College of Public Health University of South Florida Department of Community & Family Health Syllabus Course Name: Theoretical Application to Public Health Issues Prefix & Number: PHC 7405 Sections: 1 Semester: Spring 2012 Course Description: Credit hours: This course is designed for the advanced doctoral student in Community & Family Health focusing on the application of theory in research and intervention development. 3 Pre-Requisites: PHC 6500 or equivalent; PHC 7XXX Advanced Evaluation and Research Methods; PHC 7415 Family Theory Co-Requisites: N/A Location: TBD Instructor Information: Instructor 1 Instructor 2 Instructor 3 TA 2 TA 3 Rita DeBate, PhD 813.974.6683 Teaching Assistant Information: Syllabus TA 1 Page 1 College of Public Health University of South Florida Required Materials: 1. Bartholomew LK, Parcel GS, Kok G, Gottlieb NH. (2006) Planning Health Promotion Programs: An Intervention Mapping Approach. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons. ISBN: 13 978 07879-7899-0 Additionally, as this is a case-based learning course students are encouraged to obtain the following recommended textbooks used in pre-requisite courses: 1. Glanz, K., Rimer, B.K., Viswanath, K (Eds.) (2008). Health Behavior and Health Education (4th edition). San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. 2. National Cancer Institute. Theory at a Glance: A Guide for Health Promotion Practice (2nd edition). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. National Institutes of Health (to be provided by instructors for class) 3. DiClemente RJ, Crosby RA, and Kegler MC. (Eds) (2009) Emerging Theories in Health Promotion Practice and Research. San Francisco, CA: Jossey Bass. Recommended Materials: Course Format: N/A The format for this course is Case-Based Learning (CBL). With a CBL you will participate in discussions of specific situations, typically real-world examples. CBL is learner-centered, and involves intense interaction between the participants. Case-based learning focuses on the building of knowledge and the group works together to examine the case. The instructor's role is that of a facilitator and the students collaboratively address problems from a perspective that requires analysis. Much of case-based learning involves learners striving to resolve questions that have no single right answer. More specifically, in this course you will address the following questions as the pertain to the case: • • • • • • • What is the situation—what do you actually know about it from reading the case? (Distinguishes between fact and assumptions under critical understanding) What issues are at stake? (Opportunity for linking to theoretical readings) What questions do you have—what information do you still need? Where/how could you find it? What problem(s) need to be solved? (Opportunity to discuss communication versus conflict, gaps between assumptions, sides of the argument) What are all the possible options? What are the pros/cons of each option? What are the underlying assumptions for the participants in the case— where do you see them? What criteria should you use when choosing an option? What does that mean about your assumptions? By following a case-based approach for applying theory to research and practice you will: Syllabus Page 2 College of Public Health University of South Florida a. Examine and apply what you have learned in courses that meet competencies in Scientific Knowledge and Theory, Research, and Practice domains; b. Determine what additional knowledge, resources you need to acquire to understand and solve the problem; c. Integrate newly acquired information with your existing understanding; d. State and defend positions with evidence and sound argument; e. Become more flexible in processing theory, research methods, and strategies for data analysis, and; f. Practice research skills that you will need to successfully complete your dissertation and future research studies. Syllabus Page 3 College of Public Health University of South Florida Learning Objectives: (Objectives must be numbered) By the end of the course, the student will: 1. Use multiple approaches to conceptualize and use theory to answer research questions 2. Select theories/theoretical constructs to inform methods to assess/change determinants of behavior 3. Develop theory-based research questions 4. Identify theoretical methods that can influence change in determinants and indentify conditions under which a given methods is most likely to be effective 5. Determine theory-based indicators and measures. Syllabus Page 4 College of Public Health University of South Florida Assessment Strategies: (Strategies must be numbered) 1. Case-based activities (CBA) (67%). Students will work in small teams to respond to a public health case study assigned by the instructor. Case-based assignment will be comprised of the following components: CBA 1: Conceptualization of the health issue and priority population (10 pts) CBA 2: Theoretical Framework (10 pts) CBA 3: Theory-based research questions (10 pts) CBA 4: Theory-based research approach (30 pts) CBA 5: Theory-based intervention objectives (10 pts) CBA 6: Theory-based intervention strategies (10 pts) 2. Theory-based intervention presentation (17%) (20 pts) 3. Class participation (16%): Class participation is comprised of class attendance, completing course readings prior to class, participation in class discussions, and participation in class activities. (20 pts) Syllabus Page 5 College of Public Health University of South Florida This course meets the following Community and Family Health PhD competencies Competency Defend the importance of theoretical frameworks in planning, implementation, and evaluation of community and family health interventions Sub-competency: Distinguish among major and emerging intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational, and community level theories used in community and family health Sub-competency: Apply appropriate theoretical frameworks to public health assessments, interventions, and evaluations Critically analyze research literature Identify models for guiding independent research Formulate research questions and testable hypotheses that will impact community and family health Sub-competency: Develop research questions and testable hypotheses based on established and/or emerging theories Align research questions with appropriate methods of inquiry Sub-competency: Weigh strengths and weaknesses of research designs and methods (both qualitative and quantitative) as related to research questions Learning Objectives Assessment Strategies 2-5 1-3 1-5 1 1 1 3 1 3 1 7. Syllabus Page 6 College of Public Health University of South Florida Grading Scale and Criteria: EARNED POINTS and ASSIGNED GRADE: 120-108=A 107-96=B 95-84=C 83-72=D 71 and below=F Grading Policies: All assignments turned in late will be penalized 10 points for each day. Attendance: COURSE POLICIES Attendance is expected at all class meetings. This is the ONLY way in which to meet the class participation requirement. IF YOU DO CHOOSE TO MISS CLASS, YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL WORK AND ASSIGNMENTS DUE ON DUE DATE See Institutional Policies section for Emergency Preparedness for Academic Continuity. Permission to Use Lectures: All unauthorized recordings of class are prohibited. Recordings that accommodate individual student needs must be approved in advance and may be used for personal use during the semester only; redistribution is prohibited. Instructor Expectations: Students are expected to participate in class discussions and activities. All assignments are due on specified due dates. Incomplete Policy: Indicate your policy and procedure for receiving an incomplete grade for the course. COPH policy: Field Trip Policy: Include expectations for appropriate dress, dates and time, location, and other requirements. Class Participation: Excellent/Highly Satisfactory Satisfactory Unsatisfactory 15-20 pts 10-14 pts 0-13 pts Attends all but one class session. Always well prepared for class. Evident that individual has completed all reading assignments prior to class Exhibits positive, supportive attitude toward course and class members Consistently contributes meaningfully to class discussion Consistently contributes meaningfully to class activity Participation is as good as one receiving an excellent rating, but one or two elements are not quite at an excellent level. Does not attend class on consistent basis. Never/rarely prepared for class. Evident that individual has not completed reading assignments prior to class Exhibits negative attitudes toward course and class members. Does not contribute to class discussions or in-class activities Course Calendar Syllabus Page 7 College of Public Health University of South Florida Session 1: Introduction Review Syllabus Methods for conceptualizing the public health issue (Precede/Proceed) Session 2: Introduction to the case study: Syphilis outbreak in Rockdale High School, Rockdale County, GA. Case Application: Theory-based research Session 3: Conceptualizing the public health issue (CBA 1 Due) Session 4: Determining the research questions Review of Intra-, Inter-, Organizational, and Community level theories commonly used in Public Health Session 5: Identifying the theoretical framework (CBA 2 Due) Session 6: Identifying the theoretical framework Session 7: Developing theory-based research questions (CBA 3 Due) Session 8: Putting it all together and transition to intervention development Case Application: Theory-based intervention development Session 9: Identifying change objectives (CBA 4 Due) Session 10: Selecting theory-based methods and strategies Session 11: Selecting theory-based methods and strategies Session 12: Developing theory-based program components and materials (CBA 5 Due) Session 13: Developing theory-based program components and materials Session 14: Planning for theory-based program adoption, implementation, and sustainability (CBA 6 Due) Session 15: Planning for theory-based intervention evaluation Syllabus Page 8 College of Public Health University of South Florida Session 16: Theory-based intervention presentations Reference List Additional Course Information Presentation grading rubric Syllabus Page 9