Unit 10 Vo - Kephart10HNVocab

10 Honors English/Kephart
Name: _________________________________________________________ Period: ________
Unit 10 Vocabulary Words
Lord of the Flies Chapter 7-12
For word pronunciation go to: http://www.merriam-webster.com/
1. brine (pg. 110)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): salt water
sample sentence: Dolphins and whales cannot help taking in gulps of brine when they
swallow fish.
2. glower (pg. 118)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to look with anger or disapproval; to take on a gloomy or forbidding look
synonyms: glare, gloom, scowl, frown
antonyms: beam, grin, smile, brighten, perk (up)
sample sentence: The baseball fans glowered at their TVs as they watched their favorite
team lose.
3. sage (pg. 118)
part of speech: noun, adjective
definition(s): (n.) a person of deep wisdom or learning; (adj.) having or showing deep
understanding and intelligent application of knowledge
synonyms: (n.) pundit, savant, scholar; (adj.) wise, insightful
antonyms: (adj.) unperceptive, unwise
sample sentence: (n.) The young prince made a pilgrimage to the sage, hoping to learn
the meaning of life. (adj.) It was a sage suggestion that she think long and hard before
deciding to marry at such a young age.
4. daunting (pg. 119)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): tending to overwhelm or intimidate
synonyms: intimidating, overwhelming, apprehensive, disconcerting, disheartening
sample sentence: The vocabulary essay was a daunting task.
5. prefect (pg. 126)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): a chief officer
sample sentence: In J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, Percy Weasley was the prefect
of Gryffindor.
6. demure (pg. 133)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): reserved and modest
synonyms: reserved, modest, shy, diffident, bashful
antonyms: extroverted, outgoing, immodest, social, gregarious
sample sentence: She wore a very demure outfit to the job interview at the church.
7. flank (pg. 134)
part of speech: noun, verb
definition(s): (n.) the side of a person’s or animal’s body between the ribs and hip; the
side of something large such as a mountain or body of people; (v.) to be situated on the
side of something; to guard or strengthen
synonyms: (n.) side, haunch, quarter; wing; (v.) edge, bound, border
sample sentence: (n.) The trainer leaned against the horse’s flank. (v.) The fireplace is
flanked by built-in bookshelves.
8. corpulent (pg. 146)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): having an excess of body fat
synonyms: blubbery, chubby, fleshy, plump, overweight
antonyms: lean, skinny, slender, slim, thin
sample sentence: A corpulent, elegantly dressed opera singer came out and sang, and we
knew it was over.
9. abominable (pg. 152)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): causing intense displeasure, disgust, or resentment
synonyms: abhorrent, appalling, awful, dreadful, loathsome
antonyms: innocuous, inoffensive, agreeable, appealing
sample sentence: The uprising was suppressed with abominable cruelty.
10. phosphorescence (pg. 153)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): an enduring light or luminescence without sensible heat
synonyms: luminescence, florescence
sample sentence: The stones overhead gleamed with phosphorescence.
11. ungainly (g. 153)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): difficult to use or operate especially because of size, weight, or design;
having or showing an inability to move in a graceful manner
synonyms: awkward, clumsy, unwieldy, graceless, uncoordinated
antonyms: handy, coordinated, graceful
sample sentence: Getting the ungainly couch up the stairs was a real chore.
12. torrid (pg. 159)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): having a notably high temperature; having or expressing great depth of
synonyms: ardent, boiling, fervent, fiery, intense
antonyms: arctic, bone-chilling, cold, frigid, icy
sample sentence: Southern Arizona is known for its dry, torrid summers.
13. myopia (pg. 169)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): the condition of being nearsighted; a lack of foresight
synonyms: nearsightedness
sample sentence: She wears eyeglasses to correct her myopia.
14. pinnacle (pg. 174)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): the highest part or point
synonyms: acme, apex, climax, crescendo, culmination
antonyms: bottom, abyss, base, nadir, minimum
sample sentence: With his recent Academy Award win, the actor has certainly reached
the pinnacle of his success.
15. truculent (pg. 177)
part of speech: adjective
definition(s): eager or quick to argue or fight; aggressively defiant
synonyms: aggressive, defiant, antagonistic, belligerent, confrontational
antonyms: nonaggressive, nonbelligerent, pacific, peaceable, calm
sample sentence: The die-hard fans became truculent and violent after their team’s loss.
16. ferocity (pg. 179)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): a very fierce or violent quality
synonyms: savagery, brutality, violence, ruthlessness, cruelty
sample sentence: We were stunned by the ferocity of the tornado.
17. talisman (pg. 180)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): something worn or kept to bring good luck
synonyms: amulet, mascot, mojo, token, emblem
sample sentence: A pendant of white nephrite jade is often worn by Indians as a talisman
to ward off heart disease.
18. covert (pg. 183)
part of speech: adjective, noun
definition(s): (adj.) not openly acknowledged or displayed; (n.) a place where a person
goes to hide or to avoid others; a thick patch of shrubbery or underbrush
synonyms: (adj.) hidden, isolated, secret; (n.) den, hideaway
antonyms: (adj.) obvious, visible, exposed
sample sentence: (adj.) It was a covert little hideaway that provided a lot of privacy. (n.)
He set up a covert from which to watch wildlife without being detected.
19. ululation (pg. 189)
part of speech: noun
definition(s): a how or wail as an expression of strong emotion
sample sentence: The wife’s ululations could be heard as her husband was being buried.
20. ensconce (pg. 191)
part of speech: verb
definition(s): to establish or settle in a comfortable, safe, or secret place
synonyms: settle, install, plant, nestle, hide away
antonyms: display, exhibit
sample sentence: The kids had contentedly ensconced themselves on the couch before
the TV.