Landscape Architect's or Landscape Contractor's Company Letterhead File No.: Address of the Project: ITEMS UNITS 1. Plant Material a) Names of plant, material & sizes UNIT PRICE QUANTITY COST $ Sub Total $ 2. a) b) c) Paving Material Walkways (specify type) Special surface treatment areas (specify type) Patios 3. a) b) c) d) e) f) Landscape Structures Fencing (size & type) Acoustical walls (size & type) Screen walls (size & type) Planters (size & type) Garbage enclosures and pad Retaining walls (size & type) *Note: 0.6m is the P&B standard* $ $ $ Sub Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Sub Total $ 4. a) b) c) Recreational Amenities Benches Sitting areas Play areas $ $ $ Sub Total $ 5. Fine Grading & Sodding Sub Total $ 6. External “Freestanding” Lighting fixture including pole-mounted lighting, flood-lights, bollards, in-ground lighting, etc. (if applicable) 7. $1,000.00 allowance for signage for parking for persons with disabilities (if applicable) 8. City Centre model allowance (if applicable) 9. $5,000.00 (minimum) allowance for existing tree preservation (if applicable) 10. Landscape Architect's supervision & administration allowance (10% total cost) Sub Total $ Sub Total $ Sub Total $ Sub Total $ Sub Total $ Site Works Cost Estimate Total = $ *Note* Streetscape Improvements such as the following, will be reviewed and secured by the Community Services Department and Transportation & Works Department: Plant material; Names of plant material & sizes; Paving material; Unit paving; Concrete paving; Streetscape amenities Affix O.A.L.A. Seal Signature of the Landscape Architect Date K:\PLAN\DEVCONTL\GROUP\WPDATA\SUPPORT\MANUALS\SITE PLAN - Internal Manual\Other\Standard Format for Cost Estimate - June 24, 2013.docx