Aya Shohat-Tal, Ph.D. The Center for Human Reproduction - New York 21 E. 69th Street, New York, NY 10021 EDUCATION Doctor of Philosophy in Biology (Molecular, Cellular, Developmental biology (MCD) subprogram); The Graduate Center- the City University of New York, February 2011 Master’s of Philosophy in Biology (Molecular, Cellular, Developmental biology subprogram); The Graduate Center- the City University of New York, May 2006 Bachelor’s of Science (Cum Laude). Majored in Biology (minored in Biochemistry); Brooklyn College- the City University of New York, May 2003 EMPLOYMENT 20122011 2003-2010 Junior Scientist, Center for Human Reproduction Adjunct Assistant Professor; Biology Department, Brooklyn College Microbiology & Immunology lecturer Graduate years Cellular and Molecular Biology laboratory instructor; Biology Department, Brooklyn College Microbiology laboratory instructor; Biology Department, Brooklyn College Biochemistry laboratory instructor; Chemistry Department, Brooklyn College Co-instructor of Recombinant DNA Technology Lecture and Laboratory course; Biology Department, Brooklyn College Field botany laboratory instructor; Biology Department, Brooklyn College Instructor of a preparatory course in inorganic and organic chemistry as a part of the “Summer Enrichment Program” for incoming students of the Downstate-affiliated B.A.-M.D program; Dean of Undergraduate Studies, Brooklyn College AWARDS, HONORS, AND FELLOWSHIPS Graduate years (Master and Doctoral programs) Recipient of the 2010 Brooklyn College Kappa Phi Club Award for Outstanding Achievement Recipient of the CUNY Graduate Center Research Grant Award for Graduate Students (2007) Gussie Federbush Shwebel Memorial Scholarship for Excellence in Biology (2005) Irving and Pauline Shaw Chemistry Scholarship Excellence in Chemistry (2005) Science Fellowship (2003-2010) University Fellowship (2003-2010) CUNY Tuition Fellowship (2003-2010) Undergraduate years Scholars Program of the CUNY Honors Academy (2000-2003) Brooklyn College Dean's Honor List (1999-2003) PUBLICATIONS PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL [1] Shohat-Tal, A. and Eshel, D. Cell Cycle Regulators Interact with Pathways that Modulate Microtubule Stability in Yeast. Eukaryotic Cell. 2011; 10(12):1705-13. PMID: 22037179. SELECTED ORAL AND POSTER PRESENTATIONS [2] Shohat, A. and Eshel, D. Regulation of Microtubule stability in yeast. Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Yeast Cell Biology meeting, 2009. [3] Shohat, A. and Eshel, D. Regulation of Microtubule Stability and Dynamics in Saccharomyces cereviaisae. CUNY Graduate Center MCD seminars, Oct. 2008. [4] Shohat, A. and Eshel, D. Genes involved in the regulation of microtubule stability and dynamics in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Gordon Research Conference on Plant and Fungal Cytoskeleton, 2008, Lucca, Italy. [5] Shohat, A. and Eshel, D. Identification of genes involved in the regulation of microtubule stability in yeast. Brooklyn College annual SCORE (Support of Continuous Research Excellence) Retreat at the New York Academy of Sciences, 2008. LABORATORY SKILLS Genetics: Gene knockout/ replacement Gene tagging (i.e., with fluorescent markers) Insertional mutagenesis (i.e., transposon-mediated) Design of genetic screens Drug–sensitivity assays Yeast genetics (crossing opposite mating-types, sporulation, tetrad dissection by micromanipulation) Cell cycle studies: Cell culture synchronizations (α-factor, hydroxyurea, nocodazole-mediated) Flow cytometry and propidium iodide staining Fluorescence Microscopy: Fluorescent gene tagging DAPI staining of fluorescently-tagged samples Plasmid manipulation: Subcloning and vector construction Site-directed mutagenesis Agarose gel electrophoresis and transformation PCR: PCR-mediated gene disruption/tagging by homologous recombination Thermal Asymmetric Interlaced (TAIL) PCR Protein studies: Protein extraction Spectroscopy SDS-PAGE Western blots ELISA DNA studies: Plasmid and genomic preps Southern blots Tissue Culture CERTIFICATION BD FACSCanto Operator certified technician OTHER PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCES 2008-2010: Doctoral student representative in the Advisory Committee for the Biology Executive Committee of the MCD subprogram 2008-2011: Judge in the Annual Brooklyn College Science Research Day 2008-2009: Judge in the New York City Science and Engineering Fair 2007-2008: At Large Representative in the Doctoral Students’ Council Nov. 14, 2006: invited speaker at the Brooklyn College Chemistry Society and the NBSSO (National Black Science Students Organization) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS 2003-present: New York Academy of Sciences 2000-2003: Golden Key National Honor Society