St. Katharine Drexel Parish April 2525-26, 2015 Cecilia Arciniega Hunter Baeten Riley Braatz Chloe DeValk Braden Evers Bryson Fiedler Ethan Granger Brayden Haase Mason Hansen Tucker Hofmann Noah Hunt Hailey Kobussen Malachi Lautenschlager Isaac Maas Blake Marx Archer Munson Amelya Nelson Natalie Rumbuc Solon Schaefer Kathryn Schmidt Summer Schmidt Grace Schomin Madeline Theimer Kylie VanHandel Brock Verboncouer John Voet Cayden Zahringer FR. JERRY’S CORNER I invite you to pray for our First Communion Candidates. First Communion will be celebrated on April 25-26 at St. Mary and St. Aloysius and May 2-3 at St. Mary and St. Francis. I also invite you to pray for our Confirmation Candidates. Confirmation will be celebrated Wednesday, May 6 at 7:00 PM at St. Aloysius Church with Bishop Robert Morneau. As they enter more deeply into communion with Jesus in these Sacraments of Initiation, may our prayers and example inspire them, as they inspire us by their not being afraid to be witness to our faith, hope and love. The Picnic Committee is meeting and planning for our parish picnic. Put the following dates on your calendar, July 10-12. Keep your eyes and ears open for ways to help. I am looking at coming up with a design and wording for a T-Shirt to help promote St. Katharine Drexel Parish and I need your help. I need you to come up with the most effective design and wording. I thought I would also make it a contest. The best design chosen by the Pastoral Council will receive a $50 Gift Scrip Card. Such things you might want to keep in mind is our mission statement: “To continue the mission of Jesus through prayer, service and sharing.” You might want to use scripture. You might want to use the name “Jesus” and with every letter of His name come up with a word that best describes Him and our parish. This T-shirt I am hoping will remind us and others of who we are. The dead-line for designs are Monday, June 1. Remember your design must fit the size of a T-shirt. You can also suggest the color of the T-shirt and wording. You can drop it off at the parish office, or bring it to mass, or mail it in, or e-mail it to . Help our parish and me evangelize the world. If you have any further thoughts or ideas feel free to contact a member of the Planning Committee. Contact information for the Planning Committee is as follows: Steve Lamers (213-6846); Pat Schmidt (428-2880); John Johnson (766-1445); Jeff Ruffing (850-4352); Eyla Mae Zwiers (766-3960); Carol Miller (759-7484) The parish summit took place with the Planning Committee and various committees from the parish. We examined the strengths, dreams and mission statement of our parish. We reviewed our current reality. Keeping in mind the parish mission, our realities and our dreams, we came up with priorities for the next three to five years. Given these priorities we brainstormed specific actions that can be taken to help parish dreams become realities. We also examined the scenarios that came from the Planning Committee, such as keeping things as is, selling some of the property at St. Aloysius, or selling all the property at St. Aloysius. The Planning Committee is in the process of scheduling open parish meetings to get input from the parish at large. The Planning Committee has been in contact with the Kaukauna Public School District to see if they would be interested in using the St. Aloysius site, but after discussion they decided not to. Another group did approach us for using the St. Aloysius Site, but they also decided not to. Again the goal of this process is to make our parish more effective and efficient in using the resources we have to carry out the mission of Christ and His Church. “Disciples on the Way” is an invitation from Bishop Ricken to embark on a missionary journey into the new evangelization. As a part of this journey, Bishop Ricken is asking each parish to schedule, once a month, a holy hour with the Blessed Sacrament. This monthly holy hour would be an opportunity to pray for the intentions of your parish and of the diocese. Here at St. Katharine Drexel Parish, we will be having our holy hour on the First Friday of each month from 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM at St. Aloysius church. As we deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ, as evangelizing “Disciples on the Way,” may we grow in our call to be holy, engaged and fully alive. Our next holy hour will take place on Friday, May 1. Peace, Fr. Jerry Weekend of April 1818-19, 2015 Sharing ................................................ $ 7,855.00 Loose ................................................... $ 774.95 Children Envelopes ............................. $ 2.25 Maintenance ........................................ $ 25.00 Heating ................................................. $ 86.00 Lents Alms Giving (Homeless Connection)$ 10.00 Sound System ...................................... $ 100.00 Holy Day .............................................. $ 10.00 • • Thank you to all who use scrip. The Scrip program gave the Parish $10,000.00 profit from November to March. Thank you who all support our Bingo program and work Bingo. The Parish office received a check for $7,000.00 from the Bingo account. Page 2 Welcome to the Catholic Family….. Jack Christopher Grebe, son of Christopher & Julie Grebe Addilyn Grace Petersen, daughter of Michael & Rachaele Petersen Lyle Lee Kempen, son of Jason & Becky Kempen Bennett Robert Warrens, son of Jacob & Sara Warrens WEDDING BANNS I I Cory Sanders & Melanie Brantmeier Kyle Hartzheim & Angie Bosch St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna iturgy The Gospels of Easter Time The gospels of the first three & Sundays of Easter featured inistry accounts of the appearance of the Risen Jesus to the disciples. They from Donna convince us that Jesus is still present to us, has conquered death, and is truly risen. Today’s gospel invites us to reflect on Jesus’ great love and care for us and to be assured that he will not abandon us. Then for the next three weeks the gospels prepare us for the celebration of the descent of the Spirit at Pentecost, a Spirit who now dwells within us, conforms us to Christ, and strengthens us to take up his saving mission. Mother’s Day Rose Sale at the St. Mary’s site: We need people to help sell Roses after Masses on Saturday, May 9th at the 4:00 pm Mass and Sunday, May 10th at the 10:30 am Mass. We also need a person to be in charge next year for the 2016 Mother’s Day Rose Sale Program. Proceeds from this event benefits the Wisconsin Right to Life. Please call Carol Cappaert (766-7196) or the parish office (766-1445) asap. Thanks. News from St. Katharine Drexel Elizabeth Ministry Special Blessing: There will be a special blessing at all the Masses the weekend of May 16 & 17, for anyone who is pregnant or in the process of adopting a child. Your parish family wishes to celebrate with you and support you with prayer. Father will simply offer the blessing to you and your family at the end of Mass. A small gift prepared by our Parish Elizabeth Ministry will be presented. If you are pregnant or are in the process of an adoption please come and accept this special blessing. WELCOME Let us welcome the newest parish members of St. Katharine Drexel Parish: Andrew & Kelly Culver and daughter Lillian. We are happy to have them as members of our parish family! Prayer for the week… Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Amen. Mass Intentions Week of April 26, 2015 Saturday 25 4:00 PM Sunday 26 8:30 AM 8:30 AM 10:30 AM Monday 27 11:00 AM Tuesday 28 8:30 AM Ruth Voet Fourth Sunday of Easter Gert VanDyke People of the Parish Don VandeWettering Jim Jakl Debbie Jochman Rosary St. Mary St. Al’s St. Francis St. Mary St. Mary Tom Summers and Walter & Esther Summers St. Al’s Wednesday 29 8:30 AM OPEN INTENTION St. Francis Thursday 30 8:30 AM Liturgy of the Word with Communion St. Francis Friday 1 8:30 AM Mr & Mrs Roy VandeYacht and Mr & Mrs Hugo VandeYacht Ralph , Lil and Mike Lauer St. Mary 6:00 PM Holy Hour St. Al’s Saturday 2 4:00 PM Bill Sr. & Betty Blenke Grace VanDynHoven St. Mary Sunday 3 Fifth Sunday of Easter 8:30 AM Ann Stumpf and Joseph & Isabel Stumpf LaVerne Miller St. Al’s 8:30 AM Jerry Golden Robert Biese St. Francis 10:30 AM People of the Parish St. Mary RECONCILIATION: Saturday - 9:00 AM at St. Al’s Church Bread & Wine Donation for the week of April 26, 2015 in memory of Brochtrup & Oberthur families Readings for the Week of April 26, 2015 Sunday: Acts 4:8-12/1 Jn 3:1-2/Jn 10:11-18 Monday: Acts 11:1-18/Jn 10:1-10 Tuesday: Acts 11:19-26/Jn 10:22-30 Wednesday: Acts 12:24--13:5a/Jn 12:44-50 Thursday: Acts 13:13-25/Jn 13:16-20 Friday: Acts 13:26-33/Jn 14:1-6 Joseph the Worker: Gn 1:26--2:3 or Col 3:14-15, 17, 23-24/ Mt 13:54-58 Saturday: Acts 13:44-52/Jn 14:7-14 Next Sunday: Acts 9:26-31/1 Jn 3:18-24/Jn 15:1-8 ©Liturgical Publications Inc April 26, 2015, Fifth Sunday of Easter Page 3 Calendar of Events SUN. Apr. 26 Fifth Sunday of Easter 6:30 PM Bingo (SH) (SM) MON. Apr. 27 All articles for the May 2-3, bulletin due by noon in writing. 11:00 AM Rosary (church) (SM) 1:00 PM Kaukauna Golden Agers Cards (City Hall) 5:30 PM Cub Scout Troop #3104 (SH) (SA) 6:00 PM Social Concern Meeting (St. Paul’s Home) 7:00 PM AA Group (SH) (SM) 7:00 PM Radiant Light Choir Practice (church) (SA) 7:00 PM Gym Rental (SM) TUE. Apr. 28 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) 6:00 PM Boy Scout Troop 104 Meeting (SH) (SA) 6:30 PM KCSS Board of Trustees (Holy Cross) 7:00 PM Cursillo Ulterya WED. Apr. 29 6:30 PM Mixed Choir Practice (church) (SF) 7:00 PM Gym Rental (SM) THUR. Apr. 30 Announcements for the weekend May 2-3 Masses are due by noon in writing. 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) 6:30 PM Glory & Praise Choir Practice (church) (SM) FRI. May 1 6:00 PM Holy Hour with Praise & Adoration (church) (SA) SAT. May 2 9:00 AM - Noon Christian Community Resale Store (120 E 2nd St.) SUN. May 3 Sixth Sunday of Easter 6:30 PM Bingo (SH) (SM) 7:00 PM Confirmation Rehearsal-Candidates & Sponsors (church) (SA) **Site Codes SA - St. Al Campus SF - St. Francis Campus SM - St. Mary Campus **Room Code PO - Parish Office SH - Social Hall café - cafeteria PC - Parish Center RM#-Classroom Bingo! Progressive Blackout Jackpot is $1,758.00. Sunday, April 26, May 3, 10, 17, and 31 Sunday night – St. Mary Campus, Social Hall Doors open 5:00 PM - Bingo Starts at 6:30 PM Spring Schedule for the Brown County Book Mobile. The Brown County Book Mobile will be at the St. Francis parking lot, 431 Cty. CE, Hollandtown Tuesday, May 19 from 4:30 to 6:30 pm. St. Katharine Drexel Parish Parish Fest News & Updates July 10, 11 and 12, 2015 Catholic Financial Life, Chapter 64 will be matching funds for the 2015 Parish Fest. Thank you Catholic Financial Life, Chapter 64. Wanted and needed for Parish Fest: Gift Basket/Silent Auction: • Gift basket or items for basket raffle. Also need new items for the silent auction. Craft items, wood craft things are great items. These items can be brought to church, the Parish Business office and/or we will pick up the items if you call Jan 766-2084 or Marion 766-1255. Thank you! Live Auction: • Donations for the live auction the past few years have been very questionable for resale. Hopefully starting earlier we will bring in some nice donations. Items we accept for the auction need be in workable, clean, and saleable condition. We are unable to accept electronics, computers, monitors, televisions and unusable appliances. These items cost the parish money to dispose of. Lets make this Parish Fest fun and profitable. General Store: • Please see the Community Christian Resale Store for additional news for the Parish Fest General Store donations. Community Christian Resale Store 120 Second Street You will be able to drop off items for the Parish Fest General Store, large or small, beginning in May at the St. Al’s site. Lots of rummage sales are being held in the next few months. If you have items left over, we can accommodate you by taking some of those items. Kaukauna city-wide rummage sale is Saturday, May 16th. A volunteer will be at the St. Al’s site between 6:00-7:30 pm if you would like to donate items that you were not able to sell, or at the Community Christian Resale Store at 120 E. Second Street on Tuesdays and Saturdays from 9:00 AM to Noon. Items we accept need be in workable, clean, and saleable condition. Please call Sue VanNuland at 766-2974 to arrange a drop-off time. (We are unable to accept electronics, computers, monitors, televisions and unusable appliances.) Store hours are Tuesday and Saturday from 9:00 AM to 12:00 Noon, and only in April Thursdays from 9:00 to 11:00 am. Thank you for your support. Any questions call Sue VanNuland (766-2974) The monthly Heart of the Valley ecumenical prayer Mustard Seeds… We all live lives of contemplation. The question is what do you contemplate? Is it the riches of the world, or women walking by in the street? Is it fame and power? Or, is it the wonders of God, His creation, and His spiritual gifts to humanity? (From Matthew Kelly) Pass this along to a friend. Page 4 breakfast will be held on Tuesday, April 28, at 7:00 am, in Friendship Hall at Holy Cross, Kaukauna. A continental breakfast will be served, followed by a message by Deacon Bud Klister of Holy Spirit Parish, Kimberly/Darboy. Attendees are asked to use the parking lot north of the church off Sarah Street. All men and women are invited to attend. St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna Kaukauna Catholic School System Catholic Formation 766-5997 Larry Konetzke, System Administrator Holy Cross 766-0186 St. Katharine Drexel-Kaukauna Spotlight on Faith Sharing This week we want to introduce you to one of our first year catechists. This year Mr. Jack Gossen worked with two other high school youth this year with a group of our 8th grade young men. ♦ Why did you decide to share your gifts in this ministry? My sister and a friend shared that. Working as a youth minister in our community is fun and a great way to learn more about your faith. ♦ What is the best part of working with your group? They were always excited to be at religion class and it was always fun hanging out and talking with them. ♦ What is challenging? After something funny happened in our class we would usually get off topic, which is sometimes expected. But there were no other challenges. ♦ Any special memories from this year? Yes, one of the most memorable moments was during the production of our 8th grade music video. Note: You can see this video on our parish Facebook page or on our Catholic Formation Website: ♦ What are your plans for the future? My goal after high school is to go to college and later be a pilot in the U.S. Air Force. ♦ Any other thoughts you would like to share with our community? Please continue to pray for our parish youth, we are all doing great things for our faith. Vacation Bible School 2015 July 27-31 Great fun and faith for children in grades 1-5 Now taking Registrations! IN SEARCH OF ITEMS FOR VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL For the first time, St. Katharine Drexel parish is having a vacation bible school this summer: EVEREST! It will be a fun and faith-filled week for kids in grades 1-5. The committee invites you to be a part of this exciting week. One way you can support the children of our parish is by donating items. Our first need is for bed sheets that you no longer use. We need lots of plain white sheets to use for decorating, a few tan, and some blue. These all need to be solid colors; no patterns please. They also would not be given back to you; these would be sheets you no longer use. If you have bed sheets we can have, please contact Nancy Vande Hey at 766-4524 or via email Thank you! April 26, 2015, Fifth Sunday of Easter KCSS’ Catholic classical curriculum seeks to form students into confident, intelligent and faithful young adults. † “Let no one despise your youth. Instead set an example in speech, in actions, in love, in faith and in purity.” 1 Timothy 4:12 • • Kaukauna Catholic School System is seeking an experienced part-time Administrative Assistant. The ideal candidate will be highly motivated, have excellent communication skills, be organized and able to multi-task. Administrative support experience, proficiency in MS Word, MS Excel and knowledge of operating standard office equipment is a must. This position is four hours a day, Monday through Friday. Applicants must be at least 18 years of age, able to pass a background check and be willing to attend Virtus training. Send your resume to Mr. Larry Konetzke at or mail to 220 Doty Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130. Help Wanted-Food Service Director-Kaukauna Catholic School System has an opening for a part-time Food Service Director. 20-25 hours per week. Prior experience is preferred. Must have or be able to obtain DPI Certification. Send your resume to Mr. Larry Konetzke at or mail to 220 Doty Street, Kaukauna, WI 54130. Mark Your Calendars for These Upcoming Events—Join Us! • KCSS Volunteer Appreciation Liturgy & ReceptionThursday, April 30th -If you volunteer at KCSS, you are invited to join us on Thursday, April 30th for our Volunteer Appreciation Liturgy at 8:20 a.m. in Holy Cross Church. Reception to follow in Friendship Hall with Refreshments and Entertainment. Please RSVP by calling the KCSS school office at 766-0186. God Bless Our Volunteers!! • Band & Choir Concert-Thursday, May 7th Band & Choir Concert 6:30pm, Dress Rehearsal 1:30pm. Pilgrimage opportunities… Holy Cross Parish in Kaukauna has four pilgrimage opportunities for you. Join Deacon Bruce and Kim Corey in Medjugorje from June 10-19. Or, join Fr. Tom Pomeroy and Deacon Bruce and Kim Corey on Labor Day weekend (September 5-7) for a pilgrimage to the Augustine Retreat Center in Conway, Michigan, a day on Mackinac Island and a Labor Day walk over the Mackinac Bridge. Or, walk three days with us to Our Lady of Good Help Shrine in Champion on September 11-13. Our final 2015 pilgrimage opportunity is to join Fr. Tom, Deacon Bruce and Kim in the Holy Land on November 4-13. There are some great things happening at Holy Cross Parish in Kaukauna, so call Kim at 766-3773 for a brochure or for additional information about any or all of these. Page 5 AREA EVENTS $crip $cuttlebutt! 766-1445 or With all the compromising of credit cards and identity theft, Erin Rogers would like to remind you that…. It’s safe to buy scrip. Local Scrip Merchant of the Week Northern Comfort Industries “Would you like a new patio or deck to enjoy those hot summer nights or cool fall evenings? Give us a call and we will help build your dream.” Retailers of the Week! We proudly stock Shopko and will be happy to special order St Pat’s Book Store for you. A Look at Life from a Woman’s Perspective Serrin Foster, President of “Feminists for Life of America” is presenting “The Feminist Case AGAINST Abortion” on Thursday, April 30 – 6:30pm at the Bemis International Center (Hendrickson Dining Room) at St. Norbert College, sponsored by the “Knights for Life.” Tickets are required, and seating is limited. This is quite an opportunity to hear Ms. Foster share her landmark presentation. To register on-line:, or contact the St. Norbert Box Office. This promises to be a very enlightening evening. Any questions, please contact Deacon Steve Vande Hey – 920-8508168 (cell) or e-mail: Saturday, May 2nd - Register now to participate in the third annual Walk to Mary. This 21 mile walking pilgrimage, with various join in points to shorten the route, begins at the National Shrine of St. Joseph at St. Norbert Abbey in De Pere, Wisconsin and concludes at the first and only authenticated Marion apparition in the United States, the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help in Champion, Wisconsin. Please consider joining us! Funds raised by the Walk to Mary will be used to support the education of children in their faith. Learn more and register at! Scrip Hours at St. Katharine Drexel Parish Office Monday to Thursday 8 to 12 & 1 to 4, Friday 8 to12, **Limited inventory is also offered at St. Francis Site following the 8:30 am Sunday Mass. Humor for the Soul 17th Annual Pig to Pig Walk: On Saturday, May 2, Larry’s Piggly Wiggly, Kaukauna and Little Chute, will be holding the 17th annual Pig to Pig walk. Proceeds from the walk will go to Make A Wish Foundation. For registration and additional information stop at Larry’s Piggly Wiggly in Kaukauna or Little Chute. Rectory Cook Needed St. Bernadette Parish is now accepting applications for the position of Rectory Cook. This job entails preparing 3-4 evening meals each week (no serving or clean up after the meals), grocery shopping and occasional food preparation for larger gatherings. Must be willing to cook for 2-8 people weekly. This position offers a flexible schedule and is approximately 8-12 hours/week. Evening meals are needed Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Newly remodeled rectory kitchen is fully functional with all new appliances, utensils, cookbooks and free training (Fr. Don lessons!). Looking to fill this position immediately. Please submit your cover letter, resume and salary expectations no later than May 1, 2015 to Patty Eichhorst at or mail to St. Bernadette Parish, Attn: Patty Eichhorst, 2331 E. Lourdes Dr., Appleton, WI 54915. KCSS RAFFLE CALENDAR WINNERS (Thanks Sherri Loderbauer) Page 6 04/13 04/14 04/15 04/16 04/17 04/18 04/19 Germaine Blair #1888 KAU $20 Aaron Rogers (The real #12) #1166 GreenBay $20 Ray Harvey #1724 KAU $20 Abby Pastors #1761 Naperville, IL $20 Mary Sharron #1899 KAU $20 Ronald Siebers #1683 KAU $20 Jerry & Kathy Comins #1084 APP $25 Sunday St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna April 26, 2015, Fifth Sunday of Easter Page 7 Page 8 St. Katharine Drexel Parish | Kaukauna April 26, 2015, Fifth Sunday of Easter Page 9