While Australia Day doesn't mean much to most Americans, it holds

While Australia Day doesn’t mean much to most Americans, it holds special significance for FIVE Union
Public School teachers this year. Australia Day is January 26.
After applying for and receiving Fund for Teachers grants this time last year, five of your elementary
teachers pursued new knowledge in the Land Down Under to make learning more relevant and engaging
for their students. These teachers and their Fund for Teachers fellowship descriptions include:
Team Koala (Keeping Our Attention on Literacy Acceleration)
Traci Gardner, Debora Burry and Lisa Gildea – Clark Elementary
Who observed Australia's National Accelerated Literacy
Program, which garners a 99 percent literacy rate, to develop
and solidify language skills
for struggling readers
(pictured with Jane
McQueen, facility
administrator for
Accelerated Literacy in
Darwin, Australia); and,
Wonders Down Under Team
Kathy Harding and Jennie Morris – Peters Elementary
Who explored the plants, animals and geology of Australia's rainforest, researching the concept of an
ecological niche, to enhance fourth grade science curriculum (pictured delivering a check from Peters
Elementary school community to representatives of Rainforest Rescue to help preserve Australia’s
ancient rainforests.)
REMINDER – Union teachers are also eligible to create their own summer learning adventure through
Fund for Teachers. We are proud to work with the Oklahoma Foundation for Excellence and the Tulsa
Community Foundation and have awarded approximately $2.5 million to fund 769 Oklahoma teachers’
self-designed professional development since 2002. Our online application is due January 27.
Carrie Pillsbury