New Provincial and Council - Montfort Brothers of St.Gabriel

(Private circulation only)
April 2013
1. The New Provincial Team
2. Greetings from Rome!
3. Words of Gratitude
4. Quest for God - Birth of Religion(s).
5. Little Flower School, Abids.
6. Montfort Home, Kazipet.
7. Little Flower Junior College, Uppal.
8. Montfort Empowerment Park, Gorai.
9. C.R.I., Bangalore.
10. Montfort College, Bangalore
11. Montfort School, Kadapa.
12. St. AlphonsusH.S., Nalgonda.
13. Sitagarha Novitiate.
New Provincial and Council
Congratualations to the New Provincial Superior Bro. Franky Noronha
and Councillors Bro. Shajan Antony, Bro. Arun Prakash,
Bro. William D’Mello, Bro. Roque D’Cunha and Bro. Vincent Reddy
New Provincial and Council
George handed over a 'KEY' symbolizing authority held by him as the Provincial Superior is
now being passed on to Bro. Franky Noronha.
25th March saw the beginning of yet another historic moment for the Province of Pune. 3rd provincial in Council of the Province was installed at
the new Provincial house of the Province in the
presence of large number of Brothers from the
Mumbai Sector and a number of Brothers from
Hyderabad Province. The ceremony began at
6.30 pm with a meaningful prayer service. The
participants were led into the Chapel in a procession with the newly appointed provincial Superior Bro. Franky Noronha leading the members
carrying symbols that represent a new beginning.
Speaking on the occasion, the new Provincial
Superior, Bro. Franky Noronha invited the Brothers of the Province to march ahead with a spirit
of Brotherhood, team work and emphasizing on
the importance of communication in our lives
and in mission as an essential key to successful community life. He summarized his thoughts
in three catch words namely, LIVE, LOVE &
Congratulations and all the very best!
(Greetings from the Superior General on
the occasion of the installation of the New
Provincial Team)
Greetings from
the Superior General
Dear Brother George,
March 23, 2013
Greetings from Rome. On 25th March 20913,
the Province of Pune celebrates the Installation
of the New Provincial Team, for the term of office 2013-16. We, the Brothers of the Central
Administration, take this opportunity to thank
you, dear Brother George M.A., for your generous commitment as the Provincial Superior for
the last six years, and to thank the Provincial
Councillors, Brothers Shajan Antony, Jaico
Gervasis, William D'Mello, Thomas Reddy and
Vincent Mendonza, who have assisted you in
this very important mission. We appreciate the
concern you all have shows for the Brothers,
for the common good of the Province, and the
growth of the Montfortian Mission.
As the prayer service began the outgoing Provincial Superior Bro. M.A. George, handed over
a lighted candle to Bro. Franky Noronha who in
turn lit a specially decorated lamp which was followed by the newly elected Provincial Councilors' namely; Bros'. Shajan, Arun, William, Roque
and Vincent Reddy.
We take this opportunity to express our good
wishes to Bro. Franky Noronha, the new Provincial Superior, and to his team of Councillors,
Brothers Shajan Antony, Arun Prakash, Wiliam
D'Mello, Roque D'Cunha and Vincent Reddy,
that will assist him during the coming three
years. We are grateful to all them for their willingness to take up the responsibility entrusted
to them. We promise them our prayers and fraternal support, and we count on all the Broth-
During prayer, as a sign of handing over the responsibility of the administration of the Province,
the outgoing Provincial Superior Bro. M.A.
tor of All Saints' and things were settling down
very well and I was getting used to the people
and situations with plenty of future plans. It was
Bro. Rene Delorme and later on Bro. Jose
Thottiyil, Vicar General as well as Bro. John
Kallarackal, Asst. General, along with a few of
my close friends assured me then that everything will be fine. That made me to say like Mary
our Mother "YES" to the Lord.
ers of the Province to give them their whole
hearted collaboration, at all times. It may not
be out of place to remind the new Provincial
Superior and lending him support through their
own action, the Provincial Councillors give priority to the promotion of spiritual and religious
values and the apostolic dynamism of the
Province" (C 142). The Message and the Orientations of the 31st General Chapter and the
Provincial Chapters should remain as your
Agenda in discharging your responsibilities of
animation and administration. "God's call to
leadership found its greatest expression in
Christ, who did this through a life of service
and the gift of Himself to all … It is our growing
in Chirst that makes us Authentic Leaders".
(cf.31st GC No.2)
Now as I come to the end of my 2 terms, I have
mixed feelings. I am happy that I could carry out
my responsibility without any fear or favour during these 6 years. Yes, there were a few short
comings caused by our system of functioning in
the Provincial Administration where in at times
as provincial some compromises were made
against the best choice. I tried my best to carry
my team with me giving priority to the good of
the Province and therefore a few times individual
aspirations had to be sacrificed.
It is highly symbolic that the Installation of the
New Provincial Team should take place on the
feast of the Annunciation, when we recall
Mary's "yes" to the Lord's will. We recommend
the Brothers of the outgoing and in-coming
teams to the intercession of St. Louise Marie
de Montfort and of Blessed Marie- Louise
Trichet, and ask for the Lord's abundant blessings upon each one of them.
Wishing you and all the Brothers of the Province a Blessed Easter and Happy Feast of the
On this occasion, I gratefully remember many
people who were a source of strength to me during my 6 years as the Provincial Superior:
* At the outset I must thank the Lord for giving
me good health to take up my task of animation
through extensive travel to all our communities
at least twice a year.
* I am also grateful to Rev. Bro. Rene Delorme
who was really instrumental in my accepting this
responsibility and being always a source of great
strength & inspirations especially when things
did not go well.
Bro. John Kallarackal
Superior General.
Words of Gratitude
* Grateful to the members of the past Central
Administration for their support and guidance.
Thanks for the visit of Rev.Bro. Rene Delorme,
the Former Superior General, Rev. Bro. Jose
Thottiyil, Vicar General and Rev. Bro. George Le
Vern for their encouraging visit to the which was
indeed a source of great strength to us.
My dear Brothers,
Prayerful greetings and good wishes from Bro.
It was 6 years ago that I took over the present
responsibility as the Provincial Superior of the
Province of Pune during a colorful civic function at Little Flower High School, Abids on this
day. It was a historical event which brought
into light the birth of 2 new Provinces of Pune
and Hyderabad from the erstwhile Central
Province. I still recall vividly the moment when
Rev. Bro. Rene Delorme called me up to get
my consent to be the Provincial Superior. After much prayer and reflection, I positively responded to this new responsibility. Well, it was
a very hard decision to make. I was the Rec-
* Special thanks to the members of the present
administration for guiding us through out this year.
We are indeed grateful Rev.Bro. John Kallarackal
for choosing to visit Pune Province for his maiden
trip to India after his assuming charge as the
Superior General and being a source of great
inspiration to the Brothers, staff, students and
well wishers of our institutions during his 40 days
of visit.
* Full pledged institution at Kadapa with CBSE
* Well accomplished infrastructure at Shirdi to
start a new integrated school from the coming
academic year.
* My fellow Provincials from the Provinces of
India and the members of the National Council
for their close collaboration and understanding
during the last six years.
* A word of heartful thanks for the Brothers of
Hyderabad Province for continuing a united mission by their active collaboration and support in
various events of the combined programmes
of the provinces as true twin Brothers.
* Upgraded structures at Dadar to start a Plus
2 course,
* New Brothers quarters at Corlim,
* Sufficient infrastructure at Montfort Juniorate,
Mattampally and Montfort Home, Kazipet to take
care of the candidates.
* I also thank my past & present Provincial
Councilors who really stood by me in all our decisions even though we had difference of opinions in some point of time. I am grateful to each
of them for coming out with unanimous decisions. I must very specially mention the present
set of Councilors who really shared my responsibility so well with their supportive role in the
day to day administration of the Province that
brought out the great development especially
in the last three years.
* Developments at Nalgonda and Kazipet and
Little Flower High School, Abids, Little Flower
Junior College, Uppal, to make them more surplus with additional sections.
* We have also invested our resources well in
Montfort Gardens, at Bibinagar, and hopefully
at Shirur close to Pune for our future mission
in Maharastra.
* Very special thanks to Bro. William, Provincial Council Secretary for his prompt and correct report and Bro. Arun Prakash, Provincial
Bursar and secretary for sparing his valuable
time for the day to day functioning of the Province under various capacities.
I am grateful to God for the grace of
persevrance he had granted to all our Brothers in the past 3 years. I also gratefully remember the lives and contributions of our departed
Brothers: Bro. Raymond, Bro, Robert and Bro.
Claude and Bro. Britto in the recent past.
* I also place on record the total availability and
systematic work ethics of our support staff
headed by Ms. Pushpalatha and other staff of
Montfort Home.
Mission to Peru: Though young, Province of
Pune has already sent Bro. Sleeva Reddy as
a missionary to Rwanda. 2nd Provincial Chapter directive is becoming a reality soon as three
of our Brothers namely; Bro. M.A. George, Bro.
P. Joseph and Bro. Linto will be going to Peru
as missionaries from our Province. We shall
specially keep in mind and pray daily for the
success of this mission and also for many
more willing souls to volunteer for missions.
* Today as I look at the Province, I am happy at
our success story. For the 1st time we will be
out numbering the original strength of the Brothers with the arrival of 6 newly professed Brothers. We also have a good number of candidates
in all the Formation Houses. Many of our Brothers are much better equipped Academically &
Theologically to provide Authentic Leadership
to our institutions to lead them to greater
Infrastructure wise, most of our communities
have developed quite well, to become self sufficient or surplus from dependency.
Before I conclude, I take this opportunity to congratulate and extend my prayerful wishes to
the New Provincial Administration headed by
Bro. Franky Noronha. Probably for the first time
in the history of the Province we have a
multicultural representation in the Council. The
new team takes charge on the day of the feast
of the Annunciation (25 March). I entrust them
to the Divine Protection of our Blessed Mother
and St. Montfort, our Founder, Fr. Gabriel
Deshayes, our Refounder so that under their
* We have seen the completion of the long
awaited of Provincial House, Montfort Sadan,
the one stock which God created to people the
entire earth (cf. Acts 17:26), and also because
all share a common destiny, namely God. His
providence, evident goodness, and saving designs extend to all men (cf. Wis 8:1; Acts 14:17;
Rom 2:6-7; 1 Tim 2:4)" (NA.1). The declaration
goes on to state that "The Catholic Church rejects nothing of what is true and holy in these
religions. She has a high regard for the manner
of life and conduct, the precepts and doctrines
which, although defer in many ways from her own
teaching, nevertheless, often reflect a ray of that
truth which enlightens all men" (NA. 2).
guidance and inspiration the Province will
march ahead.
Ones again thanking each one of you for your
valuable support and understanding during the
past six years and imploring God's choicest
blessings on each one of you!
Your Brother in Christ,
Bro. M.A. George
Provincial Superior.
- Bro. P.T.Sebastian
The point that is to be reiterated over here
is this that religion in its essence reflects a twofold relationship: God in relation to Man and Man
in relation to Man. Hence, as Dr. Radhakrishnan
states, loving relatedness alone is the yardstick
to measure the depth of one's authentic religiosity: "True religious life must express itself in love
and aim at the unity of mankind".
INTRODUCTION: In the context of the 50th
Anniversary of the opening of the Second
Vatican Council (Rf: Creation of the Council
document Nostra Aetate - Declaration on the
Relation of the Church to Non-Christian Religions) and the announcing of a special "Year
of Faith" for the Mother Church through the
Apostolic Letter Porta Fidei (The Door of Faith),
mindful of our milieu of religious pluralism in
this country, our hitherto held reflections on
prompt us to affirm on a theandric vision of
God's plan of salvation for mankind which definitely got to be universal in its scope. Having
arrived at this shore of faith, we could then
delve on to these two core-concerns: unveiling the reality of REVELATION and the task of
PARADIGMS OF CONVERSION: Theology today is divided into theologies based on different
conceptions of what it means to be fully human.
As such, as Donald Evans points out, we see
that "Theology is political, psychological, spiritual,
ecological or existential". And, as Evans illustrates, each theology has its own paradigm of
'conversion'. By conversion we mean the beginning of a process in which a person comes to a
radically new answer to the question, "Who am
With reference to the Indian scenario, I strongly
feel that a unity is to be sought from the above
paradigms of conversion. For, a theandric conversion is a necessary requisite for Man's salvation, which is a dynamic process towards 'becoming' and striving for wholeness. All in all, this
implies an attainment of authentic self, which is
perfectly akin to the New Testament demand of
attaining true self through conversion (metanoia).
True, Religions do have the most significant role
to play in the historical conditions of India today
in challenging Man to change and in salvaging
his true dignity of self.
West, North or South - let us remember: we
are all co-pilgrms!! One of the major new
thrusts of the Second Vatican Council was its
call to Christians to dialogue with members of
other religions. While continuing to stress its
duty to proclaim "Christ who is the way, the
truth and the life (Jn 14:6)" (NA.2), it "urges her
sons to enter with prudence and charity into
discussion and collaboration with members of
other religions" and to "acknowledge, preserve
and encourage the spiritual and moral truths
found among non-Christians, also their social
life and culture" (Ibid). What is the reason for
this attitude? One common origin and goal!
The Declaration explains: "All men form but one
community. This is so because all stem from
Conscientization is inseparably linked to conversion. For building a new society through collective action, an authentic self-image must first be
tion concerning religion, revelation and faith:
"Faith within the theistic religions is the response
of believers to what they regard as the revelation of God to humankind concerning the ultimate meaning of human life".
discovered. This is an essential part of the empowerment of Man because it enables him to
fight with determination for justice, equality and
affirmation of human self. While on the other
hand - more significant it is as for the oppressor - the discovering of an authentic self-image
by the privileged and the powerful Man would
enable him to be fraternal and just and would
propel him to play a more active and responsible role in determining the social, economic,
political, religious and cultural life of our society.
Well, God's Revelation in relation to humanity
is thus not given to us as a system of abstract
propositions but is incorporated into the very
events of history. His attributes, His plans are
made known to us not by pure speculations but
by concrete historical facts, because 'Man is
the ultimate concern of God'.
Freedom and fellowship for Man can be realized and experienced only through conversion
of hearts and consequently willingness to share,
for true conversion promotes relatedness and
a 'being mode' of existence and negates bondage and alienation. Hence, a canon of conversion has to be preached among Men today and
self-authenticity is to be achieved. And, Jesus
of Nazareth throughout his ministry so vehemently had endeavoured to preach that truth
concerning conversion of heart and attainment
of authenticity of self. Scriptures tell us that
salvation consists in the attainment and exercise of a life of authenticity (saksatkara). They
beckon Man not to be the sarkinos - someone
controlled and guided by his egoistic lower nature - but instead to follow the dictates of the
pneuma, the superior power within him. The
truth is that only by this life of authenticity that
man is geared to the true values of life, in view
of attaining the state of consciousness known
as stitaprajna or jivan-mukti.
True, Revelation has to take place in a particular cultural and historical context. So there is
no point in asking a question: Could it not be
that God revealed Himself in any other way than
in, say, Jesus of Nazareth? But if God limited
that Revelation to that cultural context only, then
it is questionable. Definitely, Revelation, in its
message and implication, has to enflesh in different cultures and times. But the essence of
the Revelation remains, and that is our point of
convergence and the uniting factor for Dialogue
and in building up solidarity among Men. Thus, I
firmly believe that to reject any part of humanity's
religious experience is to reject Truth itself.
The elan vital of religious experience ought to
flow spontaneously into the dry lands of our
human existence in view of watering and nourishing it, that it may change itself into green pastures where meaningfulness and love may blossom on the 'tree of life'. This shall be our disposition, then, when we speak of the mystical intuition of a Rishi from the cave of the Himalayas,
or the encounter of Moses with Yahweh on
mount Sinai, or the confrontation of Sri Buddha
with dukkha (suffering) in the 'valley of Tears',
or the yogic vision of Arjuna about the cosmic
form of Sri Krishna in the Dharma-kshetra of
Kuru-kshetra. Yet in all these, I must say, the
diachronic principle of interpretations ('then' and
the 'there') as depicted in Scriptures must always be matched by the synchronic principle
of interpretations ('now' and 'here') so as to
make meaning for the 'Man of Today'.
REVELATION: Revelation is a salvific dialogue
between God and Man, and so the purpose of.
Revelation is salvation. Thus, we grasp that it
is theanthropocentric, with profound characteristics that are at once unique as well as universal: it is personalistic and is a self-gift, for what
is revealed is not something but someone; it is
social, with its clarion call to build up communities, brotherhood; it is concrete, existential, actual and ongoing; it is transforming and dynamic,
where the first initiative is always from God. And
it must be noted that if God's word is Revelation then Man's response is faith, a living faith
of praxis. Tissa Balasurya in his essay, "Religion: Foundational Inspiration and Socio-Cultural Conditioning" makes this beautiful reflec-
CONCLUSION: "One of caste, one of religion,
one of God is Man. Which ever the religion, it
suffices, if it makes a better Man" (Sri Narayana
Guru). For the people of all religions the call to
were constructed and two practice pitches were
laid. To inculcate the Montfortian spirit in our students, a statue of St. Louis De Montfort was
installed in the Primary Section.
"Celebration is an act of expressing reverence
or appreciation. It gives attention to the transcendent meaning of one's actions." -Abraham
Joshua Heschel
fulness of life, to salvation, includes 'the mission' to be at the service of life, to be ministers
of life. Hence, the present situation must compel us to redefine and revitalize this primary task
of praxis - the mission of ministry. Ministry must
aim at promotion, support and sustenance of
life. Thus, with God's Kingdom as the vision,
our call to a mission of ministry must be an allinclusive call towards the creation of community/communities. Herein, religions ought to surcharge us with the spirit of apostolic altruism
and a sense of prophetic freedom. This is possible provided all religions come out of their morphological fundamentalism and commitment to
the structures of by-gone days.
The feast of St. Teresa of Lisieux, our patron
saint was celebrated on the 1st of October
2012. A play on her life and teaching was enacted for the students. Children's Day gave the
teachers an opportunity to reciprocate the love
showered on them by the students. The teachers put up a play with a message, dance and
songs to entertain the students.
Little Flower High School, Abids, Hyd.
- Bro. M. Joseph
The Christmas spirit was ushered in by the
Christmas Celebration for students on the
morning of 8th December, 2012.The students
generously gave gifts for 'The Unknown Friends'
making this event special. The United Carol
Singing Competition was also held for the students of schools and junior colleges of the Twin
Cities. The Chief Guest was Rev. Father Dr.
Joji Reddy S.J, Principal, Loyola Academy Junior College.
Seasonal greetings to all the readers of
News Line from Little Flower High School community.
"Educationists should build the capacities of the
spirit of inquiry, creativity and moral leadership
among students and become their role models". -Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam
In the months of October and December seminars were conducted by Jana Vignana Vedika
for our Biological Sciences and Physical Sciences teachers. These seminars focused on
the practical aspects of the teaching of Science.
A seminar on Handwriting was conducted on
the 11th of October by Mr. Mallikarjuna Rao from
the Calligraphy Academy on the nuances of the
fundamentals of handwriting.
FLOWARDS DAY 2013: Our school Annual Day
was celebrated on 12th Jan. 2013. Mrs. Aruna
Bahuguna, IPS, graced the occasion as the
chief guest. The program showcased a variety
of colourful dances, plays and multimedia presentations. A large number of parents and wellwishers attended the program.
"Happiness is not achieved by the conscious
pursuit of happiness: it is generally the by-product of other activities." -Aldous Huxley
"The scale of technology and infrastructure that
must be built is unprecedented and we believe
this is the most important feature we can focus
on." -Mark Zuckerberg
A group of students got an opportunity to be the
'Change Agents', by educating people on 'Water Management' and on how to improve depleting ground water levels. For this purpose, a
team of three resource persons from HSBC
conducted a seminar and guided our students.
Ten students from Classes VI to X attended a
Train Green Programme on the 14th of July. One
of our students was given an opportunity to be
part of a delegation of Jury members in the
Giffoni Film Festival, Italy held from 14th to 24th
of July.
We have always believed in providing the best
facilities for our students. To enhance the efforts of the teaching faculty and make the learning process more effective, we have incorporated new software in our classrooms. To cater
to the growing needs of the students, a larger
dining space, the Montfort Hall was constructed
which was inaugurated by Rev. Bro. John
Kallarackal, Superior General, Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel. With the objective to promote
Games and Sports, two new cricket pitches
privileged. Blankets, bed sheets, clothes, foot
wear and detergents brought as "Gifts to Unknown Friends" were distributed at the Sneha
Nilayam, Suryapet, Chaderghat slum schools,
Home for the Girl Child, Seethaphalmandi, Sisters of Charity (Mother Teresa's home ), New
Bhoiguda, Home for the Street Children, Montfort
Nilayam, Ramanthapur and Balika Vihar,
Vijayanagar Colony.
"It is our collective and individual responsibility
to protect and nurture the global family because
we share this planet Earth. We have to live in
harmony and peace with each other and nature, as it is not just a dream, but a necessity."
-The Dalai Lama
A blend of the east and the west was witnessed
during the visit of nine students and two teachers from East High School, Colorado, U.S.A. in
July and 24 students accompanied by three
teachers and two Brothers from St. Gabriel
School, France in November 2012. It was an
exciting interaction with an exchange of ideas
related to the cultures of the two regions.
The journey through this academic
year has awakened a hope and a heartfelt
knowledge that there is a spiritual renewal that
is leading us to act as responsible stewards of
God's creation. In the midst of abundance we
have learned to use our resources carefully to
enable longer sustainability. We thank our Almighty Father for His grace and benevolence
on our institution and all its members and ask
for His continued presence to lead us forward.
The Investiture Ceremony of the Scouts and
Guides was held and the oath was administered
by Rev. Bro. Vincent Mendonza, our Principal.
"The world is a book, and those who do not travel
read only a page."-St. Augustine.
During the Christmas vacation, an educational
tour was organized by the school for the students of Classes VI to IX to Agra, Jaipur and
Delhi. 95 students, 9 teachers along with our
Vice Principal Rev. Bro. M. Joseph had a memorable and educative experience.
Montfort Home, Kazipet
- Bro. Kumara chandra
Greetings of peace and joy to all the readers of
news line from Montfort Home. We are indeed
glad to share the activities of our mission.
Bro.Antony the local superior is busy in the I.T.I.
He is trying to get some work orders in order to
make the I.T.I progress in every way .Bro.Arun
is busy in shifting the things from Montfort Home
to Pune. He has managed to shift many things.
Due to the shifting of many things to Pune
Montfort Home is half empty. Montfort home is
full of theology with the presence of Bro. Balla
Inna who has completed his theological studies successfully .He reached Montfort Home on
19th of this month.
"The miracle is not that we do this work, but
that we are happy to do it." -Mother Teresa
On 27th of April, Bro. Rene Delorme the former
superior general along with Bro. M.A.George visited us. We were glad to receive them with great
love. We had a good time with them and enjoyed a lot. On 3rd of April we celebrated the
birthday of Bro. T.K.Jose. We had the Eucharistic celebration in the morning, and a mean-
Our social service project LIFELINE plays a
meaningful role in motivating the students to contribute generously towards the poor and under-
ingful prayer service in the evening followed by
table fellowship. Brothers from St. Gabriel's
community and Montfort Bhavan graced the
day a meaningful one. The participants did enjoy
the festive ambience. His Lordship,
Most.Rev.Thomas Dabre fondly remembered his
association with Montfort Brothers and spared no
words to praise our work all over the country and
abroad. A special word of appreciation and thanks
to Bro. T.V.Joseph for getting the new Provincial
House ready in time for the blessing.
After the exams, all the candidates who were
going to college went home for holydays. This
year we have nine candidates for the first year
and five for the second year. This year we are
expecting good result for the dint of hard work
done by the candidates and the brothers. We
are sad to inform you that one of our candidates' (k. Akhil) younger brother died in a tragedy. We express our condolences to his family. we pray that his soul may rest in peace. At
present we have four candidates who are
studying I.T.I staying here.See you with more
news in the next edition. May the blessings of
the risen Lord be with us.
L.F.J.C., Uppal
- Bro. Naveen Kumar
Dear reader of News line. Little Flower Community, Uppal wishes you all a happy and healthy
life. Here, I am to point out certain activities that
took place in the community and institution. The
Brothers in the community are in good health.
They are very enthusiastic in their works.
* The brothers in the community attended
monthly recollection at PIN in the month of March.
Inauguration of Montfort Sadan,
'Provincial House'
* The Brothers spent their time fruitfully and beneficially during the period of lent.
- Bro. M.A. George
* They celebrated Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter night with great joy.
It was indeed a great dream come true
not only for the Brothers of Pune but for the
whole congregation as it was the long delayed
project of the previous Central Administration.
We were indeed very privileged to have
Rev.Bro. Rene Delorme to inaugurate the house
in the august presence of Most.Rev. Thomas
Dabre, Bishop of Pune, Rev.Fr.Keith, Rector
of De .Nobilee College, Rev. Fr.Lancy D'Silva,
Parish Priest, Rev. Bro. Varghese Theckenath,
the former Provincial Superior of Central Province, with numerous Major Superiors of Pune
Deanery, Provincial Superiors of Delhi Province, Rev. Bro. Mani V.J., Yercaud Province,
Rev. Bro. George Kalangod and Ranchi Province, Rev. Bro. P.T.George along with large
number of Fathers, Sisters and Brothers. We
also had a number of friends and well wishers
who were associated with the Brothers during
our 6 years of our stay at Pune. The prayer
service followed by the blessing and thanksgiving Eucharistic brought in the needed piety
and decorum.
* Bro. Provincial visited the community and met
each Brother in person. The day was good and
all of us are filled with positive vibrations.
Nearly 40 Brothers gathered in this community
to celebrate Easter along with Bro. Rene former
Superior General and Bro. M.A. George with a
festive mood. The celebration had many features
to speak of.
a). The repairing works in Brothers residential
house over all most completed. Only the chapel
work remains to be completed.
b). The modified dining hall was inaugurated by
Bro. Rene.
* Bro. Jaico organized a prayer in Trinergy Center, which is built opposite to the Auditorium.
* He spoke about the significance of the centre
and the purpose of building it. Bro. Rene appreciated his thoughts and the philosophy behind it.
The felicitation ceremony followed by the blessing and thanksgiving Eucharistic service amidst
the tastefully decorated new campus made the
* Bro. Rene and Bro. M.A. George shared their
thoughts just before the dinner.
* The celebration ended with delicious meal.
The community was represented by Bro. Jacob
for the inauguration of Provincial Head Quarters
at Pune on 18th March.
Happiness is not happiness till you share
So we are indeed happy to share with you
our experience here at M.E.P, GORAI.
Speaking about the activities in the institution
mainly which happened in the past few months
make me delighted because, many things happened in our favour. The students of 10th and
Intermediate attended Annual examinations and
completed them with great satisfaction. The degree students are yet to complete their exams.
The school students had 15 days of holidays
after their exams.
I. After the jolly x-mas days, the new steps in
to the New Year brought us joy and contentment to start everything new.
II. The Birthday of Montfort was celebrated
grandly with many guests (Priests, Brothers and sisters) attending the program on
31st Jan. The children's participation and entertainment was the talk of the day.
On 1st of April the school re-opened for the new
academic year (2013-14). Intermediate students
are very much interested in attending special
classes to present themselves at various competitive examinations.
III. The Birthday of Bro. Chandy, was celebrated on Feb5th, the boys surprised
Brother with their rocky and shaky moments
and Brother shared his cheery life and inspired them. The birthdays of Brothers;
Lurdu, Chandy and Amalrajan were celebrated at The Stephens, Dadar in a nice
Many parents want their children to be in our
school and it is apparent while issuing the registration forms. There were 450 applications
for the vacancy of 4 seats in std III, and it shows
the name and fame the school attained in a short
time of six years.
IV. We had a foreign volunteer, Mr. Jonas
from Denmark. He helped us for a month
from 14th Feb, in caring for the children and
the campus. His presence was enriching and
Added to all these, the construction work for the
Degree College building is in progress. The work
started in the month of February.
V. Bro.Vinod Reddy went for Retreat and
sugery. He has returned after the successful surgery on his hand and home visit on
16th March. Brothers, Rene Delorme, ex-Superior General, Bros. William D'Mello and
Lourdu Reddy had come on the same day.
They had a warm welcome and sumptuous
Certainly, I would say that there is an all-round
development in the institutions.
Three of the Brothers who are attending O.U.
examinations are staying with us. They are provided with good environment for studies.
We continue to pray for the new Provincial Administration and for the good health of all the
Brothers, especially the senior Brothers.
VI. The Holy week went on pray fully. On
Good Friday there were Stations of the Cross
in the morning. In the evening there was the
Good Friday Service along with the procession. The feast of Easter was celebrated with
20 guests, collaborators all the daylong to
make the day more joyful. 14 of them are
pet owners and animal lovers team.
Montfort Empowerment Park, Gorai
- Bro.Vinod Reddy
Dear readers of the Newsletter of Pune. Fraternal greetings from Montfort Empowerment Park,
VII. The children are having exams and are
busy in their studies. The children were doing well in the previous exams and we are
sure they will come out with flying colors.
"A song is not a song till you sing it, A bell is not
a bell till you ring it,
VIII. We have purchased a van, Marti Ecco 5
seater, 2nd sale at a cost 3 lakhs. The vehicle is in good condition. All the needful is
done for the re- registration of the same.
IX. During January and Feb the situations were
rather unpleasant; Bro.Vinod went for hand
surgery and two of the staff discontinued their
service. We will rise to the occasion. We all
Brothers do!
X. Bro.Chandy is working hard to get the Govt
recognition for this children home. We have
done all the needful and applied to the women
and Child development deportment for the
orphanage registration; hoping for the best.
XI. We will be having summer Camp for
school students from 14th to 18th April, in our
campus and we are preparing well to make it
a remarkable one.
CRI Brothers Institute, Bengaluru
- Bro. Bala Inna
Greetings of peace and good health to all the
readers of Pune Province from the CRI Brothers institute. The ever vibrant community of
CRI is all aglow after the Christmas holidays.
The student brothers after the Christmas holidays were radiantly renewed and refreshed
well for the classes.
The sankranti was celebrated stupendously. There was a prayer service and a ritual
ceremony. It was an exhilarating celebration
with fun filled games. The Chief Guest advised us to be thankful to God always for His
blessings upon us.
We also celebrated the birthday of our
founder St.Montfort on 31st January. The celebration started with Morning Prayer followed
by a solemn Mass. To keep ourselves refreshed, we had a one day picnic to Bermuda
waterfalls, where all of us enjoyed swimming.
We, the third year brothers and sisters have presented our thesis to the first year
and second year student brothers and sisters. The thesis presentations were really enriching and enhanced our knowledge. Bros .
Bala Inna and Jomon .T.C have successfully completed their third year with new theological insights
to face the challenges of the world.
The graduation day for the third years' was held
on 16th March, 2013. They were acknowledged
by Fr. Godwin Shaju Chacalakal CMI, the Dean
of Dharmaram Vidyakhsetram. We also felicitated our beloved director Bro. Basil FSC, who
celebrated his Silver Jubilee. We thank him for
his selfless service and support to the Institution.
Finally the Brothers spread out to different communities for their summer holidays. The college
will reopens on 10th June, 2013. We wish all the
Brothers happy and pleasant summer holidays.
Montfort College, Bangalore
- Bro. George Joseph
Dear readers of News line,
Greetings from Montfort College, Bangalore!
It is quite a while since we met through the Province communication channel, News line. I am
happy to bring to you all the latest from our college campus.
We were all very extremely happy to receive
the good news of Rev. Bro. Franky Noronha's elevation as the new Provincial Superior of Pune
Province. Our joy doubled when we also received
the news that two of our classmates namely Sr.
Loudu of Holy Cross Congregation and Bro.
James P.K from North-East province became the
General Councillor and Second Councillor for their
Provinces respectively. The third semester results are very satisfying and encouraging. Once
again Hearty Congratulations to Bro. Franky on
securing the second place in the third semester
exams. He missed the first place by just one
mark. Hearty Congratulations!
The Sampurna Montfort College campus is
ever vibrant with various activities. There are
plenty of avenues opened for everyone to showcase their talents. Right now, we are all busy
with our sports competitions which will culminate
in the sports day on 20th April. Our College Annual day will be celebrated on the 11th May, 2013.
The college participated in the 'Synergy 2013'
which was organized at Montfort School, Yercaud
on 30th and 31st January. We also had Women's
Montfort School, Kadapa.
day celebration on 8th March and Ethnic day celebration on March 17th.
- Bro. Lourdu Raj
Greetings from your new Buddy from Montfort,
Kadapa! Hi ! I'm 9 months old baby by now. As
I'm born with golden spoon I'm able to walk the
talk but not very clearly otherwise ok. I'm nurtured by four eminent Brothers. I just finished
my sports and games at Boys town Hyd.
We had the third semester exams before the
Christmas Celebrations on 22nd Dec. After the
Christmas holidays, the fourth semesters had
their practicum works and returned to the college on 14th January. The fourth Semester students had an outing to Goa in the month of February, 2013. They are now busy completing their
Thesis, Desertations and Assignments.
Though I dint get any prize, it was a gigantic
experience as I'm learning to walk, jump and
run a bit. As just finished my half yearly exams
There are a number of seminars and programs
that were held in our campus. They are Inner
Child Healing, Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
(CBT) Seminar & Extention lectures, Girl Child
Day celebration, drawing competitions for girl
children, Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT)
Seminar etc. This year the student council
members chalked out creative programmes and
brought in novel ideas to organize programmes
in the college. Sampurna Montfort College
(SMC) is ever grateful to its founder and mentor
Rev. Bro. Mathew Pannnamthanath for his gracious presence with us for a couple of weeks.
He has returned to Kent (England) to join in his
new mission over there.
Can you believe, I have improved a lot! Soon
after the exams, I got the first chance to visit
my first Christmas friend, the little Jesus,
amidst a glittering cultural festival. The celebration was very grand. I thought I'll get some
bombs (as this place known for) as gifts; instead I got a variety of sweets and colorful
chocklets. On 27th some of my teachers have
gone to celebrate the Golden Jubilee of my
sweet papa Bro.Thomas Reddy at All Saints
Hyderabad. I m exited to hear that it was a
splendid celebration and I pray to God to shower
His choices blessings on him as he is growing
old and aging He has done a lot for me from
my very conception. May the good Lord shower
his choicest blessings on him!
After two years of toil, three Montfortians will
be graduating from Sampurna on thirty first May,
2013. We will have our Fare Well and Convocation Ceremony on 30th and 31st May, 2013. All
are most welcome to join us in our celebration.
This may be the last time that you receive news
and views from us. So, it is time we say Good
On 26th Jan out of innocence I went to participate in cultural events in the district police
ground as I saw a huge crowd for the 64th republic day celebration and I got Rs. 2000 /- cash
award and a best performance award from the
new District collector. You don't feel jealous,
ok. By then I was ready for my 4th unit tests,
my teachers got hurried with the portion for its
gave me a lot of hope and courage and I thank
him from the bottom of my heart. I'm also very
happy to meet my new Provincial
Rev.Bro.Franky Noronha after the Easter. His
presence gave me lots of hope as he is going
to teach me how to become a matured adult. I
wish him all the success.
Many Brothers from different communities
showed their affection through their visits:
Brothers from Repalle community - Bro.Bala
Reddy and Bro.Emmanual, Brothers from all
Saints community- Bro.Chako and Bro.Antony
Allam, all the way from Mumbai - Bro.Chandi
and Bro Joseph Pasala, good many Fathers
and Sisters from hear and far.
I was lifted up by hands as we had a science
exhibition on the occasion of the parent-teacher
meeting. To my excitement, I was appreciated
and many parents had turned up to see me as
I'm able to walk by the support of many people
and I wanted to fly by the space jet to the 7th
heaven, but I thought it will be too early to do
Brother Anil has completed his classes and
he's here doing his practical at Don Bosco ITI,
Now my annual portion is completed and I'm
getting ready for annual exams: Please wish
me success in the annual exams. April 23rd is
my first annual results day and my summer vacation starts from 24th of April to 11th of June.
Please remember me in your prayers always.
Lots of hugs and kisses from this new loving
baby child. Happy Easter and happy summer
vacations! Thank you one and all. Ta Ta, bye
St.Alphonsus' High School, Nalgonda.
- Bro. Peter
All is well that ends well. We are nearing the
end of the academic Year. We had our school
annual day on 9th of January. As usual there
was a big crowd for the function. Unusually the
absence of many Brothers was conspicuous.
Even our provincial could not preside over the
function as he was busy otherwise.
On one fine day as I was playing someone
came behind and suddenly, shut my eyes by
hands: When I opened my eyes, there I found
my Grandpa, Rev.Bro.Rene Delorme, who
marched into the campus in the month of
March and I was happy to see him, because
he was the one who caused me to be in this
We are grateful to Bro. Bala Showry the Provincial of Hyderabad province for gracing the
occasion as the President of the function. The
District collector Sri. Mukteshwar Rao, came
before time but went away early. The Joint collector Dr. Hari Jawaharlal was a little late but
remained till the end of the function & he is a
parent of our school.
He was very happy to see me as I'm already
able to walk by myself. He looked at me very
proudly, embraced me wholeheartedly and he
blessed me saying: "Your future will be very
bright"! My former Provincial on his last visit
Bro.P.T Joseph, on his way to Mattampally for
his Educational Mission, visited us and took Bro.
Anil Reddy and 3 teachers to assist him. Students from class III to X got chance to go for
excursion and picnics to different places. The X
class students had their fare well prayer service meeting and party. A total of 201 students
appeared for the SSC board exams and we hope
wonderful results this year also.
St. Gabriel's House, Sitagarha
- Y. Rajashekhar (1st Yr Novice)
"Why do you search among the dead for one
who is alive? He is not here, he has been raised"
(Cf Lk 24:5-6).
Greetings of the Easter Season. May the Risen
Christ fill our hearts with new life and enthusiasm to carry out His mission! It is with delight I
invite you to have a glimpse of the news bulletin
of our novitiate at Sitagarha.
Easter Celebration: Lent has brought us to a
new life with Christ. We fully participated with
the Lord and felt the sufferings and pain of Christ
Jesus for forty days. We had meaningful and
inspiring liturgical services in the Holy Week. Finally, we joined the Brothers and welcomed the
risen Lord on Easter Sunday.
Provincial's Visit: On 2nd March, we were extremely delighted to have Bro. B.A. Kurian, the
Provincial Superior of North-East India and National Chairman. He was accompanied by Bro.
P.T. George, the Provincial of Ranchi. We welcomed them with full enthusiasm. Bro. B.A.
Kurian appreciated us for our spiritual growth
under the guidance of our Novice Master, Bro.
T.T. Mathew and the Staff. By his inspiring speech
and one hour class we were encouraged to experience the love of God through personal
On Holy Saturday our previous Superior General, Bro. Rene Delorme, paid us a visit accompanied by former provincials Bro. M.A.George,
Bro Bala Showry and Bro. Thomas Reddy.
Though this visit was very short it was warming. We will praise and thank God for all his goodness and love.
Ashram Experience: From 9th to 19th March
we had the Ashram experience along with our
Novice Master at Matridham Ashram, Varanasi.
Our purpose of going to this place was to launch
an inward journey into our own self through meditation, reflection and prayers. In fact this experience has been very encouraging to find meaning in our spiritual journey and break our outer
layer and go into the inner core, the interior
castle, the 'Anandamaya Kosha' and drink the
living water from the real source.
Last Sunday 07.04.2013 when the whole world
was celebrating the feast of the divine Mercy,
our Principal and Vice Principal sought the help
of Bro.Ravi, Bro. Allam Antony Reddy &
Bro.Maynard to help them in interviewing teachers for the next academic year. They did a wonderful job and we are grateful to them. All are
busy with annual exams and I wish everybody a
fruitful year ending.
Besides this we had gone for sight-seeing of the
historical places in and around Varanasi on 20th
March. We saw the famous ghats in the Ganges,
Benares Hindu University (BHU), Saranath
where Buddha preached his first sermon after
his enlightenment and St. Mary's Cathedral. We
were happy and privileged to see those places.
Classes: From 18th to 23rd February we were
privileged to have Bro. B. Joseph. He dealt with
the Spirituality of the Prophets. He guided us
to go deeper into one's own vocation with the
help of prophets and their life-style.
Other than this Bro. T.T. Mathew has been taking classes on Rule of Life. He also had taken
classes on Personal Growth. At present he is
taking classes on Spirituality of Wisdom Books
and the Love of Eternal Wisdom.
Bro. Soshek had taken classes on
Vatican Council II. At present he is teaching the
Church History.We also had our 2nd book review presentation organized by Bro. Ajit Camil
Toppo. We are much impressed by the commitment and religious spirit of these Brothers.
Monthly Recollection: We started the month
of February with a monthly recollection. The
theme of the recollection was Consecrated
Life. Recollection talks were given by Fr.
Davidraj, SJ. He explained to us how to live
our consecrated life in a worthy manner.
Picnic to River Lara: On 9th Feb we had gone
for a Community picnic to the river, Lara. We were
divided into groups by Bro. T.T. Mathew to prepare
different items for lunch. We all enjoyed the delicious food together.
Celebrating the Festivals: On 14th January we
had celebrated the festival of Pongal, the harvest
festival of T.N. On 11th April we also had celebrated
the festival of Ugadi, the New Year of A.P. We took
part in these celebrations vigorously and joined our
Tamil and Telugu Brothers in celebrating these festivals.
As a preparation for the Feast of our
Founder we have been divided into four groups
and sports and games were conducted. We also
had individual competitions like elocution, declamation, solo-singing, cracking a joke, handwriting
and pencil drawing. All these competitions have
helped us to discover our hidden talents and develop them.
May the risen Christ fill us with hope and
courage! Wish you all A Very Happy Feast Day of
our Founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort.
Best Educational Institution "Chatralaya Puraskar" award presented by SUCHIRINDIA FOUNDATION for
its students' outstanding performance in Maths & Science Olympiad both at State & National LevelsAward presented on 18th March 2013 at Ravindra Bharathi, Hyderabad.
Montfort Sadan (Provincial House)
Participants at the Installation Ceremony
Editorial team wishes you
Postal Address of the
Provincial House:
a very Happy Feast of our
Founder St.Montfort
Brothers of St. Gabriel
Montfort Sadan
Matchwell Road
Sainikwadi, Vadgaonsheri
Pune - 411014.
Next issue July 2013
(Articles to reach the editor by 1st. July.)