Example sentence

(anthropology, anthropomorphic, anthropoid,
Example sentence: The unsympathetic grouch was
sometimes called a misanthropist.
1.What does the stem anthropo mean?
2. Does an anthropologist hate mankind?
3. anthropologist : anthropology ::
a. science : scientist
b. biology : biologist
c. captain : ship
d. artist : art
(monarchy, oligarchy, hierarchy,
anarchy, matriarchal, patriarch)
Example sentence: England is, or once
was, ruled by a monarchy.
1.What do you think the stem arch
2. Is a king an anarchist?
3. If a patriarch is ruled by men (father
figures), who would rule in a matriarchal
(herbicide, homicide, matricide, suicide, genocide,
Example sentence: In killing his father, Oediupus was
guilty of patricide.
1.What does the stem cide mean?
2. If people in your fraternity are called your brothers, what do you think
fratricide is?
3. If the Holocaust is an example of genocide, what do you think the
word means?
(genetics, hydrogen, progeny, engender, gene,
ingenuous, indigenous)
Example Sentence: What does is mean to be Genial?
1. Can you think of another word with Gen in it?
(philosopher, audiophile, bibliophile, philologist, philanthropy)
Example Sentence: If the most you are willing to read each day is your
crush’s Twitter post, then you are NOT a bibliophile.
1. Using your context clues, what is a bibliophile?
2. What is a philanthropist?
(claustrophobia, acrophobia, xenophobia,
agoraphobia, hydrophobia)
Example sentence: The trembling dog on the twentythird floor has acrophobia.
1.What does the stem phobia mean?
2. Using your knowledge of stems what is
3. xenophobia : agoraphobia::
a.magnum opus : claustrophobia
b.space : vacuum
c.stranger : sangfroid
d. stranger : open space
(sophomore, sophisticated, sophist,
philosophy, theosophy)
Example Sentence: I don’t know if the
years have changed his philosophy, but
he used to feel the same way I do.
1. What is philosophy?
(tetrameter, tetrahedron, tetroxide, tetragon,
tetrachloride, tetracycline)
Pronunciation: “Therm” rhymes with “Firm.”
Example Sentence: In winter, we can use a
“thermos”, which is a container to keep coffee or
tea hot. “My thermos will keep coffee hot for up
to 12 hours”.
1. Using your context clues what does geothermal
(toxin, toxoid, nontoxic, antitoxin, detoxification,
toxicity, phytotoxins)
Example Sentence: The toxicity or relative strength of
the cobra venom has been calculated to be sixteen
times that of the European viper.
1. Using your knowledge of stem words, what does
toxicology mean?
(transfer, translate, transmit, transfusion, translucent,
Example Sentence: The athlete hoped the increased
training would allow him to transcend Olympic records.
Extra Practice with Stems!!!!
1. Using your knowledge of stems, what is an octarchy?
A. a length of poetry that is 8 feet long
B. a octopus with 8 legs
C. a government ruled by eight people
D a 3-d figure with 8 sides
1. Is Great Britain or the United States ruled by an octoarchy?
2. Do most executives use chronometers?
If a side effect of a chemical is herbicide, what
would it do if used?
A. fatally injure your brother
B. harm your pet
C. poison your grandma
D. kill your plants
1. What are you afraid of if you have
A people
B books
C babies
D the number 100
2. What does the stem anthro mean?
A new
B book
C man
D to