Entry Form - James Scott Decorative Arts Society Inc.

North–East Tasmania
Award for Sculpture 2015–2016
Information and Entry Form
A $10,000 acquisitive prize for a free standing
sculpture for a nominated site at the Bridestowe
Lavender Estate.
The Bakhap Award encourages the diversity of
sculptural practice and aims to promote North–East
Tasmania‘s historical connections through the
acknowledgement of the contribution of Thomas
Bakhap to Tasmanian and Australian society.
Judges 2015–2016
Janet Carding
Director, Tasmanian Museum
and Art Gallery
Key Dates
Dr David Hamilton
Dr Malcom Bywaters
Director, Academy Gallery
University of Tasmania
Robert Ravens
Owner, Bridestowe Lavender Estate
Initial entries (designs)
Open – 1 October 2015
Close – 16 January 2016
Announcement of finalists
1 February 2016
Maquettes to be prepared by
15 April 2016
Announcement of winner
2 May 2016
Exhibition of maquettes
2 May – 23 September 2016
Winning sculpture on display
1 October 2016
The Bakhap Award for Sculpture 2015–16 is proudly sponsored by Bridestowe Lavender Estate
Bakhap Award for Sculpture 2015–2016
Selection Process
The North–East Tasmania Bakhap Award
for Sculpture is organised and operated by
the James Scott Decorative Arts Society Inc.
The nominated site
Your entry must be suited to the
nominated site at Bridestowe Lavender
Estate at Nabowla, Tasmania. Please note
that the site is outdoors, so your work must
be durable and of a size and design
suitable for a large, outdoor space with
high visibility. Details of the site are
available via the Award website at
Site inspections can be arranged by
For the purpose of the Bakhap Award,
sculpture is defined as a free standing,
three–dimensional object.
There is no limitation on the existential
status of the sculpture, i.e. sculptures may
already exist, may be in construction or
currently only a concept.
There is no limit to the number of entries
an artist can submit. An entry form and
entry fee must accompany each entry.
All entries must be original and unique
work of the artist, owned by the artist and
available for acquisition. The artist must
hold copyright of the work and agree to
allow fair and reasonable use of images of
the work for reasons of publicity and for
A non-refundable entry fee of $45 must
accompany each entered work.
Entry process
Entry is via submission of this entry form
along with up to four jpg images of the
work plus descriptions as outlined in the
entry form checklist.
Entries must be received via email or
hardcopy by 16 January 2016.
10. All applications will be acknowledged.
11. By entering, artists grant the James Scott
Decorative Arts Society the right to
reproduce their submitted images and
biographical material by any means in
any media for archival and promotional
purposes. The artist will be properly
acknowledged in any such material.
12. Entries will be assessed and ranked by the
Bakhap Award committee. A selection of
entries will be identified for the next stage
of the Award.
13. Selected artists for the award will be
notified on or before 1 February 2016 with
a Bakhap Award Registration Number for
each entry selected, and will be asked to
prepare maquettes for the next stage of
the award.
14. Artists will have until 15 April 2016 to
prepare and deliver their maquettes to
Bridestowe Estate for judging. Maquettes
must be delivered to the venue between
10am and 3pm.
15. The James Scott Decorative Arts Society
will exercise all care but assumes no
responsibility for submitted works.
Transportation to and from Bridestowe
and insurance on artworks will be the
responsibility of the artist.
16. To ensure that maquettes sustain no
damage in transit, the Society expects
artists to pack their artwork using materials
suitable to the work which may include
bubble wrap, polystyrene beads etc.
Receipt of maquettes will be
acknowledged by return of a condition
17. Maquettes must be designed to allow easy
transportation and not exceed the carrying
capacity of two average persons. The
maquettes must have a stable base.
18. All submitted works must be clearly
marked with artist name and contact
details plus their Bakhap Award
Registration Number for each item.
19. Artists must agree that their maquettes will
remain at Bridestowe from the date of
delivery until 23 September 2016 to allow
the organisers to create a curated
exhibition for that period.
Judging process
20. The judging panel will meet in the week of
April 18, 2016, to judge the entries. The
decision of the judges is final and no
correspondence will be entered into. The
criteria for judging will include the judges’
view of the appropriateness of the design
concept and materials for the nominated
site, the originality and complexity of the
design, the workmanship required, the
capacity of the maquette to communicate
these factors, and the composition,
expression and appeal of the overall
Conditions of Entry
21. The winner of the Bakhap Award will be
notified by 22 April 2016.
22. A media event will be held on 2 May 2016
to publicly announce the winner, and it is
anticipated that the winning artist will
23. The $10,000 acquisitive prize will be
awarded in three stages
 $3,000 at the award ceremony
 $2,000 upon evidence that the
sculpture is substantially complete
 $5,000 on delivery, installation and
acceptance by Bridestowe and the
James Scott Decorative Arts Society
that the work is complete and of the
agreed standard.
Exhibition criteria and process
24. Maquettes submitted for judging will be
exhibited at Bridestowe Lavender Estate in
a curated exhibition. During this time the
maquettes must be for sale, though
purchasers cannot physically take them
until the end of the exhibition period. For
the period of the exhibition completed
works based on the maquettes may also be
purchased, subject to negotiation between
artist and potential client, with the
purchase negotiated through the James
Scott Decorative Arts Society.
25. All works exhibited, including maquettes
and completed works based on the
maquettes, will be for sale with 30%
commission payable to James Scott
Decorative Arts Society. The sale price
listed on the entry form will remain as the
final sale price on all promotional material.
26. Placement of works within the exhibition
will be at the discretion of the James Scott
Decorative Arts Society and/or their
appointed curator. Works not collected by
1 October 2016 will become the property
of the James Scott Decorative Arts Society
unless arrangements have been negotiated
and agreed in writing, without any liability
to the Society. After this date, the Society
may use or dispose of the work as it
More information is available from our website www.jsdas.org.au/bakhap.html
Bakhap Award for Sculpture 2015–2016
Entry Form
Artist name
Title of Work
Proposed Maquette
Additional Comments or Special
Maquette Sale Price
Include the 30% commission payable to the James Scott Decorative Arts Society.
If you are registered for GST also include your GST component in the price.
Proposed Work
Additional Comments or Special
Completed Work Sale Price
Include the 30% commission payable to the James Scott Decorative Arts Society.
If you are registered for GST also include your GST component in the price.
Entry form requirements checklist
Method of payment (please tick)
Please use this checklist to ensure that you have:
Paypal for $45 to bakhap@jsdas.org.au
Use the title of your work as the reference
Direct credit $45 to account
James Scott Decorative Arts Society Inc.
BSB: 017 537
Account number: 2825 12177
Use the title of your work as the reference
Read, understood and will abide by the Conditions of Entry. Submitting an Entry
Form constitutes acceptance of these conditions
Completed all required fields on the Entry Form
Included a proposal about the work, including your interpretation of the sculpture
within the nominated site at Bridestowe Lavender Estate (maximum 500 words)
Attached or included up to 4 jpg images (max. 5MB per image) or drawings of the
work. If you provide hardcopy material and wish it to be returned please include a
stamped, self-addressed envelope
Included a biographical statement or current CV (max 200 words)
Paid the entry fee via Paypal or Direct Credit
Send Entry Form to:
Bakhap Award
PO Box 135
Scottsdale Tasmania 7260
or email: bakhap@jsdas.org.au