THE CITADEL THE MILITARY COLLEGE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Department of Electrical & Computer Engineering ELEC 308 Elements of Electrical Engineering Course Syllabus Spring 2009 Prerequisites: MATH 132 Course Description: Fundamental electrical concepts and units; basic laws of electrical circuits; equivalent circuits; DC and steady-state AC circuit analysis; and effective current, average power, and three-phase power. Instructor: Professor Siripong Potisuk Office: Grimsley Hall Rm. 312 Phone: (843) 953-4895 E-mail: Office hours: 0900 – 1000 hrs, Monday, Wednesday, & Friday 1500 – 1700 hrs, Tuesday & Wednesday 1300 – 1500 hrs, Friday Others by appointment Class schedule: Three Credit Hours 0800 – 0850 hrs, Monday, Wednesday, & Friday Room: GRIMS 305 Required Text: Allan R. Hambley, Electrical Engineering: Principles and Applications, 4th Edition. Prentice Hall 2008. References: Giorgio Rizzoni, Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering, Fifth Edition, McGraw-Hill, 2007. Course Objectives: This course provides fundamental education in electric circuit analysis techniques to non-electrical engineering majors. Students should be able to do the following upon completion of this course: 1. Analyze simple DC resistive circuits using ohm’s law, Kirchhoff’s current and voltage laws. 2. Analyze DC circuits containing independent sources using nodevoltage & mesh-current methods. 3. Understand difference between ideal sources and practical sources. 4. Understand Thevenin and Norton equivalent circuits, superposition, and source transformation techniques. 5. Analyze the transient responses of RL, RC circuits. 6. Analyze basic AC circuits using phasor analysis. 7. Learn concepts of complex power and residential electrical service. 8. Understand fundamental properties of three-phase power. 9. Gain insight into transformer fundamentals and electric motors. Grading Policy: Homework 10% Quizzes 20% Two In-class Tests (20% each) 40% Final Exam (comprehensive) 30% The following grading system will be adopted as a guideline for assigning a letter grade. This guideline is subject to change depending upon the overall class performance as well. A : 86 – 100% D : 56 – 65.9% B : 76 – 85.9% F : 0 – 55.9% C : 66 – 75.9% Homework: Homework will be assigned on a weekly basis and must be turned in at the beginning of class on the due date. Only neat and legible work will be accepted. Thus, it is recommended that all homework be written in pencil only on one side of engineering paper. Late homework will incur a 50% penalty and be accepted no later than one week from the due date. Solutions will be uploaded to the course webpage ( one week after the due date. It is imperative that student periodically check the course web page for updates and important news pertaining to the class. While it is permissible to rely on fellow students for assistance, it is not permissible to copy any portion of another student's work and pass it off as your own. CHEATING AND/OR PLAGIARISM IN ANY FORM WILL BE FULLY PROSECUTED UNDER THE CITADEL HONOR CODE. Attendance: Class attendance is mandatory. Student is required to notify the instructor, if possible, in advance should it be necessary to miss a class for any reason and will be responsible for any material missed. Absences in excess of 20% of the class meetings will result in a failing grade for the course. Unexcused absence from a test or a final exam will result in a zero for that test or exam. Excused absence will be granted under extreme circumstances only (guard duty is not considered an extreme circumstance). Special Accommodations: Any students requiring special accommodations for learning disabilities should provide the instructor with verifiable written documentation of their needs as early in the semester as possible (i.e., within the first two weeks of the semester). This will ensure that the students have ample opportunity to succeed in their academic pursuits. Lesson Plan: Week Date 1 01/14 − 01/16 2 01/21 − 01/23 3 01/26 − 01/30 4 02/02 − 02/06 5 02/09 − 02/13 6 02/16 − 02/20 7 8 02/23 − 02/27 03/02 − 03/06 9 03/09 − 03/13 10 03/16 − 03/20 11 12 03/23 − 03/27 03/30 − 04/03 13 04/06 − 04/10 14 04/13 − 04/17 15 16 04/20 − 04/24 04/27 − 05/01 Topics Introduction and units, Solving a System of simultaneous linear Equations, Cramer’s Rule Definition of Voltage, Current, Power and Energy, Passive Sign Convention, Kirchhoff’s Current and Voltage Laws Introduction to Circuits and Elements, Ohm’s law and Resistance, Resistances in Series & Parallel, Voltage & Current Divider Rules Node–voltage and Mesh–current analysis techniques, Superposition Principle Thevenin & Norton Equivalent Circuits Energy-storage Elements, Capacitance and Inductance, TEST #1 Transient Analysis, DC Steady-state 1st Order RC and RL Circuits Complex number system, Complex algebra, Sinusoidal Sources Phasors and Complex Impedances, Sinusoidal Steady-state Phasor Analysis Methods SPRING BREAK Thevenin & Norton Equivalent Circuits, TEST #2 Power in AC Circuits, Average Power, Power Factor and Correction Single and Three-phase Electricity Generation and Transmission, Residential Electricity and Grounding Magnetic Circuits and Transformers Review, FINAL EXAMINATION References Chapter 1 Chapters 1, 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 4 Appendix A, Chapter 5 Important Dates: Tuesday, January 20th Monday, January 19th Friday, February 20th Tuesday, March 3rd Wednesday, March 11th Friday, April 3rd Saturday, May 2nd SCCC Drop/Add Ends Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No Classes) Test I SCCC Midterm grading period ends Last Day to Withdraw with a grade of “W” Test II Final Examination (1300 − 1600 hrs, GRIMS 305) Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 5 Chapter 15