Embedded Options

Fixed Income & Debt
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Options
Embedded Bonds
Backward Induction Valuation Methods
Valuing Non-Callable Bond
• Valuing a bond using a binomial interest rate tree
• Point: start at the bond’s maturity, work backwards to time 0.
$100 par
$6 coupon
6.26%, $6
$100 par
$6 coupon
3.88%, $0
4.64%, $6
Duration slope
$100 par
$6 coupon
2yr Maturity
Callable bonds:
have resistance level of call price
outperform as rates rise
underperform as rates fall due to negative convexity
Putable Bonds:
due to relative scarcity of bonds with puts, it is difficult to reach any
conclusive decision regarding their performance and valuation
additional complexity: valuation models for putable bonds fail to
incorporate credit risk: probability high yield issuer will be unable to
repurchase bonds
Relative Value Analysis
Compare “spread” on the bond to required spread
Is the bond “over” or “under” valued?
• Overvalued: bond spread < required
• Undervalued: bond spread > required
• Fairly valued: bond spread = required
REMEMBER: bigger the spread, lower the price to
compensate for risk
But where do we get the spread from?
NOTE: 50% chance of either up or down movement
also note 4.64% in 1 yr is a down move from 3.88% due to
yield curve structure
Determining Nodal Values
Value of the bond at upper node for period 1
= 50% [(100 + 6) / (1+6.26%) + (100 + 6) / (1+6.26%)] = 99.75
Value of the bond at lower node for period 1
= 50% [(100 + 6) / (1+4.64%) + (100 + 6) / (1+4.64%)] = 101.30
Value today t0:
= 50% [(99.75 + 6) / (1+3.88%) + (101.30 + 6) / (1+3.88%)] = 102.56
But Where Do the Interest Rates Come From?
• Tree is generated by computer (bootstrapped rates)
NOTE: rates in tree must be “arbitrage free” for treasury bill →
model and market price equal for on-the-run treasury securities
Valuing a Callable Bond
Same as previous example, but callable at $100 in 1 year
→ If bond price rises above $100, they will exercise Bond
Spread Measures
spread is the additional return to benchmark
3 common measures: Nominal, Z-spread, OAS
$100 Par
$6 coupon
6.26%, $6
Nominal spread:
3.88%, $0
bond yield less yield on benchmark (usually the comparable maturity
Choice of spread impacts interpretation:
• Spread on U.S. Treasury,
• Sector Spread (i.e., spread on AAA-Corp)
• Spread for Specific issuer
(-) only looks at maturity of the security ignoring liquidity, coupon,
optionality, risk, etc
Zero Volatility Spread (Z-Spread)
Corporate bonds have higher risk than treasuries → higher discount
rate → lower price
Take the spot rate curve on Treasury bills/bonds and shift if up until
model price = market price of Corporate bonds
The spread we have added is our Z-spread
$100 Par
$6 coupon
4.64%, $6
→$100 Call
$100 Par
$6 coupon
1 Year
2 Years: Maturity
Current value of the bond at node 0
= 50% [(99.755 + 6) / (1+3.88%) + (100.000 + 6) / (1+3.88%)] = 101.92
$102.56 – $101.92 = $0.637
Option Adjusted Spread (OAS)
For putable bonds, this value relationship is other way round
as options always positive value
part of spread between Corporate & treasury is attributed to optionality
of bond, so by removing option value, left with OAS → the spread
additional to return on Treasury Bond
All notes can be reproduced for educational purpose only. Copyright © 2009 – 2011 www.AnalystFormulas.com
Fixed Income & Debt
Valuing Bonds with Embedded Options
Volatility and Bond Values
Volatility does not affect the value of a noncallable bond
Higher volatility decreases the value of a callable bond ...
... so higher volatility increases the value of the embedded call
option in a callable bond
Nominal and Z-spread take account of:
Nominal Spreads Represent Differences in Yields Due To:
Difference in credit risk between two bonds
Difference in the liquidity risk between two bonds
Difference in option risk between two bonds
As Option Adjusted Spread (think: option REMOVED spread) –
is adjusted and spread is only compensation for Credit risk &
Liquidity risk; a Zero volatility spread on non-callable bond
should equal OAS
Convertible Bond Basics
Convertible bonds are bonds that can be converted into
common stock. Not interest rate sensitive like callable &
putable bonds, but more sensitive to stock price.
For example, suppose you can buy a 10%, 15-year bond today
for $90 that can be converted into ten shares
The value of a comparable straight is $84
Market price of stock = $5; no dividends
Conversion ratio
= number or shares can convert to (10)
Market conversion price
= bond value / ratio (=$90 / 10 = $9)
Market conversion value
= market price of stock × conversion ratio (=10 × 5 = 50)
Straight value
= value if non-convertible ($84; given)
Market conversion premium per share
= conversion price – market price = 9 – 5 = $4 per share
→Per share premium if you purchased bond and immediately
converted into stock
Market conversion premium ratio:
Finding the Option-Adjusted Spread (OAS)
Previous example: the calculated value of the callable bond was 101.92
What if the market price is 101.21?
OAS: the spread added to each node that makes the calculated value
equal to the market value → Key point: want an arbitrage-free price
Let’s add 50 b.p. to each of the 1-year rates in the tree and re-calculate the
value of the bond
$100 Par
$6 coupon
6.26%+50bp, $6
3.88%+50bp, $0
$100 Par
$6 coupon
4.64%+50bp, $6
→$100 Call
$100 Par
$6 coupon
Think: premium stated as percentage = $4/$5 = 80%
1 Year
2 Years: Maturity
The OAS is the spread adjusted for option risk
Relative value analysis asks: Is the OAS great enough to compensate
for credit and liquidity risk?
→ All else equal, buy large OAS bonds!
Effective Duration and Effective Convexity
V− − V+
2V 0 ( ∆i )
Convexity =
V+ + V− − 2V0
2V0 ( ∆i ) 2
V– and V+ come from the binomial model.
We move interest rates up to get V– and down to get V+
Valuing a Putable bond
Same as before, but now putable at $100 in 1 year
If bond price falls above $100, they will exercise Bond
6.26%, $6
$100 Par
$6 Coupon
3.88%, $0
Premium payback period
OAS vs. Nominal Spread
Duration =
$100 Par
$6 coupon
4.64%, $6
mkt conversion premium per share
mkt price of common stock
$100 Par
$6 coupon
1 Year
2 Years: Maturity
Current value of the bond at node 0
= ½ [(100.000 + 6) / (1.038796) + (101.302 + 6) / (1.038796)] = 102.668
= 102.668 – 102.560 = 0.108
mkt conversion premium per share
favourable income difference per share
= $4/$1 = 4 years
Premium over straight value
mkt price of convertible bond
straight value
= $90/$84 – 1 = 7.14%
The greater the premium over straight value, the less attractive
the convertible bond
Option-Based Valuation Approach
Callable convertible bond value
= straight value of bond
+ value of the call option on the stock
– value of the call option on the bond
Simply a breakdown of value into straight bond plus options
Risk/Return of a Convertible Security
• If stock price falls, returns on convertible bonds exceed those
of the stock
• When stock price rises, the bond will underperform because
of the conversion premium
POINT: If the stock remains stable, return on the bond may
exceed the stock return due to the coupon payments from the
All notes can be reproduced for educational purpose only. Copyright © 2009 – 2011 www.AnalystFormulas.com