Oncogenes, tumor suppressor genes and the hallmarks of cancer Klas Wiman Dept. of Oncology-Pathology Cancer Center Karolinska (CCK) Klas.Wiman@ki.se What is a cancer cell? How do cancer cells differ from normal cells? How do normal cells become cancer cells? Tumor development A multistep process with similarities to Darwinian evolution Stepwise accumulation of genetic alterations, each conferring some type of growth advantage Tumors acquire a similar set of functional capabilities but the molecular mechanisms can differ Six Hallmarks of Cancer Hanahan & Weinberg, Cell 2000 Genes involved in tumor development • Oncogenes -- drive tumor growth • Tumor suppressor genes -- prevent tumor growth • DNA repair genes -- maintain intact DNA What is an oncogene? A gene that drives tumor growth when illegitimately activated, for example due to overexpression or mutation Figure 3.4a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Acute or rapidly transforming RNA tumor viruses Rous Sarcoma Virus (RSV) Avian Myeloblastosis Virus (AMV) Simian Sarcoma Virus (SSV) Induce tumors with short latency Carry an oncogene (v-onc) RSV LTR LTR gag pol env src src is the v-onc gene, required for transformation Retroviral oncogenes are derived from cellular genes Retroviral oncogenes have counterparts in normal DNA, so called cellular oncogenes or proto-oncogenes Cellular oncogenes genes can sometimes be ”captured” by a virus and become a viral oncogene Viral oncogenes (v-onc) are different from cellular proto-oncogenes in two ways 1. They carry mutations and/or deletions, resulting in a mutant and/or truncated protein 2. Expressed at high levels from the proviral LTR; expression no longer tightly controlled Figure 4.14 The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Oncogenes promote tumor growth their protein products mediate signal transduction from the outside of the cell to the nucleus sis (PDGF-B) erbB Ras Raf cytoplasm Myc pRb p53 nucleus Classification of oncogenes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Growth factors Growth factor receptors Signal transducers Nuclear oncoproteins Anti-apoptotic regulators Myc First identified as a retroviral oncogene (MC29) Gene family: c-myc, N-myc, L-myc c-myc activated by chromosomal translocation in Burkitt lymphoma (BL) Transcription factor that binds DNA Regulates genes involved in cell cycle progression, protein synthesis, metabolism Burkitt lymphoma (BL) • Childhood lymphoma • All BL carry characteristic reciprocal chromosomal translocations involving chromosome 8 and one of the three immunoglobulin loci on chromosomes 14 (IgH), 2 (kappa) and 22 (lambda) • c-myc localized near the chromosomal breakpoint on chromosome 8 • Constitutive expression of c-myc driven by Ig enhancer sequences Figure 4.13a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Figure 4.13b The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) N-myc gene amplification in neuroblastoma 40% of advanced neuroblastomas Up to 150 copies of N-myc Associated with bad prognosis Also in astrocytoma, retinoblastoma, small cell lung carcinoma Figure 4.11a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Figure 4.11b The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Myc-Max regulates transcription of genes that stimulate cell growth Max Myc Sin3 Mad Max Repression Transactivation + CACGTG Growth-promoting genes: cell cycle, protein synthesis metabolism Activation of c-myc in human tumors Burkitt lymphoma reciprocal chromosomal translocations (t8;14, t2;22), mutations at Thr-58, Ser-62 Breast cancer Gastrointestinal cancer Myeloid leukemia gene amplification (17-32%) gene amplification (30%) gene amplification (double minutes) Prostate cancer, melanoma, multiple myeloma overexpresson, correlates with advanced disease The Philadelphia chromosome: activation of c-abl by a t(9;22) translocation • t(9;22) is found in 90% of CML, also in ALL • The chromosomal fusion gives rise to a bcr-abl fusion protein, p210, with constitutive tyrosine kinase activity Figure 2.23a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Figure 2.23b The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Figure 4.15a The Biology of Cancer (© Garland Science 2007) Two different mechanisms for oncogene activation by chromosomal translocation 1. Overexpression of an intact gene (c-myc, BL) 2. Creation of a fusion protein with altered properties (bcr-abl, CML)