HLTH 331

Queen’s University
School of Kinesiology and Health Studies
Course Name:
Course Instructor:
Contact Hours:
Lectures: 1 x 3 hrs / 12 weeks
HLTH 331/3.0
Jennifer Brady
Advanced Human Nutrition
HLTH 230/3.0 or HLTH 131/3.0
or NURS 100/3.0
Course Description:
Course Texts (Required):
Advanced human nutrition takes a life cycle approach to
understanding nutrition as an important factor that impacts
health and well-being at each life stage. The course explores
nutrition concerns from a physiological, social, and behavioral
perspective in pregnancy and preconception, infancy,
childhood, adolescence, and early and later adulthood.
Special topics will also be presented throughout the course
and will feature content related to sport and performance
nutrition, non-diet and Health at Every Size approaches to
health, and chronic diseases, and food insecurity and world
Nutrition-Science and Applications, Smolin,
Grosvenor and Gurfinkel. Canadian
Edition. John Wiley and Sons Canada
Ltd. This textbook has associated online
content through Wiley Plus.
Course Objectives:
Describe physiological, social, and behavioral factors
that impact individuals’ nutritional status throughout the
life cycle
Describe special nutritional needs and recommended
guidelines of the life stages of pregnancy, infancy,
childhood, adolescence, and older adulthood. and
what makes each stage unique.
Describe the role played by family, community
organizations, and environments in shaping and
providing for individuals’ nutritional needs
Discuss special topics in nutrition including sport
nutrition, Health at Every Size and non-diet
approaches to health, food insecurity and world
hunger, and the relevance of these topics to various
stages of the life cycle.
Demonstrate proficiency in locating and evaluating
scientific literature, popular press, and governmental
and organizational content related to nutritional needs
during the life cycle.
Course notes will be posted on Moodle.
Course Evaluation:
Online Plagiarism Tutorial
Final Exam
Research Review Assignment
In-class activities
via To
Adopt an ethical approach to seeking out, interpreting,
synthesizing, and reporting scientific research
Course Outline
Course Introduction
Energy Balance, Obesity, Eating Disorders
Nutrition and Disease
Digestion, Alcohol, Protein
Performance Nutrition
Life Cycle – Pregnancy, Midterm Review
Life Cycle – Infancy to Adolescence
Life Cycle – Older Adults
Alternative Diets
Food Safety, Food Sources, and the Environment
World Hunger