ASSESSING THE COMPOSITION OF GREEN TURTLE (Chelonia mydas) FORAGING GROUNDS IN AUSTRALASIA USING MIXED STOCK ANALYSES By MICHAEL PAUL JENSEN B.Sc. (University of Aarhus) (2001) M.Sc. (University of Aarhus) (2005) Institute for Applied Ecology Faculty of Applied Science University of Canberra Australia A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements of the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy at the University of Canberra. March 2010 i Form B Certificate of Authorship of Thesis Except where clearly acknowledged in footnotes, quotations and the bibliography, I certify that I am the sole author of the thesis submitted today entitled - Assessing the composition of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) foraging grounds in Australasia using mixed stock analyses. I further certify that to the best of my knowledge the thesis contains no material previously published or written by another person except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. The material in the thesis has not been the basis of an award o any other degree or diploma except where due reference is made in the text of the thesis. The thesis complies with University requirements for a thesis as set out in …………………………………………….. Signature of candidate ……………………………………............. Signature of chair of the supervisory panel …………………….. Date Copyright This thesis (© by Michael P. Jensen, 2010) may be freely copied or distributed for private and/or commercial use and study. However, no part of this thesis or the information herein may be included in a publication or referred to in a publication without the written consent of Michael P. Jensen. Any reference to this work must be fully acknowledged. ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis results from three and a half years of research carried out since I came to Australia in June 2006. It has been a fantastic ride, with fieldwork at some of the most beautiful places on earth. I have worked with a great number of people, whose contribution in assorted ways to both the research and the preparation of this thesis deserve special mention. It is a pleasure to convey my gratitude to you all in my humble acknowledgment. In the first place, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my primary supervisor, Nancy FitzSimmons, for her advice and guidance from the onset of this research, as well as giving me extraordinary experiences throughout the whole process. Above all, and most importantly, she provided me unflinching encouragement, trust and support during my time in Australia. Her true passion for science and marine turtles in particular, has made her as a constant oasis of ideas, which exceptionally inspired and enriched my growth as a student, a researcher and as a person. She became my mentor and my friend, and I am indebted to her more than she can know. I gratefully acknowledge also my secondary supervisor, Col Limpus, for his advice, ideas and support. He contains a wealth of knowledge and wisdom when it comes to marine turtles and he has a remarkable way of asking questions that has made me rethink my research and ideas, always to the benefit of the project. During this work I have collaborated with many colleagues for whom I have great regard. I wish to extend my warmest thanks to all those who have helped me with my work, from sending me samples, helping with fieldwork, providing comments and advice, to being a great inspiration. Another special thanks goes to my friend and colleague Ian Bell. In June 2007, he somewhat sceptically, agreed to let a Danish geneticist come along on one of his fieldtrips to the remote northern Great Barrier Reef. Since then, he has contributed so much and given me unconditional support during several fieldtrips, which made him a vital part of this research and so of this thesis. I hope he doesn‟t regret his decision. His originality and confronting questions have triggered and nourished an intellectual maturity that I will benefit from for a long time to i come. Ian, I am grateful in every possible way and hope to keep up our collaboration in the future. It is a pleasure to pay tribute also to all those who helped provide me with samples. To Mick Guinea and Scott Whiting who have taken time during their own fieldwork to collect genetic samples and to Nick Pilcher who included me in his interesting research of Malaysian green turtles. Many thanks also to Mark Hamann, Frank Loban and Steven Ambar and the rest of the mob up in Torres Strait. I am much indebted to all of them for their valuable contributions, from the planning of the project to the many days of fieldwork. Thanks to Kelly Pendoley for the most recent samples from Western Australia and to Bob Prince for the original WA collection. I would also acknowledge my fellow students and colleagues at the Institute for Applied Ecology; Anett Richter, Kate Hodges, Stewart Pittard, John Roe, Wendy Dimond, David Wong, Carla Eisemberg, Alex Quinn, Anna MsDonald, Tariq Ezaz and Marion Hoehn for their moral support and their friendship. A special thank you goes to Niccy Aitken, first and foremost for her friendship, but I have also benefited from her advice and guidance. She always kindly granted me her time, even to answer some of my naive questions about lab work. She also provided useful comments to the manuscript. I convey special acknowledgement to the office staff Kerrie, Sam and Tara for all their help dealing with travel funds, administration and bureaucratic matters during my stay and in particular with my commute between Canberra, Denmark, the Great Barrier Reef and the rest of the world so I could more easily carry out my research and travels. I am very grateful to Alberto Abreu-Grobois, my masters supervisor, who remains my mentor and provides great inspiration for the way I go about doing research. He always takes time to provide his advice and his bright thoughts are always very fruitful for shaping my ideas and research. I humbly thank my thesis reviewers that in the midst of all their activity, they accepted to be members of the review committee. A big thank you to the “turtle gang”, Suzanne Livingstone, Jason van de Merwe, Mark Trodoir, Colette Wabnitz, and Dave Wayers for their friendship and for their advice and support. To Sam ii Emerick, thank you for your support and for all your fruitful comments on the manuscript. I would like to thank the sea turtle community for making me part of a very inspirational group of people. Collective and individual acknowledgments are also owed to the many volunteers who took time to help with fieldwork. Thanks to Brian McNeill, Lachlan Duff, Sam Dibella, Tony Mitchell (Barney), Sarah Vargas, Anelise Hahn, Stewart Pittard, Klaus Karlsen, Maren Lyngsgaard and many others too numerous to name. They made fieldwork fun and many new friendships were formed during the many weeks of turtle work. Where would I be without my family? My parents deserve special mention for their steady support. My Father, Henning, is the person who gave me the passion for nature from when I was a child. My Mother, Ulla, is the one who sincerely raised me with her loving support in everything I do. Thanks to my sister Susanne, her husband Cristòbal, and my niece and nephew Isabel and Cris, for being supportive and caring. Without their encouragement and understanding it would have been impossible for me to finish this work. Finally, I would like to thank everybody who contributed to the successful realisation of this thesis, as well as expressing my apology that I could not mention personally each of you one by one. iii TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...................................................................................................... i TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................................ iv LIST OF FIGURES ................................................................................................................. vi LIST OF TABLES .................................................................................................................. vii ABSTRACT .............................................................................................................................. 1 1. Introduction to the Thesis ....................................................................................................... 4 1.1 Sea turtles of the world..................................................................................................... 4 1.1.1. Lifecycle of Sea Turtles ....................................................................................... 5 1.1.2. Green turtles (Chelonia mydas)............................................................................ 8 1.1.3. Green turtle population genetics .......................................................................... 8 2. Review: Mixed Stock Analysis and marine turtles .............................................................. 12 2.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 12 2.2 Mixed Stock Analysis .................................................................................................... 14 2.3 MSA and Marine turtles ................................................................................................. 15 2.3.1. Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta).................................................................. 17 2.3.2. Hawksbill turtles (Eretmochelys imbricata) ...................................................... 18 2.3.3. Green turtles (Chelonia mydas).......................................................................... 19 2.3.4. Complex life history ........................................................................................... 20 2.3.5. Rookery size and distance .................................................................................. 20 2.3.6. Ocean Currents ................................................................................................... 25 2.3.7. Temporal differences.......................................................................................... 26 2.3.8. Gender differences ............................................................................................. 27 2.3.9. Size class differences ......................................................................................... 28 2.4 Limitations with MSA .................................................................................................... 28 2.4.1. Sample size ......................................................................................................... 29 2.4.2. Source populations ............................................................................................. 29 2.4.3. Resolution of genetic markers ............................................................................ 30 2.5 Conservation and Management ...................................................................................... 32 3. Influences of larger sample sizes and longer sequences for defining Management Units and estimating stock composition of green turtle foraging grounds ............................................... 34 3.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 34 3.2 Materials and Methods ................................................................................................... 37 3.2.1. Sample collection ............................................................................................... 37 3.2.2. Characterization of mtDNA haplotypes ............................................................. 38 3.2.3. Molecular analysis.............................................................................................. 39 3.2.4. Mixed Stock Analysis ........................................................................................ 42 3.3 Results ............................................................................................................................ 42 3.3.1. Rookery diversity ............................................................................................... 42 3.3.2. Population differentiation ................................................................................... 44 3.3.3. Foraging aggregations ........................................................................................ 51 3.3.4. MSA ................................................................................................................... 52 3.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 54 3.4.1. Rookery diversity and differentiation ................................................................ 54 3.4.2. Foraging aggregations and MSA........................................................................ 56 3.4.3. Management implications .................................................................................. 57 4. Origin of immature green turtles (Chelonia mydas) at two foraging grounds in Sabah, Malaysia. .................................................................................................................................. 59 iv 4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 59 4.2 Materials and Methods ................................................................................................... 63 4.2.1. Study site and sample collection ........................................................................ 63 4.2.2. Characterisation of mtDNA haplotypes ............................................................. 63 4.2.3. Mixed Stock Analysis ........................................................................................ 64 4.3 Results ............................................................................................................................ 65 4.3.1. Mixed Stock Analysis ........................................................................................ 67 4.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 69 5. Stock composition of green turtle (Chelonia mydas) foraging grounds of the Great Barrier Reef: implications of variation across latitude and size classes ............................................... 73 5.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................... 73 5.2 Materials and Methods ................................................................................................... 75 5.2.1. Study site and sample collection ........................................................................ 75 5.2.2. Sample collection ............................................................................................... 77 5.2.3. Characterisation of mtDNA haplotypes ............................................................. 78 5.2.4. Mixed Stock Analysis ........................................................................................ 79 5.2.5. Migration data from mark-recapture studies ...................................................... 80 5.3 Results ............................................................................................................................ 81 5.3.1. Haplotype diversity along the GBR foraging grounds ....................................... 81 5.3.2. Mixed stock analysis and mark-recapture .......................................................... 86 5.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................................... 92 5.4.1. MSA and mark-recapture tagging data .............................................................. 92 5.4.2. Latitudinal comparisons ..................................................................................... 93 5.4.3. Age class variation ............................................................................................. 94 5.4.4. Conservation implications .................................................................................. 96 6. Synopsis. .............................................................................................................................. 98 Conservation management and implications.................................................................. 100 Future research ............................................................................................................... 101 Modelling ....................................................................................................................... 102 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................... 103 APPENDIX 1......................................................................................................................... 118 APPENDIX 2......................................................................................................................... 127 APPENDIX 3......................................................................................................................... 129 v LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1.1. Generalised lifecycle for most species of marine turtles. Species and populations vary mainly in the duration of the different phases. The figure is divided into hatchling/juvenile (light grey line), female (dark grey line) and, male (black line) migration. 6 Figure 2.1. Model of random mixing of pelagic turtles and subsequent random recruitment into benthic foraging grounds that are genetically similar. 22 Figure 2.2. Model of random mixing of pelagic turtles and subsequent selective recruitment into benthic foraging grounds near natal rookeries, leading to genetic structure among foraging grounds. 23 Figure 2.3. Model of non-random mixing of pelagic turtles due to oceanic currents and subsequent selective recruitment into benthic foraging grounds near natal rookeries, leading to genetic structure among foraging grounds and among pelagic turtles in different regions. 24 Figure 2.4. Simulation of a hypothesised foraging aggregation where a) all rookeries are completely differentiated and b) rookeries share common haplotypes. 31 Figure 3.1. Schematic of the mtDNA control region in marine turtles and the location of the short sequence used in Dethmers et al. (2006) (primers TCR5 and TCR6) and the long sequence used in this study (primers LTEi9 and H950). 39 Figure 3.2. Sampling locations from nesting sites in eastern Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia with the UPGMA tree of the genetic relationship between rookeries. 41 Figure 3.3. Haplotype network based on maximum parsimony for the short a) and the long b) sequence. 45 Figure 3.4. Rarefraction curves for each Mus. X-axis shows the sample size and Y axis the number of haplotypes. The graph shows the mean and the SD. 50 Figure 4.1. Map showing the 17 genetic stocks used as reference for tracing back the origin of turtles (adapted from Dethmers et al. 2006) and the location of the two study areas, Mantanani Island and Layang Layang Islands. 62 Figure 5.1. Map showing the location of 17 genetically differentiated breeding stocks initially included in the MSA analysis and the six foraging grounds analysed for stock composition 76 Figure 5.2. Map showing the location of the six foraging grounds and the mean relative contribution of nGBR, sGBR/Coral Sea and “other” stocks for each group sampled within the foraging grounds. 90 vi LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. Studies using Mixed Stock Analysis of marine turtle foraging aggregations; categorised by species and region. 16 Table 3.1. Distribution of C. mydas haplotypes sampled at 15 rookeries in the eastern Indian Ocean and Southeast Asia. 46 Table 3.2. Diversity estimates for 17 green turtle MUs and rookeries, including sample size (n), number of haplotypes (H) haplotype diversity (h) and nucleotide diversity (π). 47 Table 3.3. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) results for 11 green turtle east Indian Ocean Management Units and the Coburg Island rookery 47 Table 3.4. Genetic differentiation (FST) among MUs and rookeries based on haplotype frequencies using the long sequence (below diagonal) and estimates of the number of migrants per generation (Nm; above diagonal). 48 Table 3.5. Estimated P values from exact test of population differentiation among east Indian Ocean MUs and the Coburg Peninsula rookeries based on haplotype frequencies using the short sequence (above diagonal) and the long sequence (below diagonal). 49 Table 3.6. Distribution of C. mydas haplotypes sampled at two foraging grounds, Shark Bay and Cocos (Keeling) Islands. 51 Table 3.7. Contribution of regional stocks to two foraging aggregations at Shark Bay and Cocos (Keeling) using the long (L) and short (S) sequence. 53 Table 4.1. Haplotype frequencies of nine nesting populations that either had a mean contribution of (≥ 1%) in mixed stock analysis to the two foraging grounds (FG) or shared several haplotypes with the FGs. 66 Table 4.2. Estimates of the rookery origin of immature green turtles foraging at Mantanani Island and Layang Layang Island, based on short sequence. 68 Table 4.3. Estimates of the rookery origin of immature green turtles foraging at Mantanani Island and Layang Layang Island based on long sequence. 69 Table 5.1. Haplotype composition of the eight stocks used for the MSA and the six foraging grounds analysed; TS = Torres Strait, CR = Clack Reef, HG = Howicks Group, EB = Edgecombe Bay, SB = Shoalwater Bay, and MB = Moreton Bay, separated by sampling year and size class (A = adults, SA = sub-adults and J = juveniles). 82 Table 5.2. Estimates of haplotype (h) and nucleotide diversity (π) within eight green turtle genetic stocks used for the MSA and six foraging grounds for groupings of adult and immature turtles. 85 vii Table 5.3. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) results for the southern and northern groups of green turtle foraging and nesting sites. 86 Table 5.4. Results from the Bayesian MSA for six green turtle foraging grounds (FG); TS, Torres Strait; CR, Clack Reef; HG, Howicks Group; EB, Edgecombe Bay; SB, Shoalwater Bay and MB, Moreton Bay. 88 viii ABSTRACT Understanding the population dynamics in both breeding and foraging habitats is a vital part of assessing the long-term viability of any species, especially those that are highly migratory. This is particularly true for green turtles, Chelonia mydas, which are long-lived marine turtles that undergo migrations for several years as post hatchlings until they select foraging grounds, and as adults, migrate between their foraging grounds and nesting beaches. Monitoring of populations at the foraging grounds may help detect early signs of population trends that would otherwise take decades to be observed at the nesting beach. In order to gain such insights the connectivity between nesting and foraging habitats must be established. Genetic analysis of rookeries to define discrete populations (stocks), in combination with Mixed Stock Analysis (MSA) based on data from molecular markers, provides an effective approach for estimating the origin of turtles sampled away from their nesting beach. In this thesis, new investigations into the genetic structure of green turtle populations in Australasia were conducted using longer (~780 bp) mitochondrial (mt) DNA sequences, larger sample sizes and new locations. This information provided the baseline data used in Mixed Stock Analyses of the composition of foraging grounds in three regions of Australasia including Western Australia, the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) and Malaysia. In chapter 2, I review what has been learned since the first MSA studies in marine turtles more than a decade ago. Since the early 1990‟s, numerous studies used this method to elucidate the rookery origins of young pelagic stage turtles and of older turtles in benthic foraging grounds, in fisheries by-catch and in strandings. These studies have all shown how Mixed Stock Analysis has provided valuable new insights into the distribution of marine turtles, although in most cases the estimates are affected by large uncertainty. Several issues in the effective use of MSA need to be addressed concerning study design, sample sizes and the resolution provided by the genetic marker. Nonetheless, Mixed Stock Analysis holds great potential for monitoring population trends at oceanic and coastal foraging grounds for all size classes. Comparisons of adults and juveniles provide an opportunity to pick up early signs of shifts in the contributions of populations that may indicate population decline (or increase) (e.g., Chapter 5). 1 Recent increases in industrial development of coastal island and offshore habitats in Western Australia (WA) have highlighted the need to better understand the dynamics of marine turtle populations in these areas. An analysis of previously sampled populations (Management Units; MUs) and four new rookeries identified two possible new Management Units in this region at Cobourg Peninsula and Cocos (Keeling) Island and grouped Browse Island with the existing MU at Scott Reef and Barrow Island to the large North West Shelf MU. These analyses used a 780 bp sequence of the mtDNA control region that encompassed the 386 bp sequence used in a previous study. The longer sequence, larger sample sizes and new locations revealed more than doubled the number of haplotypes (n = 39) than previously observed. However, this made little difference to the population genetic structure as common haplotypes were still shared among population. MSA showed that the majority (>90%) of turtles foraging at Shark Bay were from neighbouring North West Shelf rookeries, while the Cocos (Keeling) foraging ground was composed of turtles mainly from Cocos (~70%), but with some contributions from North West Shelf and possibly Scott Reef MUs. In an investigation of foraging populations in Malaysia, mtDNA sequence data were analysed from 81 immature green turtles at two foraging grounds at Mantanani Island and Layang Layang Island located northwest of Sabah, Malaysia. Previously published data from 17 Australasian green turtle populations were used as the baseline data for tracing back the origin of turtles at the two foraging grounds. The majority of these turtles originated from major rookeries in the Malaysia and Philippine Turtle Islands (~30%), and Sarawak (~60%) in north-western Borneo. These same rookeries have a long tradition of using unshaded beach hatcheries that has resulted in the production of mostly female hatchlings. This may have contributed to the 1:4 female biases seen at the two foraging grounds. The implications of hatchery practises at nesting beaches are discussed and the importance of continued monitoring and research at these foraging areas is highly recommended to improve the management of marine turtles in the region. Detailed MSA of green turtle aggregations at six major foraging grounds along the east coast of Australian were combined with data from more than 30 years of mark–recapture efforts along the Great Barrier Reef. Overall, the MSA in combination with the mark-recapture data supports a model in which the foraging aggregations are composed of individuals from the two Great Barrier Reef stocks (nGBR, sGBR) with small contributions from other stocks. The north/south 2 transect of foraging grounds analysed spanned ~2300 km. Along this transect the main contributor shifted from being predominantly the nGBR stock at foraging grounds in Torres Strait, Clack Reef and the Howicks Group to predominantly the sGBR stock at Edgecombe Bay, Shoalwater Bay and Moreton Bay. At the most northern foraging ground in the Torres Strait, significant shifts in haplotype frequencies between juveniles and adults resulted in major shifts in the estimated stock contributions for these groups. Fewer juveniles originated from the nGBR stock and higher proportion originated from the sGBR and „other‟ stocks in comparison to adults. This trend was apparent in the four most northern foraging grounds, even in Edgecombe Bay, which had a predominance of turtles from the sGBR stock. Point estimates of contributions from the nGBR stock dropped from 0.89 in adults to 0.53 in juveniles in Torres, Strait, from 0.69 to 0.49 at Clack Reef, from 0.66 to 0.49 in the Howicks Group and from 0.10 in adults to 0.01 in juveniles at Edgecombe Bay. In contrast, at the Shoalwater Bay foraging ground the opposite was observed, with a drop in contribution from the sGBR stock from 0.98 in adults to 0.84 and 0.85 in juveniles and sub-adults, respectively, and an increase in contributions from „other‟ stocks in juveniles and sub-adults. The observed patterns at the various foraging grounds likely resulted from several causes and four possible explanations are explored, the mostly likely of which were that (i) juveniles have shifted foraging grounds as they mature, or that (ii) reduced hatching success from the main nGBR rookery at Raine Island for more than a decade has resulted in reduced recruitment into the nGBR foraging ground. The later possibility suggests a need to take action to conserve the nGBR population The combined strength of data derived from mark-recapture studies, demographic studies to determine sex, maturity and breeding status of the turtles, genetic studies to determine stock composition and satellite telemetry, are needed to provide informed assessments of foraging populations necessary for guiding sustainable management of marine turtles. 3