Sample written test

2014 State Fair Junior Dairymen’s Contest
Junior Division - Written Test
Instructions: This test consists of 50 true-false questions. Answers must be recorded on your Opscan
sheet. Each question is worth five (5) points for a total of 250 points. Good luck!!
A = True and B = False on your answer sheet.
The “I” in DHIA stands for information.
The abomasum is the largest of the cow’s stomach compartments.
Scours and pneumonia are the leading causes of death in young calves.
Fats are a great source of energy for the dairy cow.
Molasses are often added to dairy cattle rations to improve taste and reduce dustiness.
An average dairy cow drinks 100 gallons of water each day.
A bulk tank is usually made of copper.
A bulk tank should be washed and sanitized ever time it is emptied.
A bushel of corn weighs 56 pounds.
10. Vitamin C is added to milk at processing to prevent rickets.
11. Jersey cattle were originally from Scotland.
12. Swiss cheese is the most popular variety of cheese in the U.S.
13. A dairy cow can be disqualified from being shown in the show ring if she has a blind quarter.
14. A dairy showman may be disqualified from a showmanship contest for unsportsmanlike conduct.
15. Hardware disease usually occurs in the small intestine.
16. Dairy Farmers of America is the largest dairy cooperative in the U.S.
17. By-product feeds may not be fed to dairy cows.
18. The first cows arrived at the Jamestown Colony in 1911.
19. Kraft Foods is the world’s largest yogurt maker.
20. A gallon of milk weighs 8.6 pounds.
21. The herringbone parlor is the most common type in use today.
22. Calf housing should be clean, damp, drafty, and well ventilated.
23. Limestone is an excellent source of calcium.
24. Udder is assigned 40 points on the PDCA Dairy Cow Unified Scorecard.
25. Labor is the largest cost in milk production.
2014 State Fair Junior Dairymen’s Contest
Junior Division - Written Test
26. Plastic is the best material for covering a bunker silo.
27. Mastitis is the most costly disease in dairy cattle.
28. Oxytocin is the milk sugar that gives milk its sweet flavor.
29. Churning is the process that turns cream into yogurt.
30. Jersey Journal is the name of the American Jersey Cattle Association’s magazine.
31. A mature dairy cow has 32 teeth.
32. A mature dairy cow produces 50 to 80 teaspoons of saliva per day.
33. A mature Holstein cow should weigh 1,000 pounds.
34. The milk bottle was invented in 1884.
35. Guernsey milk is known for its golden color.
36. Raw milk is milk as it comes from the cow before it is processed.
37. The milk-mineral deposit that builds up on milking equipment is called milk stone.
38. Cows milked twice a day produce more milk than cows milked three times a day.
39. The National Dairy Shrine is located in Washington, DC.
40. A newborn calf should be fed colostrum for the first three days of life.
41. Wisconsin ranks first for total U.S. milk production.
42. When showing a dairy heifer, the rear leg closest to the judge should be placed farther back than
the other.
43. The standard length of a DHIA record is 305 days.
44. Albanian, Swiss, and Taurus are breeds of dairy goats.
45. The tail is used as the reference point to determine the height of the udder floor.
46. It takes 12 pounds of whole milk to make a gallon of ice cream.
47. Extra teats on heifers should never be removed.
48. Tom Vilsack is the U.S. Secretary of Agriculture.
49. Ohio was the first state to make tampering with show cows a crime.
50. The World Dairy Expo is held in Columbus, Ohio.
2014 State Fair Junior Dairymen’s Contest
Senior Division - Written Test
Instructions: This quiz consists of 50 multiple-choice questions. Answers must be recorded on your Opscan sheet. Each question is
worth five (5) points for a total of 250 points. Good luck!!
1. The mission of what organization is to attract,
educate, and retain talented young people for
careers in the Jersey dairy business?
A) American Dairy Science Association
B) Jersey Youth Academy
C) National All-Jersey, Inc.
D) Young Dairy Leaders Institute
2. What hormone does the calf trigger in response
to stress to initiate parturition?
A) Adrenaline
B) Cortisol
C) Epinephrine
D) Estrogen
3. Name the condition when a person cannot
break down milk sugar.
A) Acidosis
B) Irritable bowel syndrome
C) Lactogenesis
D) Lactose intolerance
4. What is the most costly disease in dairy cattle?
A) Dystocia
B) Laminitis
C) Mastitis
D) Pneumonia
5. What product is made by straining yogurt using
muslin or cheesecloth to remove whey from the
yogurt to make it creamy and thick?
A) Authentic Greek yogurt
B) Buttermilk
C) Cream cheese
D) Sour cream
6. In dairy cattle nutrition, what does the acronym
DMI stand for?
A) Daily microbial intake
B) Dairy maintenance index
C) Dietary minerals – inorganic
D) Dry matter intake
7. What is the recommended vacuum pressure at
the teat end at the time of milking?
A) 2 to 3 inches
B) 8 to 10 inches
C) 12 to 13 inches
D) 20 to 21 inches
8. Cystic ovaries are found in what percent of
problem breeders?
A) Less than 5 percent
B) 12 to 14 percent
C) 20 to 25 percent
D) 35 to 40 percent
9. What is the only type of cells in the body that
have no nucleus?
A) Erythrocytes (red blood cells)
B) Interstitial cells
C) Leukocytes (white blood cells)
D) Somatic cells
10. How many compartments make up the dairy
cow's stomach?
A) 1
B) 2
C) 4
D) 5
11. What is the study of genes or gene products in
an organism called?
A) Genetics
B) Genomics
C) Genotype
D) Proteomics
12. What type of cystic ovary is thick-walled and
secretes low levels of progesterone?
A) Cystic corpus luteum
B) Follicular cyst
C) Luteal cyst
D) None of the above
2014 State Fair Junior Dairymen’s Contest
Senior Division - Written Test
13. How old is a calf when it typically begins to
chew its cud?
A) 2 to 3 days
B) 2 to 3 weeks
C) 6 weeks
D) 2 months
14. Who organized the first A.I. cooperative in the
U.S. in New Jersey?
A) S. M. Babcock
B) B. G. Cassell
C) E. J. Perry
D) W. D. Hoard
15. In what year was the American Dairy
Association founded?
A) 1900
B) 1920
C) 1940
D) 1960
16. When is the most effective time to treat mastitis
A) At calving
B) At drying off
C) One week before calving
D) When clinical mastitis is observed
17. Who invented the milk bottle?
A) Gail Borden
B) Gustaw Delaval
C) Dr. Harvey Thatcher
D) Franklin Westover
18. What is the mature bodyweight of Jersey cows
according to the PCDA Dairy Cow Unified
Score Card?
A) 800 pounds
B) 1,000 pounds
C) 1,200 pounds
D) 1,400 pounds
19. Cow's milk consists of what percent water?
A) 87.4 percent
B) 93.4 percent
C) 95.4 percent
D) 97.4 percent
20. The milk ring test is used to identify what
disease in cattle?
A) Bovine spongiform encephalopathy
B) Brucellosis (Bang's disease)
C) Johne’s disease
D) Listeriosis
21. In what year were Federal Milk Marketing
Orders reformed to reduce the number of
A) 1937
B) 1975
C) 2000
D) 2012
22. What term is given for forage harvested in the
field and fed directly to livestock?
A) Baleage
B) Green chop
C) Haylage
D) Silage
23. What percent of heifers born twin to a bull are
A) 10 percent
B) 25 percent
C) 50 percent
D) 90 percent
24. What is milk called that is secreted during the
first two to three days after calving?
A) Colostrum
B) Foremilk
C) Raw milk
D) Residual milk
2014 State Fair Junior Dairymen’s Contest
Senior Division - Written Test
25. What calving ease score would be assigned to a
cow with an extremely difficult calving?
A) 1
B) 4
C) 5
D) 10
26. Feed costs typically account for what percent of
the total cost of raising dairy replacement
A) 10 to 15 percent
B) 25 to 30 percent
C) 55 to 60 percent
D) 75 to 80 percent
27. What is the official name of the Jersey breed
A) American Jersey Cattle Association
B) Jersey Association, USA
C) Jersey Breeders Association
D) Jersey Journal
28. In what year was the PDCA Showmanship
Evaluation Card revised?
A) 1940
B) 1965
C) 1999
D) 2011
29. Which fast food chain uses the most milk in the
United States?
A) Burger King
B) Hardees
C) McDonald's
D) Subway
30. What type of mastitis is characterized by
sudden onset, redness, swelling, hardness, pain,
grossly abnormal milk, and reduced milk yield?
A) Acute mastitis
B) Chronic mastitis
C) Clinical mastitis
D) Subclinical mastitis
31. What metabolic disorder most often occurs in
adult cows milking heavily and grazing lush
green pastures?
A) Blackleg
B) Grass tetany
C) Laminitis
D) Parturient paresis
32. What does the “R” in the acronym PCDART
stand for?
A) Ration
B) Records
C) Regional
D) Research
33. Name the 18-carbon fatty acid present in milk,
particularly from cows grazing pasture, which
has been found to have cancer prevention
A) Acetic acid
B) Butyric acid
C) Conjugated linoleic acid
D) Lactic acid
34. What device allows controlled, cyclic admission
of air during cleaning and sanitizing to produce
slug flow conditions?
A) Agitator
B) Air injector
C) Pulsator
D) Vacuum regulator
35. Fats contain how many times the energy value
of starch?
A) 1.15
B) 2.25
C) 3.5
D) 8.6
2014 State Fair Junior Dairymen’s Contest
Senior Division - Written Test
36. What term is given for the time period after
calving when the dairy producer chooses not to
breed a cow?
A) Calving interval
B) Days to first service
C) Days open
D) Voluntary waiting period
37. What portion of a feed remains after water has
been removed by drying in an oven?
A) Ash
B) Dry matter
C) Energy
D) Protein
38. Rabies is a deadly infection that is mainly
spread by infected animals. What type of
infection is it?
A) Bacterial
B) Fungal
C) Protozoan
D) Viral
39. Limestone is an excellent source of what
A) Calcium
B) Phosphorus
C) Potassium
D) Sodium
40. Vitamins are measured in what units?
A) International units
B) Parts per billion
C) Parts per million
D) Percent of ration dry matter
41. How many calories are found in a cup of whole
A) 100
B) 120
C) 150
D) 180
42. In what state was the first A.I. cooperative in
the U.S. organized?
A) Maryland
B) New Jersey
C) New York
D) Virginia
43. What term is used for the total protein in a feed?
A) Crude protein
B) Digestible protein
C) Rumen degradable protein
D) Soluble protein
44. Drinking raw milk contaminated with Brucella
bacteria is the means of contracting what
A) Hay fever
B) Milk fever
C) Scarlet fever
D) Undulant fever
45. What is the process of releasing an ovum from
the follicle on the ovary called?
A) Gestation
B) Involution
C) Lactation
D) Ovulation
46. It is recommended that calf starter contain what
percent crude protein?
A) 8 to 10 percent
B) 12 to 14 percent
C) 18 to 22 percent
D) 28 to 30 percent
47. What is the name of the genetic index that
serves as an indicator of mastitis resistance in
A) Functional Udder Index
B) Jersey Performance Index
C) Net Merit Index
D) Total Performance Index
2014 State Fair Junior Dairymen’s Contest
Senior Division - Written Test
48. How many pounds of milk does it take to make
one pound of authentic Greek yogurt?
A) 2 pounds
B) 4 pounds
C) 8 pounds
D) 16 pounds
49. How would a Holstein cow with a final score of
90 be classified?
A) Excellent
B) Exceptional
C) Good Plus
D) Very good
50. Incidence of metritis is highest during what
A) Winter
B) Spring
C) Summer
D) Fall