Remember the Titans – Close Analysis of 'Lesson from the Dead

Image from Film Year 11 Visual Text Study – Remember the Titans Close Analysis of ‘Lesson from the Dead’ Scene Visual Language •
Explanation Establishing shot of a building as lights from players’ rooms come on Sound of a fog-­‐horn used by Boone to wake the players Dark due to it being in the middle of the night Mid-­‐shot of players congregating outside the building Actors are coughing, yawning, and rubbing their hands together due to tiredness and cold Sound of murmuring and unhappy people complaining Dialogue: Let’s go, wake up gentlemen. It’s late, it’s 3am in the morning… Mid-­‐shot of Boone looking amused as he addresses the players Boone: Listen up. You will follow Doc, myself, and the other coaches and we’re gonna take a little run through the woods… Yoast: Coach, this is a High School Football Team, we’re not in the marines here. Remember the Titans – Close Analysis of ‘Lesson from the Dead’ Scene 1 A Kirk 2013 •
Dialogue (Boone): Let’s go! Lingering long-­‐shot as players run away from the camera in formation Sound of lots of footsteps running in unison, across ground and in water Music introduced “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall”– by Bob Dylan (Upbeat tempo and strong drum rhythm) Long-­‐shot of players arriving at Gettysburg as sun is rising Actors look exhausted following the players’ long run Music continues:
an/ahardrainsagonnafall.html (Lyrics: Tell me where you’ve been, my blue-­‐eyed son? It’s hard, oh it’s hard…) Long-­‐shot of Boone looking out towards rows and rows of gravestones of the soldiers who fought at the Battle of Gettysburg Eerie mist and breaking sunlight Music fades out, heavy breathing Dialogue (Boone): Anybody know what this place is? (Long pause) This is Gettysburg… Remember the Titans – Close Analysis of ‘Lesson from the Dead’ Scene 2 A Kirk 2013 •
Close-­‐up of Yoast as he realises that Boone is making an honourable point Sound of heavy breathing of the players following their run Dialogue (Boone): This is where they fought the battle of Gettysburg. Fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fighting the same fight that we are still fighting among ourselves today. Camera pans to close-­‐up of Bertier as Boone’s point about racial hatred is sinking in Dialogue (Boone): This green field right here, painted red, bubblin' with the blood of young boys. Smoke and hot lead pouring right through their bodies. Listen to their souls, men. Music – instrumental and powerful Cuts to mid-­‐shot of Boone turning to address his players More of the gravestones are in focus giving a strong impression of the futility of racial hatred Dialogue (Boone): I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family. You listen, and you take a lesson from the dead. Remember the Titans – Close Analysis of ‘Lesson from the Dead’ Scene 3 A Kirk 2013 •
Cuts back to a close-­‐up of Ray as he looks pensive about his own racist views Dialogue (Boone): If we don't come together right now on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed, just like they were… Cuts back to Boone in a mid-­‐shot as he walks towards the players with the gravestones in the background Dialogue (Boone): I don't care if you like each other or not, but you will respect each other. And maybe... I don't know, maybe we'll learn to play this game like men. Final shot of the scene is another close-­‐ up of Bertier as he realises the role he will have to play in uniting the team due to him being the Captain The scene then cuts to the players training at night time using the headlights of cars to light up the pitch. Remember the Titans – Close Analysis of ‘Lesson from the Dead’ Scene 4 A Kirk 2013 