Name: Date: eommom LEtenaryTerms AEB8tenaEEom-repetition of consonantsounds(SistenSusiesits by the seashone sellinEseashells.) AEBcssEora*an ls'ldinect referenceto sornethr8ng outsldethe litenarywork" Tt lfrtenary wor[<u a eouldbe a referer"lce to a rmyth,an hlstonica[ event, as']ott']en persorl. . " alsnostanythlng. has nnade Exampfe-nfthe nannaton of a nove[saysthat a ctranacten -"FNercurlean to tefl[you effort,"'thenthe novelisthas ulsedan ilh.rsion sornething This alfiuslon [s to the myth of F{ereulfles" aboutthe elraracter. Acn&agemEs&*a characterwho is usuallyIs'rconf8ictwltt'lthe pnotagonrist. "'Lltt[e Example*Xn RedR.iding Hoodo"the Big BadWo[fis the an]tagonfist hecausehe [s [r'reonfllctwith Llttle R.edRldirughlood" ffitreet Charaeter6uafteom-the way an author presentsthe chanaetens. eharaeter$za€Eec,a is [ike. is when t&reauthonte[[syon"r what a ehanaeten you to drawyourrowrn XmdEreat eBsaraaterEea€Bom is wtrenthe authonaffiows you eonclusions whrata charaeteris [ike" abouta ef'laracter by showirlg Exampfe*,An w[roshswsa characterwho heflps out at a nulnsimg aurtl'lon flrorneand volurmteers frscanlng at a presehoofl is showingthat the ef'laraeten asrdkfind. po$ntimthe stony. eHammx*nesofives the cnisls;the rnost dnas'v'latle eomf8Be&-two foneesgoing againsteactrothen: a)withflm t['lecf'lanaeten vs. soefra$ or h)c8lanaeter natune vs" anothen e)charaeter chanacter FEashhaek-asectlonof the lfiterany the chnonologiea$ wonkthat internurpts order of eventsto nelatean event frorn the past; it can he in the fonsm of a necoflleetion/ a drearnon daydneaff"rn, an aeeounton stonytofldhy a eharaeten. ForeshadowBmg-ahlnt to the neadeno rmaynot he obvfiorls wh[ehfin']ay CIfi" duninga first a:eadlrrg, aboutthe Eemenafi of the p[ot. dlrectlom Exan'tp{e-Analnstors,'l ima story oftemfoneshadows fon dlffleufittfrnnes efiaanaetens 0aterin tlaestorv. ffigperboBe-extrerneexaggerat[onnlsedto nlakea po[mt" Exarnpfe:"'n'm so hungrytreouldeat a horse.u, Emageny-theusesf descriptlvelanEuage to appea!to one of the neaden"s senses(sound,touctlusnrell,or sight). Exarnple-"Theftrdger.neltedin his moutlr,swinllngarous'ldhis tongue wltt'la rfrch,buttery flavon"" Enemg-theexpressiosl just the of a eentalm [deaby say[ngor showfing oppos[te.ffinametEe Enemy occurswhen tftreaq.jdleriee o!' neadenksnows flT]or-e than the charaeterwho is speaklnE,amdthr.lst['lewondsrneafix sornetL"lir-rg diffenemt to the audlernce or readenthamto the chanaeten" SEEruatEomaE crocey CIecu!'s when the oppositeof what is expeetedtakes place.WerbaEErCImy oce{,.!rs whesn sorneonesaysoarethlr"rghut rrneans the opposite. Exampfe-Achanacter who says,'"n'mscirethls w[[[be funo"o wh[[ewalk[nrg flntothe dentlst'sofflce,Is expressingvenbalEnorny" S8eftaphor*aeornpanisorl rnadewitl'loultusit'lgt['lewonds'o0i$(eo' or ooas.'o 'lX Exan'tpfe-When hiarilletsays, wifrlspeakdaggens he ls eompanimg to hetro,, hls f'luffifr.lI wordsto dagEens. &€ood*tl"le atrmosphene onfee!flngestabfllshed hy the totaf[tyof the flfltenany work (eonmle, trag[e,mystery.) @momatopeeBa*the use sf wondstflat soundfl0ke wf,ratthey rmean. Exarnp !e-'osrxap'o;o"pop"';oopow'u sNymer@ffi-aphrasennadeup of two seenrlnglyoppositewords. *'jL]trmbo Examp les-'os!neene8Ee";"deafenIs]gsfr[emee'"; shnlnnp'" FcnsomEfEea€Eom-E[v[nE hurmaneharactenfistics onahi[[t[esto nornhL.!mar] t&^limgs" Exam'tpfe--u'Tfi"le nnonmlng sumflfiEht damcedaerossthe p[[[ow",' trEot-whathappensFna story. Example-Flotscan be very cormpflexo as frrrRon'neo and -]uIiet,In whichthe pflotis the courseof eventsleadlngto the two younglovens'beaths. Fccm& ef wEceru-the vfrewon polmtfnsrmwhfrcff'l the stony[s to[d; nmustbe elther first person(n) or thindperson(ffren sheoit, they) point of v[ew" Fro8agomBsft*genrena!8y tt'le rmaim cffraraeten 0ma pfieceoflwnitlmgo the chanacten w['lo [s Ll're focurs plot of the and who etlanEes In somle way" -['$]e Exannpfe-nm Catchenisnttre Rye,the pnotagomnst nsF.{of,den eaulilfie0d" '\r, Repet6t6em-saying the sarnething rrlorethan oneeon usingthe sanme soundor semtence structureCIveramd over agalm" t SettEmg-the tirneand plaeewherethe story oecurs. SEsmtEe-a cofTtparison madeusinEthe wonds"Bikenu or *uas." Exampfe-"*5he is as quickas a rahblt." S&aeeza*aseetionof poetnyseparatefrsnnt['le seetfior']s Uhrat corurehefone andaften" SpmhoEEsm-theuiseof an object to represecltan ahstractidea" Examples-F{eas-ts often synnbolize love; the eolorwhlte oftemsyrnbo[izes Innoeemce" Theme*a genera8ldea expressedhy a flltenany wonk"Tftrereean he rnore than onettlennein a work. Example-Thetheme of ""-['he Toffiofise 0sthat sf,owo steady and the Hare"o effront tniurmphs over natnlna[ hut umdevefioped tafiesrt" \= Tome-tft'lefeeflr"lg an authos'cCImveys to the neader"Toneeontrlhutesto the overallrnoodof a wonk Example-Tonecan be fonmail,seniou:so passflonate, flilghthear=tedo wltty, sarcast{er @rany othengemenafl expnessfron feefilng. of