Annex 1 - Editura National

There is no way I can begin my second volume
of the trilogy “MICROSOFT – the Guardian Angel”
without firstly focusing on one of the most serious
allegations in my first book, issued in June, an
allegation that was also printed on cover IV of the
volume. I quote accurately:
As a result of five years of reporter
investigations, I have the feeling that the IT giant was
imposed on the market using heavy political police
instruments. Even if no blame can be brought – for
now – on Bill Gates’ company, the mega-business
has only one beneficiary:
Consequently we will have to shed some light
on my legitimate interest in this trilogy. I have also
taken to make the case public to meet the directions
and recommendations of the European Union, which
call for such situations be made public, throughout
the entire community territory, precisely for a broader
acknowledgement of the criminal phenomenon and
of high level corruption. In other words, to quote
Monica Macovei a Romanian EP: “let’s not pretend
we’re unaware” of what this is about and how we
should go about the generalized corruption in
Romania. This is because Europe considers
software and IT&C development as a strategic field,
of major importance for innovations in information
technology, so that the old continent should be in the
position to enter an equal competition with the USA,
on legal grounds, mutually agreed by the two parties.
At first I intended the second volume of the
trilogy “MICROSOFT – the Guardian Angel” to be
entitled OLAF, if we could have secured information
from this community body. Unfortunately, and
despite our legitimate interest, relevant information
has not reached us yet, so that we had to continue
with the volume U.M. 0666. It is to be noted that the
first book of the trilogy has been sent to all European
Commissioners, including the heads of OLAF,
accompanied by the English version. Nevertheless,
only five commissioners have sent us a reply and
said they had forwarded the request for information
to those in charge. Two were given to the
Competition Commissioner and three to the heads of
OLAF. This proved to be superfluous, as we had
already sent the book and its translation to every
body. Consequently I am looking forward to find out
from this institution handling European Funds if we
are dealing with a “non-case” as per the leadership
of OLAF in 2005, or a real case as they have stated
later on.
It is well known throughout the world that the
MICROSOFT Corporation giant sets up policies that
trigger fear, uncertainty and doubt, notions that are
assimilated to political police and to terrorism in
general. It is known as well that they target
journalists that they label on black lists in three
categories as “ok”, “uncertain” and “action needed”
(see Appendix 1).
Likewise, the ECIS Report speaks about
hundreds, maybe even thousands of cases where
Microsoft has employed anticompetitive practices,
and other wheeling and dealing that are just as
illegal, in order to eliminate competing companies on
the IT&C market. ECIS, the European Committee for
Interoperable Systems is one of the most prestigious
professional organizations in the filed, and is
internationally known. It is so prestigious that the
First Instance Court in Luxemburg has admitted in
the trial Europe vs. MICROSOFT both the Report in
question and the ECIS as an integrated part of the
If we should add that Bill Gates had allegedly
been accused by White House officials that he was
not a hero, but a high-tech terrorist, things begin to
take a frightful shape. At reading the title of the book,
readers might question the connection between
MICROSOFT and Military Unit 0666, the previous
Direction V of the Securitate in Romania, a symbol of
the criminal way of the communist regime to “deal”
with persons “hostile” to the regime. Before
emphasizing the similarity between MICROSOFT
and M.U. 0666, I will explain the definition of “hostile”
during the late regime. It is the precise individual who
takes to fight the system on an ideological, dogmatic
level. He would not support, yet more fight
communist dogma. The state had set up institutional
instruments against these elements, both overt and
classified, meant to eliminate all guises of ideological
In the rule of law – allegedly – in a democratic
and multi-party state, there is no political competition
between the individual and the state, and is replaced
by an economic competition, which is based on new
The benchmark of this book (SC OMNIS
MICROSOFT Corporation is highly involved, is
nothing but a representative case study, a modus
operandi, due to the way in which instruments and
means of political police are put to use by the IT
giant in promoting its own economic interests.
To penetrate the IT&C Romanian market,
MICROSOFT had to rely on high officials, many of
them top members of the Securitate or descendants
thereof. Registered methods of the past were kept
up, yet not their purpose. If in the past they
annihilated political “hostiles” of the system, they
have now passed to annihilating those who could
infringe the economic interests of MICROSOFT, a
company that has been associated with the
Romanian state since 2004, within a so-called
strategic partnership. This partnership costs us a lot
of money, and brings the Americans a substantial
profit; even more so as they have found a doorway
for a mechanism for accessing European funds.
Of course, I cannot support the assumption that
MICROSOFT would go up to physically eliminating
its opponents. But, being associated with the
Romanian State, more than once associated with the
former Securitate, I can assume that there are
persons to commit the assassination. Networks such
as in the case of Cătălin Voicu and Mihai Caraman.
In 2005, when I published the first press article
on intellectual piracy in question, it didn’t even cross
my mind that that there could be an involvement by
MICROSOFT Corporation and even less so of UM
0666 – Direction V of the Securitate. I was to find out
later, with amazement, that the owner of OMNIS
GROUP had been “operatively handled” before by
the hideous communist structure, in the early ‘80s,
by means of political police. And that MICROSOFT is
involved in draining a highly successful software
application, created by OMNIS GROUP after efforts
and investments of over ten years.
I am not afraid of being blacklisted by the IT
giant, as Bill Gates’ men could not lay me off. Today
I am an investigation media freelancer and writer.
Yet with respect to the new Securitate oligarchy, to
which I will refer extensively hereafter, I must admit a
reservation. Just like the former Minister of Justice,
Monica Macovei, when she tried to reform the
system she was leading. And even more so when
she closely avoided being blown up in her own
house, after which she found herself destitute.
Last Minute
We hear from qualified sources that OLAF (the
European Office for Combating Fraud in Brussels) is
intensively investigating the case which happens to
be the subject of the trilogy “MICROSOFT – the
Guardian Angel”, and finds it as extremely complex
on the European scene. This is a complexity that
crosses the Atlantic, reaching the USA. At the end of
last month (28 of June 2010), two days after his
American visa had expired, American authorities
detained Alexei Karetnikov near Seattle (to be
precise in Redmond, headquarters of the
MICROSOFT Corporation), unofficially accusing him
for espionage for Russia. He was an employee of the
IT giant as a software tester and is believed to have
been in touch with the 11 Russian spies extradited to
Russia, within an exchange for 4 American spies
extradited to the USA. It is interesting that the 23
years old man, who was eventually permitted to
leave to Moscow, had previously worked in a ghostcompany in our country, called “Neobit”, established
in 2003 and specializing in Software. According to
“Washington Post”, representatives of “Neobit” with
headquarters in Bucharest denied that Aleksei
Karetnikov had been their employee. I wonder: if he
were, could they have admitted the connections with
a character suspected to be a Russian spy in the
Illegal Practices by the MICROSOFT Giant
On March 31st 2009, ECIS set up a report of
several tens of pages, with references to other
thousands, to the attention of Governments and
other partners – who could think of associating with
behavior and prejudice of the consumer” practiced
by the company.
ECIS is a 1989 established NGO, which pleas
for a favorable environment for promoting IT&C
interoperable solutions and is represented by a
number of professionals in law and information
technology. The Committee sees that all systems cofunction, just as “Word” is compatible with
“Windows”, “Excel” and all MICROSOFT software,
but not with Macintosh, Unix or others. In other
words, once in the MICROSOFT instruments, the
consumer should no longer be a captive user of the
company. For a better understanding of implications,
we quote from the ECIS report:
On January 15th 2009, the European
Commission released a new Statement of objections
addressed to MICROSOFT, with an emphasis on
“the preliminary point of view of the Commission
providing that the joint sale of Internet Explorer
browsers and “Windows” operation systems infringe
the provisions of the EC Treaty regarding the abuse
of dominant position (Art. 82) and distorts a real
competition between competing web-browsers”.
The recent Statement of objections of the
European Commission validates the actual and
urgent need to address MICROSOFT practices that
affect freedom of the Internet, the options of the
consumer and competition in general.
The Pre-pronounced reaction of Bill Gates:
This anti-trust campaign will fall into oblivion.
We have in no way altered the practices of our
The Report goes on:
Over two decades, MICROSOFT has engaged
in a well-planned and successful campaign to protect
and expand the MICROSOFT monopoly, it has
repeatedly made market allocation proposals to its
competitors and has used a range of other anticompetition and non-legal tactics for eliminating
potential rivals, including aggressive and monopoly
tactics in creating their products, as well as methods
Microsoft generates profits of over 60 billion
USD per year, largely from the sale of “Windows”
and “Office”, with a profit margin of 65 – 77% for
these two monopoly products. Over the years,
MICROSOFT has set up and expanded entrance
barriers for competing firms, in order to protect these
monopolies. Just as well, MICROSOFT has banned
“middleware” threats, such as the NESCAPE
Even though MICROSOFT has paid over the
years many hundreds of millions of dollars in
misinterpretations regarding anti-trust laws, these
amounts have been a small price for such an
important source of revenue.
It suffice to say that in balance with the tens of
billions of USD yearly profit of MICROSOFT, the
largest fine paid to the EU amounts to approx one
billion Euros, at the end of several years of court
One of the most relevant voices in Europe,
regarding the vast IT&C and competition field, is the
previous anti-trust Commissioner Neelie Kroes,
Commission, Commissioner of the Digital Agenda. In
the previous term she did not deny the fact that
certain persons in the American Government have
made pressures on her, to lessen critical statements
and sanctions to MICROSOFT. “The US
Government has directly tried to influence the
Competition Commissioner of the EU in favor of
MICROSOFT. I said I didn’t intend to…the
intervention was no longer made”.
You can find more information on accusations
against MICROSOFT in the ECIS Report in
Appendix 2, where we publish a conclusions
The Red Plague of the East
Tormented by fate and by our stronger
neighbors, we Romanians have had to face the
Russian red plague. Thereafter, we established our
own communism, despite the fact that many had
opposed this totalitarian doctrine. And even more
had shut up for fear. We know how that was, as we
had lived it ourselves. Westerners also claim they
know it, but in reality they don’t have a clue. And we
support this allegation by the following example,
which is as real as it gets.
Before the great crowd of December 1989,
many Westerners were wondering that Romanians
swear so much at the party and the state leader, the
institutions and mainly at the Securitate. “They were
asking “if you don’t love Ceausescu why vote for
him”” And this is all that can be said about the
Westerners perception on our tormented modern
and contemporary history.
The NATO and the EU have admitted our
country to their structures, and have thus legitimized
a state system they cannot understand, no matter
how much information they believe they have. The
Delegate Jonathan Scheele, who had been present
in Romania for five years, could not help either. He
came to our country in October 2001, as the third
Chief of the European Delegation to Bucharest, with
the aim of helping the would-be accession of
Romania to the EU. Meanwhile he became the top
leader of the Delegation. Everybody expected that
the official, who had learnt our language, the
customs, tradition, culture, history and who knows
what else, should know us by heart. Yet things had
not been like that.
In the spring of 2004, the Head of the
Delegation admitted that “Romania is a country that,
the more you get to know, the less you understand”.
Later, in the summer, as he had understood
that whatever he had spoken was not beneficial for
his experience in the land of Miorita, he tried to
rephrase it and said: “I believe that what I have said
is not what I meant. I should have said that while I
get to know Romania better, I also understand how
complicated and hard to understand it is for a
bureaucratic institution like the European Union”.
Many political analysts, including Emil
Hurezeanu (former editor at “Radio Free Europe”
1983 – 1994) believes that the instruments of the
cold war persist even today. What they don’t realize
or don’t dare to say is that the instruments of
communist block countries are no longer used the
way they were in the past. The target is no longer the
West in an overt manner, but in a subdued one,
indirectly. The target of those using these
instruments are European funds, embezzled to fill
the pockets of the oligarchy of the Securitate, of
elements of secret structures and mafia-type
networks set up after December 1989. The stake is
of hundreds of millions of Euros, if not billions,
A High-Tech terrorist
MICROSOFT and the Government of Romania in
2004 has raised a great confusion on the IT&C
market. This was because Bill Gates’ giant had just
been summoned by Europe to a one billion Euros
fine for anti-competitive practices. Later on, as
Discovery Channel had just broadcast the
documentary “The True Story of Internet Browser
Wars”, where the producer John Helleman launched
an explosive disclosure from inside the White House:
that MICROSOFT Corporation was an enemy of the
US Government, and Bill Gates was not a hero, but
a high-tech terrorist, in conflict with the whole of
Under these circumstances we may say (and
this is what we will try to prove along the second
volume of the trilogy “MICROSOFT – the Guardian
Angel”) that the relevant company had associated
with the Securitate oligarchy that has been active in
Romania for over 65 years. We will consequently
see that there are frightful similarities between the
way of marketing MICROSOFT IT products and the
practices of the former Securitate.
What Kind of Stability Are We Talking
In January 1990 I was a young post-revolution
journalist at the daily “Dreptatea” and I was received,
alongside several colleagues, by an advisor at the
US Embassy. We sat and talked and at a certain
point our host said that the US Government was very
pleased that there was stability in Romania. “How
so?” we wondered knowing that Iliescu’s communists
had taken over power by the scam called National
Salvation Front. And the to-be threefold President of
Romania was then promising on the holy hammer
and sickle that it would never run as a party. But it
“Well, there is stability as long as second rank
members of communist structures have taken over
power and want a change”, he explained. We looked
at each others stunned. Afterwards we chuckled, as
we were convinced that the low ranking official did
not know what he was talking about. Later on we
were to realize that he had been right, unfortunately.
We were not beholder of the truth, he was. We were
wrong and he was right, oh so right.
We were to learn from the press that in 1989
George Bush Sr. had telephoned the Communist
General Wojciech Jaruzelski (the dire enemy of the
Solidarity) asking him to run in the elections in the
name of the same stability.
Hence we see that Americans needed and
perhaps still need controllable politicians in remote
locations – in the name of a certain type of
democracy - , since they were courting communist
activists. Just as well, President Bush Jr. also invited
us in 2004 to build a bridge for the new Russia, but
later on “forgot” his fatherly appeal addressed to the
Romanian people.
As far as I am concerned (a notice to those who
could claim I have Securitate penchants) things look
extremely clear. I had not been a journalist before; I
had worked eleven years in the Airplane Factory in
Bucharest. I joined the press in December 1989 and
I published my first articles on February 6th in the
daily “Dreptatea”. I did not get rich; I have modestly
lived in an attic bought from a loan. I drive a
Romanian car, whenever I can afford gas. This is
one of the clearest proofs that I did not grasp
material benefits from the new Securitate oligarchy,
in exchange for selling my soul.
I felt I had to make this comment, as several
guys on blogs were implying that I probably work for
a certain secret service, after the launch of the first
volume of the trilogy “MICROSOFT - the Guardian
So to speak, my labor in the service of the verb
and of the truth has brought me only spiritual
satisfaction and in no way a material one. I am a
poor citizen, but an honest one, as per a well-known
contemporary politician, you will know better…
Nevertheless there is a similarity between me and
certain politicians, “old and new” Securitate members
and opportunists of democracy. We all work or have
worked with the verb. I have done it in the name of
truth, others in a demagogic manner, to alter the
truth, and the last for a slice of cake, through
blackmail, intimidation, lie, threat and others. Yet
between me and them there is the difference
between a jeweler and a hammer smith. They both
work on metal, yet the metals differ, so does the
The Vlădescu Conspiracy
I will continue disclosing the way in which the
Romanian State and a group of interests around the
Minister of Finances, Sebastian Teodor Gheorghe
Vlădescu , have tried to exclude the company
OMNIS GROUP SRL from the IT market and destroy
its owner financially, psychologically and physically,
under the umbrella and the direct involvement of the
MICROSOFT Corporation. To what purpose? The
commercial company with a lock, stock and barrel
Romanian capital, with the sole aim to create and
develop domestic software, has dared to achieve the
best ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) product in
Europe. Moreover, they have not entered a contract
with the Romanian state, not because they would not
win a tender in the field, but because they haven’t
been part of the corrupt system. In other words,
whenever they would win a tender, it was cancelled
on the spot for lack of funding for the program. This
did not stop Romanian authorities to organize
another tender, one or two month later, to the benefit
of a company that was compliant and was part of the
system. OMNIS GROUP has not taken to associate
with a Government hot shot of the time, with a former
Securitate member or a present day head of one of
the secret services, even though they had been
proposed to do so repeatedly. This was before
MICROSOFT became the “strategic” partner of
Voicu and Vlădescu. This is where it all started,
according to the communist principle “he who is not
with us, is against us”.
To be clear and in brief, this is the series of
Episode 1
A Romanian IT company develops creativity
and sets up the best software instrument, which
facilitates the integration of all information within an
organization, be it a hospital, a city hall, a ministry,
an agency, a hotel or a factory into a unique
platform. The ERP, set up by numerous
programmers over ten years of efforts and
investments, ensures a transparency of data within
an entity and facilitates access to all types of useful
information of the procedure. The field of applicability
are: production (planning and its dynamic),
administration (evidence of stocks, suppliers,
payments and incomes), salaries (the calculation
thereof and staff information management),
accountancy (financial accounting record), immobility
(a record of assets and calculation of refund), CRM
(client relations management), BI (reports, analyses,
prognoses), etc. It is in 2001 that the ISIS net
software wins the prize of the best ERP product in
Europe, within the competition “Microsoft EMEA
RAD Awards”, and one year later it wins yet another
prize in Paris for the most efficient use of standard
technologies (open) over the Internet.
Episode 2
The company SC (Commercial Company)
established in 2001, with Sebastian Vlădescu as a
significant partner, an always present advisor, or
Minister of Finances. With only one employee – with
no experience in computers whatsoever, according
to his own statements, the company secures
European funding amounting to 50,000 Euros, for
the establishment for three new software programs.
Out of the blue, two OMNIS employees are selected
form college and initiated into IT secrets by RSC
SRL and shortly after, Vlădescu’s company launches
three new applications on the market, just like a
magician who performs the hat trick. One application
is known as HIPOCRATE and is donated to Secret
Service hospital (SRI – Romanian Information
Service), “Prof. Agrippa Ionescu” and to the Ministry
of Interior hospital, “Prof. Dimitrie Gerota”. This has
ensured a notoriousness needed for the purchase of
the product by further hospitals, city halls,
commercial companies and even by the Defense
Ministry. The fact that at the time Minister Vlădescu
was an associate of the to-be Prime Minister of
Romania, Călin Popescu Tăriceanu, is of lesser
relevance. But, the fact that during Liberal
governance Health Minister Eugen Nicolaescu
(a.k.a. Minister of Death) summons all hospitals
under his umbrella to purchase HIPOCRATE is of
interest indeed.
Episode 3
OMNIS GROUP representatives find out that
approx. 5,000 code-lines which are indispensable for
running the ISIS net application are to be found in
HIPOCRATE, according to the RSC SRL website.
These code-lines had long been registered at the
Romanian Copyright Office.
Episode 4
OMNIS furthers a claim for theft of intellectual
property to all relevant state institutions. This is when
the owner of the company starts to be confronted
with unbelievable situations, even for communist
times. He is subject of two setups (even though the
reader will find it difficult to believe): he is stolen a
house legally purchased from the previous owner,
and is framed to be the thief and not the damaged
party. And what is the location for such a setup? It is
the very headquarters of the General Police
Inspectorate in Romania He is furthermore warned
by high officers (the Director of Judicial Investigation,
Victor Nesterov) that it would be advisable for his
family (wife and two children) to live abroad for a
while, as in Romania they could be in jeopardy.
Episode 5
The owner of OMNIS GROUP attempts for over
five years to prove through specialized expertise and
official documents that the pirated product belongs to
him. Meanwhile he is at his turn sued for an alleged
slander; he is accused by RSC that he was envying
the so-called success of the latter. Despite the fact
that the pirated code-lines had been illegally become
an RSC property, word for word, letter for letter,
bearing the fingerprint of the programmer and his
spelling mistakes, Police Investigator (Florin Minca),
Case Prosecutor (the controversial Nicoleta Bulgaru)
and last, but not least Judge Viorica Costiniu (wife of
Judge Florin Costiniu, recently involved in corruption,
and part of the mafia-type network of Cătălin Voicu –
arrested and trialed by the National Anticorruption
Department) reach the conclusion that RCS did not
steal anything, as ISIS net is to be found in the
Navison 3.60 of MICROSOFT, or in other cost-free
programs on the Internet. And who has the last say
in this absurd conclusion. It is notorious people in the
MICROSOFT leadership, among whom, technical
director Ionut Lopatan, who become an expert with
RSC SRL, on the payroll of Sebastian Vlădescu’s
company. In other words, Lopatan claims that RSC
and OMNIS have indeed used the same
MICROSOFT technology, mainly the Navison
application and it is therefore that they reached the
same result, in a complicated string of events. And
when we say the same result we mean approx.
5,000 code-lines with the same programming
language, the same wording and spelling mistakes.
This is hard to believe, isn’t it?
Episode 6
After several years of journalist investigation,
we have come to completely different conclusions,
which were not seen by criminal investigation bodies
and by the law, or that have been overlooked for
self-explanatory reasons. Firstly, at the time when
the ISIS net application had been registered with
ORDA and was granted the award for the best ERP
product in Europe, MICROSOFT Corporation was
not developing such a technology and was not
selling similar applications in Romania or throughout
the world. The IT giant was to purchase a Danish
company shortly after, for 1.4 billion USD. This
included the Navison application that was somewhat
similar to ISIS net, yet less performing. If it had been
just as competitive, it would have participated in the
2001 MICROSOFT contest, and would have
competed with the OMINS GROUP SRL product. Yet
this did not happen.
Later on, MICROSOFT introduces Navision on
the Romanian market, and commercializes it on
channels opened with the goodness of heart of the
Romanian State. It was a controversial strategic
partnership. Even more so, they started claiming that
ISIS net was copied from Navision and other ERP
programs, which they weren’t developed at the time,
as explained above. Having said that, we can only
say that the MICROSOFT machine had no other
purpose, then to eliminate a credible and
uncomfortable competitor on the IT&C market, and
that is OMNIS, to allow them to promote the Danish
product acquired and to control the Romanian
market, based on the prerogative of being a referee
of the IT field by the Romanian State, with Adrian
Năstase as Prime Minister and Dan Nica, Minister of
Communications. This was when we can say that
MICROSOFT got associated with organized crime in
Romania, while the two parties were holding
contractual relations, from 2004 to 2013.
I will further on present the reader several
sequential and specific guidelines that I will elaborate
on over the second volume of the trilogy
“MICROSOFT - the Guardian Angel”.
1990 – Delegated by Ion Iliescu, Officer Cătălin
Voicu (present senator, in preventive arrest for
corruption) was explaining to magistrates – while
spinning a gun around his finger – how justice should
be made in Romania and how to obey. Since that
year, most of high ranking Securitate officers were
co-opted into the Romanian army and the new
democratic structures.
1998 – This is the year when the bases of the
National Interforce Unit were secretly established,
from which emerges the GOC (Central Operative
Group), under the coordination of General Nicolae
Berechet, coming from the county of Arges, just like
the hideous communist assassin, Securitate General
Nicolae PleşiŃă and the “Butcher in the Home
Ministry” Securitate Colonel Gheorghe Enoiu. The
secret structure had permission to monitor and
operationally put to use all gathered information,
including blackmail of high officials, magistrates and
businesspeople. It is noticeable that even today
nobody can confirm or deny if the GOC is still
2001 (February 22nd)- The Năstase Cabinet
establishes the Group for Promoting Information
2001 (March 27th) – three Romanian state
representatives take a trip to Seattle (Redmond), to
the MICROSOFT Headquarters, to set up due
diligence for a future cooperation with the Romanian
2001 (May 22) – MICROSOFT hands the
Romanian Government in Bucharest a letter of
intent, for a future fruitful cooperation.
2003 (September 17th) – Establishment of an
agreement for the conclusion of a Strategic
Partnership between MICROSOFT and the Adrian
Năstase Government (Minister of Communications,
Dan Nica).
2003 (October 30th) - Signature in Rome of the
Government Security Program – GSP, where
MICROSOFT is appointed sole referee on the
Romanian IT&C market.
2004 (April 15th) – The Government of Romania
and MICROSOFT conclude Contract 0115RO, for an
amount of several of tens of million USD, from 2004
to 2009. Appendixes to the Contract increase the
amount to 110 million USD and a mock tender
extends its duration from 2009 to 2013.
Old and New Securitate Members
Schooled and brainwashed in communist party
schools, Russian spies of last century had an
extensive knowledge of their homeland history. After
October 25th 1917, there were more than once
moments when communist leaders were arrested by
the crowd, or by the army or were ending under the
bayonets or the boots of their own people, at the
slightest suspicion, or subsequent to wellorchestrated slander. The conclusion reached by
people in secret services was that: POWER IS
This made them take over second rank power,
while letting politicians kill each other. Thus, they
could control and influence the destinies of their
country in the shade, while enjoying all privileges of
the time. It is secret services, also a source of Soviet
spies in our country, who were monitoring politicians,
sometimes blackmailing them to their own benefit.
And whenever there was an interest they were
committing assassinations in cold blood.
It was with such a “doctrine” that Russian spies
got to Romanian politicians, supported them, and
allowed them access to the highest ranks of power,
while monitoring them from a distance and quite
capable to get to their necks at all times. As they
were only a handful, they co-opted Romanians
capable of anything, even of assassinations. This is
how characters like PleşiŃă, Enoiu, Postelnicu,
Draghici, Goncearuk, Vlad, and many others
emerged. They have all lent a hand to setting up the
frightful Securitate, the scariest and most horrible
repression instrument for the Romanian people. In
other words, we are talking about the puppeteers of
the communist system who had in essence only
served their own interests, those of the pack and of
third parties outside our borders.
I don’t want to be misunderstood. I don’t want
the reader to believe that after 1944 it was Russian
spies and Securitate who lead this country. They
were not really interested in politics, as long as they
were part of a mob with exponents above the law,
and material advantages to their expectations. It was
also impossible for them to make mistakes and not
to place the bet on the winner horse, as long as
instructions were coming from Moscow. Securitate
members only had to observe a set of rules, not to
talk if not asked to, be compliant with top decisions
and act only if ordered. For the rest, things were
following their course. Why would they be interested
if people were well-off or not, as long Moscow was
not sending complaints regarding politics and
communist party issues?! They were in good health
and happy.
In a private meeting near Curtea de Arges,
former General PleşiŃă said to the close crowd
beside him “Ceausescu was a fool, but he was our
fool. We could play him as we pleased, throwing
memos at him and influencing his decisions”. Even
nowadays Romania is not lead by Securitate or by
secret services, per se. It is only influenced to meet
interests of the Securitate, who have now taken the
shape and guise of important secret service agents.
This is how our country has the most numerous
secret services in the world, after the USA and the
If Ion Iliescu is in power, all is well. The
Securitate members of his liking will prosper, while
even those in disgrace are still remembered. Things
were the same with Emil Constantinescu. And now it
seems to be the same old story. They know that a
chain cannot resist if one link is broken. And this is
why they protect each others, like brothers do. There
might be a syncope once in a while. Perhaps even
directed ones, to cover the immense quietness within
the system. All in all it still is Securitate that is in
power, but in the shade, irrespective who is leading
the country politically.
It is noticeable that even inside this mafia there
are bruises. Yet these are only on an economic level,
as each group tries to secure more resources. Who
is the hot shot with the nicest villa, the most luxurious
car and largest bank accounts? Who is the hot shot
that sends his children to study abroad, and spends
his vacations in exotic countries at all inclusive and
for free?
Meanwhile, “old and new” Securitate members
deal with what they know best. Putting together files
that are so much needed (maybe even more so than
before 1989) in political feuds, which tend to have a
certain sense of fun. It is sad for the Romanian
people that they won’t get rid of Securitate any time
soon. This is a conclusion in the history of mankind.
Moses took his people through the desert for 40
years, after the flight from Egypt, in order to let one
generation die out and not get to the Holy Land with
a mentality of slaves. In Romania we need even
more time, in the happy circumstance that former
and present Securitate members should reorganize
into another national conspiracy, much more
atrocious, inhuman, diabolic and efficient, if this is
still possible.
Twenty years and more after the crowd in
December 1989, the moral revolution of the society
has become an illusion nobody believes in any
longer. People have resigned, after so many postDecember disillusions that have annihilated their
hopes. This is why I am convinced that nothing
relevant will change in this country in the following 30
years. Even more so as Europe considers us freaks,
and is too little interested in the problems we are
really confronted with. It is even less interested in
landing us a hand, as long as they do not have a
deep understanding of what we have to face. Or as
long as they are not really interested.
The New Oligarchy
After the seventies, Securitate members have
started reading books, to overtake their semi-illiterate
teachers and not to make fools of themselves in their
relations with civilians and institutions abroad. Each
of them more or less specialized in certain fields,
including tourism, economics, industry, IT and
foreign languages. Others were co-opted from these
fields of activity as informers or undercover officers.
Yet their methods such as blackmail, diversion,
beating and torture, intimidation, fabrication of
evidence, phone tapping of all kinds and all other
Securitate practices have remained unaltered, with a
merely technological input. They have all continued
to serve the same two major interests: protecting and
manipulating party and state big shots and
increasing their fortunes.
They were caught in this state by the December
’89 crowd. They had supposedly foreseen the event
in due course and they did not take action to cut it
short. Nevertheless they put together scenarios for
taking over the economy, special hard currency
funds, socialist state-owned companies, buildings,
lands and other assets and liabilities that belonged to
the entire people.
Initially, Securitate apparatus were transferred
under the control of the army, but it was obvious to
everyone that things could not have remained like
that. Only a few Securitate members resigned from
all activities. A part of the high officers and their aids
set the bases of the Romanian Information System,
which was legalized on March 26th 1990, under the
leadership of Virgil Magureanu. Consequently, many
indispensable in counter information, they became
overnight members of the above institution with large
salaries and privileges like before. Others became
business people, representatives of financial interest
groups within the same system. They were
supported in getting rich by former colleagues with
other state institutions and in the leading political
party positions. But since only a handful of them
stayed in the army, there were still senior Securitate
members unemployed. It is for them that the
Commandment for Gendarme Troops was
established, which was turned later on into the
Romanian Gendarmerie.
Continuators of the Late Regime
At this point, I believe it is time to return to the
main subject of the “MICROSOFT – A Guardian
Angel” trilogy, by reviewing all shadow characters in
this story, In order to explain the honored reader who
the owner of SC OMNIS GROUP SRL had to deal
with, directly or indirectly, in his unequal fight with a
corrupt system, with the Securitate oligarchy with a
legal system that accredits and arguments without a
blink that white is black and black is white, whenever
interests call for that.
invested as the Prime Minister of Romania
(December 2004).
One of these two companies “Leader HighTech SRL” was established in 1999. The same year
the company secured a turnover of 9.153.413.000
old Lei (approx. 597.000 USD) from trade of medical
supplies. Between 2000 and 2002, the company
owned by the tandem Tăriceanu – Vlădescu ceased
to submit their accounting balance to the Ministry of
Finances, and in 2003 they reported a debt of
460,454,000 old Lei, respectively, 14,000 USD. After
2004 there was no further information on the
business of Tăriceanu and the Minister of Finances
Vlădescu, as they stopped all data input in this
Călin Popescu Tăriceanu
He was the adopted son of Liberal Dan
Amedeo Lazarescu, raised and educated by the
latter, but he was not recognized as father, only like
the mother’s husband. After years of imprisonment
for being a PNL member (National Liberal Party),
Lazarescu started fully cooperating with the
Securitate, after his release (just like his senior
colleague – Mircea Ionescu Quintus), who had also
admitted to that. He found his own circumstances for
being an informer, by justifying that from the money
earned from the Securitate he was helping the
families of his liberal colleagues, while sealing their
sentence to hard labor. Tăriceanu was the business
partner of Sebastian Vlădescu in at least two
companies, that he strangely enough omitted to
mention in his wealth statement, when he was
Eugen Nicolaescu
Was born in Grădiştea, county of Giurgiu, a
liberal, an economist and former Minister of Health
between 2005 and 2008, a.k.a. “Minister of Death”.
Just like Sebastian Vlădescu he is an alumnus
of the Academy for Economic Studies, graduating in
1982 long distance courses (Notice: General Nicolae
PleşiŃă has headed the Securitate School in
Grădiştea form 1982 to 1989). Before, during and
after school he works at the Hotel and Restaurant
Complex “Athenee Palace” within the Tourism
Company for Hotels and Restaurants as a
commodities officer and an economist. Later on he
becomes an analyst and economist at the IT Centre
for technical-material procurement at the Industrial
Headquarters for Special Equipment at the Ministry
of Industries and Resources.
From 1990 he works at RA RATMIL
(Autonomous Regie for Military Technique) at the
Ministry of Resources and industry, and becomes an
economic director (1994 – 1997) and even Director
General (1997 – 1999). It is known that this company
had been established during Ceausescu’s time for
ensuring armament export to Africa and the Middle
East, and had permanently been under the control of
the Securitate. And even more so, all employees had
been controlled by this political police service, if they
were not undercover officers thereof.
metamorphosis to become an active liberal, and is
appointed Deputy Secretary General at the Ministry
of Public Finances (1999 – 2000) and interim
president of CNVM (National Liabilities Commission
– 1 – 7 July 2000).
According to Wikipedia, “In May 2008,
Directorate have started a penal investigation
against Eugen Nicolaescu and Deputy Cristian
Boureanu, Vice-President of the PD-L (who had
deserted from the PNL). They were charged for
abuse against public interests. The two were
accused that in the year 2000, while they were
members of the General Assembly of Stockholders
of the Romanian Lottery, they approved an
Additional Act to a Contract between the Lottery and
the Greek company Intracom, which prejudiced the
Romanian company for more than 120 million
Nicolaescu also was an employee of the
weapon trafficker Shimon Naor (alias Simen
Herskovici), who had been in international pursuit
since 2006 by Romanian authorities for the
execution of a sentence of 11 years of imprisonment
and was recently arrested in France. Shimon Naor
has been set free by several Romanian judges at the
Romanian Court of Appeal, who were later on sued
for corruption and sentenced to 3 – 5 years of
imprisonment. You will find further information about
the “partnership” of the two in Appendix 3.
Sebastian Teodor Gheorghe Vlădescu
He is a graduate of the Romanian Academy for
Economic Studies (ASE), class of 1983. He is
employed at first as an economist for the recovery of
credits at the Mill for Special Steal in Targoviste
(Detail: General Nicolae PleşiŃă has run the
Securitate School in Grădiştea between 1982 and
1989). At the same time he is charged with program
implementation for investments and acquisitions,
paid by the IRVMR (Enterprise for the Recuperation
and Valuing of Recycled Metals that functioned
under the control of Bucharest Securitate). This was
a position that could have been taken only by an
active cooperator of the Securitate, or even an
undercover officer,
After 1989 he joins the private sector, initially
importing pickles from Bulgaria, with a van, or selling
newspapers, trinkets, shorts and coffee makers in
the University Square in Bucharest. Later on we find
him a stockholder, associate or director with the
following companies:
1. Boss Exim Trading Group, 2. Boss
Construction and Consultancy, 3. EOL Renewable
Energy, 4. PVB Euroconsulting, 5. Ecologic Allpro, 6.
Leather High-Tech, 7. Wine Club, 8. Team Delta
Project, 9. VKT Environment, 10. Rom offset
Management, 11. Tipo Trading, 12. Aqua Fin
Consulting, 13. BCC. 14. Lord Expert Consult, 15.
Gas Prod Com., 16. Comp Banc, 17. Medist SRL, 18
Medist SA, 19. Event 4 You, 20. Hemat Rom, 21.
Polimed Medical Center, 22. Rapid Credit, 23. Clean
UP, 24. Climate Change, 25. Pulbic and Industrial
Works Enterprize, 26. Topanel, 27. Altipo Construct,
28. CVS Constructii si Investitii Imobiliare, 29.
He was a Liberal at least until the beginning of
the new millennium, after which he failed to pay his
contribution; Vlădescu is appointed State Secretary
at the Ministry of Industry and Commerce, as a
responsible of the Financial Compartment.
Meanwhile he sees for his own business, and
starting in 1999 he becomes repeatedly an advisor of
the Minister of Public Finances and even Minister
(December 2004 – 2007 and December 2009 –
In a very shady manner, we will not find any
information on the Government site on Vlădescu’s
activity before 1997, as this would not look good for
the already crumpled image of the Emil Boc cabinet
IV. It is mainly about his image form before 1989,
when he was an associate of the Securitate as the
head of the IRVMR. It is good to know that nobody
could get to such offices (see the post-December
ascension of Eugen Nicolaescu at the RATMIL)
without being especially schooled by this instrument
for oppressing the Romanian people and without
exactly following orders and tasks at that level. We
are probably right, and the evidence therefore is the
free donation of software to the “Prof. Dr. Agrippa
Ionescu” Hospital of the Secret Service and the
sponsorship that was turned into a donation of the
same application to the hospital of the Home Ministry
(MAI), “Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota”, to which I will refer
later on.
The moral profile of this character, which is
playing today with the destinies of the Romanian
people, is subject to many pages. In a recent TV
broadcast, he admitted that the people had been lied
to so far, but that this could not go on any longer.
And if we are not pleased with the increase of the
VAT to 24%, we can move to another country with
no VAT.
Over the first years of the new millennium,
Sebastian Vlădescu was the marriage godfather of
his liberal colleague, Cristian Boureanu. On this
occasion he got involved with the new wife of the
latter and divorced Carment Vlădescu. He offered his
ex-wife his participation in Medist as a good bye
present, if we should trust his confessions. As for
Boureanu, he migrated to the PD-L, the party of
President Traian Băsescu, and became one of the
toughest critics of the Liberals.
Maybe it is not by chance that in 2005 Medist
concludes a contract for 6.5 billion Lei with the STS
(Service for Special Communications), for equipping
cabinets for stomatology, microbiology, and internal
medicine, while negotiating with only one source.
Due to the fact that Medist is in close
cooperation relations with at least the Home Ministry,
The Romanian Secret Services (SRI), The Special
Guard and Protection Service (SPP) and STS,
Carmen Vlădescu was found not guilty in a car
accident, on 29 May 2005, in which one person died
and two were severely injured. To be more accurate,
the officers in charge of the investigation reached the
conclusion that the deceased is to blame, as well as
a mysterious mentally ill person who happened to
take a stroll in the proximity and jumped in front of
the car of Mrs. Vlădescu.
Exasperated by the unbelievable conduct of
Sebastian Vlădescu, one of the Vice-presidents of
the governing party, Cezar Preda declared for RFI
(Radio France Internationale) that the Minister of
Finances “has sabotaged the Government”, by
ridiculing the Prime Minster and also that the latter is
afraid to destitute him. In fact, no member of the
Government would listen to Emil Boc, as they all
consider him hopeless, and incapable of making him
heard. This is the text:
I am honestly very concerned. If so far, in
political and economic environments in Romania it
was circulated that the Prime Minister can hardly
control his cabinet, we find these days the same
situation within the Liberal Democrat Party. I, at
least, am not at all surprised by the Minister of
Finances. He does whatever he pleases, as he
pleases, he tells whatever crosses his mid. The
Prime Minister can only react to what Mr. Vlădescu
or Mr. Şeitan (Mihai, Minister of Labor, Family and
Social Protection) say, if you can recall.
I am sorry for the Prime Minister, for the fact
that he got to the point where nobody listens to him
any longer. It is not good to see, as we have seen in
the past, that decisions have been taken that are not
agreed either by the Cotroceni Palace, or by the
Minister of Finances, or by the Cabinet at the Victoria
Palace. What can the citizens of Romania
understand, other that there is chaos? The Prime
Minister is to blame for that. The Prime Minister
should have immediately made him redundant on
these grounds, but he does not have the power, he
is not capable of doing it for fear of I don’t know who.
I don’t understand how one Minister can set to
sabotage an entire Cabinet and make the Prime
Minister look ridiculous, every time he takes to do
what the country needs right now: to get rid of the
floods, to get over the crisis.
We are watching, just like you do, an incredible
situation: a Cabinet where the Prime Minister is the
last to hear what one Minister or another has to say!
And, despite this fact, he doesn’t take any measures.
What can we do, else than tell people that we do not
agree these situations, either?
I don’t think this will take place (Restructuring of
the Government), not even in September. How can
anyone believe that they will carry out the internal
reform in central administration, since they haven’t
done it so far? They can’t. It is now that they have
started thinking. It is only now that they have started
taking decisions. And the salary reductions have
been introduced on July 1st! And it is only now that
we have started considering what we will have to do
inside the Government and inside the Central
Administration? It is not fair and not to be
understood. Very many leaders of the DemocratLiberal Party disagree with these situations, because
this action is not credible for the Romanian citizens.
Other interesting details on the “fruitful” activity
of Sebastian Teodor Gheorghe Vlădescu are to be
found in Appendix 4.
Agrippa Ionescu
This character is not very important for the
present dissertation, but the interests that have
gravitated around his name, mainly after his death,
are certainly important. He was a graduate of the
School of Medicine in Timisoara (1952), and
specialized for six years at the School for Practical
Trauma of Korea War and at the gigantic Russian
School for Plastic Surgery of Leningrad. In 1958 he
sets up the basis of a reparatory plastic surgery and
burns clinic in Bucharest (Str. Arch. Ion Mincu, in the
old Emergency Hospital building), with 50 beds. In
1959 the hospital becomes independent, and the
only one in Romania, under the name of Clinic and
Hospital for Plastic and Reparatory Surgery, with 151
beds. In the spring of 1990, it is not by chance that
the unit is taken over by the Romanian Secret
Service (SRI), under the name of The Clinic
Emergency Hospital “Prof. Dr. Agrippa Ionescu”.
The reputed Doctor was married to the young
Doina, of the same profession, who continued his
tradition. Once a widow she remarried Admiral Emil
Dumitrescu, a.k.a.
Cico (a FSN hot shot and
Presidential Advisor during both tenures of Ion
Iliescu), and becomes Doina Ionescu-Dumitrescu.
The daughter of the Admiral has been for many
years the concubine of surgeon Adrian Murea, at the
Clinic Emergency Hospital of the MAI “Dr. Dimitrie
Gerota”, who intended to set the bases of a private
clinic for plastic surgery with his mother in law. To
this end, Murea, also known as “Doctor Death”, tried
(and almost succeeded) to steal a building from
OMNIS GORUP SRL owner, Dragoş Rişcanu. His
file has been with the DNA (National Anticorruption
Directorate) for many years, and has been belated
due to its complexity, as we have word for word been
told by the General Prosecutor of Romania, Laura
CodruŃa Kovesi, as well as by her deputy, Prosecutor
Marius Iacob. I have to say that Doctor Death is
today involved in at least two cases where he used
his dying patients’ identity to illegally get hold of
properties by forgery and use of forgery. We must
say that on the surgery bed of Doina IonescuDumitrescu a patient deceased, who had called in for
a facial. The event was covered by the Doctors’
College in Romania and by the bodies for criminal
investigation, who could have referred at least to
negligently killing.
You can find more on this incendiary case in
appendix 5.
Ghizela Vass – Bogdan Olteanu
Another very interesting case is that of former
communist and Cominternist activist, the Moldovan
Ghizela Vass, who set up the premises for the
financial continuity of her ancestors. Here are some
facts about her:
She joined the PCR (Romanian Communist
Party) in 1933, at the time when this criminal party
was mainly made of NKVD agents, who had been
infiltrated by Moscow. In 1945 we see her holding a
membership at the CC (Central Committee) of the
PCR, mainly in charge with releasing Kishinev
Moldovans “form under the Bourgeois – Landowner
Yoke of Romania”, and later on for freeing
Romanians in the country from the yoke of Iuliu
Maniu and Dinu Brătianu. In the following years she
will have held the office of the Head of the
Organizational Department of the CC of the PCR,
member of the CC Secretariat and in 1958 of Head
of International Relations of the party. In 1970 she
was – so to speak – marginalized by Ceausescu,
and got the office of Deputy of the International
Relations Department of the party, a positions that
allowed her the contact with Carlos “The Jackal”, at
his arrival in Romania, as she had known him for a
long time.
She went into retirement in 1982, at the age of
70, and she lived most of her life in a luxurious
nationalized building in the residential area of the
Capital ( Str. Zambaccian no. 1, a neighbor of former
Prime Mister Adrian Năstase), with expensive
furniture and valuable paintings. It was in that house
that “Bica” raised her grandson, Bogdan Olteanu,
who was still in her care at the age of 30.
The grandparents of little Bogdan on his
father’s side had fled to Germany where they
repeatedly protested against the communist regime
through “Radio Free Europe”. Ladislau and Ghizela,
his grandparents on his mothers’ side, sided with the
communists even after Ion Iliescu came to power.
Therefore, the young man had to choose between
the two futures ahead. And he chose the former, as
the PNL’s ideas sounded more convincing, and also
because he had to pass the time somehow.
In a relatively short time, he banded with Călin
Popescu Tăriceanu, and in 1998 worked with the
RATMIL (the Autonomous Regie of Military
Technology). Afterwards, he was appointed as
advisor to the latter, eventually going on to take
office as State Minister, Minister of Industry and
Commerce, Vice-Governor of the National Back of
Romania and even Minister in Charge of the
Relationship with Parliament. Thanks to his
friendship with Tăriceanu, who acted as the
godfather at his marriage, Olteanu continued his
ascension right until his appointment as President of
the Chamber of Deputies (2006 – 2008).
Other interesting characters
- Mihai Gherman, CEO of the IT firm “Intrarom”,
then of “Siemens”, the son of former three-term PSD
senator Oliviu Gherman, who used to fall asleep
during hearings in his tenure of the Presidency of the
Romanian Senate, acting as the second ranked
person in official State capacity
- Vladimir Aninoiu, long-time general director for
IBM Romania, the son of Securitate general Aninoiu
- Tiberiu Urdăreanu, reserve major, owner of
the “UTI” company group, the son of General Tiberiu
S. Urdareanu, former superior to reserve-general
Dumitru Zamfir and, until recently, deputy director of
the SRI. His wife, Lucia Urdareanu, former employee
of the DIA (Army Intelligence Directorate)
- Alexandru Octavian Grumaz, son of general
Alexandru Grumaz, former deputy of the STS, and
former Consul of Romania to Shanghai
- Ovidiu Artopolescu, former head of Microsoft
Romania, husband of Corina Artopolescu who owns
a certificate of so-called freedom fighting in the 1989
Revolution, and who later became commissary in
chief in the Romanian Police, chief of the Schengen
Directorate. We have mentioned her involvement
with the “Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota” MAI hospital’s use
of pirated software from RSC SRL, and also her
false statements regarding her claim that she had
never been part of the presentation of the
HIPOCRATE application on behalf of the MAI leader
A Case Study
Romania has been confronted with a situation
ongoing for 70 years. The continuators of former
communists and Securitate are their descendants,
as well as new employees who have become
compliant with their new selection criteria. In this
context, the „Dragoş Rişcanu – SC OMNIS GROUP
SRL” case can become a case study to the attention
of European autorities, for uncovering a corrupt and
decrepit System that still governs Romania’s destiny.
We cannot forget, that over this period
MICROSOFT CORPORATION has been one of the
great beneficiaries of the system, and has concluded
a Governmental Strategic Partnership with the
Romnaian State, and has thus become the IT&C
market referee in Romania. To that we can add all
permanent contracts, released in 2004, which have
constantly been ammended by Additional Acts
amountig to many digit figures.
MICROSOFT is, as well, a partner of
Vlădescu’s company SC RSC SRL, which he had
defended in the software piracy scandal as
deceivingly stating that the pirated programmes had
been set up with the technoloy of his own company
and not with that of OMNIS GROUP.
We must repeat a halucinating detail that will
raise question marks for all those in good faith. For
completing the ISIS net application, all OMNIS
employees had worked for a decade and were
awarded by no other than MICROSOFT for the best
ERP product (Enterprise Resource Planning) in
Europe. Te RSC SRL Company was established in
2000, with no employees. In 2001 they had only one
employee, who was illterate in computers, and in
2002, as soon as they got European finacing (from a
PHARE Programme) to the amount of 50,000 Euros,
they had two employees on their payroll. And, all of a
sudden, after head-hunting the two OMNIS GROUP
enployees, the pirates release a top highly
performing product on the market. Hocus-pocus!
Despite of his connections with the business
world and the relations in the corrupt system,
Sebastian Vlădescu realises that he cannot compete
with prestigious firms to win public tenders.
Therefore, he sets up a scam diginifying a master of
evil. As an important associate and economic
director of SC MEDIST he forwards to the „Prof.
Agrippa Ionescu” hospital of the SRI a free offer,
allegedly belonging to SC RSC SRL, a company
where he is as well an important associate. The offer
is accepted and countersigned by the controversed
Ovidiu Soare, Chief of the Inspectorate for Defending
the Constitution and Economic Security, within the
SRI. The gift, amounting to 12,000 Euros without
VAT, was presented in August 2002, under the
brand of
HIS (Hospital Information System)
HIPOCRATE. Yet it was not delivered at the same
date, as it not yet existed. Hence it was only the
promise of an offer, while delivery was scheduled for
a later date. It was only in September, the same
year, that RSC registered the HIPOCRATE 1.0
application with the ORDA, which was in fact an
upgrade of the British programme Telepath,
Romaian version.
In November 2002, following the same
scenario, RSC sets to sponsor the paravan NGO of
the MAI Hospital „Prof. Dr. Dimitrie Gerota” with the
pirated software (amounting to 150,000 Euros,
wihtout VAT), wich donates the software to the same
hospital. The person in charge of apporving this
shady transaction is the Police General Nicolae
Berechet, responsible of MAI logistics and Secretary
of State, on the position previously held by Cico
In December 2002, RSC receives 50,000 Euros
from the European Union, to set up computer
programmes that they had already offered for free or
under the guise of a sponsorship/donation.
The reason why entities under the umbrella of
the Romanian Information System and the Home
Ministry make high range business with a no-name
company in the trade(we refer here to RSC SRL),
without notable results, with no contracts, no
references or specialists, can only be explained by
those involved.
In reality, the application that had been so
generouly offered to the two hospitals as late as in
September 2003, after Dragoş Săracu and later on
Irinel Lupoi were head-hunted from OMNIS GROUP.
They did not leave empty handed, they took a copy
of the ISIS net application along.
It is of lesser importance that an application like
Telepath does not cost more than 5,000 – 10,000
USD throughout the world, as it was offered for free.
Yet the fucntioning of all computer programmes
involve maintenance. This amounts monthly to 3,000
– 5,000 USD, money that we assume were cashed
right away after handing in the pirated application.
This makes the profit be double. With no effort or
important investments, Vlădescu’s company gained
a certain notoriousness on the IT&C market, and
succeeded – as partner of the SRI and the MAI – to
convince other beneficiaries to take their product.
This way several private companies, a Bucharest
City Hall, a Unit of the National Defense and several
hospitasl joined this shady club. Yet, this was not
enough for Vlădescu’s greed. This is where Eugen
Nicolaescu, Minister of Health steps in.
By order of the Minister, all hospitals in the
country were compelled to „instal” the HIPOCRATES
application, a property of SC RSC SRL. The
company enlarged its portfolio by approx. 30
extremely profitable contracts. Even if the
programme was sold, without any tender and to
realtively small amounts (under 5,00 Euros), the
apparent gap was quickle filled by additional
maintenance contracts.
X-Raying the Disappearance of Certain
European Funds
The PHARE Project according to which SC
RSC SRL was granted access to 50,000 Euros from
European grants was active between 21.11.2002
and 01.07.2004.
In the fall of 2004, Jonathan Scheele pays a
visit to RSC, as the Head of the European
Delegation to Romania.
In November 2004, OMNIS GROUP discovers
that the ISIS application had been pirated.
The criminal prosecution of the defendants
Dragoş Săracu, Iriniel Lupei and Ionel Manole, an
administrator and associate at RSC SRL, and also
an associate of Medist, begins in March 2005.
On May 5th 2005, OMNIS GROUP writes to
Jonathan Scheele, advising him on the spectacular
and unjustified ascension of Vlădescu’s RSC (who
was at that time a member of the Administration
Council of Petrom and President of the Privatizing
Commission of the BCR) and mentioning the fact
that the legal action was pursued. After seven weeks
Scheele responds that the EU Delegation and the
contracting authority will look into the situation of
PHARE grants for the RSC.
Despite this notice, which was more than
certainly known by the RSC SRL, 5 days later, on
June 28th, Ionut Lopatan, one of the MICROSOFT
Directors, testifies, in his capacity of an expert with
the RSC SRL, for the criminal pursuit file stating that
the ISIS net application had been copied from the
Navision software, belonging to his company.
Lopatan’s involvement in this story is ludicrous, and
on July 3rd he is withdrawn from the record, and
gives up his capacity as an expert with the Body of
Public Experts.
It is interesting that up to this day MICROSOFT
has refused to withdraw their lies to the prosecutors,
i.e. that the ISIS net application were copied from
Navision. Thus they have legitimated the allegations
of the RSC SRL defendants, who were able to justify
the full compliance between the product on the
market and the pirated one, and even more so the
origins of a product with no specified source (?), with
no investments and in the absence of IT specialists.
It was on the grounds of this program that donations
had been carried out, as well as free offers to the
SRI and the MAI, with European funding.
On August 29th 2005, OMNIS GORUP writes
again to Jonathan Scheele, notifying that the
Copyright Laws and connected rights had not been
corrected, as Romanian authorities had promised.
An explanation for this delay is that Sebastian
Vlădescu had been appointed Minister of Finances in
the mean time.
On September 1st 2005 Prime Minister Călin
Popescu Tăriceanu receives a similar letter from
OMNIS GROUP, and coincidentally, the same day
the Government adopts Emergency Ordinance No.
123, for the registration of all computer programs
with the ORDA, as per the request of OMNIS
On September 7th 2005, Jonathan Scheele
rushes to declare that Romania had solved all
problems regarding intellectual property and the
IT&C field, allowing thus the removal of the red flag.
He then notices OMNIS GROUP that he awaits,
before pronouncing himself, the answer of the
Romanian authorities, who were investigating the
theft of intellectual property, claimed before.
On February 3rd 2006, OMNIS GROUP
addresses Scheele again, claiming that the
allegation that Romania has sorted out matters of
intellectual property was incompliant with the truth.
On the same occasion he is informed on the judicial
scam that was being set up and about certain Public
Servants, who were corrupt as per the opinion of the
OMNIS GROUP. A series of documents, as well as
an invitation to visit the company are enclosed
thereto. This never takes place, as the company
hadn’t pirated a product, but had created it.
On February 9th, OMNIS GROUP addresses
the OLAF, for support. No answer is given.
On March 7th 2006, a new letter by Jonathan
Scheele informs OMNIS GROUP representatives
that the aim of the EU Delegation is to monitor the
implementation of pre-accession programs, as well
as general political and economic evolutions etc.
Therefore he takes to be contacted in these respects
only, and not with blacklists of suspicious characters,
even if European funds were involved.
In April 2006 the penal investigation of Dragoş
Săracu is suspended, on grounds of his statement
that “modules and functions of the IT application,
ISIS net, are to be found as a whole or partially in
MICROSOFT’s Navision.
On May 2nd 2006, Cristian Unteanu from the
daily Ziua publishes the article “The Vlădescu Piracy
Goes to Brussels”, speaking about an ongoing OLAF
On June 23rd 2008, ORDA releases an
expertise which confirms the originality of ISIS net.
The expertise had taken a long time and it had not
been possible to conclude it in due course. Even
though there was a Law and the set of methods to it,
tariffs had not been provided yet. The tariffs had to
be implemented by the Ministry of Finances. And the
Ministry was lead by Sebastian Vlădescu.
On July 17th 2008, OMNIS GROUP sends
another letter to the OLAF, with the description of the
case, with many relevant documents as an appendix,
asking to be informed on the progress of the
investigation. There is no answer.
On August 15th 2008, OMNIS sends OLAF
another letter, referring to infractions of organized
crime by several Civil Servants. There is no answer.
On December 23rd 2009, OMNIS files a
complaint with the European Commission, DG
COMP (Competition) against MICROSOFT. This
complaint reaches the OLAF, as well, and on March
17th 2010, DG COMP notifies OMNIS GROUP on the
registration of the case of infringement No. 39.784.
On May 26th 2010, OLAF remembers previous
complaints by OMNIS GROUP over several years
and informs the company that legal authorities in
Romania (the DNA, the Police) have reached the
conclusion that there was no case of intellectual theft
and that no Civil Servant was involved in an
embezzlement of PHARE funds for the RSC.
Consequently, the OLAF does not open the
investigation in file OF/2005/0417, that had been set
up according to the EU Delegation to Bucharest
notification of May 5th, 2005.
How can we explain that the Ziua
correspondent in Brussels had got the official
information that the case is being studied? Was it
being studied or not? Or is it that somebody covered
up the story, or did not want to get involved for
whatever reasons?
OMNIS GROUP has requested in June 2010,
both the DNA and the DGPMB (General Police
Directorate of Bucharest) all documents at the
disposal of the OLAF, by which this European body
for fight against fraud has provided not to pursue
legal action. Presently we are awaiting a response
by the DNA, if it ever is to come, as the DGPMB has
already offered one. They said that all documents
are to be found in the criminal record at the Court (it
had been twice resent by the Tribunal to the
Prosecutor’s Office for restoring legal action, which
had been twice rejected by the Appeal Court. At last,
Judge Viorica Costiniu, wife of Florin Costiniu, sent
to Court for his involvement in the network of Cătălin
Voicu, ruled that all representatives of RSC SRL
were as clean as can be.
Consequently the appeal by OMNIS GORUP
has been declined by the Appeal Court, so that the
complainant had to address the Constitutional Court,
while the Tribunal had rejected the RDA expertise
(the only institution in Romania for copyright and
connected rights), since June 2008 (as well as
others incurred), keeping as an evidence only the
expertise of Ştefan Stăncescu, an expert in
computers, not software, which are completely
The Constitutional Court judged the cause in
June 2010, and now the rule is awaited.
Jonathan Scheele, a Pontius Pilates, yet
It is preposterous that only a few days before
Scheele’s statement, that our country has allegedly
solved all problems of copyright, the State
Department of the US had just reached a
contradictory conclusion, namely, that Romania has
a lot of problems in setting up tools needed for
protecting intellectual property rights. Could it be that
our authorities solved, over several month, a
problem that was lingering for 15 years? It is
improbable, which makes Scheele a big liar, if that
was the case.
We should here mention that sources of our
journalist investigation are up to 90% public
documents, corroborated with statements and clues,
which led us to circumstantial, common sense
conclusions, which are obvious to everyone.
To resume Scheele’s report, which had been
summoned by OMNIS in 2005, we can say that he
had washed his hands (just like Pontius Pilates), and
forwarded it to OLAF. The latter kept quiet for
several years, even if we were talking about
European money (and high level corruption), that this
institution was called to protect. The office had been
summoned before twice, in 2008, yet in vain. I will
probably address this subject, as well as the “fruitful”
activity of this European body in the last volume of
the trilogy “MICROSOFT _ A Guardian Angel”, which
will probably be called “The OLAF Conspiracy”.
This is because according to European norms, the
institution has to protect community money, just as
the Community itself has to protect its citizens form
the tentacles of corruption. This has so far not
happened in the case “Dragoş Rişcanu – OMNIS
GROUP”. This is even more so, as the owner of the
company has not been confronted with any
competitor or an ill intended person, but with the
Romanian State itself and its Strategic Partner,
Who Is Handling Romanian Finances
For those who could think to blaim me for being
interested in this scandal for whatever reasons, I
could come up with the answer that more than 30
articles have already been written on this topic.The
papers refering to it are: “Ziua”, “Romania Libera”,
Catavencu”, “Gandul”, “Evenimentul Zilei”, “Bilant”,
“Prezent”, “Realitatea Banateana”, as well as three
TV shows and several online papers. Brussels
authorities haven’t heard anything on the matter,
despite of their huge bureaucratic apparatus. An
important thinker of mankind said that: “All great acts
of corruption are based a high level conspiracy” and I
am 100% supporting this statement.
Another proof in this respect is my telephone
conversation with the Minister of Finances,
Sebastian Teodor Gheorghe Vlădescu during my
journalist investigation. For not being accused of
taking sides, I am reproducing the full statement of
the official, on middle May 2007:
I am once again asking you, somehow in
amusement, why you are dragging me back into this
mess. I have nothing to do with it. It was repeatedly
decided that no legal action should be pursued.
From a technical point of view, these IT issues are
beyond my competence. I don’t understand these
things. There has to be a group of experts to decide.
It is their job. Yet the involvement of my name is
unpleasant, to say the least, because, by chance or
not, I have nothing to do with any alleged intellectual
theft. It is a long story and I hope that eventually
justice will sort out this matter, according to morals
and legality, taking facts into account as they
occurred. Yet bringing back my name into the matter
seems at least inappropriate. I would like to know
how it started again; it probably has to be that way.
You should continue your (journalist) investigation
and let justice take its course. If something is illegal it
has to be deferred to justice. The proofs you have
should reach the Court, so that they can do their job.
I would like to know why, from time to time,
somebody tries to discredit me with something that I
didn’t do. The fact that I was an associate of RSC is
public. Truth has never bothered me. You will know
very well that if you should type my name next to and
alleged crime, public opinion will say: Vlădescu has
committed an infraction, which is completely false. I
have no problem, I only once wrote a reply, in the
newspaper ZIUA, and I will never do it again, and
this concludes the subject, as far as I am concerned.
I was just curious to know who brings up this story
again and why.
Two years had lapsed at the time of this
conversation since my first article on intellectual
theft, at a time when I had no idea how long the
tentacles of the octopus are, or that Vlădescu is
involved in this story. It is, nevertheless, noticeable
that he calls this a “scam”. Regarding the non-pursuit
of legal action of the two employees that had
deserted from OMNIS and were employed by the
RSC, which also got hold of the ISIS net application,
conclusions are indeed dire. Maybe it is of
importance that Dragoş Săracu’s father is a judge in
Ploiesti, a colleague of Rebegea and Podea. And
that Justice in Prahova and the SRI have been
repeatedly slapped over the last period, because of
several employees that had crumpled their image by
accusing them of high level corruption and other
related issues.
It is extremely nice that Vlădescu admits being
illiterate in IT. Yet this has not been an obstacle for
offering an application the SRI Hospital “Prof. Dr.
Agrippa Ionescu” for free, through the mediation of
Medist, where he acted as a significant associate
(and even as a Financial Director at the time of the
generous “sponsorship”). Yet the program belonged
in fact to the RSC SRL, where we again find
Vlădescu as a significant associate, at a time when
the company had only two employees, one of which
admitted to be illiterate in IT matters. And then, with
all due respect, where does the software come from,
dear honest and esteemed Mr. Vlădescu? Did it fall
off the sky? This is the same software that had also
been donated to the MAI hospital “Prof. Dr. Dimitrie
Gerota”. But the most important question is how did
you come up with the idea to select precisely these
two hospitals, for being presented with wonderful
gifts, just like Santa would have done? Was this
perhaps done on the grounds of the close relations
from the time when you were employed with the
ITVMR (I must repeat, an undercover unit of the
Securitate) and later on with the Liberal Party? When
you started working with people like: Mircea Ionescu
Quintus, Dan Amedeo Lazarescu, Călin Popescu
Tăriceanu, Eugen Nicolaescu, Bogdan Olteanu,
Ovidiu Soare, Mihai Berechet and their aids?
The present Minister of Public Finances has
shown upset by the fact that his name comes up in
this dirty business. But how could he not be, as long
as he was an associate of both firms mentioned,
Medist and RSC and I am convinced that it was he
who pulled all strings: Just as MICROSOFT
corporation is also involved by launching an
application of a similar invention (Navision) on the
Romanian market, while claiming that ISIS net was a
copy of the latter. I remind the reader that the ISIS
net product had PREVIOUSLY won the highest ERP
prize in Europe, while the Danish Navision hadn’t
even participated in the competition, and was inferior
to the latter from a functional and technological point
of view. We also know that MICROSOFT bought the
Danish company, including the Navision, after ISIS
net was registered with the Register for Programs at
the ORDA. In this case, it is obvious that ISIS net
could not have been copied from Navison. It was
only later that MICROSOFT bought the Danish firm
for 1.4 billion USD and brought the product to
Romania. Nevertheless, Bill Gates’ company has
claimed the reverse despite of the truth.
Even if so far I haven’t done it, I will try to meet
Minister Vlădescu’s curiosity, by explaining him that I
have never abandoned this case, for more than five
years. The journalist investigation has continued
over the said period. Even at the time when judge
Viorica Constiniu (wife of judge Florin Costiniu,
involved with Senator Cătălin Voicu’s network) had
declared the RSC innocent for the theft of intellectual
property, while obstinately ignoring the evidence on
record. The trilogy “MICROSOFT – the Guardian
Angel”, Volume II is evidence thereto. I will also have
to remind the Minister, that the DNA has a record
that it will eventually have to take to court. This is to
say that not Minister Vlădescu is to blame, but his
And speaking of actions, I call on an explosive
event that was brought to public attention at the
beginning of July 2010. We are talking about one of
the most important statesmen, handling all our
After the last investment to the ministerial
office, Vlădescu co-opted Dan Bittman to his press
office. The latter is the soloist of the band “Holograf”.
He is a nice chap and is suited for the position as an
image advisor. Six month later he resigned and
joined a “Realitatea TV” broadcast to protest against
the Government intention to tax intellectual property
rights by more than 10%. In other words to
exceedingly tax creation, to an extent that doesn’t
occur anywhere in the world.
On the same occasion, Bittman spoke highly of
the professionalism of specialists with the Ministry of
Finances, alongside he had worked for six months.
“You must not believe that I don’t know what there is
going on in this country and with its people”, the
singer declared. “And mainly, don’t think they don’t
know who steals in this country. And how much.
They are filmed, filed, listed. Everything is common
knowledge. The problem is that certain people
cannot be controlled, it is forbidden to control them.
Some companies can be controlled and others not,
that’s the thing”, Bittman added.
So, what are we to understand from this
statement? That generalized corruption in our
country is not a figure of speech, is it? Since the
Ministry of Public Finances has also been infected by
it, while being part of a Democrat-Liberal
Government, lead by Prime Minister Boc. The
statement in question extremely serious; we believe
that the DNA should take immediate action and
inform the population on these events. This is
because simple citizens are confronted with austerity
measures, unemployment increases, wages of the
state-employed are going down by 25% and it is not
normal that the protégées of the system should not
pay their debts, just because they are the clients,
friends, sponsors, you name it, of the present power.
This favored people are backed – as shown aboveby a new Securitate oligarchy, the descendant of the
communist secret service.
At this point I don’t know why we still ask
ourselves how it is possible for a commercial
company to get hold of intellectual property of
another commercial company and receive for this
European funding for more that 50,000 Euros.
(Attention, the almost 300,000 USD applications had
already been donated at the date of receiving EU
Phare funding). And how it is possible for a reputed
judge in this country, former president of the
Magistrates’ Association in Romania and present
honorary chairman of the same organization, to
ignore conclusive evidence on record, in order to
absolve the company in litigation. Yet question
marks of these new times do not stop here.
More Millions of EUR, a Present for the RSC
How is it possible that, after all this, SC RSC
SRL should not only be cleared, but also be granted
another financing in 2010 – for its good behavior –
this time amounting to 4 (four) Million EUR? You
have read well…
3,500,000 EUR come from structural funds,
620,000 EUR from the national budget of Romania
and 217,000 EUR come from the clever beneficiary,
This means that Vlădescu’s company will
receive further stipendiums amounting to 4,120,000
EUR from the Social European Fund and from the
Romanian State, within the Sectorial Operational
Program Development of Human Resources 2007 –
2013, called “Invest in People”, for the “MEDAS –
Teaching Doctors and Nurses in Hospital
Management and Use of Technology” project.
Out Dear and Beloved Justice
In order to see how far lies and twisting of the
truth can get, whenever we deal with a high-level
conspiracy, we will show how certain magistrates,
handled by their puppeteers, turned white into black
by snapping their fingers. To be more precise, how
they turn Dragoş Rişcanu, into a deceiver – as soon
as he turns to justice, hoping to be protected –
depriving him even of claiming the originality of the
ISIS net application, from which he had already
received two high distinctions in the IT&C field.
The owner of SC OMNIS GROUP SRL finds (In
November 2004) that, after his employees Dragoş
Săracu and Irinel Lupei had quit the firm and got a
position with Vlădescu’s company, SC RSC SRL, a
new product had reached the market, which had
approx. 5,000 source code lines in its property. In the
absence of these source code lines the RSC
fraudulent application could not have functioned.
They file a complaint with the Police and other
places, after which they file a criminal complaint
against the two, accusing them of the theft of the
ISIS net product. Nicoleta Bulgaru is in charge of the
court trial with the Prosecutor’s Office at the
Bucharest Tribunal. It a Magistrate transferred from
Constanta, a.k.a. “Police Mafia Prosecutor” and
involved in four investigations for several corruption
deeds, alongside police officer Grigore Pesterau.
They had both been cleared of all accusations. While
the case was instrumented, Bulgaru was taking
statements by those involved, according to the
procedure. The defendant Dragoş Săracu declared
that “the modules and functionalities of the IT
application ISIS net are to be found partly or totally in
other well known IT applications, such as
MICROSOFT’s NAVISION”. This explains the fact
that the pirated ISIS net program extensively
resembles to the HIPOCRATE version, successfully
marketed by RSC SRL.
Irinel Lupei makes the same statement with a
different wording: “The ideas that underlie these
elements are not original, and are based on the
official MICROSOFT documentation (MSDN), on
other Internet examples, as well as on present day
RSC Director, Elisei Craciun, declares at his
turn that the two identical elements of the two
applications, the original and the copy, were not
innovative, but generated from the public and free of
charge MICROSOFT database on the Internet.
Prosecutor Bulgaru oversees the fact that the
5,000 source code lines had been pirated word for
word and punctuation, including the signature of the
programmer , bad wording and spelling mistakes and
clings to a detail that appealed to her. She found it
interesting that ISIS net was not innovative. It didn’t
matter to her that OMNIS had received two
international awards from MICROSOFT for the
relevant product.
This is when the so called expertise by Prof.
Stefan Stefanescu steps in, a specialist in hardware
and not in software. He says that the technology
used is NET, as if this was the question, and not the
paternity of the pirated product, ISIS net. Even more,
in his professorial capacity, Stoicescu concludes that
“OMNIS GROUP did not prove the creation of the
common code, did not present logic patterns or
designs for development projects, which has lead to
the conclusion that creation evidence was lacking”.
explanation, proving a huge lack of professional
training, but also a lack of logic and common sense.
The logic is that the plaintiff doesn’t have to prove
that the products belong to him. It is the defendant or
an interested third party who has to produce
evidence that it doesn’t. It is as if a cop would stop
you in the street and ask you prove that the trousers
you’re wearing are yours. If you can’t prove that, you
will be left without them.
Petty officer Florin Mica, the policeman who
had instrumented the case of Prosecutor Bulgaru,
gets hold of all statements by the defendants, and
takes to add mind-blowing conclusions with respect
to intellectual property, exceeds his prerogatives, his
professional training and even his intelligence. He
claims that OMNIS GROUP had received the awards
from MICROSOFT “for the best use of public
technologies over the Internet, and not as their own
original intellectual creation”. It is as if MICROSOFT
would have called competitors to use their programs,
and the one who managed to be the best with this
got the highest award. This is all the police officer
could think of, even though he is paid from public
funds to seek for justice.
We will consequently show the range of the
silliness launched by petty officer Minca and, most
probably, gulped Prosecutor Bulgaru In the educated
opinion of the clever policeman and his company,
the inventor of the multiplication chart would be the
beholder of all mathematic theories in the world, and
he who invented hot water would be the rightful
owner of steam engines, based on that principle. The
descendants of Alexander Fleming, inventor of
penicillin, could impose his ownership on all
medicines containing this substance, and examples
can go on.
MICROSOFT, Protector of the Scam
Ionut Lopatan, a technical director and founding
member of MICROSOFT Romania steps in later on.
He claims that ISIS net was copied from
MICROSOFT’s Navision, and that up to then the IT
giant wasn’t developing a product at least remotely
similar to ISIS net. At the claim of OMNIS GROUP,
Lopatan declines his capacity of a partner expert
alongside Stancescu. Shortly after, he also gives up
his capacity of an expert with the Body of Public
We consequently produce further extrajudiciary evidence on the subject. Prosecutor
Bulgaru refuses to take this in consideration. This is
why, at the proposal of police officer Florin Minca
she provides not to pursue legal action in the case of
the two defendants. As a motivation, she copies all
statements by those involved from the RSC side and
adds her own notes on the case in order to sound
Another illogicality by Prosecutor Bulgaru was
that” the registration with the ORDA in the Record for
IT programs is done by presenting the deed for
copyright or a statement on own responsibility of the
legal representative. In the case of SC OMNIS SRL,
this statement does not grant the bearer the capacity
as a copyright owner, as this is a notification to the
public for intellectual property, as provided by Law
8/1996, revised and extended”, Bulgaru claims. In
other words, the prosecutor provides according to
her own whim – with no expertise in copyright, and
tells who is an inventor in Romania and who is not.
Magistrates Failing the Test of Logic and
The silly theory advanced by Nicoleta Bulgaru
needed to become legitimate, so that the First
Prosecutor with the Prosecutor’s Office at the
Bucharest Tribunal, Dragos Nestor (another
controversial character within the body of
magistrates) had to give freeway. And this is where
he gets: “all applications in litigation are using public
MICROSOFT technologies on the Internet and are
therefore not original. The SC OMNIS GROUP SRL
applications are notorious and do not represent a
novelty in the field”, as claimed. This makes him fail
the test of logics, as well.
How can justice be made in this country, with
such “brilliant” minds? It is as if I wrote a book that
revolutionizes Europe and was not its owner, as it is
written in the Roman alphabet?
Yet the silly and inept statements of those in
charge in this ill-fated country do not stop here,
On May 21st 2008, Judge Viorica Costiniu, with
the Bucharest Court of Appeal, finds that “the
content of the expertise (written by expert
Stancescu) denies findings of ORDA specialists
regarding the significant occurrence of similarities.
The similarities could allegedly derive from using
MICROSOFT NET public technologies”.
It is yet another person who passes judgment
on issues of intellectual property, with no
competence or expertise in the field. It might be that
her husband, Florin Costiniu was more competent to
do so, in his capacity as a judge at the Cassation
and Justice Court, and head of the department in
charge with copyright. This is if he were not involved
up to his neck in the corruption scandal that haunts
Cătălin Voicu’s network, an individual who is
presently behind bars. Judge Costiniu only lasted for
two days in this position, which is before his
colleagues made him redundant, and pursued legal
action against him.
Judge Costiniu, Better than ORDA Experts
administrated by the ORDA, by a statement in
personal name with regard to the author of the
relevant program means going public as referred to
by article 4 paragraph 1 of the Law No. 8/1996 on
copyright and connected, with ulterior alterations and
additions, as per previous statement, of 16.05.2006”.
In the previous volume, in the appendixes of
the book, we have selected the conclusions of other
expertise, including those of the ORDA, which have
concluded that 5,000 code lines, essential to the
functioning of HIPOCRATE, a source of millions of
Euros for the RSC, have been carbon copied from
ISIS net. Nevertheless, our magistrates believe that
white is black. Is it of lesser importance that on July
23rd 2008, the ORDA expertise confirmed that the
ISIS net application was original? The decisions of
courts had already been taken. And the issue
concerning the originality of the program was only a
scam for distracting attention from the deed of piracy
committed by the company, shepherd by Sebastian
Vlădescu .
In conclusion, it is as if OMNIS GROUP were
the defendant and not the plaintiff. Viorica Costiniu
reaches the conclusion that “the mere registration of
ISIS and ISIS net applications does not grant the
plaintiff the right to intellectual property and legal
protection, as they had not produced evidence that
the applications in discussion are not resulted from
inventive activities and from an own intellectual
process, while making them known to the public”.
On May 18th 2006, ORDA - the only
Government institution providing on intellectual and
connected rights in Romania offers another point of
view, which magistrates will inexplicably ignore.
SC OMNIS GROUP SRL has claimed the theft
of intellectual property for the applications by
previous employees, so that they wouldn’t lose well
trained programmers and block the activity of a
competing company, i.e. SC RSC SRL.
We state that the registration of a computer
program at the Register for Computer Programs,
And I would not have stopped on these words if
Madam Prosecutor hadn’t insulted my intelligence.
In conclusion I am bringing to the attention of
the reader one single fact on the ongoing discussion
as referred to by clever Nicoleta Bulgaru:
Săracu and Lupei had been co-opted by the owner
of OMNIS GROUP from university and had been
trained by professionals. So how where they such
good programmers, after only one year of training? If
it had been about boxing, things would have been
different. If you are a strong fist-fighter you can
defeat your teacher. But in the situation at hand it is
about brains and the use of it. This cannot be done
with fists, or overnight, even if Madam Bulgaru thinks
On the other hand, as I am a pacifist, I
understand all those who have messed-up – at the
urge of benevolent persons like Cătălin Voicu – and
are now surprised for having got a stain. They could
not have judged this case on grounds of their
conscience and legality, because they are not
masters of their own fate. It may be that they have
given in to compromise with certain secret services,
to get higher in office and still owe them for that. Or
maybe they have transgressed their level of
competence, according to the Peter Principle. In both
cases they have to cover up their actions, at least
the illegitimate ones, to prevent them from going
down. This is why they are so closely united, and
supportive of one another, while they don’t even
suspect that they are merely puppets in the hands of
professional puppeteers. I almost feel sorry for them,
at the thought that at a certain point they will have to
give explanations.
Next to the numerous puppets, more or less
involved in the intelligence theft in this book, several
characters stick up as puppeteers and beneficiaries
of the corrupt system that is eating this country and
their poor people from the inside. The reader might
rightfully ask what these people have to do with the
former Securitate and nomenclature, but mainly with
the Securitate-type oligarchy instated in Post-1989
Romania. Connections are circumstantial. So
circumstantial that they don’t poke into the eye of
someone who would look into the matter with a
certain attention? It is not that the OMNIS GROUP
owner hadn’t filed complaints with every relevant
authority as a victim of software piracy. Yet these
claims have had no impact, and were “solved”
domestically, by relatives, friends or business
partners of those concerned.
Attorney John A. Bingham, Special Judge,
Quoted in the Conspirators Trial, Washington,
1865 USA:
A conspiracy is seldom, if ever, proved by
positive testimony, when a major crime is on the
verge of being committed again by a group of
individuals. They do not act in the open, but under
cover, secretly. Their aim is known only by those
who enter this system. Excepting the case when one
of the conspirators betrays his fellowmen and offers
proof against them. Their guilt can only be proved
on grounds of circumstantial evidence. In such
situations, probation experts can only say that
circumstantial evidences are more compelling
than material ones. A witness can grant mistaken
interpretations for facts or can commit perjury,
evidence can be counterfeited, but circumstances
cannot deceive.
For the reasons given so far, I consider it
necessary to continue this second volume of the
trilogy started with "Microsoft – The Guardian Angel"
with a review of recently (or not exactly) gone
realities. These are realities which have marked and
which still deeply mark generations of Romanians
while Westerners have remained indifferent to them.
I apologize to the reader who is already
acquainted with what will follow and, in that case, I
kindly ask him/her to move to the next chapters. My
purpose was not at all to bore you, but to simply
bring into discussion facts, acts and persons that
certain people do not know almost anything about.
So that was for reminders, because scripta manent,
as it is well known.
Reality on the Edge
On June 22, 1941, Romania entered the
Second World War with Germany, to recover its
territories annexed by the USSR, namely Bessarabia
and Bukovina. Our army units fought under the
orders of the German general command in Crimea,
Caucasus, Cotul Donului, Kalmykian steppe and
Stalingrad. In early 1943, the total losses of the
Romanians troops amounted to 182.441 (16.566
killed, 67.182 wounded and 98.692 missing).
Decimated, armies 3 and 4 were sent home for
rehabilitation, only seven Romanian divisions
remaining on the Eastern front, at the bridgehead in
Kuban, from where they withdrew to Crimea.
On August 23, 1944, Romania turned to the
side of the Russian giant and the other fascist forces.
In this new position Romania fought for 260 days,
until May 12, 1945, when the Russians ordered our
troops to return home. In the same year, on May 9,
Berlin had fallen and the German army had
surrendered, but after conquering the Tatra
Mountains in the former Czechoslovakia, the
Romanian soldiers were forbidden to continue the
offensive side by side with the allies so as not to
claim to sit at the winners` table.
Russification of the Romanian Army
On October 15, 1943, by order of Iosif
Visarionovici Stalin, the “Tudor Vladimirescu”
Division was created in the USSR and it consisted of
Romanian prisoners of war who had chosen to take
side of the enemy and among whom many Russian
spies were infiltrated. Note that, in wartime, to ally
with the enemy was the equivalent of a crime of high
treason and it was punishable by death after
summary judgments. Among the officers there was
also Arkadie Nesterov, Victor Nesterov's father, who
would become high officer within the Romanian
Police and investigate Dragoş Rişcanu in relation to
his dispute with SC RSC SRL. Victor Nesterov
retired in 2006 and became one of the heads of
Bucharest District 1 Community Police, thus
collecting both retirement pension and salary from
the State budget.
The main role of the division, along with a
smaller scaled one called "Horia, Cloşca and
Crişan”, was propagandistic. The two divisions were
part of the Soviet military system, later fully
contributing to the introduction of communism into
the Romanian Army. First Commander of the "Tudor
Vladimirescu" Division was Colonel Nicolae
Cambrea, having Chief of the General Staff Lt. Col.
Iacob Teclu and political activist Col. Mircea Haupt
as his deputies.
If the "Tudor Vladimirescu" Division fought
alongside the Russians up to the Tatra Mountains,
"Horia, Cloşca and Crişan" had solely a
propagandistic role and did not participate in any
battle. The commander of the aforementioned
division was Gen. Mihail Lascăr, assisted by his
political deputy Valter Roman (born Ernö Neuländer),
Petre Roman's father, first Prime Minister of the
Romanian Government after December 1989.
Immediately after 1944, mainly starting with the
political system imposed by Dr. Petru Groza
(December 1, 1946 to December 29, 1947), the
communists introduced in Romania the Bolshevik
system imported from Russia. But as each state has
its own peculiarities, it has been adapted over time
depending on the requirements and interests of its
leaders. First, the Secret Police (Securitate) was
founded as a repression body against the elements
“hostile” to the new communist regime. This
Securitate became one of the most feared political
police structures in the entire Communist Bloc.
The State Security Council (CSS) was part of
the Ministry of Interior, as was the General
Inspectorate of the Militia, the Directorate General of
Prisons, the Information and Documentation Centre
and the State Archives Department. To liquidate any
elements "hostile" to the regime, which were adverse
or provocative in the opinion of the new communist
leaders, they needed reliable staff, new people to
carry out political orders without any protests.
Consequently, the Secret Police elite thus created and part of it resisting until after the year of grace
1989 - has become the most feared state structure
for which terror, torture and murder were
commonplace notions on the agenda.
For remembrance, I will mention some “heavy”
names of those sad times.
Pantiuşa, the Assassin Buried with Military
- Gheorghe Pintilie a.k.a. Pantiuşa (born in
Tiraspol under the name Timofei Bodnarenko),
Securitate General - held responsible for the arrest,
approximately 400.000 people.
As a teenager he fought in the Red Army during
the Civil War (1918 - 1923), after which he was
recruited by the NKVD (Narodnâi Komissariat
Vnutrennih Del - People's Commissariat for Internal
Affairs) and trained in espionage and sabotage
against the Romanian authorities. During his first
mission in Romania in 1928, while trying to organize
a sabotage and espionage network, he was arrested
by the State Security and imprisoned in Doftana,
Văcăreşti and Caransebeş prisons for 16 years.
During the time served in prison he became
acquainted with future communist leaders such as
Gheorghe Gheorgiu-Dej, Teohari Georgescu and
Iosif Chişinevschi.
After 1944, Pantiuşa married Ana Toma (born
Ana Grossman), Ana Pauker`s secretary, who would
later become Mrs. Pârvulescu after marrying
Constantin Pârvulescu, the opponent of Nicolae
Ceauşescu in November 1979, who challenged his
re-election to the office of Secretary General of the
Romanian Communist Party (PCR).
According to Wikipedia encyclopedia, between
1945 - 1948, Pantiuşa was Head of the party`s
Household, deputy of INU (Foreign Intelligence
Directorate of the NKVD) residence security matters
and one of the executors of the crimes ordered by
the Romanian communists. On August 30, 1948, for
his outstanding merits, he was promoted to
Lieutenant General and became Director of DGSP
(General Directorate of Security of the People) and
MAI deputy. Alexandru Nicolschi, Piotr Goncearuk
and Vladimir Mazuru were his deputies. Retired on
demand (they say) in 1963, he could not stand apart
from the party, often attending meetings of
Bucharest. At the plenum of the Communist Party in
1968, when Ceauşescu posthumously rehabilitated
the communist leader LucreŃiu Pătrăşcanu, Pantiuşa
was expelled from the party. Investigated by the
Secret Police, he stated that he had committed some
of the crimes out of conviction, others out of respect
for the discipline of the party. In 1971, Nicolae
Ceauşescu rehabilitated Timofei Bodnarenko, a.k.a.
Pantiuşa, by awarding him the 2nd Class “Tudor
Vladimirescu” Order. On the same occasion, his wife
Ana Toma received the “Hero of Socialist Labor”
distinction. The General died in August 1985 and
was buried with military honors performed by the
Romanian Army`s fanfare.
PleşiŃă, the Secret Police Brute
- Nicolae PleşiŃă, Secret Police General and
Head of the Foreign Intelligence, was one of the
most fierce, sadistic, cynical and tough officers of
this structure, who became known during the bloody
suppression of the armed resistance in the
mountains. He led the investigation of persecution
against Paul Goma and those who joined his appeal
on human rights in the spring of 1977. He was also
deeply involved in the attacks against the Romanian
department of "Europa Liberă" (Radio Free Europe)
and collaborated with left-wing international terrorist
organizations. Up until his death at the age of 80, on
September 29, 2009, in a Romanian Intelligence
Service sanatorium, this monster had been flaunting
his cruel assassin past by defying his victims through
numerous appearances on television and in the print
Carpenter in a timber factory in Curtea de
Arges, PleşiŃă enrolled into the Romanian
Communist Party in 1947, thus becoming president
of the forestry union. A year later he was promoted
to the Union of Communist Youth (UTC) county
organization. Now a sergeant, the communist
torturer was recruited by the Regional Directorate of
the Secret Police in Piteşti. After several transfers in
various hot spots of the country, he was promoted to
captain and decorated with "Steaua Republicii
Populare Române" (“The Star of the Romanian
People's Republic”) on account of the murders
committed against the anti-communist resistance
groups in the mountains. In 1958 he was sent to the
USSR for specialization at the Marxist-Leninist
University where he did not learn well even Russian,
let alone the communist teachings that were taught
During 1961 - 1967 he was a Securitate
colonel, commander on five counties in the western
part of the country and between 1964 and 1968 he
attended the Faculty of History within Babeş-Bolyai
University in Cluj. Despite this "spectrum", PleşiŃă
remained to his death the same semi-illiterate as he
was as a carpenter, failing to properly assimilate
even the Romanian language.
In 1967 he was appointed Head of the
Directorate for Security and Guard within the Ministry
of Interior, he was then promoted to Major General,
and five years later he became Head of Department I
of the Domestic Intelligence Department.
Between September 1978 and April 1980 he
was the head of the Ministry of Interior`s military
school for active officers located in Băneasa, being
elected alternate member of the Romanian
Communist Party`s CC (Central Committee).
Thereafter, for four years, this sinister person
was First Deputy of the Minister of Interior and head
of the Securitate`s CIE (Foreign Intelligence Center).
On November 26, 1984 he was dismissed from the
above-mentioned offices and appointed commander
of the training school for reserve officers (to be read:
undercover officers) of the Ministry of Interior from
Grădişte, Ilfov county. On February 19, 1990, two-
star ranked Lieutenant General Nicolae PleşiŃă
retired during the first Iliescu regime.
Glorious Past as Secret Police Agent
In 1997, General PleşiŃă was indicted for
complicity in the bomb attack of February 21, 1981,
on Radio Free Europe in Munich, when instead of
blowing up the station`s Romanian department the
Czechoslovak one exploded. The attack had been
staged with international terrorist Carlos a.k.a. "the
Jackal" (Ilich Ramirez Sánchez), who had previously
visited our country and received a few million dollars
in return for seven murder orders, including the one
targeting Securitate General Ion Mihai Pacepa, fled
to the U.S.. Carlos "the Jackal" was picked up in
Prague by Secret Police officers Ion Diaconescu and
Sergiu Nica, who also mediated his subsequent
meetings with generals Vlad, Postelnicu, PleşiŃă and
activist Ghizela Vass.
Later on, in 2009, we will find Ion Diaconescu in
the position of deputy to Dan Nica, Minister of the
Interior, who, together with PSD mayor Marian
Vanghelie, would support Senator Cătălin Voicu to
become Minister of the Interior, based on the latter's
promise to "restore the network at the level of
Justice" on the whole territory.
Under political and Securitate oligarchy
pressures, the Romanian military courts stopped the
investigation against General PleşiŃă in 2000,
allegedly for lack of evidence; it was resumed four
years later by a civil court. In March 2009, six
months before his death, the notorious communist
murderer had the satisfaction to be released from
criminal prosecution.
By way of gratitude for his work in the service of
the Secret Police and against the Romanian people,
PleşiŃă spent his last three months of life in a
sanatorium belonging to the SRI. He has not been
forgotten by his former subordinates from ClujNapoca who sent a funeral wreath to his memorial
service. The same approach came from a SRI unit
and then personally from another member of the
Secret Police enrolled in NKVD - KGB (and
exposed), General Iulian Vlad, the last Head of the
Secret Police before the events in 1989, deeply
involved in the bloody suppression of demonstrators
in Timişoara and sentenced to 25 years in prison
from which he served in fact only 4 (four) years.
Butcher in the Ministry of Interior
- George Enoiu, Securitate colonel, specialized
in the most unimaginable torture methods such as
isolation, starvation and deprivation of rest, sole and
electrocution, etc. He was the principal investigator
of the students arrested during 1956-1957 and who
found great amusement in hitting their heads with his
fists and feet until they admitted to doing what was
held against them. During investigations, he used to
wrap a sheet around him so as not to get stained by
blood. Despite the atrocities that he had committed,
Enoiu was kept within the Secret Police until
December 1989.
Coming from the same county as Nicolae
PleşiŃă, Argeş, Enoiu was Head of the Penal
Investigation Department of MAI, within the
Securitate`s VIIIth Directorate and was called
"Butcher of the Interior” because of his cruelty. He
was involved in the investigation of LucreŃiu
Pătrăşcanu, the communist leader sentenced to
death and executed in April 1954. His investigations
also targeted, among others, Ana Pauker, Teohari
Georgescu or Vasile Luca, who had fallen from the
grace of Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej since 1952, and
later on Paul Goma, Alexandru Ivasiuc and many
Paul Goma:
Enoiu Gheorghe - captain in 1956, when
dealing with Legionnaires and students. So-called
"Butcher" – there were many butchers in the
Securitate. He also beat me (piece of cake as
compared to what Petrişor, Ivasiuc, Cocioran,
Costică Iliescu had to endure); he is guilty of student
Ştefan Negrea`s death; he hit him - his head, only
the head - until he went mad - he hanged himself in
In his duplicity and cowardice, and despite the
testimony of his victims, Gheorghe Enoiu has never
admitted to using such methods on the investigated
Petea, Champion of Political Frame-ups
- Petre Petrescu (born Piotr Goncearuk), a.k.a.
Petea, was arrested for being a Russian spy and
shared the same prison cell with Emil Bodnăraş in
Caransebeş, where he became head of the hard
labor. Close acquaintance of Gheorghiu-Dej, under
NKVD coordination, Goncearuk was one of the most
important factors in the legendary frame-ups which
compromised the traditional political parties. After
becoming colonel, he was later promoted to become
deputy to General Serghei Nicolau (born Serghei
Nokonov), also a Russian spy, Director General of
the Secret Police during its first years of existence.
On other executioners of the Romanian People
see Annex 6.
Officers of Death
As you can notice, there have been only a few
or no references at all to the party activists or to the
political leaders of the country because our goal is
not to condemn communism, but to show who made
possible this social plague. Or rather, to show who
has manipulated the party activists and for what
Former Securitate Generals, most of them
semi-illiterate and utterly uneducated, have trained
reliable people who could later step in their place.
Among those are Gabi Naghi, Florin Calapod, a.k.a.
Cristescu, Alexandru Grumaz, and the SRI Director`s
deputies, generals Ovidiu Soare or Vasile Ioan Lupu
– protectors of the Prahova mafia within this
institution, prosecuted but never convicted -, col.
Corneliu Păltânea - head of the Prahova mafia within
SRI, Admiral Emil Dumitrescu a.k.a. Cico presidential advisor during Ion Iliescu`s regime,
superintendent Nicolae Berechet, Ionel Marin -, SRI
General, Cătălin Voicu - senator and Major General
of the Romanian Army, etc.
General Caraman Decorated by the NKVD
Securitate General Mihai Caraman was a
special case in the Securitate oligarchy because his
results in the counterintelligence cannot be
compared to those of his colleagues, given the
distinction received from the feared Russian secret
service, NKVD.
Caraman was chief of the Romanian
intelligence residence in Paris (1958 - 1968) and
coordinated the network which bore his name. Their
greatest success was to infiltrate into the NATO
Headquarters and to steal top-secret documents of
the North Atlantic Alliance. The damages caused to
NATO were significantly increased by the fact that
those documents also came into possession of the
KGB (Komitet Gosudarstvennoj Bezopasnosti Committee for State Security). This was also the
reason why the General was the only Romanian
officer of the communist Securitate decorated by the
KGB for exceptional results against NATO.
More information about this figure denigrated
by some and loved by others can be found in the
“French Dictionary of Espionage - History and
Techniques" published in 1998.
In 1968, some of the informers recruited by
Caraman were compromised and so he was
summoned back to Romania, where he held several
positions in the intelligence structures, up to Head of
the Counterintelligence Division of DIE (Foreign
Intelligence Department). After the so-called treason
of General Ion Mihai Pacepa, Caraman was
removed from any position of responsibility; in 1979
he was retired and put in reserve.
On January 18, 1990, he was reactivated by
Ion Iliescu, the indisputable leader of the FSN
(National Salvation Front), who appointed him
Deputy Minister of National Defense and commander
of the Foreign Intelligence Center and which, on
December 13, 1990 became SIE (Foreign
Intelligence Service).
In 1992, Manfred Wörner, NATO Secretary
General, announced crypto-communist Ion Iliescu
that he would not go through with his planned visit to
Bucharest as long as Gen. Mihai Caraman was
Head of SIE, on grounds that he had spied against
NATO, which was incompatible with his position of
Head of the Intelligence Services of a country
aspiring to become member of the North Atlantic
Alliance. In April the same year, Iliescu had no
choice but to get rid of this controversial character
and approve his "application" for retirement, not
before, however, promoting him to General Colonel
who would benefit of an "outrageous" retirement
I insist on the fact that the most important
mission of all Secret Police agents in the communist
era was to annihilate any "hostile" and "opponent"
elements which would have displeased the political
power of the RPR (Romanian People's Republic),
later RSR (Socialist Republic of Romania).
Additionally, the members of the Secret Police organized on principles of caste - took care of their
own welfare while the population was starving, living
under terror and in cold, hunger and deficiencies of
all kind. After December 1989 the situation has
changed, but we will refer to this aspect later on. For
now, let us observe how the Securitate was
SMERSH, the Midwife of the Securitate
The Secret Police (Securitate) was established
by a division of the NKVD called SMERSH, the first
Romanian name of this communist apparatus of
Stalinist terror being the Mobile Squad. Alexandru
Nicolschi was its Head until 1948 when, by Decree
no. 221 of the Great National Assembly of RPR the
State Security Council was established. Its first
director was Pantiuşa (Gheoghe Pintilie, a.k.a.
Timofei Bodnarenko), with Minister rank in the
Council of Ministers, his deputies being generals
Nicolschi and Vladimir Mazuru - all three Soviet
undercover officers of the NKVD.
The role of the Securitate, which replaced the
General Directorate of the Security Police, was "to
defend the democratic achievements and to ensure
the security of the Romanian People's Republic
against the maneuvers of the internal and external
enemies". The Secret Police bodies were "the only
ones invested with the power to prosecute crimes
that endanger the democratic regime and the
security of the people."
For a more detailed image on the
psychological, moral and human profile of Gheorghe
Pintilie, the first director of the Securitate, I present
you the opinion of Tatiana Brătescu, daughter of Ana
Pauker, about this odious communist torturer:
Pantiuşa was a sinister character. To what
extent, I would once have the occasion to find out
when he got drunk. He then told us how, while being
a young Komsomol, he was pursuing kulaks and
priests. He was told that the priests held a meeting in
a hut in the steppe. He then rushed there – it was in
Ukraine - and I do not know whether he summoned
them or not to come out, but he covered the hut with
earth and killed them by choking. We were appalled.
This is what he was capable of.
In 1951, the Securitate was separated from the
Ministry of Interior and was incorporated into the
Ministry of State Security, but after four years the
whole newly established ministry was incorporated
into the Ministry of Interior. A year later, the Ministry
of Interior was reorganized into the Security
Department and the Interior Department.
Despite the fact that, until 1956, the Securitate
officers had no prerogatives over the political
prisoners held in labor camps and prisons, they were
actively involved in their repression, while also
supervising, for information purposes, the Ministry of
Interior`s troops who were fulfilling their duties in the
same establishments. The Secret Police officers
were also the main source of information for the
restraint of the "enemies of the people" in prisons
and extermination camps by using forced labor.
In 1958, the personnel of the Security Forces
amounted to 5.633 active officers, 4.108 reemployed sergeants, 1.416 civilian employees and
46.028 conscripts.
In the fall of communism, the Securitate had
15.312 employees as follows:
- Division I - Foreign Intelligence - 114
employees (98 officers);
- Division II - Counterintelligence - 167
employees (150 officers);
- Division III - Counterintelligence - 242
employees (213 officers);
- Division IV - Military Counterintelligence –
1.133 employees (926 officers);
- Division V (MU 0666) - Security and Guard –
486 employees (306 officers) - the most feared and
Ceauşescu, ready to defend the beloved leader at
the cost of their own lives;
- Division VI - Criminal investigations - 72
employees (36 officers);
- Special Anti-Terrorist Combat Unit - 795
- Independent Service for Protection of State
Secrets - 57 employees;
- Special Unit “F” (stakeout) - 781 employees;
- Independent Service for Foreign Trade - 45
- Information and Documentation Centre - 272
- Independent Service Legal Secretariat - 29
- Independent Service Educators and Military
Organization - 74 employees;
- Commandment for Technical Operations and
Communications - 42 employees;
- Special Unit "T" (Tonola - Telephone
Monitoring and Video Surveillance) - 477 employees
- known as "The Ear and the Eardrum”;
- Special Unit “P” (special production and
research) - 465 employees;
- Special Unit “S” (detecting hidden writings and
graphics expertise) - 388 employees;
- Special Unit "R" (radio broadcasts and
counterintelligence) - 499 employees;
- Secret Mail Transport Service - 77 employees;
- Training School for Securitate officers
Grădiştea - 170 employees;
- Training Center for Securitate officers Bran 30 employees;
- Special Training Center - 25 employees;
- Security of Bucharest Municipality and County
Inspectorates – 6.059 employees (4.017 officers),
taken over in 1989 by the new Police and turned into
secret agents of MU 0215, the famous "Two-and-aquarter”( "Doi şi-un sfert");
- Commandment of Security Forces – 1.387
officers, 136 warrant officers, 926 non-commissioned
officers, 535 civilian employees and 20.288
- Political Council of DSS - 13 officers;
- Foreign Intelligence Center – 1.059
employees, merged with MU 0195 – Foreign
Counterintelligence - 451 employees and Service "D"
(disinformation) - 22 employees;
- MU 0525 within the Foreign Intelligence
Center - 475 employees;
- " Dunărea" Foreign Trade Enterprise - 137
- IRVMR (former 3R – Recovery-ReconditionReuse) - known as "Bottles and jars”, undercover
unit Division I of the Securitate (chief financial officer
- Sebastian Vlădescu);
- RATMIL (former Autonomous Administration
of Military Technics) - specialized in arms trade with
Africa and the Middle East (Director Eugen
Nicolăescu and member in the Board of Trustees,
Bogdan Olteanu);
- Division "Z" - "n" employees trained to kill the
dissidents from the Diaspora and to eliminate the
elements "hostile" to the communist regime from the
inside, possibly subordinated to Directorate V - MU
The Odious MU 0666
Division V - MU 0666 (Security and Guard) was
the most despicable of all these Securitate bodies,
its mission being to ensure the security and
protection of the Romanian and foreign dignitaries
visiting our country and also of their families, and
especially to ensure the security of the Ceauşescu
couple. Yet the officers in this structure could afford
any kind of abuse, being superior to their fellow
colleagues because of their position as "Praetorians"
of the Ceauşescus. Under the satanic mark of the
beast, 666, the employees of this structure were
better paid than their other fellow colleagues; they
also fully enjoyed all the privileges of senior officials
and had in their subordination the feared USLA
combat unit - a true symbol of terror for the
Romanian population.
On December 22, 1989 Division V had a staff of
484 people, except for the USLAs (Special AntiTerrorist Combat Unit), of which 306 officers, 14
warrant officers, 144 non-commissioned officers and
20 civilian employees. Of this total, 341 members of
the staff, suspected of terrorism, were arrested after
the establishment of the new original democracy.
Soon all of them were released without a single
charge brought against them. The last commander of
Division V was General Neagoe Marin and the last
commander of the Special Anti-Terrorist Combat Unit
– MU 0620 – was Colonel Gheorghe Ardeleanu
(born Moise Bulă). Once the Securitate has been
integrated into the Ministry of National Defense Ardeleanu-Bulă was appointed by Ion Iliescu vicepresident of the Higher Commission for Regulation
and Structure within the Ministry of National
Defense. On February 5, 1991, the colonel was
retired and entitled to a retirement pension of senior
officer and the beneficiary of a Revolution fighter
certificate, with all the rights deriving from Law
42/1990. He died on June 15, 1993, poisoned with
insecticide in the hospital of Ştei town, Bihor county.
In May 1990, Division V - MU 0666 became
SPP (Protection and Guard Service), under the
command of Major General Dumitru Iliescu.
I will conclude this chapter by making reference
to Annex 7, where the interested reader will discover
who were the Heads of the Secret Services from
1924 up to today.
Securitate is not Dead. Securitate Changes
The political power during the interwar period
and during World War II, up to August 1944,
imprisoned in Doftana a few communist leaders with
Russian pay-rolls and some legionary leaders who
conspired against the country. Among them most
notable were: Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej, Chivu
Stoica, Gheorghe Apostol, Emil Bodnăraş, Ion
Gheorghe Maurer, Ştefan Foriş, Tudor Carapancea,
Nicolae Ceauşescu, legionarii Horia Sima and Zelea
Codreanu and anarchist Max Goldstein.
In addition to them there were many Russian
spies "picked up" by the Security services and
subsequently infiltrated among the Romanian
communists. Note that, at that time, the Communist
Party had around 1.000 contributing members who
were receiving sustained support from the USSR.
Most of the Russian spies - career officers - spoke
Romanian and were recruited from Transnistria, from
the Republic of Moldova or from the Ukraine.
Unfortunately, their Bolshevik experience was
decisive for Romania's dark future. And I will explain
the reason why.
Secret Police Funds for Crime. "Haiducu"
In 1982, the odious Nicolae PleşiŃă, Head of the
Foreign Intelligence Centre ordered Securitate officer
Matei Pavel Haiducu (born Hirsch and son of a
senior official in the Ministry of Interior during the
'50s) to kill by poisoning dissidents Paul Goma and
Virgil Tănase, who had taken refuge in France. The
illiterate General, who did not speak any foreign
language and whose Romanian language skills were
only basic, ordered the assassinations out of
excessive zeal, to work himself into Nicolae
Ceuşescu`s favour, who had come to realize how
incompetent he was in his position. Haiducu did not
follow PleşiŃă`s orders and surrendered to the
French intelligence services. In his book published
two years later, "I refused to kill," he recounts the
whole story with details.
Tănase and Goma were hidden by the French
secret services while the press sparked a scandal on
the matter of their murder. It was a scandal that also
reached Bucharest, to the great satisfaction of
General PleşiŃă. Haiducu returned home as if he
would have done the job and, at PleşiŃă`s
suggestion, he was even decorated by Ceauşescu.
Three months passed, but the two dissidents` bodies
were still nowhere to be found, which roused the
suspicion of the Romanian dictator.
President Francois Mitterrand seemed to
suggest in an interview that Virgil Tănase`s wife
would have some "connections" with the French
DST, at which point Ceauşescu became even more
suspicious. Everything culminated with Haiducu`s
appearance on the French TV who stated that the
two opponents of the Romanian communist regime
were still alive and that he had cooperated with the
French secret services to save their lives. In addition
to that, he exposed the relationship of the country's
ambassador in Paris - Dumitru Aninoiu - and press
attaché - Ion Badea - with the CIE. Thus, alike
Bulgarian President Todor Jivkov, Ceauşescu
appeared in the public eye as an "assassin of
dissidents". As a punishment, the dictator assigned
PleşiŃă to the Securitate School in Grădiştea, still
being there when the Revolution of December 1989
broke out. This figure is the prototype of the brute
Secret Police agent who has dedicated his entire life
only for his self-interest and for the defense of
communism, thus ruining the prestige of our country
for many years.
Interesting to mention that, at that time, French
President Mitterrand, whose campaign had been
sponsored by Nicolae Ceauşescu, had a planned
visit to Romania, which he later canceled as a sign of
protest against the "Haiducu" Affair and stated that
our country was run by "a gang of assassins".
PleşiŃă's failure occurred a year after the
unsuccessful attack against the Romanian
department of Radio Free Europe.
Training Reliable Agents
In the following I will present the methods the
Secret Police was using before '89 in order to train
its magistrates as well as other reliable agents in the
school in Bran. I would like to mention that many of
those graduates still hold today important positions in
the State administration and that they have been and
they still are involved in the training of successors
who would follow their vile careers, all for the best
interest of the caste; and that, after December 1989,
all prosecutors trained in Securitate and other PCR
schools have been advanced in their careers.
The Secret Police used to draw up the
psychological portrait of the candidates, who were
subsequently “informatively-worked” for a long period
of time, often since their graduation. The basic
conditions were their obsequiousness, the ability to
act only upon order and the possibility to control
them by using blackmail. Their intellectual capacity
counted for very little.
The young, prospective, undercover Secret
Police agents or the devoted collaborators of the
Securitate have been recruited from all fields of
activity under the promise of a rapid career
development and various other privileges. They were
told that they would participate in training courses,
which would assure access to high career positions
while they were still young. Those were promises
that could tempt any youngster decided to take on
the world. Given the stakes, it counted less that they
would need to make some compromises and to carry
out certain orders that they would receive.
Once arrived at the School in Bran, and only
vaguely suspecting what all could be about, "the
students" were astonished to find on their assigned
beds training military uniforms and footwear which
would perfectly fit their sizes. After that came some
lectures on the reasons where and why they were
there, after which they signed the well-known
confidentiality commitments - true pacts with the
As revealed in 2008 by former prosecutor
Alexandru Pantea to Ondine GherguŃ, reporter from
"România liberă" daily, the training consisted of
making it a habit for the magistrates to arrest,
investigate, to counterfeit false evidence and
sentence to heavy penalties or even to death the
“undesirables” on Securitate orders and under the
protection of the Communist Party bodies. They
were often irradiated, drugged or hospitalized in
psychiatric hospitals, where “multi-qualified” doctors
schooled in Bran killed them.
coming, and then I was too afraid to escape from the
system. Now is the time that young people knew
what really happened, how destinies have been
crashed on order of Communist Party activists and
Secret Police agents.
In Bran, in cooperation with the Army, we did
absolutely everything from firearms practice in a
shooting range to simulating terrorist captures. We
have been taught to use cameras, to install listening
devices into telephone, radio or television devices.
People`s homes have been searched with warrants
issued by prosecutors; and we were instructed to
release warrants upon request of the Securitate,
even in situations where there were no proofs or
when there was only framed evidence. Homes have
also been searched under the pretext of checking
the functionality of the telephone, radio or television
devices. We have been instructed to conduct special
investigations by using blackmail, hallucinogenic
substances or torture. They were conducted by
Militia and Secret Police officers or recidivist
prisoners. Our teachers were prosecutors from the
General Prosecutor`s Office or Secret Police officers.
(many of them still holding their office and being
even professors – Ed.).
Alexandru Pantea ("România liberă" - March
11, 2008):
I would add that some people`s destinies are
still being crashed, except that the former torturer
Securitate agents have been replaced by new Secret
Police agents infiltrated in all secret services, in
politics and in the civil society. Particularly interesting
is the statement of President Traian Băsescu issued
in 2008 and referring to the fact that one quarter of
the Romanian magistrates today has been at least
Securitate collaborator. And no wonder, since all
It is high time I talked about the atrocities of the
Securitate - Comunist system because no prosecutor
has done that before. Some of my former colleagues
could accuse me for being a traitor because I have
broken the vow upon enrollment into that school.
Only that, back then I did not know what was
graduates of Bran School have been promoted to
different positions after 1989. Two such notorious
examples are Alexandru łuculeanu and Ilie Picioruş,
who have reached leading positions within the
General Prosecutor`s Office, the latter even reaching
as far as the Superior Council of Magistracy.
As already mentioned, young university
graduates have been recruited from all domains to
become collaborators or undercover officers of the
Securitate. This was the only way in which
unscrupulous people could get access to high
positions in certain economic sectors. Maybe it is not
a coincidence that characters such as Eugen
Nicolăescu, Sebastian Vlădescu or Vasile Blaga
have reached such high positions, without excelling
in either their profession, or in their political activities
of that time.
One of the Securitate leaders is still holding
office today in the magistracy by being a judge in
Ploieşti. It is Adrian Petre Podea, former Securitate
officer who "operatively worked” Dragoş Rişcanu owner of OMNIS GROUP SRL - between 1981 and
1983, up to his departure from the country. He has
been also deeply involved in the protection of the
Prahova usurers, along with Judge Dumitru
Rebegea, at this time arrested for 29 days for taking
bribe. But I am going to write about this character
sometimes later on.
In fact, the OMNIS Group owner was
operatively monitored by three secret services of the
communist state: MU 0666, MU0625 and the F21
Service, subordinated to DIE. Fact that could
subsequently lead us to believe that the software
theft, the property theft and the two attempts on his
life are not pure coincidences, these actions being a
continuation of those initiated by the Securitate
officers in the early '80s.
Of particular importance is the fact that, in
spring 2008, CNSAS (National Council for the Study
of the former Securitate Archives) requested the
Romanian Intelligence Service and MIRA (Ministry of
Interior and Administrative Reform) to nominate the
magistrates who have been "trained" in Secret Police
schools. And the services couldn`t care less ...
The same approach was taken by the
newspaper "România liberă", the answer received
from the Romanian Intelligence Service being: "SRI
does not provide such information”.
As a conclusion, the Romanian Intelligence
Service stubbornly refuses to lay the cards on the
table in the service of the historical truth. Supposing
they do that, prosecutors and other graduates (at
least those of the School in Bran) could not be
blackmailed anymore and thus they could refuse to
carry out the orders of the Securitate oligarchy.
Interesting, eh? ...
Voicu Network on Justice
Inside the Securitate there were "young wolves"
who, taking advantage of the events of December
1989, have created their own networks by having in
the shadow professional puppeteers, once their
mentors and tutors. It is the notable case, at least at
European level, of the mafia- or Securitate-like
network – whatever you would like to call it - created
by the Social Democratic Party senator Cătălin
Voicu, currently behind bars and investigated for
serious acts of corruption.
In December 1989, Voicu was a recentlyappointed lieutenant working in the Transmission
Command in the Romanian Land Forces - as
revealed in "România liberă" in March 2010 - in the
3rd Mechanized Regiment, led by Captain Ionel Marin
and Deputies Dumitru Venicius Iliescu and Gabriel
Naghi. On December 21, this unit`s Armored
participated in the murder of 49 innocent people and
injured 599 demonstrators in downtown Bucharest.
The next day, following Minister of Defense Vasile
Milea`s "suicide", the armored carriers unit sided with
Ion Iliescu, just called from home to grab the reins of
the new democracy.
The new political power emerged in its shadow
was transported by the same TABs from the CC
(Central Committee) of PCR to the TVR (Romanian
Television), the Ministry of Defence and back. For
promoting the "communism with a human face",
Dumitru Iliescu later became Director of the SPP
(Protection and Guard Service) and then adviser to
CSAT (the Supreme Defence Service of the
country); meanwhile Naghi was also promoted SPP
chief. Everyone, including Voicu, was made
"exceptional" general under the oath to defend at the
cost of his own life the second-echelon communists
who had seized the political power.
The day after the execution of the Ceauşescu
couple, notorious Communist Ion Iliescu did not
forget about Cătălin Voicu, who had previously
insured his protection. Thus, he appointed him Head
of the General Prosecutor's Office, his mission being
to protect the newly-appointed Attorney General,
Gheorghe Robu. Voicu called a meeting with the
chief prosecutors, drew out a gun and made a clear
statement to his audience: he and the Army were the
new leaders of the General Prosecutor`s Office and
whoever opposed them would be shot to death.
After a while during which he strengthened
some relationships, Voicu was assigned to SPP, as
subordinate of the same Dumitru Iliescu. His arms
stretched out more even more during the time when
PSD Petre Ninosu was Minister of Justice.
Investigators believe that during that time he met
Judge Costiniu Florin, who was state secretary at the
Ministry of Justice, today judge of the High Court of
Cassation and Justice, Civil Division chief in charge
of intellectual property rights.
(The thorough MU 0666 Archives used to
blackmail, defame, fraud, murder, etc. are now in
SPP custody. Not one file has been handed to
misinformed and led to believe that all of them are in
CNSAS custody.)
After 1997, the network has lost the protection
of President Ion Iliescu, who had lost the elections in
favor of Emil Constantinescu. It was the time when,
after being put in reserve, Cătălin Voicu, Dumitru
Iliescu and Gabriel Naghi set up a Protection and
Security Company. In 2000, on his third return to
Cotroceni, Iliescu reactivated all three of them.
Dumitru Iliescu and Voicu were appointed
presidential advisers and Naghi – SPP Director. This
means that all classified documents intended for the
Head of State first passed through the filter of the
first two, while others, those of particular importance,
were held by the third.
With the direct support of Mayor Marian
Vanghelie and the parental blessing of Ion Iliescu,
Cătălin Voicu was launched in politics and ever since
2004 he has been a member in the Romanian
According to the issue of March 22, 2010 of
"România liberă", heavy names in the Romanian
Justice were part of Voicu`s network, a ministry
which, in the first volume of this trilogy, I dared to
categorize as being one of the most corrupt
institutions in our country:
According to transcripts, the prosecutors who
were close to Voicu were:
Prosecutor`s Office, Marian Capotă, Head of Special
Investigations Unit of the General Prosecutor`s
Office, Adrian Miclescu, former PNA (National
Anticorruption Directorate – Ed.) deputy and
collaborator of the Securitate, and prosecutors Vasile
Drăghici şi Ioan OŃel, Miclescu`s subordinates.
Among judges, Voicu was in a close relationship with
Florin Costiniu, former Secretary of State for Justice
during Ion Iliescu`s first presidential term, currently
Head of Department at the High Court of Cassation
and Justice (ÎCCJ) and Cristian Jipa, a Criminal
Division Judge within ÎCCJ. As for the Police, it all
went smoothly as they could be more easily
blackmailed. According to the transcripts, former
retired Generals Constantin Matei and Marcel Isac,
protagonists of many press scandals while they were
still active, appear to be actors in an influence
peddling case. General Matei became a “star" also
due his son, chief of the police elite troops, arrested
for illegally holding people against their will and
protection fee extortion. General Isac - beneficiary of
Bancorex loans with state-subsidized interest worked for a certain time in the Criminal
Investigations and, after Ion Iliescu`s return to power,
he was reactivated in the Romanian Intelligence
How far the tentacles of the Voicu network have
stretched, aiming at no less than the portfolio of the
Ministry of the Interior, the reader can easily
understand from the interception - made by DNA
prosecutors - of a discussion between Cătălin Voicu
and Senator Alexandru Mazăre:
Cătălin Voicu: If I am appointed to the Ministry
of the Interior, you will have the Romanian
Prosecutor`s Office, all of the Justice and the entire
Court in the palm of your hands. (...) in three years I
can create the entire Romanian network. (...) Sir, I
have already told you that in December 1989 I was
appointed adjutant to the first Attorney General of
democratic Romania, when nobody listened to
anybody’s orders and it worked during '89, '90 - all
the time and all my relations, and I developed
together with them.
In conclusion to everything we have mentioned
so far, we can claim that we are dealing with former
Securitate agents infiltrated into the new state
structures, with new Securitate agents trained by
them and interest groups created by them for both
material and political influence reasons. What has
escaped Cătălin Voicu`s sight is that absolute power
was not favored by the Russian spies who created
and controlled the Secret Police, shaping it in their
own image.
Napoleon: All power corrupts.
Winston Churchill: Power corrupts and absolute
power corrupts absolutely.
This might have been the reason why the
Secret Police agents made it so that Cătălin Voicu,
who had become too greedy and reckless,
endangering the interests of their caste, would break
his neck.
Ovidiu Soare Network on the Romanian
Intelligence Services
Retired General Ovidiu Soare, SRI Deputy
Director, Head of the Inspectorate for the Protection
of the Constitution and Economic Security has
created its own network, this time inside a secret
service. Before that he was senior officer within
Ceauşescu`s Securitate Direction V (MU 0666) and
during the events of December '89 he went hiding
inside Bucharest Militia District 1 so as not to be
recognized and lynched by the people in the streets.
General Soare has been indicted by the DNA
(National Anticorruption Directorate) prosecutors
together with col. Gheorghe Dumitrache and former
presidential adviser Emil Dumitrescu a.k.a. Cico. He
was accused of "taking bribe, incitement without
execution of criminal fraud, incitement to intellectual
forgery, complicity to malicious use of SRI property
with purpose contrary to the institutions regulations,
forgery in deeds by private signature, association to
commit crimes, the omission to inform the judicial
authorities with regards to the Romanian national
security on the normative version and providing
secret or confidential information by any means,
outside the legal framework”.
Reserve Colonel Gheorghe Dumitrache (in-law
of billionaire Liviu Luca from Petromservice and
godfather of prosecutor Gheorghe Muscalu from the
Prosecutor's Office within the High Court of
Cassation and Justice), "former head of Direction A
within Prahova Information Service inside SRI was
prosecuted for influence peddling, bribery, attempt to
pursue to commit perjury and association to commit
“Emil Cico Dumitrescu, former state adviser to
the Presidential Administration (during Ion Iliescu's
mandate – Ed.) was charged with influence
The first two were retained in custody for 29
days, but soon they were released by the nine
judges of the High Court of Cassation and Justice.
Up to this moment, four years since committing
those crimes, they have not received any conviction.
It was also under General Ovidiu Soare`s
coordination that the mafia network of the Head of
SRI Prahova, Colonel Corneliu Păltânea, has
activated for years. Another one who benefited from
that situation was Colonel Daniel Bucur, who was
dealing petroleum, construction materials and
recruitment of SRI undercover officers. The two were
also put under preventive arrest, charged and then
released by the courts. They have not received any
conviction, the dust of oblivion covering their
investigation files.
Prahova Network
Leader on Prahova County is the small network
of judge Dumitru Rebegea, currently in custody
(really for how long?) for taking bribe from usurers.
An insignificant pawn on the chessboard of the
Secret Police oligarchy, he has often found a partner
and a mentor in Adrian Petre Podea, together setting
free well-known criminal usurers, including Sandu
Zamfir a.k.a. Austrianu' and Florin Pârjol a.k.a.
Ghenosu'. It is important to mention that Podea (still
free and making justice among other Prahova county
litigants) is a former Secret Police officer of MU
0625, who has "informatively-worked" Dragoş
Rişcanu in file no. 217.704 of 1981. To
"informatively-work someone" means to try through
blackmail, threats and psychological torture to
determine a potentially "hostile" person (who is not a
party member, a relative to a more prominent
member of the Securitate or the Militia, or belonging
to the caste) to become an informer, instigator, etc..
In 1983, Rişcanu chose to leave rather than work
with these torturers.
For his achievements in the administration of
justice, in addition of his retirement pension as
Securitate officer expert in political police practices,
Adrian Petre Podea also received all through 2008
94 million ROL per month. In 2009, his income
probably increased. His son, Radu Podea, is
continuing the family tradition by being a lawyer
inside Prahova County Bar Association.
First Mineriad, set by the state
Military prosecutor Dan Voinea was assigned to
investigate the events of December '89 and the
mineriad of 13 - 15 June 1990. One can assume the
reason why he has not reached a decisive
conclusion in these cases: some of the most serious
and grave pressures have been exerted on him.
However, the General has leaked information to the
media from time to time thus setting public opinion
on fire while the orchestrators of those events
remained indifferent.
Thus, in June 2010, he told RFI (Radio France
Internationale) that the anticommunist movement in
June 1990 was suppressed in a bloody manner by
the same repressive forces which have also acted in
December '89, being in fact a bloody action of the
state institutions.
The mineriad of 13 - 15 June 1990 is
improperly said a mineriad because it was actually a
repression of the new government against the
demonstrators in University Square, which took a
stand against the fact that the newly-announced
power structures were all former communists
(manipulated by “the old and the new” Securitate
agents - I would add) and then the University Square
movement was born to raise the awareness against
the danger that members of the former Romanian
communist government could be found in the new
power structure. This movement was suppressed in
a bloody manner between 13 - 15 June 1990 by the
same repressive forces which had also acted in
December 1989.
It is possible that the offenses for which I have
initiated the prosecution – more specificaly art. 358
of the Penal Code, which refers to the illegal
detention of those who fell under the power of the
adversary and thus they were detained as political
prisoners and underwent bad treatments - is an
imprescriptible offense.
But see, the victims who have not found justice
in this file, and the same happened with the
Revolution files, are unaware of the fact that the
population has passed from Communist
dictatorship to practically falling into the hands
of organized crime. It is almost impossible to ask
those from the organized crime, including state
officials who are involved in this criminal
phenomenon, to establish the State of Law (s.n.).
If you will allow me, I will recall a story taking
place sometimes in 1991, while I was a reporter for
“România liberă" daily. I should mention that, as a
reporter for the newspaper "Dreptatea"(“Justice”), I
had actively participated in the University Square
phenomenon and also assisted at the escalation of
the conflict due to the instigation orchestrated by
Police and, probably, Secret Service agents. For
those who do not recall that moment, it all started
when a bus stationed near Ion Câmpineanu Street
was set on fire by unidentified persons disguised as
"hooligans." Moreover, the media (including myself)
have come into possession of a conversation that
triggered the whole craziness.
Journalistically speaking, I was investigating an
alleged crime of gang rape committed by the owner
of a pub against two "night birds" (prostitutes),
frequent clients of the premises. Finally it appeared
that it was the revenge of a police officer from the
Ozana neighborhood of Bucharest, who had
borrowed money from that owner, and had no intend
to pay it back. I asked to see the Chief of the Police
Station and had a lengthy talk with him. Thus, the
lieutenant-colonel started to make some revelations.
This was how I have learned that he actively
participated in the events of December '89, being
remarked by the FSN leaders. They promised he
would be the leader of the whole structure, and the
man stood close by because he obviously liked the
idea; how else?!
Under the pressure of Ion Iliescu and his yesmen, Petre Roman, as prime minister, took on the
duty to solve the situation in University Square. But
since he did not know how to do that, he summoned
those in the position to come with a solution. Nobody
knows where the idea came from, but someone
proposed staging the violent actions of the
demonstrators, thus giving the Police the justification
and legitimacy to act in force. My interlocutor, who
was there at that time, was assigned this task, with
the promise that the following day he would be
appointed Head of the General Inspectorate of the
Romanian Police. The man pondered on it for a few
moments and then declined the offer. Naturally, they
found someone else to orchestrate the frame-up, the
officer becoming a poor Police commander in one of
the most notorious neighborhoods of Bucharest.
Securitate Oligarchy Refuses to Surrender
Former president Emil Constantinescu has also
concluded that the former Secrete Police has taken
over the Romanian economy and that our country is
ruled by oligarchs controlled by the intelligence
services, as it happened in Russia, Belarus or
Ukraine. If by oligarchs he means "old and new"
Securitate agents or its puppets, brought to the front
to represent the interests of their caste, then I agree
with him.
During Constantinescu`s term, after the
dismissal of Virgil Măgureanu and Ioan Talpeş, SRI
and SIE Directors, the Secret Police agents
infiltrated in the state structures have gone through a
period of calm. Manipulation decreased to a certain
extent and there were less press coverage on files
created by "certain structures”. Lately, however, the
"old and new" Secret Police agents have burst out,
culminating with confidential conversations of the
Minister of Interior or of the MPs leaking into the
"Romania will Remain an Underdeveloped
Like I said, this system of Securitate oligarchy
is undisruptedly functioning in this country and it will
not end anytime soon. At the most it will transform
again, according to the interests of the caste, into a
new form of existence because the members of the
Secret Police are closely tied to each other and
whoever tries to separate from them is eliminated.
Also, the "hostile" or "adverse" elements which would
throw obstacles in their way would share the same
fate. Among the former Secret Police agents – or the
"teachers" as they are called - and their young
disciples there is such a perfect symbiosis that one
cannot exist without the others. Their common
bound: assassinations, illegal business, the chunks
they have stolen from the national economy, and
other illicit business that would terrify Westerners if
they could understand them.
Perhaps this was the trigger for French
sociologist and anthropologist Claude Karnoouh to
Romania will remain an underdeveloped
country, without no power oversees, good for its very
cheap and quality labor force ... Nevertheless, you
will see a few parrots pretending themselves to be
intellectuals who, on the command of their masters,
will plead for a “locally adapted” capitalism and
liberalism … It is true that the Romanian
intelligentsia has for a long time developed
exceptionally well a sense of servility.
The sins of the Romanian capitalism are the
sins of capitalism in general, representing a single
Weltanschauung: the profit. Nevertheless, the
specific trait of the Romanian capitalism is the
following: citizens benefit of no legislative protection.
My first meeting with your country happened in
1971... despite the nationalism-communism and the
intensive development policy, which was exceptional
in Europe back then, despite the communism,
despite the prison-Canal of the 1950s, despite the
fact that in many areas of the country people were
living like they were still in the 19th century ... In the
early 1990s many things seemed possible, although
the West made it soon clear what it wanted, and the
ones who executed the coup d’etat have immediately
taken the economic-political power in their hands,
with the blessing of the Western world... Although
the “crocodiles” let the naive “innocents” play for a
little while, they very quickly took the serious matters
into their powerful hands [...] that can be clearly seen
today. The economic and political power is in the
hands of all important former members of the
Romanian Communist Party (PCR): more precisely
in those of many important Securitate agents or their
children`s. And I am not referring to the petty, but to
top agents.
Born in 1940 in Paris, graduate of Sorbonne
and Paris X Nanterre universities, Karnoouh has
conducted several surveys of ethnography and
folklore in Maramureş, studying our country since
1991. Between 1991 and 2002 he was a visiting
professor at "Babeş-Bolyai" University in Cluj.
Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso visited
our country and talked about the fight against
corruption, I am convinced that the Securitate agents
burst out laughing. He said at the time that: "A truly
modern system, with democratic accountability, with
clear determination to fight corruption and organized
crime is primarily in the interest and the benefit of the
Romanian citizens". Why would be interested those
who manipulate the power and finances of the
country in the benefits of those living in the
Carpatho-Danubian-Pontic space?
Nine months earlier, President Traian Băsescu
condemned communism before the two reunited
representatives. We quote from the synthesis that he
presented - totaling over 600 pages - and which was
possible due to an analysis presidential commission:
Communism was a regime imposed by a
political group self-appointed as keeper of truth, a
totalitarian regime born through violence and ended
through violence. It was an oppressive regime that
deprived the Romanian people of five decades of
modern history, which broke the law and forced
citizens to live in lies and fear.
Relevant analysis on the party apparatus and
the Securitate structures and patters is a necessity.
We have the necessary data for the
condemnation without right to appeal of the
Romanian communist regime. A democracy without
memories is one in serious distress. We must not
forget, in order to avoid making past errors.
The communist regime in Romania (1945 1989) was illegitimate and criminal.
The lesson of the past proves that any regime
that humiliates people cannot last and does not
deserve to last. At present, every citizen can freely
demand that his/her inalienable rights are obeyed
and public institutions must work so that people no
longer feel humiliated.
Although the stated purpose of incriminating the
communist state and the Securitate aimed at
including a national reconciliation, it was more for
creating a good image, one that the puppeteers of
the new democracy have not even taken into
account. And until the establishment of a state of
normality, as our European Union Western partners
perceive it, we have long to expect. Maybe too
The Monica Macovei “Trouble”
Immediately after Romania's accession to the
European structures, on January 2007, our country
has been considered - and it still is - by
Transparency International, the world press
(especially the French, the Austrian, the German and
the American) and also Brussels officials to be the
most corrupt among the EU countries.
Last December, Former Justice Minister
Monica Macovei, who unsuccessfully tried to reform
the institution, made the following statement to the
“New York Times” American daily:
The files of former collaborators (of the
Securitate – Ed.) must be completely opened and
placed under independent control; otherwise the
collaborators will never build a democracy.
There are many networks within which people
protect or blackmail each other ...
The current Defense Minister seems to have
faced one of them when he initially declined the
portfolio of the Ministry of Interior by refusing to grant
access to organized crime into the Government. For
those of you who do not recall that incident, some of
the fellow party (PSD) members had been pushing
that Senator Cătălin Voicu be appointed at least
State Secretary in that structure if he was not to
become Minister.
Death solves all problems — no man, no
problem - Joseph Stalin
Back to Monica Macovei, PD-L Member of the
European Parliament (MEP), it is remarkable her and
four other MEPs` initiative to submit a written anticorruption Statement to the EU Parliament concerning the EU initiatives to fight against the
phenomenon - which would represent a clear
argument for applying the measures in this regard.
Surprisingly, the statement passed, but the
difference in votes was very close, of only a few
More specifically, that Statement made in early
May this year calls for the Commission and the
Council to create an unyielding authority to monitor
corruption within the European Union. And that is
because, according to Macovei, "78% of the EU
citizens consider corruption a major problem in their
country". "The lack of action in this respect
endangers taxpayers` money and the credibility of
the Union. Let`s not pretend that we don`t see that!",
also added the Romanian MEP.
Speaking about the former Minister of Justice
(December 2004 - April 2007), who has troubled
many big bosses and many interests, let us mention
another incident. Former President of the
Association for Human Rights - Helsinki Committee
(APADOR-CH) and a founding member of
Transparency International-Romania, she was not
member of any political party when she was
appointed Minister of Justice. On the night of April
13, 2006 – it was a Thursday – Monica Macovei
briefly stopped by her place in order to grab an
overcoat, and then left again, in all missing for two
hours. On her return, around midnight, she felt a
strong smell of gas ever since she entered her
home. Without switching the light on, she went
straight to the stove and noticed that two burners
were turned on, but no fire burning. She turned them
off, opened all the windows and left the house, taking
a half-an-hour walk. Because it was too late to call
him at that hour, she sent a text message to Daniel
Morar, Head of DNA, and then returned to the
apartment. Macovei had not received SPP protection
because she had not - allegedly – formulated a
request in this respect.
The hypothesis that the Minister would have left
the gas burning when she passed by to get her
overcoat was discarded because she had not even
touched the stove. The incident was rather a warning
that added to the denigrating media campaigns
against her. She had bothered too many people and
declared herself too much against corruption and
organized crime. A year later, the minister was
changed from office and ended up fighting against
corruption, this time under EU auspices, in the
countries of former Yugoslavia. Later on, she was
elected MEP.
The owner of OMNIS GROUP SRL had passed
through similar circumstances only that, in his case,
those did not seem to have been warnings, but
actions intended to kill him. First, his car was
sabotaged and it was sheer luck that he escaped a
fatal accident. The mechanics called on the spot
found that someone had sabotaged the car brakes.
Then, someone – I wonder who - put kerosene
instead of gasoline in the fuel tank of the boat that he
owned and used to drive in the Delta. It was also
sheer luck that the engine did not explode, and
Dragoş Rişcanu stayed alive.
Do Europeans even want to fight high level
With just a few days before Monica Macovei`s
statement against corruption - which foreshadowed –
on May 4, 2010 the European Parliament took a step
forward on the same segment, calling the fight
against corruption in Romania to be evaluated more
specifically with OLAF (European Anti-Fraud Office).
In other words, the members of the European
Parliament have suddenly remembered that Europe
is financing by 50 million euro per year an
information structure (OLAF) in order to protect
European money and the interests of the Union. And
that it was time for the Justice and the fight against
corruption in Romania and Bulgaria to be more
seriously monitored, possibly introducing a traffic
light-type of system is three colors: red, yellow and
green. How nice!
Note that this mysterious OLAF was
established on June 1, 1999, having an imposing
headquarters in Brussels. In every EU country there
is one AFCOS (Anti-Fraud Coordination Service) to
monitor the handling of the Structural Funds and
other European stipends, in collaboration with the
Prosecutor`s Offices in the member countries. At his
turn, OLAF is collaborating with all those AFCOS,
centralizing the results of the fight against corruption
and fraud, but without having any direct authority in
those countries. In our country the AFCOS is called
DLAF (Anti-Fraud Department) and is directly
subordinated to the Prime Minister. Why did they
pick this name? To look more like OLAF, as
Romanians often have the tributary habits of
monkeys who imitate everything they see.
For now I stop here discussing about the two
quite strange structures having an at least
questionable efficiency. For starters though, as
example of an OLAF action close to the ridicule, I will
recall a great achievement of the super-investigators
in Brussels.
Prior to our accession to the European Union,
OLAF had reached the great performance to expose
a MEP who settled a pharmacy prescription on
behalf of his mistress. The “fabulous” prejudice: the
amount of 24,5 euro. Yes, exactly. Of course,
anyone can tell that it is the deed itself and not the
amount that truly matters. OK, so can be. But, in this
case, what about those 50.000 euro collected from
PHARE by RSC SRL, Vlădescu`s company, at a
time when he had one or two employees, all of them
lacking experience in IT&C? In that case, when the
amount was significantly higher than 24.5 euro, does
the deed not count anymore?
How many Securitate agents per European?
So far I have tried to show that, in Romania, the
Secret Police (or Securitate) is not dead. Quite the
contrary. The tentacles of this octopus have spread
to the whole territory and the whole economy, and
for more than three years, after our accession to the
EU, they have also penetrated the European
I am also extremely convinced that the
European bureaucracy in Brussels has no idea of
what is really facing; and how dangerous the
Securitate oligarchy is for all human values with
which it comes into contact, and especially for
individuals themselves towards whom it never shows
the slightest sign of respect. All that truly matters is
material wealth, to hide the truth and the interest of
the caste. In addition to that, for them there is
nothing else. And this ideology has been present in
Romania for almost 70 years.
What is the reaction of the CSAT (Supreme
Council of National Defense) in this situation? It
concludes that some press campaigns against
corruption and corrupt state institutions – in which
corrupters are exposed - are threatening national
security. Fascinating!
That means that I can also declare myself one
of the terrorists of this country's democratic system
since I uncover and fight against high level
corruption – this is what I am aiming at with this
study. And this is what I have been doing for the last
twenty years. To defend human rights, justice and
moral values of a civil society painfully suffering for
decades. I could be as much as arrested at some
point and I am aware of it. And that would be, of
course, for an imaginary or framed guilt. But now it is
too late to give up. And there are also a few like me
out there. I do not know how many they are, but we
are plenty. And we are terribly annoying.
There is no doubt about it; the whole media is
packed with undercover agents of the many
Romanian secret services. This is a fact also
recognized by the Romanian Intelligence Service
that recently stated with some disappointment that,
as compared to other secret structures, the agency
has significantly less undercover agents in the
A matter of mentality
At this point I believe it is worth mentioning an
incident which took place in 2007 and in which I was
involved while being a specialty reporter at “ZIUA”
daily. It was an incident that gave me much food for
thought. The editorial office was near the Ministry of
Interior`s headquarters, in downtown Bucharest. The
access on those streets was cumbered by the
parked cars, and rarely could two cars fit while
passing side by side. I entered one of these streets,
drove on about twenty meters when, coming from
the opposite direction, I found myself facing a blue
MI Volkswagen in which there were two persons.
Both of us did not stop until we came face to face.
So as to pass first, the driver asked me to move
backwards. Like I said, that meant more than twenty
meters, he merely having a couple of meters so as to
do the same.
- Move so we can pass first! said the driver.
The person sitting on the passenger’s seat,
who appeared to be someone of a higher rank, did
not say anything throughout the dispute, but looked
frowningly at me as if he wanted to kill me by a
- You saw that I was already driving in the
street and you should have waited for me to pass
this bottleneck, after which the road would have
been free, I replied.
- Shut up and move backwards!
- I don`t want to. What are you going to do
about it?
At that moment he saw the ZIUA badge on the
- Oh, you're from the press!
- Yes, I am.
With a sour smile, the driver moved backwards,
letting me pass. When our cars came side by side he
said to me:
- You did not move backwards because you
knew that we are from the (Ministry of) Interior.
- Exactly. You don`t have more rights than I
- Never mind, soon we will be back. We will
chop you to pieces ...
And he showed me how, letting go of the
steering wheel and hitting the edge of his right palm
on his left palm.
- You will never be back, you scum! I could not
refrain myself.
But then I thought to myself: where to come
back from, since they did not even go anywhere?!
Criminals are afflicted people.
Assassins are trained people
To close, I would like to refer to yet another
situation in which one can end up because of this
country`s justice, which is corrupt to the bone. Or
better said, not a situation, but a state of mind hard
to imagine by an ordinary person.
Because he refused to do business with the
state and to associate with the current scams, who
would have guaranteed his success, Dragoş Rişcanu
was stolen a software worth hundreds of millions
euro - if not more -, a house, and he was the target
of two assassination attempts. At one point, realizing
or just sensing what might happen, in 2005, he
published some of his thoughts on the website, which I will present below:
Nothing but good thoughts about ASSASSINS
Assassins are not criminals
Criminals are afflicted people
Assassins are trained people
Assassinations are not spontaneous; they
are committed on order
Criminals have souls, they kill out of mistake,
jealousy, greed, revenge, frustration, drunkenness,
madness, they kill humanly, they kill someone they
know, they kill "in the open", they make mistakes and
are usually caught by a society appalled that an
ordinary man can resort to committing a murder by
himself to solve a personal matter.
Assassins have skills, they kill after they have
received professional training, in-depth knowledge
which has been practiced for a long time, good
scores in the graduation exams and they use poison
that leaves no trace, bullets that make no noise,
sabotaged cars, drowning by the shore, no-escape
polonium. They do not know their victims, do not
make mistakes and are not identified by a society
terrorized by the mere fact that such elements exist
and which, at some point, might turn against them.
They exist because all societies train their assassins
to protect state interests, to respond to similar acts of
aggression, to ensure the safety of the state of law,
of democracy, of its own citizens.
What happens when assassins define state
interests and fail to distinguish them of their own
interests? When they act without order or take
their own initiatives? When they act against their
own country`s citizens, against the state of law,
against democracy?
State of law becomes criminal state.
Romania has been and it still is a country at
the mercy of assassins.
The assassinations are ordered only if the
interests are so great as to justify such a solution.
Major interests are: political, economic or politicaleconomic (to understand: the opportunity to exploit
political office for economic advantage - to steal from
the state).
If assassinations are committed to give political
advantage, they should be committed in such a way
that they could be credibly denied by the person who
would benefit from the assassination, should the
unlikely possibility occur that the victim survived. The
most successful assassinations are framed
accidents. The optimum conditions are created
(sabotaging car brakes or a boat`s engine, etc..),
leaving the rest to chance.
The ideal situation is when the "subject" is not
alone, so as to avoid the speculations that there was
a "target."
When the "subject" is accompanied by a friend
or preferably family members, then we have a
perfect case for a total, invisible, unclaimed act of
It is important to have "collateral victims", for
maximum reliability and denial.
Annex 1
Microsoft blacklists
Journalist John C. Dvorak, one of the most
competent persons in the media in the field of hightech, has made the following statement:
“In the 1980s, the company was notorious for
keeping Nixonian lists regarding journalists on a
whiteboard showing which were "Okay," "Sketchy,"
or "Needs work." Some believed that those in the
last category would be the target of the company in
an effort to get them fired. I myself was on a
Microsoft blacklist for some totally unknown reason
and was not allowed any information about an early
version of Windows, apparently because I was
considered uncooperative. I only found out about this
because of documents unearthed during the
discovery process of the Comes v. Microsoft lawsuit
in Iowa. [...] threats from the company did manage to
get me removed as a licensed columnist in PC
Magazine Italy.”
Journalist Mary Jo Foley has faced a similar
“I was blacklisted by Microsoft for writing a story
based on an internal memo penned by Mark
Lucovsky (now employee of Google, ironically) that
acknowledged 63,000 bugs were still left in Windows
2000 when the product was shipped. I was barred
from executive interviews at the Windows 2000
launch as a result of my story. My "punishment"
lasted for a few years. Certain Windows execs
refused to speak to me or meet with me for ages
because of that story. I believed, and still believe,
that I was just doing my job as a reporter.”
Annex 2
March 31, 2009 – ECIS Report:
A History of Anticompetitive Behavior and
Consumer Harm
- Microsoft’s Campaign to Destroy DR-DOS
- Microsoft’s Anticompetitive per Processor
License Fees
- Microsoft’s
Discrimination against IBM
- Microsoft’s Organized Collective Boycott
against Intel
- Microsoft’s Elimination of Word Perfect
- Microsoft’s
- Microsoft’s Elimination of Netscape
- Microsoft’s Attempts to Extinguish Java
- Microsoft’s Elimination of Rival Media Players
- Microsoft’s Campaign against Rival Server
Operating Systems
In the early 1980s, Microsoft purchased an
early version of a standard disk operating system
(“DOS”) that became known as MS-DOS. At the
time, a number of rival operating systems offered
features, such as the ability to run multiple programs
at the same time, that Microsoft’s operating systems
would not offer until years later. At the time,
operating systems were just beginning to move from
a command-based interface to a graphical user
Microsoft developed a graphical user interface
known as Windows. Early versions of Windows did
not actually “run” the computer – rather, they were a
shell surrounding the underlying DOS program,
which in turn ran the computer. Initially, Windows
embraced the DOS standard, which meant that
Windows would run on top of any DOS, including
DR-DOS, Microsoft’s principal rival in the DOS
This initial interoperability came to be known as
part of Microsoft’s now-classic “embrace, extend,
and extinguish” strategy, which Microsoft has
subsequently and successfully employed in many
other product areas.
NKVD Manual, article 4243:
Denigrate, hire, and liquidate.
Here it is how it worked the interoperability:
This strategy has three phases: First, Microsoft
“embraces” a competing product by developing
software or implementing standards that are
compatible with the competing product. Microsoft
then “extends” its own offering by creating features
or standards that are interoperable only with
Microsoft’s proprietary technologies.
Finally, when Microsoft’s proprietary software or
standards have achieved widespread adoption,
Microsoft “extinguishes” its competitors by dropping
any remaining pretense of compatibility.
In 1994, the U.S. Department of Justice (“DOJ”)
filed an antitrust suit against Microsoft challenging
this conduct, resulting in a consent decree under
which Microsoft agreed to stop using per processor
license fees. But the anticompetitive practice had
already been quite effective in reducing competitors’
share, particularly when combined with Microsoft’s
other actions directed against DR-DOS.
Also in the mid-1990s, Microsoft took a series
of steps to punish IBM for promoting a competing
operating system and personal productivity
application suite.
Microsoft also used exclusive agreements to
promote its “polluted” version of Java and, as noted
above, Microsoft threatened Intel to stop Intel from
supporting Sun Microsystems’ Java standards. As
the D.C. Circuit later explained, “Microsoft’s Paul
Maritz told a senior Intel executive that Intel’s
[development of software that was compatible with]
Sun’s Java standards was as inimical to Microsoft as
Microsoft’s support for non-Intel microprocessors
would be to Intel…. Microsoft threatened Intel that if
it did not stop aiding Sun on the multimedia front,
then Microsoft would refuse to distribute Intel
with Windows.” Intel
capitulated, and dropped its support for Java.
Microsoft’s overall plan to neutralize Java as a
middleware threat was extremely successful. As the
Fourth Circuit explained in a subsequent private suit
brought by Sun Microsystems:
First, Microsoft “embraced” the Java technology
by licensing from Sun the right to use its Java
Technology to develop and distribute compatible
Second, Microsoft “extended” the Java platform
by developing strategic incompatibilities into its Java
runtime and development tools products…. Third,
Microsoft used its distribution channels to flood the
market with its version of the Java Technology in
[what Sun characterized as] an attempt to “hijack the
Java Technology and transform it into a Microsoft
proprietary programming and runtime environment.”
Microsoft’s conduct eventually drew scrutiny
from the European Commission, which condemned
Microsoft’s refusal to release information that would
allow other server operating systems to connect to
personal computers running Microsoft’s Windows
operating system. In a 2004 decision, the European
Commission found that if Microsoft succeeded in
eliminating other server operating systems as
competitive threats, then innovation would be
severely limited. And, in fact, after releasing
Windows Server 2003 to lukewarm reviews,
Microsoft failed to release a new server version of
Windows until 2008. Even then, many reviewers
noted that, despite aggressive marketing to smalland midsize-business users and a special edition of
the server operating system just for these users,
Microsoft had done very little to address their needs,
and instead had essentially re-packaged a scaleddown version of an existing enterprise-level product.
Despite international scrutiny of Microsoft’s
anticompetitive conduct, Microsoft has continued to
take similar unlawful actions to eliminate potential
competitive threats. The only real difference between
Microsoft’s more recent practices and its earlier ones
is that, as Mr. Gates predicted, Microsoft has now
changed its document retention practices.
In 2003, the DOJ discovered that Microsoft had
built a feature into Windows that invoked Microsoft’s
Internet Explorer browser, rather than the user’s
chosen default browser, contrary to the clear
obligations of the Final Judgment. Similarly, in 2004,
Microsoft attempted to require licensees of its
middleware offering, the .NET Framework, to obtain
Microsoft’s prior consent before publishing any
benchmark testing results for the software. In 2005,
Microsoft demanded that manufacturers of portable
music players sign exclusive deals if they wanted
integration with Microsoft’s Windows Media Player.
And in 2007, Microsoft made changes to allow
consumers limited choice of desktop search products
in Windows Vista only following an extensive
government investigation and pressure from a
number of U.S. States. While Microsoft eventually
made changes to its conduct in each of these
Microsoft’s willingness to use its monopoly products
aggressively first and make changes later only when
confronted about its behavior. This is particularly
striking coming, as it does, within the very limited
range of issues covered by the Final Judgment. In
fact, the district court overseeing the Final Judgment
extended the decree for two more years, to
November 12, 2009, because Microsoft still has not
come into compliance with its obligations regarding
communications protocols.
Microsoft’s bullying tactics therefore raise the
overall cost and slow down market penetration by
innovative technologies intended to compete with
Microsoft’s monopoly products.
In an apparent escalation of its patent FUD
strategy, Microsoft sued the navigational system
vendor, TomTom, for patent infringement at the end
of February 2009. Three patent claims related to
Linux are included in the lawsuit. At least two of them
are related to highly questionable patents on long file
name support in Windows, which have been partially
invalidated by an EC patent court on the grounds
that Microsoft’s patent claims were “not based on
inventive activity”. While Microsoft has publicly
claimed that its action is not directed against Linux or
open source, and the case was settled in March
2009 pursuant to a mostly confidential agreement,
this represents an aggressive development of
Microsoft’s use of spurious or highly questionable
patent claims to intimidate and eliminate competition
from Linux in order to maintain or strengthen its
dominant position in the OS market.
The EC continues to investigate a number of
other actions Microsoft has taken to tie products to
Windows as well as Microsoft’s refusal to enable
interoperability with certain of its monopoly
Exchange, and Office.
As the Commission observed, it took Microsoft
three years even to approach releasing the amount
of interoperability information the European Court of
First Instance had ordered it to release.
Microsoft’s history clearly demonstrates its
longstanding practice of making one set of
statements about interoperability in public and then
implementing a wholly different approach to
interoperability in practice.
For fifteen years, Microsoft’s share of desktop
operating systems has remained above 90%.149 In
2002, when the Final Judgment in United States v.
Microsoft was entered, Windows XP was the most
common desktop operating system. Microsoft did not
release a successor to Windows XP until 2007, when
it released Windows Vista. Even then, the “Vista”
that Microsoft released lacked the most significant
features that Microsoft had initially promised, and
reviewers labeled it as little more than an
incremental improvement. CNet News, a leading
computer industry publication, ranked Microsoft’s
Windows Vista in its “Top Ten Terrible Tech
Even Microsoft recognizes that its stronghold
on operating systems has harmed consumers:
The Windows API is … so deeply embedded in
the source code of many Windows apps that there is
a huge switching cost to using a different operating
system instead. … It is this switching cost that has
given customers the patience to stick with Windows
through all our mistakes, our buggy drivers, our high
TCO, our lack of a sexy vision at times, and many
other difficulties… Customers constantly evaluate
other desktop platforms, [but] it would be so much
work to move over that they hope we just improve
Windows rather than force them to move. In short,
without this exclusive franchise called the Windows
API, we would have been dead a long time ago.
Microsoft’s conduct over the last two decades
has demonstrated Microsoft’s willingness and ability
to engage in unlawful conduct to protect and extend
its core monopolies. This conduct has caused real
harm to consumers, who continue to pay high prices
and use lower quality products than would have
prevailed in a competitive market. By understanding
Microsoft’s history of anticompetitive conduct,
developers, consumer groups, and government
authorities will be better equipped to recognize
current and future Microsoft misconduct at an early
stage and intervene to prevent Microsoft from using
tactics other than competition on the merits. ECIS
remains hopeful that the European Commission’s
Microsoft’s misconduct will finally mark the beginning
of the end of Microsoft’s two decades of
anticompetitive behavior and consumer harm.
Annex 3
Minister of Health worked for arms dealer
Shimon Naor
(Article published in "Averea" daily - July 2006)
Dangerous liaisons
The current Minister of Health, Eugen
Nicolăescu, was former employee of the famous
arms dealer Shimon Naor, now sought by the
Interpol for violation of the embargo imposed on
certain African countries. The high official worked at
"Corona” company, considered a cover-up company
for the arms smuggling.
Former director of RATMIL (today ROMARM) –
an administration unit established by Ceauşescu to
export military equipment to African countries –
Nicolăescu has one gap year in his resume between '98 and '99 -, which he refuses to make
remarks upon.
Ever since '90, the current Minister of Health
has been committed to RATMIL, being advanced to
economic director in '94 and, in '97, under CDR
(Democratic Convention of Romania – Ed.)
administration, he was appointed CEO. In November
'98, CDR struck a deal with PD (Democratic Party –
Ed.) for a trade: Nicolăescu would resign from his
CEO position at RATMIL and instead he would be
appointed general secretary in the Ministry of
Finance. Thus, Nicolăescu`s position at RATMIL was
entrusted to Gigel Bratiloveanu, a Democratic Party
favorite. One year passed until Nicolăescu was given
the promised position within the Ministry of Finance
in '99.
During that period, according to sources in the
arms industry, the current Minister of Health was
employed by Israeli Shimon Naor, whom he knew
before, as Naor had done arms business with
RATMIL. Consequently, Nicolăescu worked for the
famous smuggler at "Corona" and held, among
others, the position of independent external auditor.
"Corona" is none other than the company
acting as a screen behind which "Filiera Arme"
(“Arms Connection”) smuggling operation was
carried out, for which Shimon Naor was convicted by
the Romanian justice and is today sought worldwide.
"The Link" between Romania and Ethiopia
For Shimon Naor`s company, Nicolăescu was a
"gold mine". Former RATMIL CEO, the current
Minister had strong connections with importers of
arms from Africa and the Middle East and he could
be a "link" to huge business opportunities. A
document - presented to the press in the late `90s shows that on June 16
'98, engineer Eugen
Nicolăescu (at that time ROMARM CEO) sent a fax
representative in Ethiopia, offering special products
on producer prices, in competition with those
supplied on RA ROMTEHNICA prices. This is
evidence that Nicolăescu was active on the arms
market. Subsequently, the "Filiera Arme" scandal centered on Shimon Naor and “Corona” company
controlled by him - exploded in Romania.
The Israeli (with Romanian citizenship – Ed.)
was arrested, but also released in the meantime. He
disappeared from the country and today he is still
sought for (he was arrested in May 2010, in France –
Ed.). The Bucharest Justice found him guilty in
absentia for arms smuggling to Eritrea, Nigeria and attention! – to Ethiopia, where I have found the
"traces" of the current Minister of Health. Moreover,
our sources told us that Naor has been linked over
time to all former directors of RATMIL, not only to
Contacted by "Averea", the high official sent us his
answer through a spokesman: "The minister is in
session, but he would like you to know that in the
period '98 - '99 he worked elsewhere. I cannot tell if
he had or didn`t have connections with Shimon
Annex 4
Vlădescu, Minister of Finance, Exported
Arms to Africa
(Article published in Evenimentul Zilei November 2005)
In Boss Exim Trading Group SRL, the high
official associated himself with persons in connection
to the former communist Securitate.
Until he became Minister of Finance, Sebastian
Vlădescu was involved, as a businessman, in most
of the industries, ranging from computers and
medicine to constructions and consultancy. What is
less known about him is that businessman Vlădescu
was also involved in arms business. Being a
shareholder in a strategic company, Vlădescu
exported arms to Africa and associated himself with
persons involved with the former communist
Associated with People from the Communist
When he was appointed Minister of Finance in
the Tăriceanu Government, Vlădescu wrote in his
declaration of assets that he was shareholder in
Boss Exim Trading Group SRL. According to data
provided by the website of the Ministry of Finance,
the company`s object of activity is wholesale trade.
The company was founded in 1998 by three
shareholders: Bogdan Ceauşelu, Otto Breuer and
Sebastian Vlădescu and in key-position, employed
by the three to handle business transactions, was
Adrian GhiŃă. What does not appear on the Ministry
of Finance`s website is that Boss Exim Trading
Group SRL is dealing with arms trade; that Otto
Breuer is a retired General and the man who, as
Deputy of the Danube-Black Sea Canal Station, was
a trusted person of the ancient regime; and that
Adrian GhiŃă is a former employee of ROMTEHNICA
arms company and son of retired General Grigore
GhiŃă, convicted for the Otopeni massacre of 1989.
Although initially acquitted by the High Court of
Cassation and Justice, the Court of Appeal - notified
by the relatives of the victims - sentenced Securitate
General GhiŃă to six years imprisonment for thirddegree murder and dismissed the appeal for
annulment filed by the Romanian General
Prosecutor, Tănase JoiŃa; Grigore GhiŃă served less
than two years of his sentence when he was
pardoned by president Ion Iliescu "on humanitarian
grounds and for this act of clemency to lead to the
social integration of those who have received it" –
Arms on African Connection
How has the current Minister of Finance ended
up in the company of these characters? He met Otto
Breuer through Bogdan Ceauşelu, a businessman
who controls several trade companies. "How I met
Mr. Vlădescu is very simple: he is my wife`s former
university colleague and we have known each other
since before '89," said Ceauşelu. Ever since 1992,
he has done business on civilian products with the
Romanian Army, and thus entered the circles
frequented by retired General Otto Breuer. The latter
was well acquainted with Adrian GhiŃă, son of retired
General Grigore GhiŃă. Thus they established Boss
Exim Trading Group SRL, Ceauşelu having 34
shares and Vlădescu and Breuer 33 shares each. As
for Adrian GhiŃă, he was weapons specialist. Africa
was the first connection to be opened. "In many
countries of North Africa, Romanian military
equipment exported some years ago still exist and it
needs repairing; therefore, that is what we have
focused on", stated Ceauşelu.
Illegal Export of Anti-tank Grenades
"We have all agreed that we need a specialist
in arms exports and so we hired Mr. GhiŃă, especially
since he had worked at ROMTEHNICA", said
Bogdan Ceauşelu. GhiŃă is indeed an "expert" - but
with criminal consequences - on strategic exports.
Through his own company, Armexim Grup, that
General GhiŃă`s son established in 2001, he
exported 52.000 anti-tank grenades from the
Bulgarian Arsenal Co. arms factory to Sakr Factory
in Egypt. The transaction, worth 650.000 dollars, was
made without Adrian GhiŃă holding all ANCEX
(National Agency for Export Control) export licenses.
Hence, that business has turned into a criminal case.
Adrian GhiŃă does not see where the problem is: "We
overlooked the fact that we did not have the ANCEX
license. But it is a mistake for which I have already
paid for as ANCEX has suspended my export license
for three months. I will show in the Prosecutor's
Office" also added GhiŃă.
Vlădescu Stepped out of the Business
Vlădescu has only words of praise about his
associates. In a statement made to "Evenimentul
zilei”, Vlădescu said that "Bogdan Ceauşelu is a
friend and a business partner. Otto Breuer is too. He
is a gentleman that I love to talk with. I am sorry that
I don`t get to see him too often. He is a man totally
dedicated to the Danube-Black Sea Canal and a
very good partner". Instead, he dissociated from
GhiŃă. "At my suggestion, Mr. GhiŃă was dismissed
from Boss Exim Trading Group. He has not done a
good job. After that, I have heard rumors that,
meanwhile working here, he had also been
preoccupied with his own business", added the
Minister of Finance. Once he was appointed in the
government, he stepped out of the arms-exporting
company, conceding his shares to the two remaining
Breuer, Connections as Far as Kuwait
Otto Breuer is a reserve General, a rank
received in early 1990 from Ion Iliescu. In 1991 he
retired, but not before making a visit to Kuwait - as
an active serviceman and representative of Romania
- to help put out the fire at the oil wells. In Kuwait,
Breuer has built connections with one of the largest
companies in the world, Mohamed Abdulmohsin
Kharafi & Sons, with which he set up several limited
liability companies in Romania. These were
unsuccessful business; however, his connections
with the Kuwaities were later useful to export steel
products through Braco Group, in which Breuer is a
shareholder. The former Deputy of the Danube-Black
Sea Canal Station has brokered for Kuwait a
business project involving tens of millions of dollars
to build part of the civilian airport of Sofia, Bulgaria.
Annex 5
Dr. Death`s Scams
(Article published in ZIUA daily - 2007)
Chief Commissioner Adrian Murea, surgeon at
"Gerota" hospital of the Ministry of Interior, together
with the management of this entity, they have
defrauded businessman Dragoş Rişcanu. Public
Finance Minister Sebastian Vlădescu is also part of
this group of interests.
Doctor Adrian Murea from "Professor Dr.
Dimitrie Gerota” Emergency Hospital of the Ministry
of Interior used the identities of two patients dying of
cancer in real estate frauds. Both patients died two
weeks after the fraudulent transactions. Also, he has
abused his own child and the child`s mother and
then stole his father-in-law`s Mercedes. This doctor
Mengele of the Interior illegally owns a RA-APPS
(Self-governing Department for Administration of the
State Heritage and Protocol) apartment as he
inherited from his father, Victor Murea (former
Minister of Petroleum at the time of the communists,
then FSN Deputy and Mayor of Târgu Jiu) a fourroom apartment in Bucharest. Doctor Death has
stolen a house from businessman Dragoş Rişcanu,
which he had legally purchased. Meanwhile,
Romanian Soft Company SRL, in which the Minister
of Finance is also an associate member, has stolen
from the same Rişcanu software worth hundreds of
thousands of euro. By utmost coincidence, the
software is also used “just like that” by the "Gerota"
hospital of the Ministry of Administration and Interior,
which no longer leaves any doubt that the
destruction of the victim has been carefully
orchestrated. Colonel Victor Nesterov also played an
essential part in this evil scenario at the time when
he was head of the judicial investigations within the
General Inspectorate of Romanian Police.
Property Sold without Knowledge of the Owner
Dragoş Rişcanu is owner of OMNIS GROUP
SRL, Romania`s first private company, founded in
1990, with the sole object of activity: software
development. Six years later it became the first
Microsoft Certified Partner in our country, winning
various awards in professional competitions.
In 1998, Rişcanu buys from Ruxandra-Ioana
Huch a property in Bucharest, located on 47 Barbu
Delavrancea Street, where Mihail Sadoveanu had
lived until his death. He pays for the house 250.000
USD by banking instruments so that there is no
doubt concerning the transaction. He provides the
tenants with two apartments and a studio, also
concluding bailment agreements valid throughout
their lives. Furthermore, he pays all maintenance
costs and often gives them material support.
Towards the end of '98, and with the intention to
repair the building, Rişcanu orders a technical
expertise that ascertained its high degree of wear. At
that time he also learns that the house is on the list
of memorial houses, and not on that of heritage
historical buildings. A series of administrative
procedures follow, including a few processes with
the Ministry of Culture, but eventually the final
decision is given in favor of the owner. In 2003,
Rişcanu finds out from his assistant that he can no
longer pay the tax on his propery as he has done
before because the property on Delavrancea Street
had been sold.
Dying Seller
The surprise turns even bigger when he learns
that he had supposedly sold his house through a
trustee to none other than surgeon Adrian Murea
from “Dr. Gerota” Hospital of the MAI. The
transaction had been certified at the notary office of
Livia Alexandru, in the presence of Doctor Death and
Ştefan Macovei. From this point on, the injured party
begins his own investigation. He thus learns that in
2002, while being in the U.S., he had supposedly
mandated Macovei to sell his house on Delavrancea
Street to doctor Murea. Just that he had not even
been in the States that year. Moreover, at the time
the scam happened, Macovei - former active
employee of the Ministry of Interior - was Doctor
Death`s patient. He was suffering of terminal stage
cancer, was non-transportable and under continuous
administration of morphine. Therefore, it is
impossible that he went to the notary office in order
to sign those false documents. Obviously, neither
Rişcanu, nor Macovei or his family has seen any
money from the amount allegedly paid by Murea for
the house stolen, seemingly, with legal documents.
"You do not even know who you are messing
Dragoş Rişcanu contacts the alleged owner,
Adrian Murea, to try to understand what it is all
about. He replies using a calm and elevated tone of
voice and being very self-possessed: "Under normal
circumstances it is as you say, but unfortunately you
do not even know what world you live in. You will not
get this problem solved until you pay. You do not
even know who you are messing with".
ZIUA reporters have repeatedly contacted
Doctor Death to establish a meeting with him.
Unfortunately, we have been given only promises
and postponements. Given the situation, we have
given up on our legitimate approach. It was obvious
that Murea is not willing to give explanations.
Reward on Favor
From the police, the case landed at the
Prosecutor's Office within the High Court of
Cassation and Justice. Prosecutor Alexandra
Mihaela Şinc, who skillfully investigated the criminal
activity of Joseph Stark, Livia Alexandru and Adrian
Murea, put the first one behind bars and set the
other two free. Should someone requested it, the
notary could not have been investigated because the
Ministry of Justice would have not given its approval
in this respect. Concerning Doctor Death, "because
so far (19/03/2004 – Ed.) we could not determine his
contribution to the crime, I order the severance of the
cause under this aspect”, ruled Prosecutor Şinc. The
fact that Murea had used the identity of a dying
person or that he had bought a house with false
documents, using a scam, counted little to nothing.
She preferred to wash her hands of it. In exchange
for this favor, Alexandra Mihaela Şinc, daughter of
the spokesman of the Chamber of Notaries Public,
was advanced to the Superior Council of Magistracy
(CSM) where she is still working today. She is
Deputy Director of the Human Resources and
Organization Department.
Third Attempt
Protected by the Police and Prosecutor's
Office, Adrian Murea tried to get rid of the house in
47 Delavrancea Street by using a new trick. He
fictitiously borrowed from his own mistress, IoanaSimona Dumitrescu, a certain amount of money and,
as he did not return it to her, he agreed to be
executed by force of the property stolen from
Rişcanu. Luckily, the latter found out about it on time
and prevented the execution at the last minute. But
the gang of criminals did not stop there. Further,
after she married and became Mrs. Cristescu,
Simona concluded with a businessman from GalaŃi,
namely Emil-Alexandru Bălan, a debt assignment
agreement for the amount of approximately 215.000
euro, the amount she should have received from
Adrian Murea. Bălan would execute by force doctor
"MAI" with the house on Delavrancea Street, thus
becoming its bona fide owner, and Simona would
have supposedly gained 140.000 euro out of this
transaction, which is very unlikely. In conclusion, with
the help of the accomplices that I have nominated,
Dr. Death tries for a third time to dispose of the
property stolen from Rişcanu.
Thief Appointed Guardian
In the Court reunion of February 21, 2007 the
property on Delavrancea Street was placed under
judicial sequestration. Furthermore, thief Murea was
appointed administrator of the seizure so as to
properly safeguard the property; on the other hand,
Rişcanu was forced to submit a deposit of 5.000
RON to the court. This happened after almost four
years since the real owner has been struggling to
regain his property stolen by the white-coated
mobster from "Gerota” hospital.
Regarding the involvement of Minister
Sebastian Vlădescu in the business and the
involvement of this MAI hospital unit into the
destruction of Dragoş Rişcanu, we are going to
discuss them in the following episodes.
Judicial Support from the General Inspectorate
of Romanian Police
On April 1, 2003, swindler Adrian Murea
registers the house on his name with the Land
Register. Before that date there had been several
notable events, the investigators led by Victor
Nesterov coming into possession of clear evidence
that the transaction had been staged based on
utmost forgeries. However, the police did not do
anything about it, thus serving Doctor "MAI"`s
Based on a warrant issued in 2002, on March
13, 2003 a searched was performed in Joseph
Stark`s home. He is a character involved in
suspicious property transactions and tried for two
and a half years on remand custody. This makes us
believe that such an extensive operation required
months to prepare by the Police. Floppy disks, fake
stamps and several sale and purchase agreements with the corresponding documentation - nicely
arranged in 19 plastic folders have been found in
and confiscated from his home. Among the stamps
there was one identical with the one on the power of
attorney that Rişcanu has supposedly given to late
Macovei in the U.S. Therefore, if Colonel Nesterov
wanted to, the document used by Dr. Death could
have been proven false even before he registered
the house on his name.
Furthermore, on March 17, 2003, Stark was
called to the General Inspectorate of Romanian
Police (IGPR) to give statements, but the
investigators questioned him only in connection with
some car transactions, persistently avoiding the real
estate topic.
On March 19, 2003, the Criminal Police
Directorate within IGPR demands the U.S. Embassy
in Bucharest to provide information regarding the
notary act signed in New York between Rişcanu and
Macovei. They thus find out that the document is a
fake, because "We have not found any public notary
named Helen Nielsen in Richmond, New York,
because there is no Richmond in New York”.
Some time later on, following a graphologic
expertise, the Forensic Institute of the IGPR certified
that the deceased Ştefan Macovei`s signature on the
sale and purchase agreement, allegedly concluded
with Dr. Death, had been forged.
It must also be noted that, during all that time,
the surgeon has never been asked by investigators
to make his own statements.
Unquestionably, all this evidence proves that
the IGPR team led by Col. Victor Nesterov delayed
the investigations on the case so that surgeon Adrian
Murea could register the stolen property on
Delavrancea Street on his name.
"Someone Might Attack Us"
At his insistence, on May 27, 2003, Dragoş
Rişcanu is admitted to the Criminal Police
Department for questioning. He is examined by a
panel of six policemen led by Nesterov. At first, the
investigators try to make Rişcanu look like the crook
in the business and, after that, they start threatening
him. Here is what he told us: "Col. Nesterov
recommended that I had better stood there, in
Switzerland, with my wife and children as in
Romania many things can happen - someone might
simply attack us someday. He continued threatening
that if I did not give them some kind of statement, I
would not be allowed to leave the country anymore,
although I have dual, Romanian and Swiss,
For the fact that his family had been
threatened, Rişcanu warned Nesterov that he would
call the attention of the Western press trusts to write
about this fascinating subject. The Head of Criminal
Police Department then loosened up and asked him
not to do that, because he would solve the problem.
After one week, even though he had talked on the
phone with the Colonel, Rişcanu learned that
Nesterov had suddenly retired.
At present, Victor Nesterov - son of Arkadie
Nesterov, who came from Russia to Romania to
organize the Militia - is Deputy Executive Director at
Community Police District 1.
The injured party showed up at the Police
headquarters at 8:00 a.m., following which he made
copies for the investigators of the documents that he
had. He left the IGPR premises at 4:00 p.m.
Sometime later on, he learned from the documents
in the case file - and other documents held in
Prosecutor`s Offices - that Adrian Murea was
examined on the same day. This obviously is a lie.
Perhaps the police, to cover their lack of interest in
investigating the swindler, or their complicity with
him, later on took a statement from him that they
And there is one more thing. Deceased Ştefan
Macovei `s family filed a complaint against Dr.
Death, who used their relative`s identity to steal a
house. Trying to take possession of the medical file
of the deceased, the family members learned with
astonishment that the documents have disappeared
without trace. And that happened, however
improbable it may seem, in a hospital of the Ministry
of Interior.
Piracy within the Ministry of Interior and the
Romanian Intelligence Service
(Article published in ZIUA – 2007)
Two hospitals, of the Ministry of Interior and of
the Intelligence Service, have received pirated
software free of charge in exchange for the
protection of the benefactors. Following the
intelligence theft, 50.000 Euros from EU funds have
been misappropriated.
Bucharest Emergency hospitals “Professor Dr.
Dimitrie Gerota” and “Professor Dr. Agrippa Ionescu”
received the HIPOCRATE software free of charge
software had been written in a blink of an eye based
on a software stolen from OMNIS GROUP SRL.. 20
other hospitals in the area, 3rd district City Hall and
several companies have purchased applications
created based on the same intelligence theft.
Despite the protection of the pirates by
representatives of the Romanian Office for Copyright
(ORDA), the Police, the Prosecutor`s Office and the
expert chosen by looks, after more than three years,
the Bucharest Court (TB) has ordered the reopening
of the criminal proceedings against the perpetrators.
It has also abolished prosecutor Nicoleta Bulgaru`s
orders, from the Bucharest Court, by which the
names of the culprits had been cleared and the deed
had been declared nonexistent.
European Funds Misuse
In February 2003, Dragoş Ştefan Săracu,
employee of OMNIS SRL, migrates to RSC SRL and
after one month he recruits Irinel Lupei in the new
company. They do not leave empty- handed and
copy around 5.000 source codes from a technology
platform at which many OMNIS specialists had been
working since 1990. Based on the system,
which had been stolen, the ARES.NET, CARE.NET,
AMBULANłA and HIPOCRATE applications have
been created and sold preferably to state institutions.
In this way they have also justified a 50.000 euroworth PHARE funding, which RSC had received for
the implementation of three new software products.
The company gravely prejudiced with millions of
dollars learned about this piracy in November 2004.
As was expected, OMNIS took samples of the
source code from the RSC website and addressed
ORDA. Rather than engage in solving this dirty
business, two directors of the institution, Eugen
Vasiliu and Adrian Ghimpu, urged the OMNIS
representatives to purchase from RSC the
applications suspected to be stolen so as to later
compare them to system. In late November
2004, the injured party addressed the Ministry of the
Administration and Interior, specifically General
Marian SăniuŃă, and on December 7th they filed a
complaint with the Police, the Prosecutor's Office,
ORDA and the General Inspectorate for
Communication and Information Technology.
Covered Sponsorship
On November 12, 2002, a strange sponsorship
contract was concluded between RSC SRL and
“Professor Dr. Dimitrie Gerota” Foundation (which
operates under the umbrella of the Ministry of
Interior). The sponsor granted the recipient the
exploitation rights on HIPOCRATE computer system
free of charge, the system being registered with
ORDA only two months earlier. Its value amounted
to 178.500 USD, including VAT. Its purpose: "The
informational system given as sponsorship is meant
for activity and management tracking across the
whole hospital (...)."Only that the foundation did not,
nor does it have, any hospital, which prooves that, in
fact, a scam had been planned. And there is one
more thing: the program was not delivered to the
foundation until a few days after Dragoş Săracu had
been appointed director of RSC, in February 2003. In
June the same year, the IT & C Directorate within the
Ministry of Interior informs "Gerota" Hospital that the
software "meets the requirements” - a hospital which
should have nothing to do with that software since
RSC had sponsored the foundation baring the same
name and not the hospital.
General Berechet Gives his Approval
Two days later, things are clarified. “Professor
Dr. Dimitrie Gerota” Foundation expresses its
intention to donate the HIPOCRATE informational
system to”Professor Dr. Dimitrie Gerota” Hospital for
free. The hospital`s director, Chief Commissioner Dr.
Viorel Roşu (now retired), addresses the General
Directorate of Intelligence and Internal Protection of
the Ministry of Interior, requesting approval to accept
the donation. The approval is granted but not without
the knowledge of Police General Superintendent
Nicolae Berechet, MAI State Secretary for logistics
during the PSD government. Hence, by this
maneuver, the stolen software lands with a detour at
a unit of the Ministry of Interior. Eight months later,
RSC sends a request to "Gerota” Hospital to
conclude a maintenance contract for the system
received as a gift, the monthly payment being set at
(approximately 3.800 euro). This proves that, in
reality, the Foundation has donated to the hospital
the monthly obligation to pay RSC hundreds of
millions RON.
In December 2004, OMNIS notifies “Gerota”
Hospital to stop using the HIPOCRATE program
which has been developed based on the stolen system source codes that belong to them as recorded in the ORDA Register for Computer
Programs. After several insistence, the same Chief
Commissioner - Viorel Roşu – answers with a lie by
stating that “Gerota” Hospital does not employ any of
the programs claimed by the copyright owners.
Following a similar scenario, but a little earlier,
the HIPOCRATE software was also delivered free of
charge to “Agrippa Ionescu” SRI Hospital.
Proven Theft
Under all sorts of pretexts, including the
necessity for a warrant issued by the prosecutor,
ORDA representatives refuse to make an inspection
at RSC to investigate the complaint filed by OMNIS.
Instead, chief inspector Adrian Păunescu pays a visit
to the pirates, putting them on guard about the
complaint filed against them. It is as clear as day that
he takes no sample which might incriminate them. At
about the same time, policemen Luigi Sima and
Marian IoniŃă from the Fraud Investigations enter the
scene and ask ORDA for a scientific and technical
expertise. This is carried out by the only expert on
copyright, Dan Dogaru, his conclusion being that the
analyzed software "contains significant parts copied
from the program developed by OMNIS
GROUP”. Intentionally or not, the expert does not
mention also the conclusions regarding the flagrant
breach of copyright, thus making the report
incomplete and challengeable.
The file reaches prosecutor Nicoleta Bulgaru
from the Bucharest Court, who comes from
ConstanŃa and is famous for the abusive
investigations carried out with Captain Grigore
Peşterău. The two have been under criminal
investigation for at least four criminal prosecutions
for various acts of corruption, the policeman being
eventually thrown out of the system. Instead, Bulgaru
was appointed prosecutor at the Bucharest Court,
which proves that her connections have been more
influent than the police captain`s.
computers experts and chooses no one else but
Professor Ştefan Stăncescu, from the Faculty of
Electronics, a computer specialist, but not a software
specialist. The fact that RSC pays for the expertise
tells a lot about this strange choice as the appointed
expert is a computer - and not a software - specialist.
Consequently, OMNIS legally appoints an experthand, Dumitru Galani, a software specialist and
accused Dragoş Ştefan Săracu does the same (by
calling a representative of Microsoft – Ed.).
Criminal Investigation Reopened
Expert Chosen by Looks
Following ORDA chief inspector Păunescu`s
warning, RSC withdraws from its website the
applications created based of the intelligence theft
and operates a number of substantial changes on
them. Under these circumstances, it was unlikely
that notable resemblance would be found after a new
expertise, which is usually urgently demanded from
the prosecutor handling the case. At the same time,
by two orders, Nicoleta Bulgaru acquits the
defendants, concluding that there is no software
piracy. And, on the top of it, she also draws
conclusions on copyright matters on which she is the
least competent. But what is even worse is that she
rejects the samples taken by OMNIS from the RSC
website and opposes their recovery from the
beneficiaries who have purchased the stolen
programs. Thus, the expertise is conducted on the
newly changed data, casually offered by the RSC
Police Superintendent Florin Mincă is required
to find an expert. He unlawfully demands a list of all
Simultaneously, OMNIS continues to urge the
acceptance of the samples taken prior to the
amendment of the RSC website and ultimately the
prosecutor has no other option but to comply with the
law. Only that now a new trick is employed: the
prosecutor approves the request of OMNIS before
the beginning of the expertise, but three months
pass until she communicates it to the representatives
of the injured party. Thus, the expertise was carried
out on the samples altered by RSC following the
warning received from ORDA Inspector Adrian
Following that, although expert Galani reaches
diametrically opposing conclusions, Professor
Stăncescu unlawfully refuses to place in his report
Galani`s different opinions on the matter. This being
the case, Galani realizes that he has to prepare his
own technical expertise report, which he submits to
the prosecution file. Moreover, the same Stăncescu
draws conclusions about copyright without having
any expertise or any quality in this field as the
experts of ORDA are the only ones in Romania who
have such prerogatives.
On November 27, 2006, following the complaint
filed with the Bucharest Court regarding the judicial
frame-up instrumented by representatives of ORDA
and RSC, prosecutor Bulgaru, policeman Mincă and
expert Stăncescu, the court orders the annulment of
all orders unlawfully issued by Nicoleta Bulgaru, the
reopening of the criminal investigation and an
expertise on intellectual property. RSC files an
appeal, which is still on trial today.
Galani Report
After numerous tests, expert Galani reaches
the following conclusions:
“- It is impossible to identically and 100%
reproduce from memory 4.884 lines while
maintaining specific elements of the OMNIS
GROUP’s own footprint, including the programming
and spelling mistakes. (But even so, the legal owner
of these code lines is the company, and no its
employee – Ed.)
- The only way in which the set of programs /
functions of the system could be found in
RSC applications, 100% identically assumed, is to
physically copy them from the OMNIS server on an
external support and to transfer them into the RSC
- None of the RCS applications recompiled
without the set of programs / functions being 100%
copied does not work, cannot be accessed and is not
visible on the Internet. "
In 2001, RSC SRL had only one employee, in
2002 - two employees, while, as compared to the
same period, OMNIS had 40, then 45 employees,
many of them working on the software since
1990. Under these circumsntances, the so-called
honorable achievements of RCS should make even
Bill Gates jealous, who would not even dream of
such a performance. RCS has repeatedly tried to
justify the theft, claiming that, just like OMNIS, it had
used Microsoft technology acquired from the
Internet. This is a big fat lie. Proof of these
allegations is the fact that the intelligence pirates
could never exactly name the source, and thus
dismiss any charges brought against them.
Utmost Coincidence
Chief Commissioner Adrian Murea, whom we
called Dr. Death, works as a surgeon at the MAI
"Gerota" Hospital that has been using pirated
software seemingly received as a gift. He is the
surgeon who used the identity of two of his dying
patients in real estate frauds. One of these
supposedly sold him the house on 47 Barbu
Delavrancea Street which - incredibly! - belongs to
Dragoş Rişcanu, the owner of OMNIS GROUP. As a
conclusion, Murea has stolen the property legally
bought by him with bank instruments and the
hospital uses software that has been stolen from
him. Utmost coincidence, both operations took place
during the same period of 2003. The second dying
patient was used by Dr. Death to sell the house
located on 75 Emanoil Porumbaru Street, based on
a forged mandate. For all these facts, but also for
many others, Adrian Murea is under DNA criminal
Annex 6
Other executioners of the Romanian People
- Tudor Postelnicu, General, Head of the
Securitate, Minister of Interior and member of the
Central Committee of the Romanian Communist
Party become notable due to the suppression in
blood of the miners` strike of 1977. For all the crimes
committed in the service of the communist regime,
he has received only seven years in prison;
- Iulian Vlad, Securitate General, sentenced for
the atrocities committed during the events in
Timişoara in 1989 was sentenced to 25 years in
prison, of which he executed less than four in Jilava
prison, and was released on December 31, 1993 by
a court decision. At the time of the events of
December 1989 he was Head of the Secret Police;
- Ion Mihai Pacepa, Securitate General, Foreign
Intelligence Department Deputy, fled to the U.S. in
1978, where he applied for political asylum;
- Alexandru Nicolschi (born Boris Grunberg),
Securitate General, fought for the elimination of the
elements “hostile” to the communist regime,
becoming notable by the annihilation of the group led
by Ana Pauker and the " Piteşti Experiment", by the
reeducation of political dissidents through beatings
and torture. With the support of NKVD, he led the
Mobile Squad up to 1948, after which the structure
became the Romanian Securitate;
- Vladimir Mazuru (born Wladimir Mazurow),
Securitate General, infiltrated by the NKVD into the
Ministry of Internal Affairs;
- Mihail (Mişu) Dulgheru (born Mişu
Dulbergher), a.k.a. "the Emperor", Securitate
colonel, he served in the Mobile Squad within the
General Directorate of Police, specializing in the
deportation of Saxons and Swabians in forced labor
camps in the USSR and the annihilation of the antiSoviet resistance. He was the main responsible for
the tortures and crimes which occurred in the cellars
of the People`s Securitate during its first four years
of activity;
- Alexandru Drăghici, former Colonel-General,
Minister of Interior and of State Security, became
notable by the inhumane treatment of the political
prisoners and the death sentences ordered with an
extreme cynicism. Together with Teohari Georgescu
and Iosif RangheŃ, as a public prosecutor working in
the Court of the People, he sent to death hundreds
of opponents of communism. Because he was
president of the Grand National Assembly between
28 December 1949 and 26 January 1950, his portrait
is displayed as a sign of tribute on the walls of the
Chamber of Deputies, along with other personalities
who served as Presidents of the Romanian
- Ion VinŃe (born Janos Vincze), Securitate
General and Minister on several occasions;
commander of the school in Băneasa, reactivated by
Virgil Măgureanu after the establishment of the SRI.
- Other not less important torturers of the
totalitarian regime in those years: Ady Ladislau (later
Alexandru Mureşan), Attorney General Augustin
Alexa (a Romanian
version of Vîşinski) Emil
Bodnăraş (Soviet spy), Liuba Chişinevschi, Iosif
Chişinevschi (born Roitman) Vasile Ciolpan, Dumitru
Coliu (born Dimităr Colev), col. Gheorghe Crăciun,
Ion Dincă, Tamara Dobrin, Teohari Georgescu,
Nicolae Moromete, Ana Pauker, Dumitru Popescu,
Valter Roman (born Ernö Neuländer), Ion Stănescu
(born Silaghi), Ioan ŞoltuŃiu and many others.
Annex 7
Heads of the Intelligence Services from 1924
to date
- April 12, 1924 to September 13, 1940 - Mihail
Moruzov - Head of the Secret Intelligence Service;
- November 12, 1940 to August 23, 1944 –
Eugen Cristescu – Head of the Secret Intelligence
- August 25, 1944 to September 20, 1944 Victor Siminel – Director of SSI (Special Intelligence
- September 25, 1944 to December 25, 1944 Ioan Lissievici – General Director of SSI;
- December 25, 1944 to March 6, 1945 Gheorghe Săvoiu - General Director of SSI;
- March 12, 1945 to July 12, 1945 - Nicolae
Stănescu - General Director of SSI;
- July 12, 1945 - January 1947 - Lucian
Stupinianu - General Director of SSI;
- January 1947 - April 1951 - Serghei Nicolau General Director of SSI and between April 1951 March 1954 Head of Foreign Intelligence Directorate
A within DGSS (General Directorate of State
- March 1954 - December 16, 1955 - Vasile
Vâlcu - Head of the Foreign Intelligence Directorate
within DGSS;
- December 16, 1955 to July 15, 1959 – Mihai
Gavriliuc - Head of Directorate I of the DGSS;
- 1959 - 1963 - Nicolae Doicaru - Head of
Foreign Intelligence Directorate I within DGSS. 1963
- 1972, Deputy Interior Minister and Head of the
General Directorate of Foreign Intelligence within
CSS (State Security Council). 1972 - 4 March, 1978,
First Deputy Interior Minister and Head of the
Foreign Intelligence Department of CSS;
- June - October 1978 - Alexandru Dănescu –
Head of the DEI within DSS;
- October 15, 1978 to April 22, 1980 - Romus
Dima - Interior Minister and Head of the CIE (Centre
for Foreign Intelligence) of DSS;
- April 22, 1980 to November 26, 1984 - Nicolae
PleşiŃă - First Deputy Interior Minister and Head of
the CIE within the DSS;
- 1987 - 1989 - Iulian Vlad - Head of DSS;
- December 1, 1984 to January 6, 1990 Aristotel Stamatoiu - Deputy Interior Minister, Head
of the CIE within the DSS.
Directors of the SRI (Romanian Intelligence
- May 26, 1990 to April 25, 1997 - Virgil
- May 30, 1997 - December 2000 - Costin
- February 7, 2001 to July 20, 2006 - Alexandru
Radu Timofte;
- July 20 to October 4, 2006 - Florin Coldea
- October 4, 2006 - present - George Cristian
Directors of the SPP (Protection and Guard
Service - former Security Division V, MU 0666)
- May 7, 1990 to November 21, 1996 - Major
General Dumitru Iliescu;
- December 18, 1996 to April 29, 1998 Colonel Nicu Anghel;
- May 4, 1998 to January 21, 1999 - General
- March 18, 1999 to December 28, 2000 –
General-Lieutenant Neculai Stoina;
- December 28, 2000 to December 7, 2005 General-Lieutenant Gabriel Naghi;
- December 7, 2005 - present - GeneralLieutenant Lucian PahonŃu.
Directors of the SIE (Foreign Intelligence
- 18 January to 13 December, 1990 – General
Mihai Caraman - Deputy Minister of National
Defense and December 13, 1990 - April 9, 1992 SIE Director;
- April 9, 1992 to July 30, 1997 – General Ioan
- July 30, 1997 to February 1, 2001 - Cătălin
- February 12, 2001 to July 20, 2005 Gheorghe Fulga;
- July 20 to
- October 4,
Elvis Săftoiu;
- March 19
Silviu Predoiu;
- December
October 4, 2006 – General Silviu
2006 to March 19, 2007 - Claudiu
to December 5, 2007 - General
5, 2007 - present - Mihai Răzvan
Last Minute
Illegal Practices by the MICROSOFT Giant ........... 13
The Red Plague of the East................................... 15
A High-Tech terrorist.............................................. 17
What Kind of Stability Are We Talking About? ....... 18
The Vlădescu Conspiracy ...................................... 21
Old and New Securitate Members ......................... 29
The New Oligarchy ................................................ 32
The Network of Descendants and Continuators of
the Late Regime .................................................... 34
Călin Popescu Tăriceanu....................................... 34
Eugen Nicolaescu .................................................. 35
Sebastian Teodor Gheorghe Vlădescu .................. 37
Agrippa Ionescu..................................................... 42
Ghizela Vass – Bogdan Olteanu............................ 43
Other interesting characters................................... 45
A Case Study......................................................... 47
X-Raying the Disappearance of Certain European
Funds..................................................................... 50
Jonathan Scheele, a Pontius Pilates, yet Lesser ... 55
Who Is Handling Romanian Finances.................... 57
Clarifications .......................................................... 58
More Millions of EUR, a Present for the RSC ........ 63
Out Dear and Beloved Justice ............................... 63
MICROSOFT, Protector of the Scam..................... 66
Magistrates Failing the Test of Logic and
Commonsense....................................................... 69
Judge Costiniu, Better than ORDA Experts ........... 70
Reality on the Edge ............................................... 75
Russification of the Romanian Army...................... 76
Pantiuşa, the Assassin Buried with Military Honors 78
PleşiŃă, the Secret Police Brute ............................. 80
Glorious Past as Secret Police Agent .................... 82
Butcher in the Ministry of Interior ........................... 83
Petea, Champion of Political Frame-ups................ 84
Ovidiu Soare Network on the Romanian Intelligence
Services ............................................................... 110
Prahova Network ................................................. 111
First Mineriad, set by the state............................. 112
Securitate Oligarchy Refuses to Surrender.......... 117
"Romania will Remain an Underdeveloped Country"
............................................................................. 118
Communist regime – “Illegitimate and Criminal" .. 120
The Monica Macovei “Trouble” ............................ 121
Death solves all problems — no man, no problem Joseph Stalin ....................................................... 122
Do Europeans even want to fight high level
corruption?........................................................... 124
How many Securitate agents per European? ...... 126
A matter of mentality ............................................ 127
Criminals are afflicted people. Assassins are trained
people .................................................................. 129
Officers of Death .................................................... 87
General Caraman Decorated by the NKVD ........... 88
SMERSH, the Midwife of the Securitate ................ 90
The Odious MU 0666............................................. 95
Securitate is not Dead. Securitate Changes .......... 96
Secret Police Funds for Crime. "Haiducu" Affair .... 97
Training Reliable Agents........................................ 99
Voicu Network on Justice..................................... 105
Annex 1
Microsoft blacklists............................................... 135
Annex 2
March 31, 2009 – ECIS Report:........................... 137
Annex 3
Minister of Health worked for arms dealer Shimon
Naor ..................................................................... 145
Annex 4
Vlădescu, Minister of Finance, Exported Arms to
Africa.................................................................... 149
Annex 5
Dr. Death`s Scams .............................................. 155
Piracy within the Ministry of Interior and the
Romanian Intelligence Service ............................ 163
Annex 6
Other executioners of the Romanian People ....... 173
Annex 7
Heads of the Intelligence Services from 1924 to date
............................................................................. 177
Dan COSTE – Investigation Reporter
Professional experience: 20 yrs investigation
journalism, analysis, news. Written media journalist after
1990, Member of the International Federation of
Journalists, Founding Member of the Association of
Journalists Class ’90.
1990 – main editor “Dreptatea”;
1991 – editor “Romania Libera”;
1992 – editor “Tinerama”;
2002 – special reporter ‘Ziua”;
2008 – chief editor social dept. “UNU”;
2009 – special investigation reporter “Cotidianul”;
2010 – investigation media freelancer.
Collaborator and coordinator of “Timpul Capitalei”,
“Realitatea Românească”, “Bucureşti”, “SenzaŃii Tari”, “Ea
despre Ea”, “Ion Cristoiu şi Max Bănush vă recomandă”,
“Curentul”, “Revista culinară”, “Povestiri pentru Acasă”,
“Evenimentul zilei”, “România Express”, “Reporter
special”, "Incisiv de Prahova”, radio “Tinerama”, "Q
Mamagazine", "Ziarul de InvestigaŃii", "AgenŃia de
InvestigaŃii Media", etc.
Author of more than 60 detective and adventure
novels, dozens of educational brochures, “Counterfeiting
in Romania” (coordinator, 3 volumes), “The Consumers’
Guide”, “Cursed Flight – Kill in the Name of Allah!” (first
book published after 9.11.2001 in Romania), etc.
OLAF training in Brussels, February 2007.