Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227 – 242 ANALYSIS Biological and economic foundations of renewable resource exploitation U. Regev a,*, A.P. Gutierrez b, S.J. Schreiber b, D. Zilberman c a Department of Economics and the Monaster Center for Economic Research, Ben Gurion Uni6ersity, 84105 Beer-She6a, Israel b Di6ision of Ecosystem Science, College of Natural Resources, Uni6ersity of California, Berkeley CA 94720, USA c Department of Agricultural Economics, College of Natural Resources, Uni6ersity of California, Berkeley CA 94720, USA Received 10 December 1996; received in revised form 2 June 1997; accepted 12 June 1997 Abstract A physiologically based population dynamics model of a renewable resource is used as the basis to develop a model of human harvesting. The model incorporates developing technology and the effects of market forces on the sustainability of common property resources. The bases of the model are analogies between the economics of resource harvesting and allocation by firms and adapted organisms in nature. Specifically, the paper makes the following points: (1) it shows how economic and ecological theories may be unified; (2) it punctuates the importance of time frame in the two systems (evolutionary versus market); (3) it shows, contrary to prevailing economic wisdom, how technological progress may be detrimental to resource preservation; (4) it shows how the anticipated effects of high discount rates on resource use can be catastrophic when synergized by progress in harvesting technology; (5) it suggests that increases in efficiency of utilization of the harvest encourages higher levels of resource exploitation; and (6) it shows the effects of environmental degradation on consumer and resource dynamics. The model leads to global implications on the relationship between economic growth and the ability of modern societies to maintain the environment at a sustainable level. © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. Keywords: Population dynamics; Fitness; Adaptedness; Energy flow; Technological progress; Resource utilization * Corresponding author. 0921-8009/98/$19.00 © 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PII S0921-8009(97)00103-1 228 U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 ‘‘Man stalks across the landscape, and desert follows his footsteps’’ Herodotus (5th century B.C.) 1. Introduction The fate of humankind will be determined by how sustainable ecosystems and the renewable resource species in them are managed. Species in nature evolved via Darwinian processes in response to interactions among members of the same species, with other species, and their physical environment and its carrying capacity. Human harvesting of some species is an additional ever increasing burden of mortality that has only been recently imposed, often based upon unrealistic assumption of maximum sustainable yield (Getz and Haight, 1989; Hilborn et al., 1995). Only the human predator has escaped regulation of its numbers, and through ingenuity forestalled Malthus’ ‘doomsday prediction’ concerning excessive human population. This has been explained by capital accumulation and technological progress (exogenous or endogenous) including the discovery of new goods and methods of production since the industrial revolution (Schumpeter, 1934; Solow, 1956, 1970). This enabled increases in production in agriculture in its various forms, the harvests of naturally occurring resources, and increase in resource processing and distribution. Recent economic literature on growth posits that given non-ending technological progress, food production will continue to outpace demand for several centuries, ignoring natural resource limitations with optimistic views about the role of technology in surmounting resource scarcity and environmental degradation (Grossman and Helpman, 1994; Barro and Sala-I-Martin, 1995; Romer, 1990). In contrast, many ecologists and some economists recognize limits to human population growth set by the relative rates of renewable resource exploitation and regeneration, and by the increasing degradation our finite world (Hardin, 1993; Solow, 1993; Daly, 1994). Despite this, the economic literature on renewable resource exploitation largely ignores or oversimplifies the biological basis of the ‘reproductive surplus’ that is the basis of sustainable yield approaches (Hilborn et al., 1995). While many technological advances have produced positive private and societal economic benefits, some have caused disastrous environmental problems (e.g. excessive agronomic inputs, van den Bosch, 1978) and others have led to over-exploitation of renewable resource populations (e.g. fisheries worldwide, Hilborn et al., 1995). The invisible hand of the market has especially failed to prevent the over-exploitation and destruction of many common property resources that have free access characteristics (Gordon, 1954; Hardin, 1968). This paper examines the effects of technological progress and discount rate on the sustainability of free access renewable resources. The terms ‘human’ and ‘firm’ are used interchangeably as the firm is single owner. A physiologically-based predator-prey (i.e. firm-resource) population dynamics model is extended to include humans with their associated technology as the top predator in the food chain (e.g. alga krill whale whalers). The model incorporates the realism of hierarchical energy flow between feeding (i.e. trophic) levels (Gutierrez and Baumgärtner, 1984) and captures the essence of the competition between harvesting units (Gutierrez et al., 1994; Schreiber and Gutierrez, 1997). Our analysis has parallels in the bio-economic study of adapted species in nature using the same model (Gutierrez et al., 1997). That paper should be considered dual to this one. 2. The biological basis of renewable resource harvesting 2.1. A common model for humans and other species At the dawn of time, primitive humans were scavenger-gatherers buffeted by the vagaries of the environment. In their primal state, humans differed little from all other animal species in nature having finite demand for resources, and U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 229 Fig. 1. Analogous allocation of resources in biology and human economies. their numbers were regulated by bottom-up (decreasing resources) and top-down (natural enemies including diseases) factors which limited their capacities to overexploit their environment. They were an integral part of the food chain and their capacities and demands for resources were constrained by genetics molded by natural selection in an ecosystem context (Gutierrez et al., 1997). However, evolving increased mental capacities enabled humans to escape some of the uncertainty of their environment and the regulation of their numbers, and to develop technologies that enabled them to exploit their environment at increasingly higher rates. As human societies developed, their demand rates for resources also increased and larger investments were made in social organization that further enhanced their capacity to harvest resources. The model is flexible enough to capture these different stages of human evolution. Despite their progress, humans, like all organisms, must acquire resources and allocate them (Gutierrez and Curry, 1989), and this is the basis for extending the biological model to human economies. Analogies between biological and modern economic processes were proposed by Winter (1971) and extended by Gutierrez and Regev (1983). Nature (or the ecosystem) is analogous to the economic system, energy is the currency in biology, individual organisms are equated to single-owner firms (individuals), fitness is profit (i.e. what can be invested in the next cycle), organism genetics are akin to firm decision rules, adaptivity of individual species to long-term firm survival strategies, and markets are analogous to Darwinian processes, etc. Profit maximization is the assumed goal of individuals (fitness in other organisms), and selection for or against strategies occurs at the level of the individual in both systems. Fig. 1 shows the energy flow in a specific food chain where humans are the top consumer (Gutierrez and Curry, 1989), but harvesting of more than one resource level (say, krill and whale) is also possible. In nature, the source of energy used by most life forms is the sun which is captured via photosynthesis by primary producers (plants) in the chemical bonds of simple sugars. Some of this energy is used to acquire other essential nutrients required to form complex molecules for growth. Plants, be they simple single celled alga or large trees, are ultimately eaten by herbivores as the energy travels up the food chain to other biological and economic consumers. At some point in human evolution, resources were valued by price so that monetary U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 230 value replaced energy. However, despite the different units of flow, the acquisition and allocation functions per individual at all levels have the same form, and the allocations of resources within levels uses the same priority scheme (Gutierrez and Wang, 1977): first to unassimilated wastes (excretion in animals or wastage in human production systems), respiration (maintenance costs), reproduction (profits) and somatic growth (capital investment). The analogies between the biological and economic systems are consistent in most respects including the notion of the discount rate, analogous in biology to the genetically based expectation of environmental hazard (Gutierrez et al., 1997). Unlike most other species, the transition from primal humans (true animals) to modern humans has had both Darwinian (genetic) and quasi-Lamarkian (non-genetic learning) aspects. Further important differences are that modern human economic rationale for resource acquisition is driven by hedonistic lust for material goods, and allocations may be made to consumption that does not contribute to growth. In biology, demands for resources are genetically based and finite, and allocations are invested in strategies that increase adaptivity to the environment but may not contribute directly to growth (Gutierrez et al., 1997). This conceptual model of energy flow between trophic levels (i.e. the currency of biological systems) is the foundation for our economic model of resource depletion (Gutierrez et al., 1994). 2.2. The biological model Assume a food chain with primal humans as the top predator (e.g. Fig. 1). Let Mi (i =1,…, n) denote the mass of the ith trophic level, where n is the top predator, then following Gutierrez et al. (1994) and Schreiber and Gutierrez (1997), the dynamics of any trophic level (except for the top predator) is governed by the following equation of motion: dMi (t) = ui Mi Di h(si ) −ni (Di )Mi dt − Mi + 1Di + 1h(si + 1) (1) where h is concave with si = (ai Mi − 1)/(Di Mi ) and h%(0)= h() = 1. A discussion of alternative preypredator models is given in Yodzis (1994). The concavity of h is easily demonstrated in biology by simple enzyme kinetics and animal feeding experiments (Holling, 1966) or yield effort relationship of human harvesting. Since, d/dx[Dh(ax/ D)]x = 0 = a, and limx Dh(ax/D)=D the conditions h%(0)= h() = 1 are not restrictive. The top predator obeys the same relation, except that the rightmost term in Eq. (1) is missing. The lowest level resource (M0) in the food chain is incident solar energy, and it is considered fixed. The parameters of the model are: ai, i= 1,…, n is the proportion of the i− 1 trophic level accessible to the i-th trophic level (0B ai B 1); Di is the maximal rate per unit mass of the i-th trophic level extractable from level i −1; ui is the conversion efficiency of the i-th trophic level, and (1− ui) is the proportion of the resource lost through wastage; ni (Di ) is respiration or cost rate per unit mass as a function of the potential extraction rate; and Ci is per unit mass cost spent on adaptedness to meet expected environmental hazards. The function h(si ) incorporates the biology of resource acquisition by individuals, and represents the probability of achieving resource catch rate Di. Specifically, the supply-demand ratio (Arditi and Ginzburg, 1989) is included in the model using the form h(si )= 1−exp(−ai Mi − 1/Di Mi ) (Gutierrez, 1992; Gutierrez et al., 1994). This model captures the effects of random search, variable resource availability and demand for the resource, as well as intra-trophic level competition for resource acquisition. Thus h(si ) is the proportion of the demand acquired (i.e. the supply-demand ratio). The rate of resource (Mi − 1) depletion by all members of the i-th trophic level is DiMih(si ), and it is readily verified that Di Mi h(si )5 ai Mi − 1 with ai 5 1 setting the limit on the extraction from the lower trophic level. When ai is sufficiently low compared to the maximum biomass reproductive rate of level i− 1 (ai 5 ui − 1Di − 1 − ni − 1(Di − 1)), the lower topic level will survive any population size and demand rate of its predator (Gutierrez et al., 1994). Thus (1−ai ) can be viewed as a safe refuge of the i-1 trophic level from predation guaranteeing its sur- U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 vival. This point will be revisited later because of its importance to harvesting policy for modern humans. The biological model has been widely applied to natural resource problems (Gutierrez, 1996). 231 benefit. The notation in Eq. (1) is simplified by substituting y for Mn, the human predator that harvests a lower resource level (x=Mn − 1). Using this notation, Eq. (1) is rewritten as two differential equations for state variables x and y: dx/dt x; = g(x)−yDh(s) (2) 3. The economic model dy/dt y; = uyDh(s)−(nD + C)y (3) An endogenous growth model based on Eq. (1) for exploitive firms is used to examine the economic optimization of owner consumption of a renewable resource. A single-owner firm or harvesting unit (e.g. a fishing boat per person) is assumed. As in the biological model, the per capita harvest rate is D · h(s), where h(s) = h(ax/ Dy) is the proportion of the potential harvest demand D acquired of which the fraction 05 u 5 1 is usable. The extraction cost is nD, and the remainder is either consumed (C) or reinvested in the firm that grows at a rate u · D · h(s) − nD− C. The new parameter c may be viewed as consumption by an individual or dividend of a modern firm and has a biological analog. We assume that each individual is interested in maximizing the long-term utility or benefits of consumption U(C). In other words, maximizing the present value of benefits obtained from the consumption stream: e − dt U(C) dt where d is an instantaneous discount rate. Consumption level depends, of course, on firm size and its dynamics as described below. We argue that the differences between the biological (Gutierrez et al., 1997) and economic objectives are due to combinations of forces that drive the economic parameters as well as the time scale (market versus evolutionary time) within which human societies and biological systems operate. The economic interpretation of the biological model is facilitated by reducing the notation. where g(x) is the renewal rate of the resource and assumed to be concave, yDh(s) is the harvest by all firms and 05 1− u51 is the proportion wasted. Increases in y imply recruitment of new individuals to the industry. An important difference between Eq. (1) and Eq. (3) is the consumption term C. Potential harvest capacity (D) may also be interpreted as capital, and cost n(D) is assumed for simplicity to be linear in D, i.e. n(D)= nD. 3.1. A dynamic model of human har6esting of a renewable resource Assume our system considers only the two top trophic levels, while the third or base trophic level (M0) is considered fixed. Further, assume that the renewable resource is managed for societal 3.2. The economic har6esting model Potential harvesting capacity (D) and consumption (C) are control variables determined by the quest for profit or utility maximizing of individual humans in economics, and fitness and adapted maximization in biology (Gutierrez et al., 1997). The parameter D in primal humans was small, and became a control variable in modern societies. D may increase as firms seek to satisfy expanding markets. The parameter a in h(s) is a technology parameter that for primal humans was small but may approach unity for highly efficient modern harvesters. Thus, D · h(s) is the individual’s production function for search capacity D. Our assumptions imply that h(s) satisfies the concavity and positive marginal productivity of the control variables (c,D) as it is increasing with the resource level (x), and decreases with competition from the other users (y). 3.3. Societal optimization The economic model Eq. (3) differs from the original biological model Eq. (1) in two ways; first consumption (C) is introduced as an additional form of expending energy, and second, a positive discount rate (d) is incorporated into the human U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 232 maximization process. Both terms have biological analogs and are important components of the biological (or primal human) model (Gutierrez et al., 1997). In economics, dividends or consumption (C) rewards the individual agent, firm or end user, and this reward (benefits) is conventionally denoted by a monotone increasing concave utility function U(C) that saturates. Thus the far-sighted individual seeks to maximize the present value of utility over an infinite time horizon, and hence the long-run objective function of the society consisting of y individuals is assumed to be: max D,c & e − d · t yU(C) dt (4) where G is defined in the Appendix A, and C*(d) is an increasing function of d. Since x; and l: 1 do not depend on y, we focus our attention on them. As equations are defined only for l1 5 U%(C*)(u − n), we restrict attention to [0,] × [0,U%(C*)(u −x 2)] in the (x, l1) phase space. The results summarized in Fig. 2a are derived in Appendix A. The definitions of the landmarks in this figure are: (a) xd is the level of x where its regeneration rate g%(xd ) equals the discount rate d. (b) xu is unexploited carrying capacity defined by g(xu)= 0, and xu \ 0. (c) xs is the optimal steady state resource level. 0 subject to Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), where e − dt is a discounting factor. By Pontryagin’s maximum principle, the maximization of Eq. (4) subject to Eq. (2) and Eq. (3) is equivalent to maximization of the current value Hamiltonian: H= U(C)y+ l1(g− F) +l2[uF −(nD + C)y] (5) where l1(t) and l2(t) are current value multipliers, known also as costate or auxiliary variables, associated with the constraints Eq. (2) and Eq. (3), respectively. Necessary conditions for an optimal solution (if one exists) are1: (i ) HD = 0, HC = 0 (ii ) l: 1 =dl1 − Hx (iii ) l: 2 =dl2 −Hy (6) (i6) tlim e − dt li (t)= 0 Using Eq. (6), Appendix A shows the optimal solution must satisfy (i ) x; = g(x)− a x · h[G]/G (ii ) y; =(u h(G) − n)ax/G −Cy (iii ) l: 1 =l1(d− g%(x)) − a h%(G)(u U% −l1) and C=C*(d) (7) 1 Subscripted functions denote partial derivatives, e.g. Hx =(H( · )/(x, and prime denotes the first derivative of a single variable function, e.g. g%(x) =dg(x)/dx, or l: i (t)= dli / dt. Fig. 2. Phase diagrams of the bio-economic model: (a) in the (X,l1) space; (b) the effect of increasing the discount rate d on the general results in (a) (dotted lines denote isoclines with higher a); (c) the effect of increasing the technology parameter a (dotted lines denote isoclines with higher a); (d) the effect of increasing the efficiency of processing parameter u; (e) the effect of increasing the cost parameter n; and (f) the effect of eroding the resource base. U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 Fig. 3. Steady state of human population. (d) xc is the competitive solution for the resource level x. (e) l *1 is shadow price of the resource x (i.e., the marginal gains of y at the optimal solution). (f) xe is the level of x that assures its extinction. The resource level xc is the ultimate myopic solution as d , and is the largest resource level satisfying g(xc)= −axc[h(G(0))/G(0)] (see below). The resource level xd is the lower bound on the steady state value of x obtained in the societal solution. Notice that xu \xec \xd, and xs \xc always holds, but xd \xc holds only if d is sufficiently small and a is sufficiently large. The implication of the above solution for the optimal paths of the resource x and population of harvesting units y is illustrated in Fig. 3 (Appendix B). This equilibrium solution for xs and y*, denoted as the societal solution, can be viewed as an optimization process for a human society regulated by a ‘benevolent dictator’ whose objective is the long-run maximization of utilitarian welfare, and is in sharp contrast to the solution regulated exclusively by the competitive market. 3.4. The competiti6e market solution The institutional framework of competitive markets implies that the market solution will force resource levels to xc as the long-run equilibrium (Appendix B). In a competitive framework, individuals maximize their own utility function (related to consumption), disregarding 233 all harvesting effects of depletion of the free access resource. The competitive equilibrium solution implies that the price l1 = 0, and the optimal solution is xc (Fig. 2a). This ignores biological reality that there may be a critical level of x that leads to extinction of the resource (i.e. xc xe). The lower the slope of x; = 0 in the (x−l1) space, the larger is the distance between societal and competitive solutions xs and xc, and hence the larger is the chance that a competitive solution will lead to extinction. Examination of Eq. (B1) and Eq. (B2) in Appendix B shows that the slope of x; = 0 in the (x···l1) space is lower when g(x) is less elastic and h(G) is more elastic; that is when resource regeneration is relatively slow, and the proportion of the demand satisfied is close to one. Below we examine the sensitivity of the solution to changes in parameter values. The proofs of these results are given in Appendix C. 4. Sensitivity analysis 4.1. Increasing discount rate d Fig. 2b shows that keeping all other parameters constant, increasing the discount rate d reduces the societal steady state solution xs but the level of xc is unaffected. The solid lines indicate the original isoclines and the dashed lines indicate the isoclines for a larger value of d (Appendix C). As we have noted before, xc equals the limiting societal solution when the discount rate increases without bound. The other effects of increasing d are: the value of xd is also pushed to the left, becoming the limiting resource level when A rises; the shadow price of the resource (l1) decreases (Appendix C); and C* increases with increasing d. When d increases, the steady state levels of y decrease because C*(d) increases and the payoff decreases. The decrease in the population of human firms is mitigated by the effect of increases in the discount rate that raise the individual’s rate of resource exploitation. The lower bound xd on the societal solution suggests that if the discount rate (d) is sufficiently small, technological improvements should not drive a publicly regulated resource to extinction. Conversely, if the discount 234 U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 rate becomes too large, the resource may be driven to extinction even under a socially optimal policy. It is generally recognized that the discount rate is determined in the macro economy and ignores its potential impact on a specific renewable resource. This decoupling may be an important factor in depleting resources, possibly leading to their extinction. Gutierrez et al. (1997) argue that the biological discount rate is based upon the uncertainty of the environment (i.e. expected hazards). It may be large or small, and its effects on resource exploitation rate are in the same direction as the discount rate in economics. So an obvious question is why don’t primitive humans that live in a precarious environment over exploit their resources or do they? The answer lies in part on technical progress. 4.2. Technological progress The technology parameter (a) determines what proportion of the resource can be exploited. In general, if a is sufficiently low compared to the maximum biomass regeneration rate of the resource, the resource will survive any size predator population and demand rate (Gutierrez et al., 1994). This parameter may also include social constraints where individuals limit their capacity to harvest (a form of private ownership). The technical capabilities (a) of primitive societies were small, and in our whale example the impact was also small. However, as technology progresses, A may potentially be larger than unity (i.e. using satellites we can find the last whale). Fig. 2c illustrates the effects of increasing A on the two isoclines in the phase diagram in the (x···l1) space. The solid lines indicate the original isoclines and the dashed lines indicate the isoclines for a larger value of a (Appendix C). Under a competitive market structure, technology that increases A reduce xc and increase the likelihood of driving the resource x to xe. This result is in sharp contrast to the conventional view that technological improvements are the driving force behind increased income per capita and supports population growth. However, in our model when public institutions take control of an endangered re- source, increasing A increases the steady state resource value (l1), and the resource equilibrium level is reduced. This occurs because an increase in harvesters results due to technological improvements. In a competitive economy, technological progress alone is potentially sufficient to drive the resource population to extinction, independent of the well-known effects of increasing the discount rate. As discussed above, increasing the technology of harvesting (a) can also drive a resource under public control to extinction, but this also depends on the discount rate d. Thus, a synergistic combination of high technology (a) and a high discount rate (d) may greatly increase the risk of over-exploitation and resource extinction even under a socially optimal policy. As shown in Appendix C, the payoff and the steady state population of y increase with a. The increase in y has an additional negative effect on xs of increasing a. 4.3. Lower wastage A higher u implies lowers wastage, and for the competitive solution may drive the resource population quickly to extinction (Fig. 2d). Increasing u does not affect xd, which is the lower bound on the societal solution. The competitive solution moves to the left, so that reducing waste has a similar effect to that of improving technology. In a competitive framework, the resource level may be driven closer to extinction. The change in the optimal societal solution xs is undetermined, but l1 increases as wastage is reduced (u increases). However, increasing u may reduce xs. If the social discount rate d is sufficiently low, xd will remain sufficiently distant from the extinction level. If, however, d is sufficiently high, lowering wastage may in fact put the resource at the risk of extinction as xc xe. u like a is a parameter of efficiency and operates in the same direction, and hence increasing either raises the risk of over exploitation and possibly extinction if the discount rate is high enough. However, the effects of u are constrained by the value of a, and are best seen by reference to primitive societies which are thought to waste U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 little of their harvests. Despite a higher u, their a is typically low, hence regardless of their perception of environmental uncertainty, efficient utilization of resources may have little impact on the renewable resource. 4.4. Higher maintenance costs n An increase of n reduces l1 and the payoff and consequently reduces the optimal population density. Note also that the competitive solution xc moves to the right and away from extinction level (Fig. 2e), but xd is not affected. As n approaches u, xs approaches xu and marginal gains fall (i.e. it is no longer cost effective to harvest) and suggests that the societal level xs increases with n. From a policy point of view, one may interpret an increase in n as a tax levied on harvesting capacity, suggesting effective policy implications for preserving resources. 4.5. Eroding the resource base The resource base for x is often eroded by human activities including those used to harvest the resource x. Decreasing the resource base parameter (M0) has the obvious effect of shifting x; to the left and l: 1 downward, implying lower competitive and societal solutions. In addition, the payoff and optimal population density increase (Fig. 2f). Clearly, there are synergistic effects of reduced environmental carrying capacity and factors enhancing over exploitation increase the likelihood of resource extinction. 5. Conclusion 5.1. Species 6ersus human optimal beha6ior The time evolution of an ecosystem is driven by Darwinian selection processes that determine which individuals and species survive. All organisms in all trophic levels are part of the ecosystem, and each has demand capacity for resource acquisition that operate within the bounds of its genetic code — its objective is to perpetuate the survival of its DNA (sensu Dawkins, 1995). As argued in 235 Gutierrez et al. (1997), individual organisms in nature behave as if they are driven by a quest for utility maximization to increases individual fitness. Although the resource has free access, there is a biological price to it implied by its effects on marginal growth that leads to resource sustainability. Similar arguments could be made for humans in their primal state. However as modern humans became the top predators, their objective became more than simply perpetuating the survival of DNA. In economic terms, the objective function became maximization of the present value of a non decreasing utility of consumption by all individuals subject to the resource constraints. In contrast to the ecosystem, competitive market forces are driven by individual quest for utility maximization disregarding their individual effects on natural resource depletion, and this determines zero prices for free access (common property) resources. These differences strike at the heart of the renewable resource exploitation problem as practiced by humans. 5.2. Analogies between economic and biological systems Analogies between biological and economic systems enabled the development of a common model for both systems (this paper and Gutierrez et al., 1997), but some very important differences between economic and biological systems exist. Among these are the fact that the extraction capacity (D), the transformation parameter (u), the maintenance cost (n) and the resource apparency parameter a may change rapidly in response to economic factors. In contrast, their biological analogues are relatively ‘fixed’ on an evolutionary time scale. In fact, the demand in economics might exceed all of the resource that is available. The parameter a is interpreted in economics as the technology parameter of resource harvesting and plays an important role in the dynamics leading to resource extinction. In the economic model, a higher value of a means that the technology for exploiting previously inaccessible portions of the population is increased. A higher value of u means that wastage is reduced and increasing n 236 U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 means that the per firm maintenance cost of harvesting capacity increases. The concept of the discount rate (d) introduced in the long-term objective function in the discount factor (e − dt) also has a biological analog. In economics, the discount rate reflects time preference, partly because of uncertainty about the future, and it is determined by market forces in the whole economy. In biology, the analogous concept is the likelihood that investments in progeny will survive to contribute to the genetics of future generations (Gutierrez et al., 1997) and is implemented in the biological model as an ecological discount factor in the objective function. The concept of economic consumption also has a biological analogue. In biology, some species invest heavily in excess reproductive capacity and other produce few progeny and invest more in their care but these investments do not contribute directly to growth (so called r- and K-selected strategies, respectively, see Southwood and Comins, 1976). These costs are, by analogy, consumption as defined in economics, but this allocation in biology is used to increase adaptivity and not for hedonistic purposes. 5.3. The sustainable har6esting problem Renewable resources (biological populations) dynamics have spatial and temporal characteristics that affect their dynamics and those of populations that harvest them (i.e. firms). Furthermore, if the environment of species is degraded, species may not be restored to its prior abundance, and of course once a species has been driven to extinction it cannot be brought back. For these reasons, management policies for renewable resources must resolve questions that affect resource sustainability before the damage becomes irreparable. Among these questions are the optimal extraction rate, optimal human and resource population levels, the appropriateness of harvesting technology, and how market structure affects harvesting behavior. Competitive markets have failed to provide an appropriate mechanism for pricing resources with free access (Gordon, 1954; Hilborn et al., 1995), and consequently, over exploitation of resources has been a common practice in forestry and fisheries because the cost of renewable resources is largely neglected by harvesters. The consequences of harvesting explored here using an micro-economic model that incorporated the dynamics of both the resource being exploited and the exploiting population produced some conflicts with conventional economic wisdom. 5.4. Ecological conflicts with con6entional economic wisdom Economic growth theory has largely ignored the relation between growth and natural renewable resources, and assumed population growth to be exogenous (Barro and Sala-I-Martin, 1995). Consequently, conventional economic models have not incorporated the realistic biology of the harvesting units extracting renewable resources (Hilborn et al., 1995). Instead, neoclassical economic growth theory suggested that technological improvements were the source of increasing per capita income (Solow, 1956). The conventional wisdom that follows is that increases in technology (including the discovery of new renewable resources) enhance productivity and this maintains growth. The underlying biological realism of our model, however, identified increases in harvesting and utilization technology as reducing steady state resource levels and at the same time increasing the number of users, in what would appear to be a vicious cycle leading to over-exploitation of the resources and the collapse of the industry. The golden rule of economically balanced growth (that maximizes the steady state per-capita consumption) stipulates that the rate of saving associated capital accumulation is obtained when marginal productivity of capital is equated to population growth and capital depreciation rates (Phelps, 1966). Marginal productivity of capital equals the interest (discount) rate, and this occurs in our model as the lower bound of the societal solution for resource exploitation xd. It is well known that high discount rates increase the rate of exploitation of natural resources. Since the discount rate is determined by the market in the U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 whole economy, this value may be higher than the socially optimal level for the environmental preservation (Weitzman, 1994), and specifically for maintaining a particular renewable resource at a sustainable level. The socially optimal level of the resource (xs) is that which is sustainable for the optimal population of firms (y*). It has been shown here that there is a synergistic effect between improvements in harvesting technology and high discount rates that encourage faster exploitation of the resource, possibly leading to its extinction. The conventional wisdom for reducing the wastage of harvest is that resources are preserved if their utilization is improved. However, our model shows that as wastage is reduced, the optimal steady state level of the resource is reduced, again contradicting common wisdom. This effect increases with increasing discount rate, and is similar to the synergistic effect between technology and discount rate. This occurs because the payoff for the firms increases following better technology and lower wastage. Increases in the cost to firms detract from growth, countering gains from decreases in wastage, and thus leading to higher resource levels. A way of increasing cost is the use of Pigouvian taxes on firm capacity (D) suggesting interesting policy implications. Of course, restricting harvests may be efficient but often hard to enforce as harvesters find ways to circumvent regulations. In modern economies, the resource base may be increased, as is done in agriculture by improved production methods, new varieties or breeds of animals, more agronomic inputs, etc. but these may also lead to unforeseen adverse consequences (van den Bosch, 1978; Kenmore et al., 1985). While privately owned agricultural systems are highly managed, free access renewable resources are overused inefficiently and productivity may be lowered or destroyed as competing firms seek to maximize profits while ignoring renewable resource depletion and environmental costs. This is verified by our model where all of the steady state levels in our system are reduced as the base resources for the exploited population are eroded. 237 5.5. Policy implications All of the above results accrued via the dynamics of the biological model, rather than by a priori assumptions. Our model points to the need to simultaneously control technology and the discount rate. It is obviously impossible, nor is it desirable to regulate the advance of technology, hence the major option left is to reduce the discount rate below the market equilibrium and also to regulate the harvest. If a society considers the preservation of an environmental resource important, the social discount rate should be lower than the private one (Weitzman, 1994). Regulation of harvest can be accomplished via a Pigouvian tax on the capacity of the firm which in our model drives down firm numbers, but leaves open the question of increasing size of the remaining firms. In all cases, what is absolutely clear is that total harvest by all firms should be only that level that assures the sustainability of the resource at equilibrium density. This could be done without taxes, but would require strong enforcement and sound notions about the maximum sustainable yields (MSY) — weak assumptions about carrying capacity will only lead to still more resource exploitation disasters. As pointed out by Hilborn et al. (1995), the notion of MSY is unrealistic as natural populations fluctuate (often widely) in response to drastic changes in biotic and abiotic factors. The possibility of over exploitation leading to extinction is more likely when stochastic perturbations affect the resource (El Niño effects on Pacific fisheries); however, this issue has not been tackled in the present paper. The dual goals of economic growth and ecosystem sustainability are often in conflict (Goodland, 1995). Impetus for resolving some of these issues comes as the standard of living improves; this despite the apparent contradiction that the improvement in a large part may have resulted from resource depletion. Increasingly affluent societies demand improved environmental quality leading to public pressures for environmental regulation via market and non-market mechanisms. On a larger global scale, however, the difficulty lies in the recognition that improvement in the standard of living in heavily populated less developed coun- 238 U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 tries would certainly lead to over exploitation of fragile natural resources as technology and the market interact to satisfy ever increasing consumer demands (Goodland, 1995). Sustainable development must include viable environmental, social and economic sustainability but not necessarily the sustained economic throughput growth that is the basis of the common worldwide economic paradigms (sensu Goodland, 1995). 5.6. Epilogue In this paper we examined harvesting from a food chain, but humans may harvest more than one resource in the food chain (or web). For example, humans harvest both whales and krill, and we might ponder what the impact of interacting economic and technological parameters might be on the system — will whales be placed in greater danger by krill harvesters than whalers. Schreiber and Gutierrez (1997) use the underlying basis of this biological model to examine biological interactions in food webs, and demonstrate how species displacements have occurred in several systems. This model can be used as the basis for examining human harvesting of several trophic levels in a renewable resource systems. The questions of physical and human capital are Lamarkian like processes that also impact renewable resource problems, but they were not addressed in this paper, nor do we address how big should firms be or how human capital drives technology, and in what direction? Can human capital be the basis for developing viable renewable resource management schemes, or will it simply contribute more to over exploitation? Clearly, ecology and economics are at a crossroads of conflict: the alternatives are sustainable renewable resource management based on sound biology, or will over exploitation and mutual annihilation result as we scramble for ever decreasing resources. If the latter is our fate, then ‘‘… as a final bit of irony, it will be insects that polish the bones of the last of us that fall.’’ (Robert van den Bosch, 1978). Appendix A In this appendix, we derive equations of motion for our maximization problem using the Pontragin maximum principle. Recall, the current value Hamiltonian for this problem is given by H= U(C)y+ l1(g(x)− F(x,y,D)) + l2(uF(x,y,D)− (nD + C)y) where l1 and l2 are the costates associated with x and y and F(x,y,D)= Dyh(ax/Dy). The optimal solution must satisfy HD = HC = limt e − dt li (t)= 0, l: 1 = dl1 − Hx and l: 2 = dl2 − Hy. HC = 0 implies that l2 = U%(C) and, consequently, l: 2 = U¦(C)C: . HD = 0 implies that (l2u− l1)FD (x,y,D)=l2ny. Since FD (x,y,D)= yZ(ax/Dy) where Z(s)=h(s)− sh%(s), l2n ax = Z−1 l2u− l1 Dy (A1) Furthermore HDD = FDD (x,y,D)(ul2 − l1)5 0 implies l2u] l1 on the optimal path. The equation of motion for x’s costate is given by, l: 1 = dl1 − Hx = l1(d−g%(x)) − ah% Z − 1 l2n l2u− l1 (ul2 − l1) where the second equality follows from Eq. (A1). On the other hand, the equation of motion for y’s costate is given by l: 2 = dl2 − Hy. Hence l: 2 = dU%− U+Fy (x,y,D)(l1 − uU%)+ (nD + C)U% =(d+ C)U% −U where the last line follows from Eq. (A1) and Fy (x,y,D)= DZ(ax/Dy). Putting this all together, the equation of motion for candidate solution to our maximization problem are given by, x; = g(x)− ax y; = h(G) G (A2) ax (uh(G)− n)− Cy G (A3) 1 ((d + C)U%− U) U %% (A4) C: = U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 l: 1 = l1(d −g%)−ah%(G)(uU% −l1) where G =Z − 1 (A5) U%n U%u −l1 (A6) (x; h%(G)G −h(G) = − ax G%(l1) \0 (l1 x; = 0 G2 (B1) ) (x; h(G) g(x) =g%(x)−a =g%(x) − B0 (x x; = 0 G x; = 0 x (B2) where the second equality in Eq. (B2) follows from the concavity of g. Therefore, (l1/(xx; = 0 \ 0 and the x null isocline is a strictly increasing function of x. To prove the monotonocity of the l1 null-isocline, note that (B3) is greater than zero whenever (l1,x)[0,U%(u − n)]×(xd,) where xd is the unique solution to g%(x)= d if it exists else zero. On the other hand, (l1/(x = −l1g%%(x)\ 0 by convexity of g. Therefore ) To find the equilibrium of Eq. (A2), Eq. (A3), Eq. (A4), Eq. (A5), Eq. (A6), we first solve for C: = 0. We begin with three observations: (/ (C (U%(C)(d +C)− U(C)) =U%%(C)(d +C) B0 as U is concave; limC 0 U%(C)(d +C) −U(C) \0 as U(0) = 0 and U%(0)\0. limC U%(C)(d +C) − U(C)B0 (this follows from our assumption that limC U%(C)=0). These observations imply that there is a well defined differentiable function C*(d) such that U%(C*(d))(d +C*(d)) − U(C*(d))= 0. Furthermore, C*%(d) \0, C*(0) = 0 and limd C*(d) =. Since Eq. (A2) and Eq. (A5) do not depend on y, the remainder of our isocline analysis is restricted to the x −l1 plane with C =C*(%). As Z − 1 is only well defined on the interval [0,1], we further restrict our analysis to (x,l1) [0,) × [0,U%(C*)(u −n)). To prove monotnicity of the x nullcline, we first observe that G%(l1)=Z − 1( · )(U%n)/(U%u− l1)2 \0 and h%(G)G−h(G)B 0 by convexity of h. Therefore, ) (l: 1 = d−g%(x) (l1 − a[h%%(G)G%(l1)(uU%− l1)− h%(G)] Appendix B ) 239 (l1 B0 (x l: 1 = 0 (B4) whenever x\ xd. As x; B0 for any x\ xd, it follows that the entire l1 null isocline lies to the right of x= xd and is strictly decreasing in x. Putting this all together, we get the phase diagram shown in Fig. 2a. In this figure, xc is the largest value of x such that g(x)= ax[h(Z − 1(n/ u))]/[Z − 1(n/u)] and xu is the largest value of x such that g(x)= 0 (the equilibrium achieved by the resource in the absence of harvesting). Note: The level xc is also obtained as the solution of individual decision making in a competitive markets. The individual problem is then: maxC,DU(C) subject to the constraint uF/y− (nD + C) ]0. Using the Lagrangean L = U(C)+ vC)uF/y− (nD +C)), LC = 0 and LD = 0 imply that ax/Dy=Z − 1(n/u). Inserting this feedback rule into x; and solving for its largest equilibrium determines xc. To determine the stability of (x*,y*,C*), the optimal equilibrium, we evaluate the variational matrix of the equations of motion at this point. Using Eq. (A4) and Eq. (B1), Eq. (B2), Eq. (B3), Eq. (B4), we get Á (x; (x; Â (x; Ã (x l (C Ã 1 Ã : Ã Á− (l (l: 1 (l: 1 Ã 1 Ã=Ã+ (x (l1 (C Ã Ã Ä0 : : : (C (C (C Ã Ã Ä (x (l 1 (C Å + + 0 Â Ã +Å where − /+ indicate the sign of the entry and indicates that the sign is irrelevant. Since (0,0,1) is an unstable eigenvector for this matrix, along the optimal path C(t) C*. Furthermore, as 240 det − + U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 + B0 + there is an unstable and stable eigenvector in x − l1 space. Hence along the optimal path l1(t) and x(t) are monotonic and l1 is determined by a feedback rule l1(x) that satisfies l %1(x) B0. Using Eq. (A2) and Eq. (A3), we examine the x − y phase for the optimal paths. The y null isocline is defined by cy = ax (h(G)− n). g (B5) Taking the derivative of the right hand side of Eq. (B5), we get a (uh(G)−n)+ G (B6) ax (uh%(G)G− uh(G) +n)Gx G2 (B7) On the y nullcline, Eq. (B6) is strictly positive and Eq. (B7) equals U%(C*)n ax n−u 2 U%(C*)u −l1(x) G Gx. Since l1(x)[0,U%(C*)(u −n)] and Gx B0 this term is also strictly positive. Therefore, the y nullcline is stricltly increasing with respect to x. Notice that certain initial conditions of x and y produce a ‘snowballing’ effect such that y is not monotonic in time. Appendix C In this section, we examine how parameters effect the isocline structure in x − l1 space, the payoff, and the optimal equilibrium value of y. Unfortunately, our conclusion with respect to x* can be only speculative and are based on numerical simulations. First, consider a. Notice that (x; /(a = − x(h(G))/G B0 and (l: 1/(a = −h%(G)(U%(C)u −l1) is strictly negative for (x,l1) R + ×[0,U%(C*)(u − n)] (Fig. 2c). To see how the payoff changes with a, consider the optimization problem defined by Eq. (A1) subject to the constraints Eq. (A2) and Eq. (A3) plus the addition constraint a; = 0. Let v3 be the present value costate associated with a.The equation of motion for this costate is given by − v; 3 = xh%(ax/Dy)(uv2 − v1) where v1 and v2 are present value costates associated with x and y, respectively. Integrating with respect to t and using the transverslity condition on v3, we get v3(0)= 0 xh%(ax/Dy)(uv2 − v1) dt\ 0 where x, D, C and y are evaluated on the optimal path. Since (under the assumption that the payoff differentiable with respect to a) v3(0) equals the derivative of the payoff as function of the a, the payoff increases with a. Consider the parameter u. Notice that Gu B 0 and therefore (x; /(u = −ax(h%(G)G−h(G))Gu / G 2 and (l: 1/(u = −ah%%(G)Gu (uU%(C*)−l1)− ah%(G)U%(C*) are strictly negative (Fig. 2d). As with the payoff analysis for a, the payoff increases as a function of u. Consider the discount rate, d. C*(d) and xd are increasing/decreasing functions of d and Gd B 0. Therefore (x; /(d = − ax(h%(G)G− h(G))Gd /G 2 is strictly positive. Unfortunately, we are unable to draw a conclusion about the motion of the l1 nullcline. However, the motion of the xd and simulations suggest that it is as indicated in Fig. 2b. A routine calculation shows that the payoff decreases as a function of d. Consider the parameter, n. We have G%(n)= Z − 1%( · )(U%(C*))/(U%(C*)u− l1) is strictly positive. From this it follows that (x; h%(G(n))G(n)− G%(n)h(G) = − axG%(n) (n G(n)2 and (l: 1 = − ah%%(G(n))G%(n)(uU%(C*)− l1) (n are strictly positive by concavity of h (Fig. 2e). These facts imply l1 at the optimal equilibrium decreases as a function of n. The payoff also decreases with n. Although we can draw no general conclusions about the effect of n on the equilibrium resource, we can show that as n approaches u the equilibrium resource density approaches xu. This suggests that resource density increases with n. Eroding the resource base is equivalent to replacing the function g(x) with another function U. Rege6 et al. / Ecological Economics 26 (1998) 227–242 g̃(x) such that g̃%(x)B g(x), g̃(0) = 0 and g̃ is concave. Such a change only effects the x zero growth isocline by shifting it left (Fig. 2f). Hence, decreasing the resource base decreases the resource density and increases l1 at the optimal equilibrium. It is easy to check that it also decreases the payoff. To conclude, we want to understand how y* changes with respect to the parameters. To do this, we need the following lemma. Lemma. Let h be one of the parameters of the model (i.e. a,u,n or d). For any h̃ sufficiently close to h, there exists an initial condition, (x0,y0), such that the optimal paths y(t) and ỹ(t) associated with h and h̃ that satisfy this initial condition are both monotonically decreasing. Proof. Given h, define the sector Sh = {(x,y):x; (x,y)\0 and y; (x,y) B 0}. Since the x nullcline is vertical and the y nullcline is monotonically increasing with respect to x,y(t) for all optimal paths with initial condition in S are monotonically decreasing. By continuity there exits a e\ 0 such that for all h̃ e-close to h, the sectors, Sh and Sh̃ have a nonempty intersection. Choosing a point, (x0,y0), in this intersection provides the desired initial condition. Now, consider a. When a increases, the payoff for any initial condition of x and y increases but C(t)C* remains constant. Assume we are given ã \a \0 such that ã −a is sufficiently small. The lemma gives optimal paths ỹ and y with the same initial conditions such that both paths are monotonic in time. Since the payoff associated with ã is larger than the payoff associated with a, ỹ(t)]y(t) for all t ]0. Consequently, y* increases with a. Similarly, we can conclude that y* increases with u and increasing resource base, but decreases with d and n. References Arditi, R., Ginzburg, L., 1989. 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