AHIS 110 Final Exam Guide

Just a few quick notes:
The numbers for each entry are just for organization. If it has two decimal points, is a sub-set
item that you don’t need to memorize.
Page numbers are for where in the text you can get more info on that specific piece
Not all the images look exactly like the ones from the text, particularly those for architecture.
Bold, grey titles indicate the start of a new artistic period
I found all these pictures with good ol’ Google Images. If you want a larger/clearer version of an
image, a search will probably turn up the same results that I used.
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sports cars (preferably Italian), stock options, political power or a simple spoken “Thank you”.
Good luck with the exam, and have a great winter break!
i.1 Constantine makes Christianity state
religion 330 (pre and post toleration of 313)
- See handout Early Christian and
Byzantine Art
i.3 Sculpture - ambiguous - drawn from
Classical world and given Christian context
i.3.1 Shepherd, anchors, sheep, Chi-Rho
i.2 Architecture - components of Basilica
Old St Peters (pg. 171)
I .4 4 Evangelists and their symbols:
Mathew - Angel
Mark - Lion
Luke - Ox
John - Eagle
i.5 Painting: murals in
catacombs and Mosaics
i.6 The Good Shepherd, 5th C, Galla Placidia, Ravenna,
Mosaic (p.173)
1.2 Theodora and her Attendants, 6th C, mosaic in
apse of S. Vitale, Ravenna (p.179)
1.3 Justinian and his Retinue, 6th C, mosaic in apse of S.
Vitale, Ravenna (p.178)
1.3.1 Iconography of Jesus Christ (p.168)
1.4 Hagia Sophia, 6th C, Constantinople
(Byzantium) (p.175)
1.4.1 Christian Symbols (p.182)
1.5 Church of St. Vitale, Ravenna 6th C (p.177)
1.5.1 Christ enthroned with St Vitalis and Bishop
Exxlesius, from Chruch of St. Vitale (p.177)
1.6 Virgin and child with Saints and Angels,
icon, Monastery of St. Catherine, Egypt,
6th C, encaustic on wood, medium (p.181)
1.6.1 Archangel Michael, icon.
10th C, silver gilt and enamel,
medium, Venice (p.183)
1.6.2 Interior of Cathedral of Santa Sophia,
Kiev, Ukraine, 11th C (p.186)
2.1 Purse Cover from the Sutton Hoo Burial Ship,
England, Cloisonne plaques of gold, garnet and
millefiore enamel, Medieval Celtic, Early 7th C (p.244)
2.3 Lorsch Gateway, Lorsch,
Germany, Early 9th C.
2.2 Chi Rho Iota page from
Book of Matthew, Book of
Kells, Scotland, late 8thC,
33x24cm (p.245)
2.4 Palace Chapel of Charlemagne, Aachen, German, Early
9th C (p.247)
2.5 Saint John from
Coronation Gospels, late 8th
C, pigment on parchment,
2.6 Saint Matthew from
Ebbow Gospels, early 9th
C, pigment on parchment,
25.4x20.3cm (p.250)
2.7 Bronze doors of Bishop
Bernward, Hildesheim, early
11th C, (p.253)
2.9.1 Dream of Henry I,
Worcester Chronicle,
illuminated manuscript,
tempera on vellum, 32x23cm,
self portrait of un Guda, Book
of Homile, early 12th C,
Germany (p.268)
2.8 Reliquary Statue of St
Foy (St Faith), early 10thC,
gold repousse and
gemstones over wood
core, 85cm high (p.257)
2.10 The Last Judgement by
Gislebertus. West portal cathedral of
St. Lazare (orig. abbey church)
Burgundy, France early 12th C
2.9 Bayeux Tapestry, Battle of 1066, England, wool
embroidery on linen, 50.8cm high (p.256, 268, class
2.10.1 The Magi Asleep by Gislebertus,
cathedral of St. Lazare, early 12th C (p.266)
3.1 Chartres Cathedral of Notre Dame, and details,
West façade 12th C (North Spire c1510) (p.277)
3.2 Rose window, north transept,
Chartres Cathedral, stained glass
c. mid 13th C 13 m across (p.280)
3.2.1 Tree of Jesse, mid
12th C stained glass (p.280)
3.3 Cathedral of Notre Dame
Paris (flying buttresses) begun
12th C (p.276)
3.6 Salisbury Cathedral, England
13th C (Nave - perpendicular style)
3.8 Pulpit by Nicola Pisano,
Baptistery, Pisa mid 13th C.
4.6m (p. 296)
3.4 Pages with Betrayal and Arrest of Christ
and Annunciation Petites Heures of Jeanne
d'Evreux by Jean Pucelle, Paris. Early 14th
C grisaille and color on vellum 8.2 x 5.6 cm
(ea page) (p.268)
3.7 Life of Virgin (Chasuble embroidered in
opus anglicanum), S. England red velvet
with silk and metallic threads. mid 14th C
3.9 Allegory of Good Government in the City
by Ambrogio Lorenzetti. Fresco, Pisa mid 14th
C (p. 296)
3.5 Virgin and Child from Abbey
Church of St. Denis mid14th C silver
gilt and enamel 27” (69cm) (p.289)
3.7.1 Life of John the Baptist by
Andrea Pisano, South Baptistery
Doors, early 14th C. Gilded bronze
3.10 Virgin and Child Enthroned in Majesty by
Duccio, early14th C, tempera and gold on
panel, 2.13 x 3.96 m (p.298)
3.10.1 St Francis Altarpiece by
Bonaventura Berlinghieri, early
13th C (Byzantine style)
3.11 Madonna Enthroned with
Angels and Prophets by Cimabue,
c. late 13th C t/p. 3.84x2.24m
tempera and gold on panel (p.299)
3.12 Virgin and Child Enthroned in
Majesty by Giotto, early 14th C 10'8”
x 6'8” (3.25 x 2m) tempera and gold
on panel (p.300)
(sample fresco)
3.13 Arena (Scrovegni) Chapel and details
by Giotto, c. early 14th C. Fresco (p.301)
3.14 The Annunciation by Simone Martini,
early 14th C tempera on wood, 2.65 x
3.05m (International Gothic, not in text)
4.2.1 The Annunciation by
Jan van Eyck, mid 15thC
oil on canvas (originally on
panel!) 90 x 34 cm (p.309)
4.1 February by Limbour
Brothers, from the Tres Riches
Heures du Duc de Berry, early
15th C. France, Ink and colours
on Parchment. 22 x 18cm (p.
4.2 Merode Altarpiece by Robert
Campin and assistants, early 15th
C oil on panel (o/p) 64 x 63 cm
(centre panel) (p.308)
4.2.2 Arnolfini Portrait by Jan van Eyck,
c mid 15th C o/p 84 x 57 cm (p.311)
4.2.3 The Deposition / Lamentation of
Christ by Rogier Van der Weyden, mid 15th
C Louvain Belgium, o/p 2.2 x 2.6 m (p.312)
4.2.4 A Goldsmith in his shop by
Petrus Christus, (St. Eligius) mid
15th C o/p 98 x 55 cm (p.313)
4.2.5 Portinari Altarpiece by Hugo van
der Goes, late 15th C, oil on panel.
Total size: 2.53 x 5.86 m (p.314) Page with Thamyris from Concerning
Famous Women by Boccaccio. Early 15th C
ink and tempera on vellum (p.310)
4.2.6 The Unicorn is Found (Unicorn
Tapestries) late 15th C wool, silk
and metal threads (13-21 warps per
inch) 3.68-3.78 m (p.315) The Buxheim St.
Christopher early 15th C
woodcut (hand coloured) (p.316) Temptation of St. Antony by
Martin Schongauer, Germany late
15th C Engraving 31 x 23 cm (p.316)
4.2.7 Battle of Ten Nudes by Antonio del Pollaiuolo.
Italy late 15th C Engraving 38 x 59cm (p.318) Foundling Hospital
Florence early 15th C
4.2.8 Dome of the Florence
Cathedral by Filippo
Brunelleschi, Early 15th C
4.2.9 David by Donatello. mid
15th C Bronze 1.6m (p.324) St. George by
Donatello, mid 15th C
4.2.12 Delivery of Keys to St. Peter by
Pietro Perugino, fresco Sistine Chapel,
Rome late 15th C. 3.5 x 5.7m (p.329)
4.2.11 Holy Trinity by
Masaccio, early 15th C
Fresco 6.7 x 3.2m (p.327) View of an Ideal City by Anonymous,
late 15th C O/p 77 x 2.17 m (p.323)
4.2.10 Porta del Paradiso (Gates of
Paradise) by Lorenzo Ghiberti, mid 15th C.
Bronze parcel gilt. 4.5.m (p.326)
4.2.13 Tribute Money by
Masaccio, (Brancacci Chapel),
early 15th C. Fresco. 2.54x5.9 m
Expulsion (p.330)
4.2.14 Annunciation by Fra
Angelico. Fresco, Florence c
mid 15th C 2.2 x 3.2 m (p.332)
4.2.17 Portraits of Battista Sforza (1472)
and Federico da Montefeltro (1473) by
Piero della Francesca, o/p. Late 15th C
Each 47 x 33 cm (p335)
4.2.15 The Battle of San Romano
by Ucello, Tempera/panel. Florence
mid 15th C 1.8 x 3.2m (p.333)
4.2.16 Birth of Venus by Sandro
Botticelli, c. late 15th C. tempera on
panel. 2.03 x 3.15 m (p.334)
4.2.18 The Camera Picta by Andrea Mantegna, mid 15th C (p.336) The Dead Christ by
Andrea Mantegna, late 15th C
4.2.19 Saint Francis in Ecstasy by Giovanni
Bellini, late 15th C oil and tempera on panel
50 x 56” (125 x 142cm), (p.304)