
Name(s): _____________________________________________
Period: ______
Cell Reproduction Virtual Lab Worksheet
Directions: Pop in your Biology Virtual Lab CD, scroll down to the "Cell Reproduction" lab.
Click on it to open. Follow the lab procedure on the left, in order. Fill in the blanks and
answer the analysis questions on the back.
1. Click on TV and listen to the video. Answer the questions below.
a. List the phases of the cell cycle.
b. Define chromatin.
c. How many chromosomes are in prophase?
2. Click on the Information – cancer statistics
a. How many total deaths in 1995 from lung, ovarian, stomach cancer? ___________
b. List 1 risk factor for…
i. Lung cancer __________________________________________________
ii. Ovarian cancer ________________________________________________
iii. Stomach cancer _______________________________________________
3. Microscope Tissue Analysis section – follow directions on left
The table below must be filled out while you complete the microscope part (analyzing the
tissue samples).
Microscope Tissue Analysis (Table):
Tissue Samples
Normal Lung
Cancerous Lung
Normal Stomach
Cancerous Stomach
Normal Ovary
Cancerous Ovary
% of
% of at rest
# cells in # cells in # cells in # cells in #cells in Total # of dividing
interphase prophase metaphase anaphase telophase cells (mitosis)
4. Slide Carousel section
a. What is the difference between normal and cancerous…
i. Lung tissue ________________________________________________
ii. Stomach tissue _____________________________________________
Analysis Questions:
1. Based on your data & observations, what are 3 of the differences between normal &
cancerous cells? Make a list.
2. Which type of cancer shows the most aggressive growth? Explain how you came to
that conclusion
3. When studying cell division in tissue samples, scientists often calculate a mitotic index,
which is the ratio of dividing cells to the total number of cells in the sample. Scientists
often calculate the mitotic index to compare growth rates of different types of tissues.
Which type of tissue would have a higher mitotic index, normal or cancerous tissues?
Explain why.