Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Audit Report 2008 Page 1 of 1 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Audit Report 2008 Founder Quick Links Founder's Website Method of Action What is Microcredit? 16 Decisions Auditors' Report and Audited Financial Statements Grameen Mutual Fund One :Scheme Two OF GRAMEEN BANK Notes to the Financial Statement Training Nobel Foundation Site Statement of Liquidity Added Statement Microcredit Audit Report 2008 Auditors' Report Balance Sheet Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement Changes in Equity Comparative Value Data & Reports For the year ended 31st December 2008 Annexure-A Annual Report 2008 GF USA AUSTRALIA Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Balance Sheet Page 1 of 2 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Data & Reports Microcredit Training Founder Audit Report 2008 Quick Links GRAMEEN BANK Auditors' Report Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Changes in Equity Comparative Value Added Statement Notes to the Financial Statement Annexure-A Annual Report 2008 Founder's Website Balance Sheet For the year ended 31 December 2008 Profit and Loss Account Statement of Liquidity Nobel Foundation Site Notes PROPERTY AND ASSETS Cash in hand Balances with Bangladesh Bank-in local currency Balances with other Banks and Financial Institutions Investments-at cost Loans and advances-without collateral Fixed Assets including premises, furniture and fixtures net off accumulated depreciation (Annexure-A) Other assets CAPITAL AND LIABILITIES Borrowings from banks and other institutions Members Deposit Non-Members Deposit Other Funds Deposits and other funds Other liabilities Shareholders' fund Paid up Capital Capital and other reserves Retained Surplus Grameen Mutual Fund 6,799,759 3,593,762 4 1,321,308,057 926,004,259 5 28,730,304,221 24,465,809,686 6 45,786,957,884 37,546,479,706 7 One :Scheme Two 9 1,731,218,532 1,793,276,465 35,120,925,718 29,481,608,804 3,711,787,681 68,314,322,203 6,318,724,318 358,000,000 5,969,437,278 109,000,000 6,436,437,278 82,800,702,331 - 29,604,562,979 22,473,343,451 3,562,848,773 55,640,755,203 5,653,784,211 318,000,000 5,453,782,878 94,100,000 5,865,882,878 68,953,698,757 10 11 15 1,163,268,845 1,114,517,485 5,791,712,934 4,890,494,100 82,800,702,331 68,953,698,757 8 16 Decisions 3,351,659 14 3,798,731 13 Guarantee Method of Action What is Microcredit? 2007 Taka 12 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES 2008 Taka 5,719,054 The annexed notes 1 to 30 form an integral part of these financial statements. (M. Shahjahan) (Dr. Muhammad Yunus) General Manager Director Director Managing Director GF USA AUSTRALIA 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Balance Sheet Page 2 of 2 Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Profit and Loss Account Page 1 of 2 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Data & Reports Microcredit Statement of Liquidity Comparative Value Added Statement 16 7,831,802,905 6,790,936,211 17 (5,456,923,644) (4,506,165,656) 2,374,879,261 2,284,770,555 3,242,507,268 2,904,090,130 1,721,542 66,330,090 18 923,182,445 878,176,622 6,542,290,516 6,133,367,397 OPERATING INCOME INTEREST INCOME LESS: INTEREST/PROFIT PAID ON DEPOSITS & BORROWINGS ETC. Statement Net Interest Income Income from Investments in fixed deposits Income from Investments in Grameen Mutual Fund-One Other income Total operating income Salaries and other related expenses Rent, rates, taxes, vehicle insurance, utilities etc. Legal and professional expenses Auditors' fees Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. Managing Director's salary & allowances Directors’ remuneration Repairs & maintenance of fixed assets Depreciation of fixed assets (Annex-A) Other expenses Total Operating Expenses Profit before provision Provisions for loans and advances Specific Provision General Provision 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 NET PROFIT APPROPRIATIONS NET PROFIT TRASFERRED TO Retained earnings brought forward from previous year Dividend Equalization fund Proposed cash dividend @ 20% for the year 2007 General reserve Employees Welfare fund Retained surplus 14 Method of Action What is Microcredit? LESS: OPERATING EXPENSES Founder's Website 2007 Taka Annual Report 2008 2008 Taka Notes Notes to the Financial Annexure-A Nobel Foundation Site For the year ended 31 December 2008 Balance Sheet Changes in Equity Quick Links Profit and Loss Account Auditors' Report Cash Flow Statement Founder GRAMEEN BANK Audit Report 2008 Profit and Loss Account Training 16 Decisions Grameen Mutual Fund One :Scheme Two 2,954,806,568 2,472,022,999 93,270,782 83,419,842 119,985,004 96,117,235 1,110,444 1,216,380 118,396,308 111,236,170 535,680 531,080 178,000 148,000 50,414,227 36,491,171 66,549,640 64,396,885 968,125,906 824,048,427 4,373,372,559 3,689,628,189 2,168,917,957 2,443,739,208 780,426,028 2,349,698,239 83,818,521 (12,873,161) 864,244,549 2,336,825,078 106,914,130 1,304,673,408 1,304,673,408 106,914,130 94,100,000 358,000,000 30,000,000 63,600,000 107,400,000 716,000,000 10,000,000 14,273,408 3,314,130 1,195,673,408 106,914,130 94,100,000 109,000,000 The annexed notes 1 to 30 form an integral part of these financial statements. (M. Shahjahan) General Manager Director Director (Dr. Muhammad Yunus) Managing Director Dhaka, 24 June, 2008 GF USA 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Profit and Loss Account Page 2 of 2 AUSTRALIA Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Cash Flow Statement Page 1 of 1 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Audit Report 2008 Data & Reports Microcredit Training Founder Auditors' Report GRAMEEN BANK Balance Sheet Cash Flow Statement Quick Links Nobel Foundation Site Founder's Website For the year ended 31 December 2008 Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement Changes in Equity 2008 Taka Notes 16 Decisions Statement of Liquidity A) CASH FLOW FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Comparative Value Interest received Interest paid Cash paid to employees Other Expenses Other income B) CASH FLOW FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Investments Additions to Tangible Fixed Assets Sales proceeds of Tangible Fixed Assets Added Statement Notes to the Financial Statement Annexure-A Annual Report 2008 Cash generated from operating activities Loans and advances Other assets Deposits and other funds Other liabilities 28 29 Net cash received from operating activities Net cash outflow from investing activities CASH FLOW FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Share capital Borrowings from Banks and Foreign Institutions Capital and other reserves D) E) F) C) Net Cash /(out flow) from financing activities Net increase/in cash and cash equivalents (A+B+C) Opening cash and cash equivalents Cash and bank balances at the end of the period 30 10,082,511,169 8,546,529,434 (5,456,923,644) (4,506,165,656) (2,955,520,248) (2,472,702,079) (1,351,302,671) (1,152,529,225) 923,182,445 878,176,622 1,241,947,051 1,293,309,096 (8,240,478,178) (3,401,582,584) 92,301,712 (126,295,004) 12,659,293,592 7,986,738,625 (199,304,442) (449,442,872) 4,311,812,684 4,009,418,165 5,553,759,735 5,302,727,261 (4,264,494,535) (4,721,793,696) (101,613,769) (126,788,439) (13,687,231) (6,849,096) (4,379,795,535) (4,855,431,231) 40,000,000 (62,057,933) (62,057,932) (759,845,600) (348,900,000) (781,903,533) (410,957,932) 36,338,098 392,060,667 900,059,682 936,397,780 936,397,780 1,328,458,447 Method of Action What is Microcredit? 2007 Taka Grameen Mutual Fund One :Scheme Two The annexed notes 1 to 30 form an integral part of these financial statements. (M. Shahjahan) General Manager (Dr. Muhammad Yunus) Director Director Managing Director GF USA AUSTRALIA Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Change in Equity Page 1 of 1 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Data & Reports Microcredit Training Founder GRAMEEN BANK Audit Report 2008 Balance Sheet Q Statement of Changes in Equity Auditors' Report For the year ended 31 December 2008 Particulars Cash Flow Statement Changes in Equity Comparative Value Balance at 1 January 2008 (Note 14) Added Statement Retained balance Statement of Liquidity Paid up capital Dividend for the year 2007 @ 20% Transferred to dividend equalization fund Tax paid Transferred to borrowers Investment Trust Net profit for the year Notes to the Financial Statement Annexure-A Annual Report 2008 Capital reserve Paid up Capital Profit and Loss Account General reserve Dividend equalization fund Proposed dividend Other reserve 318,000,000 4,280,409,577 328,000,000 318,000,000 4,280,409,577 40,000,000 - - - 328,000,000 - - 666,000,000 63,600,000 115,773,301 636,000,000 63,600,000 115,773,301 - - - - (63,600,000) - 94,100,000 5,865,882,878 94,100,000 5,865,882,878 - - 40,000,000 (63,600,000) - - - 94,100,000 - - (94,100,000) - - - (6,240,000) - - (6,240,000) - - - (690,005,600) - - - (690,005,600) - - - - - - 1,304,673,408 1,304,673,408 - - - - - - 107,400,000 - 716,000,000 - - Employees welfare fund Dividend equalization fund Balance as at 31 358,000,000 4,280,409,577 1,044,000,000 December 2008 Total Proposed dividend for the year 2008 @ 30% General reserve Retained Surplus 358,000,000 421,854,400 - 107,400,000 - (107,400,000) 115,773,301 The annexed notes 1 to 30 form an integral part of these financial statements. (M. Shahjahan) General Manager Director - - (716,000,000) Director (14,273,408) (358,000,000) (14,273,408) - 109,000,000 6,436,437,278 (Dr. Muhammad Yunus) Managing Director GF USA AUSTRALIA Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Statement of Liquidity Page 1 of 1 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Audit Report 2008 Data & Reports Microcredit Training Founder Statement of Liquidity Auditors' Report GRAMEEN BANK Balance Sheet Statement of Liquidity Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 December 2008 Particulars Changes in Equity Up to 1 month 3,798,731 3,351,659 1-3 months 3-12 months 1-5 years More than 5 years Statement of Liquidity Assets Comparative Value Cash in hand Balances with Bangladesh Bank Balances with other Banks and Financial Institutions Investment at cost Loans and advances Fixed Assets including premises, furniture and fixtures net off accumulated depreciation Other assets Non-Banking Assets Added Statement Notes to the Financial Statement Annexure-A Annual Report 2008 145,343,886 3,171,185,099 - - - 1,175,964,171 4,001,471,962 21,290,647,160 263,000,000 5,723,371,774 25,814,778,233 10,939,759,125 - 3,798,731 3,351,659 1,321,308,057 4,000,000 28,730,304,221 459,123,702 45,786,957,884 127,959,573 1,035,309,272 1,163,268,845 102,068,354 711,468,427 1,534,436,861 2,548,227,778 895,511,514 5,791,712,934 Total assets (A) 6,275,672,779 11,612,276,334 48,639,862,254 13,878,946,476 2,393,944,488 82,800,702,331 Liabilities Borrowings from banks and other institutions 31,028,966 62,057,932 310,289,660 1,327,841,974 1,731,218,532 Deposits and other funds 2,894,539,095 10,170,895,376 28,669,445,232 18,227,274,184 8,352,168,316 68,314,322,203 Other liabilities 829,435,682 44,873,530 202,395,432 5,242,019,674 6,318,724,318 Total liabilities (B) 3,723,974,777 10,246,797,872 28,933,898,596 23,779,583,518 9,680,010,290 76,364,265,053 Net Liquidity Gap (A-B) 2,551,698,002 1,365,478,462 19,705,963,658 (9,900,637,042) 7,286,065,802) 6,436,437,278 The annexed notes 1 to 30 form an integral part of these financial statements. (M. Shahjahan) General Manager Director Director (Dr. Muhammad Yunus) Managing Director GF USA AUSTRALIA Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010 Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Comparative Value Added Statement Page 1 of 1 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Audit Report 2008 Data & Reports Microcredit Training Founder Comparative Value Added Statement Quick Links GRAMEEN BANK Auditors' Report Balance Sheet Nobel Foundation Site Founder's Website Comparative Value Added Statement Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement For the year ended 31 December 2008 Changes in Equity 2008 Taka What is Microcredit? 2007 Taka 16 Decisions Statement of Liquidity Value Added 7,831,802,905 6,790,936,211 3,244,228,810 2,970,420,220 923,182,445 878,176,622 11,999,214,160 10,639,533,053 5,456,923,644 4,506,165,656 112,294,055 95,057,383 119,985,004 96,117,235 1,110,444 1,216,380 118,396,308 111,236,170 50,414,227 36,491,171 178,000 148,000 949,132,713 812,410,886 6,808,434,395 5,658,842,881 5,190,779,765 4,980,690,172 (864,244,549) (2,336,825,078) 4,326,535,216 2,643,865,094 Distribution of value addition Employees-as salaries and other related expenses Net profit for the year (Appropriationable) Depreciation Income from Banking Services Comparative Value Interest income Interest income from investment Other operating income Added Statement Notes to the Financial Statement Annexure-A Less: Cost of services & Supplies Annual Report 2008 Interest paid on deposits & borrowings Rent, taxes, insurance & utilities etc. Legal and professional expenses Auditors' fees Stationery, printing, advertisement etc. Repairs & maintenance of fixed assets Directors’ remuneration Other expenses Value added by the Banking Services Less: loan loss and provisions Provision for bad and doubtful debts 2,955,312,168 2,472,554,079 1,304,673,408 106,914,130 66,549,640 64,396,885 4,326,535,216 2,643,865,094 Method of Action Grameen Mutual Fund One :Scheme Two The annexed notes 1 to 30 form an integral part of these financial statements. (M. Shahjahan) (Dr. Muhammad Yunus) General Manager Managing Director Director Director GF USA AUSTRALIA Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 1.00 1.01 BACKGROUND Legal form of the enterprise Grameen Bank was established as a body corporate under the Grameen Bank Ordinance 1983. Initially the authorized capital of the bank was Tk 100 million and paid-up capital was Tk. 30 million. At present the bank’s authorized capital is Tk. 3,500 million and paid up capital is Tk. 358 million. Members hold 94.97 percent of Grameen Bank shares. The remaining 5.03 percent is held by the Government of Bangladesh. The board of the bank consists of 13 members: the Managing Director, three members including the chairman nominated by the government and nine members elected from the borrower shareholders. 1.02 Nature of business The principal activity of the bank is to provide credit without collateral to landless persons for all types of economic activities. The bank also accepts deposits but excluding business in foreign exchange transactions, carries out survey and research, issue publications and maintaining statistics with a view to improving the economic condition of the landless persons. The bank undertakes income-generating projects for landless persons, invests its funds in Government Securities and provides professional counseling to landless persons regarding investments in small business and cottage industries. Grameen Bank now operates 40 Zonal Offices, 264 Area Offices and 2,536 branch offices. The bank offers four types of loans such as basic loans, housing loans, higher education loans and struggling members’ loans. Loans & advances and Deposits as at 31 December 2008 were Tk. 45,786,957,884 and 64,602,534,522 respectively. As on 31 December 2008, out of 2,536 branches 1,864 registered profits. The remaining 672 branches were not profitable. However, it must be taken into consideration that during the year the bank opened 58 new branches. 2.00 Risk Management In the ordinary course of business, the bank is exposed to a variety of risks the most important of which are credit risk, operational risk, and solvency risk. These risks are being identified, measured and monitored through various control mechanisms across the bank in order to assess the quality of products offered. 2.01 Credit Risk Credit risk arises mainly from micro-credit loan provided to the members of Grameen Bank. This can be described as potential loss arising from the failure of a counter party to perform as contractual agreement with the bank. The failure may result unwillingness of a counter party or decline in his/her financial condition in adverse environment. Therefore, the Bank’s credit risk management activities have been designed to address all these issues. The officers/executive involved in credit related activities including credit approval, administration, monitoring and recovery facilities are approved by the different level of the management. An effective assessment is done before sanction of credit facilities to the members is done by borrower financial condition, historical performance etc. The process starts at the branch manager and approved by the competent authority. Credit approval authority has been delegated to individual executives by the approval of the board of directors. Internal audit is conducted in periodical intervals to ensure compliance of Bank’s and regulatory policies. Loans are classified as per Grameen Bank Loan Policy Guidelines. 2.02 Liquidity Risk The objective of liquidity risk management is to ensure that all foreseeable funding commitments and deposit withdrawals can be met when due. To this end, the bank is maintaining a diversified and stable funding base. The liquidity management is monitored by the Fund unit on a regular basis. 2.03 Operational Risk Operational risk may arise from error and fraud due to lack of internal control and compliance. Management through different department controls operational procedures of the bank. Audit department undertake periodical and special audit of branches and departments of the Head Office for review of the operation and compliance of the statutory requirements. The Managing Director subsequently reviews the report of the audit department and report to the board of directors 2.04 Internal audit Internal audit is a part of the internal control system, which is introduced in large business entities to detect any error or fraud at an early stage. At present, the Internal Audit Division of Grameen Bank is characterized by two-tier structure namely central audit and zonal audit. Central audit conducts the audit of different divisions at the head office, zonal offices and their area offices. Moreover, Central 58 (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 audit office supervises, advises, directs and provides necessary guidance to zonal audit offices. The zonal audit office audits all branches within the zone. Central and zonal audit offices execute complete audits and briefs audits to monitor operations and review compliance of statutory requirements. The Internal Audit Division works under the direct supervision of the Managing Director; however, it is completely independent in its work. 3.00 Significant accounting policies 3.01 Basis of preparation and presentation of financial statements The accompanying financial statements comprising the Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Account, Cash Flow Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity, Comparative Value Added Statement and Notes thereto have been prepared in accordance with Bangladesh Accounting Standards (BASs) on a going concern basis under the historical cost convention. 3.02 Basis of consolidation A separate set of records for consolidation of the statement of affairs and income & expenditure account of the branches are maintained at the head office of the bank based on which these financial statements have been prepared. 3.03 Tax exemption Grameen bank is presently enjoying unconditional tax exemptions of income tax, super tax and business profit tax and it will continue upto 31 December 2010. This is contained in the Ministry of Finance notification vide SRO no. 315/Law/2008 dated 20 November 2008. 3.04 Rehabilitation fund Rehabilitation fund consists of transfer from general reserve and tax provision made for 1997 and 1998 and transfer of entire revenue profit from 1999 to 2005 in order to comply with the requirement for tax exemption allowed by the Ministry of Finance. The Rehabilitation Fund is to be utilized for the purpose of rehabilitation of members affected due to natural disasters. 3.05 Net profit During the year 2008, Grameen Bank has earned net profit amounting to Tk.130.47 crores while profit for the year 2007 was only Tk. 10.69 crores. Profit of 2007 was decreased from the Balance Sheet year 2008 due to adverse affects of devastating flood for two times and massive devastation caused by cyclone Sidr in the year 2007. 3.06 Profit Appropriation Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh permits Grameen Bank unconditioned income tax exemption from July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2010. This is contained in the Ministry of Finance Notification vide SRO no. 315/Law/2008 dated 20 November 2008. Previously Grameen Bank enjoyed income tax exemption from 1997 to 2005 subject to the condition that the Bank will transfer its entire profits to Rehabilitation Fund. During 2008, Bank has made a net profit of Tk. 1,304,673,408 as per Profit and Loss Account. At present, there is no condition in this affair, the Bank has decided to allocate its profit in the following manner: Proposed Dividend Dividend Equalization Fund General Reserve Employees welfare Fund Retained Surplus Amount (Tk.) 107,400,000 358,000,000 716,000,000 14,273,408 109,000,000 1,304,673,408 3.07 Foreign fund Foreign funds were received from the foreign donor agencies (IFAD 161 BA, IFAD 239 BA, NORAD, SIDA, Dutch Grant and JBIC) under the subsidiary loan agreement with the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh. The terms for repayments, interest rates, grace periods etc. have been set out in those agreements. The funds were disbursed to Grameen Bank in equivalent Taka currencies and were accounted for at cost as and when those funds were received. Consequently, no accounting treatment is required in respect of exchange differences on foreign currencies and Grameen Bank need not to account for exchange rate gain/loss on such differences as well. 59 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 3.08 Accruals & deferrals Deferrals and accruals have been made as per the guidance of the BAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements. In order to meet their objectives, financial statements except for cash flow statement and related information are prepared on accrual basis of accounting. Under the basis, the effects of transactions and other events are recognized when they occur (and not when cash or its equivalent is received or paid) and they are recorded in the accounting records and reported in the financial statements of the periods to which they relate. 3.09 Reconciliation of inter branch transactions Books of account with regard to inter branch are reconciled. Unreconciled entries are caused by mismatching of original figures with corresponding ones, lack of original advice and incomplete advice from branches. 3.10 Cash Flow Statement BAS 1 presentation of Financial Statement requires that a cash flow statement is to be prepared as it provides information about cash flows of the enterprise that is useful in providing users of financial statements with a basis to asses the ability of the enterprise to generate cash and cash equivalents and the needs of the enterprise to utilize those cash flows. Cash flow statement has been prepared under the direct method for the period, classified by operating, investing and financing activities as prescribed in paragraph 10 and 18(a) of BAS 7. 3.11 Liquidity Statement The liquidity statement of assets and liabilities as on reporting date has been prepared on residual maturity term as per following bases. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. Balance with other banks and financial institutions, money at call notice of short notice, etc are on their maturity term; Investments are on the basis of their respective maturity; Loans and advances/investments are on the basis of their repayment schedule; Fixed assets are on the base of their useful lives; Other assets are on the basis of their realization/amortization; Borrowing from other banks, financial institutions, agents, etc. are as per as their maturity/repayment terms; Provisions and other liabilities are on the basis of their payment/adjustment schedule; Deposits and other accounts are on the basis of their maturity term and past trend of withdrawal by the depositors. 3.12 Provision for loan impairment As per the guideline of paragraph 43 of BAS 30 Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial Institutions, specific provisions are made against non-performing and problem loans on the basis of best estimate up to such amount as it is expected to cover for the loss from non-performing and impaired loans and advances. No specific credit risk provision for loan impairment is established to provide for management’s estimate of loan losses as soon as the recovery of an exposure is identified as doubtful. As per the requirement of paragraph 49 of BAS 30 Disclosures in the Financial Statements of Banks and Similar Financial Institutions when a loan is deemed uncollectible, it is written off against the related provision for impairments. The bank writes off its non-performing and problem loans after one year on overdue loan. Subsequent recoveries of such loans are credited to the Profit and Loss Account and provision and reserve account. Provisions for loans & advances are made on the basis of year-end review by the management and instructions contained in board resolution. The calculation rate is given below: 60 a) Basic loans Basic loan provision has been made @ 100% on overdue loan; Basic loan provision has been made @ 1% on regular loan. b) Flexible loans Provision has been made on flexible loans at the following rates: Principal outstanding from the signing of first contract period below 2 years 50%; Principal outstanding for 2 years and beyond from the signing of first contract period 100%; Overdue flexible loans 100%. c) Housing loans (Members) Housing loan provision has been made @ 100% on overdue loan; Housing loan provision has been made @ 1% on regular loan. (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 d) Educational loan No provision has been made on education loan. 3.13 Overdue Policies If a borrower misses ten consecutive installments, the entire outstanding loan is treated as an overdue loan; Incase of one year, if a borrower fails to pay half of the loan amount, with interest, within 26 weeks, entire un-repaid amount is due; Incase of loans with longer duration, if the borrower fails to repay the total principle amount and interest scheduled to be repaid within each segment of 26 weeks, entire unrepaid amount is overdue. 3.14 Provision for interest receivable a) Interest receivable on basic loans: Interest receivable on basic loan provision has been made @ 100% on overdue interest of basic loans; Interest receivable on basic loan provision has been made @ 1% on regular interest of basic loans. b) Interest receivable on flexible loans: Provision has been made on interest receivable on flexible loans at the following rates: Interest receivable outstanding from the signing of first contract period below 2 years 50%; Interest receivable outstanding for 2 years and beyond from the signing of first contract period 100%; Interest receivable outstanding of overdue loan 100%. c) Interest receivable on Housing loans (Members) Provision has been made on interest receivable on housing loans (Members) at the following rates: Interest receivable on housing loan provision has been made @ 100% on overdue interest receivable; Interest receivable on housing loan provision has been made @ 1% on regular interest receivable. 3.15 Bad debt recovery Fifty percent of Bad debt recovery has been shown in provision and reserve account and the remaining fifty percent has been shown in other income. 3.16 Fixed assets The major categories of property and equipment held by the bank are property land, buildings & other structures, equipment, furniture and fixtures, vehicles, capital work in progress etc. As guided in paragraph 28 of BAS 16 Property Plant and Equipment: all property and equipment except land are stated at historical cost less accumulated depreciation. No depreciation has been charged on land and the carrying amounts are the same as those were initially recognized. The opening and closing carrying amounts of all property and equipment are presented including the amount of additions, disposals and depreciation charged during the year as required by paragraph 60 (e) of BAS 16. 3.17 Depreciation As required by IAS 16, property, plant & equipment depreciation has been charged on property and equipment at the following rates using straight-line method. Property & Equipment Building and other structures Office House (Semi-Paka and Tin shed) Development of leasehold property Vehicles Computer equipment Office equipment Electrical equipment Furniture & fixtures Library books Depreciation Rate 1.7% 7.5% 10% 20% 30% 15% 10% 10% 10% Depreciation at the applicable rates is charged proportionately on additions made during the year from the date of their acquisition on straight-line method. Disposal of assets during the year, depreciation charged is required on actual date. 61 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 3.18 Investments Value of investment is presented below: Nature of Investments FDR Shares in CDBL Grameen Mutual Fund Applicable Accounting Face Value At cost At cost 3.19 Revenue recognition Revenue is recognized on an accrual basis which complies with the conditions of revenue recognition as provided in BAS 18 Revenue. a) Income on investments is accounted for consistently on an accrual basis. b) Interest on loans and advances (including bad and doubtful loans and advances) is accounted for on an accrual basis. c) Service charge on guarantees issued by the bank in favour of other institutions is accounted for on cash receipt basis. 3.20 Interest paid and other expenses In terms of the provision of the IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements, the interest paid and other expenses are recognized on accrual basis. 3.21 Retirement benefits to the employees a) Grameen Bank Superannuation fund: The bank operates a superannuation fund scheme, provision in respect of which is made annually @ 60% of annual basic salary. It is operated by a separate Board of Trustees consisting ten members. b) Non-contributory provident fund Provident fund benefits are given to the employees of the bank in accordance with non-contributory provident fund rules. The fund is operated by a Board of Trustees. All confirmed employees of the bank are contributing 10% of their basic salary as subscription of the fund. Interest earned from the investments is credited to the members account on accrual basis. 3.22 Comparative Information As required by paragraphs 38 and 40 of IAS 1 Presentation of Financial Statements comparative information in respect of the previous year have been presented in all numerical information in the financial statements and the narrative and descriptive information where it is relevant for understanding of the current year’s financial statements. 3.23 Dividend Payments Dividend payable to the Bank’s shareholders is recognized as liability and deducted from the shareholders’ equity in the period in which the shareholder’s right to receive payment is established. Final dividend is recognized when it is approved by the Board of Directors. The proposed dividend for the year 2008 has not been recognized as in the balance sheet date in accordance with BAS-10 Events after the Balance Sheet Date. 3.24 Reporting period These financial statements cover one calendar year from 1 January 2008 to 31 December 2008. 3.25 Events after Balance sheet date Grameen Bank has decided to recommend payment of 30% (thirty percent) cash dividend for the year 2008. The Total amount of dividend is Tk. 107,400,000. 62 (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 3.26 General i) ii) 4.00 Previous year’s figures have been rearranged, wherever considered necessary, for the purpose of comparison. Figures appearing in these accounts have been rounded off to the nearest Taka. 2007 Taka 1,265,325,953 55,982,104 1,321,308,057 870,976,622 55,027,637 926,004,259 28,463,304,221 263,000,000 4,000,000 28,730,304,221 24,455,309,686 6,500,000 4,000,000 24,465,809,686 2,526,481,548 2,383,977,577 220,000,000 1,791,412,276 1,315,704,958 989,546,697 2,686,367,959 1,949,744,912 765,260,700 1,191,580,330 1,387,163,120 1,387,891,509 1,420,871,059 644,367,323 1,657,855,634 1,285,775,694 754,250,000 1,651,038,825 1,454,274,100 1,099,740,000 120,000,000 28,463,304,221 2,378,762,278 2,659,997,149 BALANCES WITH OTHER BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS On short term deposit accounts On current deposit accounts 5.00 2008 Taka INVESTMENTS AT COST Fixed deposits with other banks (Note 5.01) Grameen Mutual Fund-One (Note 5.02) Share (Note 5.03) 5.01 FIXED DIPOSITS WITH OTHER BANKS Southeast Bank Limited Prime Bank Limited Dutch Bangla Bank Limited State Bank of India NCC Bank Limited Mercantile Bank Limited One Bank Limited Dhaka Bank Limited EXIM Bank Limited First Security Bank Limited Mutual Trust Bank Limited Standard Bank Limited Premier Bank Limited Bank Asia Limited Jamuna Bank Limited United Commercial Bank Limited Shahjalal Islami Bank Limited The City Bank Limited BRAC Bank Limited Arab Bangladesh Bank Limited Al-Arafa Islami Bank Limited Eastern Bank Limited National Bank Limited - 157,124,603 1,226,616,352 1,602,056,276 1,172,433,854 2,627,430,248 1,485,903,010 615,223,656 751,771,729 993,528,458 1,201,586,501 1,003,500,000 850,890,634 1,319,280,827 694,289,274 326,000,000 1,110,182,337 1,178,732,500 150,000,000 730,000,000 24,455,309,686 5.02 Net investment of Grameen Bank as sole sponsor of Grameen Mutual Fund (GMF)-One (scheme 1 & 2) stands at Tk. 26.30 crore consists of Tk. 1.30 crore of Scheme 1 and Tk. 25.00 crore of Scheme 2. The Scheme 1 & 2 of the fund were listed in both the Stock Exchanges of Dhaka and Chittagong as on 04 September 2005 & 02 September 2008 respectively. 5.03 04 (Four) shares of Central Depository Bangladesh Limited (CDBL) which were subscribed @ Tk. 1,000,000 each. 63 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 5.04 Advances Housing loans (staff) Household commodities loans Salary advances Bicycle advances Motor cycle advances Calculator advances Advances against PF Medical loans Staff welfare loans 3,032,564,001 3,634,946,368 17,637,799,317 156,500,000 4,000,000 24,465,809,686 41,081,757,428 1,850,429,618 221,953,169 971,394,140 27,896,051 133,407,884 3,713,579 24,290,335 97,264,782 44,412,106,986 32,787,687,069 2,379,885,643 202,124,449 609,104,995 29,671,193 109,228,774 29,391,468 24,323,738 165,856,184 36,337,273,513 220,036,519 463,696,464 34,832 12,827,903 10,641,437 591,129 656,779,934 8,575,111 1,667,569 1,374,850,898 45,786,957,884 161,428,219 448,431,058 39,263 15,558,263 10,761,502 1,009,963 564,425,016 6,143,284 1,409,625 1,209,206,193 37,546,479,706 2,849,925,050 5,723,371,774 25,814,778,233 10,939,759,125 459,123,702 45,786,957,884 2,331,636,391 4,682,036,020 21,146,177,371 9,011,155,127 375,474,797 37,546,479,706 Maturity grouping of loans and advances Repayable on demand Up to 1 month Over 1 month but not more than 3 months Over 3 months but not more than 1 year Over 1 year but not more than 5 years Over 5 years 64 3,171,185,099 4,001,471,962 21,290,647,160 263,000,000 4,000,000 28,730,304,221 LOANS AND ADVANCES - WITHOUT COLLATERAL Loans Basic loans Flexible loans Housing loans (members) Education loans Social venture capital fund (SVCF) loans Center house building loan Loan freeze Other loans Interest free loans 6.01 2007 Taka Maturity grouping of investments On demand Up to 1 month Over 1 month but not more than 3 months Over 3 months but not more than 1 year Over 1 year but not more than 5 years Over 5 years 6.00 2008 Taka (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 7.00 2007 Taka 70,658,081 811,869,346 55,178,482 27,058,274 19,685,050 122,047,194 46,648,527 10,123,891 1,163,268,845 54,908,722 789,609,907 69,534,735 52,657,571 17,838,644 110,925,860 19,042,046 1,114,517,485 5,327,266,426 18,903,683 207,746 722,334 201,851,634 574,862 9,715,554 73,927 949,976 2,297,834 3,024,407 114,939,618 3,229,440 1,404,219 403,793 7,130,305 99,017,176 4,333,745,880 3,033,272 19,902,093 342,963 231,126 201,595,011 594,774 8,188,725 90,677 1,551,825 3,149,935 3,590,340 222,930,305 2,100,825 34,987,344 2,852,499 148,846 8,203,066 43,254,594 5,791,712,934 4,890,494,100 FIXED ASSETS INCLUDING PREMISES, FURNITURE AND FIXTURES (NET OF ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATION) (Annexure-A) Land Building and other structures Vehicles Office equipment Electrical equipment Furniture and fixtures Capital work in progress Computer equipment 8.00 2008 Taka OTHER ASSETS Interest receivable (Note 8.01) Advance income tax for employees Printing stationery Office stationery Zone/Area control account Advance income tax (Note 8.02) Security deposits Prepaid expenses Advance against travelling Advance against purchases Advance against house rent Stock & stores (general) Suspense account Advances to contractors Inter-branch adjustments Advance for disaster Workshop Rent receivables Receivable due 65 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 8.01 2007 Taka 1,391,669,892 1,176,599,582 2,389,996,829 1,244,204,645 77,266,893 5,098,803 19,570,387 115,544 17,549,336 3,753,802,437 1,656,778,778 1,199,869,789 102,675,184 3,670,769 19,456,935 980,924 21,847,193 3,005,279,572 54,288,454 66,415,501 1,253,833 59,836,309 181,794,097 5,327,266,426 46,932,818 58,437,474 1,343,614 45,152,820 151,866,726 4,333,745,880 Interest receivable From investments Fixed deposits with other banks From Lending Basic loans Flexible loans Housing loans (Members) Education loans Other loans Interest freeze Interest before loan freeze From Staff Staff loan and advances Advances against PF Medical loans Household commodities loans 8.02 2008 Taka Advance income tax Advance income tax represents tax deducted at source by Scheduled Banks and others from the income of Grameen Bank. Grameen Bank is a non- taxable entity as per Grameen Bank Ordinance 1983 but due to late receipts of the exemption orders from Government, Grameen Bank had faced such deduction. The tax deducted as such, at source remains to be refundable. 8.03 Maturity grouping of other assets On demand Up to 1 month Over 1 month but not more than 3 months Over 3 months but not more than 1 year Over 1 year but not more than 5 years Over 5 years 9.00 86,731,451 604,562,319 1,303,870,520 2,158,121,458 737,208,352 4,890,494,100 248,190,868 267,918,176 238,848,625 18,075,066 44,283,298 913,902,499 1,731,218,532 256,463,897 267,918,176 238,848,625 18,075,066 44,283,298 967,687,403 1,793,276,465 BORROWINGS FROM BANKS AND OTHER INSTITUTIONS 2% IFAD 239 BA (Note 9.01) NORAD (Note 9.02) SIDA (Note 9.03) Ford Foundation Dutch Grant Loan (Note 9.04) Japan Bank of International Co-operation (JBIC) (Note 9.05) 9.01 102,068,354 711,468,427 1,534,436,861 2,548,227,778 895,511,514 5,791,712,934 2% IFAD 239 BA A subsidiary loan agreement for an amount in taka equivalent of SDR 6,200,000 was made with Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on 8 January 1990. The loan received in 1990 and 1992 is repayable on 15 March and 15 September each year in 80 equal semi annual installments commencing on 15 March 1999 and ending on 15 September 2039. 66 (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 9.02 Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD) A subsidiary loan agreement for an amount in Taka equivalent of Norwegian Kroner 55,000,000 was made with Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on 4th August 1986. The principal loan received in 1986 is repayable with interest rate 2% per annum in March and September each year in 40 equal semiannual installments during a period of 30 years including a grace period of 10 years where the first installment was commenced in March 1997. Upto 31st December 2008, an amount of Tk 144,546,842.94 was repaid into 24 installments in due time and Grameen Bank received the same as revolving loan as per bilateral agreement with the Government. 9.03 Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA) A subsidiary loan agreement for an amount in Taka equivalent of SEK 60,000,000 was made with Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on 30th November 1986. The principal loan received in 1986 is repayable with interest rate 2% per annum in March and September each year in 40 equal semiannual installments during a period of 30 years including a grace period of 10 years where the first installment was commenced in March 1997. Upto 31st December 2008, an amount of Tk 135,133,141.36 was repaid into 24 installments in due time and Grameen Bank received the same as revolving loan as per bilateral agreement with the Government. 9.04 Dutch Grant Loan The loan of DFL 2,000,000 equivalent of Tk. 44,283,298 received in 1986 under a subsidiary loan agreement with Bangladesh Bank is repayable on 15 December each year in 15 equal annual installments within 16 years from the date of receiving the loan including a grace period of one year. As per section 11 of the loan agreement the amount of installments of the principal loans amount repaid by Grameen Bank is allowed to be used in perpetuity for financing its housing loan scheme on the same terms and condition as stated above. 9.05 Japan Bank for Iinternational Co-operation (JBIC) A subsidiary loan agreement for an amount of taka equivalent of Yen 2,986,000,000 was executed with the Government of the Peoples Republic of Bangladesh on 7 March 1996. The loan is repayable on 15 March and 15 September each year with the interest rate of 2% per annum in semi annual installments in 30 years including a grace period of 10 years in accordance with amortization schedule, first installments being due on 15 September 2005. Upto 31 December 2008, an amount of Tk. 188,247,162.11 was repaid by 7 (seven) installments in due time. Tk. 393,133,462, Tk. 419,216,041 and Tk. 289,800,159 were received in 1996, 1997 and 1998 respectively. 9.06 2008 Taka 2007 Taka 31,028,966 62,057,932 310,289,660 1,327,841,974 31,028,966 62,057,932 310,289,660 1,389,899,907 1,731,218,532 1,793,276,465 Maturity grouping of borrowings from banks and other institutions Repayable on demand Up to 1 month Over 1 month but not more than 3 months Over 3 months but not more than 1 year Over 1 year but not more than 5 years Over 5 years 67 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 10.00 2007 Taka 23,657,121 34,906,671 5,631,978,271 22,464,123,262 1,852,350,752 96,118,000 930,157 557,054,836 109,447,299 4,227,283,109 3,977,640 119,098,600 35,120,925,718 22,452,125 37,332,130 5,580,357,096 17,345,263,354 1,418,308,573 76,851,285 558,674,054 538,900,821 115,681,275 3,778,582,377 6,294,589 125,865,300 29,604,562,979 24,700,219 22,526 594,868,072 12,949,417,193 530,807,708 12,718,231,912 2,600,775,000 63,333 8,268,270 361,391 54,093,180 29,481,608,804 29,078,004 107,255 624,184,820 9,367,626,822 418,816,533 9,815,274,697 2,166,127,399 125,847 6,104,985 205,303 45,691,786 22,473,343,451 103,038,029 40,544,445 95,320,543 53,139,759 1,985,416 5,612,440 244,371,569 184,812,408 81,687,852 15,374,969 759,286,802 37,399,927 2,205,884 5,859,087 41,337,258 8,197,546 17,791,599 29,884,496 1,983,937,652 3,711,787,681 68,314,322,203 82,366,212 39,680,718 88,593,135 51,728,667 1,950,134 5,612,440 204,944,861 249,342,955 20,960,112 9,855,999 579,042,576 29,030,207 2,205,884 5,922,989 46,304,764 8,158,810 17,791,599 29,884,496 2,089,472,215 3,562,848,773 55,640,755,203 DEPOSITS AND OTHER FUNDS Members deposit Current deposits Fixed deposit (Note 10.01) Savings deposit Grameen pension scheme-10 years (Note 10.02) Double in 7 years deposit (Note 10.03) Monthly profit scheme (Note 10.04) Polly phone deposit Centre welfare fund Central emergency fund Loan insurance savings fund Grameen pension scheme-5 years Share money deposit Non-Members deposit Current deposit Short term deposit Fixed deposit Savings deposit Grameen pension scheme-10 years (for staff) Double in 7 years deposit Monthly profit scheme Technology project deposit Forestation fund Grameen pension scheme-5 years (for staff) Employees loan insurance savings fund Other Funds Employees welfare fund Struggling members welfare fund Award funds Maintenance reserve Cafeteria Leasing insurance fund Contingency fund (Note 10.05) Byabosa Bikash risk coverage fund Loan repaid by Byabosa Bikash Employees loan insurance fund Loan insurance fund Animal insurance fund Grameen Bank disaster relief fund Members welfare fund Polly phone risk coverage fund Revolving fund-special programme Revolving fund-SIDE Revolving fund (Note 10.06) Rehabilitation fund (Note 10.07) 68 2008 Taka (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 10.01 Fixed Deposit Grameen Bank started “fixed deposit scheme” vide its circular no. 02/2000 dated 16 May 2000 which is for minimum of 1 year and maximum of 3 years. Interest rates of fixed deposits are 8.75%, 9.25% and 9.50% for 1 year, 2 years and 3 years respectively. Depositors can get interest after matured date of fixed deposit. 10.02 Grameen pension scheme Grameen Bank Started “ Grameen pension scheme” of 5 years and 10 years vide its circular no. 2-06/2000 dated 30 August 2000 for the financial assurance of their members and employees. Under this scheme Grameen Bank motivates their members and employees to small savings by opening “GPS Account” in the respective branches which rate of interest is 10% for 5 years and 12% for 10 years. Both are payable yearly basis. 10.03 Double in 7 years deposit Grameen Bank started “Double in 7 years deposit” scheme vide its circular no. 2-07/2000 dated 30 August 2000 for making financial strengths of rural civil society by increasing saving mentality. Any person can open his/her account by depositing minimum of Tk. 1,000.00 (One thousand) or its general multiplying amount for 7 years. After 7 years account holder for carrying his/her account fulfilling the all criteria will get double amount (consolidated principal and interest) of his/her investment. 10.04 Monthly profit scheme In 2001, Grameen Bank has introdued a term deposit product named ‘Monthly Profit Scheme’ with tenure of 5 and 10 years vide its circular no. 2-07/2001 dated 05 March 2001. This deposit scheme is open for both Members & Non-Members with a minimum deposit amount of Tk. 20,000.00. For each amount of Tk. 10,000.00 Grameen Bank pays Tk. 80.00 and Tk. 85.00 per month for 5 and 10 years scheme respectively. 10.05 Contingency fund Grameen Bank has created “ Contingency Fund” to cover the loss (if any) arises from forgery, theft, lost, assault, robbery etc. 10.06 2007 Taka 14,621,090 6,729,042 3,708,745 4,825,619 29,884,496 14,621,090 6,729,042 3,708,745 4,825,619 29,884,496 2,089,472,215 (166,607,665) 61,073,102 1,983,937,652 2,143,673,316 (131,457,470) 77,256,369 2,089,472,215 Revolving fund Revolving fund from GTZ Revolving fund from KFW Revolving fund for SVCF Revolving fund for housing rehabilitation 10.07 2008 Taka Rehabilitation fund Opening Balance Payment during the year Reimbursement during the year 69 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 10.08 2,369,512,704 8,282,384,285 23,345,182,581 14,842,397,169 6,801,278,464 55,640,755,203 9,633,513 4,493,299 13,552,447 144,421 5,988,764 303,140,151 14,607,988 2,571,976 5,479,935 49,384,227 262,649 452,452 345,070 95,546,139 291,521,978 2,286,997 13,289,248 2,111,527 6,081 130,305 11,933 5,503,763,218 6,318,724,318 10,284,228 5,697,403 144,682,033 657,111 89,195 5,596,676 214,997,573 2,035,863 1,840,184 52,836,918 239,296 268,405 185,590 61,928,395 483,016,578 2,719,781 1,491,625 133,840 4,853 130,305 4,664,948,359 5,653,784,211 1,000 4,295,627 10,926 945,733 730,478 4,000 1,000 5,988,764 1,000 3,976,625 15,616 808,094 790,341 4,000 1,000 5,596,676 Accounts for other institutions Grameen Telecom Grameen Fisheries & Livestock Foundation Grameen Communications Grameen Shikkha Grameen Kalyan Grameen Krishi Foundation Grameen Samogree 70 2,894,539,095 10,170,895,376 28,669,445,232 18,227,274,184 8,352,168,316 68,314,322,203 OTHER LIABILITIES Interest payable on borrowings Interest sundry Bills payable PF trustee board-current account Contributory provident fund Accounts for other institutions (Note 11.01) GB superannuation fund-current account Inter-branch adjustments (Note 11.02) Retention money Earnest money Claimable deposits Unpaid salary Tax deducted at source Sundry receipts Farewell grant provision for fixed salary staff Miscellaneous Advance house rent Struggling members programme Risk fund-Grameen Byabosa Bikash Risk fund and portion of Grameen Byabosa Bikash Provision reserve for doubtful rents House building revolving fund Provision reserves (Note 11.03) 11.01 2007 Taka Maturity grouping of deposits and other funds Repayable on demand Up to 1 month Over 1 month but not more than 3 months Over 3 months but not more than 1 year Over 1 year but not more than 5 years Over 5 years 11.00 2008 Taka (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 11.02 Inter-branch adjustments Inter-Branch adjustment account balance Tk.14,607,988 represents outstanding in branch and Head Office transactions (Net) originated but not responded at the balance sheet date. However, unadjusted items are being subsequently adjusted. 11.03 2008 Taka 2007 Taka 3,895,404,754 1,608,358,464 5,503,763,218 3,640,568,497 1,024,379,862 4,664,948,359 2,597,056,173 1,298,348,581 3,895,404,754 2,579,708,195 1,060,860,302 3,640,568,497 2,516,352,425 43,140,297 37,563,451 2,597,056,173 2,487,672,447 54,031,029 38,004,719 2,579,708,195 1,261,474,627 36,873,954 1,298,348,581 1,017,314,252 43,546,050 1,060,860,302 415,575,555 163,853,446 1,028,929,463 1,608,358,464 331,891,966 164,408,181 528,079,715 1,024,379,862 829,435,682 44,873,530 202,395,432 5,242,019,674 6,318,724,318 732,644,748 74,350,000 1,528,072,682 3,318,716,781 5,653,784,211 3,500,000,000 500,000,000 Provision reserves Total specific provision against loans & advances and interest receivable (11.02.01) Total general provision against loans & advances and interest receivable (11.02.02) 11.02.01 Total specific provision against loans & advances and interest receivable Specific provision against loans & advances (a) Specific provision against interest receivable (b) a) b) Specific provision against loans & advances Basic and Flexible loans Housing loans Freeze loan (Patuakhali & Pirojpur) Specific provision against Interest receivable Basic and Flexible loans Housing loans 11.02.02 Total general provision against loans & advances and interest receivable Regular Basic loans Regular Housing loans Reserve for bad debt recovery 11.03 Maturity grouping of other liabilities Repayable on demand Up to 1 month Over 1 month but not more than 3 months Over 3 months but not more than 1 year Over 1 year but not more than 5 years Over 5 years 12.00 12.01 SHARE CAPITAL Authorized 35,000,000 Ordinary Shares of Tk. 100 each As per Grameen Bank Ordinance 1983, Government has increased its Authorized Capital from Tk. 500 million to Tk. 3,500 million vide Ministry of Finance Memo No. 219 dated 31.12.2008. 71 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 12.02 Shareholders for year ended December 2007 Government of Bangladesh Sonali Bank Bangladesh Krishi Bank Borrowers : Male Female Total % No. of Shares 318,000,000 Nominal Value of shares 120,000 30,000 30,000 12,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 18,000,000 12,000,000 3,000,000 3,000,000 18,000,000 4.23% 90.74% 151,534 3,248,466 15,153,400 324,846,600 13,616,300 286,383,700 100% 3,580,000 358,000,000 318,000,000 358,000,000 5,969,437,278 109,000,000 6,436,437,278 318,000,000 5,453,782,878 94,100,000 5,865,882,878 1,608,358,464 8,044,795,742 82,800,702,331 66,923,218,962 6,692,321,896 6,436,437,278 1,608,358,464 8,044,795,742 1,352,473,846 12.02% 1,024,379,862 6,890,262,740 68,953,698,757 55,423,307,297 5,542,330,730 5,865,882,878 1,024,379,862 6,890,262,740 1,347,932,010 12.43% 4,280,409,577 1,044,000,000 107,400,000 421,854,400 115,773,301 4,280,409,577 328,000,000 63,600,000 666,000,000 115,773,301 5,969,437,278 5,453,782,878 3,732,311,704 527,997,873 20,100,000 3,732,311,704 527,997,873 20,100,000 4,280,409,577 4,280,409,577 Capital Adequacy Ratio Tire-II (Supplementary capital) General provision Total Capital (A) Total assets Total Risk Weighted Assets (RWA) (B) Required capital based on Risk Weighted Assets (10% of RWA) - (C) Core capital (Tire-I) Supplementary capital (Tire-II) Total Surplus/(Shortage)-(A-C) Capital to Risk-Weighted Assets (A/B) CAPITAL AND OTHER RESERVES Capital reserves (Note 13.01) General reserve Proposed dividend Dividend equalization fund (Note 13.02) Other reserves (Note 13.03) 13.01 358,000,000 3.35% 0.84% 0.84% Tire-I (Core Capital) Paid up capital Capital & other reserves Retained surplus 13.00 2007 Taka Paid up Capital 3,580,000 ordinary shares of Tk. 100 each issued for cash 12.03 2008 Taka Capital reserves Revolving fund (Note 13.01.01) Grants MED revolving fund Capital reserve includes outstanding balances of revolving funds and grant as at 31 December 1999 which are no longer refundable. 72 (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 2008 Taka 2007 Taka 1,544,811,573 2,065,346,276 122,153,855 3,732,311,704 1,544,811,573 2,065,346,276 122,153,855 3,732,311,704 13.01.01 Revolving fund Revolving fund for G & C Revolving fund for house loan Revolving fund for staff house loan 13.02 Dividend equalization fund An amount of USD 10.0 million equivalent to BDT 690,005,600 transferred to Grameen Bank Borrowers’ Investment Trust from Dividend Equalization Fund for investing into Pre-IPO placement of Grameen Phone’s shares as per decision of the 84th Grameen Bank Board of Directors’ meeting. 13.03 Other reserves Special reserve Training reserve fund Training revolving fund Publication fund Assets replacement reserve SIDE programme-sundry deposit SIDE fund revolving account Special programme-GTZ 14.00 992,043 3,017,748 10,387,868 2,807,045 49,697,943 19,020,037 3,238,095 26,612,522 992,043 3,017,748 10,387,868 2,807,045 49,697,943 19,020,037 3,238,095 26,612,522 115,773,301 115,773,301 94,100,000 (94,100,000) - 125,000,000 (30,900,000) 94,100,000 1,304,673,408 (358,000,000) (107,400,000) (716,000,000) (14,273,408) 109,000,000 106,914,130 (30,000,000) (63,600,000) (10,000,000) (3,314,130) 94,100,000 RETAINED SURPLUS Balance on 1 January Tax paid on behalf of shareholders Transferred to dividend equalization fund Retained balance for 2007 Net profit Dividend equalization fund Proposed dividend General reserve Employee welfare fund Balance at 31 December Tax deductible at source on dividend paid to shareholders were paid, in line with the decision of the board, to keep the full dividend at the hand of the recipient. 73 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 15.00 CONTINGENT LIABILITIES - GUARANTEE There are contingent liabilities for bank guarantees executed by Grameen Bank in favour of the following : Guarantee Amount Grameen Fisheries & Livestock Foundation Grameen Shakti 16.00 Tk. -------------US$ -------------- 7,809,470,663 22,332,242 7,831,802,905 6,771,022,849 19,913,362 6,790,936,211 7,208,543,819 450,104,546 15,419,537 8,228,439 18,077 6,652,272,476 6,209,736,526 408,314,679 25,550,172 8,624,845 46,254 16,623,518 58,714,997 51,021,797 795,933 127,156,245 7,809,470,663 11,953,688 54,024,877 48,730,581 4,041,227 118,750,373 6,771,022,849 5,418,102,052 38,821,592 5,456,923,644 4,470,000,428 36,165,228 4,506,165,656 3,188,246,533 2,192,234,114 37,621,405 5,418,102,052 2,739,997,491 1,698,315,283 31,687,654 4,470,000,428 Interest on deposits Members deposit (Note 17.01.01) Non-Members deposit (Note 17.01.02) Others (Note 17.01.03) 74 Taka 2,000,000 3,719,054 5,719,054 INTEREST/PROFIT PAID ON DEPOSITS AND BORROWINGS ETC. Interest on deposits (Note 17.01) Interest on borrowings (Note 17.02) 17.01 Tk. 2,000,000.00 US$ 53,899.34 2007 Loan outstanding including interest at 31-12-07 against which guarantees are given Interest on loans and advances Members loan Basic loans Flexible loans Housing loans Education loans Other loans 7,682,314,418 Employees Advances Staff loans & advances Advance against PF Household commodities loans Medical loans 17.00 Taka - Guarantee Amount INTEREST INCOME Loans and advances (Note 16.01) Deposits 16.01 2008 Loan outstanding including interest at 31-12-08 against which guarantees are given (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 2008 Taka 2007 Taka 3,532,745 405,505,650 12,637,524 41,986,389 8,668,506 2,024,116,964 152,847,369 15,479,049 475,427,331 47,371,990 673,016 3,188,246,533 5,472,019 435,587,959 13,287,800 41,572,751 64,328,002 1,529,719,653 51,326,872 117,144,565 14,660,779 437,632,438 28,290,739 973,914 2,739,997,491 52,130,155 767,509,453 635 51,792,004 1,087,651,195 226,420,881 128,688 6,133,247 467,856 2,192,234,114 60,821,191 602,838,097 120,206 39,906,680 803,889,406 184,865,527 520,008 4,862,743 491,425 1,698,315,283 17,422,437 3,239,515 7,000,554 1,948,969 7,513,797 335,145 150,062 10,926 37,621,405 14,663,210 3,188,381 6,197,977 176,095 6,980,858 326,611 146,126 8,396 31,687,654 5,038,863 5,358,651 4,777,690 18,529,870 4,251,733 864,785 38,821,592 5,204,075 5,357,630 4,776,318 19,840,022 966,820 20,363 36,165,228 17.01.01 Members deposit Fixed deposit Savings deposit Central emergency fund Centre welfare fund Polly phone deposit Grameen pension scheme-10 years Special savings account Double in 7 years deposit Monthly profit scheme Loan insurance savings fund Loan insurance fund Grameen pension scheme-5 years 17.01.02 Non-Members deposit Fixed deposit Savings deposit Technology project deposit Grameen pension scheme-10 years (for staff) Double in 7 years deposit Monthly profit scheme Grameen pension scheme-5 years (for staff) Employees loan insurance savings fund Forestation and other fund 17.01.03 Others Contingency fund Struggling member welfare fund Employees’ welfare fund PF trustee board-current account GB superannuation fund-current account Award funds Accounts of other organizations Cafeteria Contributory provident fund 17.02 Interest on borrowings 2% IFAD 239 BA NORAD SIDA JBIC Interest on short term loans Dutch grant loan 75 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 18.00 473,226 190,321,372 4,363,920 88,931,718 284,090,236 2,650,985 150,721,079 3,361,493 33,373,054 190,106,611 1,253,406,767 24,005,683 13,800 117,880,023 494,143,105 108,126,406 64,215,914 314,977 22,150 3,555,665 137,729 2,839,232 209,211,749 676,933,368 2,954,806,568 1,129,231,686 15,311,395 62,514 358 422,955,317 92,105,964 59,682,441 349,248 26,850 3,019,610 157,667 2,540,113 176,816,722 569,763,114 2,472,022,999 68,420,259 900,627 23,949,896 93,270,782 60,509,895 1,442,815 21,467,132 83,419,842 RENT, RATES, TAXES, VEHICLE INSURANCE, UTILITIES ETC. Rent, rates & taxes Insurance (vehicle) Water, electricity & gas 76 34,723,312 216,214,250 36,601,332 394,481,874 907,456 77,781 4,665,236 398,770 190,106,611 878,176,622 SALARIES AND OTHER RELATED EXPENSES Salaries Leave encashment Personal allowances Dearness allowances House rent allowances Medical allowances Conveyance allowances Washing allowances Contribution to PF Overtime Watch and ward allowances Hill allowances Bonus Pension & gratuity 20.00 38,076,013 505,643,663 40,855,759 52,892,085 889,473 720 230,738 503,758 284,090,236 923,182,445 Miscellaneous receipts Income from properties : Profit on sale of plant and equipment Income from accounts closing Income from ROSA programme Others 19.00 2007 Taka OTHER INCOME Service charges Bad debts recovery Rent receipts Polly phone service charge receipts Sale proceeds of old newspapers Income from health program Rebate from Byabosa Bikash Sale proceeds of tender forms Miscellaneous receipts (Note 18.01) 18.01 2008 Taka (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 21.00 Publication & advertisement 1,084,319 26,125 1,110,444 1,065,900 150,480 1,216,380 68,901,827 7,204,098 16,049,299 25,475,092 117,630,316 765,992 118,396,308 67,824,438 6,984,230 11,518,977 22,766,780 109,094,425 2,141,745 111,236,170 276,000 27,600 138,000 6,000 12,000 7,080 46,000 23,000 535,680 276,000 138,000 6,000 12,000 7,080 46,000 46,000 531,080 21,264,315 22,811,276 6,338,636 50,414,227 13,587,678 18,299,623 4,603,870 36,491,171 MANAGING DIRECTOR’S SALARY AND ALLOWANCES Basic salary Dearness allowances House rent allowances Medical allowances Domestic aid allowance Entertainment Bonus Felicitation allowance 25.00 543,412 95,573,823 96,117,235 STATIONERY, PRINTING, ADVERTISEMENT ETC. Printing & stationery Printing stationery Work aid Printing & photocopy Office stationery 24.00 684,036 119,300,968 119,985,004 AUDITORS’ FEES Statutory audit Special audit 23.00 2007 Taka LEGAL AND PROFESSIONAL EXPENSES Legal expenses Other professional expenses 22.00 2008 Taka REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE OF FIXED ASSETS Property & assets Vehicles Office, electric & computer equipment 77 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 26.00 2008 Taka 2007 Taka 96,344,419 19,810,904 9,099,265 400,958 2,128,590 39,686,139 46,040 224,933,002 18,702,824 22,178,104 27,652,632 1,076,586 8,584,991 2,231,424 285,387,933 7,459,030 11,564,243 937,829 3,447,218 90,473,057 36,417,945 59,562,773 968,125,906 80,173,062 16,816,104 7,930,217 450,274 1,499,038 32,100,611 34,435 176,616,700 18,349,942 18,126,944 68,367,647 436,694 1,128,382 2,502,055 162,028,216 2,366,728 9,270,813 823,113 2,902,517 156,610,406 29,820,708 35,693,821 824,048,427 Total specific provision for loans & advances and interest receivable Specific provision for loans and advances (Note 27.01) Specific provision for interest receivable (Note 27.02) 780,426,028 318,324,872 462,101,156 2,349,698,239 1,576,001,833 773,696,406 Total general provision for loans & advances and interest receivable General provision for regular basic loans General provision for regular housing loans 83,818,521 84,058,158 (239,637) 864,244,549 (12,873,161) (7,357,907) (5,515,254) 2,336,825,078 307,525,070 10,799,802 318,324,872 1,544,582,078 31,419,755 1,576,001,833 447,106,722 14,994,434 462,101,156 738,613,442 35,082,964 773,696,406 OTHER EXPENSES Traveling & conveyance expenses Postage, telegram and telephone Entertainment Liveries and uniform Washing expenses Welfare and recreation Books and journals Computer expenses Bank charges Expense for contingency fund Training expenses Special programme Seminar & conference Film and development Lunch subsidy Income tax Group insurance Holiday work allowance Special subsidy Felicitation allowance Scholarship Miscellaneous expenses 27.00 27.01 PROVISIONS FOR LOANS AND ADVANCES Provision for loans and advances (for specific) Basic and Flexible loans Housing loans 27.02 Provision for interest receivable (for specific) Basic and Flexible loans Housing loans 78 (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 2008 Taka 28.00 Increase/ Decrease 18,903,683 207,746 722,334 201,851,634 574,862 9,715,554 73,927 949,976 2,297,834 3,024,407 114,939,618 3,229,440 1,404,219 403,793 7,130,305 99,017,176 464,446,508 3,033,272 19,902,093 342,963 231,126 201,595,011 594,774 8,188,725 90,677 1,551,825 3,149,935 3,590,340 222,930,305 2,100,825 34,987,344 2,852,499 148,846 8,203,066 43,254,594 556,748,220 (3,033,272) (998,410) (135,217) 491,208 256,623 (19,912) 1,526,829 (16,750) (601,849) (852,101) (565,933) (107,990,687) 1,128,615 (34,987,344) (1,448,280) 254,947 (1,072,761) 55,762,582 (92,301,712) 9,633,513 4,493,299 13,552,447 144,421 5,988,764 303,140,151 14,607,988 2,571,976 5,479,935 49,384,227 262,649 452,452 345,070 95,546,139 291,521,978 2,286,997 13,289,248 2,111,527 6,081 130,305 11,933 5,503,763,218 6,318,724,318 10,284,228 5,697,403 144,682,033 657,111 89,195 5,596,676 214,997,573 2,035,863 1,840,184 52,836,918 239,296 268,405 185,590 61,928,395 483,016,578 2,719,781 1,491,625 133,840 4,853 130,305 4,664,948,359 5,653,784,211 (650,715) (1,204,104) (144,682,033) 12,895,336 55,226 392,088 88,142,578 14,607,988 536,113 3,639,751 (3,452,691) 23,353 184,047 159,480 33,617,744 (191,494,600) (432,784) 11,797,623 1,977,687 1,228 11,933 838,814,859 664,940,107 (864,244,549) (199,304,442) OTHER ASSETS Advance income tax for employees Printing stationery Office stationery Zone/Area control account Advance income tax (Note 8.02) Security deposits Prepaid expenses Advance against travelling Advance against purchases Advance against house rent Stock & stores (general) Suspense account Advances to contractors Inter-branch adjustments Advance for disaster Workshop Rent receivables Receivable due 29.00 2007 Taka OTHER LIABILITIES Interest payable on borrowings Interest sundry Bills payable PF trustee board-current account Contributory provident fund Accounts for other institutions (Note 11.01) GB superannuation fund-current account Inter-branch adjustments (Note 11.02) Retention money Earnest money Claimable deposits Unpaid salary Tax deducted at source Sundry receipts Farewell grant provision for fixed salary staff Miscellaneous Advance house rent Struggling members programme Risk fund-Grameen Byabosa Bikash Risk fund and portion of Grameen Byabosa Bikash Provision reserve for doubtful rents House building revolving fund Provision reserves (Note 11.03) 79 GRAMEEN BANK NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2008 30.00 CASH AND BANK BALANCES AT THE END OF THE PERIOD Cash in hand Balances with Bangladesh bank Balances with other banks and financial institutions 80 3,798,731 3,351,659 1,321,308,057 1,328,458,447 6,799,759 3,593,762 926,004,259 936,397,780 (SBNFFO#BOLt"OOVBM3FQPSU Grameen Bank | Banking for the poor - Annexure-A Page 1 of 1 Home | FAQs | Feedback | Sitemap | Spanish | Contact Us search... About Us Methodology Audit Report 2008 Data & Reports Microcredit Training Founder Annexure-A Auditors' Report Balance Sheet ANNEXURE A STATEMENT OF FIXED ASSETS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2008 Profit and Loss Account Cash Flow Statement Changes in Equity Statement of Liquidity Comparative Value Added Statement Notes to the Financial Statement Annexure-A Annual Report 2008 COST Disposals/ Rate Additions Transferred Balance at 31 Balance on 1 Category of Balance on 1 adjustment of Charge for during the during the December January Assets January 2008 during the Dep. the year year year 2008 2008 year % Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Taka Land 54,908,722 15,137,312 800,248 188,201 70,658,081 - Building & other 1.7% Structures 993,505,975 39,166,973 1,578,778 1,705,761 1,032,545,965 203,896,068 17,420,898 Development of leasehold 10% property 987,576 987,576 987,576 Vehicles 131,695,881 7,640,000 - 1,896,825 137,439,056 20% 62,161,146 21,994,061 Computer 15 & equipment 557,646 46,716,938 2,100,000 45,174,584 30% 2,310,246 Office 15% equipment 208,973,784 7,719,838 2,479,478 92,812,909 126,360,191 156,316,213 6,196,204 Electric 10% equipment 60,804,305 5,557,307 182,514 717,005 65,827,121 42,965,661 3,512,386 Furniture & 10% fixtures 197,898,903 25,834,693 1,457,955 1,646,573 223,544,978 86,973,044 15,115,844 Library 10% books 9,141 9,141 9,141 Capital work in progress 19,042,046 - 50,125,042 22,518,561 46,648,527 - 2008 Taka 1,667,826,333 101,613,769 103,340,953 123,594,976 1,749,186,079 2007 Taka 1,544,198,900 126,788,439 44,412,961 47,573,967 1,667,826,333 553,308,849 66,549,639 498,922,065 64,396,885 GF USA AUSTRALIA Trademarks & Copyright © 1998 Grameen Communications. All rights reserved. | Last update June 21, 2009. 1/19/2010