Course Planning Worksheet-Suggested Sequence th 9 Grade Credits th 10 Grade Credits th 11 Grade Credits th 12 Grade English I English II English III English IV Math* Math* Math* Elective Science** Science** Science** Elective World Language Elective Elective Elective World History & Geography US History I US History II Elective Health & PE Health & PE Health & PE Health & PE Visual/Performing Arts st or 21 Century Life and Careers or Technology Education Total Credits Visual/Performing Arts st or 21 Century Life and Careers or Technology Education Total Credits Financial Literacy*** Elective Total Credits Total Credits Credits *Math-15 credits including Algebra I, Geometry, and effective with the Class of 2015, five (5) additional credits in mathematics **Science-15 credits including Biology, Chemistry OR Environmental Science OR Physics AND five (5) additional credits in lab science ***Financial Literacy-2.5 credits (effective with the Class of 2014) 120 CREDITS (MINIMUM) REQUIRED FOR HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATION Required Courses English *Math **Science US History World History & Geography World Language Health & PE ***Financial Literacy Visual/Performing Arts st 21 Century Life and Careers or Technology Ed 20 Credits/4Years 15 Credits/3Years 15 Credits/3Years 10 Credits/2Years 5 Credits/1Year 5 Credits/1Year 20 Credits/4Years 2.5 Credits/ 1/2 Year 5 Credits/1 Year 5 Credits/1Year Lunch will be scheduled in addition to the seven periods selected. Grade standing is determined by credit earned: To achieve 10th grade status (sophomore) 30 credits To achieve 11th grade status (junior) 60 credits To achieve 12th grade status (senior) 85 credits or earn enough credits to complete graduation requirements by June of that school year. All students must complete a minimum of 120 credits are required for graduation from high school.