Practice at Home: Dear Parents, In French we have learned the names of certain classroom objects and several different prepositions. I am sending home some flashcards to help your child practise these names at home. Please refer to the vocabulary list for reference and please use the following games to help review these words at home. Vocabulary List: masculin words: un crayon un stylo un taille-crayon un pupitre un cahier un livre un garçon des ciseaux a pencil a pen a pencil sharpener a desk a workbook a book a boy scissors féminine words la colle une gomme une règle une feuille de papier une table une chaise une porte une fille the glue an eraser a ruler a piece of paper a table a chair a door a girl prépositions sur sous dans devant derrière à côté de on under in in front behind beside verbe Mets Put Review Games: Cut apart the flashcards to play the following games: 1. Flashcards • Use the cards as straight forward flashcards—where you have your child look at the picture and say the French word, or have them say the English word for the French word on the flashcards. 2. Memory • Flip the picture and word cards upside down. Flip over two cards at a time and try to find a match. 3. Go fish/Va pêcher • Use the picture cards and their matching word and the French words for prepositions and their matching English word cards in this game. Each person starts with 5 cards. Try to find the match to the cards in your hand by asking the other players for that card. Ask for the card in French—example: I have the picture card of a pencil in my hand and I ask for UN CRAYON from another player; I have the word BESIDE in my hand so I ask for À CÔTÉ DE from another player. If the other player does not have the requested card, pick a card up from the pile (go fish). If you match all the cards in your hand and there are still cards in the pile, select 3 more cards from the pile and continue playing until all the cards have been matched. The player with the most matches wins. 4. Follow the directions/Make the directions • Use the picture cards or word cards to follow the directions written on the direction cards. • Use the flashcard METS and the word cards of the classroom objects and of the prepositions to create directions. Then have your child follow your directions using the picture cards. example: Your direction: METS LA COLLE SOUS LA CHAISE --your child would then put the picture card of la colle under the picture card of la chaise. Have your child create directions for you to follow with the picture cards. • ***Switch it up by using the picture cards to give the directions and using the classroom objects word cards to follow the directions.*** Give your child two classroom object picture/word cards. Hold up a preposition French word card and have your child position his/her two object cards according to the preposition you selected. 5. Mix it up and Race to Match • Put the cards face up and mixed up in a pile. The race is to try to match all the cards correctly. Time your child and record the time. Have your child try to beat his/her time. 6. Which Preposition? • Use two picture cards or two classroom object cards for this game. Give your child the French word cards for the prepositions. Use the two picture (or word cards) to practice the different prepositions by positioning the cards in a certain way (example: you select the picture/word card for un crayon and un stylo. You place the cards BESIDE each other. Your child should then select the French word for BESIDE—À CÔTÉ DE). Thank you for your help by practising at home. Madame Schouten Mets le crayon SUR la chaise. Mets les ciseaux À CÔTÉ DE la feuille de papier. Mets le taille crayon SOUS la table. Mets la colle DANS le pupitre. Mets le cahier DERRIÈRE le livre. Mets le stylo DEVANT la règle. Mets la feuille de papier À CÔTÉ DE la porte. Mets le garçon DEVANT la fille. Mets la règle DERRIÈRE la fille. Mets le livre SUR le garçon. une fille un garçon un crayon une gomme des ciseaux un stylo une règle un cahier un livre une table un taille-crayon une chaise un pupitre une feuille de papier la colle une porte sur on sous under dans in devant in front derrière behind à côté de beside Mets Put