AP Human Geography Mr. Tavani Midterm Study Guide

AP Human Geography
Mr. Tavani
Midterm Study Guide
Intro to Geography Unit
•definition of Geography
•types of maps
•contemporary geographic tools
•environmental determinism
•time zones
•regions (types)
•spatial distribution
•diffusion (types)
•All key terms from first chapter
-Popular Culture - know characteristics
-Know how and why one is clustered and one diffuses widely
-Know the effects of globalization
of popular culture
-Understand and identify examples
of all of the concepts in the Culture
-Ecological Trilogy
Population Unit
•Main global population centers
•population density (types)
•demographic transition model
•all population rates (CBR,CDR,
TFR, etc.)
•population pyramids
•population characteristics of
MDCs and LDCs
•demographic/hidden momentum
•Global population issues
•All key terms from the Population
Language Unit
-literary tradition
-official language
-standard language
-Origin and diffusion of English
-How migration and interaction affect language
-langauge family (def. and families)
-language branch
-language group
-Vulgar Latin
-isolate/isolated language
-extinct languages
-lingua franca
-pidgin language
-Flemings and Walloons
-Examples of multilingual countries
-Theories about first Indo-European speakers
Migration Unit
•spatial interaction
•gravity model
•types of migration
•push and pull factors
•major migration flows to the U.S.
•major global migration flows
•distance decay
•All key terms from the Migration
Culture Unit
-Folk Culture - know characteristics
Religion Unit
-ethnic religions (char. and examp.)
-universalizing religions (char. and
-Understand and identify examples
of all of the concepts in the Religion chapter
-Origin and diffusion of major universalizing religions
-Role of religion in Ireland and
Northern Ireland
-Distribution of religions in the U.S.
-Distribution of major religions
around the world
-Places of worship
-Religious fundamentalism and
-Territorial conflicts between religious groups
Identity & Ethnicity Unit
-relationship of identity and cultural
-Distribution of ethnicities in U.S.
-white flight
-ethnicity/ethnic group
-ethnic cleansing
Free Response Section
You will have two FRQs. They will be on the following topics. Know as much as you can about them and be
ready to use examples if asked for them.
1. Know European migration patterns over the last 150 years and how and why they have changed as a result of
demographic factors and economic factors.
2. Be able to identify and explain the where and why of the distribution of religions in the U.S.