Course Description and Goals Advanced Placement: Spanish Literature 2006 - 2007 GENERAL GOAL The AP Spanish Literature course is designed to introduce students to the basic techniques of literary analysis in preparation for the AP Spanish Literature Exam. Communication in class is entirely in Spanish. Students will read, write and explore in Spanish about the major themes of the authors and literary works in the AP list. Throughout the course a sample of various genres such as poetry, drama, short stories, essays, and novels will be introduced in order to further the students’ understanding of Spanish Literature. To achieve this endeavor, both the cultural component (history, politics, religion, social structure, art, and music), and the linguistic aspect (grammar, vocabulary, and structure) of the analytical process will be emphasized. Textbook: Abriendo Puertas, volume 1 and 2. OBJECTIVES By the end of the year, students will be able to: 1. 2. 3. 4. Use the critical thinking, the analytical techniques, and the literay criticism terminology learned through the reading of literary works in the AP list and their cultural contexts. Understand and interpret different genres: drama, poetry, short story, essay, and novel. Present the themes that appear in the literature studied in an organized and coherent essay form. Address the general literary characterists of the period studied, form the Middle Ages to the Contemporary Era. REPRESENTATIVE TOPICS STUDIED 1. Middle Ages: Don Juan Manuel; Anonimous Ballads. 2 Golden Age: The Renaissance - Alvar Nuñez Cabeza de Vaca; Garcilaso de la Vega;Anónimo, Lazarillo de Tormes; Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra; Tirso de Molina. The Barroque - Francisco de Quevedo; Luis de Góngora y Argote; Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. 3. Romanticism: José María Heredia; José de Espronceda; Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer; José Marti. 4. Costumbrism: Mariano José Larra; Ricardo Palma. 5. Realism: Leopoldo Alas, “Clarín” Naturalism: Emilia Pardo Bazán. 6. Modernism: Rubén Darío. 7. Generation of ‘98: Miguel de Unamuno; Antonio Machado. 8. Generation of ‘27: Federico García Lorca. 9. Generation of 50: Carmen Martín Gaite. 10. Magical Realism: Gabriel García Márquez; Isabel Allende; Sabine Ulibarrí; Juan Rulfo. 11. The Fantastic Genre: Jorge Luis Borges;Julio Cortázar; Carlos Fuentes; Horacio Quiroga. 12. Afro-antilles poetry: Nicolás Guillén. 13. Contemporary poetry: Pablo Neruda; Alfonsina Storni; Julia de Burgos; Rosario Castellanos. 14. Theater of the absurd: Sergio Vodanovic, El delantal blanco SPECIFIC COURSE ACTIVITIES 1. Participation in the classroom forum discussions 2. Reading activities 3. Writing activities 4. group work 5. Homework/ Summaries/ Questionaires/ completed on time 6. Quizzes/Exams/Essays 7. Projects/ completed on time 8. Keep notes on lectures, presentations, and videos in a notebook EVALUATION 1. All graded work, based on the activities above, will be recorded in points. The six-week grade will be the percentage of points earned out of the total points given. 2. The semester grade will be determined per Stevenson's policy: 1st 6-wk 2nd 6-wk 3rd 6-wk final exam = semester grade grade grade grade = grade 25% 25% 25% 25%' 100% SUCCESS STRATEGIES 1. Students must come prepared for class daily and bring their textbook and notebook. 2. Students should be present and participate regularly in class. 3. Students should read the nightly assignments and do the assigned written homework on time. 4. Students should keep an organized notebook TARDINESS Please refer to the Student Guidebook. MAKE-UP WORK POLICY The make-up policy for excused and modified absences will be discussed in class.