YEAR 10– PASS INVESTIGATION TASK DUE DATE: DATE DISTRIBUTED : Enter date distributed WEIGHT: 20% MODE: Essay “Remember the Titans” OUTCOMES: 1.2 analyses the benefits of participation and performance in physical activity and sport. 2.1 Discusses the nature and impact of historical and contemporary issues in physical activity and sport. 4.1 Works collaboratively with others to enhance participation, enjoyment and performance. 4.2 Displays management and planning skills to achieve personal and group goals. SIGNIFICANCE: IN THIS TASK STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO LOOK AT THE MANY ISSUES THAT ARE RAISED IN THIS MOVIE , INCLUDING COACHING STYLES AND MOTIVATIONAL TECHNIQUES , SOCIAL ATTITUDES , AS WELL AS RACIAL DISCRIMINATION AND HOW THEY CAN BE OVERCOME THOUGH INVOLVEMENT IN SPORT . ASSESSMENT CRITERIA: TO SUCCEED IN THIS TASK STUDENTS MUST ; ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS WITH APPROPRIATE DETAIL. INCLUDING EXAMPLES PRESENT IDEAS IN A CLEAR AND LOGICAL WAY INCLUDING EXAMPLES TO SUPPORT THEIR ARGUEMENTS ENSURE CORRECT SPELLING AND PUNCTUATION IS USED Task: Students are to answer the following questions in essay form. Give a detailed description of the coaching styles that were used by the two main coaches in the movie. Use specific examples (from the movie) to support your answer. How did the two coaches motivate the team? Analysis and compare the different strategies used by the two coaches. Give examples. Which style of coaching was the most successful and why? One of the major challenges faced by the team was the integration of players from different racial backgrounds. How did they successfully achieve this? Discuss Question REMEMBER THE TITANS Marking Scale Task Give a detailed description of the coaching styles that were used by the two main coaches in the movie. Use specific examples (from the movie) to support your answer. How did the two coaches motivate the team? Analysis and compare the different strategies used by the two coaches. Give examples. Which style of coaching was the most successful? Why? One of the major challenges faced by the team was the integration of players from different racial backgrounds. How did they successfully achieve this? Discuss Marks 17- 20 13-16 Excellent description of the coaching styles used by the two coaches Detailed analysis and comparison of the different strategies used by the two coaches to motivate the team. Excellent explanation of which coaching style was the most successful Detailed discussion on how the team managed to integrate all the players from different racial backgrounds successfully into a team. Present ideas in a clear and logical way Support major points and answers with a number of relevant examples. Good description of the coaching styles used by the two coaches A good analysis and comparison of the different strategies used by the two coaches to motivate the team. Good explanation of which coaching style was the most successful A discussion on how the team managed to integrate all the players from different racial backgrounds successfully into a team. Present ideas in a clear and logical way Support major points and answers with some relevant examples. 9 -12 A description of the coaching styles used by the two coaches Some analysis and comparison of the different strategies used by the two coaches to motivate the team. An explanation of which coaching style was the most successful Some discussion on how the team managed to integrate all the players from different racial backgrounds successfully into a team. Present ideas in a clearly with some examples given Support major points and answers with a relevant example. 5-8 1-4 Identified some coaching styles used by the two coaches Made some comparisons about the strategies used by the coaches to motivate the team. Makes some discussion of issues Uses an example for some issues Identifies a coaching style used. Stated an opinion on which style was the most successful. Provides some discussion about this issue.