2015 Dairy Evaluation Preliminary High School Management Exam

2015 Dairy Evaluation Preliminary
High School Management Exam
1. Who was the first person to receive a patent for condensed milk?
a. S. M. Babcock
b. Gail Borden
c. W. D. Hoard
d. Louis Pastuer
2. What is the name of the largest dairy cooperative in the United States?
a. American Dairy Science Association
b. Dairy Farmers of America (DFA)
c. Dairy Management, Inc. (DMI)
d. Danone
3. How many pounds of grain should a calf be eating for at least three
consecutive days before weaning?
a. O.5 pound
b. 1 pound
c. 1.5 pounds
d. 2 pounds
4. At what age should calves be dehorned?
a. 3 weeks
b. 1 month
c. 3 months
d. 6 months
5. What do the letters TMR stand for in regards to dairy nutrition?
a. Timed Milk Ratio
b. Total Milk Ration
c. Timed Matured Ration
d. Total Mixed Ration
6. What are the main sources of energy in a cow’s diet?
a. Fats and carbohydrates
b. Protein and carbohydrates
c. Fats and protein
d. Protein and vitamins
7. In order to determine the crude protein content of a feed you have to
multiply the nitrogen fraction by what number?
a. 3.25
b. 5
c. 6.25
d. 7
8. What should the body condition score of a cow be at calving?
a. 1.0-1.5
b. 2.5-2.275
c. 3.0-3.25
d. 3.75-4.0
9. What is the term given to the milk-mineral deposit on milk handling
a. Calcium build-up
b. Dirty equipment
c. Milk film
d. Milk stone
10. What type of mastitis is characterized by no detectable change in the udder
itself and no observable abnormality in the milk?
a. Acute mastitis
b. Chronic mastitis
c. Clinical mastitis
d. Subclinical mastitis
11. What is the legal limit for somatic cell counts in raw milk in the United
a. 200,000 cells/mL
b. 400,000 cells/mL
c. 750,000 cells/mL
d. 950,000 cells/mL
12. The process by which the udder reverts to a non-milk producing state after
drying off is know as what?
a. Eructation
b. Involution
c. Parturition
d. Shrinkage
13. What two simple sugars make up Lactose?
a. Glucose & Galactose
b. Glucose & Sucrose
c. Fructose & Galactose
d. Sucrose & Galactose
14. How many Federal Milk Marketing Orders are there in the United States?
a. 3
b. 6
c. 7
d. 10
15. What hormone is produced by the corpus luteum and is necessary for
maintain pregnancy?
a. Estrogen
b. Luteinizing hormone
c. Progesterone
d. Prostaglandin
16. What is the name of the thin cylinder in which frozen semen is preserved?
a. Cannula
b. French Straw
c. Semen Straw
d. Sheath
17. Which breed of dairy cattle has the longest gestation period?
a. Ayrshire
b. Brown Swiss
c. Holstein
d. Jersey
18. How many pairs of chromosomes do dairy cattle have?
a. 23
b. 27
c. 30
d. 33
19. The study of genes or gene products is known as what?
a. DNA
b. Genomics
c. Gene Mapping
d. Proteomics
20. What is the normal body temperature for a mature dairy cow?
a. 100.0° F
b. 101.5° F
c. 102.5° F
d. 103.0° F
21. Which of the following diseases is caused by a virus?
a. Blackleg
b. Ketosis
c. Warts
d. Milk fever
22. What is the name of the metabolic disorder that often occurs when a dairy
cow eats too much grain?
a. Acidosis
b. Bloat
c. Laminitis
d. Retained placenta
23. What disease is caused by a deficiency of Vitamin E and/or selenium?
a. Ketosis
b. Mad Cow Disease
c. Scours
d. White Muscle Disease
24. What is the most common type of manure storage on dairy farms?
a. Liquid
b. Organic
c. Slurry
d. Solid
25. An area of grassland installed between cropland or feedlots and waterways
to take up nutrients and prevent nutrients from running off into water is
known as what?
a. Buffer strip
b. Contour
c. Erosion strip
d. Runoff Prevention Strip