encroachment of technology in our lives
makes connecting to nature all that more important
Since then, here are a few other ways we have taken education outdoors: Grade 4 combined Hebrew and Science to describe nature scenes
in Hebrew. Middle School students did an IB marathon. Grade 6 photographed nature for a Technology assignment using Photoshop effects.
Super Recesses offered Capture the Flag, nature walk & soccer baseball.
Grade 1 did a non-fiction nature scavenger hunt. Middle School Kabbalat
Shabbat -- “Prayer with your feet” -- enjoyed Shabbat as a time to reconnect with nature. For Earth Day, SK did a nature scavenger hunt…in French.
Grade 7 mixed Hebrew with Language Arts to create bi-lingual slide shows.
JK photographed signs of spring. Grade 8 deconstructed Shakespeare’s
Macbeth while hunting for literary and poetic devices. SK-3 collected natural
items to create their own class forest. Grade 3 GIRLZ as well as Grade 5’s
Salvaging Sisterhood Group, took lunchtime walks. And of course, baseball
and soccer practices enjoyed full advantage of the park.
Studies have shown that outdoor learning promotes communication and
cooperation and enhances academic achievement. Learning in nature is not
separate from the classroom experience, but is rather part of the classroom
experience, with the classroom simply moving outside. Students have said
they can concentrate better or connect more deeply with the subject matter
when learning outdoors. As one student put it, “I felt calmer and more
at peace.”
The rapid encroachment of technology in our lives makes connecting to
nature all the more important. Learning outdoors, our children not only reap
health benefits, but also
learn to appreciate that
the natural world around us
is a gift and will develop a
desire to protect it.
I look forward to more
outdoor opportunities,
maybe even a Learning
Garden on the horizon.
us tick?
That’s what five Rabbinic
students spent a week
finding out.
By Rabbi Noam Katz,
Dean of Jewish Living
This past May, our school was fortunate to host the fifth annual cohort of the Reform Day School Externship, a weeklong program in which five
Reform Rabbinic and educational students observed the “daily life” of our school.
Hailing from all three stateside campuses
of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of
Religion – New York, Cincinnati, and Los Angeles
– our externs prayed with our preschoolers,
observed classes ranging from Hebrew and
Technology to Language and Performing Arts,
met with members of the Administration, staff,
parent and student bodies, participated in a Staff
vs. Student basketball game, and even helped
out in the carpool lane! Tina Hughes, a Rabbinic
student from Cincinnati, talked to Grade 8
Humanities students at the South Campus about
her experience praying with the Women of the
Wall in Jerusalem, while NY Educational student
Barry Shainker and his colleagues worked with
Grade 4 and 5 students at the North campus
to put a creative spin on the weekly parsha at
Friday’s Kabbalat Shabbat service.
“When they leave the Hebrew Union
College, they’ll know what a Reform
Jewish day school is. They’ll know its value
and they can become advocates.”
- Dr. Michael Zeldin, founder of Externship Program
In the words of Externship Director, Rabbi Sam
Joseph, PhD, “The Externs…most [of whom]
did not attend a day school, are eager to have
the opportunity to see first hand a working and
successful school…They want to be immersed in
a day school experience, interact with students,
parents, teachers, administrators and other
stakeholders. They want to learn what ‘makes a
day school tick?’ And very importantly, they want
to use the externship to test out the possibility
that working full-time in a Reform day school
may be their career path.”
cohort for a day in Toronto, had in mind when
he dreamed up the idea of the ‘externship.’ That
it would highlight the potential of Reform day
schools to be a keystone of our movement-wide
approach to developing knowledgeable and
passionate Reform Jewish leaders for the 21st
century. With each new cohort of externs, and
each impassioned speech he delivers to his
graduate students, that dream becomes an
ever-dawning reality.
“It’s really been amazing to see how the
entire school community comes together
to integrate both Judaism and secular
studies and creates such wonderful
caring and nurturing.”
- Tina Hughes, visiting HUC Extern at Leo Baeck
The program was generously underwritten by
the Reform Rabbis of Greater Toronto and the
Zita Gardner Special Initiatives Fund, underscores
our school’s successfull partnership with fellow
Reform institutions and clergy. It also continues
to be a leader in raising the profile of Reform
Jewish day school education throughout North
America and beyond. For that is precisely what
my mentor, Dr. Michael Zeldin, director of HUCJIR’s rabbinic program, who was able to join the
(Back) Rabbi Sam Joseph, Tina Hughes, Barry Shainker, Rabbi Noam
Katz. (Front) Jane West Walsh (Executive Director, PARDES Day
Schools of Reform Judaism), Nathan Farb, Noah Scacciaferro, Aaron
Sataloff, and Eric Petersiel.
Spirited, Spiritual, & Heartwarming
“Blown away” by Leo Baeck’s Kabbalat Shabbat
By Brian Weiner
As parents we often wonder whether the decisions we are making for
(and with) our children are the right ones. When Shelley and I were considering different options for Jewish day schools, the decision came down to
the quality of the academic programs, the sense of community, proximity,
and a religious philosophy that was consistent with ours. We were very
comfortable that Leo Baeck met our first three criteria, but we weren’t sure
about the fourth. We would describe ourselves as Conservative; our home
is kosher, we enjoy celebrating Jewish holidays, and family Shabbat dinners
are important to us. We don’t regularly go to shul, but we live a traditional
Jewish lifestyle. As a Reform Jewish day school, would Leo Baeck meet
our needs? I assumed that ‘Reform’ meant that everything taught about
Judaism and Jewish life would be a more relaxed version of what we grew
up with, and that felt a little funny to me.
French. And English. And I am reminded of that during the Kabbalat Shabbat
services that I get to attend at school a few times during the year. They are
among the most spirited, spiritual, and heartwarming events we go to all
year. We’ve brought other family members to watch – none of whom are
Reform Jews – and they are blown away at the level of ‘Jewishness’ that
is demonstrated.
We are proud of our decision to educate our kids with Reform traditions. It has only enhanced our family’s own traditions. We are proud of our decision to educate
our kids with Reform traditions.
Four years later I can’t believe I was even asking the question. I’m
reminded of that every Friday night when my daughter confidently stands
up to recite the Kiddush. I’m reminded of that during Passover when my
older daughter is on the cusp of being able to lead the Seder, where the
discussion around the table is more lively than I ever remember it being
when I was a child, where my kids are asking great questions that I often
can’t answer, and where they can recite the four questions. In Hebrew. And
Brian Weiner is a parent at Leo Baeck North.
His wife Shelley is a board member.
in the world is
going on?
Social action through the IB lens
Combining Jewish values with the goals of IB…
Intercultural understanding • Critical thinking • Problem solving • Lifelong learning
…a Humanities class asked the unit question: “How can we become more effective global citizens?
By Shari Standil, Middle School Teacher, North Campus
Each year, Grade 8 students participate in a final Tzedakah Project,
fundraising for a cause. As IB learners in a Reform Jewish day school, this
act of kindness reflects Leo Baeck’s mission statement and goals, which
inspires its students to embrace their responsibility to participate in acts of
tzedakah, Tikkun Olam and other personal mitzvot.
During the Globalization unit, students are taught about the U.N.
Human Development Index. They learn that developing countries can be
directly impacted by the actions of good neighbours around the world.
They also learn about the importance of caring about their neighbours at
home in Canada.
Students learn that developing countries can be directly
impacted by the actions of good neighbours
To deepen their learning, the students individually research one Non
Governmental Organization (NGO) or Non Profit Organization (NPO) that
“speaks to them.” Their investigations are guided by a Big Idea, which
states, “Our quest for understanding our place in the universe permits
us to connect with people.” This key concept promotes lifetime learning.
Students create detailed PowerPoints about their chosen organizations
and make presentations to their classmates. Then, the students are given
envelopes on which to draw the name and logo of their organization.
Each student then receives a packet of money (sorry, it’s fake). The students
“donate” their money by placing it in the envelopes of the organizations
they feel most drawn to. The children do not discuss their choices with
each other. Giving money as humbly as possible emulates Maimonides’
eight levels of charity.
The envelope receiving the most donations becomes the organization of
choice for that Grade 8 Tzedakah Project.
Among the many worthwhile causes to choose from have been: Global
Soap Project, World Wildlife Fund, Autism Speaks, Because I am a Girl,
Jacob’s Ladder, Canadian Diabetes Association, Magen David Adom, and
Tali’s Fund, among others.
This year, the unanimous choice was to raise funds raised for Camp
Oochigeas, a summer camp for children with cancer. To do so, Grade 8
students organized an incredible event. (Read related article on the
next page.)
By the end of the project, they had learned about many a worthy cause,
each with an important mission. Evident in their final presentations were
hard work, sound research, motivation, solid presenting skills, learning,
inquiry, creativity, poised public speaking, and most of all compassion and
commitment to promote change. In the Grade 8 students, we see young
ambassadors for the improvement of our world.
Riding for Tamara
Memory of a young girl mobilizes a community
By David Bale
“To make sure that children like Tamara get the kind of help they
need from a wonderful camp, Camp Oochigeas, for kids with cancer.”
With that explanation, Middle School teacher Shari Standil put the
wheels in motion for the community of Leo Baeck North to mobilize
on behalf of a family in its midst.
The wheels were bicycle wheels. Stationary spinning bikes, to
be specific. “The Inside Ride” raised funds and awareness for
childhood cancer, an underfunded cause, compared to other cancer
related charities.
The spring event was held in memory of Tamara Rose Bernstein,
who died in April at age 10 after a two-year battle with leukemia. Her
older sister Rayna is in the graduating Grade 8 class, and her classmates rallied to her support. They made the fight against childhood
cancer their choice for this year’s annual Tikkun Olam (social action)
project (see previous page).
“It speaks to the fact that when tragedy strikes one of our families,
our community rallies to their support,” explains Yvette Burke, North
Campus Principal. “Rayna has been a student here and her circle of
friends have been part of her family’s journey.”
Helped by Coast to Coast Against Cancer Foundation, “The Inside
Ride” was an endurance ride by 24 teams of students and staff in the
gym. It raised over $14,000 through online donations from the Leo
Baeck community.
Lisa and Warren Bernstein -- parents of Tamara and Rayna -requested the funds go to Camp Oochigeas, an Ontario summer
camp specializing in caring for kids with cancer.
“The camp programs especially have the biggest impact on the
kids,” says Warren. “When Tamara was well enough last summer, she
went to the camp for two weeks, which was the experience of a lifetime for her.”
Leo Baeck’s staff has an annual fund designated for faculty milestones and simchas, but this year unanimously decided to donate it
all to Camp Oochigeas in Tamara’s memory.
“The fact that the school is getting behind this and doing such a
great thing for the children is so
wonderful,” says Warren. Lisa
adds, “All staff and students
have been very supportive and
it’s great they are giving back.”
To Yvette Burke the nature
of the event was particularly
appropriate. “Tamara loved to
move; she loved to dance. This
Ride exemplifies movement,
which was so much a part of
Tamara’s life.” 11
iPads 101
Learning with technologies
that will shape their future
By Ilana Cyna
Let’s face it; students enjoy using iPads. It makes sense,
then, that as educators we should embrace the methods
that will best garner their attention, which is why iPads are
an effective classroom tool. The uses for iPads in education
are growing day by day as new apps are continuously being
developed. Schools all over the world have recognized
the benefits.
There are many ways for the iPads to become tools that
a teacher uses to enhance curriculum. They can use them
with a whole class or in smaller learning centres. The large
images and the dazzling graphics create a personalized
experience and allow for speedy navigation, all important
features for younger students.
As students learn to write in Hebrew and English, they
can practice proper letter formation and review alphabetical
order in each language. The apps that support this are
visually appealing and geared to the appropriate age level.
iPads also allow students to easily create products.
There are apps for movie creation, story telling, composing
music, and image creation. Some of apps are unique to
the iPad, while others offer a scaled down version of the
computer program, making them more accessible to
younger students.
Perhaps the most abundant apps in development are
those that support the math curriculum. Students review
basic operations, play with electronic geoboards and
pattern blocks, receive step-by-step algebraic instructions,
learn to tell time in both digital and analog format, and
play game formatted practice sessions that reinforce what
they learn in class. They are more likely to review for longer
periods of time with this format. The variety of apps also
allows for differentiated learning, offering students the app
that best supports their individual learning needs.
By occasionally using iPads, we are allowing students to
learn in a manner that is natural for their generation. Our
world is becoming more digital day-by-day, and we need
to ensure that we are preparing our students to succeed
in that world. By bringing iPads into the classrooms, Leo
Baeck teaches our students to learn using the technologies
that will shape their future.
“Students are more likely to review for longer
periods of time with this format.”
Ilana Cyna is 21st Century Learning Specialist, IB
Lead Teacher, and Middle School Math Teacher at
the South Campus
That’s Debatable
Leo Baeck hosts Jewish Day School Debating Tournament
By David Bale
Eli Savage and Alina Goldberg stand between their respective Debating teams from the South and North Campuses.
No ball was thrown. No protective gear was worn. Unlike most
inter-school competitions where schools meet, this one was a
meeting of minds. No cross checks; just cross-examinations.
“Outside of athletics, the opportunities for schools to meet up and get
to know each other on a personal and academic level are few and far
That, says Eli Savage – Middle School teacher at Leo Baeck South -was one of his motivations for inaugurating a Jewish day school debating
tournament three years ago. “Debating is such a crucial skill,” he says,
“given the rise of technology and less and less opportunity for face to face
Under Savage, the tournament has grown from three to six participating
schools, this year’s meet being hosted at our South Campus. Teams from
both the North and South campuses of Leo Baeck were joined by Associated
Hebrew Schools-Danilack campus, Bialik, Heschel, and RHA-Bathurst.
Planning for the daylong tournament was as meticulously thought
through as a well crafted argument. Each team took part in preliminary
rounds building to the championship round, all refereed by an array of
judges, who were educators from the community, including the past head
of Toronto’s former Board of Jewish Education, Dr. Seymour Epstein.
‘Should physical education classes in schools should be scheduled daily?’
And ‘does the internet do more harm than good?’ These were among the
topics debated. In the championship duel it was ‘Who has more influence
over teens, peers or parents?’
Like athletics, training for a debate is rigourous. “Each and every week,
a new resolution was presented to the debating students,” explains Alina
Goldberg, Middle School English & Humanities teacher and Leo Baeck
North debate coach. “In learning to develop a persuasive argument, they
had to learn how to interpret the resolution and look at it critically, from
many different viewpoints.”
That is what makes the exercise of debate compatible with Leo Baeck’s
overall IB world view and innovative teaching practice. “Debating helps
students to develop their critical thinking skills, because they must learn
and acknowledge that there are multiple sides to an argument which must
be considered, even if the differing opinions, are different from their own,”
adds Goldberg.
Savage, who coaches the South Campus team, agrees that fostering
critical thinking skills is one of the benefits of debating. “It’s not about
attacking personally, but stepping back and genuinely thinking and
listening to what your opponent says.”
Believing that the annual tournament reinforces for students their sense
of Jewish community, he sees it more about the experience than it is about
the competition. Well, that too could be up for debate. 13
Pictures from a Baeckxhibition
In Gratitude
That’s Debatable
Leo Baeck hosts Jewish Day School Debating Tournament
By David Bale
There are two streams of philanthropic revenue and corresponding expenditures:
Annual and Capital.
Capital Campaigns are finite fundraising efforts designed to
support a specific capital project of significant scale. Our current
Capital Campaign is raising funds for our New South Campus.
Our Annual Campaign supports programs that enhance our students’ education during the current school
year, supplementing annual tuition revenue. By funding an array of exciting initiatives – such as SMARTBoards (like that pictured at our North Campus), iPad labs, our new North Campus playground, and Tuition
Assistance, among others – it helps differentiate The Leo Baeck Day School as a high-quality provider of
rigorous academic experience in the context of Jewish values.
THANK YOU to all of our supporters this year. Your commitment to our school is so appreciated.
Parent pride. School support.
The South Campus has gone through an amazing evolution. Not only
is this new physical space magnificent, so too is the programming
which is constantly taking on bold challenges and providing new
opportunities for our children. Eli Savage and Alina Goldberg stand between their respective Debating teams from the South and North Campuses.
Caring teachers are at the heart of this. They engage our children,
ignite their imaginations and instill a love of learning.
No ball was thrown. No protective gear was worn. Unlike most
inter-school competitions where schools meet, this one was a
meeting of minds. No cross checks; just cross-examinations.
Rachel & Avi Goldfarb
Leo Baeck Parents & Capital Campaign Donors
Light their way to
a brighter future
“Outside of athletics, the opportunities for schools to meet up and get
to know each other on a personal and academic level are few and far
That, says Eli Savage – Middle School teacher at Leo Baeck South -was one of his motivations for inaugurating a Jewish day school debating
tournament three years ago. “Debating is such a crucial skill,” he says,
“given the rise of technology and less and less opportunity for face to face
Under Savage, the tournament has grown from three to six participating
schools, this year’s meet being hosted at our South Campus. Teams from
both the North and South campuses of Leo Baeck were joined by Associated
Hebrew Schools-Danilack campus, Bialik, Heschel, and RHA-Bathurst.
Planning for the daylong tournament was as meticulously thought
through as a well crafted argument. Each team took part in preliminary
rounds building to the championship round, all refereed by an array of
judges, who were educators from the community, including the past head
of Toronto’s former Board of Jewish Education, Dr. Seymour Epstein.
‘Should physical education classes in schools should be scheduled daily?’
And ‘does the internet do more harm than good?’ These were among the
topics debated. In the championship duel it was ‘Who has more influence
over teens, peers or parents?’
Like athletics, training for a debate is rigourous. “Each and every week,
a new resolution was presented to the debating students,” explains Alina
Goldberg, Middle School English & Humanities teacher and Leo Baeck
Honour your loved ones by making a generous
donation to Leo Baeck
There are many many ways to show your support:
• Tribute cards for all occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, milestones)
• Donations to various funds that support special projects and initiatives
• Siddur sponsorships & dedications
• Planned giving opportunities, estate gifts of various forms
• Sponsorship of special events and programs including Rosh Chodesh services, Nachas events & Alumni programs
• Special Nachas Club programs for our Grandparent & Special Relative community
• Various Alumni Association initiatives
Make your
donation today!
Go to,
Contact Linda Abramsohn at,
or Call 905-709-3636 x222
to reach the Development Office
North debate coach. “In learning to develop a persuasive argument, they
had to learn how to interpret the resolution and look at it critically, from
many different viewpoints.”
That is what makes the exercise of debate compatible with Leo Baeck’s
overall IB world view and innovative teaching practice. “Debating helps
students to develop their critical thinking skills, because they must learn
and acknowledge that there are multiple sides to an argument which must
be considered, even if the differing opinions, are different from their own,”
adds Goldberg.
Savage, who coaches the South Campus team, agrees that fostering
critical thinking skills is one of the benefits of debating. “It’s not about
attacking personally, but stepping back and genuinely thinking and
listening to what your opponent says.”
Believing that the annual tournament reinforces for students their sense
of Jewish community, he sees it more about the experience than it is about
the competition. Well, that too could be up for debate. 13
Pictures from a Baeckxhibition
In Gratitude
That’s Debatable
Leo Baeck hosts Jewish Day School Debating Tournament
By David Bale
There are two streams of philanthropic revenue and corresponding expenditures:
Annual and Capital.
Capital Campaigns are finite fundraising efforts designed to
support a specific capital project of significant scale. Our current
Capital Campaign is raising funds for our New South Campus.
Our Annual Campaign supports programs that enhance our students’ education during the current school
year, supplementing annual tuition revenue. By funding an array of exciting initiatives – such as SMARTBoards (like that pictured at our North Campus), iPad labs, our new North Campus playground, and Tuition
Assistance, among others – it helps differentiate The Leo Baeck Day School as a high-quality provider of
rigorous academic experience in the context of Jewish values.
THANK YOU to all of our supporters this year. Your commitment to our school is so appreciated.
Parent pride. School support.
The South Campus has gone through an amazing evolution. Not only
is this new physical space magnificent, so too is the programming
which is constantly taking on bold challenges and providing new
opportunities for our children. Eli Savage and Alina Goldberg stand between their respective Debating teams from the South and North Campuses.
Caring teachers are at the heart of this. They engage our children,
ignite their imaginations and instill a love of learning.
No ball was thrown. No protective gear was worn. Unlike most
inter-school competitions where schools meet, this one was a
meeting of minds. No cross checks; just cross-examinations.
Rachel & Avi Goldfarb
Leo Baeck Parents & Capital Campaign Donors
Light their way to
a brighter future
“Outside of athletics, the opportunities for schools to meet up and get
to know each other on a personal and academic level are few and far
That, says Eli Savage – Middle School teacher at Leo Baeck South -was one of his motivations for inaugurating a Jewish day school debating
tournament three years ago. “Debating is such a crucial skill,” he says,
“given the rise of technology and less and less opportunity for face to face
Under Savage, the tournament has grown from three to six participating
schools, this year’s meet being hosted at our South Campus. Teams from
both the North and South campuses of Leo Baeck were joined by Associated
Hebrew Schools-Danilack campus, Bialik, Heschel, and RHA-Bathurst.
Planning for the daylong tournament was as meticulously thought
through as a well crafted argument. Each team took part in preliminary
rounds building to the championship round, all refereed by an array of
judges, who were educators from the community, including the past head
of Toronto’s former Board of Jewish Education, Dr. Seymour Epstein.
‘Should physical education classes in schools should be scheduled daily?’
And ‘does the internet do more harm than good?’ These were among the
topics debated. In the championship duel it was ‘Who has more influence
over teens, peers or parents?’
Like athletics, training for a debate is rigourous. “Each and every week,
a new resolution was presented to the debating students,” explains Alina
Goldberg, Middle School English & Humanities teacher and Leo Baeck
Honour your loved ones by making a generous
donation to Leo Baeck
There are many many ways to show your support:
• Tribute cards for all occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, milestones)
• Donations to various funds that support special projects and initiatives
• Siddur sponsorships & dedications
• Planned giving opportunities, estate gifts of various forms
• Sponsorship of special events and programs including Rosh Chodesh services, Nachas events & Alumni programs
• Special Nachas Club programs for our Grandparent & Special Relative community
• Various Alumni Association initiatives
Make your
donation today!
Go to,
Contact Linda Abramsohn at,
or Call 905-709-3636 x222
to reach the Development Office
North debate coach. “In learning to develop a persuasive argument, they
had to learn how to interpret the resolution and look at it critically, from
many different viewpoints.”
That is what makes the exercise of debate compatible with Leo Baeck’s
overall IB world view and innovative teaching practice. “Debating helps
students to develop their critical thinking skills, because they must learn
and acknowledge that there are multiple sides to an argument which must
be considered, even if the differing opinions, are different from their own,”
adds Goldberg.
Savage, who coaches the South Campus team, agrees that fostering
critical thinking skills is one of the benefits of debating. “It’s not about
attacking personally, but stepping back and genuinely thinking and
listening to what your opponent says.”
Believing that the annual tournament reinforces for students their sense
of Jewish community, he sees it more about the experience than it is about
the competition. Well, that too could be up for debate. 13
In Gratitude Capital Campaign Donors
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Bonnie Goldberg, Adam Abramson and Family
Cindy and Neil Abramson
The Adelson and Kates Families
Rosanne and Steven Ain and Family
Nancy and Arthur Ameis and Family
Sharon Neiss, Gordon Arbess and Family
Avcon Construction
Heather Shapiro, Terry Axelrod and Family
Nancy and Gerald Baker (z”l)
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker
The Hirsh-Ballon Family
Elissa and Justin Beber and Family
The Bender Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
The Birenzweig Family
Joanne Godel, Warren Blatt and Family
Murielle and David Bloomberg
Janice and Jeff Bly
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
The Brodkin Family
Gail and Gary Brown
Mel Brown
Robyn and Daniel Buchman and Family
Jennifer and Jason Burstein and Family
The Chester/Horwitz Family
Sarah and Ilan Cohen and Family
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Karine Krieger and Dan Daviau
Jennifer and Brent Davidson
Elaine & Allan Davis
Hannah Davis
Lee Davis
Noah Davis
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Richard Davis and Family
The Debow Family
Shanon Moldaver and Daniel Dorenbush
Wendy and Elliott Eisen and Family
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Joyce and Phil Epstein
Yulia and Robert Falus
Elyssa and David Feldberg and Family
Rochelle Feldberg
Toby and Saul Feldberg
Courtney and Warren Fireman
The Jeremy and Judith Freedman Family Foundation The Frankfort Family
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux
Zita Gardner
Bonny Reichert and Michael Gelfand
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Lillian and Norman Glowinsky
Ruth and Isaac Glowinsky
The Goldfarb Family
The Goodman Family
Estate of Sam Gotfrid
Daphne Wagner, David Green and Family
Margot and David Greenberg and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs
Carol and Nolan Grubert and Family
Lori Unger-Gutmann, Alan Gutmann and Family
Joan Starkman and Aaron Hendler
Dana & Mike Kalles
Sharon and Irving Kates
Alana and Mark Katz and Family
Sam Katz
Lisa and Stuart Keshen
Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner and Family
Debbie and Warren Kimel and Family
Jody and Jason Kimelman
Geraldine Rendon and Jonathan Kolber
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers and Family
The Korman Family
Kelly and Marc Kornhaber
Stan Krawitz
The Kumer Family
Elayna and Jonathan Latsky and Family
Bonnie and Nathan Laurie and Family
Nancy and Frank Laurie
Arlene and Manny Leder
The Leszner Family
Melanie and Ariel Levcovich
The Levin Family
The Lewis Family
Rosyln Lewis
Miriam and Lorne Lubotta
Alisa and Alan Lyons and Family
Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Jodi and Moish Margolis and Family
Carol Crystal and Jeff Meilach
Barbara and Ephry Merkur
Christine Viinberg and James Merkur
Susan and Barry Michaels and Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi
Marni Banack and Ben Mogil
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore
The Morris Family
Melanie Ruby, Aaron Moscoe and Family
Michelle and Gavin Naimer
Jodi & Douglas Nathanson
Cheryl and Marc Newburgh
Paisley Manor Insurance Brokers Inc.
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman and Family
Nancy Pencer
Tami Moscoe, Eric Petersiel and Family
The Philip Smith Foundation
For more information on how you can support Leo Baeck’s New South Campus,
please contact Sam Katz, Capital Campaign Manager, or (905) 709-3636 x249.
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike and Family
Sheila Pitch and Family
The Rechtsman Family
Anita and Andy Robins and Family
Jillian and Jordan Robins
Helaine and Lionel Robins
Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Stephanie and Geoffrey Rotstein and Family
Gerry and Caren Ruby Family Foundation
Meredith and Matt Rudin and Family
Dana and Hershel Sahian
Randi and Peter Satok and Family
Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler
Sigalit Habsha, Robert Saul and Family
Raisyl Mandel and Richard Saunders
Elysa Greisman, Isaac Schneider and Family
Elizabeth Wolfe, Paul Schnier and Family
Rochelle and David Shaw
Rhonda Cohen, Michael Sherrard and Family
Francine and David Shields
Neil Shinder
Janet and Norman Shiner
Brian Simon
Ronna Rubin, Philip Smith and Family
Franci and Ken Sniderman and Family
Rabbi Sharon Sobel
South Campus LBPA
The Stanley Family
Gaye and Andy Stein
The Sterling Family
Gene and Mark Teeger
Carole and Stephen Title
Alissa and David Train
Barbara Klein and Steve Tyer
Renée Unger
Jayden Walters
Jonah Walters
Kimberley and Craig Walters and Family
Joanne Weigen
Robyn and Michael Weinstein and Family
Jane West Walsh
Joanne Weigen
Shelley and Brian Weiner
Belle and Berny Weinstein
Tracy and Andrew Wilder and Family
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Rose Wolfe, Jonathan Wolfe and Family
Henry Wolfond
Elayne and Irwin Wortsman
Tamara and Adam Zalev and Family
Joyce and Fred Zemans and Family
The Zimet/Klein Family
The Zitsow Family
We apologize for any missing names not
available until after this edition went to press.
Annual Campaign Donors
Gifts to the school during the period of July 1, 2012 - June 17, 2013.
Sharon Abel
Marion Bogo
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Brampton Civic Hospital
Elaine and Joel Abrams
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
Linda Abramsohn
Penny Hung and Eytan Broder Cindy and Neil Abramson
Fran Brodt
Access to Care Team at Cancer Care
Karin and Deron Brown and Family
Robyn and Danny Buchman
Hailey Adams
Gail Baker and Sandy Buchman
Marla and Lorne Akler
Karen Burke
Shelley Albert
Alison and Jeremy Burke
Beverley and Gavin Allen
Yvette Burke
Rachel Andrew
Jordanna and Shai Burstein and Family
Terri and Barry Applebaum
Barbara Carlyle
Sharon Neiss and Gordon Arbess
Ruth Carrick
Amy Barkin and Steve Aronovitch
Bonnie Shear, Charles Cass and David Cass
Lawrence Axmith
(Two Hundred St. Clair Ave. West)
Ronnie and Aaron Bacher
Amanda and Brian Cepler
Barbara and Dr. Michael Baker
Leonard Cepler Connie and Saul Baker
Cheryl and Maury Cepler and Family
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker Shoshana and Adam Chaim
Margot and Larry Baker
Allen Chankowsky
Judy Hirsh and Peter Ballon
Mona and Marvin Chankowsky and Family
Dr. Aubey Banack
Sharon and Lorne Chapnick
Ilana Banks
Joyce and Paul Chapnick
Betty and Antonio Barbuzzi
Harpreet Chauhan
Haley and Yoram Birenzweig
Sheila Clarke
Lanna and David Barrison
Michelle White and Adam Cohen
Dr. Izchak Barzilay
Lori and Jordan Cohen and Family
Carol Basman
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Elaine Bassin
The Beverley and Samuel H. Cohen
Elissa Kline-Beber and Justin Beber Family Foundation
Wendy and Stephen Bederman
Dr. Zane Cohen
Muriel and Joseph Behar
Deborah Fisher and Jack Coleman Erin Rechtsman and Ori Belavin Vanessa and Michael Comisarow
Linda Millman and Marcello Beltrano
Marilyn Nagel and Syd Conn
Rhonda Wilansky and Israel Ben-Ishai
Brenda and Jerry Conway and Family
Leslie and Desmond Bender
Shirley and Dr. Robin Conway
Tama Sirkis and Jordan Bender Judi and Herb Cooper
Magda and Peter Benedek
Estelle and Harvey Cooperstone
Esther Encaoua de Benhamu and Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Cossman
The Dan Family Foundation
Nancy Pencer and Michael Benjamin
Shari Danan
Frances Berkoff
Tessa and Leon Davids
Vivian and Graham Berman
Roz and Moishe Davidson
Kerry and Jeff Bernknopf
Elaine and Allan Davis
Lisa and Warren Bernstein
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Earl Biderman
Eva and Richard Davis
Beverley Shukyn and Robert Biderman
Brenda and Ira Day and Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
Aimee Debow
Esther and Shuki Birenzweig
Gail and Stan Debow
Suzie Bitton
Department of Dentistry, Mount Sinai Hospital
Sandra and Maurice Blitz
Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery,
Jody Blum
Mount Sinai Hospital
Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital
Division of Medical Oncology and Hematology
at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Rabbi Michael Dolgin
Cheryl Rosen and Daniel Drucker Sandy and Paul Druckman and Family
Sandy and George Duarte
Gerald Dunlevie
Debby Edberg
Beth Skuy and Michael Edgerley
Bea Eisen
Suzy and David Elster
Margo Engel
Rabbi Lawrence Englander
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Sheri and Jeremy Erlick
Sharon and David Evans
Esther and David Fairbloom
Ashley Farber
Dr. Jeffrey Farber
Bari and Shelly Feld
Jordan Feld
Randy Enyedi and Adam Feldberg Aaron Fenton
Chris Fenton
Financial Executives International, Toronto
Helen and David Fine
Rose Forgang and Family
Deborah Epstein-Franks and Aaron Franks
Leslie Shulman and Mark Frazer and Family
Karen and Cory Freed
Lila and Dr. Melvin Freedman
Jody Freedman
Susan Freedman and Family
Isabel Freeman
Laurel and Dr. Marty Friedberg
Dr. Joey Friedlich and the Staff of Bramalea
Oral Surgery
Allison Cepler and Michael Friedman and
Natanya and Ryan Friedman
Dr. Steven Friedman
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux Carrie and Stephen Gaines
Sharon and Morton Gaines
Ken Garth
Gas Processors Association of Canada
Hope and Larry Gaum
Paula Gaum-Lipkus and Family
Lyla and Martin Gelfand
Naomi and Ryan Gerstel
Melody Gilboord
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Stacey and Barry Jacobs
Jeannine Girard-Pearlman
Charlotte Jacobson
Miriam and Eddie Glaser
Wendy and Maish Kagan
Glenda Godfrey, Rachel and David Gold Debby and Lawrie Kaplan
Dianne and Ron Gold Marc Kates
Sondra Gold and Family Ari Katz
Gerri Goldberg
Robyn Feldberg and Jarred Katz
Nancy and Dr. Sidney Golden Jaime Walman and Rabbi Noam Katz Esther and Mark Goldenberg Sam Katz
Rachel and Avi Goldfarb Cookie and Mel Kay and Family
Sala and Leo Goldhar Dana Kelly
Helen and Dr. Barry Goldlist June and Mark Kenner and Family
Ronit Barzilay and Jesse Goldman Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner
Jodi Goldsmith and Stephen Gelber Miriam and Leon Kimel and Family
Millie and Sheldon Goldstein Gillian Helfield and Eric Klein
Shelly and Dr. Lanny Goluboff Shelley Klugman
Hanna and Barry Gordon Melanie and Ron Kohn
Sandy Gordon
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers
Jessica Gorlicky Estelle and Marty Kosoy
Aviva and Matthew Gottlieb Kim Kozloff
Susanne and Richard Gottlieb Ayelet Kuper and Family
Erin and Bram Green Edyth Kuper
Keren Green
Hillel Kurlandsky
Stefanie Greenspan Jennifer Kushner and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon Sandie and Leo Lazare
Lorne Greenspoon Yair Lenga
Bonnie and Brandon Gremont Josefa Lerner
Marjorie and Wilf Grosman and Family Robin and Paul Leszner
Dr. Allan Gross
Elyse and Michael Levinsky
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs Nelly Levy
Shirley and Kalman Gruber Claire Levy-Boker
Margot Grubert Roslyn and Herb Lewis
Carol and Nolan Grubert Kelly Grant and Michael Lewis
Lori Unger-Gutmann and Alan Gutmann Rhoda and Jack Lindzon
Myrna and Gary Gutmann Dr. Charlene Linzon
Erin Hafner
Ted Liss
Roz and Dr. Ralph Halbert Elizabeth and Phillip Litowitz
Irene and Earl Haltrecht Bev and Bernie Little and Family
Judith and Sherman Hans Lillian Sversky and Steven Little Elaine Harris
Adina Lubek
Tova and Alex Hartman Alysse Unger Luepann and Andrew Luepann
Gabriella Hartman Elizabeth and Gary Luftspring and Family
Jody and Harvey Hauer and Family Mabel’s Labels Inc.
Dr. Barbara Hazlett
Leora MacDonald
Shelley Baker and Gary Herman Liz Manson
Jane and Rob Herman Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Dr. Ken Hershenfield Lonni Margulies
Barbara Himel
Bella Martin
Norma and Norman Hoffman Greg McLachlan
Holy Blossom Temple
Medical Modeling
Rosanna and Emory Honig Susan and Dr. Kenneth Melvin
Rochelle Chester and Daniel Horwitz Shoshana Meron
Barbara Jacob
Rochelle and Sheldon Meslin
Catherine Zahn
Cheryl and Mark Steiner
Andrea and Gregory Milavsky Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Tamara and Adam Zalev
Robyn Steiner
Linda and Joel Miller Karen and Michael Rotstein
Mindy and Dean Zalev
Lynda Rubin
Tracey and Hillary Steinhart
Fagel Mitgang
Ivan Zarenda
The Sterling Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi Rudolph Family
Sara Zatzman
Lauren Sterling
Drs. Karen and David Mock Ruth and Brad Rudin
Barbara Zeller
Mia Saltz
Evelyn and Steve Stieber
Dr. Victor Moncarz Susan Lieberman and Mannie Zeller and Family
Barbara Stimmel
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore Jill and Brett Saltzman
Zeller/Cooper Family
Ketty and Morris Samel
Barbara and Bert Stitt
Dr. Kathryn Moore
Leah Zilbert
Perlita and Jonah Stroh
Cheryl and Raymond Morris Taube Samuels
Zoe Klein and Andrew Zimet
Jill and Danny Morris Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler Sam and Brent Stroh and Family
Linda and Lawrence Zimmering
Tamara and Jonathan Sandler
Celia and Rabbi Michael Stroh
Phyllis Moss
Sara and Zoli Zimmerman
Sigalit Habsha and Robert Saul and Family
Students of SK1 SC 12/13
Mount Sinai Family Medicine Associates
Marsha and Stan Zinberg
Students of 1A SC 12/13
Jackie and Harry Nadler Eli Savage
Joyce Zweig
Ettie and Aaron Schimmer
Students of 6A SC 12/13
Dr. Gary Naglie
David Sutton
Michelle and Gavin Naimer Elysa Greisman and Isaac Schneider and Family
Ariel Dalfen and Jed Schneiderman
Lanni Zinberg-Swartz and Rick Swartz North Campus Middle School Staff
The Staff at Toronto Rehab (Robert Schlosser, Trudy Hebbs,
Nicolas Szecket
Bari and Ian Nefsky
Jason McIntosh, Sarah Quan, Kim Lacombe and Zara Comer) Toby and Joey Tanenbaum
Alex Newman
Karen and Howard Tenenbaum
Debbie and Henry Nirenberg Carolyn and Bernie Schwartz and Family
Chari Schwartz
Rabbi Karen Thomashow
Zelda Nisker
Tamara Kronis and Martin Traub-Werner Doris and Bill Norman Isabel Schwartz
Phyllis Schwartz
Jane and John Trachtenberg
Ilana Opert
Cindy and Michael Opler Lesley Steyn and Peter Seeligsohn Alissa and David Train
Tanya and Ilya Tulchinsky
Dianne and Sid Orfus Dr. Arthur Segal
Galit and Steven Segal
Maura Levine-Turk and Stephen Turk Naomi Epstein and Warren Orlans
Heather and Maurice Sera
Jennifer Swimmer and Andrew Tylman
Erin Ostilly
Ilana Shapiro
Laily and Michael Uster
Judith Otis
Zipora and Jacob Shapiro
Stacey Grossman and David Vernon Tania Pardo
Naomi Vidal
Marla and Dr. Gerry Pearson Debora Shear
Bronwyn and Adam Shepherd
Judy Waldman
Lynn and Darrel Pearson and Family
Heather and Matthew Sherman Linda and Barry Waldman
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman
Jane and Larry Sherman
Jennifer and Robert Walsh
Nola Perzow
Janet and Norman Shiner
Cynthia and John Warren
Tami Moscoe and Eric Petersiel
Marla and Larry Wasser
The Philip Smith Foundation Ellie and Arnie Shulman
Shelley and Brian Weiner and Family
Karen and Dr. Howard Phillips Martha and Harry Shulman
Deborah Dalfen and Jamie Shulman Li and Erez Weinreich
Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze and Aviv Pichhadze Leah Weinstein
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike Miriam Shuval
Lauren Sigel Mark Weinstock
Marla Pinsler
Jenna Weir
Claire and Gerald Pizer Rita Simon
Rabbi Cory Weiss
Rhona and Leon Platt Aviva Sinuk
Francine Brill and Jeff Weisbrot and Family
Janet and Daniel Pollit Judy and Gerald Slan
Judy and Ernie Smilovits
Jeanette and Richard Wesfield
Dr. Bruce Pollock
Lili and Mitchel Smith
Lydia and Louis White
The Posen Family
Lynda and Jerry White
Efat and Eugene Powell Ronna Rubin and Phil Smith
Jenna Sobel
Brenda and Jeffrey Wise
Gerry Prendergast
Karen, Beatrice and Howard Solomon Ilana Cyna and Robert Wise
Myra Presser
Go to,
Cheryl and Rabbi Stephen Wise
Natalie and David Rashkovan Candice and Phil Solomon
or contact Linda Abramsohn at Nan and Jack Wiseman
Linda Redhill and Family Randi and Jeremy Solomon,
Rabbi Yael Splansky
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Reform Rabbis of Greater Toronto
Dr. Steve Richmond Staff of 11 North, Mount Sinai Hospital Susan Wolff-Delucaor Call 905-709-3636 x222 Shari and Arthur Standil
Laura Kauder-Wolloch
Rabbi Debra Landsberg
to reach the Development Office. Ricki Wortzman Jordan and Jillian Robins Patti and Stephen Stark
Franklin Young
Karen and Michael Rodney Susan and Dr. Wilf Steinberg
Make your
donation today!
In Gratitude Capital Campaign Donors
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Bonnie Goldberg, Adam Abramson and Family
Cindy and Neil Abramson
The Adelson and Kates Families
Rosanne and Steven Ain and Family
Nancy and Arthur Ameis and Family
Sharon Neiss, Gordon Arbess and Family
Avcon Construction
Heather Shapiro, Terry Axelrod and Family
Nancy and Gerald Baker (z”l)
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker
The Hirsh-Ballon Family
Elissa and Justin Beber and Family
The Bender Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
The Birenzweig Family
Joanne Godel, Warren Blatt and Family
Murielle and David Bloomberg
Janice and Jeff Bly
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
The Brodkin Family
Gail and Gary Brown
Mel Brown
Robyn and Daniel Buchman and Family
Jennifer and Jason Burstein and Family
The Chester/Horwitz Family
Sarah and Ilan Cohen and Family
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Karine Krieger and Dan Daviau
Jennifer and Brent Davidson
Elaine & Allan Davis
Hannah Davis
Lee Davis
Noah Davis
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Richard Davis and Family
The Debow Family
Shanon Moldaver and Daniel Dorenbush
Wendy and Elliott Eisen and Family
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Joyce and Phil Epstein
Yulia and Robert Falus
Elyssa and David Feldberg and Family
Rochelle Feldberg
Toby and Saul Feldberg
Courtney and Warren Fireman
The Jeremy and Judith Freedman Family Foundation The Frankfort Family
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux
Zita Gardner
Bonny Reichert and Michael Gelfand
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Lillian and Norman Glowinsky
Ruth and Isaac Glowinsky
The Goldfarb Family
The Goodman Family
Estate of Sam Gotfrid
Daphne Wagner, David Green and Family
Margot and David Greenberg and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs
Carol and Nolan Grubert and Family
Lori Unger-Gutmann, Alan Gutmann and Family
Joan Starkman and Aaron Hendler
Dana & Mike Kalles
Sharon and Irving Kates
Alana and Mark Katz and Family
Sam Katz
Lisa and Stuart Keshen
Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner and Family
Debbie and Warren Kimel and Family
Jody and Jason Kimelman
Geraldine Rendon and Jonathan Kolber
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers and Family
The Korman Family
Kelly and Marc Kornhaber
Stan Krawitz
The Kumer Family
Elayna and Jonathan Latsky and Family
Bonnie and Nathan Laurie and Family
Nancy and Frank Laurie
Arlene and Manny Leder
The Leszner Family
Melanie and Ariel Levcovich
The Levin Family
The Lewis Family
Rosyln Lewis
Miriam and Lorne Lubotta
Alisa and Alan Lyons and Family
Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Jodi and Moish Margolis and Family
Carol Crystal and Jeff Meilach
Barbara and Ephry Merkur
Christine Viinberg and James Merkur
Susan and Barry Michaels and Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi
Marni Banack and Ben Mogil
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore
The Morris Family
Melanie Ruby, Aaron Moscoe and Family
Michelle and Gavin Naimer
Jodi & Douglas Nathanson
Cheryl and Marc Newburgh
Paisley Manor Insurance Brokers Inc.
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman and Family
Nancy Pencer
Tami Moscoe, Eric Petersiel and Family
The Philip Smith Foundation
For more information on how you can support Leo Baeck’s New South Campus,
please contact Sam Katz, Capital Campaign Manager, or (905) 709-3636 x249.
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike and Family
Sheila Pitch and Family
The Rechtsman Family
Anita and Andy Robins and Family
Jillian and Jordan Robins
Helaine and Lionel Robins
Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Stephanie and Geoffrey Rotstein and Family
Gerry and Caren Ruby Family Foundation
Meredith and Matt Rudin and Family
Dana and Hershel Sahian
Randi and Peter Satok and Family
Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler
Sigalit Habsha, Robert Saul and Family
Raisyl Mandel and Richard Saunders
Elysa Greisman, Isaac Schneider and Family
Elizabeth Wolfe, Paul Schnier and Family
Rochelle and David Shaw
Rhonda Cohen, Michael Sherrard and Family
Francine and David Shields
Neil Shinder
Janet and Norman Shiner
Brian Simon
Ronna Rubin, Philip Smith and Family
Franci and Ken Sniderman and Family
Rabbi Sharon Sobel
South Campus LBPA
The Stanley Family
Gaye and Andy Stein
The Sterling Family
Gene and Mark Teeger
Carole and Stephen Title
Alissa and David Train
Barbara Klein and Steve Tyer
Renée Unger
Jayden Walters
Jonah Walters
Kimberley and Craig Walters and Family
Joanne Weigen
Robyn and Michael Weinstein and Family
Jane West Walsh
Joanne Weigen
Shelley and Brian Weiner
Belle and Berny Weinstein
Tracy and Andrew Wilder and Family
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Rose Wolfe, Jonathan Wolfe and Family
Henry Wolfond
Elayne and Irwin Wortsman
Tamara and Adam Zalev and Family
Joyce and Fred Zemans and Family
The Zimet/Klein Family
The Zitsow Family
We apologize for any missing names not
available until after this edition went to press.
Annual Campaign Donors
Gifts to the school during the period of July 1, 2012 - June 17, 2013.
Sharon Abel
Marion Bogo
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Brampton Civic Hospital
Elaine and Joel Abrams
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
Linda Abramsohn
Penny Hung and Eytan Broder Cindy and Neil Abramson
Fran Brodt
Access to Care Team at Cancer Care
Karin and Deron Brown and Family
Robyn and Danny Buchman
Hailey Adams
Gail Baker and Sandy Buchman
Marla and Lorne Akler
Karen Burke
Shelley Albert
Alison and Jeremy Burke
Beverley and Gavin Allen
Yvette Burke
Rachel Andrew
Jordanna and Shai Burstein and Family
Terri and Barry Applebaum
Barbara Carlyle
Sharon Neiss and Gordon Arbess
Ruth Carrick
Amy Barkin and Steve Aronovitch
Bonnie Shear, Charles Cass and David Cass
Lawrence Axmith
(Two Hundred St. Clair Ave. West)
Ronnie and Aaron Bacher
Amanda and Brian Cepler
Barbara and Dr. Michael Baker
Leonard Cepler Connie and Saul Baker
Cheryl and Maury Cepler and Family
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker Shoshana and Adam Chaim
Margot and Larry Baker
Allen Chankowsky
Judy Hirsh and Peter Ballon
Mona and Marvin Chankowsky and Family
Dr. Aubey Banack
Sharon and Lorne Chapnick
Ilana Banks
Joyce and Paul Chapnick
Betty and Antonio Barbuzzi
Harpreet Chauhan
Haley and Yoram Birenzweig
Sheila Clarke
Lanna and David Barrison
Michelle White and Adam Cohen
Dr. Izchak Barzilay
Lori and Jordan Cohen and Family
Carol Basman
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Elaine Bassin
The Beverley and Samuel H. Cohen
Elissa Kline-Beber and Justin Beber Family Foundation
Wendy and Stephen Bederman
Dr. Zane Cohen
Muriel and Joseph Behar
Deborah Fisher and Jack Coleman Erin Rechtsman and Ori Belavin Vanessa and Michael Comisarow
Linda Millman and Marcello Beltrano
Marilyn Nagel and Syd Conn
Rhonda Wilansky and Israel Ben-Ishai
Brenda and Jerry Conway and Family
Leslie and Desmond Bender
Shirley and Dr. Robin Conway
Tama Sirkis and Jordan Bender Judi and Herb Cooper
Magda and Peter Benedek
Estelle and Harvey Cooperstone
Esther Encaoua de Benhamu and Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Cossman
The Dan Family Foundation
Nancy Pencer and Michael Benjamin
Shari Danan
Frances Berkoff
Tessa and Leon Davids
Vivian and Graham Berman
Roz and Moishe Davidson
Kerry and Jeff Bernknopf
Elaine and Allan Davis
Lisa and Warren Bernstein
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Earl Biderman
Eva and Richard Davis
Beverley Shukyn and Robert Biderman
Brenda and Ira Day and Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
Aimee Debow
Esther and Shuki Birenzweig
Gail and Stan Debow
Suzie Bitton
Department of Dentistry, Mount Sinai Hospital
Sandra and Maurice Blitz
Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery,
Jody Blum
Mount Sinai Hospital
Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital
Division of Medical Oncology and Hematology
at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Rabbi Michael Dolgin
Cheryl Rosen and Daniel Drucker Sandy and Paul Druckman and Family
Sandy and George Duarte
Gerald Dunlevie
Debby Edberg
Beth Skuy and Michael Edgerley
Bea Eisen
Suzy and David Elster
Margo Engel
Rabbi Lawrence Englander
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Sheri and Jeremy Erlick
Sharon and David Evans
Esther and David Fairbloom
Ashley Farber
Dr. Jeffrey Farber
Bari and Shelly Feld
Jordan Feld
Randy Enyedi and Adam Feldberg Aaron Fenton
Chris Fenton
Financial Executives International, Toronto
Helen and David Fine
Rose Forgang and Family
Deborah Epstein-Franks and Aaron Franks
Leslie Shulman and Mark Frazer and Family
Karen and Cory Freed
Lila and Dr. Melvin Freedman
Jody Freedman
Susan Freedman and Family
Isabel Freeman
Laurel and Dr. Marty Friedberg
Dr. Joey Friedlich and the Staff of Bramalea
Oral Surgery
Allison Cepler and Michael Friedman and
Natanya and Ryan Friedman
Dr. Steven Friedman
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux Carrie and Stephen Gaines
Sharon and Morton Gaines
Ken Garth
Gas Processors Association of Canada
Hope and Larry Gaum
Paula Gaum-Lipkus and Family
Lyla and Martin Gelfand
Naomi and Ryan Gerstel
Melody Gilboord
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Stacey and Barry Jacobs
Jeannine Girard-Pearlman
Charlotte Jacobson
Miriam and Eddie Glaser
Wendy and Maish Kagan
Glenda Godfrey, Rachel and David Gold Debby and Lawrie Kaplan
Dianne and Ron Gold Marc Kates
Sondra Gold and Family Ari Katz
Gerri Goldberg
Robyn Feldberg and Jarred Katz
Nancy and Dr. Sidney Golden Jaime Walman and Rabbi Noam Katz Esther and Mark Goldenberg Sam Katz
Rachel and Avi Goldfarb Cookie and Mel Kay and Family
Sala and Leo Goldhar Dana Kelly
Helen and Dr. Barry Goldlist June and Mark Kenner and Family
Ronit Barzilay and Jesse Goldman Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner
Jodi Goldsmith and Stephen Gelber Miriam and Leon Kimel and Family
Millie and Sheldon Goldstein Gillian Helfield and Eric Klein
Shelly and Dr. Lanny Goluboff Shelley Klugman
Hanna and Barry Gordon Melanie and Ron Kohn
Sandy Gordon
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers
Jessica Gorlicky Estelle and Marty Kosoy
Aviva and Matthew Gottlieb Kim Kozloff
Susanne and Richard Gottlieb Ayelet Kuper and Family
Erin and Bram Green Edyth Kuper
Keren Green
Hillel Kurlandsky
Stefanie Greenspan Jennifer Kushner and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon Sandie and Leo Lazare
Lorne Greenspoon Yair Lenga
Bonnie and Brandon Gremont Josefa Lerner
Marjorie and Wilf Grosman and Family Robin and Paul Leszner
Dr. Allan Gross
Elyse and Michael Levinsky
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs Nelly Levy
Shirley and Kalman Gruber Claire Levy-Boker
Margot Grubert Roslyn and Herb Lewis
Carol and Nolan Grubert Kelly Grant and Michael Lewis
Lori Unger-Gutmann and Alan Gutmann Rhoda and Jack Lindzon
Myrna and Gary Gutmann Dr. Charlene Linzon
Erin Hafner
Ted Liss
Roz and Dr. Ralph Halbert Elizabeth and Phillip Litowitz
Irene and Earl Haltrecht Bev and Bernie Little and Family
Judith and Sherman Hans Lillian Sversky and Steven Little Elaine Harris
Adina Lubek
Tova and Alex Hartman Alysse Unger Luepann and Andrew Luepann
Gabriella Hartman Elizabeth and Gary Luftspring and Family
Jody and Harvey Hauer and Family Mabel’s Labels Inc.
Dr. Barbara Hazlett
Leora MacDonald
Shelley Baker and Gary Herman Liz Manson
Jane and Rob Herman Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Dr. Ken Hershenfield Lonni Margulies
Barbara Himel
Bella Martin
Norma and Norman Hoffman Greg McLachlan
Holy Blossom Temple
Medical Modeling
Rosanna and Emory Honig Susan and Dr. Kenneth Melvin
Rochelle Chester and Daniel Horwitz Shoshana Meron
Barbara Jacob
Rochelle and Sheldon Meslin
Catherine Zahn
Cheryl and Mark Steiner
Andrea and Gregory Milavsky Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Tamara and Adam Zalev
Robyn Steiner
Linda and Joel Miller Karen and Michael Rotstein
Mindy and Dean Zalev
Lynda Rubin
Tracey and Hillary Steinhart
Fagel Mitgang
Ivan Zarenda
The Sterling Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi Rudolph Family
Sara Zatzman
Lauren Sterling
Drs. Karen and David Mock Ruth and Brad Rudin
Barbara Zeller
Mia Saltz
Evelyn and Steve Stieber
Dr. Victor Moncarz Susan Lieberman and Mannie Zeller and Family
Barbara Stimmel
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore Jill and Brett Saltzman
Zeller/Cooper Family
Ketty and Morris Samel
Barbara and Bert Stitt
Dr. Kathryn Moore
Leah Zilbert
Perlita and Jonah Stroh
Cheryl and Raymond Morris Taube Samuels
Zoe Klein and Andrew Zimet
Jill and Danny Morris Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler Sam and Brent Stroh and Family
Linda and Lawrence Zimmering
Tamara and Jonathan Sandler
Celia and Rabbi Michael Stroh
Phyllis Moss
Sara and Zoli Zimmerman
Sigalit Habsha and Robert Saul and Family
Students of SK1 SC 12/13
Mount Sinai Family Medicine Associates
Marsha and Stan Zinberg
Students of 1A SC 12/13
Jackie and Harry Nadler Eli Savage
Joyce Zweig
Ettie and Aaron Schimmer
Students of 6A SC 12/13
Dr. Gary Naglie
David Sutton
Michelle and Gavin Naimer Elysa Greisman and Isaac Schneider and Family
Ariel Dalfen and Jed Schneiderman
Lanni Zinberg-Swartz and Rick Swartz North Campus Middle School Staff
The Staff at Toronto Rehab (Robert Schlosser, Trudy Hebbs,
Nicolas Szecket
Bari and Ian Nefsky
Jason McIntosh, Sarah Quan, Kim Lacombe and Zara Comer) Toby and Joey Tanenbaum
Alex Newman
Karen and Howard Tenenbaum
Debbie and Henry Nirenberg Carolyn and Bernie Schwartz and Family
Chari Schwartz
Rabbi Karen Thomashow
Zelda Nisker
Tamara Kronis and Martin Traub-Werner Doris and Bill Norman Isabel Schwartz
Phyllis Schwartz
Jane and John Trachtenberg
Ilana Opert
Cindy and Michael Opler Lesley Steyn and Peter Seeligsohn Alissa and David Train
Tanya and Ilya Tulchinsky
Dianne and Sid Orfus Dr. Arthur Segal
Galit and Steven Segal
Maura Levine-Turk and Stephen Turk Naomi Epstein and Warren Orlans
Heather and Maurice Sera
Jennifer Swimmer and Andrew Tylman
Erin Ostilly
Ilana Shapiro
Laily and Michael Uster
Judith Otis
Zipora and Jacob Shapiro
Stacey Grossman and David Vernon Tania Pardo
Naomi Vidal
Marla and Dr. Gerry Pearson Debora Shear
Bronwyn and Adam Shepherd
Judy Waldman
Lynn and Darrel Pearson and Family
Heather and Matthew Sherman Linda and Barry Waldman
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman
Jane and Larry Sherman
Jennifer and Robert Walsh
Nola Perzow
Janet and Norman Shiner
Cynthia and John Warren
Tami Moscoe and Eric Petersiel
Marla and Larry Wasser
The Philip Smith Foundation Ellie and Arnie Shulman
Shelley and Brian Weiner and Family
Karen and Dr. Howard Phillips Martha and Harry Shulman
Deborah Dalfen and Jamie Shulman Li and Erez Weinreich
Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze and Aviv Pichhadze Leah Weinstein
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike Miriam Shuval
Lauren Sigel Mark Weinstock
Marla Pinsler
Jenna Weir
Claire and Gerald Pizer Rita Simon
Rabbi Cory Weiss
Rhona and Leon Platt Aviva Sinuk
Francine Brill and Jeff Weisbrot and Family
Janet and Daniel Pollit Judy and Gerald Slan
Judy and Ernie Smilovits
Jeanette and Richard Wesfield
Dr. Bruce Pollock
Lili and Mitchel Smith
Lydia and Louis White
The Posen Family
Lynda and Jerry White
Efat and Eugene Powell Ronna Rubin and Phil Smith
Jenna Sobel
Brenda and Jeffrey Wise
Gerry Prendergast
Karen, Beatrice and Howard Solomon Ilana Cyna and Robert Wise
Myra Presser
Go to,
Cheryl and Rabbi Stephen Wise
Natalie and David Rashkovan Candice and Phil Solomon
or contact Linda Abramsohn at Nan and Jack Wiseman
Linda Redhill and Family Randi and Jeremy Solomon,
Rabbi Yael Splansky
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Reform Rabbis of Greater Toronto
Dr. Steve Richmond Staff of 11 North, Mount Sinai Hospital Susan Wolff-Delucaor Call 905-709-3636 x222 Shari and Arthur Standil
Laura Kauder-Wolloch
Rabbi Debra Landsberg
to reach the Development Office. Ricki Wortzman Jordan and Jillian Robins Patti and Stephen Stark
Franklin Young
Karen and Michael Rodney Susan and Dr. Wilf Steinberg
Make your
donation today!
In Gratitude Capital Campaign Donors
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Bonnie Goldberg, Adam Abramson and Family
Cindy and Neil Abramson
The Adelson and Kates Families
Rosanne and Steven Ain and Family
Nancy and Arthur Ameis and Family
Sharon Neiss, Gordon Arbess and Family
Avcon Construction
Heather Shapiro, Terry Axelrod and Family
Nancy and Gerald Baker (z”l)
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker
The Hirsh-Ballon Family
Elissa and Justin Beber and Family
The Bender Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
The Birenzweig Family
Joanne Godel, Warren Blatt and Family
Murielle and David Bloomberg
Janice and Jeff Bly
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
The Brodkin Family
Gail and Gary Brown
Mel Brown
Robyn and Daniel Buchman and Family
Jennifer and Jason Burstein and Family
The Chester/Horwitz Family
Sarah and Ilan Cohen and Family
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Karine Krieger and Dan Daviau
Jennifer and Brent Davidson
Elaine & Allan Davis
Hannah Davis
Lee Davis
Noah Davis
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Richard Davis and Family
The Debow Family
Shanon Moldaver and Daniel Dorenbush
Wendy and Elliott Eisen and Family
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Joyce and Phil Epstein
Yulia and Robert Falus
Elyssa and David Feldberg and Family
Rochelle Feldberg
Toby and Saul Feldberg
Courtney and Warren Fireman
The Jeremy and Judith Freedman Family Foundation The Frankfort Family
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux
Zita Gardner
Bonny Reichert and Michael Gelfand
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Lillian and Norman Glowinsky
Ruth and Isaac Glowinsky
The Goldfarb Family
The Goodman Family
Estate of Sam Gotfrid
Daphne Wagner, David Green and Family
Margot and David Greenberg and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs
Carol and Nolan Grubert and Family
Lori Unger-Gutmann, Alan Gutmann and Family
Joan Starkman and Aaron Hendler
Dana & Mike Kalles
Sharon and Irving Kates
Alana and Mark Katz and Family
Sam Katz
Lisa and Stuart Keshen
Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner and Family
Debbie and Warren Kimel and Family
Jody and Jason Kimelman
Geraldine Rendon and Jonathan Kolber
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers and Family
The Korman Family
Kelly and Marc Kornhaber
Stan Krawitz
The Kumer Family
Elayna and Jonathan Latsky and Family
Bonnie and Nathan Laurie and Family
Nancy and Frank Laurie
Arlene and Manny Leder
The Leszner Family
Melanie and Ariel Levcovich
The Levin Family
The Lewis Family
Rosyln Lewis
Miriam and Lorne Lubotta
Alisa and Alan Lyons and Family
Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Jodi and Moish Margolis and Family
Carol Crystal and Jeff Meilach
Barbara and Ephry Merkur
Christine Viinberg and James Merkur
Susan and Barry Michaels and Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi
Marni Banack and Ben Mogil
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore
The Morris Family
Melanie Ruby, Aaron Moscoe and Family
Michelle and Gavin Naimer
Jodi & Douglas Nathanson
Cheryl and Marc Newburgh
Paisley Manor Insurance Brokers Inc.
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman and Family
Nancy Pencer
Tami Moscoe, Eric Petersiel and Family
The Philip Smith Foundation
For more information on how you can support Leo Baeck’s New South Campus,
please contact Sam Katz, Capital Campaign Manager, or (905) 709-3636 x249.
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike and Family
Sheila Pitch and Family
The Rechtsman Family
Anita and Andy Robins and Family
Jillian and Jordan Robins
Helaine and Lionel Robins
Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Stephanie and Geoffrey Rotstein and Family
Gerry and Caren Ruby Family Foundation
Meredith and Matt Rudin and Family
Dana and Hershel Sahian
Randi and Peter Satok and Family
Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler
Sigalit Habsha, Robert Saul and Family
Raisyl Mandel and Richard Saunders
Elysa Greisman, Isaac Schneider and Family
Elizabeth Wolfe, Paul Schnier and Family
Rochelle and David Shaw
Rhonda Cohen, Michael Sherrard and Family
Francine and David Shields
Neil Shinder
Janet and Norman Shiner
Brian Simon
Ronna Rubin, Philip Smith and Family
Franci and Ken Sniderman and Family
Rabbi Sharon Sobel
South Campus LBPA
The Stanley Family
Gaye and Andy Stein
The Sterling Family
Gene and Mark Teeger
Carole and Stephen Title
Alissa and David Train
Barbara Klein and Steve Tyer
Renée Unger
Jayden Walters
Jonah Walters
Kimberley and Craig Walters and Family
Joanne Weigen
Robyn and Michael Weinstein and Family
Jane West Walsh
Joanne Weigen
Shelley and Brian Weiner
Belle and Berny Weinstein
Tracy and Andrew Wilder and Family
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Rose Wolfe, Jonathan Wolfe and Family
Henry Wolfond
Elayne and Irwin Wortsman
Tamara and Adam Zalev and Family
Joyce and Fred Zemans and Family
The Zimet/Klein Family
The Zitsow Family
We apologize for any missing names not
available until after this edition went to press.
Annual Campaign Donors
Gifts to the school during the period of July 1, 2012 - June 17, 2013.
Sharon Abel
Marion Bogo
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Brampton Civic Hospital
Elaine and Joel Abrams
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
Linda Abramsohn
Penny Hung and Eytan Broder Cindy and Neil Abramson
Fran Brodt
Access to Care Team at Cancer Care
Karin and Deron Brown and Family
Robyn and Danny Buchman
Hailey Adams
Gail Baker and Sandy Buchman
Marla and Lorne Akler
Karen Burke
Shelley Albert
Alison and Jeremy Burke
Beverley and Gavin Allen
Yvette Burke
Rachel Andrew
Jordanna and Shai Burstein and Family
Terri and Barry Applebaum
Barbara Carlyle
Sharon Neiss and Gordon Arbess
Ruth Carrick
Amy Barkin and Steve Aronovitch
Bonnie Shear, Charles Cass and David Cass
Lawrence Axmith
(Two Hundred St. Clair Ave. West)
Ronnie and Aaron Bacher
Amanda and Brian Cepler
Barbara and Dr. Michael Baker
Leonard Cepler Connie and Saul Baker
Cheryl and Maury Cepler and Family
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker Shoshana and Adam Chaim
Margot and Larry Baker
Allen Chankowsky
Judy Hirsh and Peter Ballon
Mona and Marvin Chankowsky and Family
Dr. Aubey Banack
Sharon and Lorne Chapnick
Ilana Banks
Joyce and Paul Chapnick
Betty and Antonio Barbuzzi
Harpreet Chauhan
Haley and Yoram Birenzweig
Sheila Clarke
Lanna and David Barrison
Michelle White and Adam Cohen
Dr. Izchak Barzilay
Lori and Jordan Cohen and Family
Carol Basman
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Elaine Bassin
The Beverley and Samuel H. Cohen
Elissa Kline-Beber and Justin Beber Family Foundation
Wendy and Stephen Bederman
Dr. Zane Cohen
Muriel and Joseph Behar
Deborah Fisher and Jack Coleman Erin Rechtsman and Ori Belavin Vanessa and Michael Comisarow
Linda Millman and Marcello Beltrano
Marilyn Nagel and Syd Conn
Rhonda Wilansky and Israel Ben-Ishai
Brenda and Jerry Conway and Family
Leslie and Desmond Bender
Shirley and Dr. Robin Conway
Tama Sirkis and Jordan Bender Judi and Herb Cooper
Magda and Peter Benedek
Estelle and Harvey Cooperstone
Esther Encaoua de Benhamu and Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Cossman
The Dan Family Foundation
Nancy Pencer and Michael Benjamin
Shari Danan
Frances Berkoff
Tessa and Leon Davids
Vivian and Graham Berman
Roz and Moishe Davidson
Kerry and Jeff Bernknopf
Elaine and Allan Davis
Lisa and Warren Bernstein
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Earl Biderman
Eva and Richard Davis
Beverley Shukyn and Robert Biderman
Brenda and Ira Day and Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
Aimee Debow
Esther and Shuki Birenzweig
Gail and Stan Debow
Suzie Bitton
Department of Dentistry, Mount Sinai Hospital
Sandra and Maurice Blitz
Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery,
Jody Blum
Mount Sinai Hospital
Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital
Division of Medical Oncology and Hematology
at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Rabbi Michael Dolgin
Cheryl Rosen and Daniel Drucker Sandy and Paul Druckman and Family
Sandy and George Duarte
Gerald Dunlevie
Debby Edberg
Beth Skuy and Michael Edgerley
Bea Eisen
Suzy and David Elster
Margo Engel
Rabbi Lawrence Englander
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Sheri and Jeremy Erlick
Sharon and David Evans
Esther and David Fairbloom
Ashley Farber
Dr. Jeffrey Farber
Bari and Shelly Feld
Jordan Feld
Randy Enyedi and Adam Feldberg Aaron Fenton
Chris Fenton
Financial Executives International, Toronto
Helen and David Fine
Rose Forgang and Family
Deborah Epstein-Franks and Aaron Franks
Leslie Shulman and Mark Frazer and Family
Karen and Cory Freed
Lila and Dr. Melvin Freedman
Jody Freedman
Susan Freedman and Family
Isabel Freeman
Laurel and Dr. Marty Friedberg
Dr. Joey Friedlich and the Staff of Bramalea
Oral Surgery
Allison Cepler and Michael Friedman and
Natanya and Ryan Friedman
Dr. Steven Friedman
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux Carrie and Stephen Gaines
Sharon and Morton Gaines
Ken Garth
Gas Processors Association of Canada
Hope and Larry Gaum
Paula Gaum-Lipkus and Family
Lyla and Martin Gelfand
Naomi and Ryan Gerstel
Melody Gilboord
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Stacey and Barry Jacobs
Jeannine Girard-Pearlman
Charlotte Jacobson
Miriam and Eddie Glaser
Wendy and Maish Kagan
Glenda Godfrey, Rachel and David Gold Debby and Lawrie Kaplan
Dianne and Ron Gold Marc Kates
Sondra Gold and Family Ari Katz
Gerri Goldberg
Robyn Feldberg and Jarred Katz
Nancy and Dr. Sidney Golden Jaime Walman and Rabbi Noam Katz Esther and Mark Goldenberg Sam Katz
Rachel and Avi Goldfarb Cookie and Mel Kay and Family
Sala and Leo Goldhar Dana Kelly
Helen and Dr. Barry Goldlist June and Mark Kenner and Family
Ronit Barzilay and Jesse Goldman Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner
Jodi Goldsmith and Stephen Gelber Miriam and Leon Kimel and Family
Millie and Sheldon Goldstein Gillian Helfield and Eric Klein
Shelly and Dr. Lanny Goluboff Shelley Klugman
Hanna and Barry Gordon Melanie and Ron Kohn
Sandy Gordon
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers
Jessica Gorlicky Estelle and Marty Kosoy
Aviva and Matthew Gottlieb Kim Kozloff
Susanne and Richard Gottlieb Ayelet Kuper and Family
Erin and Bram Green Edyth Kuper
Keren Green
Hillel Kurlandsky
Stefanie Greenspan Jennifer Kushner and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon Sandie and Leo Lazare
Lorne Greenspoon Yair Lenga
Bonnie and Brandon Gremont Josefa Lerner
Marjorie and Wilf Grosman and Family Robin and Paul Leszner
Dr. Allan Gross
Elyse and Michael Levinsky
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs Nelly Levy
Shirley and Kalman Gruber Claire Levy-Boker
Margot Grubert Roslyn and Herb Lewis
Carol and Nolan Grubert Kelly Grant and Michael Lewis
Lori Unger-Gutmann and Alan Gutmann Rhoda and Jack Lindzon
Myrna and Gary Gutmann Dr. Charlene Linzon
Erin Hafner
Ted Liss
Roz and Dr. Ralph Halbert Elizabeth and Phillip Litowitz
Irene and Earl Haltrecht Bev and Bernie Little and Family
Judith and Sherman Hans Lillian Sversky and Steven Little Elaine Harris
Adina Lubek
Tova and Alex Hartman Alysse Unger Luepann and Andrew Luepann
Gabriella Hartman Elizabeth and Gary Luftspring and Family
Jody and Harvey Hauer and Family Mabel’s Labels Inc.
Dr. Barbara Hazlett
Leora MacDonald
Shelley Baker and Gary Herman Liz Manson
Jane and Rob Herman Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Dr. Ken Hershenfield Lonni Margulies
Barbara Himel
Bella Martin
Norma and Norman Hoffman Greg McLachlan
Holy Blossom Temple
Medical Modeling
Rosanna and Emory Honig Susan and Dr. Kenneth Melvin
Rochelle Chester and Daniel Horwitz Shoshana Meron
Barbara Jacob
Rochelle and Sheldon Meslin
Catherine Zahn
Cheryl and Mark Steiner
Andrea and Gregory Milavsky Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Tamara and Adam Zalev
Robyn Steiner
Linda and Joel Miller Karen and Michael Rotstein
Mindy and Dean Zalev
Lynda Rubin
Tracey and Hillary Steinhart
Fagel Mitgang
Ivan Zarenda
The Sterling Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi Rudolph Family
Sara Zatzman
Lauren Sterling
Drs. Karen and David Mock Ruth and Brad Rudin
Barbara Zeller
Mia Saltz
Evelyn and Steve Stieber
Dr. Victor Moncarz Susan Lieberman and Mannie Zeller and Family
Barbara Stimmel
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore Jill and Brett Saltzman
Zeller/Cooper Family
Ketty and Morris Samel
Barbara and Bert Stitt
Dr. Kathryn Moore
Leah Zilbert
Perlita and Jonah Stroh
Cheryl and Raymond Morris Taube Samuels
Zoe Klein and Andrew Zimet
Jill and Danny Morris Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler Sam and Brent Stroh and Family
Linda and Lawrence Zimmering
Tamara and Jonathan Sandler
Celia and Rabbi Michael Stroh
Phyllis Moss
Sara and Zoli Zimmerman
Sigalit Habsha and Robert Saul and Family
Students of SK1 SC 12/13
Mount Sinai Family Medicine Associates
Marsha and Stan Zinberg
Students of 1A SC 12/13
Jackie and Harry Nadler Eli Savage
Joyce Zweig
Ettie and Aaron Schimmer
Students of 6A SC 12/13
Dr. Gary Naglie
David Sutton
Michelle and Gavin Naimer Elysa Greisman and Isaac Schneider and Family
Ariel Dalfen and Jed Schneiderman
Lanni Zinberg-Swartz and Rick Swartz North Campus Middle School Staff
The Staff at Toronto Rehab (Robert Schlosser, Trudy Hebbs,
Nicolas Szecket
Bari and Ian Nefsky
Jason McIntosh, Sarah Quan, Kim Lacombe and Zara Comer) Toby and Joey Tanenbaum
Alex Newman
Karen and Howard Tenenbaum
Debbie and Henry Nirenberg Carolyn and Bernie Schwartz and Family
Chari Schwartz
Rabbi Karen Thomashow
Zelda Nisker
Tamara Kronis and Martin Traub-Werner Doris and Bill Norman Isabel Schwartz
Phyllis Schwartz
Jane and John Trachtenberg
Ilana Opert
Cindy and Michael Opler Lesley Steyn and Peter Seeligsohn Alissa and David Train
Tanya and Ilya Tulchinsky
Dianne and Sid Orfus Dr. Arthur Segal
Galit and Steven Segal
Maura Levine-Turk and Stephen Turk Naomi Epstein and Warren Orlans
Heather and Maurice Sera
Jennifer Swimmer and Andrew Tylman
Erin Ostilly
Ilana Shapiro
Laily and Michael Uster
Judith Otis
Zipora and Jacob Shapiro
Stacey Grossman and David Vernon Tania Pardo
Naomi Vidal
Marla and Dr. Gerry Pearson Debora Shear
Bronwyn and Adam Shepherd
Judy Waldman
Lynn and Darrel Pearson and Family
Heather and Matthew Sherman Linda and Barry Waldman
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman
Jane and Larry Sherman
Jennifer and Robert Walsh
Nola Perzow
Janet and Norman Shiner
Cynthia and John Warren
Tami Moscoe and Eric Petersiel
Marla and Larry Wasser
The Philip Smith Foundation Ellie and Arnie Shulman
Shelley and Brian Weiner and Family
Karen and Dr. Howard Phillips Martha and Harry Shulman
Deborah Dalfen and Jamie Shulman Li and Erez Weinreich
Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze and Aviv Pichhadze Leah Weinstein
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike Miriam Shuval
Lauren Sigel Mark Weinstock
Marla Pinsler
Jenna Weir
Claire and Gerald Pizer Rita Simon
Rabbi Cory Weiss
Rhona and Leon Platt Aviva Sinuk
Francine Brill and Jeff Weisbrot and Family
Janet and Daniel Pollit Judy and Gerald Slan
Judy and Ernie Smilovits
Jeanette and Richard Wesfield
Dr. Bruce Pollock
Lili and Mitchel Smith
Lydia and Louis White
The Posen Family
Lynda and Jerry White
Efat and Eugene Powell Ronna Rubin and Phil Smith
Jenna Sobel
Brenda and Jeffrey Wise
Gerry Prendergast
Karen, Beatrice and Howard Solomon Ilana Cyna and Robert Wise
Myra Presser
Go to,
Cheryl and Rabbi Stephen Wise
Natalie and David Rashkovan Candice and Phil Solomon
or contact Linda Abramsohn at Nan and Jack Wiseman
Linda Redhill and Family Randi and Jeremy Solomon,
Rabbi Yael Splansky
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Reform Rabbis of Greater Toronto
Dr. Steve Richmond Staff of 11 North, Mount Sinai Hospital Susan Wolff-Delucaor Call 905-709-3636 x222 Shari and Arthur Standil
Laura Kauder-Wolloch
Rabbi Debra Landsberg
to reach the Development Office. Ricki Wortzman Jordan and Jillian Robins Patti and Stephen Stark
Franklin Young
Karen and Michael Rodney Susan and Dr. Wilf Steinberg
Make your
donation today!
In Gratitude Capital Campaign Donors
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Bonnie Goldberg, Adam Abramson and Family
Cindy and Neil Abramson
The Adelson and Kates Families
Rosanne and Steven Ain and Family
Nancy and Arthur Ameis and Family
Sharon Neiss, Gordon Arbess and Family
Avcon Construction
Heather Shapiro, Terry Axelrod and Family
Nancy and Gerald Baker (z”l)
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker
The Hirsh-Ballon Family
Elissa and Justin Beber and Family
The Bender Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
The Birenzweig Family
Joanne Godel, Warren Blatt and Family
Murielle and David Bloomberg
Janice and Jeff Bly
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
The Brodkin Family
Gail and Gary Brown
Mel Brown
Robyn and Daniel Buchman and Family
Jennifer and Jason Burstein and Family
The Chester/Horwitz Family
Sarah and Ilan Cohen and Family
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Karine Krieger and Dan Daviau
Jennifer and Brent Davidson
Elaine & Allan Davis
Hannah Davis
Lee Davis
Noah Davis
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Richard Davis and Family
The Debow Family
Shanon Moldaver and Daniel Dorenbush
Wendy and Elliott Eisen and Family
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Joyce and Phil Epstein
Yulia and Robert Falus
Elyssa and David Feldberg and Family
Rochelle Feldberg
Toby and Saul Feldberg
Courtney and Warren Fireman
The Jeremy and Judith Freedman Family Foundation The Frankfort Family
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux
Zita Gardner
Bonny Reichert and Michael Gelfand
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Lillian and Norman Glowinsky
Ruth and Isaac Glowinsky
The Goldfarb Family
The Goodman Family
Estate of Sam Gotfrid
Daphne Wagner, David Green and Family
Margot and David Greenberg and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs
Carol and Nolan Grubert and Family
Lori Unger-Gutmann, Alan Gutmann and Family
Joan Starkman and Aaron Hendler
Dana & Mike Kalles
Sharon and Irving Kates
Alana and Mark Katz and Family
Sam Katz
Lisa and Stuart Keshen
Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner and Family
Debbie and Warren Kimel and Family
Jody and Jason Kimelman
Geraldine Rendon and Jonathan Kolber
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers and Family
The Korman Family
Kelly and Marc Kornhaber
Stan Krawitz
The Kumer Family
Elayna and Jonathan Latsky and Family
Bonnie and Nathan Laurie and Family
Nancy and Frank Laurie
Arlene and Manny Leder
The Leszner Family
Melanie and Ariel Levcovich
The Levin Family
The Lewis Family
Rosyln Lewis
Miriam and Lorne Lubotta
Alisa and Alan Lyons and Family
Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Jodi and Moish Margolis and Family
Carol Crystal and Jeff Meilach
Barbara and Ephry Merkur
Christine Viinberg and James Merkur
Susan and Barry Michaels and Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi
Marni Banack and Ben Mogil
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore
The Morris Family
Melanie Ruby, Aaron Moscoe and Family
Michelle and Gavin Naimer
Jodi & Douglas Nathanson
Cheryl and Marc Newburgh
Paisley Manor Insurance Brokers Inc.
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman and Family
Nancy Pencer
Tami Moscoe, Eric Petersiel and Family
The Philip Smith Foundation
For more information on how you can support Leo Baeck’s New South Campus,
please contact Sam Katz, Capital Campaign Manager, or (905) 709-3636 x249.
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike and Family
Sheila Pitch and Family
The Rechtsman Family
Anita and Andy Robins and Family
Jillian and Jordan Robins
Helaine and Lionel Robins
Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Stephanie and Geoffrey Rotstein and Family
Gerry and Caren Ruby Family Foundation
Meredith and Matt Rudin and Family
Dana and Hershel Sahian
Randi and Peter Satok and Family
Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler
Sigalit Habsha, Robert Saul and Family
Raisyl Mandel and Richard Saunders
Elysa Greisman, Isaac Schneider and Family
Elizabeth Wolfe, Paul Schnier and Family
Rochelle and David Shaw
Rhonda Cohen, Michael Sherrard and Family
Francine and David Shields
Neil Shinder
Janet and Norman Shiner
Brian Simon
Ronna Rubin, Philip Smith and Family
Franci and Ken Sniderman and Family
Rabbi Sharon Sobel
South Campus LBPA
The Stanley Family
Gaye and Andy Stein
The Sterling Family
Gene and Mark Teeger
Carole and Stephen Title
Alissa and David Train
Barbara Klein and Steve Tyer
Renée Unger
Jayden Walters
Jonah Walters
Kimberley and Craig Walters and Family
Joanne Weigen
Robyn and Michael Weinstein and Family
Jane West Walsh
Joanne Weigen
Shelley and Brian Weiner
Belle and Berny Weinstein
Tracy and Andrew Wilder and Family
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Rose Wolfe, Jonathan Wolfe and Family
Henry Wolfond
Elayne and Irwin Wortsman
Tamara and Adam Zalev and Family
Joyce and Fred Zemans and Family
The Zimet/Klein Family
The Zitsow Family
We apologize for any missing names not
available until after this edition went to press.
Annual Campaign Donors
Gifts to the school during the period of July 1, 2012 - June 17, 2013.
Sharon Abel
Marion Bogo
Deborah and Darren Abrahams
Brampton Civic Hospital
Elaine and Joel Abrams
Erika Rubin and Adam Breslin
Linda Abramsohn
Penny Hung and Eytan Broder Cindy and Neil Abramson
Fran Brodt
Access to Care Team at Cancer Care
Karin and Deron Brown and Family
Robyn and Danny Buchman
Hailey Adams
Gail Baker and Sandy Buchman
Marla and Lorne Akler
Karen Burke
Shelley Albert
Alison and Jeremy Burke
Beverley and Gavin Allen
Yvette Burke
Rachel Andrew
Jordanna and Shai Burstein and Family
Terri and Barry Applebaum
Barbara Carlyle
Sharon Neiss and Gordon Arbess
Ruth Carrick
Amy Barkin and Steve Aronovitch
Bonnie Shear, Charles Cass and David Cass
Lawrence Axmith
(Two Hundred St. Clair Ave. West)
Ronnie and Aaron Bacher
Amanda and Brian Cepler
Barbara and Dr. Michael Baker
Leonard Cepler Connie and Saul Baker
Cheryl and Maury Cepler and Family
Ellie Morch and Jason Baker Shoshana and Adam Chaim
Margot and Larry Baker
Allen Chankowsky
Judy Hirsh and Peter Ballon
Mona and Marvin Chankowsky and Family
Dr. Aubey Banack
Sharon and Lorne Chapnick
Ilana Banks
Joyce and Paul Chapnick
Betty and Antonio Barbuzzi
Harpreet Chauhan
Haley and Yoram Birenzweig
Sheila Clarke
Lanna and David Barrison
Michelle White and Adam Cohen
Dr. Izchak Barzilay
Lori and Jordan Cohen and Family
Carol Basman
Ellen and Ron Cohen
Elaine Bassin
The Beverley and Samuel H. Cohen
Elissa Kline-Beber and Justin Beber Family Foundation
Wendy and Stephen Bederman
Dr. Zane Cohen
Muriel and Joseph Behar
Deborah Fisher and Jack Coleman Erin Rechtsman and Ori Belavin Vanessa and Michael Comisarow
Linda Millman and Marcello Beltrano
Marilyn Nagel and Syd Conn
Rhonda Wilansky and Israel Ben-Ishai
Brenda and Jerry Conway and Family
Leslie and Desmond Bender
Shirley and Dr. Robin Conway
Tama Sirkis and Jordan Bender Judi and Herb Cooper
Magda and Peter Benedek
Estelle and Harvey Cooperstone
Esther Encaoua de Benhamu and Daniel
Dr. and Mrs. Marshall Cossman
The Dan Family Foundation
Nancy Pencer and Michael Benjamin
Shari Danan
Frances Berkoff
Tessa and Leon Davids
Vivian and Graham Berman
Roz and Moishe Davidson
Kerry and Jeff Bernknopf
Elaine and Allan Davis
Lisa and Warren Bernstein
Laurie and Michael Davis
Eva and Earl Biderman
Eva and Richard Davis
Beverley Shukyn and Robert Biderman
Brenda and Ira Day and Family
Rabbi Arthur Bielfeld
Aimee Debow
Esther and Shuki Birenzweig
Gail and Stan Debow
Suzie Bitton
Department of Dentistry, Mount Sinai Hospital
Sandra and Maurice Blitz
Department of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery,
Jody Blum
Mount Sinai Hospital
Department of Surgery, Mount Sinai Hospital
Division of Medical Oncology and Hematology
at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
Rabbi Michael Dolgin
Cheryl Rosen and Daniel Drucker Sandy and Paul Druckman and Family
Sandy and George Duarte
Gerald Dunlevie
Debby Edberg
Beth Skuy and Michael Edgerley
Bea Eisen
Suzy and David Elster
Margo Engel
Rabbi Lawrence Englander
Estelle and Carl Epstein
Sheri and Jeremy Erlick
Sharon and David Evans
Esther and David Fairbloom
Ashley Farber
Dr. Jeffrey Farber
Bari and Shelly Feld
Jordan Feld
Randy Enyedi and Adam Feldberg Aaron Fenton
Chris Fenton
Financial Executives International, Toronto
Helen and David Fine
Rose Forgang and Family
Deborah Epstein-Franks and Aaron Franks
Leslie Shulman and Mark Frazer and Family
Karen and Cory Freed
Lila and Dr. Melvin Freedman
Jody Freedman
Susan Freedman and Family
Isabel Freeman
Laurel and Dr. Marty Friedberg
Dr. Joey Friedlich and the Staff of Bramalea
Oral Surgery
Allison Cepler and Michael Friedman and
Natanya and Ryan Friedman
Dr. Steven Friedman
Penny Fine and Hugh Furneaux Carrie and Stephen Gaines
Sharon and Morton Gaines
Ken Garth
Gas Processors Association of Canada
Hope and Larry Gaum
Paula Gaum-Lipkus and Family
Lyla and Martin Gelfand
Naomi and Ryan Gerstel
Melody Gilboord
Joy Polevoy and Sean Gilbert
Stacey and Barry Jacobs
Jeannine Girard-Pearlman
Charlotte Jacobson
Miriam and Eddie Glaser
Wendy and Maish Kagan
Glenda Godfrey, Rachel and David Gold Debby and Lawrie Kaplan
Dianne and Ron Gold Marc Kates
Sondra Gold and Family Ari Katz
Gerri Goldberg
Robyn Feldberg and Jarred Katz
Nancy and Dr. Sidney Golden Jaime Walman and Rabbi Noam Katz Esther and Mark Goldenberg Sam Katz
Rachel and Avi Goldfarb Cookie and Mel Kay and Family
Sala and Leo Goldhar Dana Kelly
Helen and Dr. Barry Goldlist June and Mark Kenner and Family
Ronit Barzilay and Jesse Goldman Melissa Muskat and Miles Kettner
Jodi Goldsmith and Stephen Gelber Miriam and Leon Kimel and Family
Millie and Sheldon Goldstein Gillian Helfield and Eric Klein
Shelly and Dr. Lanny Goluboff Shelley Klugman
Hanna and Barry Gordon Melanie and Ron Kohn
Sandy Gordon
Carolyn and Eliot Kolers
Jessica Gorlicky Estelle and Marty Kosoy
Aviva and Matthew Gottlieb Kim Kozloff
Susanne and Richard Gottlieb Ayelet Kuper and Family
Erin and Bram Green Edyth Kuper
Keren Green
Hillel Kurlandsky
Stefanie Greenspan Jennifer Kushner and Family
Irina and Avi Greenspoon Sandie and Leo Lazare
Lorne Greenspoon Yair Lenga
Bonnie and Brandon Gremont Josefa Lerner
Marjorie and Wilf Grosman and Family Robin and Paul Leszner
Dr. Allan Gross
Elyse and Michael Levinsky
Deborah and Dennis Grubbs Nelly Levy
Shirley and Kalman Gruber Claire Levy-Boker
Margot Grubert Roslyn and Herb Lewis
Carol and Nolan Grubert Kelly Grant and Michael Lewis
Lori Unger-Gutmann and Alan Gutmann Rhoda and Jack Lindzon
Myrna and Gary Gutmann Dr. Charlene Linzon
Erin Hafner
Ted Liss
Roz and Dr. Ralph Halbert Elizabeth and Phillip Litowitz
Irene and Earl Haltrecht Bev and Bernie Little and Family
Judith and Sherman Hans Lillian Sversky and Steven Little Elaine Harris
Adina Lubek
Tova and Alex Hartman Alysse Unger Luepann and Andrew Luepann
Gabriella Hartman Elizabeth and Gary Luftspring and Family
Jody and Harvey Hauer and Family Mabel’s Labels Inc.
Dr. Barbara Hazlett
Leora MacDonald
Shelley Baker and Gary Herman Liz Manson
Jane and Rob Herman Sharleen and Alan Maresky
Dr. Ken Hershenfield Lonni Margulies
Barbara Himel
Bella Martin
Norma and Norman Hoffman Greg McLachlan
Holy Blossom Temple
Medical Modeling
Rosanna and Emory Honig Susan and Dr. Kenneth Melvin
Rochelle Chester and Daniel Horwitz Shoshana Meron
Barbara Jacob
Rochelle and Sheldon Meslin
Catherine Zahn
Cheryl and Mark Steiner
Andrea and Gregory Milavsky Amy Kaiser and Ken Rotman
Tamara and Adam Zalev
Robyn Steiner
Linda and Joel Miller Karen and Michael Rotstein
Mindy and Dean Zalev
Lynda Rubin
Tracey and Hillary Steinhart
Fagel Mitgang
Ivan Zarenda
The Sterling Family
Micki and Sam Mizrahi Rudolph Family
Sara Zatzman
Lauren Sterling
Drs. Karen and David Mock Ruth and Brad Rudin
Barbara Zeller
Mia Saltz
Evelyn and Steve Stieber
Dr. Victor Moncarz Susan Lieberman and Mannie Zeller and Family
Barbara Stimmel
Amy Sieger and Garry Moore Jill and Brett Saltzman
Zeller/Cooper Family
Ketty and Morris Samel
Barbara and Bert Stitt
Dr. Kathryn Moore
Leah Zilbert
Perlita and Jonah Stroh
Cheryl and Raymond Morris Taube Samuels
Zoe Klein and Andrew Zimet
Jill and Danny Morris Fern Glowinsky and Ian Sandler Sam and Brent Stroh and Family
Linda and Lawrence Zimmering
Tamara and Jonathan Sandler
Celia and Rabbi Michael Stroh
Phyllis Moss
Sara and Zoli Zimmerman
Sigalit Habsha and Robert Saul and Family
Students of SK1 SC 12/13
Mount Sinai Family Medicine Associates
Marsha and Stan Zinberg
Students of 1A SC 12/13
Jackie and Harry Nadler Eli Savage
Joyce Zweig
Ettie and Aaron Schimmer
Students of 6A SC 12/13
Dr. Gary Naglie
David Sutton
Michelle and Gavin Naimer Elysa Greisman and Isaac Schneider and Family
Ariel Dalfen and Jed Schneiderman
Lanni Zinberg-Swartz and Rick Swartz North Campus Middle School Staff
The Staff at Toronto Rehab (Robert Schlosser, Trudy Hebbs,
Nicolas Szecket
Bari and Ian Nefsky
Jason McIntosh, Sarah Quan, Kim Lacombe and Zara Comer) Toby and Joey Tanenbaum
Alex Newman
Karen and Howard Tenenbaum
Debbie and Henry Nirenberg Carolyn and Bernie Schwartz and Family
Chari Schwartz
Rabbi Karen Thomashow
Zelda Nisker
Tamara Kronis and Martin Traub-Werner Doris and Bill Norman Isabel Schwartz
Phyllis Schwartz
Jane and John Trachtenberg
Ilana Opert
Cindy and Michael Opler Lesley Steyn and Peter Seeligsohn Alissa and David Train
Tanya and Ilya Tulchinsky
Dianne and Sid Orfus Dr. Arthur Segal
Galit and Steven Segal
Maura Levine-Turk and Stephen Turk Naomi Epstein and Warren Orlans
Heather and Maurice Sera
Jennifer Swimmer and Andrew Tylman
Erin Ostilly
Ilana Shapiro
Laily and Michael Uster
Judith Otis
Zipora and Jacob Shapiro
Stacey Grossman and David Vernon Tania Pardo
Naomi Vidal
Marla and Dr. Gerry Pearson Debora Shear
Bronwyn and Adam Shepherd
Judy Waldman
Lynn and Darrel Pearson and Family
Heather and Matthew Sherman Linda and Barry Waldman
Faith Halman and Brad Pelman
Jane and Larry Sherman
Jennifer and Robert Walsh
Nola Perzow
Janet and Norman Shiner
Cynthia and John Warren
Tami Moscoe and Eric Petersiel
Marla and Larry Wasser
The Philip Smith Foundation Ellie and Arnie Shulman
Shelley and Brian Weiner and Family
Karen and Dr. Howard Phillips Martha and Harry Shulman
Deborah Dalfen and Jamie Shulman Li and Erez Weinreich
Ruth Sapir-Pichhadze and Aviv Pichhadze Leah Weinstein
Alyson Arbus and Jeffrey Pike Miriam Shuval
Lauren Sigel Mark Weinstock
Marla Pinsler
Jenna Weir
Claire and Gerald Pizer Rita Simon
Rabbi Cory Weiss
Rhona and Leon Platt Aviva Sinuk
Francine Brill and Jeff Weisbrot and Family
Janet and Daniel Pollit Judy and Gerald Slan
Judy and Ernie Smilovits
Jeanette and Richard Wesfield
Dr. Bruce Pollock
Lili and Mitchel Smith
Lydia and Louis White
The Posen Family
Lynda and Jerry White
Efat and Eugene Powell Ronna Rubin and Phil Smith
Jenna Sobel
Brenda and Jeffrey Wise
Gerry Prendergast
Karen, Beatrice and Howard Solomon Ilana Cyna and Robert Wise
Myra Presser
Go to,
Cheryl and Rabbi Stephen Wise
Natalie and David Rashkovan Candice and Phil Solomon
or contact Linda Abramsohn at Nan and Jack Wiseman
Linda Redhill and Family Randi and Jeremy Solomon,
Rabbi Yael Splansky
Michelle and Daniel Wittlin
Reform Rabbis of Greater Toronto
Dr. Steve Richmond Staff of 11 North, Mount Sinai Hospital Susan Wolff-Delucaor Call 905-709-3636 x222 Shari and Arthur Standil
Laura Kauder-Wolloch
Rabbi Debra Landsberg
to reach the Development Office. Ricki Wortzman Jordan and Jillian Robins Patti and Stephen Stark
Franklin Young
Karen and Michael Rodney Susan and Dr. Wilf Steinberg
Make your
donation today!
Pictures from a Baeckxhibition
In Gratitude
That’s Debatable
Leo Baeck hosts Jewish Day School Debating Tournament
By David Bale
There are two streams of philanthropic revenue and corresponding expenditures:
Annual and Capital.
Capital Campaigns are finite fundraising efforts designed to
support a specific capital project of significant scale. Our current
Capital Campaign is raising funds for our New South Campus.
Our Annual Campaign supports programs that enhance our students’ education during the current school
year, supplementing annual tuition revenue. By funding an array of exciting initiatives – such as SMARTBoards (like that pictured at our North Campus), iPad labs, our new North Campus playground, and Tuition
Assistance, among others – it helps differentiate The Leo Baeck Day School as a high-quality provider of
rigorous academic experience in the context of Jewish values.
THANK YOU to all of our supporters this year. Your commitment to our school is so appreciated.
Parent pride. School support.
The South Campus has gone through an amazing evolution. Not only
is this new physical space magnificent, so too is the programming
which is constantly taking on bold challenges and providing new
opportunities for our children. Eli Savage and Alina Goldberg stand between their respective Debating teams from the South and North Campuses.
Caring teachers are at the heart of this. They engage our children,
ignite their imaginations and instill a love of learning.
No ball was thrown. No protective gear was worn. Unlike most
inter-school competitions where schools meet, this one was a
meeting of minds. No cross checks; just cross-examinations.
Rachel & Avi Goldfarb
Leo Baeck Parents & Capital Campaign Donors
Light their way to
a brighter future
“Outside of athletics, the opportunities for schools to meet up and get
to know each other on a personal and academic level are few and far
That, says Eli Savage – Middle School teacher at Leo Baeck South -was one of his motivations for inaugurating a Jewish day school debating
tournament three years ago. “Debating is such a crucial skill,” he says,
“given the rise of technology and less and less opportunity for face to face
Under Savage, the tournament has grown from three to six participating
schools, this year’s meet being hosted at our South Campus. Teams from
both the North and South campuses of Leo Baeck were joined by Associated
Hebrew Schools-Danilack campus, Bialik, Heschel, and RHA-Bathurst.
Planning for the daylong tournament was as meticulously thought
through as a well crafted argument. Each team took part in preliminary
rounds building to the championship round, all refereed by an array of
judges, who were educators from the community, including the past head
of Toronto’s former Board of Jewish Education, Dr. Seymour Epstein.
‘Should physical education classes in schools should be scheduled daily?’
And ‘does the internet do more harm than good?’ These were among the
topics debated. In the championship duel it was ‘Who has more influence
over teens, peers or parents?’
Like athletics, training for a debate is rigourous. “Each and every week,
a new resolution was presented to the debating students,” explains Alina
Goldberg, Middle School English & Humanities teacher and Leo Baeck
Honour your loved ones by making a generous
donation to Leo Baeck
There are many many ways to show your support:
• Tribute cards for all occasions (birthdays, anniversaries, milestones)
• Donations to various funds that support special projects and initiatives
• Siddur sponsorships & dedications
• Planned giving opportunities, estate gifts of various forms
• Sponsorship of special events and programs including Rosh Chodesh services, Nachas events & Alumni programs
• Special Nachas Club programs for our Grandparent & Special Relative community
• Various Alumni Association initiatives
Make your
donation today!
Go to,
Contact Linda Abramsohn at,
or Call 905-709-3636 x222
to reach the Development Office
North debate coach. “In learning to develop a persuasive argument, they
had to learn how to interpret the resolution and look at it critically, from
many different viewpoints.”
That is what makes the exercise of debate compatible with Leo Baeck’s
overall IB world view and innovative teaching practice. “Debating helps
students to develop their critical thinking skills, because they must learn
and acknowledge that there are multiple sides to an argument which must
be considered, even if the differing opinions, are different from their own,”
adds Goldberg.
Savage, who coaches the South Campus team, agrees that fostering
critical thinking skills is one of the benefits of debating. “It’s not about
attacking personally, but stepping back and genuinely thinking and
listening to what your opponent says.”
Believing that the annual tournament reinforces for students their sense
of Jewish community, he sees it more about the experience than it is about
the competition. Well, that too could be up for debate. 13
s from a Baeckxhibition 17
Leo_Baeck_spring_2013.indd 17
2013-06-26 9:36 AM
Coming Home
to a
Alumni stay connected
“Leo Baeck will always be our home away from home.”
Outside it was a cold wintery Friday night. Inside -- in sharp contrast
-- was the warmth brought about by nearly 200 Leo Baeck alumni from
2006 to 2012. Leo Baeck families, teachers, and staff, past and present,
were re-united inside the beautifully lit Kimel Family Chapel of the New
South Campus for the very first Alumni Oneg Shabbat.
The evening began with a beautiful Kabbalat Shabbat Service, led by
alumni together with Rabbi Noam Katz. The words and sounds of music,
prayer and reflection were captivating.
Eric Petersiel concluded the service by sharing special memories and
anecdotes of the alumni students. Guests were given a tour of the new
campus, followed by a sumptuous Shabbat meal.
This event showed the strength and support our alumni have for the
Leo Baeck community. As Alumni Coordinators, we take great pride in
knowing that our efforts in keeping alumni engaged continue to prove
successful. It sends an important message to our current students, that
they will always belong to The Leo Baeck family.
Carol Grubert and Jodi Margolis are the Alumni Coordinators
for The Leo Baeck Day School. Between them they have five
daughters, who are South Campus Alumnae of Classes 2006,
2008, 2009, 2010 and 2011.
New Home
By Carol Grubert and Jodi Margolis
“Leo Baeck has given me all the tools I need to
be successful.”
- Oliver Blatt – Class of 2012
“Leo Baeck gave me the confidence to know who I was
and that there was nothing I couldn’t do.”
- Dana Sherrard - Class of 2012
“Leo Baeck had a huge impact in helping me to form
my Jewish identity and understand my heritage.”
- Josh Hendel - Class of 2011
The Breakfast Club: Class of ‘02
In April, South Campus class of 2002 reunited for a breakfast event
held in their honour. Yvette Burke, Rochelle Chester and Eric Petersiel
were among the staff greeting them to reminisce about old times.
The alumni also got their first glimpse at the New South Campus.
Past board president Franci Sniderman took the helm in putting this
reunion together.
(Alumni pictured are: Adam Sniderman, Noah Gomberg,
Haley Gotfrid, Yvette Burke (North Campus Principal), Taiga Lipson,
Samantha Trope, Bobby Glatter and Paul Hussman.) 19
Staying in Tune
Music and Theatre create the soundtrack of LB Life
“Music plays a key role in the education and culture at Leo Baeck. Whether it’s part of a Judaic service or related to a
curricular theme, music instills spirit and creativity.”
- Dr. Mark Weinstock
Music wafts through the halls like the background sound to life
at Leo Baeck. At the North Campus, it comes from Alla Sagolov’s
keyboard, Kim Doron leading Glee-o-Baeck, and Bryna Wechsler’s
sing-alongs. It came from Les Misérables, under the direction of
Mike Levinsky and Robin Perlmutter.
The South Campus soundtrack is thanks to Dr. Mark Weinstock,
Kayla Goren and “Baeck” musical director Mark Feldman. Disney’s
High School Musical directed by Lawrence Axmith and MJ Johnson
brought music to our ears.
Song leaders in chief -- Head of School, Eric Petersiel and Dean of
Jewish Living, Rabbi Noam Katz – set a mellifluous tone. Their guitars
are as much a part of their educational gear as their books and briefcases, generating a patented musical spirit that permeates Leo Baeck.
Here is how some of our parents see it.
By Natalie and David Rashkovan, North Campus Parents
When our first child started at Leo Baeck, one of the highlights was the
experience of music. We appreciate the challenge of integrating the arts
into an already packed Jewish day school curriculum. We also appreciate
that exposure to the arts enriches our childrens’ experiences. Exposed to percussion, wind and string instruments, music
introduces our children to the melodies of Judaism, creates a rich
environment that is easily transferred to the home. Many of our staff
at Leo Baeck are themselves experienced musicians. The fact that they
are encouraged to bring their talents to the classroom and to Shabbat
services is a testament to the commitment of the school to the music
program, and inspires an interested student to follow in the footsteps of
their role models.
By Margot Friedman, South Campus Parent
The Middle School drama program is probably one of the best in
Toronto. Mike Levinsky has a unique recipe to harness the untamed
energy of a tween/teen into a disciplined command of the stage. He and
Robin Perlmutter team up to put on a play that brings out the best and the
most in their cast. Right before our eyes, we see a maturity, understanding,
and commitment in the cast that was not there at the beginning. There
is something about music and drama that enriches the soul. The arts
are a gift, and Leo Baeck integrates the gift of music and drama into its
curriculum seamlessly.
It started in the early grades with the recorder. That melodic instrument,
used since medieval times. Is there anything more soothing than the
sounds emanating from a shiny new recorder in the hands of a junior
school student who has never played before? Of course there is! There are
many sounds that are more bearable. Even fingernails on a chalkboard
come to mind. But a love and appreciation for music has to start somewhere, so we endured.
Over the years, music has grown in importance at Leo Baeck and has
made for a richer school experience. Music is life. It is art. It is a creative
outlet for kids who want to express themselves artistically and pursue a
passion. Or, perhaps it is simply a sense of belonging, of being on a team
without necessarily being athletic. For many, it is a confidence builder.
When our kids join the cast of the school play, or sing in the school glee
club, Baeck, they learn lessons of teamwork, preparedness. They learn to
stand up in front of an audience and perform. And, in the case of Baeck,
they sing songs that mean something and convey messages of hope
and change.
My kids now play piano and guitar and love to sing. And my husband
and I love to listen. We’ve come a long way since those notes of discovery
on the ivory recorder and music in school has a lot to do with it. 21
Baeck of All Trades
Alumni Close-Up
By Jake Birman
“Go your own way and trust the universe!”
“We were always encouraged to be creative,” reminisces Evan
Malach about his Leo Baeck years (1988-1999). I remember in
Grade 6 bringing together classmates during lunch time to work
on a screen play that we would produce and film at a birthday
party at the end of the school year. “
Malach cultivated his creative side into a rewarding career. He is an
accomplished artist, actor, musician, writer and part-time philanthropist,
and he credits the encouragement and positive reinforcement he received
in school as the inspiration to follow his true childhood passions. “I think
the environment facilitated at LB where any student can be free to explore
who they are without any holds barred helped to shape my willingness to
take risks in my career.”
As a performer, Malach is known for his trademark chapeau, but in fact
he wears many hats, as is evidenced on his personal website. Even a quick
glance reveals a guy who defies any singular description. “[Experience at
Leo Baeck] has given me the lesson of being able to think outside of any
box that might try to categorize me as this or that, allowing me to simply
be as I am and be confident in that.” Malach was recently the recipient of a few impressive awards. They
include the 2012 Hallelujah Global Jewish Singing Contest in Israel, as
well as the 2011 American Express Room for Thought Contest for Original
Canadian Thinkers. It was the Jewish day school education at Leo Baeck
many years ago that paved the way for Malach to bridge his passion for
music and songwriting with Judaism. “That was an interesting experience.
It set into motion a bridging and synthesizing of my musical pursuits with
my Jewish heritage and identity.”
Malach is currently working on a script for a show titled “Letters:
The Kabbalistic One-Man Musical.” In his spare time, Evan studies
Hazzanut and is considering going to school part-time to become a cantor.
He had a dry run at it
when he returned to Leo
Baeck North in the spring to
lead a school-wide Kabbalat
Shabbat service and perform
a concert. One message Malach has for current Leo Baeck
students is: “Go your own
way and trust the universe!”
Words he certainly lives by.
Calling All Alumni
We H
asked: r what you’re doing today?
“Leo Baeck provided me with a solid foundation for all of the academic subjects in high
school. As well, the extra curricular activities
offered at Leo Baeck, such as the drama productions I was involved in, helped me to recognize my creative side. My years at Leo Baeck
have given me a love of learning, inspiring me
to pursue a career in education.”
“Leo Baeck provided me with an academically
engaging experience and gave me the space I
needed to learn about my Jewish roots. Leo
Baeck is filled with caring, patient teachers
who have inspired me to pursue a career in
education. I hope to give my students as good
of an experience as I had at Leo Baeck.”
Rebecca Solway, class of 2008
Initial Teacher Candidate, OISE, Toronto
Jason Stern, class of 2003
Student, Queens University, Kingston
“In grade four, we all had to do biography presentations and I did mine on Neil Armstrong.
I remember that very strongly, because now
I’m doing my PhD in Aerospace Engineering.
Leo Baeck gave me the freedom to pursue any
path I wanted in life, and I feel that’s where I
am right now.”
Adam Sniderman, class of 2002
“I think it was the sense that school can be
a nurturing place, a place where the sense of
religion that one gets at home, the values that
one has at one’s home, can indeed be fostered
and nurtured right in the school environment.”
Neil Abramson, LB student 1974-75
Corporate litigator, Toronto
PhD candidate, Aerospace Engineering,
“The skills I got from Leo Baeck gave me a
good foundation in Hebrew to study in Israel,
which was helpful when I did my Masters
there. Leo Baeck gave me a foundation for a
lot of the skills I still use and it’s where I met
all my best friends.”
Samantha Trope, class of 2002
Money Laundering Investigator,
Royal Bank of Canada, Toronto
“Leo Baeck shaped the way I have lived my
entire adult life. It affected the way I dealt
with my studies because when you’re in an
environment where the teacher embraces you
as their friend, you feel very encouraged and
inspired to learn. Passion, charity and going
through life with a sense of humour, pride and
accomplishment are the skills that Leo Baeck
enforced in me.”
Taiga Lipson, class of 2002
Curator, Olga Korper Gallery, Toronto
Calling All Alumni to send us YOUR response to: 23
Giving Back
Mezuzah Project
“Inscribe them on the doorposts of your
house and upon your gates.”
Deuteronomy 6:9
Throughout the new South Campus, handmade
mezuzot created by our students and faculty adorn
our classrooms and are part of a spectacular
installation art piece at the entry of the Kimel Family
Chapel. The school acknowledges the support of
this special project including the Sniderman Family,
Chai Donors, the Halman/Pelman Family and the
Leo Baeck Parents’ Association. A special thank
you to Gene Teeger, Visual Arts Teacher, who led
this special project for the school. (left) Faith Halman, Brad Pelman & Joey Pelman; (right) Franci & Adam Sniderman.
Knowing the past to chart the future
The history and future of the school was the theme when Leo
Baeck’s Past Presidents convened for a special dinner, held in memory of Dr.
Gerald Baker -- the school’s third president – who passed away earlier this
year. His wife Nancy Baker marked the occasion in a letter, excerpted here:
“There is nothing as exciting as being involved in a program during its
inception! Gerald and I eagerly joined forces, with many other young parents
and staff, to help make [the dream], a reality.
As you are all aware, the position of president of the board of Leo Baeck is
challenging. One must address the needs and demands of staff, parents, the
community and other board members. Gerald compared his role as that of
a camp counselor trying to make everyone “play nice.” Although he sometimes expressed his frustration (especially to Phillip Epstein who got him “into
this”), he very much enjoyed his term of office. While he is not here in body,
he is definitely with you in spirit.”
Past Presidents of Leo Baeck: Brian Simon, Stephen
Morrison, Hinda Weksberg, Phil Gordin, Mark Shiner,
Fred Zemans, Richard Davis (current president), Liz
Wolfe, Brenda Conway, Sheila Pitch, Andrea Rifkin
and Laurie Davis.
Dr. Gerald (z”l) & Nancy Baker (June 2009)
Perfect Fit
Why two new families
chose Leo Baeck
By Rachel Andrew
The Robinson Family
Looking back on their son’s first year at the South Campus, parents Marc
and Rachel Robinson have found Leo Baeck to be “the perfect fit” for their
family. Parents to Jacob (going into SK) and Seth (3), the Robinsons looked
at several Jewish day schools in their search for a school that offered a
dynamic curriculum and stressed the importance of independent thinking.
They found all that and more at Leo Baeck - but most importantly they
found a community that they describe as warm, caring and nurturing.
As veterans of the day school experience themselves, the Robinsons
knew that they wanted their children to be exposed to the “dynamic type
of program that a Jewish education offers.” Leo Baeck was their answer.
“The IB program and the creative methods of teaching,” they explain,
“combined with the unbelievable facility and the warmth and excitement
that exudes from the school, put Leo Baeck in a category all its own.” They
love that Jacob’s teachers foster “a real passion for learning, participation
and growth” with their warmth and encouragement. What a great start to
an illustrious career at Leo Baeck!
Photo: Jordan Prussky
The Herskovits Family
Stephen & Marni Herskovits’s eldest child, Leia, has enjoyed a wonderful
year in JK at the North Campus. They have loved watching Leia’s creative
spirit be nurtured through a variety of exciting activities -- from Mad Science,
WHIMZ, Sportball, and Free to be Me, to the buddy program. In their search
for the perfect school for their family, the Herskovits’s explored many Jewish
day schools and “really took the time to find the best fit.” Knowing that they
wanted to provide their children with a strong academic experience, they
felt that Leo Baeck’s IB curriculum, combined with the model of specialized
teachers, really set the school apart.
Coming from a Conservative background, the Herskovits’s were “pleasantly
surprised to find how well Leo Baeck’s adherence to Jewish values mirrored
their own.” They feel that Leo Baeck strikes the right balance between Jewish
education and personal choice and like that their children are encouraged
to ask questions. Leia feels “comfortable, encouraged and part of a larger
community” on a daily basis and they have found Leo Baeck’s staff and school
community alike to be “extremely warm and embracing.” They love the way
that their entire family is engaged in the life of the school.
Photo: Ali Martell 25
Talkin’‘bout our Generations
With grandparents, a picture is worth only ONE word: “Nachas”
Is it pride? Satisfaction or joy? The Yiddish word “nachas” has never been
simple to translate. You only know when you see it.
We saw plenty of it when Grade 4 students got to invite a grandparent or
special relative to join them in an annual encounter we call our Nachas Club,
the Leo Baeck way of involving our senior generation.
At the North Campus, Visual Arts teacher Hedy Moses and art specialist
Elizabeth Greisman led a ceramics workshop. At the South Campus, Visual
Arts teacher Gene Teeger taught silk painting to create a “Healing Chuppah.”
The result? Beautiful artwork and, you know…..nachas.
“I found it tremendously rewarding to participate in a creative activity
with my granddaughter Aura at her wonderful school and it will be a
lifetime memory for both of us.”
- Morris Presser, grandfather of Aura Sunshine Benedek
“It was wonderful having the focused uninterrupted time to spend with my
grandson Adam. I thought the enthusiasm of the group was palpable, the
organization was perfect, and the instruction was excellent and informative.”
- Carole Title, grandmother of Adam Wilson
“The event reinforces my belief that Leo Baeck values the involvement
and input of grandparents in a very meaningful way. Participating in
it with Aaron was not only a bonding experience; it was educational,
spiritual and fun.”
- Elaine Davis, grandmother of Aaron Davis
“Leo Baeck is Israel engaged. We are very proud of your
partnership with the UJA family and hope that you are
basking in the fact that you helped make the Walk so special.”
Letter from Micki & Sam Mizrahi and Lauren & Jamie Wise, Co-Chairs of UJA’s Walk With Israel,
and Leo Baeck parents/donors. 27
Success beyond Leo Baeck
More than half our grads go on to TanenbaumCHAT
and continue along the path to exceptional achievement
in academics and athletics.
Simon Axelrod
Open Houses
North Campus - October 24, 2013 - 9:15am & 7pm
North Campus - March 27, 2014 - 7pm
South Campus - October 22, 2013 - 9:15am & 7pm
South Campus - March 25, 2014 - 7pm
To RSVP or arrange a school tour: contact Robyn Buchman, Director of
Admission at 905-709-3636 ext 224 or
Leo Baeck grad 2008
Governor General’s Academic Medal
(highest grade average Grades 11 & 12)
Queen’s University, Physics
Summer biophysics researcher at
Sunnybrook Hospital