December 2008 - University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine

VOL. 20, No. 1
Abdominal Applications of Intravenous Ultrasound
(US) Contrast
by Monzer M. Abu-Yousef, MD, Professor & Director of Ultrasound
Grayscale ultrasound (US) is
excellent for characterizing lesions.
Contrast enhancement routinely
used in CT and
MR is necessary
to improve microvascular blood
flow imaging for
optimal US tissue
characterization, however. US contrast utilization started over 23 years ago and has been FDA
approved for cardiac use for > 7 years. Despite
improvement in equipment technology and contrast
agents’ safety and efficacy, the FDA has not approved its use for abdominal applications.
Radiology Update is published to
inform colleagues and friends of
new developments in diagnostic
radiology and nuclear medicine.
Editor: Monzer Abu‑Yousef, MD
Associate Editor: Joan Maley, MD
Managing Editor: Nichole Jenkins
Copy Editor: Glena Clarke
Photographer: Jim Olson
renal and splenic perfusion defects and leaks
from ruptured AAA and AA grafts.
Contrast US examination is contraindicated in patients with uncompensated
COPD, heart failure and known coronary
artery disease due to the reduction in microvascular bed and caliber and increased risk
of embolization. Patients with known active
right to left shunt are also at increased risk
for brain embolism and infarction.
Set Mechanical Index (MI): 0.2 watts, and
select harmonic imaging. Optimize transmit
focus to the lesion’s depth and adjust the
TGC curve and gain. Minimize near-field
gain and use and modify contrast presets.
The principal role of
US contrast
is to improve
characterization of liver
lesions. It can
also improve
detection of Fig. 1. A, Color Doppler US exam of the liver in a 33-F with RUQ pain showing indeh e p a t i c l e - terminate liver lesion (arrows); B & C, early & late contrast US exam showed nodular,
sions as well, peripheral, centripetal, arterial & venous enhancement in lesion (arrows), characteristic of hemangioma.
although CT
and MR perInject 0.2 ml contrast, flush w 3 ml of saline
form better in detection. Contrast US is especially
over 4 seconds, then start realtime imaging
helpful in finding lesions that may not be detectable
and clip recording.
by routine US during US-guided biopsies. Contrast
US can also be very effective in the differential
(continued on next page)
diagnosis of pancreatic masses, detection of
December 2008Radiology Update
Abdominal Applications, continued from previous page
Potential complications & side effects
Cardiac and respiratory arrest, which may be fatal, are serious
but rare potential complications for US contrast exams. Less
serious complications include hypersensitivity reactions, such as
skin rash, but can be serious when patients develop anaphylactic
reaction. Side effects are more common and include headache
and back pain.
Patient monitoring
As with CT, patients undergoing contrast US exams are
given a contrast explanation sheet. In addition, the vital signs
should be monitored before, during and after US contrast exam
and should be evaluated for all potential complications and side
US contrast nature, properties & common agents
US contrast agents are made of microbubbles that are a size
smaller than the RBCs (2-8 µm) to enable them to pass through
the capillary circulation. They are administered intravenously so
they should be typically nontoxic, easily eliminated, physically
stable and acoustically responsive.
Each bubble is made of a shell composed of either protein,
lipid or polymer, and a gas that is either air or heavy gas. The
components of these bubbles determine its degree of stability,
acoustic responsiveness and safety. While air is more safe, it
is less stable and less responsive compared to heavy gas. Similarly, albumen shell is less stable than a shell made of lipid or
polymer. The list of US contrast agents is long, but the most commonly used ones include Optison made of albumin, air and PFP
(Mallinckrodt); Definity made of lipid, air and PFP (Dupont);
Sonovu made of surfactant, powder, air and SF6 (Bracco); Levovist made of Galactose, Palmitate and air (Schering/Berlex);
and Echogen made of surfactant and PFC (Sonus).
US contrast physics
The purpose of US contrast agents is to enhance small blood
vessel visualization. Using agents decreases tissue/vascular
contrast, however. Different techniques have been used to enhance contrast detection including harmonic imaging, filtration
and pulse inversion.
There are 3 different ways by which microbubbles interact
with US. Linear resonance results in fundamental enhancement,
and nonlinear resonance results in harmonic enhancement. Both
occur at low US intensity. Transient scattering results from
bubble disruption at higher US intensity levels.
Harmonic resonance results from the particle oscillating or reflecting US waves at multiples of the frequencies of the incoming
US waves. Tissue and blood reflect US waves at the fundamental
frequency, while microbubbles reflect at both fundamental and
harmonic frequencies. When the equipment is put in the CPS
mode during the ultrasound contrast exam, the reflected waves
undergo a filtration process that selectively affects the waves
at the fundamental frequency. Alternatively, the equipment
may send in waves at the same fundamental frequency but
Fig. 2. A, suspicious hypoechoic left lobe liver lesion in 60-F with breast
ca; B & C, contrast US showed a large central feeding vessel (arrowhead)
with centrifugal arterial hyper-enhancement (arrows), which persisted
throughout the venous & sinusoidal phases (not shown).
Fig. 3 A, US exam shows poorly-defined liver lesion (arrows) in a 55-male
with HCV & indeterminate lesion on; B & C, contrast US shows large
liver lesion (arrows) with early arterial hyper-enhancement persisting
into sinusoidal phase. K = kidney.
Fig. 4. A, US with poorly seen RL liver in 71-male with pancreatic ca. &
CT with liver lesion; B & C, contrast US shows arterial non-enhancing
lesion (arrows) with delayed peripheral hypo-enhancement.
at the opposite phase to cancel the waves reflected at this frequency
in a process called pulse inversion. Either of these processes leads
to prompt enhancement of the harmonic signals coming from the
contrast microbubbles.
Liver lesions contrast enhancing characteristics
On US contrast exams, the various liver lesions demonstrate
similar, though slightly different enhancement characteristics compared to that seen on CT and MR contrast exams. Three phases
of enhancement are demonstrated by US contrast: arterial (early),
portal venous (delayed) and sinusoidal (late) phases. Hemangiomas
show peripheral arterial enhancement with delayed centripetal filling
(Fig. 1). Focal nodular hyperplasia shows centrifugal hyperintense
arterial enhancement with continued portal venous and sinusoidal
enhancement (Fig. 2). Adenomas show centripetal arterial hyperintense arterial enhancement with portal venous and
(continued on page 5)
Radiology Update
December 2008
N otes from the Chair
Welcome to the latest issue “Radiology Update”. On behalf of the faculty and staff of the University of Iowa, Department of Radiology, I am pleased to highlight recent events and activities within
our department.
We are excited to let you know about our efforts to be a leader in biomedical imaging research and
biomedical imaging informatics, radiological education, and exceptional patient care. In this edition,
you will read about new areas of research development and new research grants, a new University
of Iowa research institute for biomedical imaging, and the latest accomplishments and kudos of our
dedicated faculty and staff.
New 2008 grants and contracts for research include:
A Merging Multi-scale Model for Simulations of Crystallization/Solidification of Nano-structured Materials
on Large-scale Parallel Computing Systems; National Science Foundation, Emerging Models and
Technologies; $240,000; PI: Ni, Jun
Abnormality Manipulation for Tomographic Imaging Perception Research; US Department of Health & Laurie L. Fajardo, MD, MBA Human Services, National Institutes of Health; $1,010,915.00; PI: Madsen, Mark T
Professor & Head,
Carotid Revascularization with ev3 Arterial Technology Evolution Post Approval Study (CREAT PAS); Department of Radiology
ev3 Endovascular, Inc.; $51,000.00; PI: Chaloupka, John
Data Collection for Development and Testing of a Mammography CAD System; VuCOMP, Inc.; 7,500.00; PI: Fajardo, Laurie L
Development for RSNA Personal Learning Portfolio; Radiological Society of North America; $20,000.00; PI: D'Alessandro, Michael
Diffusion MRI of the Human Brain; University of Wisconsin-Madison; $30,000.00; PI: Kim, Jinsuh
Excised Lung Project VPR; VIDA Diagnostics, Inc.; $10,121.00; PI: Hoffman, Eric
Genetic Epidemiology of COPD; National Jewish Medical & Research Center; $137,090.00; PI: Hoffman, Eric
Genotype-Phenotype Interactions in Severe Asthma Health Study; Wake Forest University; $20,114.00; PI: Hoffman, Eric
Imaging Effector Cell Trafficking in Rituximab Therapy of Follicular Lymphoma; Dana Foundation; $100,000.00; PI: Juweid, Malik
Inflammation, Myofibroblasts and Distal Lung Disease in Severe Asthma; Washington University in St. Louis; $55,908.00; PI: Hoffman, Eric
IPA for Vincent Magnotta; US Department of Veterans Affairs, Iowa City Veterans Affairs Medical Center; $11,000.00; PI: Magnotta, Vincent
Large-Scale Computing and Visualization for Cardiopulmonary Imaging; US Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health; $473,636.00; PI: Lin, Ching-long
Multicenter Retrospective Chart Review of the Wingspan Stent System with Gateway PTA Balloon Catheter; Boston Scientific Corporation; $15,000.00; PI: Chaloupka, John
Phase 2, Multicenter, Open-Label, Two-Stage Study to Evaluate the Safety and Efficacy of Intra-Arterial Catheter-directed Alfimeprase for Restoration of Neurologic Function and Rapid Opening of Arteries in Stroke (CARNEROS-1); Nuvelo, Inc.; $435,000.00; PI: Chaloupka, John
Stenting and Angioplasty with Protection in Patients at High Risk for Endarterectomy (SAPPHIRE WW); Cordis Corporation; $48,205.00; PI: Chaloupka, John
The NexStent Carotid Stent System: A Post Market Approval Evaluation Study in Conjunction with the FilterWire EZ Embolic Protection System; Boston Scientific Corporation; $25,625.00; PI: Chaloupka, John
Vertical Low Tesla Broadband MRI; US Department of Health & Human Services, National Institutes of Health; $500,000.00; PI: Hoffman, Eric
Congratulations to these individuals on their many successes with research!
It is a distinct pleasure to recognize our “best doctors” for 2008. The “best doctors” database (
included the following UI radiologists in its latest release: Monzer M. Abu Yousef, Thomas Barloon, Bruce P. Brown, John C.
Chaloupka, Georges Y. El-Khoury, Laurie Fajardo, Edmund A. Franken, Jr., Minako Hayakawa, David Kuehn, Yutaka Sato, Wendy
Smoker, Alan Stolpen, David Bushnell, Michael Graham, Daniel Kahn, and Yusef Menda. These individuals comprise over 1/3 of our
physician faculty.
It is also a pleasure to inform you of a new research institute at the University of Iowa that will lead advances in medical imaging. The
UI Carver College of Medicine and the College of Engineering established the Iowa Institute for Biomedical Imaging (IIBI) in October
2007. Biomedical imaging and image analysis play critical roles in modern medicine, both in the diagnosis and the treatment of disease.
The IIBI aims to foster multi-disciplinary and cross-college research and discovery in biomedical imaging and to improve training and
education. A primary objective of the institute is to translate the advances in imaging research to the clinic, improving healthcare for
patients. The collaborative nature of the institute ensures that insight from the “bedside” informs and helps direct fundamental imaging research at the “bench”. The institute will reside in the Iowa Institute of Biomedical Discovery building, to be completed in 2011.
Nearly 20,000 square feet will be devoted to biomedical imaging and image analysis activities. Radiological research projects will find
dedicated space for image acquisition, testing of innovative small animal and human imaging technology, and quantitative imaging
The mission of the Department of Radiology at The University of Iowa is to provide the highest quality, accessible and patient-friendly
radiological care while contributing to national efforts to advance training and research in medical imaging. Throughout our various
missions, we remain dedicated to progress in medical imaging and patient-centered care.
December 2008Radiology Update
Research Update
Education Update
by Kevin S. Berbaum, PhD, Professor, Perceptual
by Joan Maley, MD, Clinical Associate Professor,
Director, Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program
Radiologists now read more studies,
each containing more images placing
greater demands on their vision. Although certain levels of visual fatigue
existed with film-viewing, our preliminary data suggests that it is worse
with digital displays because they
do not provide the same stimulus for
oculomotor control as film. Eyestrain,
which is known clinically as asthenopia
(Ebenholtz, 2001; MacKenzie, 1843),
is a consequence of increased image
volume and display conditions.
With non-medical computer displays, just four hours of near
viewing is sufficient to produce asthenopia (Sanchez-Roman,
et al., 1996) and prolonged computer use may induce myopia
(Komiushina, 2000; Mutti & Zadnik, 1996). Oculomotor fatigue
caused by close work with digital displays may add to the effects
of extended workdays and aging eyes (Heron, Charman & Gray,
With our colleague Elizabeth Krupinski, a professor in the Radiology Department at the University of Arizona, our Perception
Lab will soon be studying the affect of visual fatigue on image
interpretation (Eyestrain in Radiologists, NIH Grant R01 EB004987,
principal investigator: Elizabeth Krupinski). Preliminary studies
suggests that radiologists report increasingly severe symptoms of
eyestrain, including blurred vision and difficulty focusing, as they
read more imaging studies. Our goal in this research project is to
determine whether the detrimental effects of extended inspection
of digital displays in radiology go beyond tired eyes and slower
We will attempt to assess eyestrain by measuring the changes in
accommodation. The lens of the eye is used to alter the refractive
index of light entering the eye to focus images on the retina. It is
covered by an elastic capsule whose function is to mold the shape
of the lens – varying its flatness and therefore its optical power. This
variation in optical power is known as accommodation.
We will be measuring accommodation using an autorefractor
(ours is the so-called WAM-5500 Auto Refkeratometer from Grand
Seiko). The device will measure accommodation as the observer
looks though a window at an x-ray image presented at a typical
viewing distance. The autorefractor will capture the observer’s focus
on the screen many times a second for a few seconds. We expect
focus to wander in front of and beyond the display screen when the
observer’s eyes are tired. We will study how this affects the time
needed to interpret images and whether it causes subtle lesions to
The Diagnostic Radiology Residency
Program at The University of Iowa
Hospitals and Clinics continues
to move forward and adapt to the
ever-changing, post-graduate training
requirements. The core competencies (professionalism, patient care,
medical knowledge, systems-based
practice, practice based learning and
communication) have now been with
us for seven years. We have completed the first two phases of their
implementation, teaching and assessment, and are entering phase
three, outcome measurements. In January 2008, the site visitor
from the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
reviewed our program and we received notice of reaccreditation
for four additional years.
We constantly evaluate the curriculum and program to keep
pace with the evolving landscape of graduate medical education.
A Technology/Systems rotation has been added. This allows
the residents the opportunity to shadow the technologists in the
individual areas of radiology. The residents will gain a better
understanding of the requirements necessary to obtain a diagnostic exam and gain an appreciation of the patients’ experience.
Additional rotations in Body MRI will help the residents gain
experience in this ever-expanding discipline and increased resident elective time allows the residents to tailor their residency
to their educational needs. Currently, the ethics curriculum is
being redesigned.
Radiology research has always been a cornerstone of our
residency and the residents continue to spend dedicated time on
research projects. Last year nine different residents presented
their research at four different national meetings; the American
Society of Head and Neck Radiology (ASHNR), the American
Society of Neuroradiology (ASNR), the Radiological Society of
North America (RSNA) and the American Institute of Ultrasound
in Medicine (AIUM). Dr. Bao Do won the resident research
training prize at RSNA for his research on Feedback Natural
Language Processing of Fractures in Unstructured Reports of
Emergency Department Studies.
We had 33 radiology residents in training as of July 1, 2008.
Our residents come to train with us from all over the country
and we are always looking to add diversity to the classes. In the
match just completed March 20, 2008, we matched four women
into the eight positions to begin training July 2009. Last year
all of our graduating residents successfully completed the oral
board exam.
Department Researchers Prepare to
Study Eyestrain in Radiologists
Diagnostic Radiology Residency
(continued on page 6)
Radiology Update
December 2008
Department of Radiology at the University of Iowa, allowing us
to interact closely with and learn from experienced radiologists
who train and teach in systems that are half a world away from
ours. Over the past three years the body section has hosted four
visiting professors. Drs. Akihiro Nishie and Yoshiki Asayama,
were from Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. Drs. Jae Young
Lee and Jeong Min Lee were both from Seoul National University
College of Medicine in Seoul, South Korea. Dr. Jung Hoon Kim
has recently begun a year’s sabbatical with us from Soonchunhyang University Hospital, Seoul, South Korea.
Dr. Tom Barloon is the primary teacher of fluoroscopy, passing
on the knowledge of classic radiology to the digital generation.
Dr. Monzer Abu-Yousef continues to head up the ultrasound division, most recently working to introduce the use of ultrasound
contrast agents to our clinical practice. The Body MRI division
remains under the direction of Dr. Alan Stolpen who has been
helping to guide an ongoing update of those facilities and scanners. When that is completed by early spring, the center will host
one 3T and four 1.5T scanners. Dr. Stolpen has also headed up
the development of our breast and cardiac MR services.
Sectional Update
Body Imaging Section
by David Kuehn, MD, Clinical Associate Professor,
Interim Director of Body Imaging
As with the rest of the department,
the Body Imaging section has been
experiencing a continual evolution of
the technology and workflow in radiology. With the number of detector
rows in the workhorse CT scanners
growing to ever larger multiples of 4,
the downstream interpretation technology has also had to adapt. Evolving into a department that is filmless,
paperless, using voice transcription,
and distributing images widely on the
desktop information system, we have also noticed a decrease in
our encounters with clinicians. Not only do we see fewer clinical teams dropping by to review images in consultation, we also
have fewer telephone interactions with clinicians.
An unfortunate byproduct of this ‘de-personalization’ of radiology, both here at the university and in the broader practice
of radiology throughout the country, is the risk of becoming
just a commodity. Once the end point of a radiology exam—the
report—has been reduced in the minds of referring clinicians
to a product that is just as easily obtained from Sidney, Minneapolis or Hawaii, it becomes difficult to justify the utility of
maintaining your viewbox here in Iowa. Simple numbers such
as price and time become the measure of the value of a report.
The body imaging section has addressed this trend by remaining very active in participating in multidisciplinary conferences
and tumor boards to develop and maintain the relationships
that demonstrate the added value of having a discussion with a
radiologist. It seems more than coincidence that the clinicians
we regularly interact with in these multidisciplinary settings are
the same ones who consult us most frequently for an informal
image review or consult.
The Body section has been adjusting to the retirement of
Dr. Bruce Brown last year after 31 years as a physician at The
University of Iowa. Board certified in internal medicine before
becoming a radiologist, Dr. Brown was involved in the early
introduction of ERCP at Iowa and most recently has been instrumental in developing a CT colonography program. He will
be greatly missed for the enthusiasm and energy he brings to
teaching and we wish him well.
There have been four additions to the section in the past
year. Former residents and fellows who have joined us include
Dr. Maheen Rajput, Dr. Eve Clark, and Dr. Wei Fang. Dr. Fang
is taking over for Dr. Brown in coordinating our CTC program.
Dr. Rajput is also staffing in breast imaging. Trained outside of
Iowa, Dr. Brooke Breen is a graduate of Tufts with a fellowship
in MR, who is directing the body fellowship.
There has been a long tradition of visiting professors in the
Abdominal Applications, continued from page 2
sinusoidal enhancement. Hepatocellular carcinoma typically
shows hyperintense arterial enhancement with portal venous and
sinusoidal washout (Fig. 3). Metastases show delayed peripheral
hypo-enhancement (Fig. 4). Focal fatty infiltration shows early
and late iso-enhancement. Other masses may show heterogenous early enhancement with irregular vascularity. Infarcts
in kidneys and spleens show perfusion defects.
US contrast consists of tiny microbubbles that enhance US
visualization of microcirculation using harmonic resonance,
selective beam filtration, pulse inversion and bubble bursting
techniques. US contrast in the liver assists in making a specific
diagnosis, confirming a diagnosis, or narrowing the differential
diagnosis of the various lesions. Correlation with patient history
and laboratory and US findings is important. Although approved
for cardiac use, US contrast is still awaiting FDA approval for
its abdominal use. Patients’ vital signs should be closely monitored before, during and after the procedure. There should also
be careful patient selection, excluding those with known active
heart or pulmonary disease, especially coronary artery disease,
arrhythmias, COPD and right to left cardiac shunts.
1. Burns PN, Wilson SR. Focal liver masses: enhancement
patterns on contrast-enhanced images--concordance of
US scans with CT scans and MR images. Radiology. 2007
2. Cosgrove D, Blomley M. Liver tumors: evaluation with
contrast-enhanced ultrasound. Abdom Imaging. 2004 JulAug;29(4):446-54.
December 2008Radiology Update
I first met Jason when he was a
humor and was always willing to take a
medical student. There he stood in
chance, try something new. My retireDr. Jason Ross Martin
my doorway with a wide grin. He sat
ment party was near the time of Jason’s
1/29/70 - 2/25/08
and listened to an idea I had for demfellowship graduation. It was held out
onstrating liver anatomy with threein the country around Iowa City; the
A Remembrance
dimensional reconstructions. Each of
green, growing rolling Iowa country
us only had a few minutes, but as the
side in June -- just about the closest
conversation went on, Jason flooded me
to heaven anybody could imagine.
with questions, most of which I couldn’t
Jason was kind enough to be there and
answer. So the minutes turned into an
shake my hand. That meant a lot to me.
hour or so, a research plan, and in less
Later, as the party was winding down,
than a month he had answered most of
I looked up trying to spot an airplane
his own questions, completed a literaflying low over the hills, but I never saw
ture review, as well as the project that
the plane, and it passed.
he deftly presented at RSNA that year.
There were still a few days left
That was Jason: curious, respectful,
for me at work, and as I was cleaning
hardworking, sometimes stubborn, but
out my office, Jason came in, plopped
always smiling and on the go. So as well
down in the only chair not full of files
as being a new physician, he was also
and boxes and showed me an aerial
a licensed pilot and an award-winning
photo of green Iowa fields, a tent, some
people far below. It was a picture he
After becoming board-certified in
had taken of the retirement party from
radiology at the University of Nebraska,
that low-flying plane we had heard.
Jason spent time in private practice, but
One hand on the wheel, one hand
he wanted to know more about academic radiology and
over his shoulder, snapping a photo of my retirement party.
came to UIHC in 2006-7 for a body imaging fellowship.
That was Jason, taking a chance, flying low over the green
Initially he had difficulty getting used to our dictation
fields to present us with a new view of things -- going back
and reporting system. He and I had many long and frank
to get more information in a new fellowship to better prepare
discussions about this. At his age, with his past wide exfor helping people.
perience as a private practice radiologist, he could have
I will never forget Jason. I’m sure he’s near us right now
simply disregarded our suggestions--but he didn’t. He took
trying to find a new way of thinking about things. When he
his additional training and our comments very seriously,
finds it you can be sure that somehow, while we’re trying to
staying after hours, working on weekends, asking quesmake sense of cleaning out our office of thirty years, putting
tions, making suggestions for our own program. During his
up a grandchild’s swing, moving to a retirement home, he
fellowship, under the direction of Dr. Monzer Abu-Yousef,
will walk into our lives, smile, and show us something we
Jason completed a second presentation on the safety of
have never seen before.
thyroid biopsies, which he presented at the 2007 RSNA.
Our deepest condolences go to his family at his death. We
So with this give-and-take process, through his hard work,
thank them for his life.
we all learned something. It was an honor to present him
his fellowship diploma. He had earned it.
Bruce P. Brown, MD, Associate Professor Emeritus
Jason was fun to be around. He had a quirky sense of
Research Update, continued from page 4
be missed that were called when the oculomotor system was not
fatigued. Preliminary before- and after-workday measurements on a
few radiologists show significant degradation in the ability to focus
on both near and far objects after a day of image interpretation,
although the degradation is more severe for near vision.
of visual fatigue during work involving visual stress. Vestnik
Oftalmologii 2000;116:33-36.
4. MacKenzie W. On asthenopia or weak-sightedness, Edinburgh
J Med & Surg 1843;60:73-103.
5. Mutti DO, Zadnik K. Is computer use a risk factor for myopia?
J Am Optometric Assn 1996; 67:521-530.
6. Sanchez-Roman FR, Perez-Lucio C, Juarez-Ruiz C, VelezZamora NM, Jimenez-Villarruel M. Risk factors for asthenopia
among computer terminal operators. Salud Publica de Mexico,
1. Ebenholtz SM. Oculomotor systems and perception. Cam-
bridge University Press, New York, NY, 2001.
2. Heron G, Charman WN, Gray LS. Accommodation responses
and ageing. Invest Ophthal Visual Science 1999;40:2872-2883.
3. Komiushina TA. Physiological mechanisms of the etiology
Radiology Update
December 2008
Welcome New Faculty!
Eve D. Clark, MD, joined the Department of Radiology as a Clinical Assistant Professor. Dr. Clark received her medical training from the University of Iowa College of
Medicine. She completed her residency in diagnostic radiology, as well as a fellowship
in body imaging at University of Iowa Hospitals & Clinics. Dr. Clark joins the faculty
of the Body Imaging section.
Wei Fang, MD, joined the Department of Radiology as a Clinical Assistant Professor.
He received his medical training at the University of Iowa College of Medicine and later
went on to complete his diagnostic radiology residency at University of Iowa Hospitals
& Clinics. Dr. Fang also completed a fellowship in body imaging at UIHC and recently
joined the faculty of the Body Imaging section.
Jung Hoon Kim, MD, Visiting Assistant Professor, joined the Body Imaging section
of the Department of Radiology. Dr. Kim completed his medical education at College
of Medicine, Hanyang University in Seoul, Korea. He completed his residency at Asan
Medical Center, University of Ulsan College of Medicine in Seoul. Dr. Kim also completed two fellowships in abdominal radiology, one at Ulsan College of Medicine, and
the other at Soonchunhyang University Hospital in Seoul, where he also currently serves
as an Assistant Professor.
Jun Ni, PhD, joined the Department of Radiology as an Associate Professor. Dr. Ni
also has secondary faculty appointments in the Departments of Mechanical & Industrial
Engineering and Biomedical Engineering in the College of Engineering at the UI. Dr.
Ni also serves as the director of ITS Research Services and is director for the following
University of Iowa laboratories: Medical Imaging HPC and Informatics Research Lab
(MIHPC Lab), Department of Radiology; Hawkeye Radiology Informatics, Department of
Radiology; and the HPC Nanotechnology Research Lab (HPCNano Lab), Department of
Mechanical Engineering. Dr. Ni is also Honorable Co-Director of the High-performance
Computing Laboratory in the School of Biomedical Engineering & Sciences at Virginia
(continued on next page)
In addition to our new faculty, we would also like
to welcome our new fellows:
Body Imaging
Bradley King, MD, Fellow-Associate
Scott Greenley, MD, Fellow-Associate
Breast Imaging
Archana Laroia, MD, Fellow-Associate
Stephen Burke, MD, Fellow-Associate
Glenda Holzman, MD, Fellow-Associate
Amol Katkar, MD, Fellow
David Watkins, MD, Fellow-Associate
Hani Al-Ali, MD, Fellow
Nuclear Medicine
R. Charles Callison, MD, Jr., Fellow-Assoc
Wei Liu, MD, Fellow-Associate
John Terry, MD, Fellow-Associate
Aristides Capizzano, MD, Fellow
Sandeep Laroia, MD, Fellow
Christopher McKinney, MD, Fellow
Aaron Settler, MD, Fellow
Ravi Sood, MD, Fellow-Associate
Achint Singh, MD, Fellow
Vascular Interventional
Anish Bansal, MD, Fellow
Lokesh Khanna, MD, Fellow
December 2008Radiology Update
New Faculty, continued from previous page
Maheen Rajput, MD, Clinical Assitant Professor, joined the Department of Radiology
as member of the Body Imaging section. Dr. Rajput completed her medical training at
the University of Illinois College of Medicine, Urbana and Peoria, IL. She later went on
to complete her residency in diagnostic radiology at the University of Iowa Hospitals and
Clinics. Prior to her appointment, Dr. Rajput completed fellowships in musculoskeletal
radiology and body imaging at UIHC.
John Sunderland, PhD, MBA, joined the Nuclear Medicine/PET section as an Associate
Professor. Prior to his appointment at UIHC, Dr. Sunderland was an instructor at Louisiana
State University - Shreveport, LA, in the Department of Chemistry and Physics. He also
served as Vice President of PET Operations at the Biomedical Research Foundation in
Shreveport. Dr. Sunderland received his PhD in Medical Physics from the University of
Wisconsin, Madison, WI, and an MBA from Centenary College, Frost School of Business, Shreveport, LA. He currently serves as the Technical Director for the PET Imaging
Center at UIHC and PET Expert Consultant for Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
for the Establishment of a Cyclotron/PET Facility in the Urals region of Russia as part of
the US Department of Energy Nuclear Cities Initiative.
New Residents
Diagnostic Radiology
Saad Ali, MBBS,
Aga Khan University, Pakistan
Tamer Ghosheh,
MD, University
of Iowa
MBBS, University of Jordan,
David De Bruin,
MD, University
of Chicago
M. Cristian
Dobre, MD,
University of
Robert Heninger, MD, University of North
Spencer, MD,
Medical College
of Wisconsin
Nuclear Medicine
Jeffrey Meier,
MD, University
of Pennsylvania
Kamaljit Puri,
MBBS, Indira
Gandhi Medical
College, Shimia
HP, India
James Stecher,
MD, University
of Iowa
Harnoor Singh,
MD, Government Medical
College, Punjab,
Honors & Awards
D. Lee Bennett, MD
Appointed Associate Diagnostic Radiology Residency Program Director
Michael M. Graham, MD
 Vice-President Elect, Society of
Nuclear Medicine, 2008
 Appointed Examiner of the
American Board of Radiology,
June 2008
Geetika Khanna, MD, MS
Certificate of Appreciation, Radiol ogical Society of North America,
Radiology Update
Joan Maley, MD
 Selected as one of 30 candidates to
participate in the 2008 AUR-Agfa
Radiology Management Program
during the AUR’s annual meeting
Toshio Moritani, MD
 Appointed to the Electronic Educa-
tion and Internet Committee for the American Society of Neuro-
radiology, 2006-2010
 Listed in Who’s Who in Medicine and Healthcare, 2006-2007
 Reviewer for Postgraduate Medi-
cine, European Neurology, Neurology India, Cancer Research, Journal of Neurotrauma
Brian Mullan, MD
One of 3 radiologists chosen to par-
ticipate in a 14-day trip to Uganda for an RSNA-sponsored Interna-
tional Visiting Professor Program to teach residents new skills using the resources available to them.
Jun Ni, PhD
Recipient of one of 6 summer
faculty fellowships at the University
December 2008
Laurie L. Fajardo,
MD, MBA, Receives
2008 AUR Gold
Medal Award
Professor and Chair of the Department of
Radiology, Laurie L. Fajardo, MD, MBA, was
awarded the presitigious Gold Medal Award by
the Association of University Radiologists.
The Gold Medal is “awarded in recogni‑
tion of unusually distinguished service or
contributions to the Association of University
Radiologists, academic radiology, or the field
of radiology in general.”
Dr. Fajardo was honored with the award, along with David C. Levin, MD, at a rec‑
ognition ceremony in March of 2008. Congratulations, Dr. Fajardo!
Photo courtesy of the Association of University of Radiologists
of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign’s National Center for Supercomputing and Applications, participating in a
cyberinfrastructure-based project on
petascale computing applications in multidisciplinary domains
Awards Received
at National Meetings
Jeong D, Park JM, Adkins B, Menda Y, Franken EA, Fajardo LL. PET/CT Findings in
Breast Cancer; Correlation with Mammography and Ultrasound. American Roentgen
Ray Society, Washington DC, April, 2008. BRONZE MEDAL
Baima J, Smoker WRK, Gentry, LR, Michel MA, Reede DL: Don’t Talk with your
Mouth Full (of your tongue): Causes of Macroglossia. American Society of Head
and Neck Radiology Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, September, 2007. THIRD PLACE
Alsheik NH, Gentry LR, Smoker WRK, Reede DL. Maxillofacial trauma presenting
to a level I trauma center: Imaging findings, classification, and complications in 1000
consecutive patients. American Society of Head and Neck Radiology 41st Annual
Meeting, Seattle, WA, September 2007. RESIDENT AWARD PAPER
Lee HK, Smoker WRK, Moritani T, Lee A: Oculomotor nerve: Anatomy and pathology. Radiological Society of North America 92nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL,
Dorantes TM, Reede DL, Hwang W, Smoker WRK, Holliday RA, Gentry LR: Buccal
space is “in your face.” Radiological Society of North America 92nd Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL, November 2007. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT AWARD
President of the Science, Technol-
ogy, Engineering and Math Educa-
tion Society
 Listed in Who's Who in Medicine
Higher Education (WWMHE) AcademicKeys
 Achievement Award, The World Academy of Science, World Computer Congress, Las Vegas, NV, 2007
Founding Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiology Informatics; Journal of Computa-
tional Biosciences and
Associate Editor for Science
Letters; and Supplemental Issue Editor, BMC Bioinformatics
Honorable Editorial Board, Reports in Medical Imaging
Editorial Board, Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China;
Journal of Computational Intelli-
gence in Bioinformatics; Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience
(continued on next page)
December 2008Radiology Update
2007-2008 RADIOLOGY
Resident Teacher of the Year
Todd Ebbert, MD
Resident Educator of the Year
Ahmad Izard, MD
Outstanding Resident Teachers
Dean McNaughton, MD
Paul Wheeler, MD
Senior Faculty
Teacher of the Year
Monzer Abu-Yousef, MD
Outstanding Junior Faculty
Teacher of the Year
Eve Clark, MD
Resident Research Award
Rakesh Patel, MD
Resident Teacher of the Year
Mohammad Asif Dogar, MD
Resident Award for Outstanding
Clinical Service
Mohammad Asif Dogar, MD
Krabbenhoft Award for Excellence
in Teaching
Monzer Abu-Yousef, MD
Faculty Teacher of the Year
Joong Mo Ahn, MD
Breast Imaging Center Receives
National Recognition
Honors, continued from previous page
Guest Editor/Associated Guest Editor, Journal of Computa tional and Theoretical Nanotech-
nology; Intl. Journal of Computa tional Science and Engineering
Wendy R. K. Smoker, MD
Team Leader and First Place Award
winner for Stump the Stars, South-
eastern Neuroradiological Society Freeport, Bahamas, October 2007
Selected as a 2008 Woman of Achieve ment by the American Biographical Institute
John Sunderland, PhD
Appointed Technical Director, Positron Emission Tomography
Edwin R. J. van Beek, MD
Reviewer for Academic Radiology;
Critical Care Medicine; EuropeanRadiology, Investigative Radiology; Journal of Magnetic
Please join me in congratulating the Breast Imaging
Clinic for their achievement of National recognition as a
gain recognition as a center of excellence, our center
has achieved high standards for technologist and
physician training and credentialing, imaging quality
assurance and quality control, diagnostic accuracy,
patient safety and follow-up, practice audit, and utilization review/appropriateness.
Thank you Dr. Jeong Mi Park and Deb Havel for your hard work, leadership and determination in reaching this goal! --Dr. Laurie L. Fajardo, Professor & Head
Resonance Imaging; Radiology European
Society of Thoracic Imaging 2008
2008 Past-Chair, Hyperpolarized
noble gas MR study group, Interna-
tional Society of Magnetic Reso
nance in Medicine.
Paul D. Wheeler, MD
Selected as one of 35 candidates to
participate in the 2008 Siemens-SUR
Radiology Resident Academic
Development Program during the
AUR’s annual meeting.
Radiology Update
December 2008
The print version of this section contains a listing of contributors to
the Department of Radiology for the period of July 1, 2006
through June 30, 2007. If you wish to receive a print copy,
please contact Nichole Jenkins at (319) 353-8690.
Books/Book Chapters
Ahn JM, El-Khoury GY. Stress Injuries. In: Pope T, Morrison WB, Wilson DJ, eds. Imaging of the Musculoskeletal System, Vol. 1. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders/Elsevier; 2008:975-1001.
Menda Y, Graham MM. FDG PET Imaging of Head and Neck Cancers. In: Biersack HJ, Freeman LM, eds. Clinical Nuclear Medicine. New York: Springer; 2007.
Ni J (Editor), Jin H, Huang S, Demaria J. Proceeding of Third International Conference on Internet Computing in Science and Engineering, IEEE Computer Science Publications, 2008.
Schuknecht B, Smoker WRK. Imaging diseases of the pharynx and oral cavity. In: Diseases of the Brain, Head and Neck, and Spine. Hodler J, vonSchulthess GK, Zollikofer ChL, eds. Springer-Verlag Italia, 2008:149-158
Xiao S, Ni J, Wang S. The Bridhing Domain Multiscale Method and its High Performance Computing Implementation. In: Cao J, ed. Cyber-
infrastructure Technologies and Applications. Nova Science Publishers, Inc; 2008.
Abada HT, Golzarian J. Gelatine sponge particles: handling characteristics for endovascular use. Tech Vasc Interv Radiol. 2007 Dec;10(4):257-60.
Abada HT, Golzarian J. Multidetector CT in abdominal aortic aneurysm following endovascular repair: how to consider the value of a delayed phase.
Radiology. 2007 Nov;245(2):610; author reply 610-1.
(continued on next page)
December 2008Radiology Update
Publications, continued from previous page
Armato SG 3rd, McNitt-Gray MF, Reeves AP, Meyer CR, McLennan G, Aberle DR, Kazerooni EA, MacMahon H, van Beek EJ, Yankelevitz D, Hoffman EA, Henschke CI, Roberts RY, Brown MS, Engelmann RM, Pais RC, Piker CW, Qing D, Kocherginsky M, Croft BY, Clarke LP. The Lung
Image Database Consortium (LIDC): an evaluation of radiologist variability in the identification of lung nodules on CT scans. Acad Radiol. 2007 Nov;14(11):1409-21.
Armato SG 3rd, Roberts RY, McNitt-Gray MF, Meyer CR, Reeves AP, McLennan G, Engelmann RM, Bland PH, Aberle DR, Kazerooni EA, MacMahon H, van Beek EJ, Yankelevitz D, Croft BY, Clarke LP. The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC): ensuring the integrity of expert-
defined "truth". Acad Radiol. 2007 Dec;14(12):1455-63.
Aysola RS, Hoffman EA, Gierada D, Wenzel S, Cook-Granroth J, Tarsi J, Zheng J, Schechtman KB, Ramkumar TP, Cochran R, Xueping E, Christie C,
Newell J, Fain S, Altes TA, Castro M. Research Program (SARP) NHLBI Severe Asthm. Airway remodeling measured by multidetector computed tomography is increased in severe asthma and correlates with pathology. Chest. 2008 Jul 18. [Epub ahead of print]
Baker K, Namati E, Hoffman EA, van Beek EJR, Ferguson JS, Thomas KW, Ross AF, McLennan G. Virtual bronchoscopy: new applications for MDCT in pulmonology. Advances in MDCT – Thoracic Imaging 3(4):10-18.
Bayouth JE, Menda Y, Graham MM. Utility of positron emission tomography in radiotherapy practice with emphasis on head and neck cancer. Imaging Decisions MRI 2008; 12:14-24.
Bonucchi J, Hassan I, Policeni B, Kaboli P. Thyrotoxicosis associated Wernicke's encephalopathy. J Gen Intern Med. 2008 Jan;23(1):106-9.
Buck AK, Herrmann K, Büschenfelde CM, Juweid ME, Bischoff M, Glatting G, Weirich G, Möller P, Wester HJ, Scheidhauer K, Dechow T, Peschel C, Schwaiger M, Reske SN. Imaging bone and soft tissue tumors with the proliferation marker [18F]Fluorodeoxythymidine. Clin Cancer Res
14(10):2970-2977, 2008.
Burke SJ, Aggarwala G, Stanford W, Mullan B, Thompson B, van Beek EJ. Preablation assessment for the left atrium: comparison of ECG-gated cardiac CT with echocardiography. Acad Radiol. 2008 Jul;15(7):835-43.
Burke SJ, van Beek EJR. Pulmonary embolism. Advances in MDCT – Thoracic Imaging 3(4):30-38.
Busacker A, Newell JD Jr, Keefe T, Hoffman EA, Cook Granroth J, Castro M, Fain S, Wenzel S. A Multivariate Analysis of Risk Factors for the AirTrapping Asthmatic Phenotype as Measured by Quantitative CT Analysis. Chest. 2008 Aug 8. [Epub ahead of print]
Dakin JH, Evans TW, Hansell DM, Hoffman EA. Regional pulmonary blood flow in humans and dogs by 4D computed tomography. Acad Radiol. 2008 Jul;15(7):844-52.
D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP. Delivering biodefense continuing education to military medical providers by allowing a biodefense
educational curriculum to unfold in practice. Mil Med. 2007 Dec;172(12):1293-9.
Deng J, Yu H, Ni J, Wang L, Wang G. Parallelism of Iterative CT Algorithm based on Local Reconstruction. Journal of Supercomputing. 2008 March
29. [Epub ahead of print]
DeVries N, Gassman EE, Kallemeyn NA, Shivanna KH, Adams BD, Magnotta VA, Grosland NM. Validation of Phalanx Bone 3D Surface Segmenttion from CT Images Using Laser Scanning. Skeletal Radiol. 37(1):35-42, 2008.
Donta TS, Smoker WRK: Carcinoma of Unknown Primary. Topics in Magnetic Reson Imag 18(4):281-292, 2007.
Dornfeld K, Hopkins S, Simmons J, Spitz DR, Menda Y, Graham M, Smith R, Funk G, Karnell L, Karnell M, Dornfeld M, Yao M, Buatti J. Posttreatment FDG-PET uptake in the supraglottic and glottic larynx correlates with decreased quality of life after chemoradiotherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 2008; 71(2):386-392.
Fajardo LL, Park JM, Rosene B. Digital’s Demands. Enterprising Imaging. Therapeutic Radiology Management. Jan 2008. 33-37.
Fuld MK, Easley RB, Saba OI, Chon D, Reinhardt JM, Hoffman EA, Simon BA. CT-measured regional specific volume change reflects regional ventilation in supine sheep. J Appl Physiol. 2008 Apr;104(4):1177-84.
Fuld MK, van Beek EJR. Post-processing for pulmonary MDCT. Advances in MDCT –Thoracic Imaging 3 (4): 39-46.
Gassman EE, Powell SM, Kallemeyn NA, Devries NA, Shivanna KH, Magnotta VA, Ramme AJ, Adams BD, Grosland NM. Automated bony re
gion identification using artificial neural networks: reliability and validation measurements. Skeletal Radiol. 2008 Apr;37(4):313-9.
Gu F, Chen H, Ni J, Huang Z. Protein structural class prediction based on an improved statistical strategy. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9(Suppl 6):S10.
Hillis SL, Berbaum KS, Metz CE. Recent developments in the Dorfman-Berbaum-Metz procedure for multireader ROC study analysis. Acad Radiol. 2008 May;15(5):647-61.
Jagasia DH, van Beek EJR. Multidisciplinary collaboration for cardiopulmonary MDCT. Advances in MDCT–Thoracic Imaging 3(4):1-9.
Joong MA, El-Khoury GY. Radiologic evaluation of chronic foot pain. Am Fam Physician. 2007 Oct 1;76(7):975-83.
Juweid ME. 18F-FDG PET as a routine test for posttherapy assessment of Hodgkin’s disease and aggressive non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma: where is the evidence? J Nucl Med 49(1);9-12, 2008.
Radiology Update
December 2008
Khanna G, Bushnell D, O'Dorisio MS. Utility of radiolabeled somatostatin receptor analogues for staging/restaging and treatment of somatostatin receptor-positive pediatric tumors. Oncologist. 2008 Apr;13(4):382-9.
Khanna G, El-Khoury G. Partial tear of the quadriceps tendon in a child. Pediatr Radiol. 2008 Jun;38(6):706-8.
Khanna G, O'Dorisio MS, Menda Y, Glasier C, Deyoung B, Smith BJ, Graham M, Juweid M. Somatostatin receptor scintigraphy in surveillance of pediatric brain malignancies. Pediatr Blood Cancer. 2008 Mar;50(3):561-6.
Khanna G, O'Dorisio SM, Menda Y, Kirby P, Kao S, Sato Y. Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumors in children and young adults. Pediatr Radiol. 2008 Mar;38(3):251-9, quiz 358-9.
Kim BS, Kim JH, Choi GM, Kim SH, Park JK, Song BC, Kang W. Comparison of three free-breathing T2-weighted MRI sequences in the evaluation
of focal liver lesions. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008 Jan;190(1):W19-27.
Kim JH, Choi DH, Won JH et al. Hepatocyte-Like Cells from Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Engrafted in Regenerating Rat Liver Tracked with
in vivo Magnetic Resonance Imaging. Tissue Engeneering 2008;14(1):15-23.
Kopans DB, Pisano ED, Acharyya S, Hendrick RE, Yaffe MJ, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Bassett LW, Baum JK, Gatsonis CA. DMIST results: technologic or observer variability? Radiology. 2008 Aug;248(2):703; author reply 703.
Kronmüller KT, Pantel J, Götz B, Köhler S, Victor D, Mundt C, Magnotta VA, Giesel F, Essig M, Schröder J. Life events and hippocampal volume in first-episode major depression. J Affect Disord. 2008 Oct;110(3):241-7.
Kronmüller KT, Pantel J, Köhler S, Victor D, Giesel F, Magnotta VA, Mundt C, Essig M, Schröder J. Hippocampal volume and 2-year outcome in depression. Br J Psychiatry. 2008 Jun;192(6):472-3.
Kuhn MJ, Chen N, Sahani DV, Reimer D, van Beek EJ, Heiken JP, So GJ. The PREDICT study: a randomized double-blind comparison of contrast
induced nephropathy after low- or isoosmolar contrast agent exposure. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 2008 Jul;191(1):151-7.
Kunii N, Abe T, Kawamo M, Tanioka D, Izumiyama H, Moritani T. Rathke's cleft cysts: differentiation from other cystic lesions in the pituitary fossa
by use of single-shot fast spin-echo diffusion-weighted MR imaging. Acta Neurochirgica 149(8):756-769, 2007.
Lang EV, Berbaum KS, Pauker SG, Faintuch S, Salazar GM, Lutgendorf S, Laser E, Logan H, Spiegel D. Beneficial effects of hypnosis and adverse
effects of empathic attention during percutaneous tumor treatment: when being nice does not suffice. J Vasc Interv Radiol. 2008 Jun;19(6):897-905.
Lee HK, Park SJ, Yi BH, Yeon EK, Kim JH, Hong HS. Portal vein thrombosis: CT features. Abdom Imaging. 2008 Jan-Feb;33(1):72-9.
Li C, Grobmyer SR, Chen L, Zhang Q, Fajardo LL, Jiang H. Multispectral diffuse optical tomography with absorption and scattering spectral constraints. Appl Opt. 2007 Dec 1;46(34):8229-36.
Li C, Grobmyer SR, Massol N, Liang X, Zhang Q, Chen L, Fajardo LL, Jiang H. Noninvasive in vivo tomographic optical imaging of cellular morphology in the breast: possible convergence of microscopic pathology and macroscopic radiology. Med Phys. 2008 Jun;35(6):2493-501.
Liang X, Zhang Q, Li C, Grobmyer SR, Fajardo LL, Jiang H. Phase-contrast diffuse optical tomography pilot results in the breast. Acad Radiol. 2008
Lockhart ME, Fielding JR, Richter HE, Brubaker L, Salomon CG, Ye W, Hakim CM, Wai CY, Stolpen AH, Weber AM. Reproducibility of Dynamic
MR Imaging Pelvic Measurements: A Multi-institutional Study. Radiology. 2008 Nov;249(2):534-40.
Lu G, Ni J, Casavant T, Athey B. Highlighting computations in bioscience and bioinformatics: review of the Symposium of Computations in Bioinformatics and Bioscience. BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9(Suppl 6):S1.
Lu X, Nadvoretskiy V, Bu L, Stolpen A, Ayres N, Pignatelli RH, Kovalchin JP, Grenier M, Klas B, Ge S. Accuracy and reproducibility of real-time three-dimensional echocardiography for assessment of right ventricular volumes and ejection fraction in children. J Am Soc Echocardiogr. 2008 Jan;21(1):84-9. Epub 2007 Jul 12.
Magnotta VA, Adix ML, Caprahan A, Lim K, Gollub R, Andreasen NC. Investigating connectivity between the cerebellum and thalamus in schizo-
phrenia using diffusion tensor tractography: a pilot study. Psychiatry Res. 2008 Aug 30;163(3):193-200.
McEwan AJ, Atcher RW, Graham MM. Communication – a process of continuous improvement. J Nucl Med 49(5):25N, 2008.
McNitt-Gray MF, Armato SG 3rd, Meyer CR, Reeves AP, McLennan G, Pais RC, Freymann J, Brown MS, Engelmann RM, Bland PH, Laderach GE, Piker C, Guo J, Towfic Z, Qing DP, Yankelevitz DF, Aberle DR, van Beek EJ, MacMahon H, Kazerooni EA, Croft BY, Clarke LP. The Lung
Image Database Consortium (LIDC) data collection process for nodule detection and annotation. Acad Radiol. 2007 Dec;14(12):1464-74.
Mishima H, Lidral AC, Ni J. Application of the Linux cluster for exhaustive window haplotype analysis using the FBAT and Unphased programs.
BMC Bioinformatics. 2008 May 28;9 Suppl 6:S10.
Moritani T, Kim J, Sato Y, Bonthius D, Smoker WR. Abnormal hypermyelination in a neonate with Sturge-Weber syndrome demonstrated on diffusion-tensor imaging. J Magn Reson Imaging. 2008 Mar;27(3):617-20.
Moritani T. Routine work of radiologists in the USA. The Japanese College of Radiology 164, 2008.
(continued on next page)
December 2008Radiology Update
Publications, continued from previous page
Namati E, Thiesse J, de Ryk J, McLennan G. Alveolar dynamics during respiration: are the pores of Kohn a pathway to recruitment? Am J Respir
Cell Mol Biol. 2008 May;38(5):572-8.
Ni J, Deng J, Yu H, He T, Wang G. Analytical Model for Performance Evaluation of Parallel Katsevich Algorithm for 3-D CT Image Reconstruction.
Int. Journal on Computational Science and Engineering, Interscience Publisher, 2008.
O'Dorisio MS, Khanna G, Bushnell D. Combining anatomic and molecularly targeted imaging in the diagnosis and surveillance of embryonal tumors
of the nervous and endocrine systems in children. Cancer Metastasis Rev. 2008 Dec;27(4):665-77.
Oudkerk M, Stillman AE, Halliburton SS, Kalender WA, Möhlenkamp S, McCollough CH, Vliegenthart R, Shaw LJ, Stanford W, Taylor AJ,van Ooijen
PM, Wexler L, Raggi P. Coronary artery calcium screening: current status and recommendations from the European Society of Cardiac Radiology
and North American Society for Cardiovascular Imaging. Int J Cardiovasc Imaging. 2008 Aug;24(6):645-71. 
Pan H, Han Q, Yin G, Zhang W, Li J, Ni J. A ROI-Based Mining Method with Medical Domain Knowledge Guidance. The Proceedings of ICICSE|08,
IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2008, pp. 91-97.
Paradiso S, Turner BM, Paulsen JS, Jorge R, Ponto LL, Robinson RG. Neural bases of dysphoria in early Huntington’s disease. Psychiatry Res, 2008;
Park JM, Franken EA Jr, Garg M, Fajardo LL, Niklason LT. Breast Tomosynthesis: Present Considerations and Future Applications RadioGraphics.
2007 27(Special Issue):S231-S240.
Park JM, Franken EA Jr. Triangulation of breast lesions: review and clinical applications. Curr Probl Diagn Radiol. 2008 Jan-Feb;37(1):1-14.
Peterson LM, Mankoff DA, Lawton T, Yagle K, Schubert EK, Stekhova S, Gown A, Link JM, Tewson T, Krohn KA. Quantitative imaging of estrogen
receptor expression in breast cancer with PET and 18F-Fluoroestradiol. J Nucl Med, 49(3):367-374, 2008.
Pisano ED, Hendrick RE, Yaffe MJ, Baum JK, Acharyya S, Cormack JB, Hanna LA, Conant EF, Fajardo LL, Bassett LW, D'Orsi CJ, Jong RA,
Rebner M, Tosteson AN, Gatsonis CA; DMIST Investigators Group. Diagnostic accuracy of digital versus film mammography: exploratory analysis
of selected population subgroups in DMIST. Radiology. 2008 Feb;246(2):376-83.
Policeni BA, Smoker WR. Pathologic conditions of the lower cranial nerves IX, X, XI, and XII. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2008 May;18(2):347-68,
Policeni BA, Smoker WRK: The lower cranial nerves. Neuroimag Clin N Am 18:347-368, 2008.
Rahmouni K, Fath MA, Seo S, Thedens DR, Berry CJ, Weiss R, Nishimura DY, Sheffield VC. Leptin resistance contributes to obesity and hypertension in mouse models of Bardet-Biedl syndrome. J Clin Invest. 2008 Apr;118(4):1458-67.
Reede DL, Garcon E, Smoker WR, Kardon R. Horner's syndrome: clinical and radiographic evaluation. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2008 May;18(2):36985, xi.
Reeves AP, Biancardi AM, Apanasovich TV, Meyer CR, MacMahon H, van Beek EJ, Kazerooni EA, Yankelevitz D, McNitt-Gray MF, McLennan
G, Armato SG 3rd, Henschke CI, Aberle DR, Croft BY, Clarke LP. The Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC): a comparison of different size
metrics for pulmonary nodule measurements. Acad Radiol. 2007 Dec;14(12):1475-85.
Reinhardt JM, Ding K, Cao K, Christensen GE, Hoffman EA, Bodas SV. Registration-based estimates of local lung tissue expansion compared to
xenon CT measures of specific ventilation. Med Image Anal. 2008 Apr 12. [Epub ahead of print]
Rogers CS, Abraham WM, Brogden KA, Engelhardt JF, Fisher JT, McCray PB Jr, McLennan G, Meyerholz DK, Namati E, Ostedgaard LS, Prather
RS, Sabater JR, Stoltz DA, Zabner J, Welsh MJ. The porcine lung as a potential model for cystic fibrosis. Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. 2008
Ruprecht, A.. Oral and maxillofacial Radiology: Then and Now. J Am Dent Assoc. 139, Suppl: 5S-6S, June 2008. [
Schweitzer ME, Daffner RH, Weissman BN, Bennett DL, Blebea JS, Jacobson JA, Morrison WB, Resnik CS, Roberts CC, Rubin DA, Seeger LL,
Taljanovic M, Wise JN, Payne WK. ACR Appropriateness Criteria on suspected osteomyelitis in patients with diabetes mellitus. J Am Coll Radiol.
2008 Aug;5(8):881-6.
Sharafuddin MJ, Hoballah JJ, Kresowik TF, Sharp WJ, Golzarian J, Sun S, Corson JD. Long-term outcome following stent reconstruction of the
aortic bifurcation and the role of geometric determinants. Ann Vasc Surg. 2008 May-Jun;22(3):346-57.
Sheehan FH, Ge S, Vick GW 3rd, Urnes K, Kerwin WS, Bolson EL, Chung T, Kovalchin JP, Sahn DJ, Jerosch-Herold M, Stolpen AH. Threedimensional shape analysis of right ventricular remodeling in repaired tetralogy of Fallot. Am J Cardiol. 2008 Jan 1;101(1):107-13.
Shroff R, Kerchner A, Maifeld M, Van Beek EJ, Jagasia D, Dokras A. Young obese women with polycystic ovary syndrome have evidence of early
coronary atherosclerosis. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2007 Dec;92(12):4609-14.
Siddiq F, Vazquez G, Memon MZ, Suri MF, Taylor RA, Wojak JC, Chaloupka JC, Qureshi AI. Comparison of primary angioplasty with stent placement for treating symptomatic intracranial atherosclerotic diseases: a multicenter study. Stroke. 2008 Sep;39(9):2505-10.
Radiology Update
December 2008
Simons AL, Fath MA, Mattson DM, Smith BJ, Walsh SA, Graham MM, Hichwa RD, Buatti JM, Dornfeld K, Spitz DR. Enhanced response of
human head and neck cancer xenograft tumors to cisplatin combined with 2-deoxy-D-glucose correlates with increased 18F-FDG uptake as determined by PET imaging. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2007 Nov 15;69(4):1222-30.
Skelly LR, Calhoun VD, Meda SA, Kim J, Mathalon DH, Pearlson GD. Diffusion tensor imaging in schizophrenia: relationship to symptoms. Schizophrenia Res 2008;98 (1):157-162.
Smith RB, Robinson RA, Hoffman HT, Graham MM. Preoperative FDG-PET imaging to assess the malignant potential of follicular neoplasms
of the thyroid. Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 138(1):101-106, 2008.
Smith RB, Wayne, S, Maley, JE. Adult with Cheek Swelling. Patient of the Month Program – Otolaryngology 2008; 37(5):1-32.
Smoker WR, Gentry LR, Yee NK, Reede DL, Nerad JA. Vascular lesions of the orbit: more than meets the eye. Radiographics. 2008 JanFeb;28(1):185-204.
Smoker WR, Khanna G. Imaging the craniocervical junction. Childs Nerv Syst. 2008 May 7. [Epub ahead of print]
Smoker WR, Reede DL. Denervation atrophy of motor cranial nerves. Neuroimaging Clin N Am. 2008 May;18(2):387-411, xi.
Sparacia G, Cannizzaro F, D'Alessandro DM, D'Alessandro MP, Caruso G, Lagalla R. Initial Experiences in Radiology E-Learning. Radiographics
2007, 27(2):573-581.
Suter MJ, Reinhardt JM, McLennan G. Integrated CT/bronchoscopy in the central airways: preliminary results. Acad Radiol. 2008 Jun;15(6):78698.
Taylor RA, Siddiq F, Suri MF, Martin CO, Hayakawa M, Chaloupka JC. Risk factors for in-stent restenosis after vertebral ostium stenting. J Endovasc Ther. 2008 Apr;15(2):203-12.
Thomas CP, Erlandson JC, Edghill EL, Hattersley AT, Stolpen AH. A genetic syndrome of chronic renal failure with multiple renal cysts and early onset diabetes. Kidney Int. 2008 Oct;74(8):1094-9.
Thomas SM, Goodacre SW, Sampson FC, van Beek EJ. Diagnostic value of CT for deep vein thrombosis: results of a systematic review and
meta-analysis. Clin Radiol. 2008 Mar;63(3):299-304. Epub 2007 Dec 20.
Tosteson AN, Stout NK, Fryback DG, Acharyya S, Herman BA, Hannah LG, Pisano ED. DMIST Investigators. Cost-effectiveness of digital mammography breast cancer screening. Ann Intern Med. 2008 Jan 1;148(1):1-10.
van Beek EJ, Hoffman EA. Functional imaging: CT and MRI. Clin Chest Med. 2008 Mar;29(1):195-216, vii.
van Beek EJ, Mullan B, Thompson B. Evaluation of a real-time interactive pulmonary nodule analysis system on chest digital radiographic images:
a prospective study. Acad Radiol. 2008 May;15(5):571-5.
Van Beek EJ, Thompson B. Large field-of-view chest reconstruction on cardiac CT – worth the trouble. J Cardiovasc CT 2008;2:64.
Washko GR, Criner GJ, Mohsenifar Z, Sciurba FC, Sharafkhaneh A, Make BJ, Hoffman EA, Reilly JJ. Computed tomographic-based quantification of emphysema and correlation to pulmonary function and mechanics. COPD. 2008 Jun;5(3):177-86.
Weldon DT, Burke SJ, Sun S, Mimura H, Golzarian J. Interventional management of lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Eur Radiol. 2008 May;18(5):85767.
Williams MB, Raghunathan P, More MJ, Seibert JA, Kwan A, Lo JY, Samei E, Ranger NT, Fajardo LL, McGruder A, McGruder SM, Maidment AD, Yaffe MJ, Bloomquist A, Mawdsley GE. Optimization of exposure parameters in full field digital mammography. Med Phys. 2008
Xia Y, Song G, Zheng Y, Ni J, Zhu M. A Small World Overlay P2P Transfer System with Role-based and Reputation-based Access Control Policies. The Proceedings of ICICSE|08, IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos, CA, 2008, pp. 517-520
Xiao S, Ni J, Shaowen Wang S. The Bridging Domain Multiscale Method and its High Performance Computing Implementation. Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences, Vol. 5, pp. 1-10, 2008.
Xiao S, Wang S, Ni J, Briggs R, Rysz M. Reliability Analysis of Carbon Nanotubes Using Molecular Dynamics with the Aid of Grid Computing.
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanosciences. Vol. 5, pp. 528-534, 2008.
Yarlagadda R, Menda Y, Graham MM. Tc-99m red blood cell imaging in a patient with blue rubber bleb nevus syndrome. Clin Nucl Med 2008;
Zaidat OO, Klucznik R, Alexander MJ, Chaloupka J, Lutsep H, Barnwell S, Mawad M, Lane B, Lynn MJ, Chimowitz M; NIH Multi-center
Wingspan Intracranial Stent Registry Study Group. The NIH registry on use of the Wingspan stent for symptomatic 70-99% intracranial arterial
stenosis. Neurology. 2008 Apr 22;70(17):1518-24.
Zhang D, Donovan M, Fajardo LL, Archer A, Wu X, Liu H. Preliminary feasibility study of an in-line phase contrast X-ray imaging prototype.
IEEE Trans Biomed Eng. 2008 Sep;55(9):2249-57.
December 2008Radiology Update
Scientific Presentations
Abu-Yousef MM. Martin, J, MM, Peterson, G, Larotia, A, Wu, A. Do we need to with-hold anticoagulants in patients undergoing US-guided aspirations of thyroid & other neck masses? Society of Radiologists in Ultrasound Fellows Annual meeting, Chicago, IL, October 25-28, 2007.
Baker KM, Gabe L, Hoffman E, van Beek E, Look D, McLennan G, Hunninghake G. Comparison of bronchoalveolar lavage using different volumes. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Toronto, Canada, May 16, 2008.
Bo Qiang, Jun Ni, and Laurie Fajardo, Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithm for Simulation of Photon Migration inside Biological Tissues. RSNA|07, Chicago, IL, November 25-30, 2007.
Fuld MK, Simon BA, van Beek EJ, Hudson M, Sieren J, Hoffman EA. Transitioning from the laboratory to the clinic: adapting the Xe-CT method for human scanning. ATS 2008
Goh JPN, Chawla A, Chuah KL, Tan TY, Smoker WRK, Gentry LR Imaging of extranodal lymphoma in the extracranial head and neck American Society of Head and Neck Radiology Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, September 2007.
Gurol ME, Adams H, Moritani T, Maiseri H, Davis PH. Association of Blood Glucose Levels with the Extent of Tissue Injury in the Hyperacute Phase of Ischemic Stroke . 60th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Jun 7-10, 2008.
Hudson M, Saba O, Sieren J, van Beek EJR, Hoffman EA. Functional imaging of the lung via dual energy CT: requirements and limitations. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Toronoto, Ontario, May 16-21, 2008.
Ingalhalikar M, Kim J, Magnotta VA, Alexander AL. A comparative study of diffusion tensor field transformations. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, #1855, 2008.
Ingalhalikar M, Magnotta V, Kim J, Alexander A. Comparison of Tensor Rotation Methods. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: ISMRM Sixteenth Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canda, May, 2008.
Jeong D, Park JM, Adkins B, Menda Y, Franken EA, Fajardo LL. PET/CT Findings in Breast Cancer; Correlation with Mammography and Ultrasound. 108th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, April 13-18, 2008. (CME-assigned and Selected for a presentation for the “Power Hour” program)
Juweid ME, Buck AK, Baranowska-Kortylewicz J. Can radiolabeled thymidine analogs (RTAs) be used as in vivo probes of DNA repair synthesis? Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 14-18, 2008.
Kim J, Alexander A, Ingalhalikar M, Magnotta V. A simple method for ODF reorientation after deformable imaging registration. International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine: ISMRM Sixteenth Scientific Meeting, Toronto, Canda, May, 2008.
Kim J, Ingalhalikar M, Magnotta VA, Alexander AL. A simple method for ODF reorientation after deformable image registration. ISMRM 16th Scientific Meeting, Toronto, #3327, 2008.
Laroia AT, Stanford W, Mullan BF, Thompson B, van Beek EJR. Radiologic manifestations of pulmonary papillomatosis. Society of Thoracic Radiology Postgraduate Course, Fort Myers, FL. March 2008.
Laroia AT, Stanford W, Mullan BF, Thompson B, van Beek EJR. Unexpected findings on coronary CTA – worth the trouble?
Laroia AT, Thompson B, Mullan B, Stanford W, van Beek EJR. Chest X-ray CAD system: clinical experience in cancer follow-up patients. Society of Thoracic Radiology Postgraduate Course, Fort Myers, FL. March 2008.
Lee HK, Smoker WRK, Moritani T, Kim J. Large Meckel’s Cave: Clinical presentations and MR features. Radiological Society of North America 92nd Annual Meeting. Chicago, IL. Nov-Dec 2007.
Magnotta V, Harris G, Ingalhalikar M, Tao X. GTRACT: An Open Source Diffusion Tensor and Fiber Tracking Toolkit. MICCAI 2008 Workshop on Computational Diffusion MRI. New York, NY, September 2008
Magnotta VA, Li W, Grosland NM. Comparison of Displacement-Based and Force-Based Mapped Meshing. MICCAI Computational Biome-
chanics for Medicine III. New York, NY, September 2008.
Martin J, Abu-Yousef MM, Peterson G, Laroia A, Wu A. US-guided aspirations of thyroid & other neck masses are safe to perform in anticoagu
lated patients. Scientific Assembly and Annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, November 25-30, 2007.
Moritani T, Kademian J, Smoker WRK, Policeni BA, Lee H, Kim J, Sato Y. Diffusion-weighted imaging of scalp and skull lesions. American Society of Neuroradiology annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 2008.
Moritani T, Kirby P, Greenlee JDW, Sato Y. Inflammatory Myofibroblastic Tumor with Extensive Orbital, Paranasal Sinus, Intracranial, and Systemic Skeletal Involvements. 46th American Society of Neuroradiology. New Orleans, LA, May-Jun 2008.
Moritani T, Sato TS, Hitchon P, Sato Y. Intradiploic Cerebrospinal Fluid Pseudocyst: Unusual Complication of the Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt. 46th American Society of Neuroradiology. New Orleans, LA, May-Jun 2008.
Moritani T, Sato TS, Kirby P, Buatti J. Papillary Tumor of the Pineal Region. 46th American Society of Neuroradiology. New Orleans, LA, May-Jun 2008.
Radiology Update
December 2008
Parekh NN, Smoker WRK, Menezes AH. MR and CT imaging findings of calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate deposition disease at the cranio-
vertebral junction. American Society of Neuroradiology annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 2008
Park JM, Franken EA, Fajardo LL. Minimally Invasive Percutaneous Surgical Device for Breast Lesions. 108th Annual Meeting of the American Roentgen Ray Society, April 13-18, 2008.
Park JM, Franken EA, Garg M, Fajardo L. Breast Tomosynthesis: Preliminary results and future applications (AMA PRA Category I) Radiologi
cal Society of North America, Chicago, IL. November, 2006. (Invited by RadioGraphics and published) And The University of Iowa Review of the 2007 San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. Iowa City, IA. February 29, 2008
Policeni BA, Smoker WRK, Policeni FC, Gentry LR, Reede DL. Lower Cranial nerve pathology. A segmental approach. American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2008.
Qiang B, Ni J, Fajardo LL. Parallel monte carlo algorithm for Simulation of Photon Migration inside Biological Tissues. Scientific Assembly and Annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America, Chicago, IL, November 25-30, 2007.
Ramme A, Magnotta V, Grosland NM. Comparison of the Expectation Maximization Algorithm and an Artificial Neural Network for Automated Bone Segmentation. 54th Annual Meeting of the Orthopaedic Research Society, San Francisco, California, March, 2008.
Schultz MK, McAlister D, Tewson TJ, Harvey TJ, Horwitz P. Evaluation of a new Ge-68/Ga-68 generator for preparing high-purity radio-
pharmaceuticals for PET imaging. Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2008.
Schultz MK, Watkins GL, Tewson TJ. Removal of a [C-11]-carbonic acid impurity arising in the synthesis of 1-[C-11]-acetate using the captive solvent method. Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 14-18, 2008.
Shivanna K, Kallemeyn N, Tadepalli S, DeVries N, Magnotta V, Grosland N. IA-FeMesh: An Interactive All Hexahedral Mesh Generator For Discrete Anatomic Closed Surfaces. 2008 Summer Bioengineering Conference, Marco Island, FL, June, 2008.
Soebbing S, Tewson T, Franklin S. Incorporation of histidine-rich metal-binding sites onto small protein scaffolds: toward developing direct Tc-
labeling of proteins. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 2008.
Surapaneni K, Reede DL, Smoker WRK, Holliday RA, Gentry LR. Head and neck infections: Patterns of spread and complications. American Society of Neuroradiology annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 2008.
Surapaneni K, Reede LR, Smoker WRK, Holliday RA, Gentry LR. Road rules: Imaging evaluation of lesions in the thoracic inlet. American Society of Neuroradiology annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 2008.
Tadepalli SC, Shivanna KH, Magnotta VA, Grosland NM, Patient –Specific Hexahedral Mesh Generation for Orthopaedic Surgical Planning, 16th Annual Pre-ORS meeting, San Francisco, CA, 2008.
Thomas D, Bushnell D. Comparison of I-123 pre-therapy scintigraphy to post-therapy I-131 scintigraphy in postsurgical thyroid cancer patients. Presented at the Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 14-18, 2008.
Voria PR, Destian S, Reede DL, Smoker WRK. All that jazz: The sellar region: A review of anatomy and pathology. American Society of Neuroradiology annual meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 2008.
Watkins GL, Thede-Reynolds KR. [F-18]Sodium fluoride “on demand”: an answer to reliance on technetium diphosphonates. Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, June 14-18, 2008.
Weldon DT, Policeni BA, Donta TS, Smoker WRK: Intraosseous lipomas of the skull base: CT and MRI features a differentiation from other pa-
thologies. American Society of Head and Neck Radiology 41st Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA, September 2007.
Woodhouse N, Wild JM, Hoggard N, van Beek EJR, Taylor CJ. Hyperpolarised Helium-3 MRI pre and post physiotherapy in cystic fibrosis: preliminary experiences. American Thoracic Society International Conference, Toronoto, Ontario, May 16-21, 2008.
Wu A, Martin J, Abu-Yousef MM, Peterson G, Laroia A. US-guided aspirations of thyroid & other neck masses are safe to perform in anticoagu-
lated patients. Annual A.R.R.S. meeting, Washington, DC, April 13-18, 2008.
Invited Speakers
Abu-Yousef, MM. 1) A primer in obstetrical ultrasound; 2) A primer in gynecologic ultrasound; 3) Mock Boards in abdominal ultrasound. Univ-
ersity of Indiana, Indianapolis, IN, September 10, 2007. [Visiting Professor]
Abu-Yousef MM. 1) Role of US Imaging in the diagnosis of thyroid gland disease; 2) Role of intravascular bubble contrast in ultrasound imaging. Iowa Radiologic Technology Annual Meeting, Cedar Rapids, IA, May 3, 2008.
Abu-Yousef MM. 1) Ultrasound of extratesticular masses; 2) Contribution of Doppler ultrasound to diagnosis of bowel disease; 3) Ultrasound role in diagnosis of thyroid disease; 4) Role of liver Doppler in diagnosis of hepatic and extra hepatic diseases. First Arab Radiological Conference, ARC, Dead Sea, Jordan, April 25-29, 2007.
Abu-Yousef MM. Intravascular contrast in ultrasound. Iowa Radiological Society Annual Meeting. Iowa City, Iowa, November 2-3, 2007.
(continued on next page)
December 2008Radiology Update
Invited Speakers, continued from previous page
Abu-Yousef, MM. Advances in renal duplex Doppler ultrasound imaging. Nephrology Division; Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Iowa, College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA, May 2008.
Abu-Yousef, MM. Introduction to Liver duplex Doppler ultrasound imaging. Gastroenterology & Hepatology Division; Department of Internal Medicine, The University of Iowa, College of Medicine, Iowa City, IA, January, 2008.
Abu-Yousef, MM. Abdominal aortic aneurysm ultrasound screening program: logistics & organization. American Institute of Ultrasound in Med-
icine Annual meeting, San Diego, CA, March 13-16, 2008.
D'Alessandro MP. Collaboration: Learning in a Pediatric and Radiology Community of Practice on the Internet Using Social Networking Software. Japanese Society of Pediatric Radiology 2008 Annual Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, June 20-21, 2008.
El-Khoury GY. Pelvic Ring and Acetabulum. American Roentgen Ray Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, April 13-18, 2008.
Fajardo LLF. Imaging Studies for Local-Regional and Systemic Assessment. 61st Annual Cancer Symposium, Chicago, IL, March 13, 2008.
Fajardo LLF. Diagnostic Radiology Grand Rounds, “Digital Mammography.” University of Maryland, Feb. 20, 2008.
Fajardo LLF. Co-Chair Department of Defense, Breast Cancer Research Program Meeting, Era of Hope, “Concurrent Symposia Sessions III”. Baltimore, MD, June 25-28, 2008.
Graham MM. Demonstrating Value of PET/CT Imaging (moderator) at the 29th Annual High Country Nuclear Medicine Conference, Vail, CO, February 29-March 5, 2008.
Graham MM. Head and Neck PET/CT: Normal Structures, Common Pathology at the Pacific Northwest Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine Annual Meeting, Portland, OR, March 15-16, 2008.
Graham MM. PET/CT – Head and Neck Cancer at the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Southwestern Chapter of the Society of Nuclear Medicine, Little Rock, AR, March 28-30, 2008.
Graham MM. Update on IRAT (Imaging Response Assessment Team) at the 29th Annual High Country Nuclear Medicine Conference, Vail, CO, February 29-March 5, 2008.
Jun Ni. Cyber infrastructure-enabled Computations for the Discovery of Innovative Technology in Medical Imaging through Nanotechnology. HPCNano07, in IEEE/ACM Supercomputing, Reno, NV, 2007.
Jun Ni. Cyber-enabled HPC for Accelerating Medical Imaging & Informatics Research. National Center for Supercomputing Applications
(NCSA), Summer Faculty Fellowship, Opening, June 5, 2008.
Jun Ni. HPC-enabling Technology for Medical Imaging and Informatics in Integrated Medical Image Informatics Systems. First Annual Microsoft HPC Summit, in IEEE/ACM SC07, Reno, NV, 2007.
Jun Ni. Modeling of biotransport in biophysics systems using petascale computing and medical imaging. NSF invited workshop on Biological Communications and Molecular Communications, Feb. 20-21, 2008.
Jun Ni. Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithm for Simulation of Photon Migration inside Biological Tissues. The Iowa Institute of Biomedical Imaging, Seminar, May 1, 2008.
Jun Ni. Vision of Cyberinfrastructure for Biomedical Imaging. ECE Graduate Seminar and the Iowa Institute of Biomedical Imaging, Feb. 7, 2008.
Juweid ME. Application of targeted imaging to cancer care. At the "Molecular and Translational Oncology Workshop,” organized bythe Cancer Education Consortium (CEC), Reston, VA, April 2008.
Juweid ME. Beyond FDG-PET: FLT-PET for assessment of lymphoma. Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Radiology, New Haven, CT, February 2008.
Juweid ME. FDG-PET for Management of Lymphoma. Department of Nuclear Medicine Technische Universitat Munchen, Munchen, Germany, April 2008.
Juweid ME. Proposed response criteria for interim PET/CT in lymphoma. 10th International Conference on Malignant Lymphoma, Lugano, Switzerland, June 2008.
Juweid ME. Radioimmunotherapy of Lymphoma. The 31st Annual Ted Bloch Memorial Lecture. Society of Nuclear Medicine Southwestern Chapter Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AK, March 2008.
Juweid ME. Role of PET for Lymphoma Management. Society of Nuclear Medicine Southwestern Chapter Annual Meeting, Little Rock, AK, March 2008.
Kahn D. CTCA and coronary artery disease. Presentation to primary care providers at the VAMC, December 2007.
Kahn D. CTCA: How to perform and in whom. UIHC Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Fellow Core Conference, March 2008.
Radiology Update
December 2008
Moritani T. CNS infection. Showa University, School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 18, 2008.
Moritani T. Imaging of Gliobalstoma multiforme. St. Luke's International Hospital, Tokyo, Japan, Jan 18, 2008.
Moritani T. Invited as presenter and discusser. Productive/successful life in U.S.A for Japanese radiologists. Film reading session: Japan vs. USA. The 5th Eisai Evening Seminar in Chicago, during RSNA. Nov 28, 2007, Chicago IL, 2007.
Ruprecht A. 1) Dental Implants: Why CT? 2) Interesting Radiographic Findings for Yonsei’s AGD; 3) Clinical Dental Education at The University of Iowa. Yonsei University, Seoul, March 17-18, 2008.
Ruprecht A. CBCT What is it and what can it do for me? University District Dental Society, Iowa City, April 9, 2008.
Ruprecht A. Specialty Recognition, Certification and Accreditation in the United States of America. Korean Academy of Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Seoul, March 15, 2008.
Smoker WRK. CT of Cervical Spine Trauma. Annual Meeting of the Iowa Society of Radiologic Technologists. Iowa City, Iowa, April 2008.
Stolpen AH. MR Contrast Policy at the University of Iowa. Nephrogenic Systemic Fibrosis Advisory Board Meeting (GE), Chicago, IL, February 2008.
van Beek EJR. 1) Meet the Professor-Assessing lung function using MRI. 2) New developments in lung imaging: CT, PET and MRI. American Thoracic Society, Toronto, ON, May 2008.
van Beek EJR. MDCT of coronary arteries-pitfalls and artifacts. European Society of Thoracic Imaging, Nice, France, May 2008.
van Beek EJR. PHELINET Course, Sorbonne University, January 2008. [Visiting Professor]
Invited / Refresher Course Faculty
El-Khoury GY. 1) New Trends in Imaging of Cervical Spine Trauma; 2) New Trends in Imaging of Thoraco-Lumbar Spine Trauma. National Diagnostic Imaging Symposium. (Presented by World Class CME) Lake Buena Vista, FL, December 2-6, 2007.
Graham MM. 1) Issues Involving Approval of New Radiopharmaceuticals at the Clinical Nuclear Medicine/PET Postgraduate Course (Harvard); 2) Molecular Imaging in Oncology at the Clinical Nuclear Medicine/PET Postgraduate Course (Harvard). Boston, MA, May 13-16, 2008.
Jeong D, Park JM, Adkins B, Menda Y, Franken EA, Fajardo LL. PET/CT Findings in Breast Cancer ; Correlation with Mammography and Ultrasound. American Roentgen Ray Society, Washington DC, April, 2008 (CME-assigned and Selected for a presentation for the “Power Hour” program)
Ni J. Modeling of biotransport in biophysics systems using petascale computing and medical imaging. NSF invited workshop on Biological Communications and Molecular Communications, February 20-21, 2008.
Ni J. Vision of Cyberinfrastructure for Biomedical Imaging. ECE Graduate Seminar and the Iowa Institute of Biomedical Imaging, February 7, 2008.
Smoker WRK. 1) Spinal Neoplasms; 2) Degenerative Spine Disease and Spinal Infections; 3) Vascular and Miscellaneous Spinal Pathology; 4) Suprahyoid Neck I (SS, PPS, CS); 5) Suprahyoid Neck II (MS and P); 6) Suprahyoid Neck III (PMS and oral cavity). Lecturer in Neuroradiology. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology, Bethesda, MD, May 2008.
Smoker WRK. Evaluation of the patient with motor cranial neuropathy. American Society of Head and Neck Radiology 42nd Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, September, 2008.
Smoker WRK. 1) Sinonasal Masses; 2) Lesions of the Pharyngeal Mucosal Space. World Class Radiology, Lake Buena Vista, FL, December 2007.
Smoker WRK. 1) Superficial, Parapharyngeal and Carotid Spaces of the Neck; 2) Oral Cavity Pathology; 3) The Pharyngeal Mucosal Space; 4) ENT Symptomatology of Craniovertebral Junction Pathology; 5) The Parotid Space. Los Angeles Radiological Society, Los Angeles, CA, January 2008.
Smoker WRK. CT of Cervical Spine Trauma. Annual Meeting of the Iowa Society of Radiologic Technologists, Iowa City, Iowa, April 2008.
Smoker WRK. Denervation atrophy of motor cranial nerves. Radiological Society of North America 92nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, Nov-Dec 2007.
Smoker WRK. DJD and Infections of the Spine. 2007 Fall Meeting of the Iowa Radiological Society, Iowa City, IA, November 2, 2007.
Smoker WRK. Long Island College Hospital, Brooklyn NY, May 2008. [Visiting professor]
Smoker WRK. The patient presenting with a motor cranial neuropathy. American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting, New Orleans, La, June 2008.
Smoker WRK. 1) Pharyngeal mucosal space and oral cavity pathology; 2) Parapharyngeal Space-the Crossroad; 3) The Craniovertebral Junction; 4) Masticator and parotid spaces. Allegehny General Hospital, Pittsburgh, PA, December 2007. [Visiting Professor]
December 2008Radiology Update
Radiology Update
Department of Radiology
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics
200 Hawkins Dr
Iowa City, IA 52242
Invited Course Faculty, continued from previous page
Smoker WRK. The Pharynx and Oral Cavity. International Diagnostic Course in Davos- 40th Annual Meeting, Davos, Switzerland, April 2008.
Smoker WRK. Winthrop Hospital, Mineola, NY, May 2008. [Visiting professor]
Exhibits / Posters
Goh JPN, Chawla A, Chuah KL, Tan TY, Smoker WRK, Gentry LR. Imaging of extranodal lymphoma in the extracranial head and neck. American Society of Head and Neck Radiology Annual Meeting, Seattle WA. September 2007.
Gurol ME, Moritani T. et al. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Abnormalities in Status Epilepticus (SE) and Frequent Repetitive Seizures (FRS). 132nd Annual Meeting of the American Neurological Association, Washington DC, Oct 7-10, 2007.
Krupinski EA, Johns A, Berbaum KS. Measurement of visual strain in radiologists.(Poster). Annual Meeting of the SPIE – The International Society for Optical Engineering, Medical Imaging 2008: Image Perception and Performance, San Diego, CA, February, 2008.
Laroia AT, Stanford W, Mullan B, Thompson B, van Beek EJR. Radiographic manifestations of pulmonary papillomatosis. Society of Thoracic Radiology, Fort Myers, FL, March 2-5, 2008.
Laroia AT, Stanford W, Mullan B, Thompson B, van Beek EJR. Unexpected Findings on Coronary CTA – Worth the Trouble. Society of Thoracic Radiology, Fort Myers, FL, March 2-5, 2008.
Lee HK, Smoker WRK, Lee AG, Yun J, Moritani T. Oculomotor nerve: Anatomy and pathology. Radiological Society of North America 92nd Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL. Nov 2007.
Llewellyn K, Smoker WRK, Lee HK, Michel MA, Gentry LR: Temporomandibular Joint CPPD and its Mimics. American Society of Head and Neck Radiology Annual Meeting, Seattle WA. September 2007.
Moritani T, Kirby P, Smoker WRK, Ando K, Kobayashi N, Sato Y. Spectrum of Symmetric Cytotoxic Edema in the Corpus Callosum with or without White Matter Involvement: Central Nervous Syste Cytokinopathy? American Society of Neuroradiology, 46th Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, May 31-Jun 5, 2008.
Moritani T, Smoker WRK, Lee HK, Donta T, Policeni B, Kademian J, Sato Y. Diffusion-weighted imaging of the scalp and skull lesions. 1) American Society of Head and Neck Radiology Annual Meeting, Seattle WA, September 2007; 2) American Society of Neuroradiology Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA, June 2008.