Logos, Ethos, Pathos Ad Assignment

Logos, Ethos, Pathos Advertisement Assignment
AP Language
40 points Summative
Option A: Your assignment is to find an ad (or ads if you can’t complete the assignment
with one ad) that uses logos, ethos, pathos. You might find the ad online or in a magazine,
but you need to cut out or print a hard copy. Be sure you are finding your OWN ad and
using your OWN ideas. Remember our lesson on plagiarism.
Place the ad on a larger sheet of construction paper (preferably) and then write (type) one
page of explanation about the ad:
1. What is the purpose of the ad?
2. Analyze the ad. How does the ad designer use LEP to convey the message?
● When writing this, be specific. Refer to the handout we provided that lists the
various components under each term that are evident in the ad. A strong
analysis will include several points of discussion of logos, ethos, and pathos.
3. Use the information on the back of this handout to help you discuss LEP
4. Was the ad’s designer successful in achieving his or her purpose?
If you cannot find all of the information in one ad, then feel free to use several. The
information above should be included in each paragraph. Your paragraphs should total one
Option B: Your assignment is to find 2 ads (or multiple ads if you can’t complete the
assignment with two ads) that uses logos, ethos, pathos. You might find the ads online or in
a magazine, but you need to cut out or print a hard copy. Be sure you are finding your OWN
ad and using your OWN ideas. Remember our lesson on plagiarism.
Place the 2 ads on a larger sheet of construction paper (preferably) and then write (type) 2
­ one page explanations about the ads:
1. What is the purpose of the ad?
2. Analyze the ad. How does the ad designer use LEP to convey the message?
● When writing this, be specific. Refer to the handout we provided that lists the
various components under each term that are evident in the ad. A strong
analysis will include several points of discussion of logos, ethos, and pathos.
3. Use the information on the back of this handout to help you discuss LEP
4. Was the ad’s designer successful in achieving his or her purpose?
If you cannot find all of the information in one ad, then feel free to use several. The
information above should be included in each paragraph. Your paragraphs should total 2
one page explanations.