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The Heritage Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 730 G.R.C.
William James Dunlop Awards
The William James Dunlop Award was instituted by The Heritage Lodge No. 730 in 1985 to
recognize the outstanding and continuing contribution by a Freemason to the Craft in Ontario.
The Award is named in honour of M.W. Bro. William James Dunlop (1881-1961) who served as
Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario in 1937-1938. Dr.
Dunlop was an eminent educator, and Member of the Ontario Legislature, where he served as
Minister of Education (1951-1959).
The recipient may or may not be a member of The Heritage Lodge. Only one award is given in
any calendar year. Nominations for this prestigious award should be sent to the Secretary of
The Heritage Lodge, R.W. Bro. Kenneth E. Campbell, either by post or e-mail, on or before
November 15th for consideration by the Awards Committee. The recipient will be announced
and the award presented at the Annual Black-tie Dinner of the Lodge held in January.
Arnold McCausland, Secretary
411 - 1400 Dixie Road, Mississauga ON L5E 3E1
Phone: +1 (905) 891-0360
Email: mc33caus@bell.net
M.W. Bro. Raymond S. J. Daniels, Chairman
M.W. Bro. C. Edwin Drew
M.W. Bro. Alan J. Petrisor
Full name and Masonic Rank of Nominee: ____Bro. ____________________________
Please print legibly
Lodge _________________________ No. _____ District ________________________
Summary of contributions to Freemasonry: use additional sheet if necessary
Signature: _______________________ Print Name: _________________________
Date: _________________ (Nominator must be a member of The Heritage Lodge No 730):