American Economic Association The Law of the Few Author(s): Andrea Galeotti and Sanjeev Goyal Source: The American Economic Review, Vol. 100, No. 4 (SEPTEMBER 2010), pp. 1468-1492 Published by: American Economic Association Stable URL: . Accessed: 22/08/2013 05:53 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at . . JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact . American Economic Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Economic Review. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions American Economie Review 100 [September 2010) 1468-1492 100.4.1468 http'J/www.aeaweb. org/articles.php?doi=10.1257/aer. The Law of theFew By Andrea Galeotti and Sanjeev Goyal* Empirical work shows that a large majority of individuals get most of their informationfrom a very small subset of the group, viz., the influencers;more over, there exist only minor differences between the observable characteris tics of the influencers and the others. We refer to these empirical findings as the Law of the Few. This paper develops a model where players personally acquire information and form connections with others to access their informa tion. Every {robust) equilibrium of thismodel exhibits the law of thefew. (JEL D83, D85, Z13) Individuals often have tomake a choice between alternatives whose advantages are imper fectly known. In order tomake an informed decision, they personally acquire information and gather information through social contacts. Personal acquisition of information is costly; simi larly, creating and maintaining personal contacts takes time and resources. Rational individu als therefore compare the relative costs of these different sources of information. This paper explores the implications of such individual choices for social communication and the aggregate information available in a society. Our point of departure is a series of empirical studies about information acquisition and com munication in social groups. The classical early work of Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Bernard Berelson, and Hazel Gaudet (1948) and Elihu Katz and Lazersfeld (1955) investigated the impact of per sonal contacts and mass media on voting and consumer choice with regard to product brands, films, and fashion changes. They found thatpersonal contacts play a dominant role in dissemi nating informationwhich in turn shapes individuals' decisions. In particular, they identified 20 percent of their sample of 4,000 individuals as the primary source of information for the rest. Similarly, Lawrence F. Feick and Linda L. Price (1987) found that 25 percent of their sample of 1,400 individuals acquired a great deal of information about food, household goods, nonpre scription drugs, and beauty products and that theywere widely accessed by the rest.1 Research on virtual social communities reveals a similar pattern of communication. Jun Zhang, Mark S. Ackerman, and Lada Adamic (2007) study the Java Forum, an online commu nity of users who ask and respond to queries concerning Java. They identify 14,000 users and *Galeotti: Park, Colchester C04 3SQ, UK (e-mail: Department of Economics, University of Essex, Wivenhoe Goyal: Faculty of Economics and Christ's College, University of Cambridge, Sidgewick Avenue,; We thank the editor and three anonymous referees for Cambridge CB3 9DD, UK (e-mail: useful suggestions. We are grateful to Bhaskar Dutta, Francis Bloch, Yann Bramoulle, Myeonghwan Cho, Matthew Jackson, Willemien Kets, Marco van der Leij, Brian Rogers and a number of seminar audiences for suggestions which have significantly improved the paper. We thank the ESRC for financial support via Grant RES-000-22-1901. 1 Recent work in political science arrives at similar conclusions; see, e.g., Paul Beck et al. (2002) and Robert Huckfeldt, Paul E. Johnson, and John Sprague (2004). For recent work on information acquisition about products, see Gary L. Geissler and Steve W. Edison (2005). For evidence on patterns and the importance of informal communication in firms, see Robert Cross and Andrew Parker (2004). 1468 This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 100 NO. 4 GALEOTTI AND GOYAL: 1469 Core-periphery architecture with 2 hubs Core-periphery architecture with 3 hubs Figure THE LAW OF THE FEW 1.Core-Periphery Networks find that 55 percent of these users only ask questions, 12 percent both ask and answer queries, and about 13 percent only provide answers.2 The Law of the Few subsumes these empirical findings: in social groups, a majority of indi viduals get most of their information from a very small subset of the group, viz., the influ encers. Moreover, research suggests that there are minor differences between the observable economic and demographic characteristics of the influencers and the others.We are thus led to ask: can the law of the few be understood as a consequence of strategic interaction among identi cal individuals? We propose a game inwhich individuals choose to personally acquire informationand to form connections with others to access the information these contacts acquire. Our main finding is thatevery (strict)equilibrium of thegame exhibits the law of the few (propositions 1-3). The net work has a core-periphery architecture', the players in the core acquire information personally, while the peripheral players acquire no information personally but form links and get all their information from the core players. Figure 1 illustrates equilibrium configurations. We informally outline the ideas underlying this result. In our model, returns from information are increasing and concave, while the costs of personally acquiring information are linear. This we implies thaton his own an individual would acquire a certain amount of information,which denote by 1.The second element in our model is the substitutabilityof information acquired by different individuals. This implies that ifA acquires informationon his own and receives infor mation from player B, then in the aggregate he must have access to 1 unit of information (else he could strictly increase his payoff by modifying personal information acquisition). The third 2 Eytan Adar and Bernardo A. Huberman to-peer network Gnutella. (2000) report similar findings with regard to provision of files in the peer This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1470 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW SEPTEMBER 2010 and key element is that links are costly and rationally chosen by individuals. The implication of this is that ifA finds itoptimal tomaintain a link with B, then so must every other player. Hence, the group of individuals who acquire informationmust be completely linked, and the aggregate information acquired in the society must equal exactly 1.Moreover, since linking is costly,A will linkwith B only ifB acquires a certain minimum amount of information. Since total information acquired is 1, it follows that there is an upper bound to the number of people who will acquire information,and so the proportion of information acquirers in a large group is very small. Finally, we observe that since the aggregate information acquired in the group is 1, everyone who does not personally acquire informationmust be linked to all those who acquire information,yielding the core-periphery network. The resultmentioned above is derived in a settingwhere individuals are ex ante identical. A recurring theme in the empirical work is that influencers have similar demographic character istics as the others. But thiswork also finds that they have distinctive attitudes which include higher attention to general market informationand enjoyment in acquiring information (see, e.g., Feick and Price 1987). This motivates a study of the consequences of small heterogeneity in indi vidual characteristics. Our main finding is that a slight cost advantage in acquiring information (or a greater preference for information) leads to a unique equilibrium inwhich the low cost (or high informationneed) individual player is the single hub: he acquires all the information,while everyone else simply connects with him (Proposition 3). Small heterogeneities thus help select individuals who play dramatically different roles in social organization. In actual practice, we receive information from friends and colleagues which theyhave them selves received from others.We then extend the basic model to allow for indirect information transmission. Our main insighthere is that indirect information transmission gives rise to a new type of influencer: the connector (Proposition 5). A connector is someone whose primary role is thatof an "informediary": he does not acquire (much) informationhimself but connects indi viduals who personally acquire most of the information. We now relate our paper to the theory of network formation as well as the theory of games played on fixed networks.3 Our model builds on the approach to link formation introduced in Goyal (1993) and Venkatesh Bala and Goyal (2000) and themodel of local public goods devel the oped inYann Bramoull? and Rachel Kranton (2007). We show that two economic ideas?(i) and information between information others, acquired personally substitutability acquired by and (ii) thepossibility of forming costly linkswith others who acquire information?explain the specialization in information acquisition and social communication reflected in the law of the few.Moreover, in line with the findings of empirical work, we show that a small difference? with regard to the costs of acquiring information, the need for information, or with regard to personal sociability?is sufficient to perfectly select influencers in a social group.We observe that existing models cannot explain the law of the few: the pure link formationmodel cannot account for the specialization in information acquisition, while the public goods model cannot account for the specific patterns of social communication. Our results also resolve important theoretical questions in these two strands of the literature. First, in the public goods model with exogenous networks, Bramoulle and Kranton (2007) show thatmultiple equilibria typically exist, and these equilibria exhibit very different individual and aggregate informationacquisition. In contrast, introducing link formation yields clear cut predic tions on individual as well as aggregate information acquisition. Second, in a model of network formationwith pure local information sharing, the equilibrium network is either the complete or the empty network, depending on whether the cost of linking is 3 For surveys of this literature, see Goyal (2007) and Matthew O. Jackson (2008). This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 100 NO. 4 GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 1471 lower or higher than the value of individual information.By contrast,we find the unique equilib rium is a core-periphery network with the hubs acquiring all the information.Thus endogenous information acquisition provides an alternative theoretical foundation for core-periphery (and star) networks. Furthermore, our model yields an interesting cost of link effect: an increase in this cost leads to a fall in the number of players who acquire information, an increase in the amount of information acquired by each player who acquires information, and a decrease in the total number of links. By contrast, changes in costs of linking have no effect on personal information acquisition in a model of pure link formation, since everyone has exogenously speci fied information (see, e.g., Bala and Goyal 2000; Galeotti 2006; Galeotti, Goyal, and Jurjen Kamphorst 2006; and Daniel Hojman and Adam Siezdl 2008).4 Nonrival information acquisition is an instance of the private provision of public goods. For global public goods, Theodore Bergstrom, Lawrence Blume, and Hal Varian (1986) showed that the contributorswill be those with higher endowments. The key difference in our model is that access to public good is a matter of individual choice; it is costly and takes the form of bilateral connections. The findings with regard to the existence of information hubs and connectors and the core-periphery network structure are, to the best of our knowledge, novel in this literature. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section I develops the basic model with local information flow, and Section II analyzes thismodel. Section III considers a model with indi rect information transmission. Section IV discusses two important aspects of our model, linear costs of acquiring information and forming links and the link formation protocol, respectively. Section V concludes. I. Model n > 3 be the set of players and let i and j be typicalmembers of this Let N= {1,2,..., n) with set. Each player /chooses a level of personal information acquisition xt G X and a set of links with others to access their information,which is represented as a (row) vector gf= (giUgu_h where gtj G {0,1}, for each j G N\{i}. We will suppose thatX = [0, -foe) and that 8a+\> ?^/n)? ? We say thatplayer ihas a linkwith player j ifgtj= 1.A link between player e g. d {0, l}n_1.5 /and j allows both players to access the information personally acquired by the other player.6 x Sn as the set The set of strategies of player i is denoted by St ? X x Gt. Define S ? Sx x of strategies of all players. A strategy profile s = (x,g) G S specifies the personal information = = acquired by each player, x (gt,g2,g?). (xlfx2, ...,*?), and the network of relations g The network of relations g is a directed graph; letG be the set of all possible directed graphs on n vertices. Define A^(g) = {j G N :gtj= 1} as the set of players with whom i has formed a = = link. Let ///(g) c7(g), where N^g) | |.The closure of g is an undirected network denoted by g = a In involves in N. the closure of directed network for each / and words, j gij max{gijy g?} = = an one. Define TV undirected G of directed g by edge replacing every N^g) 1} as the {j igy set of players directly connected to /.The undirected link between two players reflects bilateral information exchange between them. 4 There is a small body of work which combines network formation and play in games (see, e.g., Goyal and Fernando and Yves 2005; Jackson and Alison Watts 2002; Bramoull? et al. 2004; and Antoni Calv?-Armengol Vega-Redondo Zenou 2004). The game studied and the questions addressed in the present paper are quite different from this literature, and so a detailed discussion of the relation with these papers is omitted. 5 We have completely solved themodel with discrete information choice variable. We find that themain results on equilibrium information acquisition and networks are robust to a change in action sets. The details of these derivations are available in aWeb Appendix for the paper. 6 The Web Appendix presents and analyzes a model inwhich link formation and information flow are both one way. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions SEPTEMBER 2010 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW 1472 The payoffs to player i under strategyprofile s = (i) nf.(s)= fL + ? (x, g) are: xj)- cXi-m(g)k, where c > 0 reflects the cost of informationand k > 0 is the cost of linkingwith one other person. assume pure local externalities: player /accesses only the informationpersonally acquired his immediate neighbors. Section III studies a model with indirect information transmission. by We will assume thatf(y) is twice continuously differentiable, increasing, and strictly concave in y. To focus on interesting cases we will assume that/(0) = 0, f'(Q) > c and = m < c. Under these assumptions there exists a number y > 0 such that y f'(y) lim^^ = c. = cy, i.e., y solves/'(y) argmaxyex/(y) We now discuss thekey elements of our model. First, consider the returns from information.We may thinkof the action x as draws from a dis tribution,e.g., the price distribution for a product. If the differentdraws are independent across individuals and players are interested in the lowest price, then the value of an additional draw, which is the change in the average value of the lowest order statistic, is positive but declining in the number of draws. Another possible interpretation is in terms of individuals choosing an We action whose payoffs are unknown. Every individual has access to a costly sample of observa tions?which may reflectpersonal experience with a product or a technology.A linkwith another player then allows access to his personal experience. Under reasonable conditions, the returns from accessing more samples of information?own and others?are increasing but concave.7 Second, consider theprotocol of link formation.We assume a person can form a binary link (it takes value one or zero) and that this link is formed once a cost is incurred.One possible inter pretation of unilateral link formation and two-way exchange of information is that one player pays fora telephone call and the call involves an exchange of information.Alternatively, we may interpretthe cost incurred in the formation of a link as a "gift" or a social favor that the player forming the linkmakes to the person receiving the link. In this case, k becomes a transfer,and the payoffs to player i in a strategyprofile s = (x, g) are given by: - +? *7/(g)* gjik The last term involving transfers is independent of the strategy of /. It then follows that for all s_fe S_h ands,, s/G S^ft^s,-, s_,) > ft^s/, s_f), ifand only ifUfa, s_,) > II^s/, s_f).Therefore our methods of analysis and our equilibrium findingswith payoffs (1) carry over to the alterna tivemodel, where link formation costs are transfersfrom one individual to another. Third, we assume thata player has no interest inmisleading others and that there are no incen tives for refusing to share information.This assumption is reasonable in a number of contexts such as informal social communication between individual consumers. 7 For a detailed Hojman and Szeidl discussion of these examples on information sharing, see Bramoull? (2008). This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions and Kranton (2007) and VOL. GALEOTT1ANDGOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 100 NO. 4 1473 Finally, we assume that there is no bargaining and no prices for information.We are aware that this is a strong assumption. As a firststep toward incorporating prices, in Section IV, we study the case where players can ask for transfers in exchange for sharing information.8 A Nash equilibrium is a strategy profile s* = (x*,g*) such that: (2) nf(s?, sV) > s*_f),Vsf G Si9 V? G N. Ufa, An equilibrium is said to be strict if the inequalities in the above definition are strict for every player. We define social welfare to be the sum of individual payoffs. For any profile s social welfare is given by: w(s) (3) = En,-(s). A profile s* is socially efficient ifW(s*) > W(s), Vs G S. We say that there is a path in g between /and j ifeither gy = 1 or there exist players jh ...,jm ? ... = ? = distinct from each other and i and j such that 1}. A network g is gjmj gjij2 {gij] a we connected if there exists path between every pair of players; say that a network g ismini mally connected if it is connected and there exists only one path between every pair of players. In a core-periphery network there are two groups of players, A^g) and N2(g), with the feature = = thatAfy(g) Nodes whichhave N2(g) forall i GNx(g)9andNj(g) N\{j} forall j G /V2(g). n? 1 links are referred to as central nodes or as hubs, while the complementary set of nodes are referred to as peripheral nodes or as spokes. A core-periphery network with a single hub is referred to as a periphery-sponsored star.Figure 1 illustrates core-periphery networks. There are n = 8 players; in each architecture the black nodes are the hubs (the setN2(g))9 thewhite nodes are the spokes (the set^(g)) and an edge starting at /with the arrowhead pointing at j indicates that i sponsors a link to/ We say thatg is a regular network of degree v ifeach player has v con nections in g. A complete network is a regular II. network with v? n ? 1. Analysis The main result of this section is thatevery (strict)equilibrium exhibits the law of the few: a small subset of individuals personally acquire information,while the restof the population of indi viduals form connections with this small set of informationacquirers. This differentiation in turn generates an elegant architecture of social communication: players who personally acquire infor mation constitute hubs, while the restof theplayers are spokes in a core-periphery social network. We start by noting that in an equilibrium every player must access at least y information (where y is the optimal information acquired by an isolated player). Moreover, the perfect substitutability of own and neighbor's information and the linearity in the costs of acquiring information imply that if a player personally acquires information then the sum of the informa tion he acquires and the information acquired by his neighbors must equal y.We next observe that if some player acquires y9 and if k < cy, then it is optimal for all other players to acquire no information personally and to form a link with this player. Lemma 1 summarizes 8 For other recent studies of models Cabrales and Piero Gottardi (2007) these inwhich players can charge prices or bargain for their information, see Antonio and Myeonghwan Cho (2007). This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1474 THE AMERICAN ECONOMIC REVIEW SEPTEMBER 2010 observations. For a strategy profile s = (x, g), let us define /(s) = {/ G N\xl > 0} as the set of = be the information that i players who acquire informationpersonally, and let v,-(g) Y,jeN(g) Xj accesses from his neighbors. 1: In any equilibrium s* = (x*,g*), x* + v*(g) > y,for all i G N, and ifx* > x* + y*(g) = y.Moreover, ifk< ey and x* = y thenx* = 0, for all j ^ i. LEMMA 0 then The first statement in the lemma is similar to a result obtained in Bramoulle and Kranton (2007) in the context of local public good provision in a fixed network; we note that the second statement arises out of the endogenous linking. The proof is given in theAppendix. This lemma tells us a great deal about the information accessed by individuals but relatively little about the distribution of personal information acquisition, the aggregate information acquired in a social group, and the structureof social communication. Our next result addresses these concerns. PROPOSITION 1:Suppose payoffs are given by (1). Ifk > ey then there exists a unique equilib rium inwhich every player acquires information y and no one forms any links. Suppose k < ey and let s* = (x*,g*) be an equilibrium. ? y tnen g* Is a core-periphery network, hubs acquire (0 V ? ieNx? and ally, spokes acquire no informationpersonally. (") IfY,ieNx*> informationperson y then: ? = = a) Every player i G /(s*) chooses x* k/c and has A G {1, ...,n (y/(A + 1)) 2} linkswithin /(s*),while everyplayer j ? I(s*) forms A + 1 linkswith players in /(s*). = b) High information level players choose x* k/c, low information level players have links with level rj high information players, theyare not neighbors of each other and choose informationx* = y ? rj (k/c),where (yc/k) ? 1< rj < yc/k. If the cost of a link exceeds the cost of acquiring the threshold information, k > ey, then no one forms any links. Otherwise every equilibrium is characterized by linking activity, i.e., the network is nonempty. Figure 2 illustrates equilibrium outcomes for n ? 8, y = 1 and k < c. There are two types of equilibria: one, where aggregate information is equal to y (Figure 2A) and two,where itexceeds y (Figure 2B). When aggregate information equals y, equilibrium net works are connected, theyhave the core-periphery structure,and players in the core are the only ones who acquire any informationpersonally. Moreover, as the relative cost of linking k/c grows the number of hubs decreases, each hub player acquires more information,and the total number of links decreases. When k/c G (y/2, y) there is only one hub, and the social communication structure takes the form of a periphery sponsored star. When aggregate information exceeds y, equilibrium networks may not be connected, but players acquire at most two levels of information (as in Figure 2B). Moreover, since aggregate information acquired exceeds y we know, fromLemma 1, that theremust exist players who are accessed by some but not by other players. This means that the cost of linking is exactly equal to the cost of information acquired by such a player. But thenplayers are indifferentbetween form ing a linkwith such a player and acquiring informationpersonally. In otherwords, the strategies of the players are not a strict best response to the strategies of others. The following result brings out the general implications of this observation. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. GALE0TT1AND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 100 NO. 4 Panel A. Nash equilibrium inwhich aggregate information acquisition Panel B. Nash equilibrium inwhich aggregate information acquisition Figure 2. Example of Nash Equilibrium, n= 8, y ? 1475 is 1 exceeds 1 1 2: Suppose payoffs are given by (1) and k < cy. In every strict equilibrium PROPOSITION = s* = (x*,g*): (/) y> (") tne network has a core-periphery architecture, hubs acquire J^ieNx* and informationpersonally, spokes acquire no informationpersonally, and (Hi)for given c and ? oo. ?> n as ratio the 0 k, I(s*) \/n \ PROOF: firstprove that in every strictNash equilibrium s = (x, g) the aggregate information is ? = to y, i.e., YlieNxi S- Let s equal (x, g) be a Nash equilibrium in which aggregate infor mation exceeds y. First, suppose s satisfies part ii(a) of Proposition 1.We know that a positive informationplayer i chooses xt = kjc < y and formsA links such thatxt[A + 1]= y, and that A + 1< /(s).Moreover cxt= k. Then it is immediate that this player is indifferentbetween a link and acquiring additional information k/c. This means that equilibria in part ii(a) are not strict.Second, suppose s satisfies part ii(b) of Proposition 1.Again a player with positive infor mation acquisition is indifferentbetween forming a link and acquiring extra information him ? k. Hence, equilibria in part ii(b) of the proposition are not strict.Taken together self, since ex We with Proposition 1 this implies that in every strict equilibrium aggregate information acquisi tion is equal to y. The core-periphery architecture of equilibrium networks follows directly from Proposition 1. We now consider the proportion |/(s) \/nin every strict equilibrium s. Recall that in a strict = 9 anc* that xt+ j/(g) > y, for all i G N. This means that every player equilibrium Y,ieNxi who acquires information personally is accessed by every player in equilibrium. This implies that there is at most one player /G I(s) with no incoming links, i.e., g? = 0, for all j G N. For all other players /G /(s), itmust be the case there is at least one player j G I(s) such thatgjt = 1; but this implies thatxt > k/c. So the number of accessed players who acquire informationper ? 1, is bounded above by (yc)/k. It follows that I(s)/n < sonally and have incoming links, I(s) can which be made + arbitrarily small by raising n. This completes the proof. l)/n, ([yc/k] This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1476 SEPTEMBER 2010 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW If a positive information player strictlyprefers to retain a linkwith another player j, itmust be the case that the costs of linkingwith j are strictly lower than the cost of the information that player j acquires. But then all other players find itoptimal to access fs information, and so all positive information players are linked among themselves. Lemma 1 tells us thatany player who acquires information personally must access exactly y information.Hence the desired conclu sion: aggregate information acquisition must equal y. Part (ii) of Proposition 2 then follows from Proposition 1. The last part of the result derives bounds on the number of hub players. If player /links with j then the cost of the linkmust be less than the cost of personally acquiring the information accessed fromj, i.e., cxj > k, and so player j must be acquiring at least k/c information. Since aggregate information is y, itfollows that there is an upper bound on the number of players who acquire information, /(s*), and this number is independent of n. It then follows that the ratio can be made arbitrarily small by suitably raising n. Proposition 2 shows that these prop I/(s*) \/n erties arise in every equilibrium of our game.9 Thus, the law of the few obtains as a consequence of strategic interaction among ex ante identical and rational individuals. Proposition 2 tells us that the number of players personally acquiring information is small relative to the number of players in large societies. But for fixed n, it does not determine the number of hubs, nor does it tell us who the hub players are. A recurring theme in the empirical literature is that even though hubs seem to have similar demographic characteristics as the oth ers, they have distinctive attitudes that include higher attention to general market information and greater enjoyment in collecting information.A natural way tomodel this difference is to suppose that some players have slightly lower costs of acquiring information.We consider a ? e> situationwhere ct= e for all / =^ 1,while cx = c 0, where e > 0 is a small number. Let ? ? e as as > > 0, y, and yx?> y as e ?> 0. We focus on yx y y SiTgmaXy cxy. long Clearly, f(y) strictNash equilibria. 3: Suppose payoffs are given by (1), ct= cfor all i^ 1 and PROPOSITION e > 0. If k <f(yx) ?f{y) + cy then in a strict equilibrium s* = (x*,g*): (ii) the network is a periphery-sponsored star and player 1 is the hub, and ? ? ? ? = and spokes choose x* ? 0, OR x* = [(n l)y yx]/[n 2] and x* [yx = c? e, where ? $\> (/)YjieNx? ? either xx yx (Hi) ? all for 2], y]/[n cx Ml. The proof is given in theAppendix. Proposition 3 shows that a very small difference in the cost of acquiring information is sufficient to separate the player who will acquire information and act as a hub from those who will acquire little or no information personally and will only form connections.10 We now discuss the ideas underlying this result. First, observe that for the low cost player the optimal information level is greater than the optimal information level for other players, i.e.,yx> y. From the arguments developed inProposition 2 we know thataggregate information acquired by all players other than player 1will be at most y. This implies that in equilibrium, ? yx, the best reply of every other player 1must acquire information personally, xx > 0. If xx no a to to and form link with is information player 1. In case xx < yxwe know, acquire player fromLemma 1, thatxx + yx(g) = yx and so there is a player i^ 1with xt > 0 and xt+ y,(g) = y. 9 Indeed, part (iii) of Proposition 2 can be strengthened to read: for every strict equilibrium, lim^^^ I(s*)/na ?> 0, for all a > 0. We thank a referee for this observation. 10 We have focused on slight differences in costs of acquiring information; analogous arguments show that if one player derives greater marginal benefits from acquiring information, as compared to others, then he will constitute the hub of the social network and acquire more information than the others. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 100 NO. 4 GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 1477 If some player wants to link with / then so must everyone else. But then player i accesses all information yx\ since yx > y, this contradicts Lemma 1.Thus no player must have a linkwith player i^ 1 in equilibrium. Hence, /must form a link with player 1, and, from the optimality of linking, somust every other player. Finally, since every player is choosing positive effort, the ? = equilibrium values of xx and xt can be derived from the two equations xx+ (n l)jcf yx and = x\+ xi y-n A. Efficient Outcomes Given their salience it is important to understand thewelfare properties of specialization in information acquisition and social communication. Proposition 1 tells us that in a Nash equilib rium for every player /G N, xt -h y,(g) = y. Thus, in every equilibrium, aggregate gross returns are nf(y). lfk< cy, given the linearity in costs of information and linking, the efficientequilib riumminimizes the total costs of information and links. This immediately implies that the effi cient equilibrium is a periphery-sponsored star network inwhich the hub acquires informationy and every spoke chooses 0. However, individual information acquisition is a local public good, and this implies that so long as equilibrium entails any links, therewill be underprovision of information acquisition relative to the social optimum. To see this, note that in the star the hub player chooses y, and at this point/'(y) = c. But marginal social returns are given by nf'(y), which are larger than c, for n > 2. The following proposition characterizes efficientoutcomes. PROPOSITION 4: Suppose payoffs are given by (I). For every c, there exists a k > cy such that then the ifk<k socially optimal outcome is a star network inwhich the hub chooses y (where ? while all other players choose 0. If k> k, then in the socially optimal outcome nf'(y) c)> chooses every player y and no one forms links. PROOF: = Suppose s (x, g) corresponds to an efficientprofile.We firstshow that ifg is not empty, then a star. Let g be a nonempty network and suppose thatC is a component in g. Let C g is | |> 3 be the number of players in C. Suppose that y is the total information acquired in component ? C. Then it follows that the total payoff of all players in component C is at most C | \f(y) ? ? cy l)k. Consider a star network with \C \players inwhich the hub player alone chooses (\C\ y. It then follows that this configuration attains themaximum possible aggregate payoff given efforty.Moreover, note that aggregate payoff in any profile s in which two or more players acquire positive information is strictly less than this, since itwill entail the same total costs of information acquisition and a strictlyhigher cost of linking or a strictly lower payoff to at least one of the players. So the star network with the hub acquiring all the information personally is the optimal profile for each component. Next consider two ormore components in an efficientprofile s. It is easy to see that in a com = c. If the components ponent of size m, efficiency dictates that information y satisfymf'(y) are of unequal size then information acquisition effortswill be unequal and a simple switching of spoke players across components raises social welfare. So in any efficientprofile with two or 11 In a recent paper on network formation with exogenous information levels, Hojman and Szeidl (2008) obtain a result on how small differences between players can help select the identity of the hub players. Their result is derived in a dynamic model and relies on stochastic stability arguments. By contrast, our result shows that with endogenous information acquisition, a slight amount of individual heterogeneity is sufficient for the selection of hubs in a one-shot static model. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1478 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW SEPTEMBER 2010 more components, the components must be of equal size. Let m be the size, and let the efforty = c. satisfymf'(y) Suppose now that the network contains two components Cx and C2 of size m. Consider thenetwork inwhich the spoke players in component 2 are all switched to component 1. This yields a network g' with components C[ and C'2 with the former containing 2m ? 1 players while the lattercontains 1 player. Then thepayoff remains unchanged. However, the information level y is no longer optimal in either of the components. So, for instance, informationcan be low ered in component 2 and the aggregate payoff thereby strictly increased, under the assumptions on/(-). A similar argument also applies to networks with three ormore components, and so we have proved thatno profilewith two ormore components can be efficient.Thus, ifg is not empty ? theng is a star,and the informationof the central player is y = arg cy.The social maxyEX nf(y) ? ? = welfare associated to such profile is: SW cy nf(y) \)k. (n Finally, note that if s is socially efficient and g is not a star, then g must be empty and ? every player will choose information y. The social welfare is then SW = n[f(y) cy]. The expression for k is obtained by equating the social welfare in these two configurations, i.e., ? ? ? ? ? (n l)k n[f(y) f(y)] + c[(n l)y y] + cy. To see thatk > cy, note that ifk < cy, then ~ ~ ? ? ? n\f(y) f(y)\+ ci(n tyy y] + c9 < (n l)cy,whichholds ifand only ifnf(y) cy< ~ = = cy. Given that y cy, y argmaxyeX nf(y) argmaxy X/(y) cy, and that/( ) is nf(y) strictlyconcave, the above inequality cannot hold. This concludes the proof of Proposition 4. The key point to note is that given any profile of information acquisition and linking, there is a corresponding star network inwhich the hub does all the information acquisition, which is strictlybetter.This is a consequence of the linear costs of information acquisition and the posi tive costs of linking. So, if the optimal social organization is a nonempty network, then itmust be a starwhere the hub acquires all the information.The value of k is obtained by equating the social welfare attained in the empty network and such a star network. The following example illustrates the relation between equilibrium and socially efficientoutcomes. ? 1. In = = = 1,while y = 2n Example 1: Suppose c 1/2 and f(y) ln(l + y). In this case y Figure 3 we plot k as a function of the number of players. For a given n there are three regions. For low costs of linking, k < 1/2, the efficient equilibrium is a star where the hub acquires 1 and the spokes choose 0. As compared to socially optimal outcomes, in equilibrium there is underinvestment in information. For moderate costs of linking, k G (1/2, k), in equilibrium we have underinvestment and underconnectivity relative to socially optimal outcomes (noting that k > 1/2). In the remaining region, equilibrium outcomes coincide with socially optimal outcomes. III. Indirect Flow of Information In the basic model, a person can either acquire informationpersonally or get it from another person who has directly acquired it himself. In this context, Propositions 2 and 3 show that equilibrium leads to core-periphery social communication structureswhere players in the core acquire all information. In actual practice, we often receive information from friends and col leagues which they have themselves received from other friends. The aim of this section is to examine the implications of this form of indirect information transmission.We show that infor mation spillovers give rise to a new type of hub player/social influencer: the connector. A con nector does not acquire informationpersonally but acts as an intermediary between other people who acquire information. Given two players i and j in g, the geodesic distance, d(i, j; g), is defined as the length of the shortestpath between i and j in g. If no such path exists, the distance is set equal to infinity.Let Nli(g) = = who areatdistance/from/ing. {j e N: d(i,j; g) /},thatisNj(g) is thesetofplayers This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 100 NO. 4 1479 0.5 Underinvestment I-> 3 n Figure 3. Equilibrium and Efficient Outcomes the level of spillovers by a vector a = {ax, a2, ...,an_{}, where ax > a2,> an_x ? and at G [0,1] for all /G {1,n 1}. It is assumed that ifj G N/(g), then the value of agentfs information to i is given by atXj. Observe that the case ax = 1 and a2 = 0 corresponds to the pure local spillovers model analyzed in Section II. To bring out the role of indirect information transmission in the simplest formwe start by considering the polar case of no decay in flow We measure across links, i.e., an_x ? l.12 The payoffs to player i under strategyprofile s = (4) nl.(s)=/U + i; E \ (x, g) can be written as: xA-cxi-^k. '=1;ew/(g) / ? ? = In network g, define i.e., the informationwhich /accesses exclu g yt(g y,(g) ^(g) next via result derives the Our j. sively properties of equilibrium with indirect information transmission. 5: Suppose payoffs are given by (4). If k> cy, there exists a unique equilib rium: every player personally acquires information y, and no one forms links. Ifk< cy, then = s* = (x*,g*) is an equilibrium ifand only if: (i) y, (ii) g* isminimally connected, and ^ieNx* = 1, i, G N. < all k j {Hi) g*j cyij{g*) for PROPOSITION 12 See Hojman and Szeidl (2008) for an elegant model of interpersonal communication value of information with respect to distance in a social network. which This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions leads to declining 1480 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW SEPTEMBER 2010 PROOF: The proof fork > cy of Proposition 5 is straightforward,and it is omitted. Hereafter, we focus . on k < cy We firstprove that if s satisfies properties (i)-(Hi) in the proposition then s is a Nash = a player /;since Take y> g isminimally connected, and there is no decay, equilibrium. Yjj?Nxj thenxt+ y^g) = y, so player /does not want to change his own information level, and also he does notwant to form an additional link.The payoffs to /at equilibrium s are/(y) ? cxt? rj^k. If ^/(g) ? 0>tnen player iplays a best reply. Suppose ^(g) > 0, thengtj= 1 for some j. Note that player / is indifferentbetween keeping the linkwith j and switching the link fromj to a player that i accessed via j. Also, property (Hi) says thatk < and thereforeplayer /does not gain cy^g), a s the link with is Nash j. Hence, by deleting equilibrium. We now prove the converse. Let s = (x, g) be an equilibrium. Frictionless information flow implies thatevery component of g must be minimal. Also, frictionless information flow together with Lemma 1 imply that in every component the aggregate information is y. Next, suppose g is not connected. Let Cx be a component of g. If xt = y for some /G Q, then all /'sneighbors choose information 0 and sponsor a link to /,so Vs payoffs are f(y) ? cy and k < cy. But then player /strictlygains ifhe chooses 0 and forms a linkwith a player j ? C2. Thus, inQ there are at least two players choosing positive level of personal information acquisition; since Q ismini mal itmust be the case that there is a link gty ? 1 for some /', / G Q, such thatplayer /'accesses via the link with / strictly less information than y, say z < y. It is then clear that if player /' deletes the linkwith/ and forms a new linkwith a player inC2, he will incur the same costs, but he will access strictlyhigher information.Therefore player /'can strictly improve his payoffs, a contradiction. Thus, g is connected. Finally, it is readily seen that ifgtj= 1 and s is equilibrium, thenk < This concludes the proof. cy^g). Frictionless informationflow implies thatequilibrium networks areminimal.13 From Lemma 1 we know that in equilibrium every individual must access at least y information. If the costs of linking k are smaller than the costs of acquiring the threshold level of informationy, then stan dard considerations imply that the network is connected. Finally note that the costs of a link that player i formswith player j must be lower than the value of information thatplayer i accesses exclusively via the linkwith j, i.e., k < cy^?g*). This implies thateither player j acquires enough information on his own, or that player j is a connector and accesses others who have enough information. We explore the distribution of information acquisition and the architecture of social commu nication via an examination of differentclasses of equilibria. the hubs personally acquire information.Figure 4A illus Hubs Acquire Information.?Here trates these equilibria. At a superficial level these equilibria are similar to the core-periphery equilibria of thebasic model. However, there is a key difference: in thepresent context, the infor mation hubs acquire as well as aggregate information.This can be seen in the equilibrium on the right inFigure 4A: each hub personally acquires informationbut also passes on informationfrom the other hub. This transmission in turnexplains theminimality of the equilibrium network. hub is an active connector in the sense that he acquires no Hub as Active Connector.?The information himself but forms links with all players who are acquiring information.All play ers who acquire no information in turn linkwith the hub. Figure 4B provides examples of such equilibria. An equilibrium with |/(s*) |peripheral players acquiring information exists whenever the costs of linking are smaller than the benefits of accessing a single information acquirer, i.e., 13 This builds on a result of Bala and Goyal (2000), which establishes minimality of pure network formation and frictionless information flow. of equilibrium This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions networks in a model VOL. 4 100 NO. Panel A. GALEOTTI AND GOYAL: THE LAW OF THE FEW 1481 Information hubs Information hubs Panel B. Hub as active connector Information mmm collectors ,..Active connector ' Information collectors Passive connector Figure 4. Hubs, Connectors, and Others, n= 8 k < cy/\ /(s*) I.As k increases the number of informationacquirers falls, and each positive infor mation agent must acquire more information.This is in line with one of the results in the basic model: the number of players acquiring informationdeclines with the cost of linking. Hub as Passive Connector.?All players link with a single player who himself acquires no information but serves as a gateway to those who do. Figure 4C illustrates this type of equi librium. As costs of linking increase, initially, the number of players acquiring information increases, and each of them acquires less information.That is, an increase in costs of linking necessitates a greater number of active information sources. If every peripheral player acquires information, an increased cost of linking implies thateach periphery player acquires less infor mation, which is possible only if the hub acquires some information. In other words, an equilib riumwhere the hub acts as a passive connector is no longer sustainable for large costs of linking. We conclude this section with three remarks.First, the equilibria illustrated inFigure 4 exhibit patterns which are consistent with the empirical work on social communication. In their study of personal influence, Katz and Lazersfeld (1955) emphasize that social influencers typically have more social ties and also acquire more information (via radio, newspapers, and television). We interpret this as a situation in which influencers acquire information. In other instances, a small amount of?information personally, but their numerous hubs acquire some?possibly contacts provide new informationwhich they then communicate to theirneighbors and friends. Here the highly connected individual functions primarily as a connector. See Malcolm Gladwell (2000) for an engaging discussion of such patterns of information acquisition and social com munication and Cross and Parker (2004) for a description of social connectors within firms. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1482 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW SEPTEMBER 2010 Second, we note that the equilibria presented inFigure 4 are the only outcomes in thepresence of small heterogeneities across players. In particular, if there is a player with sightly lower costs of acquiring information and slightly lower costs of being accessed by others, then he becomes the informationhub, and everyone else forms a linkwith him. If, instead, theplayer with the low est cost of information acquisition and themost sociable player are different, then in the unique (strict)equilibrium themost sociable player is a pure connector: he linkswith the low cost infor mation player, who acquires all the information,while all other players form a link with him. These claims are formally stated and proved in theOnline Appendix. Our final remark is about equilibrium in a general model of decay. We note that lack of decay with respect to information acquired by immediate neighbors is a necessary condition for equi libriumwhere hubs acquire all information and spokes acquire no information. Indeed, in every such equilibrium the aggregate information acquisition is y, and there is always a player who relies at least partly on information acquired by others. If ax < 1, then information available for this player is strictly less than y, which contradicts Lemma 1.Next observe that lack of decay with respect to immediate personal contacts is also sufficient: an equilibrium inwhich the net work is a periphery-sponsored star and the hub acquires all the information exists so long as ? 1 and k < ax cy.14We next turn to the nature of influencers under gradual decay. Suppose 1 < and > a2 ax a3 > 0. A periphery-sponsored star network in which each of the peripheral ? = x chooses players y/[I + a2(n 2)] while the central hub player acquires no informationper n an so as is is sufficientlylarge.Hence, in a general model of decay, we sonally equilibrium long to connectors. hubs the role of pure expect play IV. Discussion In this section we discuss two aspects of themodel which play a prominent role in our analy sis: (/) the linear costs of acquiring information and forming links, and (if) the link formation protocol. A. Convex Costs The linear costs of acquiring information and forming links has the following implication: for any player acquiring information the total information accessed is y9 and this level is indepen dent of the amount of information acquired by the neighbors. However, if the costs of personally acquiring information are increasing and convex, this is no longer true.This section explores equilibrium outcomes under convex costs. = = Define z, 0, satisfy the following properties: C(0) *,H-f7/(g)fc,and let C(zi) = = > on > for and > case for > We 0. focus the of 0, C'(zi) 0, 0, Zi 0, z, C"(0) C"fe) C'(0) frictionless information transmission, i.e., an_x= 1. Recall that y^g) > 0 is the information accessed by player /from the others. The payoffs to player /facing a strategyprofile s = (x, g) are given by: = n,.(s) f(x,+ y,(g)) C{x,+ r?,.(g)*). (5) We firstnote that, in equilibrium, a network is either empty orminimally connected.15Moreover, the lack of decay in information transmission implies that in a minimally connected network 14 We thank an anonymous referee for drawing our attention to this fact. 15 This follows from standard arguments which rely on network externalities transmission through the network; see, e.g., Bala and Goyal and the lack of decay (2000). This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions in information VOL. 100 NO. 4 GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 1483 every player accesses the informationacquired by all players. Let y be the aggregate information acquired in equilibrium. For any player iwho acquires informationpersonally, the following first order condition must hold: (6)f'(y) = c'(xi+m(s)k). It then follows thatplayers sponsoring an equal number of linksmust acquire an equal amount of information, and this personal information acquisition is declining in the number of links ? 1 links, and so at least one player sponsored. In anyminimally connected network there are n forms no links. Thus specialization in information acquisition remains an essential aspect of equilibrium behavior even under convex costs. We now turn to aggregate information acquisition in equilibrium. Recall that in the basic model with linear costs, propositions 2, 3, and 5 prove that aggregate information is invariant with regard to the number of players and the costs of forming links (so long as k < cy). A greater number of players allows for smaller per capita acquisition of information; under convex costs this leads to lowermarginal costs. So as we raise the number of players, aggregate information should increase. Similarly, we expect that link formation costs will affect aggregate information, as these costs now enter the firstorder conditions of individual optimization (for all positive informationplayers). We now develop the implications of these ideas formally.We restrict attention to nonempty networks and suppose all players acquire information.Define x as the information acquired by the zero link player. From the optimality of equilibrium actions and equation (6) it follows that for the zero link player f'(y) = C'(x) (where y is aggregate information acquired), while for a player /with r]i links we have that/'(y) = C'(jc,-+ rjfk). So we infer that for any player /, = xt+ rjik x. Summing across all players we obtain an expression for aggregate information ? = nx ? acquisition y (n \)k. 6: Suppose thatpayoffs are given by (5) and that s* = (x*,g*) is a nonempty net PROPOSITION work equilibrium inwhich all players acquire information.Aggregate information isdecreasing in the costs of linking and increasing in the number ofplayers. The proof of this result is given in theWeb Appendix to the paper. Figure 5 illustrates these ? 4 and different values findings. Figure 5A presents periphery-sponsored star equilibria for n = of k. Figure 5B illustrates periphery-sponsored star equilibria for k 0.1 and different values of n. Figure 5 also helps us explore further the role of differentiation and the architecture of social communication under convex costs. To fix ideas, suppose that every player acquires informa tion and the network is a periphery-sponsored star. From the above arguments we know that in such an equilibrium the hub acquires information i, each peripheral player acquires infor ? ? = ?> 0; mation xp, where xp + k = x, and f'(nx (n l)k) C'(x). Assume that \imx^ ff(x) ? = since C"(0) 0 and is strictly increasing thereafter, itnow follows thatxp 0 and thatx ?? k, as n gets large. The example in Figure 5B satisfies these hypotheses. Thus we have shown that, even with convex costs, sharp role differentiationwith a core-periphery communication network emerges in large societies. B. The Link Formation Protocol We have so far assumed that a player can unilaterally form a link with another player. This is a convenient and simple way tomodel link formation, and the research on network formation This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1484 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW A. Periphery-sponsored star equilibrium, n = 4, k = = k k = 0.15, aggregate 0.1, aggregate information 1.38 information1.27 Panel Panel 0.1, 0.15, the last decade 5. Aggregate has shown Information that it offers 0.2 k = 0.2, aggregate 1.2 information B. Periphery-sponsored star equilibrium, k = 0.1, n = 4, 5, 6 = n n = 5, aggregate n 4, aggregate information 1.38 information1.55 Figure over SEPTEMBER 2010 under Convex Costs,/(y) a tractable framework = ln(l + = 6, aggregate information1.66 y),C(z) to address = z2/2 a range of interest ing questions. However, from a descriptive point of view, in social contexts it ismore natural to suppose that social communication requires the active participation of the two players involved in a link. This in turn suggests that both players in a linkmust bear some costs. This section examines role differentiation and core-periphery social communication in a model with two sided network formation. Suppose a link is formed only when both players agree and the costs of the link are shared ? 1 if and ? 1, and for each link equally between linked players. Formally, gy only if g^g^ = = 1 both a to / and The / j pay k/2. payoffs players player facing strategy profile s (x, g) gy are given by: - cXi (7) n,(s)= /uV + E xj) ?z E?y jeN jeNi(g) / the convention in the network literature,we allow for players to delete links uni and Asher Wolinsky 1996). In addition, we allow for coordinated changes Jackson laterally (see in information acquisition by players contemplating a new link. These considerations are sum marized in the following solution concept. Following DEFINITION and (ii) for 1.A strategyprofile s = (x, g) isa pairwise equilibrium if(i) s isaNash Equilibrium, = 0, < then ifU^g -h gip x\,xj, x_,y) > n,(s) gy ny(g + gijfx[, xj, x_iy) all IT,-(s),Vxl,xjex. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. 100 NO. GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 4 1485 We now provide a partial characterization of pairwise equilibrium. PROPOSITION 7: Suppose payoffs are given by (7) and k < cy. In a = = rium s* (x*,g*), x* > k/(2c) for all i G N. Moreover, s* (x*,g*) with ? = v G {1,n 2}, and each player choosing effortx* y/[v + 1] ispairwise = x* = only ifk G [cy/(v+ 1), 2cy/(v + 1)]. The complete network with x* equilibrium ifand only ifk< pairwise equilib a regular network equilibrium ifand y/n is a pairwise 2cy/n. The proof of this result is given in the online Appendix of the paper. If link formation requires mutual acceptance and if costs of linking are equally shared between two players, then every individual must acquire some information personally. Indeed, given costs of linking k and costs of acquiring information c, there is a lower bound to information acquired by each player, and this is independent of the number of players.Moreover, regular social communication networks inwhich everyone acquires the same amount of information is an equilibrium. These equilibria are in sharp contrast to our main results, propositions 1-3 and 5, in themodel with one-sided link formation.We now examine the sources of this big difference in results in the twomodels. Since social communication is costly, a player who acquires informationwill agree to form a linkwith someone else who has no (ormuch less) informationonly ifhe is offered some compen sation.More generally, an informed person may well ask for some compensation for his efforts at acquiring the information in the firstplace. This compensation may take the form of social favors or direct transfers (monetary or in kind). These ideas motivate a model of two-sided link formationwith transfers. Suppose each player chooses information acquisition and also proposes a set of transfers to every other player. The transfersmay be positive (contributing to the costs of communication) or theymay be negative (asking compensation for information acquired). Transfers proposed = where G H. We assume that g y= 1 if and only if by player /are denoted by t, {T^jeN = + T? > k. So, a strategyprofile s (x, t) specifies effortsx and transferst. A strategypro file s = (x, t) supports a core-periphery network g(i-) if there are two groups of players Nx(g) andN2(g) suchthat(/)rtj+ r?< k forall /,j GN{(g), (//)forall /,j GN2(g), rij+ T?^ ^> anc* (iii) for all i G N2(g) and; G A^g), Ttj4- r? > k. The payoffs to /given a profile s = (x, t) are (8) n/(s) = cXi Y^8vkT)Tir Xj) 1^ jeNi{g{r)) f\Xi + ? \ J Building on thework of Francis Bloch and Jackson (2007) we propose the following solution concept for our game with transfers. 2. A strategy profile s = (x, t) is pairwise equilibrium if and only if (i) s DEFINITION > II/(s) then is a Nash equilibrium and (it) for all rVj+ r? < k, if II/(s_iy,Ty, r?, x[, xj) n,.(s_y, 4 Tj,,x\,xj) < n?, V4 xj e X, andWljyT'yr The following proposition shows that if individuals ask for compensation to communicate the information they acquire, the core-periphery communication network inwhich the hub acquires information is an equilibrium. We assume e > 0. PROPOSITION 8: Consider themodel with transfers.Suppose thatpayoffs are given by (8) and assume that k < cy. The profile s* = (x* t*) such that: (i) g*(r*) is a core-periphery network, This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1486 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW SEPTEMBER 2010 = every hub acquires informationx* yj \/(s*) |,and spokes acquire no informationpersonally, = r* = hubs r* every for pair of (i,j), (ii) k/2, and (Hi)for every hub i and spoke player j, = ? ecx* and r* = k + ecx* is a pairwise equilibrium so long as k + ecy/I(s*) < cy/I(s*). r*j The proof of this result is straightforwardand omitted.While core-periphery structureswith information acquiring hubs are sustainable in equilibrium, regular networks with homogenous informationacquisition are also equilibrium outcomes. For example, the following profile consti tutes a pairwise equilibrium in thegame with transfers ifk/c G [y/(y+ 1), 2y/(v + 1)]:For each such that ? k/2 and ry7= k/2for i,x* = cy/[v + 1]and there is a set ofplayers {ih i2,iv}, t*j exactly j G {i{, i2,/v} players. These differentpossibilities naturally raise a question about rel ative robustness of equilibria. This is an interestingquestion which we leave for future research.16 V. Conclusions The determination of information people have when making decisions is a central problem in the social sciences. Our paper makes two contributions to the study of this problem. One, we develop a model inwhich players choose investments in personal informationacquisition as well as in forming links with others to access their information.Two, we show that the law of the few?the phenomenon where a largemajority of individuals getmost of the informationneeded for theirdecisions from a very small subset of the group?is a robust equilibrium phenomenon in such a model. There are two directions inwhich the analysis of this paper can be extended which appear to us to be especially promising. In actual practice individuals decide on information acquisition and linkswith others over time, and it is important to understand these dynamics. A second line of investigation concerns the relation between personally acquired information and information acquired by others.We have focused on the case where they are substitutes; itwould be interest ing to study the case where they are complements. Appendix Given a network g, we define a component as a setC(g) of players such thatV/,j G C(g), there exists a path between them, and there does not exist a path between any /G C(g) and a player = j G N\C(g). A component C(g) is non-singleton if C(g) 0, | |> 1.A player i is isolated ifgy Vj GN\{i}. PROOF OF LEMMA 1: first prove statement 1 in the lemma. Suppose not and xt+ yt(g) < y for some / in equilibrium. Under the maintained assumptions ff(xt+ j/(g)) > c, and so player / can strictly increase his payoffs by increasing personal information acquisition. Next suppose that Xi> 0 and xt+ y^g) > y. Under our assumptions on /( ) and c, if x( + )\-(g) > y then f'(xi + J/(g)) < c\ but then / can strictly increase payoffs by lowering personal information acquisition. This completes the proof of statement 1 in the lemma. We now prove statement 2 in the lemma. Suppose that s = (x, g) is an equilibrium inwhich = xt y and there is Xj > 0, for some j ^ /.First, since xt > 0, it follows from the firstpart of We 16 We note that the incentives to acquire information are not affected by transfers as transfers are not conditional information acquisition. This also limits the ability of transfers to facilitate efficient information acquisition. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions on VOL. 100 NO. GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 4 1487 1 thatxt+ y^g) = y. This also implies that every player in the neighborhood of imust = acquire no information personally. Now consider j, with Xj > 0. This means that ~gtj 0. It ? = = follows fromLemma 1 thatXj + y,(g) y. If Xj y then this playermust get payoff/(y) cy. If he switched to a linkwith /and reduced personal information acquisition to 0, his payoff is ? k. Since k < = cy, Xj y is clearly not an optimal strategy for player j. So s is not an equi f(y) librium. Next suppose thatXj < y. In equilibrium Xj + y;(g) = y, and so there is some player /^ /such thatgfl= 1 and xt G (0, y). It is clear that ifgjt = 1 then player j can strictly increase his payoffs by switching the link from / to /.Similarly, ifgtj= 1, then player /gains strictlyby switching link fromj to /.So s cannot be an equilibrium. A contradiction which completes the Lemma proof. PROOF OF PROPOSITION 1: The proof for the case k > cy is trivial and thereforeomitted; we focus on k < cy. First suppose ? that y. In this case it follows fromLemma 1 that I(s) must be a clique. Furthermore, ^2ieNXi = 0 for all i G = 0 for all i, j ? /(s), and gtj /(s), j ? /(s). Therefore, each player choosing 0 gij a must sponsor linkwith every positive information player. This shows that the networkmust be a core-periphery network. = Hereafter, let s (x, g) be an equilibrium where ? ieNxt > y. The proof for this case is devel oped in three steps. In the first step,we consider the case inwhich positive informationplayers choose the same level of information. In the second stepwe consider situations inwhich positive information players choose different levels of information.The third step uses the observations derived in the previous two steps to conclude the proof. Step 1:We prove that ifall players who acquire informationpersonally choose the same level, then s satisfies ii(a) of Proposition 1. Suppose xt= x, Vi G /(s). If x = y, Lemma 1 implies that = 1 and therefore aggregate information is y, a contradiction. Assume x G (0, y); from I/(s) I Lemma 1 it follows thatxt 4- y,(g) = y, V/ G /(s). Since, by assumption, xt = x, V/ G /(s), it fol lows that every player who accesses informationpersonally also gets an equal amount of infor mation from his neighbors, which immediately implies that every positive information player has the same number of links with positive informationplayers; letA be this number. Note that for all i G /(s), xt+ V/(g)= x + Ax = y, which implies thatx = y /(A -f 1). Since aggregate information is strictlyhigher than y it follows thatA + 1< |/(s) |.Also, from Lemma 1 we know thatx < y, which implies thatA > 1.Thus, there exist two positive information players who are neighbors, implying that k < ex. Also, since, by assumption, ^ ieNxt > y, there exist two positive information players who are not neighbors, implying that k > ex. Hence, k = ex. = N, the result follows. If not, select j ? I(s). Clearly, in equilibrium no player Finally, if I(s) forms a link with j. So, in equilibrium j must sponsor A + 1 links with positive information players. This concludes the proof of ii(a) of the proposition. Step 2: Let g' be the subgraph of g defined on /(s). Let C(g') be a component of g;. By construc tion each player inC(g') chooses positive information. Suppose that (Al) total sum of informa tion inC(g') is strictlyhigher than y and (A2) there exists at least a pair of players inC(g') who choose a different level of information.The following lemma is key. that (Al) and (A2) hold inC(g'). Then there are two types of players in C(g/): high informationplayers choose x and low informationplayers choose x<x. Moreover, every low information player forms rj links with high informationplayers, there are no links ? ? 1< between low informationplayers, k = ex, x = y rjx, and {yc/k) rj < ye/k. LEMMA 2: Suppose This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 1488 THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW SEPTEMBER 2010 PROOFOF LEMMA 2: Without loss of generality label players inC(g'), so thaty > xx > x2 > ... > xm. (A2) implies that there exists /G C(g'), /7^ m, such thatXj = xt = x, for all j < /,and x > xl+l.We startby proving two claims. CLAIM /,gjt = 1:For all j > 1for some i< I. PROOFOF CLAIM 1: ? 0, V/ < /.This implies thatj does not sponsor Suppose that there exists ay'> /such thatg? links. If, on the contrary, player j sponsors links, then these links are directed to players/ > /, but thenplayer j could strictlygain by switching a link from/ to some i< I.Note that itmust also be the case thatj does not receive any links. Suppose j receives a link from a player/. Then itmust be the case that player 1 is also a neighbor of/, otherwise / strictlygains by switch ing the link from j to /.But this says that every player who sponsors a link to j is f s neighbor and since player j only receives links, thismeans that player j accesses from his neighbors at = = most as much information as player /does. Since Xj + xt + y, (g) y, this implies that yy(g) > xh contradicting our hypothesis that < x = xt. Thus j does not receive links. But then Xj Xj = Xj + y; (g) Xj < y, which contradicts Lemma 1.Hence, claim 1 follows. CLAIM 2: There exists some i, ? < I such thatgu>= 0. PROOFOF CLAIM 2: is a clique. Since aggregate information in component C(g) Suppose {1,...,/} exceeds y, itmust be the case then that for every /< /, there is one player j > I such that ? 0 for all = 0. Select such a player j. Clearly, gjj> / > /; otherwise j strictly gains by gij to a link from some / > /, then /must the /. link from if receives switching / j Analogously, also be a neighbor of/. Therefore, since {1,...,/} is a clique, it follows that every neighbor of = x. So = 0, j is also fs neighbor, and this contradicts the hypothesis thatXj < xt V/ > /. ~g^ a note accesses that this that / of the accessed superset Finally implies players by j, i.e., yf(g) ^ yj(~&)-We know that xt + yf-(g)= y = Xj + yy(g), and so Xj > xh which contradicts the hypothesis thatj > L Claim 2 follows. We can now conclude theproof ofLemma 2. From claim 1, thereexists a player j > Iwho spon sors a link to a player /< l,sok< ex. Similarly, claim 2 implies that thereexists /,/'< /such that = > ex. we have k = ex. Next, since k = ex and this k 0; Hence, implies gjj' Xj < x for all j > /, ? itfollows thatgjj 0 for all j, j' > I.Therefore, every player j > I forms only linkswith players in {1,..., /}.We now show thatXj = xj+l for all j > I. Select j > I and assume that > Xj xj+l > 0. = = and 1 + + Lemma + + Then, Xj implies that Xj xj+{ xj+l rjj+l (g)x. y7(g) y,+i(g) rjj(g)x9 = = = holds which whenever + + Since y, xj xj+l Xj xj+l y;(g) {rjj+{(g) yj+M r]j(g))x. > 1, but then where the last Xj > Xj+{, then ryy+1(g) ry/g) xj+h (^+1(g) r/y(g))x>x>Xj inequality follows because, by assumption, Xj < x. Thus, all players j > I choose the same infor ? mation, say x, and fromLemma 1 it follows thatx + rjj(g)x y. Thus, every low information same number of linkswith high informationplayers, say 77,and x + rjx? y. player sponsors the This concludes the proof of Lemma 2. Step 3:We now conclude the proof of Proposition 1.Recall thatg' is the subgraph of g defined on /(s).We need to consider two cases: (/)g' is connected, and (//)g' is not connected. g' is connected: firstobserve that (Al) holds by assumption. If all positive information play ers choose same action then step 1 applies, and the proof follows. If (A2) holds then Lemma This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions VOL. GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 100 NO. 4 1489 2 applies. We next observe that in this case every player i G N must choose positive infor mation. To see this note that since k ? cx every player j ? /(s) will only sponsor links to high information players. Then, by symmetry, low information players must obtain the same = x, which payoffs as players j ? I(s). It is easy to check that this is possible if and only ifx contradicts (A2). g' is not connected: Let Cx and C2 be two components in g'.We observe thatx-t< y, and from Lemma 1 it follows that the components must contain at least two players each. Here, note that for every G Cx and j, j' G C2 such thatgiV= gjy = 1,xt>= xy = x > xif Xj and k = ex. = = x follows because, if < Indeed, xt> Xy xt> xy then player iwould strictlygain by switching a link from ? to/; for analogous reasons it follows thatxif Xj < x\ Since / sponsors a link to = cx. /',k < ex, while /'does not sponsor a link to/, and so k > cx. Thus k Together, these observations imply that every player who receives a link in Cx and every player who receives a link inC2 chooses information x. Thus, if inCx and C2 every positive player receives at least one link, every player chooses the same information, and the proof follows from Step 1. Suppose next that there is some player in Cx who does not receive a link, and information acquisition is not equal across players. If the aggregate information in Cx equals y, thenCx is a clique, and therefore there is atmost one player who only sponsors links and receives no links. ? Since Cx is a clique, and aggregate information is y, this player will choose x = y ? ( Cx | | l)x. Finally, consider the case where aggregate information in Cx exceeds y, and personal infor mation acquisition is not equal. Then Lemma 2 applies and there are two positive information acquisition levels, x and x\ with x' < x. We observe that as in the case of connected network = 0. Since above, it is possible to rule out j such thatXj Cx was arbitrary, this completes the proof of Proposition 1. PROOF OF PROPOSITION 3: It is immediate to see that ifxx ? yx then the proposition follows. Next, if jcx=0 thenwe can use Proposition 2 to show that in a strictequilibrium aggregate information equals y. Note how ever that ifxx = 0, player 1must access at least yx > y from his neighbors, a contradiction.We now take up the case of xx G (0, y x). CLAIM 3: V/, j G 7(s)\{l}, ifgy = 1 then i and j share the same neighbors; l G /(s)\{i,7>,/GNiig) ifand onlyifl GN0). i.e., for every PROOF OF CLAIM 3: Let gij = 1, if G 7(s)\{l}, and suppose, without loss of generality, that xt < Xj.We first prove that for every /G 7(s) \{/, j}, if /G N/(g) then /G Nj(g). Suppose not and there exists a = 1, then, since xt < Xj, I (weakly) gains by player /G 7(s), with /G Af;(g) and /^ A^(g). If gu = to let 1. the link from / Since > it fromLemma 1 thatxt follows Hence, 0, ga jc, j. switching ? ? = s to / in an(itne + 3^1 cxt equilibrium S payoffs are/(y) rji(g)k. Suppose that /deletes (g) the link with player / and chooses an information level xt ? xt -f xh then he obtains payoffs ? ? ? ? cxt cxt \)k. Since s is a strict equilibrium this deviation strictlydecreases f(y) (rji(g) f s payoffs,which requires thatk < cxt. Let k < cxtand consider the following two possibilities. = 0, and since s is a strict equilibrium, player j must strictly (/) Xj > xt. In this case, since g? lose if he forms an additional link with / and chooses information level Xj = Xj ? xt. ? ? That is,/(j) ? cXj ? > which holds if and only xl) T}j(g)k f(y) c(xj (^(g) -f l)k, ifk > exf,but this contradicts thatk < cxt. This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions THE AMERICANECONOMIC REVIEW 1490 SEPTEMBER 2010 Here we have two subcases. (2a) Suppose gtj= 1; this implies that the costs for (ii) Xj < jc/. /to linkwith j are strictly lower than the costs of information that /accesses fromj, i.e., = k < cxj. Since k < exp ~gtj 0, and, by assumption, xt > Xp then / strictly gains if he ? links with j and chooses information level xt = xt Xp So s is not a strict equilibrium. = 1. Since access not / he does but sponsors a link to /, it follows j (2b) Suppose gji that Xi > xt. Next note that, by assumption, Xj < xt\ it follows that xt > xt > Xp which contradicts thatxt < x-}.We have then shown that for every /G /(s) \{/, j}, if /G N,(g) then /G Nj(g). We now showthatif /G /(s)\{/,j} and /GNj(g) then/GN^g). Supposenot; thenplayerj all positive information players that /accesses plus some other positive information players. But thiswould contradict thatxt< Xp since yt> y7.This concludes the proof of Claim 3. accesses CLAIM 4: Suppose = i,j G Nx(g), i,j G /(s), and g y 0, thengu = gtj = 0 for all I^ 1, /G /(s). PROOF OF CLAIM 4: ? 0 for all / Suppose, without loss of generality, xt < XpWe first show that gu ^ 1, /G /(s). = some /^ 1, /G /(s). In view of claim 3, since g y= 0, 1, for Suppose, on the contrary, thatgn theng y= 0; this fact and xt < Xjimplies thatgn = 1,and since g^ = 0, then from the strictnessof = = = ^ + j/(g), itmust be equilibrium, itfollows thatxt > Xp Since xt > Xpg? l,andxy -fyj; y the case that there exists some /'G /(s), /'G Nj(g), and /'^ ^(g). Claim 3 implies that /'^ N^g). Since jcz> Xj and /'^ A^/(g), then gp>= 1.But g?> = 1 and /^ A^(g) implies thatX/'> xt\ simi = 1 and /' a contradiction. Thus, the only neighbor of / is ^ Ni(g) implies thatxt > larly,gl7 player 1. It is easy to see that the same holds for player j. Indeed, if /G /(s) and /G A^(g), then claim 3 implies that /^ A^g), but thenplayer j accesses strictlyhigher information than player /, which contradicts our initial hypothesis thatXj > xh Claim 4 follows. Final Step in Proof of Proposition 3: We are concerned with the case xx G (0, yx). Since ? xx + yv yl9 there exists some /G /(s) such that /G Nx(g). Observe that given such an i, there exists ay G Nx(g) such thatj ? N^g) and Xj > 0. This is because otherwise xt+ yf(g) > yx> y, and this contradicts xt > 0 and Lemma 1.From claim 4 above we know thatplayers /and j do not have any links with players in /(s). This means thatxt+ xx = y ? Xj + xx = y, and so xt ? Xp Given thatwe are in a strictequilibrium, it follows thatk < cxv This implies that i and j choose the same information and form a linkwith 1.We observe that this also means thaty > xx> x( = xj > 0. We now show that player 1 constitutes the hub of his component and that all other players behave as players i and j identifiedabove. In a path of length of two ormore starting at 1, there are fourpossible patterns: two players choosing 0, two players choosing positive information,and twomixed cases. Clearly it is not possible to have two players choosing 0 as the costs of linking are strictlypositive. Next consider a positive information player followed by a zero information ? player. Suppose player /^ /(s), and suppose there is a linkwith player m such thatgmX 1. Since /^ /(s), itmust be the case thatglm= 1 and so m G /(s). However, it is profitable for / to form this link only ifk < cxm.Moreover, claim 3 implies thatgmi= 0; ifxt> xm, then, since k < exm, ? player / strictlygains by forming a link with m. So jc,< xm, and since gmi 0 it follows that k > cxv Putting together these facts we get thatxm> xh and so xm -f ym> xm+ xx > jc,+ xx = y. This contradicts Lemma 1.Thus we have ruled out case 2. The case of two positive levels of information acquisition is ruled out by noting that in that case there is a sequence of players ? 1 is 1, / and T such thatxx+ xx H-xt>< y, but thismeans thatxlf xt<< xh and so a link gu> not profitable for either /or /'.The last case to consider has a sequence 1, /and /',with jc,= 0 This content downloaded from on Thu, 22 Aug 2013 05:53:12 AM All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions GALEOTTIAND GOYAL: THE LAWOF THE FEW 100 NO. 4 VOL. 1491 and Xi>> 0. Clearly then gu>= 1 and so CX[>> k. If xx>> xh then it is strictlyprofitable for /' to lower information acquisition and form a linkwith 1,while ifxt>< xx then it is strictlyprofitable for 1 to lower information acquisition and form a linkwith /'. We have thus shown there cannot exist a path of length of two or more starting at player 1. So player 1 constitutes a hub. Now we can exploit the fact that there exists a player /such thatgn = 1 and x-t+ xx = y to conclude that there cannot exist any links between the neighbors of player 1.This proves that player 1 is a hub of his component and that all other players choose information level x and form a link with player 1. The above argument is done for a single component. The connectedness of nonempty strict equilibrium networks follows from standard arguments; thedetails are omitted. Finally, note that ifxx = y{, then*, = 0 for all i^ 1 and thereforeproperty (iii) follows. Supposexx G (0, yx), then we know thateach player /^ 1 chooses xt = x. Since spokes sponsor only a link to the hub, in a strictequilibrium itmust be the case thatxx > x. Furthermore, for a player i to play x is optimal ? ? = = y xx and, similarly, forplayer 1 to play xx is optimal only ifxx + (n y\.It only ifx l)x is now to see easy e ?> that as then x ?? 0, 0. 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