Name Of The College: BANDARI SRINIVAS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY College Code: M1 Year of establishment: 2003 SUMMARY OF THE INSPECTION REPORT & UG AFFILIATION STATUS FOR THE ACADEMIC YEAR 2014-15 Norms as per AICTE/PCI/University Computers Norms: B.Tech-1:4, B.Pharmacy-1:10 (PCI Norms) Principal: Qualified & Ratified Principal Faculty Norms: B.Tech-1:15, B.Pharmacy-1:14 (PCI Norms) Preamble: As per section 26.1.3 of University affiliation procedure & regulations the report submitted by the FFC (Fact Finding Committee) will be critically examined by the Standing Committee for Affiliation (SCA) of the University. SCA shall submit its recommendations whether to grant affiliation or not for a particular institution as a whole or for a specific course(s) in an institution. In case the committee recommends not granting affiliation to any course(s) offered by an institution or an institution as a whole, the SCA shall furnish the reasons/deficiencies thereof. For the academic year 2014-15 for UG courses the colleges which have satisfied all the essential norms of AICTE/PCI/University for various programs have been granted affiliation. Wherever major deficiencies are found such as shortage of qualified faculty as per norms and shortage of lab equipments for conduct of experiments in non-circuit branches these have not been granted affiliation 1. Availability of Qualified faculty: As the date of commencement of academic session for the 2014-15 was July 15th 2014, the same was taken into consideration as a cutoff date for assessment of availability of faculty for teaching the students. 2. In cases where availability of adequate laboratory equipment for conduct of experiments in non-circuit branches which will affect the quality of education for a given program is reported the affiliation was rejected. All the other requirements as per university regulations were treated as minor deficiencies such as laboratory experiments for circuit branches, library books and journals, built up area, computers. In consonance with Honorable Supreme Court order, time is given to the colleges to rectify theses deficiencies. Reasons for granting affiliation for 2013-14: Fact Finding Committee of the University inspected the college earlier i.e., for the academic year 2011-12, 2012-13 and found deficiencies of essential requirements in the College namely lack of qualified teaching facility, student teacher ratio, required Laboratory and Library facility, for which an action has been initiated by the University for withdrawal of the affiliation. The College/Management submitted an undertaking stating that they will comply with the deficiencies as pointed by the FFC before 16.09.2013, failing which the University may suspend or withdraw the affiliation without any further notice. Accordingly, affiliation was granted for the academic year 2013-14. The observations of FFC at spot- on inspections are enclosed in PDF file format: The FFC team inspected the college on 28-11-2014. Members of the Fact Finding Committee : A.V.Srikanth - GOVT.POLYTECHNIC Prof. Puli Ravi Kumar - NITW S.M. Prasad - GOVT.POLYTECHNIC Overall Faculty details program wise : SNo Program 1 B.Tech Sanctioned student strength Faculty required as per norms Faculty available on the date of inspection Faculty H&SS Shortage % Faculty Available as on 15th July 2014 Shortage % F:S Ratio on the day of inspection F:S Ratio as on 1507-2014 1800 120 104 NA 13 48 60 1:17 1:38 Laboratory Experiments : Non-Circuit Branches S.No Program No. of experiments shortage Shortage % 1 UG 4 1 Deficiencies observed by the Standing Committee on Affiliation: Minor : If there is a minor deficiency, such as laboratory experiments for circuit branches, library books and journals, built-up area, computers in consonance with Honorable Supreme Court order time is given to the colleges to rectify theses deficiencies. The university has granted conditional renewal of affiliation with stipulation that minor deficiencies should be removed within a specified period of 45 days from date of issue of orders. Shortage of Built up area 16.07% Shortage of Laboratory experiments (UG Non-Ckt:1%) Major : Shortage of Faculty (B.Tech:60%) Salary payments are not as per AICTE norms. Faculty Selection Committee minutes are not provided / as per GO Ms No. 14 Final Recommendations of the Standing Committee on Affiliation (SCA) based on the Major Deficiencies Identified. 1. Deficiency of requisite Faculty- student ratio (1:15) branchwise as per available faculty as on 15th July, 2014, the beginning of the Academic Year 2. Deficiency of Non-Circuit laboratory Experiments (EEE, Mechanical, Civil, Automobile, Aeronautical and Pharmacy) which cannot be procured of-the-shelf Approved Intake SNo Program Dept. Branch/Specialization I Year II Year III Year IV Year Total Required Faculty Available faculty as on 15th July, 2014 Shortage (%) Non Ckt Laboratory Shortage (%) APPROVED (A) / NOT APPROVED (NA) 1 B.Tech Civil Engineering Civil Engineering 60 60 0 120 8 3 63 NA 2 B.Tech CSE CSE 120 120 120 360 24 9 63 NA 3 B.Tech ECE ECE 120 120 120 360 24 11 54 NA 4 B.Tech EEE EEE 60 60 60 180 12 7 42 NA 5 B.Tech IT Information Technology 0 60 60 120 8 0 100 NA 6 B.Tech Mechanical Mechanical 120 120 60 300 20 8 60 NA However, the college has to submit a compliance report for the deficiencies observed by the Standing Committee on or before 15th, March 2015. Any online data discrepancies maybe brought to the notice of University in one week by sending email to accompanied by, letter addressed to REGISTRAR, JNTUH. * The faculty student Ratio is calculated based on sanctioned intake of 2/4, 3/4, 4/4 years data and available core discipline faculty at the start of the Academic Year as per Academic calendar