Japanese class Class level Overview

Japanese class Class level Overview
Number of Chinese
characters to learn
Standard of
Number of words
JLPT in the
to learn
end of
Target to be attained
Level 1
You will be able to perform general salutations and introduce yourself to others. It will also
be possible to understand elementary expressions that are frequently used in daily life. You
will be able to make short and simple communications by using those expressions. It will be
possible to read and comprehend short conversations and phrases of about four hundred
words. You will be able to write a composition of about two hundred words about familiar
topics like your own life.
Level 2
You will be able to ask questions, make requests, and understand directions and
explanations. You’ll be able to communicate with friends and with other people in public
situations like stations, shops and hospitals. It will be possible to understand sentences of
four or five hundred words regarding specific topics. You will be able to write pieces of
writing, of up to around two hundred and fifty words, about familiar topics.
Level 3
You will be able to understand, to a certain degree, spoken subject matter in normal daily
life, news, etc. You’ll be able to request the explanation from others, explain your own
situation and feelings and thus you’ll be able to exchange information. You will be able to
understand written pieces of five or six hundred words about specific topics and you’ll be
able to express opinions on about two hundred and thirty character impressions. You’ll be
able to write about topics you are interested in, hobbies, etc.
Level 4
You’ll be able to understand speech of a more rapid and natural style and respond
appropriately. You’ll be able to understand texts and express opinions on topics of about
six to eight hundred words. In conversation you’ll be able to use formal styles and casual
about 300 characters up to 2000 words
styles properly, appropriate to the situation and the person you’re speaking with. You’ll be
able to write about matters you are interested in, past experiences, future plans together
with purposes, reasons and opinions.
Level 5
In such usual scenarios such as job places, schools and streets, you’ll be able to
understand essential points and communicate effectively with a partner that speaks in
standard Japanese speech style. It will be possible to make conversation based on basic
about 440 characters up to 2500 words
grammar, e.g. using elementary honorific expressions depending upon situations. You’ll be
able to fully express your opinions and impressions both orally and in writing on the matters
that interest you.
Level 6
With regard to uncomplicated themes you’ll be able to understand well, ask questions and
come up with responses to normal Japanese speakers. It will be possible to summarize,
present and discuss the results of surveys and interviews. You’ll be able to understand the
contents of texts of some length. In addition, you’ll be able to choose necessary
about 580 characters up to 3000 words
information from such materials such as advertisements, manuals and pamphlets. Thus
you’ll be able to perform your own tasks and customize your learning process. You’ll be
able to write sentences made up of consistent and coherent phrases.
Level 7
You’ll be able to take part in conversations on familiar topics without any prior preparation.
You will be able to deal with most of matters that can occur when you live or make a trip in
Japan. You’ll be able to read texts about social problems and can understand viewpoints
about 720 characters up to 3500 words
and opinions of authors. Furthermore, you’ll be able to express orally or in writing your own
ideas, whether agreeing or disagreeing, referring to grounds which support your ideas.
about 70 characters
about 500 words
about 150 characters up to 1000 words
about 230 characters up to 1500 words
Level 8
about 860 characters up to 4500 words
Upper-Intermediate1 You can keep on talking without any long pause, although you look for appropriate words
and expressions occasionally. It is possible to make a discussion with a partner of a
different opinion, referring to reasonable and clear reasons. It is possible, as to specialty
and social themes, to understand not only concrete sentences and the contents of texts
that are a bit complicated and abstract. You can write phrases of consistent assertions by
summarizing various information and discussions about miscellaneous topics.
Level 9
up to 1000 characters up to 5500 words
Level 10
You can speak so fluently and naturally that the conversation with ordinary Japanese does
not cause any tension mutually. It is possible to express clearly and minutely the
complicate contents about diverse topics. Without support you can read and understand
texts of relatively extensive themes, guessing words that you have not learned yet.
about 1300
up to 7000 words
Minna no Nihongo
(Japanese for everyone)
Basic level I
Lesson 1~13
Minna no Nihongo
(Japanese for everyone)
Basic level I
Lesson 14~25
Minna no Nihongo
(Japanese for everyone)
Basic level II
Lesson 26~37
Minna no Nihongo
(Japanese for everyone)
Basic level II
Lesson 38~50
Minna no Nihongo
(Japanese for everyone)
Intermediate level I
Lesson 1~4
Minna no Nihongo
(Japanese for everyone)
Intermediate level I
Lesson 5~8
Minna no Nihongo
(Japanese for everyone)
Intermediate level I
Let’s learn upperintermediate level
Let’s learn upperintermediate level
Let’s learn upperintermediate level
Other materials
equivalent to N2