2.1 Unit Prices 53 Analyzing a Unit Price Dairy farmers are paid for every 100 pounds of milk produced. a. In 2010, how much did a dairy farmer earn per gallon of milk produced? (A gallon of whole milk weighs about 8.6 pounds.) b. In 2010, the price of a gallon of milk was about $3.25. What percent of the price did the dairy farmer earn? Prices Paid to Dairy Farmers for 100 Pounds of Milk 20.0 17.0 16.0 15.0 14.0 13.0 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 0.0 1993 12.0 1992 An old saying is “A pint is a pound the world around.” The actual weight of a pint of water is about 1.04 pounds. There are 8 pints in a gallon, so a gallon of water weighs about 8.32 pounds. 18.0 1991 Study Tip Dollars per 100 pounds 19.0 Year SOLUTION a. In 2010, a dairy farmer earned about $16.50 for every 100 pounds of milk produced. $16.50 100 lb ( ) $16.50 8.6 lb 100 lb 1 gal $1.419 gal Unit price = — = — — = — A dairy farmer earned about $1.42 per gallon of milk produced. b. Amount earned by farmer Price per gallon For milk to be labeled “organic,” the cows must meet four criteria. • • • • Not treated with growth hormone Not given antibiotics while in a herd Not fed feed treated with pesticides Must have access to pasture $1.42 $3.25 — ≈ 0.44 The dairy farmer earned about 44% of the price. Checkpoint Help at In 2010, a dairy farmer earned about $25 for every 100 pounds of milk produced organically. The price of a gallon of organic milk was about $5.25. c. How much did a dairy farmer earn for a gallon of organic milk in 2010? d. What percent of the price did the dairy farmer earn? Copyright © Larson Texts, Inc. All rights reserved.