Geophys. J. Int. (2001) 146, 801–812 The relative locations of multiplets in the vicinity of the Western Almerı́a (southern Spain) earthquake series of 1993–1994 Daniel Stich,1 Gerardo Alguacil1,2 and José Morales1,2 1 2 Instituto Andaluz de Geofı́sica, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain. E-mail: Departamento de Fı́sica Teórica y del Cosmos, Universidad de Granada, E-18071 Granada, Spain Accepted 2001 May 1. Received 2001 March 30; in original form 2000 July 24 SUMMARY We have analysed 721 earthquakes (1.5jmbj5.0) of the 1993–1994 Western Almerı́a (southern Spain) series and the following seismicity in the area until 1998. Among the data there are several multiplets, events characterized by very similar seismograms at the short-period stations of the local network. We detected similar seismograms using crosscorrelation analysis of the P and S arrivals and classified similar events into families, or clusters. We found 39 multiplet clusters of 3–33 events. Within each cluster, relocations relative to a master event have been calculated by using the interpolated cross-correlation maxima for the precise relative timing of P and S phases at each station. Relative arrival times have been compared for all the possible selections of the master event, and adjusted by forming the mean value after removing the outliers. The distribution of the stations does not permit a satisfactory resolution of focal depths, but relative epicentres have been determined with an accuracy of a few tens of metres. Typically they draw well-defined lineaments and show two dominant strike directions: N120u–130uE and N60u–70uE. These directions are coincident with known fault systems in the area and with the source parameters of three of the largest events (Mw=4.8, 3.6 and 4.9), which were estimated from waveform modelling of near-field acceleration records at a single station. Consistent with previous studies, distances within multiplets (typically several tens of metres) are for the most part clearly smaller than the fracture radii of these events. This indicates repeated slip on the same fault segment. It was possible to obtain precise relative locations between several nearby clusters, thereby imaging a very heterogeneous seismotectonic fine structure of the source area, i.e. the positions of adjacent active fault segments and the fragmentation of the crust into small (approximately 1 km) tectonic blocks. Key words: earthquake location, earthquake-source mechanism, fault tectonics, waveform analysis. INTRODUCTION Earthquakes with nearby locations and similar source mechanisms radiate similar wavefields and generate similar ground motions at the recording stations. Those events with seismograms showing nearly identical waveform character are commonly referred to as doublets (for a pair of events) or multiplets (for larger sequences). Geller & Mueller (1980) suggested that doublets and multiplets represent repeated rupture at the same fault segment. The hypocentres of a multiplet sequence are tightly clustered, and usually a standard location procedure is not sufficiently accurate to resolve their spatial distribution. The relative locations of multiplets can be determined very precisely by making use of the seismograms’ similarity to obtain an accurate relative timing of phase arrivals by cross-correlation # 2001 RAS or cross-spectral techniques. Several authors have described these methods: A bibliography of the first decade of multiplet relocation can be found in Deichmann & Garcia-Fernandez (1992); more recent work includes Nadeau et al. (1994), Maurer & Deichmann (1995), Cattaneo et al. (1997), Phillips et al. (1997) and Lees (1998). The resulting relative locations give an image of the distribution of points of maximum energy release on the rupture surface rather than giving conventional hypocentres as points where rupture started, because a finite window of signal is evaluated instead of just the first-break onset (Frémont & Malone 1987, Nadeau et al. 1994). In the following we describe the application of multiplet relocation to data from southernmost Spain, where a seismic series occurred precisely in the epicentral area of the severe 801 802 D. Stich, G. Alguacil and J. Morales earthquakes of 1910 (I0 = VIII MSK, mb = 6.3) and 1804 (I0 = IX MSK): see Kárnı́k (1969) and Vidal (1986). We collected information on the tectonic fine structure of the source area of the seismic series using two kinds of relative location: (1) the relocations within the multiplets, to image the orientation of the active fault segments; and (2) the relative locations between individual multiplet clusters, to image the relative positions of the corresponding fault segments. The source parameters of three of the largest events (which do not belong to any multiplet cluster) were estimated by modelling their waveforms. We used near-field strong-motion recordings, for which the short epicentral distances lead to well-constrained Green’s functions. The tectonic setting of these earthquakes is at the transition between the Betic Cordilleras and the Alborán Basin. The Betic Cordilleras are, together with the Rif in Morocco, the westernmost part of the alpine mountain belt. The Betic Cordilleras fold-and-thrust belt was formed both by the approximately NW–SE-directed convergence of the African and Eurasian plates since the Late Cretaceous and by the relative westward drift of the Alborán domain (Betic–Rif mountains and Alborán Sea). From the Early Miocene, extensional tectonics affected simultaneously the inner part of the Betic–Rif mountain chain and crustal thinning formed the Alboran Basin (Watts et al. 1993; Comas et al. 1997). Geodynamic models often try to explain the coeval development of compressional and extensional features in this area since the Miocene with some loss of lithosphere, for example slab break off (Blanco & Spakman 1993; Zeck 1996), delamination of thickened lithosphere (Seber et al. 1996), or the convective removal of a thickened lithosphere (Platt & Vissers 1989; Calvert et al. 2000). In the study area itself, a regional ENEWSW extensional stress field is currently dominant (Rodriguez-Fernandez & Martin-Penela 1993; Herraiz et al. 2000). EARTHQUAKE DATA Two moderate earthquakes occurring within 12 days marked the beginning of a period of increased seismic activity in the study area (longitude 3.2u–2.5uW, latitude 36.4u–37.0uN). The earthquakes occurred on 1993 December 23 (14:22:35, mb=4.9) and 1994 January 4 (8:03:14, mb=5.0) near the town of Adra, separated by a distance of about 25 km. They were felt with maximum intensity of I0 = VII MSK. The earthquakes were followed by a large number of smaller events (mbj4.1). During a five-year period (from 1993 December to 1998 November), 721 events were recorded in the area by up to 18 fixed and portable short-period vertical-component stations of the local seismic network of the Instituto Andaluz de Geofı́sica (Fig. 1). About half of the events followed the two major events during the winter of 1993/94 and the spring of 1994, and further relative maxima of the seismic activity were observed in the autumn of 1995 and the summer of 1996. Most of the events were located in the upper crust at depths between 0 and 12 km. Only one permanent and one portable short-period station (ADRA and PENX, respectively) were deployed in the study area itself, enabling recording at fairly short epicentral distances for events in the northern and central part of the study area. DETECTION OF MULTIPLETS 37.5 The tight spatial clustering of events in the study area corresponds to the occurrence of several multiplets. In order to detect similar waveforms, a cross-correlation analysis was performed (Deichmann & Garcia-Fernandez 1992; Maurer & Deichmann 1995; Cattaneo et al. 1997). The similarity of two waveforms (bandpass-filtered, 1–16Hz) was quantified as the maximum value of the normalized correlation coefficient function, calculated in moving windows around the P and S onsets of the two recordings. On the picked phase arrival, the left border of the zero-lag cross-correlation window was anchored. Window lengths as well as maximal shifts between the windows were 2 s for P and 3 s for S arrivals. Where only a P reading was available, or the S-reading was attributed a low ASMO PARA CRT Granada ALOJ ACHM ACLR ASNV/FUE PALB 37 AAPN ASCB PSAL APHE ATEJ PENX RESI 93/12/23 ADRA Adra Almería AALM ACBG 36.5 94/01/04 0 10 20 30 40 50km -4 -3.5 -3 -2.5 -2 Figure 1. Epicentres of events (circles) in the study area (box) and the distribution of the short-period stations of the Instituto Andaluz de Geofı́sica (triangles) around the active zone. Axis labels are degrees latitude/longitude. Stars mark the epicentres of the two major events. Places referred to in the text are annotated in italics. # 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 Multiplets of the Western Almerı́a earthquake series 02 36.8 01 15/17/20 23 100 200 300 400 500 catalogue-number of event 600 700 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 07 05 13 33/34/36 26 11/18 25 16/19/21/28/38 10 27 22/29 36.6 multiplet-cluster 37.0 39 36 33 30 27 24 21 18 15 12 9 6 3 0 12 03/06/09/14/24 04/08 37 35 39 30/31/32 0 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 calendar date of event Figure 2. Classification of 289 events (40 per cent of the initial catalogue) into 39 multiplet sequences with at least three members. A further 34 doublets have been detected. In the top plot, the assignment is plotted against the order of occurrence; in the bottom, against the actual occurrence time of the events. # clusters. Using thresholds of 0.5 for the P similarity, 0.75 for the S similarity, and 0.5 for the cluster separation, we detected 39 multiplet clusters, each with 3–33 members (Fig. 2). They contain 40 per cent of the initial data set. For comparison: using a two-threshold approach (P and S, Aster & Scott 1993) and the same trial-and-error procedure to optimize the thresholds, we detected 23 clusters containing 31 per cent of the initial data set. On several occasions the cross-correlations between seismograms of two different clusters are in the range of 0.6–0.75, as compared with average values of about 0.4 for arbitrarily selected seismograms within this data set. Such intermediate cross-correlations, although not sufficient to classify these events into one common cluster, again correspond to fairly similar waveforms, and the clusters involved can be assumed to have nearby locations and similar focal mechanisms. We will use this information for precise relative locations between these clusters, as described in the last section. Groups of similar clusters have been identified by inspection of the waveforms and the crosscorrelation matrix. We found eight groups of similar clusters, each containing 2–5 individual clusters. The absolute locations of the clusters (Fig. 3) were calculated as the mean of all well-constrained locations of the individual events of the cluster, assuming that the cluster extensions are small compared with the single-event location errors (quality criteria: phase readings at 10 or more stations; rms error <0.25 s). The majority of the detected multiplets occurred around the site of the mb=5, 1994 January 4 event. All detected multiplets are located between depths of 3 and 8 km. For some of the clusters, however, the depth estimate is uncertain due to the large distance to the closest recording stations (see Fig. 1). 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 -3.2 5 10 15 -3.0 20 [km] -2.8 -2.6 36.4 multiplet-cluster quality, an appropriate zero-lag position of the S-wave crosscorrelation window was estimated from the origin time T0 [TS=VP /VS(TPxT0)+T0], using an average VP /VS ratio for this region of 1.73 (Serrano 1999). Considering the length and the maximal shift (3 s each) of the S-wave correlation window, this approach is not sensitive to local anomalies of the VP /VS ratio. After calculating the cross-correlation maxima at all the individual stations in this way, the overall similarity of the P and S phases of the two events was defined as a mean value of the cross-correlations at the individual stations. Prior to forming the mean, the lowest cross-correlations (25 per cent) were rejected because they were considered to suffer from data insufficiencies (see Maurer & Deichmann 1995). In order to classify similar events into clusters, Maurer & Deichmann’s (1995) algorithm was used. Two events are determined to belong to the same multiplet sequence (cluster) if they exceed three threshold values applied to the P-wave similarity, the S-wave similarity, and the normalized scalar product of the corresponding rows of the S-wave cross-correlation matrix (the latter is termed the cluster separation threshold). Application of the cluster separation threshold rejects those pairs of events that show somehow similar waveforms but do not coincide in their behaviour towards the other events of the catalogue; the reliability of the cluster assignment is thus increased compared with an algorithm that evaluates P and S similarities only. the influence and appropriate values of the individual thresholds are discussed in detail in Maurer & Deichmann (1995). We optimized the thresholds for this data set by trial and error, with the aim of obtaining a large percentage of clustered events but keeping a high waveform similarity within all the individual 803 Figure 3. Locations of multiplets; cluster numbers according to Fig. 2 are labelled. Axis labels are in degrees latitude/longitude. For similar, nearby clusters (see text), one common location is given. The depths of the multiplets vary between 3 and 8 km. Stars mark the epicentres of the two major events (cf. Fig. 1). Most multiplets occurred around the site of the 1994 January 4 event. 804 D. Stich, G. Alguacil and J. Morales PRECISE RELATIVE TIMING OF P AND S PHASES OF MULTIPLETS The information on the relative location of two nearby events comes packaged in the slight variations of their relative arrival times among the network stations. For a precise timing, the relative arrival times of the picked or estimated wave onsets were adjusted by the time lags corresponding to the maxima of the cross-correlation functions. Window lengths and maximal shifts of the cross-correlation analysis remain 2 s for P and 3 s for S arrivals (except for recordings of clusters 01 and 02 at ADRA, where the short P–S times do not permit long windows). We overcame the resolution limit of the sampling rate by polynomial interpolation of the cross-correlation peak, thereby increasing the precision of relative timing by one order of magnitude (10 msp1 ms). Although the relative location makes use of the master-event technique (see below), the cross-correlation analysis was performed for all the pairs of events within a cluster, at all active stations. For recordings with P readings only, the zero-lag position of the S-wave correlation window was calculated from the origin time and VP /VS ratio (see above). At stations with no phase reading at all, the zero-lag positions of the windows for P and S arrivals were obtained from the location and origin time of the event, using ray-tracing in a layered velocity model. The model reduces to a one-layer model for direct arrivals of the multiplets, all of them located in the uppermost layer (0–12 km, VP=5.9 km sx1, VS=3.4 km sx1; Serrano 1999). Actually, the lithosphere in the area shows significant lateral variations corresponding to the very different characteristics of the Betic Cordilleras’ fold-and-thrust belt and the extensional basin of the Alboran Sea; however, striking lateral variations are observed mainly below 12 km depth. In the upper crust, seismic velocities (Banda et al. 1992; Dañobeitia et al. 1998; Carbonell et al. 1998; Serrano et al. 1998) are fairly constant over a wide area on- and offshore, except for surface low-velocity anomalies in Neogene deposits. Considering the large epicentral distances of some of the recording stations, the similarity of waveforms will frequently be obscured by noise, and consequently the cross-correlation might pick a maximum that does not give an accurate relative timing of the arrivals. A criterion to test relative arrival times is that the ‘direct’ relative timing of P and S arrivals between master A and slave B (DtBA) should be virtually identical to the sum of the relative timings via a third event C at the same station (DtBC+DtCA). Forming this sum simulates the replacement of the former master event A by the new master C. Hence relative arrival times have been compared for all possible selections of the master event, the erroneous pickings (outliers) have been removed, and the mean and standard deviation of the remaining values define the relative timing and its standard error for the following inversion. For our data, this control and adjustment of relative arrival times was essential for a successful relocation procedure. The precise relative timing would be pointless in the presence of unresolved timing inaccuracies among the instruments. Two subnetworks provided data for this research, with central recording sites in Granada and Almerı́a, respectively. Time differences between the two independent clocks are unknown for some epochs of synchronization malfunction and cannot be corrected. This problem will be addressed during the inversion. Within the subnetworks, signals are telemetered to the central recording sites and all stations have a common time base. Usually, the stations are digitized in a fixed order, and digitization delays do not affect the relative timing. Exceptions occurred due to changes in the pattern of portable stations, and in consequence stations have been digitized through different channels over different periods of time. This error, termed the digitization skew error by Poupinet et al. (1984), can be corrected by subtracting the digitization delay between the involved channels for those event pairs that were affected by a change. A correction of similar form is necessary to account for a modification in the equipment in 1996, because the digitization delays afterwards are considerably smaller. RELATIVE LOCATION OF MULTIPLETS All events of a cluster were located relative to a master event. The small cluster extensions permit a linear approximation, based on the assumption of constant velocities in the source volume and parallel ray paths towards a given recording station. The aforementioned timing inaccuracies between the two subnetworks mean we cannot assign common origin times to all observations of an event pair. In general, the relative origin times will differ with respect to the clocks of the two subnetworks. Therefore the inversion has to treat relative origin times of observations at the Almerı́a and observations at the Granada stations as two independent model parameters (DT0,Gra, DT0,Alm). The relative timing of P and S phases between master and slave event at a station k depends on the model parameters (DT0,Gra, DT0,Alm and the relative location vector d=[Dx; Dy; Dz], pointing from the master to the slave event): *tkP,S ¼ 8 d . nk > > > *T0,Gra , > < VP,S for stations digitized in Granada > > d . nk > > , : *T0,Alm VP,S for stations digitized in Almera (1) where nk is the unit-length normal vector in the direction of the emergent ray to the kth recording station, and VP,S are the velocities of P,S-wave propagation at the hypocentre. The temporal variations of the velocity field, concerning, for example, anisotropy or VP /VS ratio, are assumed to be insignificant (velocity variations and multiplets are treated in Poupinet et al. 1984 and Haase et al. 1995). All available relative timings of P and S phases at all network stations lead to a system of linear equations. The elements of the forward matrix depend on the velocity distribution, cluster location and station locations, and were calculated for the previously described one-layer velocity model (VP=5.9 km sx1, VS=3.4 km sx1). The model parameters were obtained by a least-squares inversion using singular value decomposition (Press et al. 1989). No weighting of individual data values was introduced into the inversion owing to the rather arbitrary definition of data errors. The standard errors of the model parameters are described by the model covariance matrix. The largest model standard errors, reaching hundreds of metres, correspond to the principal error axes pointing in more or less a vertical direction: the depth # 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 Multiplets of the Western Almerı́a earthquake series resolution is very low as a result of the lack of observations at short epicentral distances. The horizontal errors of the relative locations are typically a few tens of metres. Average residuals for the relative locations are about 5 ms, approximately 50 times less than for the absolute locations. Three examples of multiplet relocations are plotted in Fig. 4 and given numerically in Table 1. The model standard errors do not include the uncertainties of the forward matrix, introduced by errors of the velocity model or absolute cluster location. Errors are likely to be caused by wrong estimates of cluster depths and by disregarding vertical velocity gradients. Both affect the take-off angle of the emergent ray, further reducing the resolution of relative depths. Consequently, relative depths were not interpreted. 805 SPATIAL AND TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE RELOCATED MULTIPLETS The epicentres of relocated multiplets are tightly grouped, typically within a few hundred metres. Often the epicentres produce well-defined lineaments. The distances between the epicentres are usually small in comparison with the fracture size of the earthquakes; histograms of estimated fracture diameter and closest distance are given in Fig. 5, and some numerical values are given in Table 1. Fracture areas for several events of the multiplet sequences have been estimated from their displacement amplitude spectra (Garcı́a-Garcı́a 1995; Garcı́a-Garcı́a Table 1. Relative locations (Dx, Dy, Dz), minor (dmin) and major (dmax) axes of the 68 per cent confidence ellipsoids and rms errors of the residuals (rmsrel, rms) within three multiplet sequences (cf. Fig. 4). The rupture diameter (2r, Garcı́a-Garcı́a 1995) and the epicentre distance to the nearest neighbour (dmin) are given for comparison, see text. Event Nu Date Time Mag Relative location Dx [m] Dy [m] Cluster 02, 11 events, absolute location 2.994uW, 36.866uN; 691 93/12/23 19:22:38 1.9 25 697 93/12/24 1:33:50 1.9 0 699 93/12/24 12:42: 8 2.9 26 958 94/ 1/22 7:23:35 2.7 10 1319 94/ 3/12 7:31:31 2.8 41 1321 94/ 3/12 8:25: 8 2.9 master event 1537 94/ 6/19 5:45:58 2.5 26 4335 96/ 4/17 12:26:49 2.2 154 4457 96/ 5/ 9 10: 5:50 2.1 286 5317 96/ 9/21 17:43:20 2.5 118 6686 97/12/12 22:18:56 2.5 125 Dz [m] dmin [m] dmax [m] rmsrel rms 2r [m] dmin [m] 6.5 km depth 14 x70 13 130 0 x361 146 x165 56 80 31 18 16 39 7 417 207 236 258 47 0.0017 0.0019 0.0018 0.0054 0.0025 x33 x537 x502 x1139 x389 8 19 27 23 19 52 200 354 383 341 0.0034 0.0054 0.0052 0.0059 0.0039 0.07 0.12 0.29 0.21 0.31 0.40 0.29 0.11 0.08 0.22 0.17 130 130 620 378 422 469 299 203 176 299 299 14 13 14 93 15 13 15 36 138 36 40 30 38 35 32 15 55 15 30 26 14 659 772 604 931 306 1338 270 575 746 281 0.0030 0.0037 0.0069 0.0041 0.0060 0.0028 0.0066 0.0027 0.0019 0.0070 35 52 64 15 33 39 31 715 664 1555 636 687 878 736 0.0032 0.0028 0.0026 0.0042 0.0029 0.0068 0.0051 0.20 0.27 0.15 0.21 0.19 0.22 0.25 0.28 0.31 0.26 0.23 0.21 0.15 0.22 0.23 0.21 0.24 0.21 152 203 130 299 232 130 299 203 176 299 422 130 152 152 422 93 130 469 7 76 12 15 7 15 77 3 28 87 3 28 370 88 81 120 102 76 16 40 8 271 831 228 0.0026 0.0027 0.0027 8 13 14 10 14 209 344 320 240 358 0.0037 0.0004 0.0073 0.0037 0.0036 0.26 0.31 0.23 0.25 0.24 0.15 0.19 0.22 0.23 232 130 299 378 440 77 560 633 440 13 13 38 41 68 31 46 68 38 54 106 148 114 74 Cluster 12, 18 events, absolute location 2.848uW, 36.659uN; 5.9 km depth 770 94/ 1/ 5 1:27:51 2.0 327 x182 319 771 94/ 1/ 5 1:42:14 2.2 493 x211 154 784 94/ 1/ 5 11: 5: 8 1.9 339 x185 1090 790 94/ 1/ 5 17:50:18 2.5 282 x154 516 797 94/ 1/ 5 21:36: 0 2.3 324 x189 x10 807 94/ 1/ 6 8:56: 8 1.9 267 x157 66 809 94/ 1/ 6 12:33:37 2.5 244 x78 464 826 94/ 1/ 7 9:22:38 2.2 1 3 78 832 94/ 1/ 7 21: 5: 3 2.1 167 x84 x94 842 94/ 1/ 8 12:23:19 2.5 x163 45 121 854 94/ 1/ 9 9:56:54 2.8 master event 870 94/ 1/13 1:41: 0 1.9 159 x111 457 913 94/ 1/16 22:54:37 2.0 x404 326 x7 964 94/ 1/22 22:18:42 2.0 62 67 x74 1027 94/ 1/28 1: 6:12 2.8 x79 21 x621 1166 94/ 2/10 5: 4:34 1.7 667 x408 47 1176 94/ 2/10 22:15:17 1.9 178 18 316 4898 96/ 7/12 16:20:58 2.9 434 x259 90 Cluster 22, 9 events, absolute location x2.851uW, 36.670uN; 4.8 km depth 953 94/ 1/21 12:58:18 2.3 66 x17 102 962 94/ 1/22 18:45:49 1.9 73 x28 748 963 94/ 1/22 19:29:48 2.5 121 x41 203 967 94/ 1/23 14:20:26 2.7 master event 977 94/ 1/24 12:24: 5 3.0 x81 12 18 987 94/ 1/24 20:33:22 1.6 35 x23 x294 1001 94/ 1/25 17:40:27 3.0 70 29 143 1015 94/ 1/26 18:36:19 3.2 x111 74 92 1040 94/ 1/29 14:58:14 3.2 134 x77 177 # 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 806 D. Stich, G. Alguacil and J. Morales Figure 4. Relative locations within three multiplet sequences (horizontal planes of the 68 per cent confidence ellipsoids). Catalogue numbers according to Table 1 are labelled. The master-event location in this and subsequent similar figures is at coordinate (0,0). The selected multiplets show the two dominant strike directions of N60u–70uE and N120u–130uE (see text). Most multiplet clusters have an extension of a few hundreds of metres, like clusters 2 and 22. et al. 1996), using the circular source model of Brune (1970) to relate the fracture size to the corner frequency of the spectra. An empirical scaling law between fracture radius and magnitude (Garcı́a-Garcı́a 1995) permits the estimation of fracture radii for the other events in the study area: log mb ¼ ð0:33+0:11Þ log r½km þ ð0:67+0:06Þ : (2) events 100 75 50 25 0 0 120 240 360 480 600 720 840 distance (black) and diameter (grey) [m] 960 Figure 5. Histograms of the fracture diameters of the multiplets (according to eq. 2, grey) and the distance between epicentres from the nearest neighbour within the sequence (black). Average fracture diameters are a factor of about 5 larger than the distances between events; 74 per cent of the event distances, but only 4 per cent of the fracture diameters, are below 80 m. On the assumption that the vertical cluster extensions do not exceed some 100 m, this relation indicates that repeated (typically 3- to 10-fold) rupture of the same source is characteristic of the multiplet sequences. Repeated rupture requires a short-term temporal variability of shear stresses and/or frictional resistance along the faults (see, for example, Deichmann & Garcia-Fernandez 1992). The vast majority of the detected multiplets contain at least one event, usually several, with estimated fracture diameter clearly exceeding the extension of the whole epicentre accumulation (see Table 1 and Figs 9 and 10 below). Planes have been fitted to the hypocentre distributions of each cluster to reveal the orientation of the active fault segments. All these planes dip nearly vertically, an artefact caused by the low depth resolution and the large vertical scatter of the relocated multiplets. Consequently, computed strike values represent apparent (2-D) strikes rather than actual strikes. A pronounced horizontal elongation of the epicentre distribution, however, suggests that the apparent strike represents the actual strike well, and events occurred at similar depths and/or on a steep dipping fault plane. The multiplet strike values with standard deviations (estimated from random dislocations of the relocated hypocentres) less then 15u show two dominant directions: N120u–130uE and N60u–70uE (Fig. 6). Both directions are consistent with the strike of major Neogene fault systems in the study area (Rodriguez-Fernandez & Martin-Penela 1993). Most of the multiplets represent the # 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 36.6 36.8 37.0 Multiplets of the Western Almerı́a earthquake series 5 10 -3.2 15 20 km -3.0 -2.8 36.4 0 -2.6 Figure 6. Comparison of the apparent strikes of the multiplet relocations (grey lines) and the strike of the fault planes of the two major events (see Table 3) with positions and directions of Neogene faults in the study area (black lines). Faults redrawn from RodriguezFernandez & Martin-Penela (1993). Axis labels are degrees latitude/ longitude. N120u–130uE direction, corresponding to a fault system with important recent displacement in the ENE–WSW extensional stress field. The N60u–70uE faults were formed by a Pliocene stress field and have an unfavourable orientation to the current regional field. The diffuse distribution of seismicity in the central part of the study area suggests a volume of fractured material, containing parallel branches of the N120u–130uE fault system, rather than just one single fault at the site of the second major event. We will confirm this suspicion later when treating the relative location between clusters in this zone. Multiplet sequences may continue over a long period of time, like clusters 1 and 2 (the latter over almost 4 years), or may contain a short burst of activity only, like cluster 30 (33 events over 11 days) or cluster 38 (11 events over 4 days). Any interpretation of temporal characteristics or chronological order within multiplet sequences is intrinsically limited, because probably most of the detected clusters do not represent com- 807 plete sequences. (There are at least two reasons for this: the catalogue is not complete down to small magnitudes, and the multiplet detection procedure might fail for noisy recordings or an event with just a slightly different mechanism.) Nevertheless, we report some observations. (1) The interevent times of repeated rupture within the multiplet sequences vary greatly between minutes and years, and one might expect some scaling between event size and interevent time due to both a continuous accumulation of shear stress and fault healing processes (see Marone et al. 1995). However, there seems to be no relation between magnitude and interevent time. (2) Magnitudes showed no chronological characteristics over a sequence; that is, the largest event may occur at the beginning, the end, or somewhere in the middle of the multiplet sequence. (3) In general, no lateral migration of the epicentres over a multiplet sequence occurred, the only exception might be cluster 2 (Fig. 4), where the later events tend to be situated farther to the northeast. Sometimes, the last events of the clusters tend to be farther off the cluster midpoint, compared with the initial events. MODELLING OF NEAR-FIELD STRONGMOTION RECORDINGS AT A SINGLE STATION For the two principal earthquakes of the series, estimations of source parameters are available from two previous studies, one evaluating the first-motion polarities of P waves (Rueda et al. 1996), and one using waveform modelling of broad-band recordings at regional distances (>300 km, Thio et al. 1999). A Harvard centroid moment tensor (CMT) solution exists for the first event (Dziewonski et al. 1994). At least for the 1994 January 4 event, available data are not consistent (Table 2), and we decided to estimate source parameters independently by analysing waveforms of strong-motion recordings at station ADRA at short (<20 km) epicentral distances. The modelling of near-source seismograms benefits from a well-constrained velocity model and hence well-constrained Green’s functions. Source-parameter estimation from a single, near-field station is treated in, for example, Kanamori et al. (1990) and Singh et al. (1997). The two major events generated near-source acceleration traces with good signal-to-noise ratio, and one major aftershock (1993 December 23, 18:00:08, mb=4.0) was also evaluated. The acceleration traces were rotated to separate radial and transverse components of the horizontal seismograms, and Table 2. Source parameters of the two major events of the series according to previous studies (see text). 1993 December 23 Harvard CMT solution Rueda et al. (1996) Thio et al. (1999) Plane A 335 300 326 1994 January 4 Rueda et al. (1996) Thio et al. (1999) # 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 43 70 38 Plane B x88 x130 x94 152 188 151 Plane A 170 220 65 25 47 44 52 Seismic Moment x92 x29 x87 Plane B x31 90 274 40 63 65 8.5r1023, MW=5.2 MW=5.1 Seismic Moment x152 90 MW=4.7 808 D. Stich, G. Alguacil and J. Morales double-integrated to obtain displacement. Green’s functions for the layered earth model were computed using Bouchon’s (1981) algorithm; synthetic seismograms were generated for a set of focal mechanisms and compared with the observed displacement. A surface low-velocity layer (thickness 1.5 km, VP=4.0 km sx1, VS=2.3 km sx1) was added to the previously described velocity model to account for the Neogene deposits in the vicinity of the station. The displacement records (Fig. 7) of the two major earthquakes appear rather complex, indicating several subevents, while the smaller event shows a single pulse. For the closer events (those on 1993 December 23), the near-field displacement is clearly visible between the P and S arrivals. Most of the main features of the displacement waveforms can be matched with the source parameters in Table 3. The source radii were estimated for a circular fault after Boatwright (1980), and the static stress drops after Keilis-Borok (1959). For the first major event, showing three distinct pulses, we obtained a total moment release of 2.0r1023dyn cm (MW=4.8), a total duration of 0.75 s, and a focal mechanism similar to the result of Rueda et al. (1996): a steep plane striking 300u with a normal and a right-lateral component of slip. Differences in the ratio of SV and SH amplitudes between the two initial pulses and the third pulse were matched by a minor rotation of the slip vector. The mechanisms agree with the regional stress field (ENE–WSW extension, Rodriguez-Fernandez & MartinPenela 1993). For the mb=4 aftershock, at the same location, a similar mechanism was modelled, the seismic moment was 3.0r1022 dyn cm (MW=3.6), and the duration 0.24 s. These focal mechanisms are different from those obtained by Dziewonski et al. (1994) or Thio et al. (1999), both of which indicate smaller dip, pure normal displacement, and a strike direction of about 335u. The total moment release of the 1994 January 4 event was 2.3r1023 dyn cm (MW=4.9). The displacement records show two distinct pulses, with the shape of the first one fitted well by three overlapping subevents with identical focal mechanism. This mechanism is similar to the solutions for the other events: a steep plane striking 310u with a normal and a right-lateral component of slip. The solution is different from those of Rueda et al. (1996) and Thio et al. (1999), but consistent with the strike directions of most multiplet clusters around the epicentre. The second pulse shows very different ratios between 0.10 December 23, 1993 0.00 -0.10 -0.20 -0.30 Mw=4.8 mb=4.9 -0.40 -0.50 [cm] 1s 0.005 December 23, 1993 0.000 -0.005 -0.010 -0.015 -0.020 -0.025 Mw=3.6 mb=4.0 -0.030 -0.035 [cm] 1s January 4, 1994 0.10 0.00 -0.10 -0.20 Mw=4.9 mb=5.0 -0.30 -0.40 [cm] 1s Figure 7. Observed (solid) and modelled (dashed) displacement waveforms of three of the largest events of the series (mb=4.9, 4.0 and 5.0). Traces from top to bottom: transverse, radial and vertical components of displacement. Synthetics were calculated for the source parameters given in Table 3. Double-couple fault-plane solutions are plotted in equalarea projection. The two focal mechanisms for each of the major events correspond to the different mechanisms of subevents (in chronological order from left to right, cf. Table 3). SH, SV and P amplitudes compared to the initial pulse, and the displacement cannot be matched with a mechanism similar to the previous ones. A rough fit was obtained for a 240u-striking fault plane, consistent with the other dominant strike direction Table 3. Source parameters of the two major events and one aftershock of the series, leading to the fit of the near-source waveforms given in Fig. 7. The subevents of the two major events are given in chronological order 1993 December 23 subevent 1 subevent 2 subevent 3 Plane A 300 300 300 Dec 23 aftershock x120 x120 x145 193 193 203 Plane A 300 1994 January 4 subevent 1 subevent 2 subevent 3 2nd source 80 80 80 Plane B 55 70 70 70 70 x19 x19 x12 Plane B x120 165 Plane A 310 310 310 240 32 32 56 45 x55 Plane B x130 x130 x130 60 198 198 198 120 44 44 44 36 x29 x29 x29 144 MO [] r [km] Ds [bar] 1.0r1023 1.0r1023 1.5 1.5 2.0 12.2 12.2 5.5 MO [] r [km] Ds [bar] 3.0r1022 1.0 MO [] r [km] Ds [bar] 2.1r1022 4.2r1022 7.7r1022 9.0r1022 1.0 0.5 1.7 0.8 9.2 147.0 6.8 76.9 # 1.2 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 Multiplets of the Western Almerı́a earthquake series 809 Figure 8. Relative locations of multiplets for the clusters 30/31/32 (labelled as A, B, C for clarity). The individual strike directions of the clusters are given as dotted lines. The three clusters, containing all the detected multiplet activity in autumn 95, broadly overlap (see text). of multiplet clusters in the area. This solution gives a reverse component of fault slip and does not agree with the regional stress field (Rodriguez-Fernandez & Martin-Penela 1993; Herraiz et al. 2000). It indicates an abrupt change of the local stresses for the first and second sources of this earthquake. Pure reverse faulting for this event was suggested by Thio et al. (1999). A plausible explanation for the sudden occurrence of a compressive local stress field will be given in the next section. relative location - north [m] 200 0 B B B B B B -200 B -400 A A -600 A A A AA A A -800 -1000 -600 -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 relative location - east [m] -400 -200 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 relative location - east [m] 200 relative location - north [m] B 0 -200 -400 -600 -800 -1000 -600 Figure 9. Relative locations of multiplets of the clusters 22/29 (labelled as A, B; upper map) and 33/34/36 (labelled as A, B, C; lower map). The strike directions of the two or three, respectively, accumulations are given as dotted lines and were obtained by fitting planes to the individual accumulations. The estimated fracture diameters of the largest events (according to an empirical scaling law, see text) of each accumulation are drawn as solid lines in the direction of the average strike of the clusters (N117uE, N119uE); they approximate the length of the active fault segment. The fault segments almost touch but do not overlap, and the accumulations represent the activity of adjacent segments along the fault system. # 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 810 D. Stich, G. Alguacil and J. Morales PRECISE RELATIVE LOCATIONS OF NEARBY CLUSTERS AND THE SMALLSCALE HETEROGENEITY OF THE SOURCE AREA The very similar events classified into one cluster usually represent repeated rupture of the same source, and their spatial distribution reveals the orientation of one fault segment. We expected to obtain more comprehensive information on the fine structure of the source area from the precise relative locations of different multiplets, with events typically belonging to different fault segments. Therefore we used the previously detected clusters with intermediate intercluster cross-correlations. Their waveform similarity still permits the use of cross-correlation techniques for relative timing. However, these lower waveform similarities do not allow a reliable relative timing at many stations, and an attempt to relocate all events of the similar clusters relative to one master event did not lead to very precise results. Instead, only certain selected event pairs with particularly high similarity and good data quality were used to relocate two clusters, thereby obtaining 400 relative location - north [m] 200 BB a shift vector between the master events of the two clusters. The previously relocated multiplets within the clusters were left in their places. Usually the master-event shift vectors showed little scatter when derived from different event pairs (standard deviations of tens of metres in horizontal directions), and again the relative epicentres can be determined quite precisely. We observed three different spatial patterns of the seismicity of similar clusters and present them with one or two examples each. The first pattern, for example represented by the clusters 30/31/32 (Fig. 8), shows broad overlapping of the epicentral distributions of the individual multiplets. The differences in waveform between the clusters were caused by different focal depths (in particular the tendency of clusters 30 and 31 to be slightly shifted perpendicular to the overall strike direction might indicate different depths on a dipping fault) or a slight variation of the mechanism. Among other similar clusters, no spatial overlapping is observed. Events are accumulated within each multiplet cluster and separated from other clusters. The relative locations between clusters are often nearly in-line with the individual strikes (Fig. 9). These clusters should belong to adjacent segments along B B 0 C A C C C CCB A A C -200 -400 -600 -800 D -1000 -800 D D D -600 -400 -200 0 1000 200 400 600 800 relative location - east [m] 1000 1200 1400 1600 -400 -200 0 200 relative location - east [m] 400 relative location - north [m] 800 600 400 200 0 -200 -1400 -1200 -1000 -800 -600 600 800 1000 Figure 10. Relative locations of multiplets of the clusters 3/6/9/14 (labelled as A, B, C, D; upper map) and 16/19/21/28/38 (labelled as A, B, C, D, E; lower map). The strike directions were obtained by fitting planes to the individual accumulations and are given as dotted lines if their standard deviation is less than 15u (all except clusters 6 and 16). The estimated fracture diameters of the largest event of each accumulation are drawn as solid lines in the direction of the average strike of the clusters (N70uE, N130uE). The clusters reveal the simultaneous activity of (sub) parallel branches of a fault system. The two cluster groups have nearly identical locations, and the superposition of the N70uE and N130uE fault systems indicates fragmentation of the crust into small blocks (see text). # 2001 RAS, GJI 146, 801–812 Multiplets of the Western Almerı́a earthquake series a seismic fault system. Using eq. (2) for the estimation of the fracture diameters of the largest events of each accumulation (to approximate the length of the active fault segment), it turns out that the distances of the accumulations are determined quite exactly by these fracture diameters. This means that the fracture areas of adjacent clusters approximately touch each other. The third pattern of seismicity shows separated clusters with relative locations obviously not in-line with the individual strikes, thereby revealing simultaneous activity on (sub) parallel faults (Fig. 10). We found an example for the N70uE and the N130uE directions. Since the fault-plane dip and relative depths of the events are not resolved, only a rough estimation of the distances between the parallel faults is possible (500 m and 1300 m, respectively, for the N70uE faults, and 700 m for the N130uE faults). Besides parallel faults, another example of adjacent fault segments can be seen in the figure. The relative locations of the N70uE structures follow an N120u–130uE lineament. The absolute locations of the two cluster-groups with (sub) parallel faults in Fig. 10 are almost identical (compare Fig. 3), and the superposition of the two different (N70uE and N130uE) fault systems indicates fragmentation of the crust into small (approximately 1 km) blocks near the site of the major 1994 January 4 event. This scale of fragmentation coincides with typical extensions of the multiplet fracture areas. This suggests that the parallel branches of the N70uE and N130uE fault systems delimit the individual fault segments along each other. The small-scale fragmentation also explains the complex displacement records of the two major events; they have affected several fault segments. The estimated fracture size of the individual subevents (Table 3) coincides with the scale of fragmentation. The small-scale fragmentation is an appropriate scenario for a complex redistribution of local shear stresses after each event and will probably cause a very heterogeneous and temporally variable stress field in the area. This might be the driving mechanism of repeated rupture within the multiplet sequences. A heterogeneous stress field in the upper crust was deduced previously in two other study areas within the Alborán domain, based on the observations that the small to moderate earthquakes do not necessarily reflect the mean state of stress of the entire region. (Galindo-Zaldı́var et al. 1999; Medina 1995). In our study, the heterogeneity of the local stress field is verified by the reactivation of the Pliocene N60u–70uE fault system by several multiplet sequences, in disagreement with the presentday regional ENE–WSW extension in the area (RodriguezFernandez & Martin-Penela 1993; Herraiz et al. 2000). In the present-day regional stress field, the Pliocene faults may act as oversteps between different branches or en-echelon structures of the N120ux130uE fault system and release stresses introduced by dislocations along individual segments of the N120u–130uE faults. The displacement along both fault systems will result in rotation and tilting of the small tectonic blocks. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are very grateful to Hansruedi Maurer from ETH Zürich for his multiplet cluster detection software. 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