derstanding Prefixes l\fter completing this chapter, will be able to: Define and spell the prefixes commonly used in medical terminology. Identify prefixes in medical terms. Use prefixes to build medical terms. 40 | Chapter 3 Getting Started with Prefixes ►►►►► Review the following list of some prefixes and their definitions. This will help you become more familiar with prefixes. Prefixes Denmtion a- without, absence of ab- away from bi- two endo- within hyper- excessive, abnormally high, above hypo- deficient, abnormally low, below intra- within post- to follow after pre- to come before sub- under, beneath, below 3.1 A prefix is the word part that is placed before the root to modify its fjx meaning. The word prefix literally means "to . at the beginning of a word." The following frames contain some examples of prefixes. 3.2 The familiar word abnormal, which can be shown as: obinorm! al includes the prefix ab-, which means "away from." It is the r: ^^_ because it is placed before the root to modify the word's meaning. 3.3 The medical term intravenous, which can be shown as: intmlven/ous jntra. means "pertaining to within a vein." The prefix is , which means "within." It is the prefix because it is placed before the root to modify the word's meaning. 3.4 The word hypertension can be shown as: hyper/tens/ion . The prefix is high, or above." ■ which means "excessive, abnormally Understanding Prefixes | 4| Prefix Introduction Complete the following frames to expand the prefixes you know. 3.5 The prefix anti- means "against or opposite of as in the term anticonvulsive, convulsions which is a type of drug used to stop 3.6 The one-letter prefix that means "without or absence of is a- . An example of its use is found in the term aphasia, which means "absence of speech." 3.7 The prefix con- means "with, together, or jointly." For example, when twins are conjoined the con- prefix indicates that the twins are joined together 3.8 Contra- means "counter or against" as in the term contraception, which conception literally means "against WORDS TO OUT I ." contra- or con-? Don't confuse the prefix a nra- with the prefix con-. Their meanings are very dif ferent, t ?- means "counter or against"; the prefix o i- means "with, together. or jointly.' 3.9 Meta- means "after or change" as in the term metabolism, which is the changed process by which foods are the body. PRACTICE: Prefix Introduction The Right Match Match the prefix on the left with the correct definition on the right. 1, meta- a. against or opposite 2. a- b. after or change 3. contra- c. without or absence of 4. con- d. counter or against 5. anti- e. with, together, or jointly into energy for use by 42 | Chapter 3 Prefix Linkup Link the prefixes in the list to create the terms that match the definitions. Prefix Definition a- without or absence of con- with, together, or jointly contra- counter or against meta- after or change Term Definition [. 2. contraception prevention of conception bolism the process by which foods are changed into energy for use by the body 3. when twins are joined together 4. the absence of speech Joined _phasia Prefixes That Indicate Number or Quantity Complete the following frames to learn about prefixes that indicate number or quantity. 3.10 The prefix ambi- means "both"; the term ambidextrous is the ability to both bifocal use hands equally. 3.11 The prefix bi- means "two." For example, means "peitaining to two focal points," as in eyeglasses that correct for both near vision and far vision. two points. 3.12 The term bicuspid means "having 3.13 Another way to say "two" is "second." Therefore, a woman who has second given birth for the time is bipara. 3.14 The prefix di- means "double." Therefore, dipiegia is plegia, or paralysis of double (two) limbs. double 3.15 The prefix dipl- also means "double." In the term diptopia, the prefix dipiindicates that a person with the condition perceives a single object as two double images; it is also called vision. Understanding Prefixes | 43 3.16 Because the prefix hem*- means "half," hemiplegia is a paralysis of half one the body; in other words, on side of the body. 3.17 The prefix mono- means "one." Monoplegia means "paralysis of limb or muscle/muscle group." one 3.18 The prefix muki- means "many, more than once, or numerous." A many multipolar neuron is a nerve cell that includes branches, called dendrites, at one end of the cell. 3.19 When a woman's chart indicates muitipara, it means that she has given once birth multiple times, or more than . 3.20 The terms nuliipara and nulligravida share the prefix nulli-, which means "none." Nullipara means "the condition of never having given birth or no never births"; nulligravida means " having been pregnant or no pregnancies." 3.21 Because the prefix pan- means "all," the term pandemic refers to a disease occurring over a wide geographic area. Also, pansinusitis is all inflammation of paranasal sinuses on one or both sides of the nose. poly- .The 3.22 The term polyphagia includes the prefix prefix means "excessive, over, or many." The term means "excessive eating." thirst. excessive 3.23 Polydipsia is excessive 3.24 Polyuria is the many 3.25 Polyarteritis is the inflammation of. excretion of urine. medium and small arteries where they branch. 3.26 The prefix primi- means "first." A woman who has given birth for the time is a primipara. first primi- 3.27 A woman who is pregnant for the first time is a gravida. 44 | Chapter 3 3.28 The terms quadriplegia and tetraplegia both mean "paralysis of four limbs." Therefore, quadri- and tetra- are both prefixes that mean four ■ 3.29 The prefix semi- means "half or partial." The term semiconscious means partially " conscious." 3.30 The prefix tri- means "three," as in tricycle. The term tripara means three "a woman who has given birth three 3.31 The tricuspid valve consists of times." cusps, which are membranous flaps that control blood flow between the right atrium and the right ventricle of the heart 3.32 The prefix uni- means "one," similar to mono-. Therefore, a unipara one woman has given birth to child. PRACTICE: Prefixes That Indicate Number or Quantity The Right Match Match the prefix on the left with the correct definition on the right. I. di- a. 2. ambi- b. half 3. quad- c. first 4. hemi- d. half or partial 5. bi- e. two 6. primi- f. double 7. cri- g. both 8. pan- h. four 9. semi- i. one 10. uni- j. one II, multi- k. null or none 12. poly- I. all 13. mono- 14. nulli- excessive, over, or many m. many, more than once, or numerous n. three Understanding Prefixes | 45 Prefix Linkup Link the prefixes in the list to create the terms that match the definitions. You may use them more than once. Prefix Definition ambi- both mono- one nulli- none poly- excessive, over, or many quadri- four tetra- four tri- three Definition Term 1. paralysis of one limb or muscle/muscle group _plegia 2. never having been pregnant or no pregnancies _gravida 3. the ability to use both hands equally _dextrous 4. excessive eating _phagia 5. the valve that consists of three cusps that control blood flow .cuspid between the right atrium and the right ventricle 6. _ptegia a condition of paralysis of all limbs Prefixes That Indicate Location or Timing Complete the following frames to learn about prefixes that indicate location or timing. 3.33 The prefix ab- means "away from," so the term abduction means away " from the midline of the body." 3.34 The prefix ad- means "toward," so the term adduction means toward " the midline of the body." 3.35 The prefix ana- means "up, toward"; the word root torn means "to cut"; anatomy and the suffix -y means "process of." So the term means "process of cutting up." 3.36 The terms prenatal and antenatal share the root fiot, which means "birth." Both terms mean "before birth." so both prefixes, pre- and ante-, have the before same meaning, which is " " or "to come before." 46 | Chapter 3 3.37 The term dialysis literally means "to loosen through" because the prefix through dia- means "_ ," and the suffix -lysis means "to loosen." The term dialysis refers to the procedure that removes uric acid and urea from circulating blood. 3.38 The prefix dis- means "apart or away." In the term dislocation, the apart prefix indicates that the dislocated part is or from its normal position in the body. away 3.39 £c- and eclo- mean "outside or out." An ectopic pregnancy is one in outside which the fertilized egg implants somewhere . the uterus. 3.40 The prefix endo- means "within." Thus, the term endogastric means within " the stomach." (See Figure 3.1 ■.) Endoscope Figure 3.11 ■ Stomach Endogastric procedure using - Light with an endoscope to observe the camera internal stomach lining. 3.41 The prefixes ep- and epi- mean "upon, over, above, or on top." The over epidermis is the outermost layer of skin because it is the dermis layer. inward 3.42 Esotropia is a condition where the eye deviates because the prefix eso- means "inward." 3.43 The prefixes ex- and exo- mean "outside or away from," so in the away from condition exotropia, the eye deviates . its normal position. Understanding Prefixes | 47 3.44 The common prefix shared by the terms extracellular, extracorporeai, and extra- extrauterine is , which means "outside." 3.45 Infer- has the meaning "below," as in the term inferior. The term inferior below indicates a position another point of reference. 3.46 Because the prefix inter- means "between," the term intervertebrai between indicates a position the vertebrae. 3.47 The terms intracellular and intrauterine share the prefix , which also means "within." intra- 3.48 Because intra- means "within," the term intraderma! means within " the layers of the skin." 3.49 The prefix para- means "alongside or abnormal." In the term paracusis, it abnormal indicates hearing or a disorder in hearing. 3.50 The prefix peri- means "around." In the term pericardium, this prefix around indicates that the membrane called the pericardium covers the area the heart. 3.51 The prefix post- means "to follow after," thus the term postpartum means after "to follow birth." 3.52 The terms postnatal and postpartum share the prefix post-, which means after "to follow after." Both terms mean "to follow birth." 48 I Chapter 3 3.53 The prefixes sub- and hypo- both mean "below." To build a term that hypo- means "below the skin," add :he prefix to the word root for skin, dermis. The resulting term is hypodermis. An alternate term for the area below the skin attaches the prefix sub- to another word for skin, subcutaneous cutaneous. The resulting term is . (See Figure 3.2B.) Pore of sweat gland Sensory receptors Epidermis — Sebaceous gland Arrector Dermis - pili muscle Hair Figure 3.2 ■ Skin layers. The epidermis is Nerve Subcutaneous Vein layer - Artery on cop of the dermis, and the hypodcrmis (or subcutaneous layer) is below the dermis. Sweat gland 3.54 The prefixes super- and supra- share the meaning "above"; in the term above superior it indicates a position another point of reference. 3.55 The prefixes sym- and syn- also share a meaning. In this case they mean "together or joined." For example, a syndrome is a group of symptoms or together signs that occur . Understanding Prefixes | 49 PRACTICE: Prefixes That Indicate Location or Timing The Right Match Match the prefix on the left with the correct definition on the right. 1. ab- a. to come before 2. dia- b. up or toward 3. ad- c. apart or away 4. endo- d. outside 5. ante- e. away from 6. extra- 7. ep-, epi- g. toward 8. ana- h. within 9. infer- i. inward 10. ec-, ecto- j. through II. para- 12. dis- f. k. I. outside or away from upon, over, above, or on top to follow after 13. peri- m. between 14. n. alongside or abnormal 15. inrer- o. below 16. eso- p. around 17. sub- q. outside or out ex-, exo- 18. post- r. before 19. pre- s. together or joined 20. super-.supra- t. under, beneath, below 21. sym-, syn- u. above 50 I Chapter 3 Prefix Linkup Link the prefixes in the list to create the terms that match the definitions. You may use them more than once. Prefix Definition ab- away from iinn- up, toward ante- before dia- through ecto- outside, out exo- outside, away from infer- below para- alongside, abnormal pre- to come before sub- under, beneath, below syn- together, joined Definition Term 1. to cut up _tomy 2. away from the midline of the body .duction 3. a pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants somewhere outside the .pic uterus 4. a procedure that removes uric acid and urea from circulating blood 5. a condition in which the eye deviates away from its normal position _tropia 6. a position below another point of reference Jor 7. a disorder in hearing _cusis 8. below the skin _cutaneous 9. a group of symptoms or signs that occur togcthcr _drome 10. before birth natal Understanding Prefixes [_Sj Prefixes That Indicate a Specific Quality about a Term Complete the following frames to learn about prefixes that indicate a specific quality about a term. 3.56 Because the prefix a- means "without or absence of," the term aseptic without means "sterile," or "pertaining to living pathogenic organisms." 3.57 Similarly, asymptomatic means "pertaining to not having symptoms," because the prefix __^_ means "without." 3.58 The prefix an- also means "without or absence of." Thus, the term anoxia without means " oxygen." 3.59 Because brady- means "slow," the term bradycardia means "condition of heart- slow 3.60 The term bradykinesia combines brady- with the root kines to mean slowing "condition of or decreasing movement." 3.61 The term circumference contains the prefix tircum-, which means "around." The term circumcision literally translates as a "cut ." Circumcision is a surgery to remove the foreskin around around the penis. dys- 3.62 The term dyslexia has the prefix which means "bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult." It is a learning disability involving impaired reading, spelling, and writing ability. 3.63 The prefix eu- means "normal or good." It is a prefix in the terms euthanasia, and eupepsia, where it alters the meaning of the root to include good the meaning of "normal or ." 3.64 Hen r- and hetero- both mean "different." In medicine, tropia is an abnormal deviation of the eye. Adding the prefix hetero- adds to the meaning different of the term to indicate the eyes are oriented in directions. 3.65 The terms hyperacidity, hyperemesis, hyperkinesia, and hyperthermia share hyper- the common prefix abnormally high, or above." , which means "excessive, S2 | Chapter 3 excessive 3.66 Hyperthyroidism is a condition of. levels of thyroid hormones in the body. 3.67 The prefix hypo- means "deficient, abnormally low, or below." low Hypothyroidism is a condition of abnormally levels of thyroid hormones in the body, causing high blood calcium, reduced energy, and weight gain. 3.68 The prefix hypo- has a meaning that is the opposite of the prefix hyper- 3.69 In the term hypocalcemia, hypo- indicates that the levels of calcium in the abnormally blood are low. 3.70 The term hypothermia means a "state of abnormally body temperature." low 3.71 The prefix macro- means "large." The word root cephal means "head," and the suffix -y means "process of," so the term macrocephaly means large "process of_ head." 3.72 The prefix mo/- means "bad," so the term malobsorption literally means bad " absorption." 3.73 The prefix mega- is familiar to many people and is in common use today. It shares the meaning "large or great" with the prefix megalo-. So the term large megalocyte literally means " cell." 3.74 The prefix micro- means "small." Microcephaly means "process of head." small 3.75 The term neonate refers to a newborn, specifically a baby within the first neo- 28 days of life. The prefix means "new," and the root nat means "birth." 3.76 The prefix pseudo- means "false," as in the term pseudocyesis, which false means " pregnancy." 3.77 The prefix tetchy- means "rapid, fast." Tachycardia is an abnormally rapid heart rate that is usually defined as more than 100 beats per minute at rest in adults. Understanding Prefixes | 53 3.78 The prefix trans- means "through, across, or beyond," as through in transvaginal, which means ". . or _the vagina," transexual, which means to "go through across crossing the process of _ across transverse, which means to "lie over to another gender," and or in a crosswise direction." 3.79 The prefix ultra- means "beyond normal," as in ultrasound, which is a noninvasive diagnostic procedure that provides images of internal structures beyond normal by bouncing inaudible, or sound waves through the body (Figure 3.3H). Figure 3.3 ■ Ultrasound imaging. In this noninvasive procedure, inaudible sound waves are bounced through the bod/, detected by a sensor, and interpreted by a computer to reveal internal structures, such as n fetus within the uterus. Source: Photodisc/Tk inks tock. , 54 I Chapter 3 PRACTICE: Prefixes That Indicate a Specific Quality about a Term Prefix Linkup . Link the prefixes in the list to create the terms that match the definitions. You may use them more than once. Prefix Definition a- without or absence of brady- slow circum- around dys- bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult hyper- excessive, abnormally high, above mal- bad megalo- large, erect neo- new pseudo- false trans- through, across, or beyond ultra- beyond normal Definition Term 1. false pregnancy _cyesis 2. sterile, having no living pathogenic organisms _septic 3. a newborn; specifically, a baby within the first 28 days of life _nate 4. abnormally slow heart rate _cardia 5. a surgery to remove the foreskin around the penis ^cision 6. a person who goes through the process of crossing over _scxual to another gender 7. a learning disability involving impaired reading, spelling, Jexia and writing ability 8. a condition of excess levels of thyroid hormones in the body _thyroidism 9. bad absorption ^absorption 10. large cell _cyte 11. a diagnostic procedure that provides images of internal structures by bouncing sound waves through the body sound Understanding Prefixes | 55 The Right Match Match the prefix on the left with the correct definition on the right. I. a-, an- a. bad 1. hypo- b. slow 3. neo- c. small A. tachy- d. false 5. trans- e. around 6. dys- 7. macro- g. deficient, abnormally low, below 8. hyper- h. without or absence of 9. circum- f. normal or good i. different 10. brady- j. rapid, fast I I. micro- k. 12. eu- I. bad, abnormal, painful, or difficult large or great 13. mal- m. large 14. pseudo- n. through, across, or beyond 15. heter-. hetero- o. new 16. mega-, megalo- p. excessive, abnormally high, above 56 | Chapter 3 >► Chapter Review Word Building _ Construct medical terms from the following meanings. The first question has been completed for you as an example. 1. excessive or abnormally high sensitivity to painful stimuli 2. a substance that stops convulsions convulsive 3. process by which foods are changed into bolism energy for use by the body 4. condition of seeing a single object as two images 5. paralysis of half the body 6. has given birth more than once 7. has never given birth 8. a disease that is highly prevalent 9. paralysis of corresponding parts on both sides of the body 10. inflammation of many medium and small arteries I 1. having given birth for the first time 12. toward the midline of the body _duction 13. procedure that removes uric acid and urea from blood Jysis 14. body part that is apart or away from its normal position 15. pregnancy in which the fertilized egg implants _opia . _para _para _demic arteritis _para _— located _pic somewhere outside the uterus _dermal 16. within the layers of the skin 17. membrane that covers around the heart _cardium 18. a group of symptoms or signs occurring together jdrome 19. pertaining to not having symptoms 20. a state of sterility, having no living pathogens 21. slowing or decreasing movement: 22. removal of the foreskin around the penis 23. "normal" or "good" death 24. abnormally low levels of calcium in the blood 25. false pregnancy 26. rapid heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute 27. twins that are joined together 28. literally, "against conception" 29. ability to use both hands equally symptomatic sepsis kinesia _cision _thanasia _calcemla _cyesis _cardia _joined _ception dextrous Understanding Prefixes | 57 30. pertaining to two focal points 31. paralysis of one limb or muscle/muscle group 32. paralysis of four limbs 33. partially conscious 34. a woman who has given birth three times 35. a woman who has given birth to one child 36. away from the midiine of the body 37. process of cutting up _tomy 38. before birth _natal 39. within the stomach _gastric 40. layer of skin that is over the dermis layer 41. condition in which the eye deviates inward _cropia 42. condition in which the eye deviates away _tropia dermis from its normal position 43. outside the cellular area _ce!lular 44. position below another point of reference Jerior 45. position between the vertebrae ..vertebral 46. abnormal hearing or a disorder in hearing _cusis 47. to follow after birth _partum 48. area below the skin ^cutaneous 49. position above another point of reference _ior 50. without, or absence of, oxygen _oxia 51. learning disability that involves impaired Jexla reading, spelling, and writing ability 52. eyes oriented in different directions _tropia 53. literally, "process of large head" _cephaly 54. literally, "bad absorption" .absorption MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY INTERACTIVE Medical Terminology Interactive is a premium online homework management system that includes a host of features to help you study. Registered users will find: • Fun games and activities built within a virtual hospital • Powerful tools that track and analyze your results—allowing you to create a personalized learning experience • Videos, flashcards, and audio pronunciations to help enrich your progress • Streaming video lesson presentations and self-paced learning modules !►►► CHAPTER The Human Body in Health and Disease After completing this chapter, you will be able to: Define and spell the word parts used to create terms for the human body. Identify the building blocks, organ systems, and cavities of the body. Identify the anatomical planes, regions, and directional terms used to describe areas of the body. Break down and define the important terms associated with the anatomy and physiology of the human body. Define the introductory terms associated with medical terminology. Identify the five major diagnostic imaging procedures. 58