Catania [ Acitrezza ] - Italy 2007 The International School of Advanced BioMedicine and Bioinformatics Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes Pietro BUFFA Department of Biomedical Science University of Catania OVERVIEW OVERVIEW ONCOGENES & PROTO-ONCOGENES History Fundamental Concepts Classes of Oncogenes and main activation mechanisms Examples: ras, abl, myc TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES Fundamental Concepts Principal differences between Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressor Genes Examples: Rb, p53 Final Considerations and Conclusions Slides are available on [Download section] ONCOGENES -ONCOGENES: History ONCOGENES and and PROTO PROTO-ONCOGENES: History 1909 - Peyton Rous was the first to describe the existence of a virus which seems to cause a trasmissible form of tumor in chickens (Fibrosarcoma). The Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV), a retrovirus very well studied many years after, could effectively cause trasformation of the infected cells. It was the first virus “cancer promoting” to be identifyed and for this reason it played a very important role in the development of the actual knowledge on cancer. About ‘70 years, the gene responsible for the neoplastic transformation was identifyed in RSV genome: v-src. EXPERIMENTAL HYPOTHESIS Cancer is caused by viral infections which transfer a cancer promoting viral gene, called ONCOGENE, in the human DNA ONCOGENES -ONCOGENES: History ONCOGENES and and PROTO PROTO-ONCOGENES: History Curiously, about the end of ’70 years, the v-src sequence was found, in highly conserved form, even in the chicken genome … … and in other vertebrates, human comprised. Why our DNA should contain genes which cause cancer ? ONCOGENES -ONCOGENES: History ONCOGENES and and PROTO PROTO-ONCOGENES: History 1989 - Michael Bishop and Harold Varmus, on the basis of the previous discovery, demonstrated that the viral v-src ONCOGENE derives from a normal gene already present in the vertebrates genome, the c-src PROTO-ONCOGENE, integrated in the virus genome consequently to a recombination event during its replication in eucariotic cells. The v-src and the c-src genes, are not perfectly identical, but point mutations exist at the level of the entire coding sequence, beyond to the deletion of the c-terminal region. Michael Bishop Harold Varmus It is thought that the cellular gene initially integrated in the RSV genome, underwent several modifications that transformed it in oncogene, rendering the protein codified constitutively active ONCOGENES -ONCOGENES: Fundamental ONCOGENES and and PROTO PROTO-ONCOGENES: Fundamental Concepts Concepts CONCLUSION The discovery of a relationship between the cellular PROTO-ONCOGENE (c-src) and the viral ONCOGENE (v-src) has represented a fundamental point in the history of the cancer research, demonstrating that cancer can be induced by modification of normal genes All genes can promote cancer… Or does it exist a particular fraction more involved ? Of approximately 30.000 genes present in the Human genome, only hundreds are involved in the regulation of the delicate balance between cellular proliferation/death. Therefore it is corrected to think that, only specific events which which alter the function of PROTOPROTO-ONCOGENES / TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES [positive and negative regulatory genes of cell proliferation] proliferation] PROPRO-APOPTOTIC GENES / ANTIANTI-APOPTOTIC GENES [positive and negative regulatory genes of the programmed cell death death]] are responsible of the origin of numerous and very well known Human Human tumors ONCOGENES -ONCOGENES: Fundamental ONCOGENES and and PROTO PROTO-ONCOGENES: Fundamental Concepts Concepts Today, more than 50 oncogenes has been identifyed in Human tumors The reserches carryed out to the identification of several oncogenes involved in the neoplastic transformation, were followed from those undertaken to identify and characterize the structure of the proteins codified Numerous oncogenic proteins seem to be structurally different respect to those codified by corresponding proto-oncogenes GAIN OF FUNCTION CLASSE 1 GROWTH FACTORS CLASSE 2 GROWTH FACTORS RECEPTORS CLASSE 3 CYTOPL. REGULATION PROTEINS CLASSE 4 TRANSCRIPTION FACTORS Sis (Sarcoma) Hst (Sarcoma) EGFR (erb-B)(Carcinoma) ras(Carcinoma/Leucemia) myc(Linfoma/Leucemia) abl (Leucemia) fos & jun (Sarcoma) ONCOGENES: ONCOGENES: Activation Activation Mechanisms Mechanisms ACTIVATION MECHANISMS STRUCTURAL ALTERATIONS INCREASED EXPRESSION 1 3 Point mutation Activation Gene amplification or over-expression Activation Anomalous gene product costitutively active Overproduction of normal gene product 2 Chromosomic translocation Activation Transfer of one portion of chromosome to an other Anomalous gene product costitutively active ACTIVATION ACTIVATION FOR FOR MUTATION: MUTATION: Oncogene Oncogene ras ras 1 ONCOGENE RAS The ras family genes ( HH-ras, ras, KK-ras, ras, NN-ras ) are all functionally active and codify for proteins belonging to a circuit that, that, in response to specific stimuli, stimuli, mediates the transmission of messages able to address the cell towards the proliferation and differenziation. differenziation. Adattatore RAS is a “switch protein” of about 170aa and with a GTPasic activity RAS Inactive RAS Active ACTIVATION ACTIVATION FOR FOR MUTATION: MUTATION: Oncogene Oncogene ras ras 1 ONCOGENE RAS & CANCER The first oncogene identified in a human tumor [bladder carcinoma] carcinoma] The discovery of constitutively active ras proteins in bladder tumor cells has been the first dimostration of an oncogene involved in a neoplasia. The 35% of Human tumor present at least one of the mutated ras genes, genes, with synthesis of a structurally alterated protein The most observed mutations occur in critical regions which cause decrement of ras ability to bind GAP (GTPase Activating Protein) and activate the intrinsic ras GTPase function [codons: 12, 13 e 61]. The constitutively active protein primes several metabolic pathways even in absence of apstream specific signals. Structurally alterated RAS protein Persistence of the active state of RAS ACTIVATION ACTIVATION FOR FOR CHROMOSOMIC CHROMOSOMIC TRASLOCATION: TRASLOCATION: Oncogene Oncogene abl abl 2 ONCOGENE ABL & HUMAN CRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA [CML] The 20% of the Leukemias The CML is the result of the fast (anomalous) proliferation of the myeloid cellular line (granulociti). The disease has initially slow passing (chronic), with little symptoms, after a variable period of some years the disease becomes unavoidablly acute leukaemia In 95% of the cases exists a reciprocal translocation t(9;22), an exchange of genetic material, between chromosomes 9 and 22 and the presence of this translocation is a highly sensitive test for CML Cromosoma Cromosoma 9 9+ Cromosoma Cromosoma 22 Ph Midollo osseo normale BCR BCR-ABL ABL Leucemia Mieloide Cronica Ph chromosome finds in 95% of the patients affected from Cronic Myeloid Leukemia Proteina di fusione con attività tirosino-chinasica leucemogena ACTIVATION ACTIVATION FOR FOR CHROMOSOMIC CHROMOSOMIC TRASLOCATION: TRASLOCATION: Oncogene Oncogene abl abl 2 P210 BCR-ABL BCR ABL NLS Oligomerization Domain SH3 SH2 YY-Kinase BreakPoint NES DNA ACTIN BD BD The Ph chromosome codify for a very big protein called BCR-ABL which shows one Kinase activity exalted and refractory to the normal cellular control. Natively Unfolded Region Recentemente, il gruppo di G. S. Furga ha risolto la struttura tridimensionale del dominio legante l’actina di ABL Circa 6 anni fa, il gruppo di John Kuriyan ha risolto la struttura tridimensionale del dominio catalitico (SH3-SH2-YK) di ABL, complessato con una variante di IM ACTIVATION -EXPRESSION: Oncogene ACTIVATION FOR FOR OVER OVER-EXPRESSION: Oncogene myc myc 3 ONCOGENE MYC & BURKITT LYMPHOMA The 50% of infantile lymphomas Burkitt Lynphoma is a tumor of the linfatic system (in particular, B lymphocytes) Exist in two forms: Endemic (Africa equatoriale) and sporadic In 75% of the cases exists a reciprocal translocation t(8;14) that insert the oncogene c-myc (8q24) to the to the place of the gene codifying for the heavy chains of the immunoglobuline (14q32) As result of the translocation, c-myc it is found, therefore, under the transcritional control of elements (promoters, enhancer) that, in B lymphocytes, are permanently active, with the consequence that it will codify continuously for an excess of its product. Linfonodo Normale Linfonodo Patologico TUMOR TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES: GENES: The The fusion fusion of of one one hypothesis hypothesis THE CANCER IS A GENETIC DISEASE The tumor cells present one or more alterations in their PROTO-ONCOGENES that, constitutively activated, become ONCOGENES EXPERIMENTAL HYPOTHESIS NORMAL Cells TUMOR Cells ’70 years – Cellular fusion experiments Normal cells prevail on the tumor cells The healthy cells express genes able to suppress the transformation potential of the oncogenes and for this reason called TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES The biological effect of the Tumor Suppressor Genes is dominant respect to the oncogenes TUMOR TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES GENES BIOLOGICAL FUNCTION OF TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES CELL CYCLE DNA REPAIR CELL ADESION REGULATORS REGULATORS REGULATORS IN TUMOR CELLS THE TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES ARE GENERALLY LOST REPRESSED ALTERED [Chromosom or Gene Deletion] [Ipermetilazion Events] [Mutational Events] Not codified Products LOSS OF FUNCTION Product structurally incapable to carry out its physiological function TUMOR TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES GENES GENE RB WT1 P53 APC VHL P16 BRCA1 BRCA2 ... NEOPLASIA (Retinoblastoma) (Tumore di Wilms) (Osteosarcoma) (Colon) (Renal carcinoma) (Melanoma) (Mammella e ovaio) (Mammella e ovaio) CROMOSOMA Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. 13q14 11p13 17p13 5q21 3p25 9p21 17q21 13q12 ANNO (1986) (1990) (1990) (1991) (1993) (1994) (1994) (1995) TUMOR TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES GENES GENE RB WT1 P53 APC VHL P16 BRCA1 BRCA2 ... NEOPLASIA (Retinoblastoma ) (Retinoblastoma) (Tumore di Wilms) (Osteosarcoma ) (Osteosarcoma) (Colon) (Renal carcinoma) (Melanoma) (Mammella e ovaio) (Mammella e ovaio) CROMOSOMA Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. Crom. 13q14 11p13 17p13 5q21 3p25 9p21 17q21 13q12 ANNO (1986) (1990) (1990) (1991) (1993) (1994) (1994) (1995) Two of these genes have been mainly study and the absence or the inattivation of their products is involved in the development of various malignant tumors. TUMOR Rb) TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES: GENES: Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma ((Rb) First human tumor whose origin is attributable to the inactivation of a specific tumor suppressor gene Retinoblastoma is a cancer of the retina. It accounts for about 3% of the cancers occurring in children younger than 15 years. Retinoblastoma is usually confined to the eye but can spread to the brain via the optic nerve. It is necessary that all the two copies (alleli) of a tumor suppressor gene are lost or changed, for the development of the disease Hereditary Rb Not Hereditary Rb 1/3 Germinal Mutation (Hereditary) 2/3 Not Germinal Mutation (Sporadic) 1971 Alfred Knudson, on the base of the observations about 48 cases of familiar Retinoblastoma and not, assumed that this rare shape of cancer is caused from 2 mutational events of the same gene. 1° Evento Mutazionale 2° Evento Mutazionale “THE TWO KNOCK” KNUDSON’S HYPOTHESIS Hereditary Rb una mutazione è germinale (ereditata), mentre l’altra avviene a livello delle cellule somatiche in un secondo momento Not Hereditary Rb [Sporadic] entrambe le mutazioni sono somatiche TUMOR Rb) TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES: GENES: Retinoblastoma Retinoblastoma ((Rb) MOLECULAR ASPECTS The Rb gene codifies for the nuclear protein p105Rb that represents a critical check point of the cell cycle. Only the iperphosphorilated form, actives the transcription factor E2F, allowing the progression of the cell cycle towards the S phase. Forma Ipofosforilata attiva Forma Iperfosforilata inattiva Inactivating mutations of Rb allow the uncontrolled cellular proliferation TUMOR TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES: GENES: p53 p53 P53 & CANCER The Tumor Suppressor Gene more involved in human tumors. TP53 is deleted or is mutated in about the 75% of human tumors. It maps in Human chromosome 17p13 and codes for a multi domain protein p53 [53Kda - 393aa] which exibits sequences very well conserved during the evolution. 1 Transactivation Domain 2 DNA Binding Domain Tetramerizzation Domain 3 4 The p53 expression level is generaly low In healthy individual, p53 is in balance between its production and degradation. Experimental data demostrate that there is an increase of p53 when the cell undergoes a damage to the DNA, showing an important role in the preservation of the genomic stability. [Experiments on TP53 knockout rats] TUMOR TUMOR SUPPRESSOR SUPPRESSOR GENES: GENES: p53 p53 MOLECULAR ASPECTS A FUNDAMENTAL TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENE DNA Damage Sostanze genotossiche Processi ossidativi Radiazioni SPORADIC MUTATION OF ONE TP53 ALLELE: TP53 is able to induce neoplastic transformation also as result of a single allele mutation. P ATM GERMINAL MUTATION OF ONE TP53 ALLELE: Li-Fraumeni Syndrome is a rareautosomal dominant hereditary disorder that increases greatly the susceptibility to cancer. P53 Inattivo mdm2 mdm2 P53 1 Attivo ARRESTO CICLO CELLULARE Enzimes recruitment involved to the DNA reparation Transactivation activity towards genes involved in the arrest of G1 fase [Es. gene p21] 2 APOPTOSI REPAIRED DNA Restart of the cell cycle Start of cell death mecchanisms [Es. BAX gene] GENOMIC STABILITY FINAL FINAL CONSIDERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS THERE ARE 2 WAYS TO RENDER FASTER ONE MACHINE 1] TO PRESS THE ACCELERATOR Æ ONCOGENES 2] TO ELIMINATE THE BRAKES Æ TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES THE CANCER USES THEM BOTH FINAL FINAL CONSIDERATIONS CONSIDERATIONS Evolutionary stages of a epithelium tumor: Colon Carcinoma THE CANCER IS A COMPLEX GENETIC DISEASE Cancer develops from the accumulation of lesions localized on a limited number of genes that determine a homeostatic imbalance between genes that stimulate cell proliferation (ONCOGENES) and genes that stop cell growth (TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Director and Scientific Committee of the International School of Advanced BioMedicine and Bioinformatics